Vf -T"t niXq stateu f , , TIirRSDAy JA3SUAKY 11, 3S-3 Presidential Election. The maimer of clectinjr the President ot the United States is a j .resent subject of discussion in Congress. There are some in fivor of having the election by a uir? t vot of the peeple: others tb'nk the present system is the tiNt ;,et devised. The electoral vtein of choosing a president is -r different in practice from uiat its originators intended, arid i- re .!ly as direct a system of vot "o fo president as can he suc ."evfullj practiced. The primal -da of the fr&mors of the consti- it ion was t have the people choose a certain number of electa or. gne, experienced men; icp iiUible and learned, who would upon a certain day meet, and with due care decide upon some one worthy to fill the high office of Prewd:.i of the Ameiican Uc P'jWt: the theory was excellent as a theory but impracticable. PatYv Iimcs wore soon drawn, and the matter became one of political .ificanee tlirougheut: for the last Mxty years whig, or fedeial vt, o.- free eoiler, or abolitionist, o c )vt!tuiott man, or republican r tienjocmt knew just exactly !,m I.T- candidates for presidential Wto- xrtMtid vote at the time he ote 1 for him, will nat once, not een in the memorable contest of ", did a. presidential elector prove recrftMit to his political jJedjye. TIjc :nnn in Oregon, in -Nov. SS0V vrho voted for the Demoer.Mie presidential electors luot as'-ureHy lcimrr he w;is vot uipj for Gen. Hanceck: the man wiio voted fr the Republican state presidential electors was equally certain that he was voting lor .las, A. Garfield. That was a ..srert ote. and is about as direet, ..j i i- :tfe to make it. "With a or mollifications the pres- 4 w ia good one and 2 " in. in argument in favor of . "u.rect" system of voting for r.-sidcnt.bingfiihirly enough coiiiss from i!ku who call for "slttU . jtiiW and vet, if their system of lectiag president .was to prevail, u would td to u total subversion f s4 ate rights. "We believe that .en Mute in this Union is an in- vtal commonwealth with rights ... -bukl be maintained, and .liarcs Unit should not be .r iiled nor surrendered, yet br- li mr tbt ntuion should be - . 'Hpd with a big N.1 when u I in onoction with American I ' - :. we do not believe in malc- i ijr ca h ommojnvealth praeti- hi. itilpett6fit. But it should i idejmidai in the mutter of uig a pnrstcjant, and should t ! oxemwod or overridden by ; 1 jfer sislors. Take a few fig- u v- in 1SS0 there were cast in I -Mtod StMtns 4, 40-1,41 G votes "'ii fi4d: and 4yA4-l,952 votes ii,unHk: 30S,57S votes for Y"l,r. (laxfi eld's mdjoritv was . :t '..U. Had tlml vote been .'i vt un, wlmt a pitiful figure i would have presented; .jriic vonld have been her i ns to be a sovereign In New York were cast on kcxsmml 1,103,045 vete: i cxw 40,S16: yet under i -int. 3jaeta, we here had i ch t say, proportionately, i'i '.( who nouM be president, as i, .i our k-ter stalf on the At-i !i, fm it. Were there a di- v u of tbe peopie on the . - i . presidential election, ii . r ;ncas of influence . politicians possess could Kvvp up" a majority in New York or Pennsylvania, of 150,000, nJ wipe out .of existence the Vi.dor inajorities of half a do7.cn - a to tbair groat injury. As it a presrtnfc, ivc.hcre in Oregon, w writhe th&se lines, have bv our . ' idnal wte, as much to say 1-n.Mi running the government as .-, nt v-nine men have in New Y -. TShether an advautage or notj this is a -fact "Were 4he direct system of voting for a presi dent to prevail, a voter in Oregon might as well stay at home, as far as his political influence in the re sult would be coiiecrneVl. . 