on .Sto Anil's QsXavinn ASTOKIA. OREGON: FUNDAY FEBKUAKY 4, lw3. A Hun tor's During Exploit. j G'r;i Ou liu'alt. u imfFilo !iirtcr on i hi Poiftijniie, nut lonir :i-.i lnnl lunof hi lior- stolen fiKiu In !) !t ii'ilian.-. s:is the Yellowstone -Journal. Georcel I discovered his io, and, taking the) trail, foUovve.t tiiin ojj. ami iu aj few duys crne uu with the band of Indians : they v.ere going into camp. Carefully concealing him self behind a hutte, lie watched the Indians unvuddle their horses and turn thorn loose to graze, among which he saw the two horses winch had a few days ago been stolen from htm. Patiently he waited until night came on, and, as the Indians feared no pursuit at so distant a Ctay, they all rolled themselves up in their blankets around the firo and went to sleep. This, was the moment our brave hunter was waiting for, and, stealthily stealing from his hiding place, he glided steadily down a coulee to nmr where the band of horses were feeding. At last he reached his horses, and quickly lariating them, he singled out five more of the best horses in the herd and drove them out on the prairie and thence to his camp. In the morning, when the Indians awoke from their j-lumbers, they were surprised to find that the stolen horses, which they had turned out in the herd the nijrht before, were missing, and al-o five more of the best ponies had ac-j companied them. George soon) reached his camp, and is now ihe! happy pospcssor of five more head of horses than before the raid by the Indians. After 3ou liavc nibbed with most pverylhing and dosed with tho bnhince for rheumatism, give St. Jacobs Oil a. trial and surprise yourself. COMMERGEANO TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA. REAM FOR SEA. rnscilla, Ger M. Qucentonn lanS4 .lis. l.irof,uy. Itrt-b. Qucenstown Feb. 2 Wilna, Am p Queens tcn Jan i) S 11 LED General R-ircloW. Ain ji Queonstonu Ffh ri:sii.i.s ix the pj veil LIzzio Hell. Ur bl Klsinnr" Lutterworth, lit bk Trereljaii, Urfp Helicon Amep Hishlatid l.icht. Am. sp llenrj villard. Ara up ''orMoa, Aintb (tty of Cnrlule. lit Ijk Ik-rwick Law. Ur Lk 121 Cepitiiii. An bh . ;aluu a. Ur bk .Icanie Laiiillos. l!r bV haranac. Am bk helcrie. Ur sh. ( 'ai-per, llr;bk LanarLfb:te. Ur ,. Marj lioyartb, Hr Wk VESSELS OA Tilt. !. ) Frin 1'orotsru I'ctrtM. for lb Columbia Kitcr llrato. llrtp. Adelaide. hojitSrtb UamocL. Cr bk Brisbane Xory l.ombardin, Ur 71S Liverpool DccC ltyovalo. Brs.l Lirerpaol Dec 2 UonfrewFbii. Br llrtrbane Xov ti Ubeck. 15r bk Scjiteniber li VaJo. Xor lk 470 Valpaa From Anii'i-It'aii Port. iJliPMiberousb. Am 4i, I'hiladlitliia. Oct J I. Harry MoriP. A:n ;?; Nov 3 J S Hultert Ai I'Mi K V Xv2 ipenal. Ala .p Y October S Indiina. Amep, I'lulidelrilni. rr9 ituajor, A ra up F'hitfc Oct 1 Titan. Am JK9 X V Dec 20 Wo.ern UelK Am j V.SS Y De2S Youds Amwict, Am sb J YS:timlerSt f 1DE TABLE POs" ASTORIA - -- - - - -- - - t uregon. propose lo eslabiisli the jraih I'rum taints oi Uv.itK ttU's co:wt Sunov J Cedar Mxeet at its western leriiiiuu-. rrr-.-vr-- - :.i2S feet above the base of Rnuk?. H.sh V.ator. 4 1hw Water. J Cv order of the Common Council. A.M. r. x. A. V. r. n. t I...W-.. C, 34 . 7 3:. 1S. 1 5! r 7 3S 9 Wi. 1 1C. W 3 as io mi ii ;: 57 v t ii i: t ; .-, u? fi - . 