2"Ixr Bn-tta sitreiais ASTORIA. OREGON: SUNDAY . .fl'I KUAM IS. is 3 ThfNpiril 'irt!u Age. Nothing n tiiisuftTn(xni nf tin n iietei'inh ciitnry is iihto imtict a !e in the world f ihuiitt thun tbe decay of sentiment and Hie in crease of doubt and repression. Should Christ come to earth to-day and preach the doctrines that fell from His lips amid Judenn hills eighteen centuries ago, he would be called a communist; did John the Baptist reappear and with ho ly fervor proclaim his mission he would be sneprcd at as a fanatic. Were Basil or Augustine, or Je rome -to announce the doctrine in the nineteenth century they did in the fifth, were they to proclaim the sanctity of the monastic life they would get but few anchorites for their desert shrines. "Wore a call issued for a crusade, even with a Plantajrenet to lead or a Peter the Hermit to exhort, the re sponse would be insignificant. "Were a nation to revolt as did the Grecians sixty ycaro :igo no Byron nor Stanhope would be found to chronicle their triumph or assist in their effort to be free. The fervor and enthusiasm, the ''high emprise1' of former ages have passed away; belief has given way to reasoning and faith is challenged by ques tioning. And yet it would seem as though our swinging planet were only passing through acyde of transitory impulse. Men now are not content to know that a thing is so without knowing why it is so. what made it so, and how did the informant get his information. It is an ajc of doubting- vei2rhin5r, denying; and at the same time there is a hanger for more. But enthusiasm snetus killed. The reasons arc obvious. In literature, the man who has something to say hesitates, lest his answer should be a snoer, than which nothing is cheaper. If in the pulpit his motives are im pugned, cynicism is fashionable, and an assumption of indifference passes for loftiness of character. Yet this remains as partaking of the nature of eternal truth: That the correct instinct of the age, the progressive impulse of man is sure to recognize and retain whatever of natural good may be exhibited, and as "heir of all the ages1' will surely reject the impotent and assimilate tluit which is of lasting good. "Those cruel slavery days"' were for years the theme of the lovers of freedom who wished to emancipate the southern slaves. But the lot of the slaves in the southern states was bliss itself in comparison wiih the cruel bondage in which the Brazilian slaves are now held. In one district, Souza, Parahyba a favorite mode of pun ishment is to whip a slave to ex haustion, and then rub into the poor creature's back, salt, onions and tobacco. One who died un der the treatment, had, lye poured into his mouth after death to sim ulate suicide. Self-destruction is common throughout the empire among those wretched helots to whom oblivion is a happy re lease from the curae of life. "Shall the study of grammar be discarded?" is the question agi tating present educators. Thr prevailing system of teaching lan guage js wrong in principle and barren in results. Too mucli at tention is 'paid to obsolete rule and cast-iron precedent, and too much rigid adherence is evinced toward the old fashioned ideas of "the grammar-book." If the host of torturing gibberish, dignified by the name of "grammar," were tbrorrn out from every schoolhouse in the country, the rising genera tiou would be the better for it. Rev. Jasper, of Virginia, who is ffctnous as the man who argues and proves that "the sun do move," has made another discovery. He WJi Adam was seven feet high. Not a Now Idea. j The Frenrh. are an invi-ntive ! people, more especialy the Pari sian French. Thy clniin to have lately invented a new idea, and put it into