'Ml' run Presidential Succession. Tijk bill to provide for the performance of the duties of the president, in case of his removal by death, resignation, or inability of both the president and vice president, passed the senate last Tuesday. It enacts that in case of the removal of both the president and vice-president of the United States, the secretary of state, or if there be none, or in case of his removal by death, resignation, or inability, then another member of tnc cabinet in order of precedence, as follews: The secretary of the treasury, the secretary of war, the postmaster-general, the secre tary of the nary, the secretary of the interior, shall act as president until the disability is removed, or until the vacancy i otherwise law fully filled; sueh officer being eli gible to the ofiice of president under the constitution, and not being under articles of impeaoh ment, bv the house of representa tives at the time the powers and duties of the office shall dorolve upon either of them; provided that, whenever the powers and du ties of the president of the United States shall devolve upon any of the persons named, if congress be not then in session, or if it would not meet regularly within twenty days thereafter, it shall be the duty of the person upon whom the said powers shall devolve, to issue a proclamation convening congress in extraordinary session, giving twenty daj's' notice of the time of mectincr. Tiik Pacific Stock Exchange, of San Francisco, is about to sell U budding and go out of busi ness. 2o more money in mining stock. Better for everybody that sueh is the case. NEW TO-DAY FbEmbiB, Gas & SteanFittiic. All Work Warranted. Till hulluT ai ranxi'iucnN can be found at the new Odd Tcllow.s Kuildinp:. J.1S. W. ItflHlOCK. S3.700 Farm For Sale. 1 AA('U1!. 1AIXG WITHIN' EIGHT lOv miles of Astoiia. Macros in mead ow. tr:iT cli:ued. good fnime house with 7 riKMii-. ell li.nslK'd. i larns. one ! M ft'et mi on If. ''J fwt. with uajjon shed and tl)!(" i 'ra. One hire .vlieeji shed. 20 tonxof timothj Ji.iy. Oni'Kood wagon and sji.ui of horv- willi ImnieM. Six milk cows l"ii )ie:l n-'iee tttonty head of hoes. 125 Itiuiii ami 50 ajijilc trees'toetlier with small f.iats. roll Mrt of liirm and other tools in ludiiiK 0 en.eut si w . Also l.nse shed for stoi ins coal. Term- 2 "(W m-3i. P.alanci' two e.ir. dlw a nOZOKTII & JOUNd. To Ail Whom It May Concern. At a mkitting or the longshokc iihmi ami Kipccrs' Union held on the fcth iiiU:nt. it wasicsohcd not to wotl; for less JhHii at confr jier hour tter this date on MMMlHsaiid Iiolid:is, Drlctveen the hours itf . V. 5t. Jtiul 7 . Ji. i; :iI.t if the rie-ident. A. MAI.TMAN'. Her. See. A'oriii. O.-.. .Inn. Slli. 18?. dJt For Sale. Ox Acvonxr or DnrAirrrin: fkom lhe Stan. one ht, in a erv deMrahle li-altt in tiiis e!t. fylci'. S3JJ5. Ajl to ' K. C. HOLDKN. 1 .. Ileal listale A Kent. FOR RENT. A Hoi:!)IC AM) LODGING HOUSE j-j. ol 17 looms, jciriiy fnniished m Upjitr Aliiin. liimuie at '.lohansen's -tore for fin titer urticuli-. 2-wk Notice, mm: khool taxes kei: school B Distrlft N'o 'tare not? due and iuaaWp at my offlee, in Tlie Fisherman's r.iekiii;; Ciutan'- Intildin. Tlie-c taxes become ilelimiueiit WTin das from date. itor.EItT HAMILTON. Sehoul Clerk. 1'jht Atoi i.i. .Tan. .", 18S5. FOR ShLE. ,i LOTS INr KI.OCK IW. 1 HOUSE AND re lot m :lork 42. and 2 lots in Mock 1, Adair'- A-tunn 1M feet aluahle water fnnu in Slmelc,'- Astona l houeand lot m h'orkils. l lot in ldork .". and 1 lot In bloek ." in Mm eley's Astoria. Alo stre and duelling hou-e to let. lii.inire of lJOZoKTII & JOHNS, dink TI5K STKA3IKK GEN- MILES Will leave for ttRAYS HARBOR About January 12tli, 1883. TO THE PUBLIC. ON. Olt KKI'OIti: JANUARY 4th. the rrcudmoflrShootiiii; ('alien wlllle re moved to the new building next to Geo. Hume's More. In connection with the ("alien- will be added a first-class stock of Ci gars. Tobacco. tc. ; also in th near future will be added a line billiard tabic, and other amuenients. It is my intention to keep a guiut and orderly place ot amusement and recreation, on a strictly temperance plan, w here no liouors w ill he sold. JAS.MACOMBEE. BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. CARL ADLERJS EMPORIUM. Frchlt Stoclcj Direct IaaperUi tlons: Low Figures. Silverware. Cards and Stationery. A full line of the standard authors. Com plete epltion of all the leading works from 5 cents to $5. IHusical IiiNtrumeHls, Sheet Muhie, Musician's Supplies. GARL ADLER. Main Street, Astoria, Oregon Leinenweber & Co., a LKIXKVWEBKR. It. TBROW.V. ESTAULISnED 1865. ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERS AND GMRBIES, Manufacturer nnd Importers ol A I.I. KINDS OK AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. fibril I "he:t cash price paid lor Hide nnd Tallow. Hemlock Street Assessment. NOTICE is hereby given that the as sessment made by Ordinance .No. 493 for the proposed improvement of Hem lock Street from the west side of East-2d Street to the eastern end of Hemlock Street, in Shively's Astoria, in the man ner ptovided by Ordinanco No. 49G in each of the following described lots fronting on said portion of said street is now due and payable at tho office of the City Treasurer, in U. S. gold and silver coin, and unless paid within Ave lavs from the expiration of this notice, to-wit: Saturday, Jan. 20. 1833, the Coun cil will order warrants issued for the collection thereof. The assessment Is as follews: Same of Otrner JLoL So. oSo.ofProbaM$ Lot. Bl Cost. W.J J. Adair Chas. Liugrln estate. .i w a A. Van Duen s iy 15 iy ir. Uerginan it IJerry. . X. .Johansen West Coast racking Company 1411 P.W.Larson II. Brown J2 Kj iy 13 Chris Erickson A. W. Cone and E.R. Burton J. W. Welch 148 Occident Packing Company Andrew Anderson.. Jos. Ostrom Anna Matson 20 T 19 15 .1. Q. A. Bowlby and Yv. w. Parker... Otto Peterson , E. O'Connor... 147 20 05 19 15 Columbia Canning company J. II. DcForce K.P.Hoff J.M.Olsen Pacific Union Pack in'' Company J. M. Snivel v .1 u Columbia Canning company , 14t Pacific Union Pack ing Company J. Q. A. Bowlby and W.W.Parker. ... 1 o 19 15 :t 4 5 Occident Packing Company ... Gelo F.Parker I X Ii Packing Com pany.... ...... 19 C6 23 15 19 15 19 15 9 58 958 19 15 23 15 19 C5 19(15 20 65 25 15 19 15 u 19 C3 19 15 G 12 145 11 e-flO E.B.Gaccr.... Xancy Welch. sjlO 9 8 J. Q.A. Bowlby and W.W.Parker..:.. J.LShlrely J. Q.A; Bowlby and n . i . i. arKer. . . 144 Ocean Canning Com pany.... ... 27 15 19 15 CITY OF ASTOniA CROSSINGS. Amount. East? and Hemloclc $69 98 " G " 90 5 " " 49 4G " 4 u 45 9G 3 M " 49 4G o 55 4(j By order of the Common Council. F. C. Noebis, dtd Audi to ai Clerk. BANKING ANDJNSURANCE. BROKER BANKER An INSURANCE AGEIfP ASTORIA. -.- OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROM 8 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK P. H. Hoi Mutual Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. flOUGItTOK Chab. R. Stouv. (jko. L. STonr . ri evident .. Secretary .Agent for Osteon Capital paid up in U. 8. i:old coin Vi 000 l0 I. W. CASK. Agent, Chcn&miLS street. Astoria. Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOvrON AND GLORE. NORTU BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OK HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Rej.rejentlnK a CRpItel of C7.000.O0O. A. VAN I)USEN Acent. MAGNUS C. WIOSBY, Dealer In HARD! ABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTER? Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP '.LEAD SHEET IROH TIN AND COPPER, Caflneryjanfl Flsheraeiis Snpplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with reatness and dispatch. None but first class workmen employed. A large assortment oQ SCALE? Constantly on hand. Tliii pao rvtitfrvcti for CERTAIN PARTIES. LOEB & CO., JOBBKKS IN WINES. LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AttENTS FOIt THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. f3PA soodn sold at San rranclncn l'rlces. MAIN STBKET. Opposite l'arker IIou.se, Axtorla, Oregon. I. "W. CASE, IMPOUTKlt AND WIIOLESALK A.XU KK rAlk DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE "ornrr ClienantuR and Cass streets. ASTORIA .... OREGON J. H. D. GRAY, Wbo'.osHle and retail dealer In. ALT. KIXDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms, toot o Benton Mree:. Astoria Oregon. To Let. mHE2NDAND3l5.DFLO01t8, 2ND FIN- jl unea in rooms : sta an in one, 48 x 60 leet. unfinished. AUo n space of zround fdled and capped, about 22 x 48 feet, front ne on Ulney street. Lease Riven to respon sible parties for i ears. Location most desir- able lor a Kestaurant nnd JjodfinR House. Forfurther particulars Inquire of rs inquire oi BAKTH&MErEHi Astoria, Qrs s, DceHnr 2S, T8&. CITY BOOK STOEE. Tho Best Store In tho City to get your Money's Worth. Albums, Autograph and Photograoh all sizes and Prices- lloolts from n Dime .foTcI to Webster's Unabridged. ents Jewelry and Culler?