The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, February 18, 1883, Image 3

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'i'lli." H'iXlln StSHU
.FEBRUARY 18, tt$3
No c melt running thin season.
A baptistry ia being put in the
Baptist church.
Tho yross valuation of Umatilla
cor.ntv is $4 758.31G.
t Tho Gonoral Milus goes to Tilla
mook at half past five this mciruinjj.
New. York capitalists trill build t
$300,000 gram elevator in Walk
Yesterday was decidedly moist,
and about nightfall it settled down for
a good old-fashioned rain.
The Council of Chosen Friends will
meet in their hall to-raorow evening.
Full attendance is desired.
Comegys & Yestal are reported
closing out their business in
Kalama, intending to go east of the
- Onu of man's duties ia to take off
his hat in a theater. If it was one of
woman's rights no doubt she would
exercise it.
The YVestport Mill Company are
ready to go to work, and will begin
running to-morrow. Tho capacity
will be 35,0U0 feet per day.
- -Celluloid is used now in many
household articles, combs, buttons,
pen holders, jewelry, etc., and is
highly inQammablo, occasioning care
that it is not brought in contact with
"He's on a big high lonesome" is
the local comment upon & Georgia
citizen when ho evinces by his
general incoherence that he has loved
not wisely but tco well the cup that
An exchange publishes a clTer
essay on the use of tho handkerchief.
It concludes by saying that the true
use of the handkerchief is for the pur
pose of flirtation. It certainly seems
to bo one of tho first use3 learned.
H. H. Grinnell, who was shot
last Tuesday night, at Aius worth,
died of his injuries Thursday morning.
Deceasod was & young man about 27
years, and was employed as clerk in
the O. R. & N. office in this city
about a jear ago. He made a good
many acquaintances whilo hero who
regret to hear of his untimely taking
Astoria Gas Iilght Company.
From 3Ir. DeMill ,ongineerin charge
of the gas works wo learn that all pipes
necessary for completing tho laying of
the mains, material for tho works and
all the tools for erecting aro now here,
iu all about 200 tons. Tho pipe lay
ing has already been commenced, aud
any oncupongoingthrough Wall street
can note tho ripidity with which tho
work i carried n. The company is
a fixture and means husinou. C. S.
Wright, C. H. Page. I. W. Case, A.
V. Allen, A. J. Megler, F. C. Norm,
E. W. Leonard, M. W:se, and J. E.
Con'dit, constitute the coloration,
with the following efficers: C. S.
Wright, president; C. H. Page, sec
retary; L W. Case, treasurer.
Sevcuty-five thousand dollars is being
put into the work, and tho projectors
should receive for their energy aud
enterprise not only praise but the
patronage which they merit. Messrs.
Gearin, Bellinger and Knott, of Port
land, aro we believe, tho only other
parties outsido of Astoria who have
stock in the corporation.
Strong Testimony.
Scott Erans, second assistant en
gineer on the ill-fated Tacoma, is in
Portland. In conversation with a
News reporter he said: ''When Capt.
Kortz took his reckoning previous to
turning in, and some twenty minutes
before the boat struck, they were mak
ing oleven knots an hour. As Mr.
Evans was on duty when the ship
struck, he had a good opportunity to
know just what occurred. He says
at the time the captain turned in, the
ship was headed for the shore, and to
many it looked liko a 'put-up job,'
anl tho captain did not in any man
ner seem surprised when ho came on
deck; and in the coolest maimer said,
'Well boys, I guess wo are gone,' and
he soon was gone in the first cutter,
the only boat that was in condition
to be used. Before leaving he said,
'Boys I'll be hero with assistance in
ten minutes," but on reaching the
shore he quietly walked along the
waters' edge and off some six miles,
without making any effort to aid
those on board the doomed ship."
Oregon Short Line will reach Sho
shone Junction JIarch 1st. The
Fleetwood will bo down this after
noon. Queen Victoria is happy to
inform the English parliament that
the improvement in Ireland's social
condition continues. Flour is
going up. Revenuo cutter Corwin
sails for hero to-morrow. Hoart
rcnding accomits are telegraphed of
the Ohio river flood calamity. The
wators are receding. Wagnor'a body
is embalmed in Venice. Portland's
chief of polico is to bo investigated
Silk Handkerchiefs.
