TtT iu miaiiiiLwi vum .. niiiji.ii il hi 11 1 1 glxs 33niarj stxrciutt. ASTORIA, OKFGON: SUNDAY FEBRUARY 18. 13 His Burmese M jesty. King Thelaw has I'cn cole hratinjr tlie bin Inlay of his huirh tr. Dutiiiir tin fiiht vearf tluit wo.ddi'il life hi favdi it eoust pre sented him with a. daughter, and his majesty, disgusted with the gift, forsook his wife aud took up with several of her rivals. The Queen, however, coaxed him back, and as a pledge of reconciliation the fond husband caused the ri vals to be strangled. In due time the Queen bore unto Theebaw another daughter. This was too much. The king went on a tre mendous aud protracted spree, wagering a wilderness nf pea-green monkeys against a jungle of sear- let anacondas upon his ability to drink thirty gallons of gin which is the Burmese equivalent ef our "rum" in thirty consecutive days, during which period his loyal sub jects waited with patient perturba tion for further developments. At the end of this time the king came to what are regarded in Burmah as his spnses, and immediately killed his mother-in-law. He fol lowed up this proof of returning reason, however, by opening all the prisons in the country and turning the occupants loose. His act has complicated a situation which for one brief moment seemed comparatively clear, and Burmah is now in doubt as to whether the letting loose of the convicts or the strangling of her grandmother is to be regarded as the especial compliment the king meant to pay to his child. Mr. Calvin M.Priest, of the New York Club stable, 15 and 17 E. Twenty-eight street, New York, writes: "Wo keep our stables coti standU' supplied with St. Jacobs Oil. In rheumatic affections, cuts, bruises, etc., ouccurring among horses, we "have yet to find any thing equal to the Great German Remedy. COMMEBCEAHD TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA. mSSLLS 7AT TUK Rl 'LR. Lltria Bell. Or bV LatterMorth, Br lik Helicon Am sp Henry -Villord. Am tp Kl Capitau. An- t-h Jeimo landlea. Ur blr Selene. Ur sh. Lianarkshire. Ur blc. Ktsinore Trevelyaii, Ur p HiKhlaud Licht, "oitca. Aju nil Bern uk Law. Br bk Galata. Br bk baranac. Am bk Alao' Uojrarth, Br bk Young Araericii, Am ip itenfrcHcbire Oaroock, llr.bk, VKSSJiLS V. TUE WA 1 . Fro hi rircisii l'trtt.for oIiuti!iIa Klicr tiOtsbnrdin, Br 713 Liverpool Dee C Ryevale. BrSll Liverpool Dee I Ullook, Br bk Septembor 19 Vale, 'or bk 470 Valparaiso From American 1'ort. Chesoboroucb, Am eh, Philadelphia. Oct IS Barry Morte. Am tp K V A'or 3 O S Uulbdrt. Am 10SO K V Not 2 Imperial, Am up N Y October 31 Indiana. Am sp, Philadelphia, o.v!9 OHre J5. Southard, Am h. Phila. 7eb i Reaper, Am sp Plula Oct I Titan. Am IKJ A" V Uec.W Woetern Belle. Am p 1155 A Y Dec SJ TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA Kromuit'it-s ol EuJtt'tl Staler Coast Sur-y High Water. j Low Water. Date. a. it. p. v.. I a. x. r. ai. 15 C 33.... 10 7 38..., 17 8 43.... IS 9 4$..., 19 10 47... 20 0 0... 21 0 05... 8 20 J. J J3. 10 351. .-.Il 311. 0 21 !.... . 1 00 1 311 0 25 1 33....... 2 41 3 00 4 Sti 5 55 C 45 . 7 2i . 8 01.. .... , 8 31 .. 2 07 3 lli ... 4 22 5 20 .nil - 0 48 2 7 i ... S 12 ... 8 37 1 23. 2 001 2 491 ..... 3 37J.... 23... 24... 