(; i 1 L gfc HilVJ 5lOVlftXU .UtTmtlA.oltKftON- 3IONDAT.. JANUARY 1. 1-S . in . -ii i .,,i .There will be no paper issued from tlii nftlc.n tn-mnriniv. ! A A'evr Year Gone, gone forever! Like :i rushing wavCj anoti,er ear Ja5 burst upon the shore ol earthly be ing and but on referring to the date lines our readers will see for themselves that'SS has gone glim mering through the dreams of " AwiS. that were, and 'S3 is the current Anno Domini. The Exports of '$2. During the twelve months that adedjast night, one hundred and thirty-six vessels cleared from the Columbia, bound to foreign ports; in 1881, one hundred and twenty six vessels cleared; in 1880, sixty three. This illustrates sufficiently the growth of our commerce. During S2 there cleared from thernTn-diiV-river, merchandise as follews: 507,G32 caseTrr-ik mon, worth 3,132,393; 3,201,033 centals of wheat, worth 3,201, 527; 509,314: barrels flour, worth 2,510,570; 20,733,000 feet of lumber, worth 259.187. The greater part of the wheat, flour and salmon went to foreign ports, principally Qucenstown and Liv erpool; the lumber was consigned to California, with two exceptions. The above constitute the principal items of exports. Besides there crossed the bar, outward bound, merchandise as follews: 191,302 centals oats; 7,321 centals apples; 1,573 centals butter; 4,091 centals potatoes; 52,803 centals wool; ,1 1 , 419 centals hides; 2,9 3 cental's tal low; 252 centals pickled beef and pork; fifty-six flasks or fatty-two centals quicksilver; 1,10" centa's hay; 8,203 centals dried fruit; 374 centals leather; 1A16 centals ba ft con and lard; 393 :entals corn meal;, 14,003 centals hops; 17,S32 cciitajrau; lTnta's cheese; 12SkVrilac .seed; 30,321 Uf-iTtals '43 I'enlals shorts; - n-v i . T''M u UfiiUUS- u ; TuciiiH!s rj e. j 'W put each of Lie above items in "centals," as that is the most convenient unit to use in compil ing sue!) statistics-as we present. The value of that miscellaneous assortment is 4,713,459. This gives an aggregate of 309, 173 tons that went out from the Columbia in 'S2, total value being 15,830,330. By way of contrast we state that the toUl value of Columbia river exports for S1 was 7,G55,510: th- great- difference illustrates the increase in our com merce during the past twelve mouths. We present the above in con densed form for two reasons; it saves our readers the trouble of wading through a mass of figures to get at results, and it i.s conve nient for our eongressiucn to clip out and incorporate in their speeches when they are demon strating the importance of Colum bia river commerce, and the ne cessity of Columbia bar improve ment. T'iup2c J.otlo I Cz A.3I. llegular commtinieatiou of Temple Lodc F. & A.M. lo-mouow (Tuesday) evening. Work on the V. V. J)eniec. Si'jeurninfj: brut hern welcomed. Attention iivt-cuo IVo. . Jlu'dar monthly majtincj; nda evening. Jan. 1st. j83. ar7 o'clock i.'m. C. W. Fn.To.v. if. V. Pjiakl. Picsident. Secietarx. Take Police. An endless variety of Hoiiday jjoods. cakes and pics of all kinds, ornamented and plain, or made to order. Fir-l class French and home made candies, candy canes, popcorn balls. .'cc, nt Frank 31 bcr.son"s. , Subrtcritcii. To the leading periodical will be re ceived at Carl Adlei's. Any paper or magazine will be furnished you at pub lishers' prices bv leaving your name at Carl Adler's. Xoticc On and after Wednesday. Jan.:M, lSSj', Joe G. Chartcrs.ihe well known knight of the razor may be found at the barber shop formerly occupied by Wm. Day, at Foster's coiner, until Zlr. Dement moves into the Odd Fellows" building, -when he will open his Orient baths and Shaving narlors where Demenfs drug store now is. Rheumatism, disordered blood, gen- eral debility, and many chronic dis- eases pronounced incurable, are otten pured by Brown's Iron Bitters. . Furnished Rooms to Kent j At 31 rs. luuirs Oyster: Oy.sters!! 