ptartiral execution. ' It is "a spoken neu-hpapcr." Tin mdis operandi mav ie us fellow:-: A hull or oji-m hne f mo ler ate size i hired, a :inull ud.iii-- j ssii in fee charged and every even j ing a variety of brilliant talk-r. ; rehearse the events of the dav. The solemn talker concise, stiikinir, and inventing new phrases, di-- cusses political questions. Then a bright general news talker de scribes the accidents and crimes. He savs, for example, "1 we.t down to the house in such-uml- such a .street where a husband hud j shot his wife with a revolver. The hair of the victim was sj:ch a color, the wounds were so deep. I ascertained all the facts rnvsel1".' Then the legislative reporter wiU, reproduce the debates with v personality of the speakers and j a description of the "scenes1' and j lively encounters. Then coir.es the anecdotes and incidents in the lives of deceased persons, or of those who are attracting public attention. A lady gives an ac count of the latest dinner party, in full, with a brief description or illustration of the decorations and toilets. The dramatic ami musical critics then do their parts, followed by the advertising man with personal illustrations of the man or woman before and after taking the plumonary sTup or the efficient hair restorer. But the practical working of the idea was long since forestalled by an institution which we believe is purely American. Annual School Meeting. milE ANNITAL MEETING OF THE VOT JL ers of School IMsiiirt Xo.l ulil lii hhl at tin school house on Mala street, in Ato- n:i. uat-op county. Oregon, on aioiufay evening, JUarch 5. 1SS3. for tho purpose f elrctinjr one Director for three years. ami one Clerk fur one y ar. Also to 'levy a tax to support a school for the ensuing year in said district ; also a tax to pay interest anil incidental expenses of said distiict; also a tax to be applied to building a new chool liosibc, and to transact such other bulnos as may properly come bcfoie the mcetinz, JJy order of the Hoard of Directors. j.g.jjusilei:. Cirri:. P.y .T. O. 1J0Z0KT1I, Deputy. Abtoria, Feb. 17lh. 1853. &Q fCn TO LOAN IX SUMS to -ui!, t$v.yjj oa real iiatttcurlt. Apply to BOZOKTH& JOHNS. Dressmaking. Plain and Fancy Sewing, SnitK mode in the Tacct Stylo nad Gnarantf:cd to Pit Mrs. T. S. Jezueft. 1I00MS OVETt SIRS. E. F. AVAKItl ?.V.1 FARM FOR SALE. J OP!-Ell mil SALE MY FAltM AT A Buekeje i'oiut.uuarKiiappa.cunsi'tnigo- 145 acres, Dwelling Housej and Improvements; The place is finely situated ; there ae ahout 1500 Cords of Wood, And sonio -:0O.ocn ft'et of Lumber Jlifictin. To anyone contemplating a .Mock farm. ;-aw mill, or trade it ouVrs rare induce im-its. l'or trnns. etc.. apply to Win. (J. ltis. As loiia. or J. G. hoss. on the premises. nu PlraMi&as&Steafflffiiiii. All Work Warranted. Till further arrangements, can lie found at the new Odd Fellows Building JAS. V. IBi'DIlClCZt. 3K. - E & 2: 3K S 5i, IEAI.lUt IX Ha. Oats. Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand IVooii Zellvcred to Order. Graying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire I)KAU!U IX WINES, LIQUORS AND CJCARS FJSWiT t'liASK SOLID GOLD JEWELRY, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, 01 every description. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. STTAll goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. FJRST GRAND g.aaisc; AT PRIOR TD STOCK TAKING. We offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ir. our line cf Dress Goods. Silks. Velvets. PlllSllfMS. Cashmeres ami Arinurcs. Laces. Hosiery, Corsets. Cloaks, Dolmans. Etc.. etc. a fine ASSORTMENT Of FLANNEL CGfil FORT ERS. Biankets, Etc. Stock Complete in Every Branch. P3?ael Brothers. DliALEI! IN 5 14 h.V. rUnn'o "tiiJUUAO QliU as j S XOTIOXS t TOYS. S p glBlankbooks, 1& 1 Schoolbooks,o q y jkv,i:lrv,.mlvi: uwA.'iEH K lSPtocrijiii()iMs35pt.K n m PIANOS and ORGANS B V C !' t .ale on easy Installment plan ; s q S :Jso winic for rent. S Q d g SHEET MUSIC & MUSICIANS Q SUPPLIES. I KEEP Tho t et nvnrtinent In the cit v i lull stock or evcrtlilii2 Kent l a J5rt -class 15ook, Musc. and H R'it'tY More, ami mv l'rtfs will S H j; lie feiiud in every instance ii J, j S REASONABLE. S Q Sat tie:-: i.i sTAri,Q si As: oria, Oregon. S BILLIARDS! BILLIARDS! - Jan. 3:a:o3!rr -5!T:r'nLfr Has ojenod n X1KZ4UUL1 Temperance Billiard Parlor X-xt to C o. Ilnmc's Store. Fresh Eastern and Slioalwatcr Bay Oysters In every Style FINEST CI AKS AXI) TOHACCO, Tw, CitSfC. and Chocolate; Pit. Cakes Sandwiches, etc., at tht Cotmler. Ab? 1m conuectiou with the Parlor A Fine Mlinutlii;; (;alln'.v. Mm ai Ship Gliaiirllery. A. VAH DU8EH & GO.. DPALKUS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil. Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil. Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, j PaSnls and Oils, iroccrio. vie. IT IS A FACT -THAT- ieff's VARIETY CHOP HOUSE, on Concomly Street is the Best in Town. -TIIAT-llc Iiat. Aliray.N ou Ilmid FISESH Shoal AValcr Bay- and Knwt orix Oystcxrs. THAT "JEFF" IS THE BOSS CATERER. -TIIAT Ifc lia brcn Proprietor cr tho "Aitrern Hotel" lu Kcnppton xevcu years. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. KJj fj a I 13 8 ! I ! Drugs and Chemicals i i . ! & T v 70 ; ? ). h. DRUGGIST ft Pharmacist, ? astoria,o tzr 21 C ! i Pxescriptlons carefully coiapoundttl j j jy;i it ;j;ih. TT PAYS TO TRADE WITH MB! "WHO? FRANK ELBERSON, SeasiaeBatery & Confectionery. WHY? Because my Goods are the Best, and Always Fresh. Cakts Candies etc., f urnWiwi f it Wedding panics, on short nol Ice, and jruar.tneol to give perfect satbfacilon. Cikc ornamenllnt; a specialty. Opposite ii. W. IfunicV. LAEGE STOCK! OF FIIfE CROCKERY Just Received at FOAED & STOKES, IS' r-0 CilMERTMBK ! ORDER BOOKS, TALLY LISTS, Time and Credit Cards. I STOCK BOOKS LINEN NOTE and LETTER HEADS -AM) JOBTRI&'TfSC! Of all kinds at lowest prices. We Guarantee Satisfaction ! We have nuw tyjii anil a lare slock of first class material. J. F. HALLORAX & Co. W. S. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA. - - - OREGON. Carry in Slock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded, C-MlD CLEARANCE SALE! to make room for more Hardware ait Ship Chandlery A. VAN DUSEN & GO. . Will sell at cost their eatlrc stack of HATS AHD CAPS - AXD BOOTS AND- SHOES. These goods must he disposed of c we 2re soon to receive another large lot of Hardware and Ship Chandlery And must have room to store it. LEATHERS BROS. BOAT BUIX.DJRIt.S, Un Stalrn Over Arndt fc Forcheu' Shop. Call and examine the work we are doing iiuu jee me woou we are using, ueioro mak ing a trade elsewhere. FIRST-CLASS WORK X SPECIALTY. - 3 m c rA o V HILL'S ViaiBTIBS. 'GEO. HILL, PROFllIETOP. WALTEIt 1'AItKS, - STARE MANAGER EocMremcnt of an entire rn:w tx:ltp3: MISS HELENA RiCHKAN, The German NiBfctepgalo. MiSS SUSIE LEE, enj: and Dance Artist. MISS MINNIE WlLLiAfKS. Se io-comic Queen. MISS KITTY FRANKLIN. soubi!et:e. AhO 3IR. GEO. HENDERSON, Ethftopian Commedian. Tojiotlivr v.'itli h new L'nilerthe niauagemen: of n:oF. crrARLKS kickauos. All the Old Favorites Retained. Oj4u nil lite. Vrar. t'erfbriiiance Every .Vighl. t:mirc ( hanuc or Pro- urniuiiic Oarr a V,elr. Comprising all the latent SOftCS, DAHCES AND ACTS. Ve give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. Hie theatre Is crowded uigtitly. and all vhohn'tf wlt:iesM,il tJe enterbiiumcnt pro-iii)iin-o it tu be cii:nt