The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, December 28, 1882, Image 3

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'glxz hxTb &stcrcau.
.Vondnr Ezeoited).
rum.isiiERs ami Pitormrrrons.
.Un-itan Building, Cass Street.
Terms o Subscription :
erred by Carrier, per vreek ....-..J5 Cents
-Tit. by mail, four montbs..... .........J 00
jtxti hy inai!. one your... ................ 9 00
r"reo of Posture to Subscribers.
Ad erusoments inserted by the year at
xxie of $1 SO rer squcro per month.
transient advcrtiEins. by the day or weeV,
fly cents iorsiuBro for each insertion.
Olympia sends away eihl tons of
oysters rer week.
-The Washington Territory board
of iiilot commissioners will moot at
Kalama on the 10th prox.
The query, "Are the fire dele
gates never going to meet?" is an
swered by an ad. this morning.
The bark Lizzie Marshall re
cently made the trip from Honolulu
to Port Townscnd, in oleven days.
The editor of the Coast Mail
claims to bo in rather queer business.
In his last issue he says he unsexes
There aro fourteen vessels ready
for sea, but cannot get over the Co
lumbia river bar. At San Francisco,
on Christmas day, there were twelve
vessels bar bound, so that in this re
spect honors wero easy.
The skirl of the bagpipe brought
to our mind last evening memories of
Highland flings and Strathspey reels,
but on going out wo found the piper
heading a procession of F. & A. M's,
who were going to Pythian Castle.
The important news is telegraphed
from Washington that the secretary
of the treasury of the United States
has decided that "a Chinese wet
nunc is a laborct.' Now you know
what wc have :i secretary of the
treasury for.
Four elegant prizes will be given
by tho J ubilee Troupe for the best
sustained characters at the coming
ball on Xew Years. Two of the prizes
are now on exhibition at the store of
M. D. Kant, where the Troupe have
a large assortment of suits on exhibi
tion. Capt. J. W. White will be relieved
as superintendent and inspector of the
United States life saving service of
the Pacific coast, about January 1st,
1883, by T. J. Blakcney, who has
been appointed to succeed him in
that posit on, and the former will be
assigned to other duty in connection
with re nue marine service.
2sew Tacoma, W. T., has a home
fire insurance company organized at
that ilace. It is said that it is work
ing into quite a business. It is called
tho Mutual fire insurance company,
and is controlled by men of that
place. Sometime, Astorians will grow
tired of sending nway tens of thou
sands of dollars in insurance premiums
at enormous rates, and do just as our
neighbors on tho Sound are doing.
In Portland, flour is worth 4.i30
s$4.75 per bbl.; wheat $1.G0 per
cental; timothy hay, baled, $18 to $25;
cheese, S1CG18 cents; hams 10 to
18 cents; bacon 1518c; potatoes
about a cent a pound. In Astoria,
flour is $5.25 a barrel, wheat is not
sold in very largo quantities, but is
worth all you can got for it; cheese
is 20 cents a pound, hams 20 cents a
pound, bacon 18 cents, potatoes a cent
and a half.
Council Proceedings.
The city council held its regular
meeting last Tuesday evening; a full
I board present.
A petition from property owners
along the line, of Water street in Mc
Clure's Astoria, asking to have the
same cleared of all obstructions, was
referred to street committee. A
communication from Aug. C. Kinney,
stating that the Columbia Water Co.
had accepted the franchise granted by
the city and that said Co. was ready
to sign the contract and bond was re
ferred to street committee. A com-
rauni cation from the chief of
I police in reference to amount of de-
linquent taxes was referred to com
mittee on ways and means. A report
from the committee on health and
police to whom was referred the police
judge's report for the month of Nov.,
was read, and on motion, adopted.
A report from street committee to
whom was referred the street superin
tendent's report, wasead and filed.
A report from committee on ways and
means, to whom was referred tho
draft of an ordinance making appro
priation out of the general and police
department funds, was read and, on
motion, adopted. A report from
street committee to whom was refer
red the remonstrance against the im
provement of Cedar street, was read,
and, on motion, report was received
and placed on tile, and recommenda
tion adopted.
The following ordinances wero
passed: "An ordinance making fur
ther appropriations out'of tho general
fund and police fund for tho payment
of interest on city bonds, board of
city prisoners, salary of chief engineer,
and salaries of the ofheers of the city
of Astoria, to make up the deficits in
said appropriations for the year 1882."
"An ordinance making an appropri
ation out of the general fund for the
purpose of paying the claim of Geo,
W. Hume."
"An ordinance providing for the
time and manner of repairing and im
proving certain portions of Hemlock
"An ordinance providing for the
disposition to bo mado by the audi
tor and clerk of the printed copies of
charter and ordinances of the city,
now in his possession."
The following claims were ordered
paid: M. Nowlau, S78; Theo. P.roem
ser, S19.80; G. W. Hume, $178.67;
I. W. Case, $29.15; Tim Corbett, 9;
M. 0. Crosby, S5.0G; E. R. Hawes,
2; J. F. Halloran & Co., 92.20;
Jackins & Parks, $9.97; J. W. Gear
hart, $33.12; Win. Oliver, $1.70; Ira
Coe, $2; C. H. Stockton, 2; J. A.
McCrea, 2; G. D. Fruit, $2; Aug.
Daniehson, 2; John O'Brien, 2; S.
M. Coffinbury, S2: Thos. Dealey, 2;
W. L. Pvobb, $2; 11. It. Spodden, $3;
P. H. Fox, $3.
A report from the street committee,
to whom was referred the communi
cation of the Columbia Water Co., in
regard to the contract and bond to be
signed by said water company, was
read, and on motion, report was
On motion, council adjourned to
meet on the 30th inst., at 7:30 v. w.