1 50 13 Common Council. Regular mootinpj second and fourth Tues day ventngs of each month, at 74 o'clock ""PorsonsdesinnK to have matter acted upon by the Council, at any regular mectiap must present tho sumo to the Auditor and Clerk on or before tho Friday evenmp prior lo the luesaay on watch the Council holds iu regular meotinps. F.C. NOR R IS. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria Lodfire Ho. 40. L O. G.T. Regular Meeting every- Tucfdny Evcninc at 7 o'clock, at l'ythian Hall, Af toria. Jlciii bers'of the tood FUindine. sro invit. ed to attend. Degree meeting J st louday of ach month. By order W. C.T. Temple Lodge, Wo. 7 A. F. A. M. nt Reeulsr Communications first andV" Aird Tuesday? in each month. at7j V o'clock, v. it., at the Hall in Astoria. Members of tho Order, in pood standing, arc invited to attend, lir erde: of the W. M. American l.egrion of Honor. Regular meeting ot Astoria Council No. 935, Is held on the first and third Saturday of each mouth, at 7 o'clock i m. By order of Council Commander K. V Moatkith. Sec'ty. Attentittn Longshoremen. XTOUARE lIERERY NOTIFIED THAT jl tne regular nie hiirs shall be held on "the first Monday of each month, . iYou will uovern yourselves accordingly. te. By order ol the President. t. A.MALTiIAN. Kee. jfee'y. no longer from Dyspep sia, Indigestion, want of Appetite,lcss of Strength lack of Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, &c. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fails to cu ro all these diseases. Boston, November s6, 1SS1. Brown Chemical. Co. Gentieaien: For years I have beeaagrcatsuiTererfrom Dycpeota. sad coald get no relief (ha ing tried everything hich was recoiuaead ed) until, acting on the advice of a friend, ubo had been benefitted hy Bhown's Ibok llrrnass, 1 tried a bottle, with most surprising rtsuk. Previous to taUnc Brows Ike: BiTixns, everything I ate ditrevd rae, and I sutTered. greatly from a burning senotioT in the stomach, vhich was unbearal4c Siwce uk ing Bkoivn's Iron ISirrrre, all ny troubl cs are a t an end. Ca n ra: ; . time without any disagrccaU- -suits. I ata practically ai t' . : person. Mrs. V J. Fia 30 Hawick St . E, 11- - BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptio symptoms, such as task ing the food, Belching. Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. - Sold by ll Druggists. Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md. See that all Iron Bitters arc made l.y Bro-A-n Chemical Co.. Baltimore, am! have crossed red lines and trade mark on -wrapper. HEVARE OF IMITATIONS LOEB & CO, JORRERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGAJR8. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. ET"AR soods sold at San Franci?cr Prices. MAIN STREET. Opposite Parker House. Astoria, Ontton. Cntinnt ntof ftnS FJn 1 Mnlinn ' proposals for rri'NisiuNG . terial and building sclw ol he ae w ill bo I .mil ImUftliifT received by the Dliectoiv. at the oni" f .1.1 (L Husiler. School Clerk, in Astoria. Ok-roii.: until 2 o'c ock r. m.. on rebiuary 2S, lw. ' Drawings and .pccifications maj Ik' t'X- ainiucdaud all neccssarj infonnatioM oh-' tained, on application to the office of . I. W.. Uenrhart. I Tlie riht to reject any aud all proposals Is reserved. By order olthe Board of Director. J. G. I1UST LER. ricik School