to any nlven elsewhere. Air. Hill as a caterer for tliu public' auiiescinent fan not be excelled. Anybody ui-'liin to spend a pleasant evening and see uirfcliiiK w.t and beauty without vul garity, should Improve tbe opportunity and CI'IKP. The company comprises the following well- Ktiown aiusis: Mis Fanwik AValtox. ?.!jss M3iir Uoounrcir. M n. Waltki: Faukh. Mil. ClIAS. BABKOW.S. Jin. VM. mouton. All o( w hlch will appear nightly in their dlf, ferent specialties. Open air concert every evening ; perform ance commencing at 8; entrance to theatre on Benton street ; private boxes on Chena mus street New Stars iu Rnpid Succession ! A Common-sense Remedy." Salic ylicA'. Mo more Rheumatism, Gout or Neuralgia. Immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Cure Guaranteed. Five years established and never known la fail ina single case, acute or chronic. Refer to all imminent physician and drvoQt'iU for th standing of Salicylica. THE ONLY DISSOLVER OF THE POISONOUS TJKIC ACID TVIIICH EXISTS IN THE BLf'OD OF KHEU ilATIO AND GuUTY PATIENTS. SALICYLICA Is known as a common sense remedy, because It strikes directly at the cause of ltheumatkm. Gout and Neural gia, while so many so-called specif.es and supposed panaceas only treat locally the effects. It lias been conceded by eminent scientists that outward applications, such as rubbing with oils, ointment", liuiment3. andsoothing lotions will not eradicate these diseases which are the result of-the poisoning of the blood with Uric Acid SALICYLICA works with marvelous oflect on this acid and so removes the disor der. Ii Is now exclusively used by all cele brated physicians of America and .Europe. High st Medical Academy of Paris reports 93 per cent cures Iu three days. that SALICYLIC a 13 a certain cure for Rheumatism. Coutand Neuralgia. The most intense pains aio subdued almost iustautly. Give lr a trial. Relief guaranteed or mou ey refunded. Thotuauds of testimonials sent on applica tion. S I a. Box. . 6 Boxes for SD. Sent free by mail on receipt of money. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. But do not be deluded Into taking Imitations or substitutes, or somcth.ng rerommeuded as just as good !" lult on the genuine with the name or Washburno & Co on each box which Ls guaranteed chemlcauy pure under our signature, an Indispensable requisite to insure success lu the treatment. Take no other, or send to us. Washburne & Co., Proprietors. 287 Broadway, cor. BeadeSC, SEW YORK, For tale by W.E. UFMENT & Co., and J. E. THOMAS. $500 Reward. We wlllpay the above reward for an v case of IJver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Sick Head ache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costlve ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fall to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large boxes, containing 30 Pills, iJ3 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Beware ot counterfeits and Imitations. The genuine manufactured only byJonx C West & Co. "The Pill aiaker' 181 and 183 W. Jladison St., Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of g 3 cent stamp, W E. Dement, agent. Pealth is Wealth. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treat ment: a specific for Hysteria. Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental De pression, .Loss of Memory, Spennatorihoea, Impotency, Involuntary Emissions, Prema ture Old Age, caused by over-exertion, self abuse, or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Eaeh box contains one mouths treatment. One dollar a box. or six boxes for five dollars ; sent by mall prepaid on re ceipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us forsix boxes, accompanied with five dol lars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the monev If the treat ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees is sued only by W. E. Dement, dmjrglst, As toria, Oregon. Oidars by mnil nt regular prices. School District No. 1, Notice. PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING MA terlal and building school house will be received by the Directors, at the ofllcc of J. G. Hustler. School Clerk. In Astoria. Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m., on February 24, ls3. Drawings and specifications may be ex amined and all necessary Information ob tained, on application to the office of J.W. (JearharL The right to reject any and all proposals 13 reserved. By order of the Board of Directors. J. G. HUSTLER, Clerk School Dlst. No. 1. ByJ.O.BOZORTH, Artoria, Jaatury 2'ifU. iti HS&T& 0iOds ! CITY BOOK Tho Best Store in the City to get your Money's Worth. A(iui;s. Ant;;ryph ami IMiorojrmiJh nil -Sizes :.nd Priea. r.t)t s from a lUisf Xovel to Webcr'3 Ui::tbriJsed ; Geats Jewelry and Cutlery ; Writing I.rs uCali wn : Stark Twoia' Scrap BKhs : Bible. Prayer Doofcs nndllyiiinab, AJif tbe Key to HeaToa. Opera an Marine Glades ; Dnt5litt Instrument-; froai 40 ctmts to 5C0 CO a set l'-'ank Bo it?, And 'Tery tliinj: yon could want in mr line. Rxnuii- our jroods add prices before join el'.-ewltrr-. .. ! STKVKNS JL(fo. City Hook Store. gtt&zg r.-.- -A.3 i"s;i'gi --"-----y r rl. -5it.- - 'CVti l f I ? TT 1 I gj f ben P. Parkar, Master. '-''Vi-A ForTONTSTG, FREIGHT orCHAK TER apply to the Captain, or to ir. B. PARKER. HE NEW MODEL JBIIliWl A rtJI.Ii 'STOCK AiWATS ON HAND. 3E3. 3E5.- TT A yTjES, Two doors east of Occident Hotel, ASTORIA, OREGON. tfassi aa (SUCCESSOR TO JACKINS & MONTGOMERY.) -rM& iTTrr jzTitiu'if' PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended io Promptly en Reasonable Terms. ClIi:AJIL'S STICEJIT, Xcxt to C ! Parker's Store. ASTORIA, - - OREGON. CHAS. HEILBORN, .MANUPACTUKEli OT FTTRNITTTRB 3s BEDDING AND DEALEP. IN Carpets, Oil Cloth. Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINPOTV CORNICES AND CURTAIN TOLES Complete In every brauch. MARTIN DEAJLER IN FURNITURE 55 BEDDIN G Corner 31aln and Squeiuoqua Streets. Astoria, Orcson. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMIKCS; WALL PAPER ETC. A Complete Stuck. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. ATA KIIVDS OF F5JRITU15E EErAIRKD AK1 VARNISHED. A. . All alien, (StfeCRSioU TO PAOS & ALLEN.) WboliHlc atitt rsaJl tlejUr !a Provl$hB8, Glass and Plated Ware,' TROPICAL AHD DOMESTIC ! FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.! Together with Wines, Liquors Jobacco.Cigars j Stephana Varieties GRAND OPENING. A IIVEIiX CXTEJKTAIX3IEXT- H&to a new bowline alley, tbe largest and bt la torn. AdmlttuM kh. Mew i'sods! f! STEADIER' - ; RANGE CAX BE IIAI) IN AS TORIA ONLY OF a S. BAWES, AGENT ,OALL AND EXAMINE IT. YOU VILL BE TLEASED. E. R. HA.WES Is also agent for the M patent CooMnj Stoye And other flrst-class stoves. Furcaco TVorlr, Steam Pit tinSs. etc., n spooialtr- -tera5. rejrtSiim,rjtm JW 9 DEALER 1 Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magoc Stoves and Eanges The Best In the market. Plumbing goods of all kinds on band. Jot work done lu a. workmanlike manner. OLSEN BITTERS I F1 Vilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb &Co.f Agents, Aston. -? i fzjftt rUStjf iii i - ' '. i iih :gmBoai J J i Proposals. T3ID3 FOR THK HAULING OF THE iJLJ Toint Adams Packlnrj company for the enduing season will bo received at the office of ihe company, at upper Astoria, until Sat- urday, Feb. 17th, at two o'clock p. ic. " K W. H. WOOD, S'r Xstrfa, Cr., Pels. ith, list. d lwi: m