-, Writtiiif; Desks or all sizeh, 3Inr Twnlns Scrap Oooltw, Bibles. I'raycr Books and Hymnals, nlho. Hie Kej- to HenTcu. Opera nnd Iarine (Classes. Draiigliiiu; Instruments from SO i oenls to M30.00 a Set. Blank Books. And ?cry tiling vou could wiuu in our line. B. TEU apply to the Captain, or to Street Improvement Notice' NOTICE is herein- jiiven that the Common Council of the City of Astoria : did on tlic SOth tlaj of Deecmbor, lSKi, ' pass an onlinance. entitled "An ordi nance declaring the intention of the Common Council of making certain re- j pairs and improvements iii a portion of Cedar street, the repairs and improu nipnts to he as follews: All of that portion of Cedar street be- t ween the eat side of .Salmon -treot ind i the west end of said Cedar stieet in that portion of said City of Astoria winch was laid out and recorded by .John Itf. Sliively in Clatsop County, Slate of Ore-, pon, shall be repaired atid improved as hereinafter provided, and the costs thereof assessed on the adjacent prop erty. The said repairs and improie meiits shall be made by ro;noini: all of the defective piles, caps, stringer and timbers uow in that portion of .aid Ce llar sireer which is ueiween me east ide of Salmon street and the wet .ide of Wet nth .street, and by replacm;; the same with new and sound lir plies, caps, .stringers and timbers, and alt such tim bers that have been by any means, taken aw ay or displaced, shall be also replaced with new and sound ones; all timbers so replaced to be of the same .size and dimensions as those of the same kind now in the street; and said portion of .aid.Ccdar street between said ca-st side of Salmon street and the west side of Wast tHh street shall be replanked over the portion and to the width it is now planked, with new and sound fir planks three inches In thickness and twelve inches wide. That portion or said Ce dar. street from the wast side of Wc-t Uth street to the west side of West 9th street shall be repaired and improved as follews: By filling it three feet at its intersection or crossing with West 9th street, and by excavating and lowering it three feet at the west side of the cross ing of West 7th street, and In- filling, grading or excavating the other parts or portions so as to be on a grade cor responding with such crossings when so graded and West Sth street crossing as it now is, and then by planking it over in the center to the width of sixteen feet with sound fir planks not less than three inches thick and twelve inches wide, to be laid on sleepers as follews: One sleeper four inches by twelve inches .shall be Imbedded in the center of the street and shall be so beveled that the planking will rest firmly on it; two sleepers four inches by six inches shall be placed on either side of and parallel with the center slceeper. the outer edge of the outside sleepers to he eight feet from the center ot the center sleeper, the other sleepers shall be placed in the middle between the center and outside sleepers; on the sleepers and at right angles thereto the planking shall be laid each plank to be spiked to the sleepers, two spikes to each sleeper. From the west side of West 9th street to said west end of Cedar street, said repairs and improvements shall be made by con structing bent work and planking the same to the width of sixteen feet on a grade running from the west side of said West 9lh street when graded as above provided, to the top of the planking on the roadway in Olney street in said city as jam out and re corded by John McCIurc, the said bent work and planking to be done as follews: Mudsills, 4 inches by 12 inches 1C feet in length, shall be laid in the center of the street and at right angles to the line of it, and distant from eacli other fifteen feet from center to center; uu cauu euu ami in mc eenier ul eucu mudsill shall be placed a post, in an up right position and of sullicient height to bring the top of the planking up to said grade; the posts shall be 12 inches square, braces 2 inches by ten (10) inches, shall be firmly spiked to each juist and placed diagonally upward from bottom to top across the posts, the