Dist. No. !. By J. O. BOZORTIL Astoria. .Tanuao' Si. m 6u LEATHERS BROS. BOAT R 1T I r. I f : ti s. t'p JStniiH Over Armlt t rcichcuV Mtop Cal'and oxamine the work vro sr doum and see ! tip wood we arousing. Iiefoiv niak- iitg a trade cNcw hen. FIRST -CLASS WORK A SPKClAL'n J. H. D. GRAY. Wholesale and retail dealer in. ALL KTNDS Or FKKD, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc Oeneral storage and 'Wharfage n regul able terms. Foot of RcrtonsireK. Atoria ureon. AMioria il.nrftci. ltKTAIL. Iicttki: Extra fancy 7oG70cmta roil. CllKEfeK.-lKa.20c. DHino FRU1T3. Rlackbcrrie3 2Cc: Prune-. Cala. llI.ric: Peeled Reaches 255Sc SCOAE. Cube, H; crushed, lie; fino crushed, ltc; extra porrd. 14jc; dry cran. 13c: extra cran. lS'c. O. a 12J4c Ecas. 45 cts dor. Oats. S2 00 2 25 per owL Potatoes. 1 75 per curt. Fi-ouh. Superfine 5 W; Extra 0 OOt Corn Meal cwl. 53 50; BuckKheRt cm SO 00. Fkksh M rats. Choice cuts. Lamb. l3e: Beefl2I5: Pork 15; Mutton 12ft 1 1. By the carcass 10c. Meats. Breakfast bacon IFc per n: aides 15317c; hams 1622c; shoulder; J4(3l4Io: smoked beef lS3l0Jic: corned beef S1012 1? ft; corned pork 12cV R-. LaED. In tins and caddies 1FS20C Tt . HoN'KT. In frame 40o : in glass 50c. Mill Fced. Bran 525 00 $ ton; cIiod feed I35& : Shorts 525 003; Hav 5203 $?) ton;middJisss 510. Chop barley, 537.50 i. fNE OF THE CLDEST AN'O KOST F.EUA.SU REMEDIES i.'j THE WOriD TOR THE CURE OF Couglis, Colds, Hoarseness. Sore Throat, Eroncfritis. Influeiisa. Anthmz, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Svery aZTcction or tlio THROAT, LUNGS ABD CHEST, including OOMSOBaPTSQK, A VELL-KJIOWN PHYSICIVt W.ITi:: " It does not dry up a covg!, and leave tl.e cat-u fr.od. ai is tlic case with most prq-aralxuvs, lar cartas i, cfcanses the lunr and allays rntattos L-s removing the cause of coropbist." VO NOT KI2 DECEIVED by atixlM Lcai n; si rail ir names. Be sure yoa et D3. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, vhh lire signature of" I. BUTTS" on thewrsupe 50 Cents and 81.00 a Un!t!c. Prepared by SETH W. TOV.'LE & SON. Bos oa. Mat. SoJd hv dn-ssiw sad dealers gcnrra5' 403BeEZ5SZEZ dhildreii rt ISSOli Motliexs lilio natl Physicians rocoznzncsd it. IT IS BOT HARCOTIC. CI2XTATO !LTI3LEITS; the Tv'orld's great Pain-Relic vine: remedies. Tlicylical, sootlie and euro Burns, Vi'ounds, Trcak 3aclc and Rheuniatism upon Ulan, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness .r.jjon Ecasts. Cheap, quicL: I and reliable. cssats SPTJRT3 of disgTisiins Mticiib, Simfilcs, CracliIIns Pains ia tlio Scad, Pctid Ercath, Deafness, and aziy Catarrhal Complaint, can "be orfcriaiiintcd Tjy Wei Do Blcyc's Catarrh. Caro, a Cousti tctioual Aiitidoto, "by Ahsorp tioa. Tho zaost Important Sis covcry iinco Vaccination. iSftS tvsi Ml t$ x fcvvr-RSMj .r5BS?il BTSP tes . . .ViTifis ft.acc-r-a FtiTj7W' mmm .'vw sy r.wy vsisj fct&&szgg2 &2 L rs BKt wB v'-Kywsm. &mZ:2 Fvi VJZ WB V'ZCSSf K53n - CI iiiA-jLeineinvcber & Co., J ' t. lk: VKA'tyititxtt. . iTAiit.isiii;D IJ5. ASTORIA. oKEOON, iTAMBS m CDSBEIE8, . MsI,Llclurers and Importers .( .,,,.... f... AND FINDINGS Wliolcik I)lein Oil, AM) TALLOW. utj'llfjrjiet tsili price iwul Sor IImIkv and rjtlJmv HANSEN BROS. HAVE REMOVED! From their old quarters to iheir NEW SHOP And Factory near Kinney's Cannery Aotice or Application to Purrltase Timber i.and. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER. W.T., .Intitiarv lit Si. !:: Notice is fiercby givi n thai In otnpliance vrtth the iirovlsiuiis of the act of congress. 3. IS7. entltlel "An act for the sale of Timber Ijiuds In thu Mates of California. Oregon, Nevada, and in Wash ington Ter.itory." .lames M. Wallace, of Pacific county- Wah. Tor .'has thi-, fllMl in (his oil! c InSapplicitlotub tmrcliase the S M of S W" li and a t -f S E h .r .-ee. 21. T. 10 N of R 9 V. or th Willamette Me ridian. TeM imouy in tlie abo e ca V III le Liken before the rseik of tlic Distri t Cmrt a' Ojterville, W'aIi, Ten, ouisatiirtlav, March 24:h. Ifcto. Any and all persons having ad eise claims to the above described land-, or anv ponion thereof, an hereby required to "flic their claims In this oflko within sixtv(co) days from date heieof. FRED. W. SPARL1NC, RfgUter. w3-l Notice. ONTHE20T11 INST.. Mil JOn.V liOR SON rctiicd from the firm of Radollet & Co. Toe business of Ihe Ann will bo con ducted by tho purchasing partners under the same name Mid st vie a heretofore. C. LF.INENWERER. II. RHOWN. Astoria, Or., Jai. 22nd, 1SS9. d sod BAHKiHG ANDIHSURAHCE. BROKER BAh'KER AND INSURANCE AGENT astoria, ... 0kkg0n offickITeuks: FROM 0 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 3 O'CLOCK P. M. fine Mutual Insurance Go. ! OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. JlOUGHTOX ('HAS. It. STORV (ko. L. Sxoitr . Agftit lot joni 1 uaptiai pa:u up iu u. o. thuf 1 e&tu .-..-iiwiuuj L. . CiM-, At;v:. Cltcurunusbtreot. Astnrf. ieKn $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOQN AST GLOHE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE. COMPANIES Reprasontinc capital of 7.0M.(K0. A. VAN DUSKN. Aucnt. n IAILIiTSAi'S 1ME BALSAM, fZ'ZZ!? r--R I w j t -.- i by li.-.c vlv ! ut v'st, t-ary sum ir ar: cV, on ac- 5cytt.t cf i. sup-r.ior !clcanine asd p j-.ty. It co 'Lirs mitcrvats on" llu.: a-e beneficial t t'ie scr'p and luir a d .a Rsitores the Ycoihful Color f 3 Crcy cr Tzizi Hair r.-rktr's HalrEalsata is lln;- yr tr 1 and is warranted 13 pre cnt fjl'iac 1 ft -! - - nd to rc- raovediodrurra:.ditd4 Jg. II s 1 jOz Cj . N.Y. Me. n& I tU, it Jcaltn la if ; aaJ m-I-'ae. ZZB5ZZZZZ A Superbtlva Health and Strensth Rc:tarer. If yoa arc a mechanic cr f- -:er. w m out vrlth crcra-ork. cr a mother rt:n don n by farclly or hcur J ho'd duties try PAnsna's Ct:-t tin. ;. i If a-ou are a lawyer, inlniit r or liincs nsan ex luus'.eatyraenuiSKainorauxto. cziesconoiuucc iatoxictingsarnulant-bt:tu$5Ps:l:er"sGtn2crToiuc If you have CcnvjraptJon, Dyiv-pl3, Rhctaaa- i!?. Kidney Connhititj.cranydivwdcrcfdielunss, tfKnaeh.bowcb, blood cr tier es.l'At kpks u::;csr Tj'UC v ill cure you. 1 1 is the Greatest Wood rurifitt flad the Ecst csd Surest 3occa Cars Ever U:ed. lf'vtsrecasttnaia.-3y frwapse, dissipation or tsry t! goc or weakness ard retatirc a M imuUnt tsM Gi. ci.1 Ta C s.t ence ; it will invisrnae andbuikl vi :p from the finst dose but will mit intoxicate. It tas saved huadreds of lives: it nwy save ycurs. C TT10N ' Vht all rabnhitw. Pirtr'i C'-en-Tork U ew. J -l e & tnt not JU ifftot fa tit re' J.sJ . rt.-! y ! 