4 si . itr. ii 0 IS .tt SI! h 3 f, 51 7 1 (II o ITI r. 31 7 31 4 1 S . 1 10. 7 2S JS 07 ! 2 12 1 ai S l h 4 10 2 41 2 in 9 05 & J.". Comnion Council. Kesular aieetinjs second ar.d futirtb Tacs dr vvomuKh ol ouch month. t 7Vi o'clock -- i-ciud awinog i na e matter acteu i ui-iinby tbo Cout.ci), at any regular meeting! mum iirordRt, Ihfi feme to tho Auditor and Clerk on or bofort the ) ituayoi cuing prior! to the 'lHedHy ou wlii"fa the Council bold' it& ! rtvrular u.tptiDv I.t" XOHltlS. Auditor and Clork. Astoria L.odge Mo. 40. 1. O. G.T. !lc;rulnr Meeting evcrv Tucdav Etcninp nt 7 o'clock, at I'.uhinn Hall. AMvrin. Mm bers ojthu Order, in good Ftandint;. arc in it. d to attend. Degree meeting l?r Monday of acb month. Uy order W. C. T. Tompie IjOdgre. ivo 7 A. F. M. llopulnr Comiuunications fin-t iindV" .bird Tuej-dayf in each month, at 74 v o'clock, r. m.. at tho Hall iu Astoria. Members or the Order, in cood 5tnndin, are invited to attend. Hr orde: of the W. M. ' American Legion of Honor. l.CKular meeth.ire: Astoria Council Xo.lD3, Is hold on the r.t and tliird Satunlav of each mouth, nt 1 o'clock i m. By order of Council Commander It. V MO.STKITII. SCC'tV. fcniLOifs Cuku -will inimedialelv relieve Croup, whoopinu coush and Rrohciiitis. bold by W. E. Dement. aJM TRUE Temperance Is not signing a pledge or taking a solemn oath that cannot be kept, because of the non-removal of the caus liquor. Thewaytemak: a man temperate is to ki.i the desire for those dreadfi-. artificial stimulants that car ry so many bright intellects to premature graves, and desolation, strife and un happiness into so many families. Itisafact! Brown's I ao:t Bitters, a true non-alcoholic tonic, made in Baltimore. Md.,by the Brown Chemic-. Company, who are old drug gists and in every particu lar ratable, will, by rcmo -ing the craving appetite . . the drunkard, and by ctm the nervousness, wealcnc . and general ill health result ing from intemperance, do more to promote temperance, in the strictest sense thy. cny other means now know i. It is a well authenticated fact that many medicines, especially ' bitters,' arc noth ing but cheap whiskey vilely concocted for use in local option countries. Such is not die case with Brown's IronBitters. Itisamcdi cine, a cure for weakness and decay in the nervous muscular, and digestive or gans of the body, produc ing good, rich blood, health and strength. Try one bot tle. Price l,QQ. LOEB & CO., lonnF.us ix WINES, LIQUORS. AND CIGARS. ACKNTS FOi: THF. Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. J37-A11 goo'ls old at San FrancUco Prices. MAIX STREET, Opposite Parker TIousc. Astoria, Orecon. .i. h. d: gray. Wholesale and retail dealer in. ALL KIXDS OF FEED, jftay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on leitvisi able terms. Foot of Bertonstieet. As'orl.i Orejron. $500 Reward. Yo wlllnay thp abtivo reward fm a: csi1.' of Liver Complaint. l)jpepsla. JWek Ilemi aelie, indigestion. Constipation or (slij ness we cannot cure with West's Vest'iable Liver Pills, when the directions anstrktlv complied with. Tliev aie purelv Vegetable, and never f;iil to give s.itlsf:irti(it. Sts-rar coated. Iire boxes, cumainin vo PilK.S cents. Forsalebvalllruci:ists. llewarenf counterfeits and imitations. The genuine ! innnufactimd onl. bv.IouxC. "Whst A: Co. !