r: m m 'Cxi- lia.. siarian- ! AJ1URA, KK(ON: - J mii!Monr Bozorth, yesterday morning THritSPAT FBBBUAKY 8. l ' t answer to thu charge of "cruelty" T"," :T '" ".". ( preferred against him by oue of the lv iw Jcfcct x private sctteel js . y- . , .. . .. , jaatiors. Upon hearing the testimony " J r.ddnoed in support tho case rrns dta- ThnOmu ia YMiiitia; the Ivatr ! mis-t-d. It wa then suieinpted to ar '. Aim KKmoc. i have a eoHijrtaint made out against -Mrs. IWtfta Vkeleh was bitrMstt the a""- Tho cruelty thai he was ucr Sew k TueWay. guilty of cnisiatod in ordering one of the tailors to clean up some paint that -Tk Siraiirick Rt to rayijkohaflsi,;ne(l on the deck- Tjptm harW tis niorranj to buoy the being ordered agamhe refused, on the e' " ground that it was time for dinner. The death of Joaquin Miller's father is reported as occurring at Knsenc Oity, last Friday. -Prof. Cook of Portland, propose to start a singing school here if he can get sufficient encouragement. Thare will be a mooting of the stockholders of the Colurabm Gunning I rapany next Saturday afternoon. -Dr. J. A. Fulton, late of Mon tana, lias arrived and is aeaoctated with his Itrothur, Dr. A. L. Follow, tu practice. -luHUeptippy is persisting to play wbtot. oithor in utter iomuce of its kner jK-iaetple? or ia defiance of them, or hoik. -The official atatomeei (f the shipment of canned salmon from Yict-nio fr 1SS1! places the attiount at 2J9.GO0 oases, valued at $L,25U,000- M. W. Gallic: was resting as com fortably fot evening as it ie poswblu for one with a broken leg to 1 t. Ho u in good hands and will Ik; all right eventually. -The first two-tlullar-etKl-s-half gold pi toe we get &hall be given to some oac to locate a wot!. This thing of p&zkirtg water U getting monotonous. The sockhoWere of the 0. F. L. X B. association mil meet at the hall of Beaver Lodge tliis evening, imme diately after the conclusion of tlte business of the lodge. Yesterday, according to Chinese calendars, was tho first day of the rear 4159, and in consequence, the Mongolian residents are having wliatVe to be of any aagistance. A large is sometimes known tic." as "a way-up The American ship Samuel Watts, well known on this coast, has bcon jold for $.52,500. She will sit under the English flai;. Tlie Samuel Watts visited Columbia river about six years ago and carried a large cargo to Europe. Orcpmniu The county court yesterday ap pointed the following rond supervis supervis ors: Fred. Beurmau, No. 4.: 0. B. W:rt,Ao. 7; J. G. Nurnborg, No. 19; C S. Carruthcrs, Smith's Point, and, S. D. Adair, No. 1. After auditing bills presented, tho court adjourned. Tho genial caloric influence desid erated by the prevailing frigidity, but so inSnitcstmaliy automatic in the oub leratcd circumambieuce, and tho cor poreal gulidity and horripilation su pennduced by the niveous atmosphere is no longer provocative of the men txd mcalescence evolved by natural disappmval. A contract has neen lot to Holt Bros, for putting in a foundation for a brick building, to bo built on the vacant lot directly opposite and north of the city hall, belonging to Sirs. E Kinney of Salem. Tho building will be 50x70 and two stories in height. It is oxpeoted that the structure will be ready for occupants by August 1st. Communication with up river points was established yesterday noon by the arrival of the ocoan steamer Columbia; the Mountain Queen got down in good shape at four o'clock; all day the ice ran thick in the river, the current setting iu toward tlie shore, and drifting it in gr-al cakos. grinding and crushing along the dock?. The wanner temporal me of last ovon icg indicates that the cold snap is about over; it