'r .tKTir",irattoi:toftars!Joe. Er-Jfr-jKohrt. crn.T fayixo utTYisa ruAr. sjzz. Iiin h a.d Lu:z fracran.e lus nue tliis del slnf d peifurae eicecdi. gly populir. There is nothing like it. Insist upon Iavr? Tlorks. tox Cox.::EarsdIo-k for si-r2turc of J&ticox tMOo j .ezrrvy bfttle. Acy i-i.-i t c I ctn;tf,yv . Jaed'jf t ttxtj J.'.i; . - ivi r 1 j a. SPgJW Xotirc of Apjilication to I'mclinsc Tlmlicr Lands. US. LAND OFFICF AT OREGON CITY. . Oiegon. Jauuarv 19. ItSi. NiUe Is hereby given that John II. Col in. ot Columbia cmintv. Oregon, lias iradu appl catlnnto purchase the bW 4 of SW K ot Sec 10. T 7.N. R U W. Will. Mcr.. under the provisions ot tlie Ait of Congress approved June3.187S. entitled "An Act for tin sile of 'liiulier la dsm the Mates of California, Oregon. Nevada, and In Washington Ter- ilsorv." Ailadvcr-w claims to aid tiact must he filed In tin U.S. wnd office at Oregon oiegon. ueiiire tne eiptruuon ot sixty d.iys iroin mis iiaie. Given under mv baud tliis l'Jlh dav of .Tan uary. 18SJ. IfcT. RVRIN. WS lot RcgLstcr. STotico of Application to I'urehase Timber L:nil. T AND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W.T., 1 J .lanuary oth, tfcSS. Notice ! herenv given that in compliance with the provisions of the act t.f Congres?J approved .nine a. ist.s, enuucii "An act inr the.snle of Timber. Lands in the Mates of California. Oregon. Nevada, and in Wa.h incton Territnry. Wlllia.a I. Smith, of Pa-flhci-ounty, Wash. Ter., h:u this dav filed in this oflii'o his application to purchase the S H of N E3f ami N H r S E U of Soc. 31. T. lo. N or It V, of tliu Willamette Meridian. TeMimony in tlie above case wilt be taken lKjfore the Clerk of the District Court at O stcrville, Wa-b,Ter.f onSatuidav March 21th. 1&S3. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above dtcribed lands or anv mtrtiou tliereol are licieby required to file their ciauns in mis oiuccwituin sixty (CO) days from date hereof. FRED. W. SPARLING. W3-101 Register. ftYSW AND -AFTER Slecirfc iy;lls:c3 tro :k ca S3 Ctys' Kd, T0rnEN0NLY,Y0UNG0R0LD, WHO are 6nXTorins from Nertocs Debo ITT. LOST V1TA.LITT. LCK OF htBTT Foisccaxd Viooc, Wast-so Weasessis, ana all those diseases of aPccsoxL iATURsre-cultlnj- from Abuses and OrnE.5 Cicsrs. Speedy relief and complc-to reatoratloa o IiEAi.Tn,ViooBBnd Maxmood ocanaSTrnj. The grandest discovery of tho Mneteeatk Century. Send at occo for Illustrated Pam phlctfrce. Addrcsa VOLTAIC BELT CD.. MARSHALL, MICti. For lame Rack, Side or Chest use Sliiloh's Porous Plaster, Pnco 25 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. tssEsaamaamaeraBsz tfARMEW Illliiljllllis JttSUXM& HOTELS AND RESTAUKANT?. PARKER HOUSE, II. B. PAItKKK. Prop., ASTORIA, -- - OREGON. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. ALL MODERN IMFROVRMFNT?. HOT ASI COF.T KAT55S. Good Billiard Table, and First Class Sa loon stocked wiib Fine Liquors. rsa-FREF. COACH TO THE HOtC-oa :ASTOR HOUSE. TliEO. BISr..tI!r:f Pror.'r. ASTORIA, ORKGOX. Hotel Nev & Newly Furnished t'Riens. Fi en: SI. 00 to fUZAHi n-t 1.v, :ic- conlinij to room. Best of Wines, Liquors and Cke AT THE BAR. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. 