-Tl:e Pill .Maker." Ifcl and 13 W. Madison tat., Chlcjiao. 1'iec trial package stnl l.y mall prepaid on receipt of a V E. Dement, anent. I a 3 cent Maim. f Street Grade Notice. NOTICE is lictobv pivoii that the Common Council of tfir City of Aloiia, P.C.X01!KI. :joiI Auditor and CleiK. . Meeting N'oiice. THE REGULAR AXXITALMEHTIXC. OF the Piotrrfv-sive Iind and Ituililni; a- iciHtionof Astoiiawill be hold in Liberty Hall on the tecond Satunlav in February, j 18S3,al7l.M. W. U'JIrK.WAX. . dtd Secretary. Aloria, Oiegon. Jan. 20. 1&53. AHUirn jrZ'irltcty. RHTAtL. UfTTEK Extra fancv To (S "a cenLi n mil. CHElSK.-lS3iOC. Duikd Fuurrs. Blackberries i'.c: Prune! Cala. ll15c: Peeled Fcaches 2.gS;e Suoak. Cubo, 11; crujhed, lie: fine crushed. He; extra iwwd. ltjc; dry cnin. 13$c; extra cran. 13'ic, G. C 12'4c Egg?. 4J cts doz. Oils. 2 00 Q2 2 j per cwt. FoTATons. SI 75vcrcwt FioUK. Superfine 50; Extra CG 00. Corn .Med TH cm S3 50: Buckwheat cwt 6 00. Fmcsrr ilFwiTS. Choico cuts. Lamb, joe; Beeri2Sl3: Pork 15; .Mutton 12ft14. By tho carcasR'lOc. Meats. Breakfast bacon lec per It; ides 15!ai7c; hams 15ja22c: fhouldors Hlc; amokdbeofl516Hc; corned beef S1012 S; corned pork 12cyc Laed. In tins and caddies IR20e r It-. Hoxkv. In frames 40c ; in class i0c. Mill Fkkd. Bran 823 00 t) ton; chop food $35; Shorts S25 003 ; Hay f2c3 S1 ton;middllBji Ho. Chop barlsr, $370 JHE Of rHt OLDEST AND MOST r.EUABU fiEJiEDIES IS THE WC'ID TC". THE CURE OF csol3SB!IBflffie al Hour Infhiensa, Asthma, Whooping Cough. Croup, and. Every affection of the FHROAT, LONGS AND GliEST.I including A WELL-KNOW! PHYSICW! WnTEC: " It Vs not ay ap a co-th, sad 1-mvc tbe c. o clsi, at i tiic esse wii'i ost prcparatioits, bu b-x-3 i:f cleanses the !aa acd aUsyv tTritMioa .at rsmoviag tbe cause of coiapliml." DO I.-OT i:n UEC!:iVJ2D W J-k!eai nz siawlar muo. lie sure you et DR. WISTAH'S BALSAM 0? WILD CHERRY, ith :Ic :saa:urc of " I EUTT? oi lic -- r TA) Cc-nU JUitl $!.00 n V.tttilr. Iirpaicd bj- SCT1I V. rOVLi: fc SOX., Z s. Ixa. ScW ' tlrcits sod 3ecrs patcrsH1 Children Koihora lilio Jind PLy&icIans raoomTnod it. IT 15 KOT NARCOTIC. L7iS2S13S ,'Tit'r'-irr?. CEXTAIJITi INOLBNTS; (lie "World's orrcat Pain-Ec-Iicving' remedies. TJiey Iical, :;ootlic and cure Stxrns, Wounds, Weak j3aelc and Khcuniaiisxn upon Iilau, and i c... r"t-c. n-,,1 Tn.nra rni'I T nmciesq ..ill j.iiL.,.L-ja ClZCap OUlClC ' ' .ji.tiiirsj ji.ino .ji.i. Aijiii.itoo -. jcpon Xicasts. and ICliaOlC. i I '?V-Vroa,' CaK.11. 'iJZtSvtU.'' V.-.? J.'.J-J ' ' r.1- . fa .V -;, VmVWti , SPUBTSofdis-mstiirrMuc. c rt c -?.i T5Z.. j t uuiac' Kcad, and any can To exiersiinatod Ly Wei Do ti on. TIio raorfc Iiaportcnt Bis covcry since Vaccination. IroojatsI'r Itussroiixt; Asfor Staled ii-.utsii1.s v ii! Ix rtwived at thooffifo f tin Anlii and CIcrK of the citv ot Astoria, until Momisir. J'cb.l .-th, ISA at J o'clock i. m.. for the im - prowint'itt oi Asior Mrcc t in .Mccinrc s Atoiia. from the W(t idf Lafajcltc! street to the cast ond of A-4-.r Mm. jn the manner proidHl bv 01 d i nance .no. 487. JJni. mi.st Mate Hie pnet tor mi net lor mi- izssp iioitu.li proving in front of each it Lach bid miK n!o if accom a stiuranice Memti two i-ihiii tax luaei.s lo the ehwt that il the con- trad be awarded to Mich bidd r, that be will, within AH iinurs alter notice of such award, enter into contract ibercfor I with food and tiflitieiii sureties tor the! faithfi'l iwrfMiinaiicj uT tin wnrlr. 