will bo a relief to feel the moist air from the Paci&c once more. Last Tuoeduy evoning D. D. Caswell, D. G. V. C. T., installed the following officers of Astona Lodge No, 40, L 0. G. T., for the term ending April 30, 1S33: J. G. Charters. W. C. T.; Mrs. Chart ors, V. V. T.; T. R. Ooon, Y. Secj'.; Scott Bozortb, W. F. S.; Miss Carrie Field, Y. Tress.; A. McBetb- M.; Miss C&ra Barrows, W. C; Mi&s Vaughn, W. L G.; D. H. Caswell, W. 0. G.; Mrs. Coon, W. R. E,; Miss McClan nahan. W. L. S.; Mr. Brower, W. H. SocV.; and T. Truiiingcr, W. D. M. Boston Baked Beans at --Jeff"." Va riety CJJop House ever night. For a good shave or hair cut, go to Jee Charter at jEVkter's. Coos Dismissed. ; Tko mate of lho Young America J appeared before Deputy U. S. Com- It would seem to be a "put up job' to occasion that vessel expense jxnd annoyancr. In answer to one whining individual Oapt. Baker asked him if it was not a fact that when ho was sick lie took him into his own cabin, sat up with him and nursed him. Tire man twitched his hat nervously and admitted it. Another .who had a piece of beef Killed up iu his pocket aaid he "didn't et enough to eat," and that he had brought that as a sample of what ws given him. The appearance of the complainant, a great fat sturdy ft-llnw, and the aturc of the evidence were deemed sufficient answer to his charge. There is no doubt that in .wine ca&es prcvwnsly reported there was evidence of cruelty, but in ths case of the Young America it in plain on tho face of it that there was :o cruise for action. Ainiost a Disaster, yesterday afternoon the Canny was brought around west of Gray's dock to have her bow sheathed, and as her stern extended outside the dock the ice Healing down piled up; about 6 o'clock it was found that a hole was skive iu fom'd of the propeller, and slie began tilling. A block was rigged and she was rove up as fast as pos sible. No. Va engine was brought dowu but it Mas impossible to get suction, and the wood piles were pulled out of tho way to let tho engine down on the slip. By half past nine there had been several barrel placed in her hold, and this served to keep her afloat. Both engines were there but owing to the situation of the vessel it was impo.ssi- crowd hsu gathered -and every one worked with a will. By eleven o'clock she waa considered to be out of danger of sinking. It took hard work ajul plenty of it to save her. Iiist of Letters Remaining uncalled for in the Post office at Astoria, Oregon, February 7th, 1SS3. Bishop, Geo B .Tobephsson, C U Curvie, .v.r G A Jones. .Morgan Cloiigh; John Laidct, Armand (Miambei lain, Jerimie Chambeilain. Jim 2 Lindmnn, Chas A Davis, E. E. ilcCxrron. John Dndds, Win A Meek, Judson I- unl'. (1 II J-vuMSon. Michael Harrison, Charles Tilton. Martin Hummer's John riiiht, X E A llendriekson, Jaako Walsh, J. S. M Persons calling for these letters must give tho date they aro advertised. W. Ckancb. P. M. Tho captain of the Young America reports speaking the Howaid De Troop for Sui Francisco on Oct. ISth, in hit. 8 dcir. 2 mm, long. 32 (leg. 38 mm. W. Ou Nov. 5th he spoke the German bin k Murker in hit 40 deg. 2 j min., long. 51 deg. 10 min. W. Dec. 13t.li, supplied with water brig Packet, or Lima, in lat. 32 deg. 50 mm, long. 90 deg. W. I'lcU'cit PijrV IVet and Killinrds! Anyone wishing )ickled pigs' feet, or lre.su Mioal water Jajr osurs m anj Ntvle should call at the Tcinpfrance Uiliard P.nJoi-, next to (Jeo. W. Hume's .store. Fruislc Fnilrej y.tcr and. Cliop EIounc Tlioewishlmranicenlatcof Eastern or Slioalwater bay oysteis cooked in anj style, or an eafly b'leakfat before goimr aliuard the boa't, sliould call and see him. Fiesh Eastern and bhoalwater bay ojsters received by every steamer. ISIosriltly Tif!icl for Sittings Parties wishing to prooure mnnthl) tickets for skating shou'd get them at the office at the rink, and at the first of the month, as all monthly tickets expire at the end of every month.