Bore throats vanishwhen encircled
in a silk handkerchief. This is estab
lished beyond peradventure. The
grandmothers knew all about this a
hundred years age. They believed,
too, that Bilk would cure all other dis
eases, aud souie of them thought it
wonld heal a broken Ieg"if only taken
in timo." We do not go au far as
that, but wo know that ailk will ab
sorb and tore electricity a readily
a Leyden jar. It forms an essential
curtain for tho oiectric cylinder, and,
rubbed with quicksilver,. has a tnyftu-
Reredell, ono of the star routo de- power that imparts force to ita
fenders has turned state's evideuce.
State of California goes to San Fran
cisco this morning. A cave in a
Braidwood, Ills., coal mine last Fri
day drowned and smothered sixty
three unfortunate men of threo hun
dred working in tho mine at the timo.
H. S. Campbell, said to be "the
only man that has set on a stage seat
and drawn tho ribbons over his team
from Portland, Me., to Portland,
Or.," is telling good stories in Port
land. John P. Ward has beon con
firmed appraiser of merchandise at
A roligious contemporary has
been Gguring upon the cubical area of
heaven, and with a delightful elastic
ity of notation demonstrates that in
the house of many mansions not built
by hands there is room for every one
that ever lived "or shall live" on this
earth, or on 11,210 planets liko it; al
lowing sixteen feet square to each in
dividual. That "sixteen feet square"
seems tangible onough, but tho rest h
The Neics learns that the Mountain
Queen is to be hauled off and thor
oughly remodeled. A new pilot
house and texas is to be added, and
her furnace altered over to burn
This will be dono as soon as the Wide
"West starts out. The steamer Wide
West, which is now lying at the lowei
"bono yard," has been thoroughly
overhauled. Her furnace has been
altered so as to burn coal. She is to
go on the Astoria ronte in about two
The usual demand for houses in
Astoria exists, and it is beyond the
power of the builders to fill awaiting
orders. As soon as a house is known
to be for rent, or it is surmised that
the parties now occupying it are going
to move out, or it is hinted that there
is a probability that some ono said he
thought that they were going to move
out, tho owner is at once interviewed
by parties desiron of moving in
There is universal regret over the
fact that tho late cold weather has
lessened the egg-producing power of
the hen. Eggs arc something that
need never fear any protective duty.
The imported Portland egg, however
seductive its outward appearance may
be, lacks that buoyancy and freshness
that characterizes the interior works
of tho aforesaid. The outer casing ol
au egg is of slight import. It is the
fluid contents that excite interest, and
when the half-hatched and wholly ad
dled erabyro of the future chicken
makes its appearance on tho break
fast table it indicates a similar feeling
io that felt by landsmen on going
down to the sea in ships, whose souls
would sicken over the heaving w&Te.
Such eggs are like good intention's.
Wanted. 3 furnished or unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping in a i ri
rate "house to be ocupied March 15th.
Address W. E.T., a6tobh2j ffiee.
The New Building.
The inside of the Odd Fellows Tem
ple, though still iu an unfinished con
dition is rapidly assuming shape, and
gives promise of what it will be when
completed. The main hall is now
ready for plastering. This hall, situ
ated in tho third story, is 40x70 feet,
nnd will bo a fino room for the lodge.
Everything in the way of ante-rooms,
etc., w provided for, tho third floor
boing devoted exclusively to the necdR
of the order. The socond story is now
being lathed. Hero aro svon suites
of rooms, which from the nature and
location of the building will be in de
maud for offices. Tho first story is
already taken for business purposes.
The gas and water fixtures constitute
a new feature in Astoria house build
ing. There arc over 0,000 feet of
pipe in the building, and everything
has been put in in accordance with
tho latest and most approved patterns.