'I'lu?! right to i eject any and ail bids is hereby! rc-ervcu. i. w. cams. Ii. CAItltUTuEIM. CLTHENCIIAKIX Cominiltec on Streets and Public Ways. Astoria. Oregon, .Isnnary 'i'llt, l;.'!. diot 500 IfeW18 J3S8I UISCASu. tr Itirliatrs Coldcii IiUatu o. 1 Cures Chaucer, lust and MH-i-nd t.nc . S rs 00 the Legs and I5o'y : MjMmIiIk f . nh, dtoesctl Scalp, and all prituarv fonts ii the diase. I'rtrc, ?."; OO per lUtitie Lf Ell'Iiau. Cittdoi iiliaii .. .' f .tn-s Teitlarj. 3Iercnrml, til.ihti lti: .1 u.' tiiin, laius in the I'mi-ic.. L herated TJ.nn. Syphilitic ltash. Lumps, tie., and cmdi-cau-s a.l discasesfrf ni liios,-.irin, whethei ca:Mii tiy l.ad treaiiticitt oralm-H 01 iu' r ciirj. leaving the 1;ohI pure and li :tltl. il-lrr. S5 iki t,rr It.iitlc. Lc Itlrii.iu-. c;ultlr spnnUIi Antidote mr uu- chic e: iioiorriHea, i.ieei. etc. i'rlcc, $i .-,( per !:o!:e. te x:!rl:ri (.olt:ti HpnuI1.I1 Injrrtloi!, aua.sh for cure f t.:ei t.-"trK-Uue. Dis ease or ll Un tbn and Hbulrti-r. etc, rice. 1 .0 prr ;::tlr. Ie I'IctianV i.otitcn c.uriurut ftir the effective healui'T of Svpiiiime rxire1 am. KniptioiLS. frlce, JI ot) prr Itotlle Also Akcius for i t:i;i:tuV r;iitrn I'liu. mr .t.mi.s, loss oi jmysiCMi iKiwer. ami all diseases i-i-iiiKfir.in abuse and eves'; or over-wpik. I'rlr.. $r. 00 per i:. S?nt everyulicre. (. O. 1., .soevreJv iarlcd 1M.T Express. C V. IllVAlAi'.DH &. CO.. Aleuts. 127 & 423 Sansome street, corner (lay. d-w-ly San Francisco. Cal. "Hackractack." a lastm: and fra- pranr pert urn e. l'nce'i- ana a) cents. Sold by W. E. Dement. ror- i-.St n n n -' iiuitii j-.ni.j iu buu j fc3v; 4r? vrBS: - xltar-JV3 M 5S ! , PcUd Eroatb, DcaTacss, i & 53 fc& M aS afiSS R M V KS' Gatarrlal Ccsialaint. i qarfiiHaaiiiTi 7 i IWr ' n'afffgaT.iillfa i fjv &: i -'v nr -z"xr- B fY UJ3 ftifi HEAUTH BANKING AHDJHSURAHCE. ; BROKERS BANKER ' AND ; INSURANCE AGEHP A-STOIUA. OKKKON ! OFFICE nerus: FROM 9 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 3 O'CLOCK P. M. I Ul).,; i OF. CALIFORNIA. J. K. HOL'OllTOX... ClIAS. ILSTOItV..... GhO. L. STOKY .....!Vcldellt sciTf tjtry Agent for (-cii 1 rt....if..l .mil ,it. (n IT . ...m.l? - --r1-;- .:" - cnenamus'street. Asotin, nrolw j qt anc nnr nflPitat i t)j i ,vvv,vvy " ....... . L1VERP00L AND LOTrON AND ' . NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN- TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HAKT FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Rct-rtacntinx a capital of SOT.OOO.OOO. A. VAN DUSF.N. Acent. 1 Ta WTTT?T7 $ S '?' Px'&& LJU& ie- XL:. . r JhljSk3 "??Sba. ' - - I'-rZ A . --?: - -&&. is r ' . I lv tlv.se luuaxcti itlit. toany ferr' ' fM Siiotr a.!., on ac- S&r fi.aSTacuul c" ' s'-P"0" CKanlwe and punty. It ccr.ti- tnaleruis I onVtli-tJreLenenaal i t j ' - s-aip and hsir ar.t'i ..; Rsstcrss the Yofthiul Ccicr to Zxj cr radct? Hair ' Purler's Hair PaL-aas is IncV t" ttKii and Is ' t.irran:ed : t r cient f "ias oft! "u- ar.d to rc- motedacdntifdi ditu.:?;. U.CvX i-Co . X.Y. FAMIOSH'S ' A Superlativa Health and Sirersth Restorer. If j-xiare a mechanic or f.rn.rr. wa oat with cii m!