- A monthly ticket entitles the holder to skating tin ee evenings and one daj in each week, unless the rink is occupied bv some other amusement on the regu lar skating day or evening. Gent's ticket, S4.50; ladies S1.50. Time and Expense Saved. Hard workers are snbject to bilious attacks which may end in dangerous illness. Parker's Ginger Tonic keeps the kidneys and liver active, and by preventing the attack saves sickness, time and expense. Detroit Press. Ii You Don't Believe It, just try it Ton can get the best cup of coffee in town, at Temperance Billiard Pallor. Is'ext to Geo. V. Hume's store. Wood. Parties wishing wood should order two or three dajs in advance, of J. 11. D. Gbat. M Jeff of the Variety Chop House h?s the Una best cooks and two best wfcltsrsin ivn. The Stars in February. Tho cJoudlew nights and starry skies of tho past ten days havo given unusual opportunity to note tho movements or our celestial neigh bors. First on tho list comes Vcnns, one of tho morning star, not only becauso eho crowns "the smiling morn with her bright circlf-i," but also for the incidents sho contributes to diversify the" planetary history of tho month. On the 16th, at 2 o'clock in 'the morning, she reaches the greatest western elongation. She is il j r r i! men 4. oeg. as ra. west o me buu, j and, bound to him by an invisible : chain, can so no farther. The inner j or inferior planets move iu this way, oscillating in straight lines east and west of the sun. It is easy to keup the run of these movements, especially j m the case of Venus. Those who ' were eye-witnesses of the transit have i a tangible standpoint from which to commence observation, and can readily J follow tho planet's path until in Sep tember she reaches superior conjunc tion with the sun, and is hidden from view in his radiant beams. Half of her synodic period is completed, as well as her role of morning star. She then passus to the sun's eastern stdo J becomes evening star, and rcpeaA the same phasu3 in reversed order until she again reaches inferior conjunction. Her whole course is then completed, that is, as sho appears to move when viewed from tho earth, and she begins over again her unswerving routine a mem: the stars.. Thus, on the Cth of December, Venus passed between the earth and the sun, the passage being witnessed by millions of ob servers. Sinco that time, she has been moving westward from the sun, rising earlier every morninir, passing her period of great brilliancy, and turning, like the now moon, more of her illumined faco toward the earth. She will appear in gibbous form until superior conjunction, when her whole disk is illumined like the full moon. She would then bo a glorious object in our sky, but she dwindles to small proportions on account of her great distance. For sho is then one hun dred and sixty million miles away, instead of twenty-fivo million miles away, her least distance. Sho now rises about ten minutes past four in the morning. Mara is also a morning star and gets up a small incident to onliven his mo notonous way. He is in conjunction with swift footed Mercury on the 13th, at C o'clock in tho morning, being 4 deg. 23 min. south. The conjunc tion ranks among invisible phenomena, both planets being too near the sun to be seen. But none tho less sorely does it take place, for in the risings and settings, the meetings and part ings of tho planets, thero is no