posts shall oc fastened to the mudsills by spiking. On the posts and at right angles to the line of the street, shall oe placed caps twclvo inches square and sixteen feet long, to be securely bolted to each post with iron bolts of an inch in diameter and IS inches long; upon the caps and at right ancles thereto, shall be placed stringers as follews: One di rectly over each post and one between each outer stringer and the center stringers, the stringers to be4 inches bj' 12 inches and not less than 32 feet long, and the outside stringers shall be bolted to the caps with iron bolts as above de scribed, and the inside stringers shall be firmly spiked to the caps. Planking not less than :t inches thick and 12 inches wide, shall be laid on, at right angles to the stringers, and shall bespiked toeach stringer on alternate edges of the plank, one spike to each stringer. On either side of the roadway thus constructed, shall be placed a rail .'! by 4 inches, spiked to stanchions 3 by 4 inches, and not over 7 feet apart and three feet above the planking. All of said planking, caps, stringers, mudsills, braces, rails and timbers to be of good sound fir timbers, and the spikes used shall be not less than six inches long. A notice is herebv given that unless a remonstrance signed bj- the owners of two-tiiinis or the property ironung on said iortion of said street be filed with the auditor and clerk within ten days from the final publication of this notice towit Tuesday, Jan. 23, 18S3, the council will order said repairs and Improve ments to be made. By order of tho Common Council. F. C Nonnis. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, Jan. Sd, 1883. A Nasal Injector tree with each bottle of Shllon's Catarrh. Remedy. Price 50 cent. Sold by "W, E. Dament. ga&5tfjC3tMftri " 433 pj -2 - utNar?"! """i Wks' : m.' m -ssa ss Ex:uuiu our uokLs and priei-a before joiu j F. STEVENS & O., j Cily Book Store STK.19ZI2R - 0L1R.4 PiRKBR.I Eben P. Parker, Master. - " I'orTOWINi:, runiOHTorCHAU- II. . PARKKR. HILL'S VARIETIES. OCU.HII.U -"VVAI.TKK rAKKS, - riiOWHETOtt staoe maxaoi:i: Engagement of EIESSRS. DOWNS & ALIC0TT, The Kins of Sonj; and Dauee. BUSS PEARL CAREW, Serto CVmle Vocalbt. Also RICHARDS and EVANS, Champion nigh Kicker. Together with a new GRCHESTRA. Under the nun-jijeniunt f PKOF. SWAB. All the Old Favorites Retained. Open till lhe Year. Prrroraiauco E t ry Mzbl. Entire (Uanse f Pro gramme Once a Week. Comprisins all the latest SONCS. DANCES AND ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. The theatre Is crowded nlcutlj. and all who have witnessed the entertainment pro nounce it to be equal to any given elsewhere. Mr. Hill as a caterer for the public's amusement can not he excelled. Anybody uLshing 16 .spend a pleasant evening and see sparkling wit and beauty without vul garity, should improe the opportunity and come. The company comprises the follow Ing well known Artixtj : 31IVS FAJOflK "WAI.TOX. MISS PE.V1II. Caiikw. Mir. Waltkii Pauks. Mrssus. Downs & Altcott. JlhllS. ltlCHAUDS & EVAs. Mil. ClIAS. fiAHKOttS. All of which will appear nightly in their dif ferent .specialties. Open air concert Ciery evening ; perform ance commencing at 8; entrance to theatre on Ilenton street ; private boxes on Chena mus street. Now Stars in Rapid Succession ! A Common-sense Remedy. Salicylic A. No more Rheumatism, Gout or Neuralgia. Immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Cure Guaranteed. Ft cc years atahlished and nerer known to fall In a single ease, acute or chronic liefer to all prominent physician and druggist for the standing of SallcyUca. js:e:o:el:et! THE ONLY DISSOLVER OP THE POISONOUS URIC ACID WHICn EXISTS IN THE BLOOD OF RHEU MATIC AND GOUTY PATIENTS. SALICYLICAls known as a cotnnion sease remedy, because it strikes directly at the cause of Rheumatism, Gout and Xcural Ela, while so many so-called specifics and supposed panaceas only treat locally the effects. It has been conceded by eminent scientists that outward applications, such as rubbing with oils, ointments, liniments, and soothing lotions will not eradicate tlftso diseases liich arc the result ol the poisoning of the blood