- era nvnhcr r:a d - n ' fj.n ' or liotue ' h 1 tluues try TACkEK's Gr l . 1 in". If you are a lauycr, wir.i:eT or business man ex , liauM d by mental strain oranxu care; do not talcs iiitjsisuingstiniulants.buttue Parker's Ginger Tocic . Ifvouhave CcnsiiaiplJon, Dypepsb, Kheunta. im, l:dncy Comnlainte, oranydBorikroftlic lungs, l ft -tnach. Lou els, blocd or nerves 1'ai.kek's Gikccs ToiCwidcureycu. ItistHe Greatest Blood Purifier ?R9 ws Et and Surest Socga Cure Ever Used. irvitaie waste.; away frotnrge, dijupaticn os yo.1 aiewastei; away from rge, ;.is.rjji or -- u,ca4c or weaknesj and require a stimubnt take ' : Tomc it ence: h will invigorate andbuild v o-i up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. Ji!.--.snedlitmd.'cds cf Ecs; it may sa youn. i C TTIO 'T!at sll rcbnlt-.tira;l.T' Gi3rTTB" j , t ' 'Id littrvtrct3ri,iiliiaiUlntLro'i.-i.j3ljty j , t, ,,TrJiaj1on,ofpo5rr.locc. SaitTe:lto 1 Jljf xiC ,A. Y. luc.t?liU, at t!.!tri la drej:. , caniTSATisaBCTBowrixinsaii PYSLr.vL.lZzri!d3rJ- lun i ad lasu'g fragrance Lis tnaie tins 7,04-COjC S"gV em ttt bntt. Anr r-r' t ','T Sn ?"-aoj i cin Mlr vra. !5SB4"cr .t I I Ml- VI . I'i. UVi TV-. fclZK. s5S5a iwfisa L .-'.? . CxSiCl:IwtKi3 Leinoirweber & Co., f. i.KiNr..vvrKKit, H. l:ltow. ESTAULI5HEO ISC ASTORIA, OREGON, ! mmm km cubbres, , . ManuHctiiren and Importers of . .j yrtv-ns OF i ' ' - - , - ..u.., - u-at i ,S 6- f. J. JSSjfciji Jut AliD FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. fcrni;hest cjish price iid lor Hides ami Tallow. HANSEN BHOS. 1U1YZ REMOVED! From iheir old quarters to their NEW SHOP And Factory near Kinney's Cannery AND -AFTER TOMENOHLY,Y0UNG0R0LD, WIIO aro suffcrlns from Xebvocs Dnin rrr. Ixjst VrrAurr. Lack or Xuste ToacE jlsd Vioob. V7ASTto-WEASxrssrs, and j.11 those diseases of a Vehsquxx. yATCREny rultlns from ATtrsra and Onrna Causes. Speedy relict and completo rvstoratlna ot ItrAiTn.Vioonand lLurrooD GrvRA5Trt. Tho grandest dlscOTcrrof tho JJInetccntli Century. Send at enco for Illtastratcd iaui phletfrcc. Afidreaa VOLTAIC BELT CO.. MARSHALL, KICK. K ; ueasaisss i 5H2C? I llYS'PIs $g&1um HOTELS ASV P.ESTAUKANTf. PARKER HOUSE. II. II. PAItKKK. :voi.. ASTORIA, OREGON FIRST CLASS HOTEL.! i ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. HOT A.l COI.I BATHS. I Good Billiard Table, and First Class Sa- i loon stocked with Fir.h Liquors, j - FREC COACH TO HIE HOUSED ; . m i Al5 V). rlUUoJil. TSIKO. KOi:33SEtt. Pro'r. j ASTORIA, .... OKEGON.; Hotel New & Newly Furnished IM.ICKS. pIom!-.oo to ftii.OO per day, ae- lrdliis to room. ficst of Wines, Liouors and Ciq a ' -ulu- 'u 'U .yr THE BAR. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. fsJ CIIKXAJIUS STREET, ASTORIA. rilHE rXDERSIGXEO IS PLEASED TO JL nnnonncc to the public that he lias op ened a FIRST CIjASS S34,ti33.S BEOUSO , I And fnnuslics in first-class style I OYSTERS. HOT COFFF.F. TILA. I T TUK P.10 i Ladies and Gent'S OySter SalOOn, CHEXAMFS STREET. Flea."e:ive me a call. ROSCOEIDIXOX. Proprietor IT IS A FACT THAT Jeffs VARIETY CHOP HOUSE, on Concomiy Street is ihe Best in Town. TIIAT ITc Iins Always on Hand FRESH Shoal AVatcr Kay and Ejisi ern Oysters. THAT "JEFF" IS THE BOSS CATERER. TILVT lie Iia been Proprietor or the "Aurora Hotel" in liimnpton seven j car. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. i - SALOONS. GEiniAXIA BEER nALL -ASD- BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. CHKMtUCS Strelt. Astobia. The Bent of Lager o Cis. a Glass Orders for the CeleWeJ ColoiMa Brewery ir-z. w. -. c Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. fSXo cheap Sua Francisco Beer sold at this place W1I. BOCK. Proprietor. Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch eery Day from 10 to 12 A. SI The ber of liquors and Cigars on hand. A deservedly popular place of social resort. GEO. IHLLEIL The Olympic Saloon, Opposite the Tarker House. THE FINEST BRANDS OF LIQU0ES and CIGAES Kept constantly on hand. Xo pains ill be spared to give my custo mers satisfaction. S3yGive us a call. E. W. SEIILTX, FOB SALE ! I offer for sale my ranch near Skipa- non iu this County; it consisLs of 60 ACRES. I I Eijltty Acres iniiirovcti, trith good lvclliii IXouse; , Tiro Barn., Ottt Houses, etc.: A 1'ino Orclinrcl. Everything is well improved and in ! good condition. A largo assortment of ' Farming Implements, Three la.ssengcr Coacliev. One Kiif-gy, Tfiixc Head IIorser t Cattle, Hogs, Etc. , This affords a rare chance for a man to ger n. goou.nome in the oldest settled section in me state. Terms favorable to one meaning bust ues. C. A. MAGUIRE. A lasal Injector free Avith each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh. Eemedy. Price 50 cent Sold by TV, E. Dement. SHIPPING NOTICES. Columbia Transportation Co. FOR PORTLAND. (FAST TIME.) ; The popular steamer i 23? Fleetwood, fesreae-i j Which ha born rpfitled for the comfort of I passenger-w ill lca e Wilon and , FKlwrN deck every ! Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Foitland at 1 P. hi. burning Ieav FonUnd every w Q ArrimnautAatorIaat1P.lt. An-n-ditionaltrlr,wiubemndeou Sunday of Each Yeek, .,... . Leavlns Portland at O o'clock Sunday 2Iorninff. Passengers by thU route conupct at Kalama for Sound ports. U.B. SCOTT, President. Astoria and Portland. KbStr. WESTPORT, F.D.TURNER. - - MASTER AV1I1 iiiak winilar trips to Portland and Astoria, leaving RurncIFs dock, foot of Mor rison .street, Portland. at C A.M.Saturdays. And will leave VlIson & Fisher's ock, Astoria, at c a. at. Thursdays. CSFreisht carrietl at reasonable rates. New Vessel. ft T Y XEW STEA3I YACHT EELIC, Is now readv for business, and can be en caged by the day. Job or season. Orders may he'made bv letter or personal appilratlou to me. LhWlS (. II A A VEX, Upper Astoria. 1110 MARKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constautly on nand. such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, TAUGS. BETTER, CHEESE. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. fish. rouiraiY awi game In the season. C5GAIIS AJf TORACCO. Best of 11VES AMI X.HIUOIES. All cheap for CASn. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite I. "V. Case's store. J. KODGEP.S. ASTORIA MAEKET D. K. WAEREN, COK. CHEXAMTJS AXD HAMILTON STS. ASTOIUA. - - OREGON. Dealer In FRESH AND CURED MEATS, Vegetables, Butter, Eggs. And a full lino of CHOICE FAMILY GEOCEBES Constantly on hand. SHIPS SUPPLIED AT LOWEST KATES. Washington Market, Main Street, - - Astoria Oregon BERGMAN & BEJiltY RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN. tion of the public to the fact that the above Market rriil always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Yhich will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention piven to aupplj ne shirs. Piles! Piles! Pilesi A Sure Cure Found, at Z.aat I ISo One 3fccd Sutler! A sure Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulceratcu Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams, (an Indian ltemedy), called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box ha, cured the worst chrome cases of 25 or 20 years standing. No one need suffer live minutes after applying tins wonderful soethius: medicine. Lotions, instruments and electuaries do more narm than good. Wil liam's Ointment absotbs the tumors, allays the intense itehing; (particularly at night af te getting warm hi bed)t acts as a poultice, eives instant relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itching of the private parts, and for nothing else. head what the Hon. J. M. Coftlnburry of Cleveland, says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment : I bae used scores of Pile Cure, and it affords me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gave such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's Indian Ointment. For sale by all druggists or mailed 011 re ceipt of price. SI 00. IIKXRV A; CO.. Prop'H. Cleveland, O. Hodge. Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents, Portland, Oregon. JVotice or Application to 1'urchase Timber L.snd. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W.T., January 9th, 1ES3. Notice is hereby given that in compliance witli the provisions of the act of Congress, approved June 3. 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of Timber 1-ands in the States of in this oftiro his application to purchase the S Ji or N EK ana X J of S E H of Sec. 31. T. to. N of It 3W, of tho Willamette Meridian. Testimony iu the above case wall be taken before the Clerk or the District Court at O sterville, Wash, Ten, on Saturday March 21th. 1S33. Any aud all persons having adverse claims 10 tne auove uescriueti lands or any portto 1 thereot are hereby required to file their claims In this office within sixty (CO) days- trom aaiv u ere 01, om dal wf4ft FREB. W. SPARLING. i&tv.i TRASSPOItTATTOX LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C3IZAXY. OCEA.V U1VI8IOK. Steamer, sail from Portland for San Fran, cico tTvlt ii weel, ou Tuesdays and Fridays, at midnight. Returning, l-ave San Francisco for Astoria and Portland Wednesdays and Saturdays at 10 A.M. Thronirh. Tickets sold to all principal cities iti tho United States. Canada and Europe. River and Rail Division. " and Afterjjov. 20, 1882. HAU DMSI gj p p' ndays ecpted KIVEK DITISIO.V (Middle Colnmbla(. Roats leave Portland for nallq nt r -oo A. M. Leave Port-1 I i land for MonlTu. We. Thu. Frl.lSat. Astoria andl I lower Co-I I lnmbia....lRA51 SAM RAM 6AM SAM 6AM Dajton. Or.j7 Allj 7AM 7AM &;;::! am sam Victona.BC!AM SAM J AM Loaves Astoria far Portland iU m 1.iltr cept Sunday. i PS,,,SS P5,,l.ce Cars mnninR betweoa Port land. Y- alia Walla and Uaiton. JOHN MOIR, nn Superintendent of Traffic. C. H. PRESCOTT. Manager. Hwaco Steam Navigation Go. WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Steven3, Canby, and Hwaco, Connecting by Stages for Oysterville and Olympia. TTntO Alrtha. nAfft. Ii a TIwimi a. Steam Navigation Cob steamers GEN. MILES, OR GEN. CANBY Will leave Astoria On Mondays, and Thursdays, at 7 A. M. FOR Fort Stevens Fort Canby, and Ilrraeo OX Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturd cys. The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m. as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Stevens......... w.....50cts " " Canby and Ilwaco........ Si 00 KS"Ihvaco freipht, by the ton, in lots ol one ton or over, S2 00 per ton. BiiTFor Tickets. Towago or Charter appl? at the ofHco of tho Company, Gray' wharf, foot of Benton street. J. H.D.GRAY. Atent. Oregon & California R.R.Co On an after Sopt, 24, 1SS2, trains will run as followe, LAlL5f (Except Sundays). EASTSIDE DITiaiUS. nctvreca PORTLAND and RIDDLE'iL UAH. TRACT LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:30 a. if.lRiddlo'f 8:30p. u Riddle's 3:30 A. u. Portland 425 e. v. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4:00 P. M.ILobanon 9.20 P. M Lebanon 4:45 A. M.PortIand.10:05A.M FREIGHT TRA1N8. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 6:15 a. sr. Junction 6:00p.u Junction C.S'A.M.lRiddlo's 5:10p.m RiddloV 6:00 a. m I Junction 5:00 p. it Junction 5:45 a. ji. Portland 5:25 p. 11 Tho Oregon and California Railroad erry makes connection with all ReguiarTraina on Eastside Division. WESTSIDE DITISIOrT. Between. Portland and Corvallls. MAIL TEACT LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 8:00 A. M.ICorvallis ..3:00 P. M Corvallis 8:20 A. M.lPortiand 3-20 P. M CIoso connections made at -Riddle's with tho States of tho Oregon and California Stags Company. . ee-Ticketa for sale at all the principalpoints in California and tho East, at Company's Offica. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storage will bo chard on freight remain ins: atCompanys Warehouse ovor"i4 hours. Freixht will not bo received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on either tho East or J. BRANDT. Gen'l Sup't. E. P. ROGERS. Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agent, It. KOEHLER. Vico President and Manager Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens. Fort Canby, Hwaco, North Beach. Oysterville, Xorth Cove, JPetersons Point. Ho- qainrn, Jloutesano, And all points on Shoalwater Bay, and Gray' Harbor. GEN. MILES,) Strs. or On Columbia River. GEN. CANBY. j GEX. GARFIELD " Shoalwater Bay. " MONTESANO " Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portages. Leafe Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. M. On Mondays and Thursdays through trip in GO hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. SiL'3HBwrifK'lii;r-f S-aLlETT MART'S HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - OKEGON THIS INSTITUTION, UNDER CARE OF the Sisters of Charity, is now ready for the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation of any desiring them. Patients admitted at all houis.day or night. Xo physician has exclusive right, every patient is free to and has the privilege of employing any physician they prefer. United States Marine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained for united States Marin ps at the Ca ton Souse. Srrsea B" exAJoacy