change, no shadoxv of a turning from the ac curate calculations that astronomers are able to mako for years ahead. Ho comes gleaming over tho hill at 0:15. Jupiter is evening star, and ranks facile princess among the three thou sand stars that arc visible at one time on exceptionally clear nights to ob servers blessed with good eyes, well trained to note the stars. Nothing on starry pages now open before us is more beautiful than the view he pre sents through nearly tho entire night, as he leads tho glittering host of twink ling mysteries from east to Yrest in tho grand procession of the azure vault of the sky. He was brighter at perihelion in 1880, biit he never was more beautiful, and never trod the heavens with more regal step than at the present time. Saturn is another evening star, and, though still a lovely object in the heavens, glowing with soft, serene light, is perceptibly decreasing in size and luster as he travels from the earth aud approaches the sun. This is not strange, for at six o'clock this morn itig he arrives at quadrature, being just half way on his course froin op position to conjunction. He is now 90 deg. from the sun, rising about noon, aud setting about midnight. His motion during tho month is di rect, and he is traveling northward. Saturn can easily be distinguished, being tho n2aro?t brijht star to the Pleiades. For weal: lungs, spitting of blood, weak stomach, night-sweats, nnd the early stages of Consumption, "Goh'on Medical Discovery is specific. By druggists. For SOZODOXT all ladies cry. And gentlemen, or high or low. For nothing else that they can buy, "Will give the mouth its freshest glow Will Jieep the teeth so sound and white, And make the breath a sweet delight. Shipper & Rybke. No. 11, Oak street Portland, are the bon ton tallow of thu metropolis. You can keep your hair nbnndant and glossy, and retain its youthful color, with Parker's Hair Balsam. Avery complete assortment of blank books, all sizes, stylo and pricw at the City Hat sHra. I'rehli Candy. Mado every day at John V. Classon'sj Astoria Candy Factors-. Creams, clioco- late, French candy, taffy, etc. Valentines 1 1 Tirl iHlftrV fnmit c! iTn.tnl " every size, style and price. A fine stock t from which to choose. ' ' JiiHt KeceitcO. Another Jaree inoice of Crockery and Glass wans Table castors, plain and ' trialM; also well selected Mock of Table cutlery. The attention of pur-) MTht - i - J if and Glass ware which is far alicud of : anything ever brought to this cit j. ' Remember the place. ' A. M. JCHXSOV & CO. Information "Wanted of the whereabouts of EddieScotr, (about 7 vears of age; who was taken trom tlie Good Samaritan Hopitel at Portland on or about the 12th of August, 1SSI. Address Gko. W. Belt, lndejwndenee. Or. nitron Oxide fins. Painless extraction of tifth at Or.! LaForce's dental rooms over 1. '. I Case's store. ! j ivle! j J j Oysters! Oyster !! At Frank Fabre'.s; iu cvtty Fresh from the beds every da'. Soiling :it Cos,!. Mrs. A. Malcom is closing out llr I stock of winter millinery and woolen goods at cost. Ari You Expi-d To malarial influenceal Then pr.tect j your system by using Parkur's Ginger! Tonic. It strengthens tho kidney;, and livcr to throw off malarial poLon3, i and is good for genoKil debility and nervous exhaustion. The "Latest Styleu. Among the lalesttj les may be noted the very prevalent one of taking Syrup of Figs instead of castor oil, pilK Mils, and the other bitter and nauseous remedies- of former times. It is a very de cided improvement, as anyone may leant bv getting a bottle from our drug gist, W". E. Dement. Hodge Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents, Portland Oregon. 