A construction corps of men un
der the supervision of Capt. E. Miles,
has been repairing damages to the
telegraph wiro from Scarborough hill
to Ft. Canby. It was evident from
tho ravages made by late high tides
and winds that some of the poles
must bo moved higher inland, and
these changes were accordingly made.
Mr. John Hunter at the Wallicut
provided a substantial dinner for the
working soldiers that was gratefully
Wo are in receipt of an inquiry
concerning the high prico of wood,
and asking why it is so. The only
reasons we can think of is that people
buy and burn it faster than it can be
brought here, and again, people are
generally at some busmees that pays
better, though if it gets any higher
than the present figures it is likely
there will be increased supply as welt
as reduced demand. Should coal
come down a few notches lower it will
be used by many in preference.
Our citizens will not only consult
their own interests but the interests
of those with whom they arc daily
brought into contact by refusing to
buy from those fellows that peddle
goods from door to door. It interferes
materially with trade, and thero is
nothing made by it. Nino times out
of ten it's a swindle, and the buyer
has no redress. If w all sent our
money away every timo we wanted
four bits worth, the town would go to
the dogs. Our merchants keep a good
stock in every line, and if there
happens to be anything called for that
they haven't got, the fact of asking for
it is pretty suro to place it on the
shelves as soon as it can bo ordered
from below.
Discipline on an Ocean Steamer.
Nearly two years ago one fine morn
ing I sat on the promenade deck of
the steamer City of Brussels speeding
towards old England. I Baid to the
cantain. who sat neflr me, "if this
boat were suddenly to find it neces
sary to go to the bottom of the At
lantic how many of them would you
expect to save?"
"All of them," said the captain,
somewhat briefly. The captai l was
not a talkative man, but as it was
early and wo had the deck to our
selves I thought I would like to find
out something about whet would bo
dono in an emergoncy. "At n time
like the present, when nearly all f
tho passengera are in their state-rooms,
I suppose the first thing to be done
would be to get them on deck."
"Not tho first thing," answered tho
captain, "but ono of the many simul
taneous things tbat would be instantly
done. Certain officers of the ahip
aro detailed before we ieavc port to
arouse the passengers should it be
come necessary. Each one lias a cer
tain number of passengers for whom
he is responsible, and in time of dan
ger ho has to produce those passengers
at a certain placo on the deck, and
have them ready to go into tho boats.
If you are on deck this time to-morrow
you will sec tho practical working
of what would be done afterwards."
Next morning all hands were or
dered on deck. Each one was prompt
ly and quickly at his place. Even
the tablo stewards had special duties
for this occasion. At the word of
command ovcry move was mado that
would have been required had there
been an accident. Everything worked
as smoothly as if the whole had been
a piece of perfect machincy. For
over ten years this splendid hteamship
his crossed and rocrosacd tho Atlan
tic, and, no doubt, this performance
has been gone through several times
on every voyage. All these years of
training and discipline wero in view of
a contingency that might never hap
pen. 1 tie tact tnat lor years me voy
ages wer completely uneventful, did
not cause that vigilance to be relaxed
for a moment. Tho supreme eraer
gency at last arrived. The circum
stances could hardly be more unfa
vorable. The fog was dense as mid
night. The disaster came, unex
pected, sudden and complete as a
stroke of lightning.
The foresight of none on the City
of Brussels could have averted it. One
moment the grand steamer rode the
waters staunch and perfect, the next
she was cut almost" in two, and twenty
minutes later she lay a wreck
on the bottom of the ?ea. Short
as the time was it waa long
enough to display the wonderful
discipline of the Inman crew.
The fact that it was possible under
the circumstances to sae the passen
gers, who at tho time of the crash
were asleep, renders anything that
could be written in praiso of the con
duct of officers and men superfluous.
JAike. Sharp.
retention. The curative iorce ot silk
i due to its electricity, and the med
ical faculty recommend f.ilkeu hose
and shirts for a thousand diseases. As
we are not professional, we only take
silk by the throat, and know its won
derful power?. Wo will give you a
suro recipe: "When you have the
throat trouble, give a nice, clean ailk
handkerchief to your sweetheart, with
a request to tio it around your neck.