4 J '& CUEXAMUS STREET, ASTORIA. THE UNDERSIGNED IS PLEASED TO announce to the public tSiat ho has op ened a FIRST CI..VSS And furnishes in first-chus style j OYSTERS. HOT COFFER TEA, ETC) AT TUK j Ladies' and Gent's Oyster SalOOn, CHENAMUS STREET. Please give me a call. ROSCOE'DIXON, Proprietor SALOONS. Breweiy Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. JI The best of Liquors and Cigars on hand. A deservedly popular place of social resort. GEO. HILLER. GERMAJS1A BEER HALL AKD BOTTLE REER DEPOT. CHEXK73 StRHCT. ASTOHtA. The Best of Lager 5 Cfs. a Glass Orders for the Celebrated ColnMa Brewery Jtz Ir'iExv. Left at thLs place will be promptly attend ed to. 3T"No cheap Sad Francisco Ccersold at tins place WM. BOCK. Proprietor The Olympic Saloon, Opposite the Parker House. THE FINEST BRANDS OF LIQUORS and CIGAllS Kept constantly on hand. No pains will be spared to Rie my custo mers satisfaction. per-Givo us a call. E. W. SEnLIN. FBA1 CtEARMCE SALE! to make room for more Hardware aid Slip (Mlerj A.VAHDUSEK&CO Will sell at cost their entire stock of HATS AHD GAPS AND BOOTS AND SHOES. These goods must be disposed of as we arc soon to receive another large lot of Hardware and Ship Chandlery And must have room to store it. Cleaning Repairing. NEAT, CHEAP AND QUICK. RY KOIlE 1.0VETT. Mala Street. opi03h;e N. Loeb's. To Let. riAHE 2ND AND 3RD FLOORS, 2ND FIN X Ished in rooms : 3rd all In one, 4S x co feet, unfinished. Also a space of ground piled and capped, about 22 x 43 feet, front ing on Olncy street. Lea.e given to respon sible parties for years. Location most desir able lor a Restaurant and Lodclng House. For further particulars Inquire of BARTH& MEYERS. Astoria, Oregon, December 23. 18S2. FOR SALE. TEN SHARES CANNERY STOCK terms private. Also, Lot 4. Block 10, McClure's Ast. Tilth improvements thereon. Also three good farms within easy distance of Astoria terms easy. Lots In McClure's, Shlvely's and Adalra Astoria, and three blocks in Alderbrook fifteen acres tide land on Young's Bay. Also, a good paying busi ness In Astoria. K BOZOSTH & JOBXi. SHIPPING NOTICES. Columbia Transportation Co. FOR PORTLAND.- (FAST TIME. The ropnlar steamer FLEETWOOD, "Which has ltcen reft'twlfnr the coir. fort of pat-rf-f 'fr vil AVil-on and FMh' ilock ecry iiondar, Wednesday and Friday at 6 AM. arrving at Portland at 7 P. hi. Keturosng lears-i Fortlaml every Tuesdays and iursdaifs at 6 -A. . Arriuing at Astoria at 1 P. K. j An additional trip villi fce made on Sunday of Each Week, J.avin Fortland at ! o'clock Himtlaj 3iornlncr. Par.ger hy tnis route couuect at Kalama for Sound ports. IT. IS. SCOTT, President. Astoria and Portland. .jggfirStr. WESTPORT, F. II SIIERMAV. - - - MASTER. Will nak r.'jntlar trips to Portland and Astoria. leainrHuriie'rsdo.k. foot of V.or rbon .stret't. Pot tlnd. at Cam. Saturday. And will leave Wilson & Flslier's dock, Astoria, at c a. 3f.T Imrsdaj3. CaFreiglit can led at reasonable rates. New Vessel. "X F Y NEW STEAM YACHT K RELIC, 3- Is now rcadv for business, and can be cn ctf'ud lv Ihu dav. Job or seau. Orders may he made hv letter ur pergonal appli.-sitlou to me. LEWIS G. IIAAVEN, Upper Ast.rla. MARKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of tabic stock constant' on hand. uoh as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, EGGS, BUTTKIl, CHEESE, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISH. POULTRY A3fl G3JSIT. In the season. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. B-st of WINES AND EXQUOBS. All cheap for CASH, floods sold on co:n mbsIon. Opposite I. W. Case's store. J. ROD(;ER3. STAR MAEKET. WHERRY & C0KPAWY, Fresli and Cured Meats, Vegetatoles, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. orrosiTE occidi:nt hotel, CIIi:XA3Ii:s Street. Astoria, Ojrn ASTORIA. MAEKET D.K.WARREN. COR. CIIENAMUS AND HAMILTON STS. AST0P.IA. - - OREGON. Dealer iu j FRESH AND CURED MEATS, Vegetables, Butter, Eggs. And a full lino ol CHOICE FAMILY GROCERES Constantly on band. SHIPS SUPPLIED AT LOWEST KATE3. Washington llarket. ilaln Mreet, - - Astoria Oregon JRE11GJIAX r JJEKltY RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATIEN Hon f the public to the fact that the above Markot will alwaya be supplied with a FULL V A RLETY BEbT QFALITY FRESH AHD CURED MEATS! Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention givou to aupph us shins. Piles! Piles! Piles! A Sure Cure Found at Z.sst ! 3fo One 3fecd SuflTcr! A sure Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Winiam3, (an Indian Remedy), called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A. single box has cured tlie wont chronic cases of 25 or so years standing. No one need suirer five minutes after applying, this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions, instruments and electuaries do more harm than good. Wil liam's Oiutmenr. absorbs the tumors nllas the Intense ltehing, (particularly at night af ter eettimr warm fii bed), acts as a poultice. gives instant relief, and Is prepared only for rues, itching ot tne private pans, ana lor inc e ad what tho non. J. M. Cofllnburrv of Cleveland, says about Dr. William's Indian me ointment : i nave used scores oi rue Cures, and it affords me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gave such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's -Indian Ointment. For sale by all druggists or mailed on re ceipt of price. $1 Co. llEXBmr& CO., Prop's. Cleveland, O. Hodge, Davis Cc 9., TThchwale Agent, PwrtLuMl, 99fs. . TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IPAA"S:. GCZLS DIVISION. Steamers sail lrom Toitland for San Fraa. oLco tvriro : Yiec3, a Tuesdays and Fridays, at midnight. Ut'turnliijr.h'aTi' San Francisco for Astoria, ami TortLnd Wednesdays and Saturdays at 10 A.M. Thiourh TirUtt sold to all principal elties In tho L'nited States. Canad and Eur!K P.iverand Rail Division. On and After Nov. 20, 1882. Trains leave Tortland for Dalles 4 :00 P. 31. Sundays excepted. ttlYEU amsiOX (Middle Columbia. Boats leave Portland for Dalles at 7 JO f A. SI. ALSO: Leave Port-I 1 I I I I land for lltfonj Tu. We. jTliu.! Frl. I Sal. Aetona end! I I lower Co-I I I lnmbia....l6AMl6A3X BAM Dayton. Or J7AJI! '.TAM GAM HAM 6 AM TAM O4I031 .... 1- ,,.5 1 .16 AM Cortallis. I riV.II'. ....e Victona.BCjSAV.. .. RAM PAM Lcnves 'stonafor Portland at 6 . ta. diily ax cspt Sunday. Pullman Pnlc Cart runninj; betwecti Port land. Walla AValla and Uajton. JOHN MUIR, Superintendent of Trafilc. C. IL rRESCOTT. Mauacer. Hwaco Steam Navigation Go. WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, and Uwaco, Connectins uy Stages for Oysterville and Olyrapia. "55"r. Until further DOtlco tho Ilnraco drlr.