31 oilier ! mothcra!! Jlotlieist! 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of vour rest by a sick child suffering and crying with t.'ic excruciating pain of cuttini: teeth ? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow a Soothing ' Syrup, it will relieve the poor li:tl( stif- terer immeuiateiy uepenu noon ii; there is no mistake about it. 'there is not a mother on earth who ha.s ever used it, who will not LcJI ou at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to tlie child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all eases, and pleasant to the taste, and Is the pre scription of one ot the oldest and mt female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. The Rev. Geo. H. Tiiayer. or Bour bon, Ind savs:4Both myself aud wife owe ouJ ives'to Su t r.on's Coxsum i'tion Ccke. Sold by Vi. E. Dement. 1. J. Goodman, on Chenamua street, has just received the latest and most fashionable style of gents and ladies, loots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for the famous Morrow Mines. AH the patent medicine advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Cerftunery. and toilet article, etc can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drutr store, opixisite Ociden betel, Astoria. For the genuine J. II. Cutter oid Bourbon, and the best ot wines, liquors and San Franei.sco beer, call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and Te Cnmji- The Peruvian symp lias cured thou sands who were suffering from dpep sia, debility, licr complaint, boih. hu mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph lets free to any address. Scth W.Fowl itSon1" Bo-ton. Siiilou's CntK will immediately relieve Croup, whooping efugh and Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement. Are you made miserable by Indi gestion, ConMipation, Dizziness. Lo-s of appetite, Yellow fekinV Shiloh's Vital izer is a positive cure. For sale by W. E. Dement. Why will you cougn when Sluloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price lOctsSOctsandSl. Sold by W. E. De ment. Not a drink, not sold in bar-Tooins', but a reliable non-alcoholic tonic medicine, useful at all times, and iu all seasons, is Brown's Iron Bitters. Avcrill's mixed paints, the best in use, for sale at J. W. Conn,s drug story, opposite Occident Hotel. -A Xasal Injector tree with earJi bottle of Shiloli'.s Catarrh. Remedy. Price CO cenL Sold by , E. Dement. Sheet music in all the latest varieties just received at Gustav Hansen's. Sonat as, operas, waltzes and all the popular music of the day in stock. J f you want music for the piano, organ. 4jolin, flute, etc., you will find what jTm want at Hansen's. , llave vou tried a stew or pan 10.1st as Frank Fabre cooks it? Order one and you'll thank u for the advice. riiysicians prescriptions carefully compounded day or night at .1. . Conn's drus store, opposite Oreident Hotel. Wanted. 3 furnished or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping in a pri vate house to be ocupieu March 15li. Address W. E. TM astokiax oflice. The ven fincat chocolate cn-atns at the Pioneer factory, oppoite the Hell Tower. Oerkwitz Ls the boy that makes them. Uallo ! Where are you goins ? Y hy to Frank Fabre's for a pan roast. Fine organs and pianos at Citstav Hansen's. Call and examine. Shoal water bay eysters: fresh every day, at Frank Fabre's. Cold boiled ham, brown bread and Boston baked beans at uJeffy Variety Chop Houso every night, near Steven's big Show sign, red and i;reen light. (Open all aigh:.) Calambin River .Export. SHITSlEyTS FOUKlGIf. JANUART, 'e3. j 1 To Queaittoyai per TJ". II. StarbucK. rrom Tortlanrt -wi.coo bus wheat ?so,rno ! " Astoria. " 1JT. " ' . . 