If you are not cured, or choked by
tender hand, we have made a mis
take. Tho more expeiisivo the 'ker
chief the surer tho cure, bi cause your
pet takes so long to examine tho quul
ity and get it just right, so it won't
hurt. Try it and go homo cured We
expect silk handkerchiefs will advance
in price when this matter is under
stood. Dry Qoods Man.
I'rerti Candy.
Made every day at John P. Classen's j:
Astoria Candy Factory. Creams, choco- j
late, French candy, taffy, etc !
If Yon Dou't IScllevo It.
just trv it. You can get the best cup of i Temperance Billiard'
Parlor, xsext to G'0. W. 11 umes store.
Kili'ont OsIIo Gun.
Painless extraction of teeth at Dr.
LuForceV dental rooni3 over I. W.
tJiicV store.
JPIoicIed Vts rt nutl Uiltiardh!
Anyone wishing pickled nics' feet.
or fre.Mi Shoalwater JJay oysters in any
style should call at the Temperance Parlor, next to Geo. W . Hume's
zzmtiu i aKinn aaiR !
R. V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N.
Y.: Dear Sir Twenty years ago I
was shipwrecked on the Atlantic Ocean
and the. cold and exposure caused a
largo abscess to form on each leg,
which kept continually discharging.
After spending hundreds of dollars,
with no benefit, I tried your "Golden
Medical Discovery'" and now, in less
than three months after taking the
first bottle, I am thankful to say am
completely cured, and for the first
time in ton years can put my left
heol to tho ground; I am yours,
87, Jefferson St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Tho Golden Opportunity.
Every sufferer from liver complaints
and constipation will doubtlessly avail
themselves of the golden opportunity
presented of testing the new remedy.
Syrup of Figs, free of charge. Cases of
long standing, which have only been
aggravated by the harsh griping medi
cines formerly used, yield nromjtlv to
the eentle vet thorough influence of
Syrup of Figs. Tnose who have tried it
firaise it highly, Trial uotties tree and
arge bottles for sale by W. E. Dement
& Co., Astoria.
Hodge Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents.
Portland Oregon.
Time and i:pcntc .Saved.
Hard .workers aro snbject t biiiouc
attacks which may end in dangerous
illness. Parker's Ginger Tome keep
tho kidneys and liver itctive, and by
preventing the attack saves sickness,
timo and expense. Detroit Pret.
Franls Fnlre Oy.stcr ami Chop
Those wishing a nice plateof Eastern or
Shnahvatcr bay oystprs cooked In any
style, or an early breakfast before going
aboard the boat, should call and see
him. Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater
bay oysters received by every steamer.
Oysters! Oysters!!
At Fnnk Fibre's; In every
Freh from the beds every day.
Sellins: at Cost.
Mrs. A. Mfilcom is closing out her
stock of winter millinery and woolen
goods at cost.
Arn Von Lxposed
To lufiuenceaf Then protect
your syatmu by using Parker's Ginger
Tunic. It strengthens tho kidneys aud
liver to throw off malarial poisons,
and is good for general dobility and
nervous exhaustion.
Hoston Baked Beans at "Jeff's" Va
riety Chop House every night.
For a good shave or. hair cut, go to
.Too Charters at Foster's.
Physicians' prescriptions carefully
compounded day or night at J. w.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
A Nasal Injector tree with each
bottle or Shiloh's Catarrh. Remedy.
Price 50 cent. Sold by W, E. Dement.
Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Coihplaint,
vou have a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never
fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Dry Goods Clothing House
Previous to our annual inventory of stock on Feb; ist,
we will make a large reduction in all departments.
Fine Dress Goods Keduced
Fine Silks and Satins Redseti.
Fine Plnsnes anil Velvets
Fine Cashmere ant Arams
Carpenters' tools. Disston's
Ballev's planes; builders' supplier
A. Van Dusen & Company's. i
goods constantly arriving,
"ilncKnietuck," a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents.