with Uric Add SALICYLICA works with marvelous effect on this acid and so removes the disor der. It Is now exclusively used by all cele brated physicians of America and liuropc. Highest Medical Academy of Paris reports 05 per cent cures In three days. :e:e:m::e2m:o:e3:ei. that SALICYLICA is a certain cure for Rheumatism. Coutand Neuralgia. The most intease pains are subdued almost Instantly. Giv e Ir a trial. Relief guaranteed or mon ey refunded. Thousands of testimonials sent on applica tion. , S I a Box. 6 Boxes for S5. Sent free by mail on receipt of money, ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. But do not be deluded into taking Imitations or substitutes, or something recommended as "Just as goodl" Insist on the genuine with tho name of Washburne & Co., on each box which Ls guaranteed chemically pure under our signature, an Indispensable requisite to insure success in the treatment. Take no other, or send to us. Washburne & Co., Proprietors. 287 Broadway, cor. Reado St., NEW YORK. $500 Reward. We willpay the above reward for any case of LiTer Complaint. Dyspepsia. Sick Head ache, indigestion. Constipation or Costive ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable LiTer Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large boxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured onlvbyJoHxC. West & Co. Tne Pill 3Iaker' 1st and 183 W.Madison St., Chicago. Free trial oackago seat by mail prepaid on receipt af a 3 seat stamp, W E.Btmat,8gt. Annoimcement l'ine Furniture, Carpets, Mirrors Uphola tery. Wall Pockets, Brackets. M- jSL 3Fi23L Stocli. AT IiO W JbJHLIOESS. Bssksy OtinmmBj, Sofas? Chamber Smts, Ladies are invited to call and see latest styles in Plush and Yelvet. Beautiful Embroidered goods. m. W, allie&'s New Store THE NEWMODET A rUUL 5TOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. DE2- 32.. :FT A "VT'Eg, Two doors e."rt ot Occident Hotel, ASTORIA, OREGON. Jobn A XVXonigomery, (SUCCESSOR TO .TACKLNS & MONTGOMERY.) UfP'EMyg5ggll! COKAER OJH 5IAIX AXI .JEFFEKSOX STREETS,' astohxa, - as-tJSGQnr. I will REMOVE about .ran. 1st, to the bulding- noyr ocoupied by Joe Charters7 barber shop, on Chenamus street. CHAS. HEILBORN, irANUFACTUKER OF FURNITURE S BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CtJRTAIN POLES Complete In every branch. MARTIN OLSEN DEALKK IN Bf FURNITURE m BEDDING Corner Slain and Ntiuemoaun, Streets. Astoria, OreeoB. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AXX. KIIVDS OF FURITCTUHE REPAIRED AlfD VARRISHED. IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH ME ! WHO? FRANK ELBERSON, SeasifleBaiery & Confectionery. Because my Goods are the Best, and Always Fresh. Cakes Candles etc., furnished for Wedding parties, on short notice, and guaranteed to Sire perfect satisfaction. Cake ornamenting a specialty. Opposite G. TV. HuBae'. noKdanaon Extraordinary! . GALLICK oT IPvurirk 1 trvL3?& 1 RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E. B, HAWE8, AGENT OAU. AND EXAMINE IT. YOU WILL BB PLEASED. C. K. HAWES is alio agent for tha 1 Mlt StOTB And other first-class stores. Fnrnaco "Work, Steam Pit tings. etc, a ipeoialty. DEAI.ER IX Tint'Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment ot HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Kanges The Best In the market. Piiimbing goods ot all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. jji.. : Street Grade Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that tho Common Council of the City of Astoria, Oregon, propose to establish the grade of Cedar street at its western terminus, 28 feet above the base of grades. By order of the Common Council. F.O. NORMS, (I- 30d Auditor and Clerk. A. Tan Dusen & Co. WOULD EESPECTFULLY CALL THE attention of the rubllc to tho fact that they are Agents for the following sewing machines, viz : Tlie ImproTcd. Singer, Tho Fliite, Tlie Crown And The ElOridge, Which they are soiling from $33. to 359. each, ana defy Competition. Tersons wishing to purchase aachlnea should call and Inspect our stock before pur chasing: elsewhere, as we guarantee to ghr perfect satisfaction as regards qmallty and pile. 1 gMJRifc- - "-