25.'3o Total cs.uc $ct,t S To QvtcHfimai per Jor Kinnatrd. Frofn 1'nrllnnd 7 I bb's flour. 33JJt5 f Tn Otwnjf' mi per Gtn. FairckUd. I'jfin 1-ortUiiMi M.1o b wlirst S IK .Vsionu 2JC " zv- Tolai- 7t..t Tn Qac-cjiJini per in?na. .S78,21 Fiom rortbnid !3iiS bb!s flour 3 TI.TT0 " .vsmrui " ' . 31 ": - r3oi bus v.taeatJL-, 5.721 Total $1(6,500 iiTo Liverpool jxr Pendrauon. From Purttand UX325 bbls flour a.oSTbuswheat....- " Astrta auso - - .. , loti; ; "TYT't '2-To if rtrpool jxr Ethdalc. From Tortland co 572 bus wheat " Astoria & " -.- .$53,405 3.1f0 J$G1.S00 0.1S6 S'J7Bfl Totals.. -W.W s 17. 2V QxeeKntovm pcrFvlila. From roit:aHii:i3.7p3bblsflour.. .S.77.t .. 3.K3 sion.i fj Itotal 11,513 $05,701 30 To Qutcmioicn per Prticilla. From Portland .W0 bus wheat $23.9 n Astwri: 17"17 " " &i Totals 45 $I9,C30 rnnituAitv. :; To Quenstfticn per Jit. lAv&ay ifTiC I lllllftllll .il.i UI3 11J.1.. .. J ,t .Vstoria f!3 M.GiO TMnls MSSu r-Ta VulAin jyer C!tu of Carlisle Trwis ronLtiid H.7tf7 bbls flour...... $53,115 Domestic Exports. Tln rccints of certain articles of Or- pgon piotluee from January 1st, 1SSJ. to January r.lst, inclusive, have been as follews: Flour, qr sk.s....... Wheat. rtl 0:tt, ell. . .s.ilrmin. hls......... M bbb cs.......... nkg i Apples. Klpe. bs...... ibiuer. pkss I'litatnus. sks........ WimiI bsi'o......... Hides No Tallow. tkj;- ltwf, bbl-t Hay. bales Fruir. Hrltil, pks leather, pk's.......... lop. bales............... Hams, pk,s w Cheese, cs m. Flax Seed. bk.. 12)37 34 57 6.7W 4 313 10 3.749 12ti 23) 400 j Loni.ctN 11 as "23 OS M DEALER IX shi s ..-. ..-. ..-- . prfmftpffttfFMirwf:-j? t mm H ill Js 5 S XOTIOXS &. TOYS, 3 Blankbooks, 3H- M SchoolbooksJo 0 E PIANOS and ORGANS P'g U g rirs;ileoneas installment plan ; 5 J t S also some for rcut. S Q S SHEET MUSIC d MUSICIAN'S P H SUPPLIES. S C ns : s rtl I KEEP n i 1 in" 1 cm ;vsomii"iii 111 mi" ciijr : Suj f4 f, n. fall stocK f een tliiifc kept in g"n T a llrst-cl.i ltok. Music, and va- Y. lietv stnn. ai.il my Prices will g R b( fotiiid in every instance jj, E REASONABLE. () g AT Til B s.I STAIVI, g 0 zztKtizizziiizziz.rit.isuzzziz.m S tk S .s,ors.Op,esoii. LEATHERS BROS, sso at ihhl3;:i:s, l'p Stairs Over Arndt 5c Pcichen'tt Shop. Ca 1 ami examine the work w are doing aiuiNte 1 ne vuhmi we are uaiug, oeiore maK iiipa trade cImjw here. FIRST-CLASS WORK A SPECIALTY FOR SALE ! r offer for sale my ranch near Skipa non iu this County; it consists of ISO ACRES, nighty Acres IniproTCd, with jrooil Im'IHiijt House; Two ElnriiSf Out Houses, etc.? A Fine Orclianl. Everithint: U well improved and in good condition. A large assortment of rurix:inp; Ixnpirtncnts. TIirr I'asscnKcr Coaclies. One Kiifcgj-, rin IIc:id lEoi-ses, Cattle, Hors, Etc. This atfords a rare chance for a man to gc" a goon home in the oldest settled section in the state. Terms favorable to one meaning busi ness. C.A.ailUISE. Attention Longshoremen. "VOUAItK HEltEBY XOTIPIED THAT jl tne regular mo. tiass sluill be liclu on the first Monday of earn m nth, at 7 km. You .-i govern youisrUra accordingly. Uy older 01 the President. A. .MALTilAN. d lin ltec. isec'y. Notice. OXTIIES0TIX INST.. Mn. JOHN HOB SON nftirf d from the linn or Badollet & Co. Tue business of tin? finii will be con ducted by tho purchaInK uartners under the same name and style as heretofore. C. LKINKN WEBER, IL BROWN. AJterls, Or., Juu 22ad, 1SS3, A SC4 'Plt'ni t' . T VTITltVl tT U NSnfefiPinliniilifflwsllRiiflt IS nui'i.i.uiiuuuuiiuituiJUiuii; sj HOTELS AND RESTAUKANTS. PAR.KEE HOUSE, Ji. B. PAItKKR, Prep.. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. ALL MODKP.K IMntOVEMEXTS. HOT AI"i5 COtD BATHS. ffooo Billiard Table. Wd First Claaa Sa loon stocked with Fine Liquors. earFREE COACH TO THE HOUSE.