1 At Frank Falrc; !n owry tyle Fnrli i'rum iln- iwils every dnv. . - - -.. Xotirc to tli-liiitlirK. Switches nindi troiii combinx tw ut hair: new Mvitche made to order from Hie bel ihiKitil bair. in any shade de-died. Old . itehes repaired. All Cvoik warranted, llmlo rioiml!j. Call or :nUir'.-rv 1"iii.knili:t feSunuiiM:. Occident Hair dressing .saloon. Asto ria. Oregon. NOAJ. Try oar JJorax Soap marie e-xpn-s-slv for H.- ami guaranteed of Minciior hI- it. Can be n-eri for any )Hinse. ami-j win not injure the most u'Ji.o ionc A line toilc' '. A M. Joiix-ov V Co. - Jtiyprtant Xnllri. A full line of artist's materials eon- irthi of tub color?, .sable lrnli', picture vnrnM es, canvas. A-e. &c. v- ervlhiiisanart -t wants ar - , A.M. Johnson A-l'o. "-k !' -4I1 Canily. Mario every day at .John 1. ClatenV Astoria Candy Fact ry. Creams, idwo late. French eamiy. taffy, ele. A assortment of holiriav lov. Jf'.tM t j Avuiti Aruu.fiiiir. ForbTd i.itoxicatyi lKwtrums ami use Parker's .Imvf'r Tnie in your fKinify. This ile'iej'iis remedy never icates. is a (' blH.(l and iwam fond. nnTnTrrr! tJje vital functions iipvrr f:n! ti ?T,l,Lnite .rrivil. I'rof. A - 1 eit.v. 1 1 1iniL 1t 1 tt'jkfl ill 4 ! s I reiared to till all ,.t Any.- , t a.T t vairiiigand rejjaia- .iiK iihh : V v11 a,Mi V."sieai niMru-ment-, oi " k'ud- JN-r-ons de.s!.!iK ' j)iiiclms '"fs-Ieal instriiiiients viii io 'l to ''4V' one M-ier! lliein who iimler stan l"f'ir nieeha!ii?m and Hie ina tenl ,,H,tI ia Uieir construction. Or ders -bav blftat the Occident Hotel. 1 t:if "Women Miotild I'r. Dyspepsia, weak back, despondency and oilier troubles caused me fearful .suffering, but Parkor'd Ginger Tiinic makes me feel liko a now beinj;. A threat rem dy. Every woman should use it. Sirs. Garitz, Pittsburg. .t others! 3Iothcr!! 3Iot!tcr4! ! 1 Are you disturbe-latniglil and broken of vour ret by a sick child suffering and eryins with the excruciating: pain ol cutting teeth '.' It so, jjo at once and yet a bottle of Mrs. WinsIow'S Soothmy hymn, it will relieve the poor iittlo Mif ferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not t"Il you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and crii-n t.c! i. ilto inntliiir otnl rliif ?ttil Health to the child, operating like niaie. It is perfectly safe to use m all caje.s, and pleamt to the taste, and is the pre scription of '.ne ot the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United Mates, fcoiu cvcrywncrc. .intitc st linlf lo - - - ,Tr ' ' w - A Eappy Thought. It was a happy thought that led to tin production of a concentrated fruit sir up, so harmless in it . nature that it maj be given either t the mother or her babe, relished alike by both, and oi .suih wonderful efticae Jhat all who lake it feel brighter and happier. W. K. Dement will furnish anyone v.