Sold by W. E. Dement.
Shonl water bay eysters: fresk every
day, at Frank Fabre's.
When your wife's health is bad,
when your children aro sickby, when
you feel worn out, use Brown's Bitters.
Ilallo ! Where are you going?
to Frank Fabre's for a pan roat.
Fine, organs and pianos at Gustav
Hansen's. Call aud examine.
Have you tried a stew or pan roast
as Frank Fabrc cooks it? Order or.n and
you'll thank us for the advice.
A. Van Ducn & Co. at now receiv
ing a large stock of hardware of the
latest pattern and approved iiiiili. if
you need anything in the way of hard
ware you will assuredly find it, and at
the lowest cash prices.
A very complete assortment of blank
book-j.allsizes, styles and prices at the
City book store.
Remarkable for overcoming
caused by impure, water, decnyim:
vegetation, etc., is Brown's Iron Bitters.
tive cure, for Catarrh, Diptherla and
Cankor Mouth. Sold by W. E. Dement.
There's not a specie, there's nota stain
That on the teeth we chance to see.
But shadows forth decay and pain,
If not removed right !peedily,
B SOZODOX lvhose wondrous power
Works miraelps in one short hour.
S:hlohj Cuke will Immediately
relieve Croup, whooping cough and
Bronchitis bold by W. Dement.
Remember the place where you can
get your pure trash chocolate, creams,
and molasses candy, at Oerkwitz' oppo
site the Bell tower.
The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour
bon, Ind says: "Both myself and wife
owe our lives toSun.on's Consumption
Cube." Sold by W. E. Dement.
"JeiT of the Variety Chop House
has the three best cooks aud two best
waiters In town.
Dr. Jay Turtle's residence Is re
moved to Kinney's new building over
it . Thosas' Oiug store.
Rev. Winfield Scott wil deliver a
course of Sunday eening lecture at
tho Baptist church, on the following
subjects: Fob. 25th, "Young Man
Away from Home." March 4th, "God
in Cities and Nationsi" March 18th,
"Woman's Sphere and Ways of Use
fulness." April 1st, "Fools."
At Carl Adler's mav be found all
the latest sheet music, tho most popular
waltzes, dance music, etc
b urnished rooms to rent at Mrs. P.
.1. uodman s, corner Concomloy and
Madison streets.
A first-class .watchmaker, and en
slaver is now at Carl Adler's. All work
In his line wpII djne, and wananted to
gira SftU&MMSfe
Are you made miserable bv Indi
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
appetite, Yellow Skin V Shiloh's Vital
izer is a positive cure. For sale by W.
E. Dement.
Gi:ack Church Holy communion
first ifuidayof every month. Sunday
.t rviees at 1 1 a. m., and 7 p. m. Wednes
day eveniug service at 7 o'clock. Rev.
M. D. Wils-on. Rector.
FinsT rnnsuYTEniAX Cnuncii Ser
vices at 11 a M. and 7 1 M. Wednesda
evening prayer meeting at 7 o'clock.
Rev. .1. V. Milligau. lu.tor.
Coxn iiEC atiox A L Cnuttcii Services
at 11 a. si. and 7 p. m. Rev. J. W. Wal
ters, Pastor.
Roman Catholic Church Sen-ices
at 10:30 a. M. Rev. L. Dielman, Pastor
M. E. Church Service at 11 a. m.
and 7 P. jr. Lecture and Prayer Meet
ing, Wednesday, at 7 p. M. Rev. W. T.
Chapman. Pastor.
Baptist Church. Services ever
other bundav.
Rev. Winfield Scott D. D. pastoral
Blankets, Flannels,
Comforters, Bed Spreads,
Fine Table Ziinen.
Overcoats and Ulsters Reduced!
Fine Dress Suits Reduced!
White and Colored Shirts Reduced !
Business Suits Reduced!
CoiuaihiA Rivor Exports.
sniraiKNTs roiuucy.