-S AS TOR HOUSE. TIIEO. BKOEMSEK.Preir, ASTORIA. - - - - OREGON. Hotel New & Newly Furnished ii:xcK3. From 1.00 to &S.OQ per day, ac cording to room. Best cf Wines, Liquors and Cig a AT THE BAR. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. CHEN'AMUS STREET, ASTORIA. THE UNDERSrONED T3 PLEASED TO announce to the public that he has op ened a FIKST CLASS 3E5gtt1ng House , And furnlslies In first-class style OYSTERS, HOT COFFEE TEA, ETC AT TUB Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, CHEXAMUS STREET. Please give me a call. ROSCOE'DIXON. Proprietor IT IS A FACT THAT Jeff's VARIETY CHOP HOUSE, on Concomly Street is the Best in Town. THAT Ile has Always on Hand FRESH Mionl Wafer Bay and East ern Oysters. THAT "JEFF" IS THE BOSS CATERER. THAT lie lias been Proprietor of Ike "Aurora Hotel" In Knappton aeveajean. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. SALOONS. GERMAM.A BEER HALL ANI UOTTLE BEEB DEPOT. CHR.Tl.irc3 STEKE7. AHTOBtA. The Jiest of Lager 5 Cts, a Glass Orders for tho Celeoratefl Columbia Brewery ZO'E'ESIE'L Left at this place will he promptly attcud ed to. 2No cheap San Frauctsco Reer Jtold at this placn WM. BOCK.Propriotor. ASTORIA Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. 21 Tlie best of Liquors and Clears on hand. A doservedly popular place of social resort. GEO. HILLER. The Olympic Saloon, Opposite the Parker llouso. THE FINEST BRANDS OF LIQUORS and CIGARS Kept constantly on hand. No pains will be spared to sir iny custo mers satisfaction. J3"Glve us a call. K. W. SEHLIX. Steuhaiis Varieties GRAND OPENING. . V LIYEIT EXTEIITAIX21KXT llave a nevr bowling alley, tho bugftst and het in town. Admittance free. Dressniakin o Plain and Fancy Sewing, Suits made in the test Style amd Guaranteed to Pit Mrs. T. S. JezveU. KOOMS OVER URB. E. 5. WAKUESfS.! W. E. DEMENT & CO. OETlJGGrXSXS. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON, Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANGY ARTICLES. PratripUna awfally Cmp&4e4, C. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Stock Takin TIHIE ths XiK&Bisra Dry Goods Clothing House OF ASTOBJL. Previous to our annual inventory of stock on Feb. ist, we will make a large reduction in all departments. Fine Dress Goods Pise Silks md Saiins Khb Plushes ail Velvets REDUCED. P P Cloaks, Dolmans, Ulsters, CiOTAlars- Blankets, Comforters, Fine Table Xiinen, GENTLEMEN'S Overcoats and Ulsters Reduced! Fine Dress Suits Reduced! UNDERWEAR, TIES, CLOVES, ETC., REKiSED. IT2 " IS El jM. LX m -S.SBI1B 'Jil-J ' - B KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Announcement Extraordinary! fine Furniture, Carpets, Mirrors, Uphols tery, Wall Pockets, Brackets. HE, AFino Stools. ojE F,-o.3?-fQ.ito.r,o j&JX LO"W EE3LXOHi. Btsks, Ottomans, Sofasg G&zmber Suits, Ladies are invited to call and see latest styles in Plush and Velvet. Beautiful Embroidered goods. HE. W, Gallicfe's M D. A. Mel THE New stock of CASSI3JTEBES, TWKF.DS, Etc., of ilic KEVJEST rA'A'A'KAsr. B M W M I Special attention is directed to the latest shapes in soft and stiff Hats. Nobby Young Men's Hats. Gent's Furnishing Goods I A full line of Men's Underwear. A fine assortment of Neck wear, Hoslerv, Dress Shirts, Gloves, etc., etc. CXiOTmSffG. Men's and Boy'a Dress Suits, Buslnea-i Suits and Overcoat ; OCCIPEKT BLOCK, - A&TOISSA, OEJIGOjJ. Seduced REDUCED. Flannels, Bed Spreads, DEPARTMENT ! White and Colored Shirts Reduced ! Business Suits Reduced! --. . K-OWW 0( TPP MS. 1S. - ZEUr- WSi SJ1U1 i J! BUILDING, ASTORIA. 13 LEADING Foreign and American NTBM, .ssr-l M m . i