-hing Sviup of Figs a trial buttle free of charge, or sell .r0 cent and 1 bottle, llod-jo Davis & Co.. Wholesale Agents. Portland Oregon. A CAKI. To all ttIio arc MifTfing from the crroisaml imiiberetions f youth, nerv ous veaktie.s. early deeaj . loss of man hood, eU 1 will send a recipe Jha'oull ettie vou FIIKE OF ClIAMJE. T1.I reat leiiiedj was diswiveied lva mi& sionarj" In South America. Send a self nddrcsMHl envelope to the Itev. Joi:rii T. IXitAK, Station D, New York City. Shiloh's Cough ami Consumption Cure, is .sold by us on Kiianinife. It cures consumption. Sold' by Yf . K. He- ment. Premature urayness avoided by i mg Parker's H.iir JJalsam, distin guished for its cleanlitic5s and imt fumc. The Peruvian .syrup has cured thou sands who were suffering from dyspep sia. debility, liver complaint, boils', m mors, temale complaints, etc rainpu lets free to any address. Seth W. Fowlf &Soir TJoston. Overworktd men aud women, per sons of sedentary habits, and others whose system needs recuperation, nerves tone 1, and muscles strength ened, should use Brown's Iron Hitters. C -me let the jojous tidings roll From east to west, from pole to pole. That woman's teeth, an l lips.and breath, Xo more shall suffer worse than death. For.OZOJ)OXT with magic sway, Preserves them now from loul deca. Will you suffer with Dispepsia and jiver Complaint? Shilolfs vitalizer is I guaranteed lo cure jou. sola by . ii Dement. Shipper fc Ubke. No. 11. Oak stree Portland, are the bon ton tailors of the metropolis. The best selection of Xew Years and Dirthday Cards ever shown In the city at the City Uook Store. P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus reet, has just received the latest and mot fashionable style if gents and ladies hoots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for the famous Morrow shoes. Fancy soaps and perfumery of all kinds can be found at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel. That Uacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. bold by . x Dement. Brace up the whole system with King of the Blood. See Advertisement. j For lame Back, Side- or Chet use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Pneu 2." cents. For &alo by W. E. Dement, Frcsh &upply o at 0crk witfa Pioneer Candy Factorv, opposite Bell tower. f Wainof Tom,M,n,ln I3.1I yjji..ju 'xt.-iiiirAtin- tttts.it 9 r M. Rescue Jubilee Troupe. & ! Fourth Annual Masquerade BallJ Monday. January 1st. 383.i AT TIM'. SK ATI " vaxK, lifts-OiMuy rrtMMiTrKit. Ciiiit. Qi nvl. 1 . Win. Olmnce. Cm. It Ik SH'tUkfM. Hull. A..I. MugJcr. i.tu J4mi lIliH. llm.0ei W. HH!!I. MKMIIKRS OF THE TROUT1L l.N V1SSTI! TI; 3tITI Kit. Ilm. C. V. KM. Una. V. .1. Tiiyior, line. c. .1. Tn?Hrtnut. l.WlTAlly fXtHMlYWlL .1hl A. 1M-Mm. n. C. KIOlmnlM. V.. S. W.mly, Frank I- !arfcr. einry. or abxision. Ijuly Maskers -CiMit Mn-kers -Latiy Sj)fcUU(n. - - - -(Join SiHt'tjtfor. ... I'KKH 1.10 TlrkcJs may W I'riwnriMl of iMcmber of the tnniie. Mukrs li'kets lw proetiml Hih'Ht the lnMf 1'rau); !. ParKei. L , Allen. (sft:rssii to PAr. ii. ai.i.!u.) Wjjniesnle ami retail il enter In & a &?!$; Provisions ?vek&?y. Glass and Pialed Ware, TBOnOAL -VND DOMILSTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Tog'-tlfr wth Wines, Liq:iors,TQbaccoXigars rsvCT n? araBaHS 81 M B M BT JZ & Bt H3K- WiiiB1 iw ii'll "i ' SYMPTOfyiS OF A TORPID LSVER Xioss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pala in tho Scad, -with, a dull sen sation in tho back part, Pain under tlie Shoulder blade, fullnes3 after csting-, with a disinclination to ex ertion of bod7 jqBrznind. IrrltaXVfctt- of tesrr. I"terfts7v7ithLvv-j:-- , intr of havinr neglected some duty, weariness, JJlzziness,i?luttcrlnCt the heart, Dots before the eyc3, "STe! low Skin, Headache frenerady eve? the right eye, Bestleasncss, with L" id orcaixu, niBhly colored uriiic, and CONSTIPATION, 53GS2 TrTT'S 1IXT.S aro csrerlnllv ndaplcd lo fiucli enscs, one nose t J fecta micl a clinnsc of fceliii;j cs to ustouiU the eu.icrcr. T.u y Increase Uio A'nnetite.an'l ev"o tlo Iwdy to Tnlto ou Kleslt, tUus i tcm U nonrislterl, cml bv their Tor-la AclIcminiliclMKcstlveOzTnins.Z i ular Stooln arerroilncfd. 