-m-i. Stoaiu N avigation Co'a ste steamers GEN". MILES, on GEN. CANBY Will loavo Astona On Mondays, and Thursdays, at 7 A. M. FOIl Fort Stereai, Fart fan by, and llaco OS Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays' and Saturd cyz. Tlie steamer will leave Astoria ata a.m. as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Stevens . ...................GOcts- ' " Canby and Ilwaco . 1 CO BQB-IIwaco freight, by the ton, in lots ot one ton or over, $2 oo per ton. tsrFor Tickets. Towage or Charter appl? at the oEcd of tho Company, Gray' wharf, foot of Benton street. J. n.D.aRAT. Anent, Oregon & California R.R-.Co On an alter Sept. 21, 18S2. trains will run ai follow?, IMlLx (Ejcept Sundays), EA3TSIDB Division. Kctn ecu I'ORTLAXD "and KIDDHV. VAIL TEAIN LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:30 a. M.IRiddle'fi 80 P. U Riddle's 3:30 A. . I Portland 4:25 p. M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4:00 P. M.ILobanon 9.20 P. M Lebanon 4:45 A. M.Portland.10:05A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 6:15 a. u. Junction G:0lp. ji Jnnctitn G:3 A.M.IRiddl 's S:10p.m Riddle'? 0:00 a. a I Junction. Junction 5:45 a. jr.! Portland 5:2a p. u The Oregon and California Railroad rorry makes connection with all RcsularTrains on Eostside 1'iv ision. WESTSIDH DIV19I0H. Kctwceii JortIantl and CorvalUs. KAII. TKAIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 8:00 A. M.ICorTallis ....3:00 P. M Corrallis S:C0 A. M.IFortland 3:20 P.;M Close connections made at Riddle's with the Stages of tho Orogoa and California Stage Company. . , , . tfiY Tickets forsnlo at all the pnncipal points in California and tho East, at Company a Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storago will be cbar"d on freight remain ini: atCompnnys Warehouse ovcr24 hours. Frcijcht will not be received for shipment after ft o'clock P. M. on either the East or est eido Division. . ., ., ,. J. BRANDT, Uen'l Sup't. E. P. ROGERS. Gon'l Freight and Pasnenirer Acent. R. KOE1TLER, Vico President and Manager Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, Ilwnco, North Bench, Oysterville, Xorth Cove, i'ctersons I'olnt, llo- quluru, Iontcsan, And all points on Shoalwater Bay, and Gray' narbor. GEN. MILES.) Stn. or - On Columbia River. GEN. CANBY. J - GEN. GARFIELD " Shoalwater Bay. " MONTESANO " Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portages, Leavo Astoria for Olympia, at - - r.A. M. On Mondays and Thursdays through trip in CO hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. jrjKjJTj HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON miHS INSTITUTION, UNDER CARE OF " -" JL the Sisters pf Charity, Is now ready for the reception"bf patients. 3- Private rooms for the accommodation ofjr., any desiring them. Patients admitted at all bonis, day or night. Ko phvsician has exclusive right, every patient is free to and has the prlvllego ot employing any physician they prefer. United States Marine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues.arp eatl' " tied to Free care and attendance at thli Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob- k tained for United States Marines at tho Cs teai SoKse. $- .