1 To Qitccnsiincti per IV. II. Starliuk.
From Portland 4O.O0O bus wheat SS9.600
" Astoria 28,I3 " " 23,-3i
Totals GS.13J 67,73
3 To Qutaistmcn rer Lord Kinnaird.
From Portland 7,201 bbls flour...... $CS,3i5
0 To Qucensb irn jxr Gen. Fairchild.
From Portland M.100 bus wheat .-$55,162
Astoria 20.KH " " as.o.'?
Totals 75,031 57S.2I9
i To Qutemtown per Wllna.
Fmm Portland l"i.3U bb s flour. 8 71.77o
Astoria c.A-9 " 31.1M.1
5.3)1 bus wheat , 5,721
You can kcup your hair :tbuudant
and glossy, and retain its youthful
color, with Parker's Hair B.ilaam. "
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Corfuinerv, and toilet articles, etc can
e bought at the lowot prices, at J. V.
Conn's dnm store, opposite Oo-Mden
hctel, Astoria.
Why will you cough when Saitoh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts 50 cts-and SI. Sold by Y. E. De
ment. .
Cold boiled liain, brown bread and
Boston baked beans at ".Jeffs" Variety
Chop House every night, near Steven's
big Show sign, red and green light.
(Open all night.)
Have Vistars balsam of wild cherry
always at hand. It cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in
fluenza, consumption, and all throat and
ung complaints, r-o cents and.Sl a bot
tle. Fancy 5oaps and perfumery of all
kinds can be found at J. W. Conn's drug
store, opposite Occident hotel.
P. J. Goodman, on Chenainus street,
has just received the latest and most
fashionable style of gents and ladiet
boots, shoes, etc. Agent In Astoria for
the famous Morrow shoes.
Unv th. crpiminti .1. It. ftaitiT iiiil
Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors Fn,m lrt,andSbJ?,wlieat
and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem Astoria su
opposite the bell tower, and see Camp- Totals C4.6S7
tell. j s-ToDulUmperCilyofCarlUle.
Shipper & Rybke, No. 11, Oak street From Portland 14,707 bbls flour.
Portland, are the bou toa taller of tho j W-To Quccnstown per Galalea.
metropolis. From Portland Si,l65 oas vrhot .....
1 1 To IA rerpotfl per Pendrogon.
From Portland 12.325 bbls flour
3.037 bus wheat....
Astoria C3.1S0 " -
12 To Liverpool per EsKdale.
From Portland CO 672 bus wheat.....
As:orla 5.C24 " "
Totals OU&5
17. To Queenstown perFulda.
From Portlaiulil3,723 bbLs flour.-...,
" Astoria 7S5 " " ......
P.otal 14,513
30 To Qticenstovmjxr Prlscilla.
From Portland 28.510 bus wheat ....
" Astoria 17.417
3,1 0
. ?S9,C13
..... 3.925
undr miiUkt.
If you think there is any sauce in the world equa to the
justly celebrated
iThe recipe ot a retired well known Caterer of 25 years experience.
It has received approbation wherever introduced, and although but a short tla la
the market it has already attained celebrity throughout the uorthweit. Being compdMd f
Strictly Pure and Strengthening Ingredients.
It Is especially adapted for
Dyspepsia, Broken Down Constitution, and Weaknesses
of the Human System.
And the only sauce for enriching
Steaks, Gravies, Fish, Curries, Game, Soups, Etc., Etc.
One trial will sufllca to prove Its merits.
Beware of spurious Imitations. None genuine witbont our full firm naraa oa the laiel.
Sole Manufacturer and Proprietors, Portland, Oref .
For sale by leaalng Grocers and DrupsLsts.
3 To Quecnstcncn ptrJat. Liccsay
.. S33.475
.. 21,010
...SIS.B :
New stock of Foreign and American
Special attention is directed to the latest shapes In soft and stiff Hats. Nobby
Young Men's Hats.
Gent's Furnisliing Goods 1
X full lino of Men's Underwear." A fin assortment of Xect wear,
Hosier, Dress Shirts, Gloyes, eta, etc. .
Men's and Boy's Drcs3 Suita, Business SuIU and Overcoats. I