1 n c i..i ."S Mtin-nv St.. T?.V. w.aaMwrtBawii I H.l WA . '.JMI TH SJ n Ciut H U7i ou WntsuEits chanpo to a Ji r rratKbyaviii leappllciitiimofit i.l);e. it 'reiia. sanaturalooior. Acisln'tunf-jis--i- .y. s- It! liyln.srisu,orfccu:byci- receli.tof...Sl-Ot. offics, ar; MUKKAT ST., .1. f IV.TrrrSSAMtLrlluU,lrt.ri.:iLa4sf HILL'S UR1BTIBS. CEO. Mil.!.. - - - IMlOl'KIItfOK WAI.TKItrAKKS, - .STAGE MANAGER KiigftfH'iiiont T I0ESSRS. BOWKS & ALIC0TT, Tlse Kin;-, ol .Sons and Wauee. Also RICHARDS and EVANS, Cliainpion High Kickers. Together with a new Under Hie iiiauai'iiu-itt or I'lJOF. SWAU. All the Old Favorites Retained. tt;iru n!l Hip Yrsr. Pcrformaiirr r.rj' .Msbl. Knt Ire tunnse cr I'ro- srantnie mro n XVrvU. CoinreNUKall the latest SOHCS, DAHCES AND ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. The theatre Is crowded lightly, and all who have witnessed the entertainment nro- iimincf it to be eo'inl to auy s'ven elsewhere. Mr. Hill as a caterer for the public's amitspiiicm can not ue exeeueu. Aiij-oouy witiiin to spend a pleasant evening atiu sen siarklh)K wit and beauty without vul garity, should Improve the opportunity and conic. The company comprises the following well- Known Arusis : Mis Fa xx in "Walton-. Mix Emma RiutRirr. MISS I'AV ClI.r.RUT, Mr. Waltf.ii Paiiks. Mit. Chas. FnnatoxT. Mi:, .loux Stokiw. Mi:. Chas. llAitnons. .VII of which will appear nightly In their dlf lereilt SlfCCiaillCS. Open air concert every evenmj; ; perform-! anee coziunenclnt; at 8; entrance to theatre on lteiiton street ; prl-ae boxes ou Chena- ' urns street. ' Unw Stars in Rapid Succession ! Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. fcj U M m "swS nil I rik j Aiiiioimcemeni L' lllf i . furniture. Carpets, Mirrors Uphols-; tery. Wall rockels, d rackets. J i w &4skss Qiiomum? ofa$j Qkzmfter Suits, Ladies are invited to call and see latest styles in Plush and Velvet. Beautiful Embroidered goods. A. McINTOSH til wakSH &dMiB )BaVtMa TAILOE AN Has jiyt iieiHMl a Inrpe Men's and Boy's Suits. Furnishing Goods and Cloths. ' AM a full line or Rubber Coats and Leggings. Umbrellas. Trunks, Satchels. Special attention directed to Hosiery, Underwear, and fine Neckwear, Gent's Dressing Gowns. Celluloid Fronts, Collars and Guffs. D. A. McINTOSH, - - TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, eccmirvr ri.ocjc. - TomA. obeco. BTeiBsr &d.s ! 'SSBSHKisiSSSSSH Y ivo uiMrvi'n: Lij3iyifayMJ Bcst Store ifT tnc itcyto got i?uri5foncyrS Worth. V bUlllll Albums, Autrgraph and Photograoh all sizes and Prices- lino!. from :i Dime Tfovel to Vobstcr'.s Unstliridgcd. flosits Jcivclry al Cutlery, "Writing Desks of all sizes, 3Iar Twains Scrap IJooIis. liibic.s, lr:iycr Books ami II3 timnls also, the Iey to Heaven. Oprra am! Iflarint CZIasses. Dr:uiKliti"g Iitstruiiicnls from 40 criif i to riBO.OO a Set. ISIaulc Books. And ecr thing yen could want in our line. We expect to remain after the t"!,n.. .ire all over, and by buying of tjsjou keep the money at home, r"-Examine our oods and print before soing cluenlier. . S. F. STEVENS & CO., City Boole Store. MARTIN i:alri: FURNITURE S? BED!) CN ( i Corner laln ntid Sfittemoiiua Streets. Astoria. Oregon. WINDOW SHADES AHD TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC. .1 Complete Stork. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. ALT, KIXDS OF FURIYITURE REPAIRED AIO VARNISHED. ASTORIA fi?J. MEYER ASTORIA, SPECIAL 3ST3STCTT3XrOS3-IM-B3Xr--g, REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES. $7 50 PER BARREL OF 30 GALLONS. ILARGE ORDERS IN LIKE PROPORTION. Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - - - SI 50 per Dozen eB-Speeial attentiou paid to orders from Publle Houses and Famlllca.-'aa IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH ME ! WHO? FRANK. ELBERSON, SeasiaeBatery & GonfecUonery. Because my Goods are the Best,DrilgS and Chemicals. A FINE LINE OF and Always Fresh. .HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES. C:ikcs Candies etc., furnished for "Weddins parties, on short notice, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. , Cake ornamenting a specialty. Opposite G. W. UuBie'a. Extraordinary! 3 &W i). A -- MT I 0 CLOTHIEE, adilitlon to his tock of Overcoats. Hats and Caps. Mew floods ! BOOK STORE. xu ciikosis OLSEN ix BREWERY. Proprietor. OREGON. ' J,E. THOMAS, I DRUGGIST PHARMACIST, I Klaaey's Bulldias, opposite D. K. Warrca's ; astoriaoregon. ToKet and Fancy Articles. j py- Prescriptions carerally compounded at all hours. O. II. COOPER, o:netLMERCHAND1SK. First T t HWW M H th$s LSADiira Dry Goods 1 dothing House OF .&STOSX&. In order to meet the general demand for first class Fancy Goods wo have just opened several cases comprising HANDKERCHIEFS ! Ladies' and Gentlemen's Handkerchiefs put up in hand some French boxes, one half dozen in each. Ladies Rich Embroidered Handkerchiefs; Ladies" Real Lace Hand kerchiefs; 50 dozen Gentlemen's Plain and Colored Silk Handkerchiefs, in all the Latest designs.- RUSSIA LEATHER GOODS! Purses, Satrliels, Card Cases, Ba, c;iorc Boscs, Unudljcr chxer Boxes, Fancy Articles, T.tv. The above goods aro new and are ery choice, both in style and quality. FANS! FANS! Pearl, Ivory, Feather, and Lace, with a large variety of Fancy Fans. SPANISH LACE GOODS! Our assortment of fine Spanish Jaee, richns, Searfs and Col lars, botlx in Blacli and Cream, is tlie ?est in the market. EinbroHerod T.acc Ficlius, Tic, Fine Trisli Ioint r.nco Collars, SPECIAL! CLO&KS, SOIi3lS.lTS s CTS.CXTL&RB. 1 Having jKlyiliLICflaMi'iMM'MBB niiitio r O IC OOOFI1! (KNIGHTS OF PYTniAS BUILDING.) THE NEW MODEL A PDIL STOCK AICTAYS ON HAND. S3- 3EL. XT AlBS, Two doors east of Occident Hotel, ASTORIA, OREGON. (SUCCESSOR TO JACK CORMIK O 3IA1X AXI JEFFEltSOX STREETS," T ASTORia, - 05i3SIG01Sr. I will REMOVE about Jan. 1st, to the bulding now occupied by Joe Charters' barber shop, on Chenamus street. CHAS. HE1LBORN. iTANUPACTUEER OF FUBNITURB AND DEALER Itf Carpets, Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, WINDOW CORNICES Complete In i&Q I 3 1 MlBIWSgUl t K.VXCE CAX BE ILVD IN AS TORIA 02JLY OF a R. HAWES, AG EXT CALL AND EXXMlR-f, YOU WILL RIPtt:ASED. C. V. ILUVlfS is also agent for the Bud pteit CooiiBf Store And other first-class stoves. Fiimaco "Worlr, Steam Fit tings, etc., a specialty. INS & MONTGOMERY.) DKW.y.n in Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A Gei eral Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves'aiul Ranges The Rest In the market. Punnbing good.3 of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. SE B. Wall Pi Picture Fr AND CURTAT every branch. y t