January Term. 1883.
State of Oregon vs. John Bain; in
dictment, murder.
State of Oregon vs. Ptar Ecklaud ;
State of Oregon vs. Pater Carlson;
State of Oregon vs. W. C. Mc
Laughlin and F. E. Tracy; held to
State of Oregon v. Win. Delash
mutt; held to answer.
State of Oregon vs. Ah Jim; held
to answer. , i
Stats of. Oregon vs. Samuel Wynn;
held to answer. I
State of Oregon vs. Frank Home:!
held to answer. j
State of Oregon vs. Jas. Riley and i
A. P. Mordaunt; held to answer.
State of Oregon vs. Win. Palmer;
hold to answer.
State of Oregon vs. P. Smith; held
to answer.
State of Oregon vs. Geo. Richard
son, et. al. ; to answer.
For The
Don't fail to call at A. M.
Johnson & Co's. during
the next few days and ex
amine the largest stock of
Crockery and Glassware
ever brought to Astoria,
Everything is marked
down to the lowest possible
figure for the Holidays.
Stale of Oregon vs.
chino; indictment.
Merchel Mur-
k Temperance Lecture.
Corvalli3, Dec. 20. Last Satur
day night at 12 o'clock the lodgiug
house at Ininan's mill, in the moun
tains twelve miles west of Monroe,
was destroyed by fire, and two of the
inmates, Frank Leonard and George
Blake lost their lives, and another,
Joseph Shepherd, was so badly burned
that his recovery is doubtfal. They
had purchased a supply of whisky for
the holidays of which they drank
freely during the evening, and went
to bed drunk, leaving a blaziag fire
in the fire placo, which communica
ted with the adjacent woodwork.
Earnest Holgated, a sober young man
who occupied a room in the building,
was awakened by the flames in time to
escape without injury. After getting
outside and giving the alarm he found
taht the others were still in the build
ing. Ho again entered and rescued
Shepherd, who is badly burned about
the head, neck and anus. Leonard
and Blake were burned to a crisp and
unrecognizable. Loss on the building
$500. No insurance.
If you intend making a
Christmas present to one of
your friends, now is your
time to get one cheap.
Remember the place and
give us a
Masquerade Costumes
. to Bent.
80 Fancy costumes
for Ladies and Gents
in full assortment
from the finest to the
most comical will
arrive from SanFran
cisco in time for the
Masquerade Ball.
They will be rented
at reasonable rates.
Gents will plese call
on M. D. Kant, Mer
chant Tailor. Ladies
will please call on
Mrs. Malcolm Millin
er, where they are
on exhibition.
Holiday r resents
Oysters! Oyster!!
At Frank Fabre's; in overy style.
Fresh from the beds every Uy.
It Never Fails-
Hall remedies havo failed to afford
relief there is one that will never disap
point yon, and that one is Syrup of
Figs. The strong and the weak alike
find it powerful for good; harmless, yet
thorough, always giving strength to the
bowels, so thar regular habits may be
formed and tho system restored to
a healthy condition. Each half-dollar
bottle contaius from twenty to thirty
average doses, and the dollar bottles
more than double. For sale by V. E.
Dement, druggist, Astoria Oregon.
Hodge Davis fc Co., Wholesale Agents,
Portland Oregon.
Liat of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in the Post
office at Astoria, Oregon, December
28th 1882.
Alexander, Duncan liahkola, ilenrr
Esko. Tetter Koss. J. Y
Elgeon, Eli Sakan, Oskar
Itapalo, Albert Sohard, Frank
Mitchell, r. Scarfati, Antonio
McDermott, John Sorensen, Laorids
Norris, Cyrus U, YYhittaker, Frank
Pilkernel. John
Persons calling for these letters
must givo tho date they are advertised.
W. Chaxcb. P. M.
An effective medicino for kidney
diseases, low fevers and nervous pros
tration, and woll worthy of n trial, is
Brown's Iron Bitters.
It Will D It.
Food will lodge in the interslics be
tween tho teeth, and it becomes a source
of their decay. SOZODOXT will dis
lodge such deposits, and prevent the
mischief. All parents should provide
SOZODONT. and thus secure the health
of their children's teeth.
Hew te AtI4 BraakcasicM.
Forbid intoxicating nostrums and
use Parkers Winger Ionic m your
family. This delicious remedy never
intoxicates, is a true blood and brain
food, and aiding all tho vital functions
never fails to invigorate.
Removal! Removal!
Dry Goods Clothing House
About Janmry 1st 1 will remove my
Stove anil Tin-shop into the rooms
now occupied by .Joe Charters' barber
facilities for doins ail work in my line
will be increased.
John A. Moxtgomekit.
shop, on Chenamus street. My slock of
iu best uoods will be enlarged and my
For sale at Carl Adler's.
Try our Borax Soap made expressly
for us and guaranteed of superior qual
ity. Can be used for any purpose, and
will not injure the most delicate fabric.
A line toilet soap.
A M. Jonxsox & Co.
Important Xetlrn.
A full line of artist's materials con
sisting of tube colors, sable brushes,
picture varnishes, canvas, &c. Ac. Ev
erything an artist wants at
A.M.Jonxsox &Co.
In order to meet the general deinand fop
useful Christmas Presents we Iface
just opened several cases of Holi- i
day goods comprising
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Handkerchiefs put up in hand
some French boxes, one half dozen in each,
expressly for Christmas trade.
Ladies Rich Embroidered Handkerchiefs; Ladies' Real Lace Hand
kerchiefs; 50 dozen Gentlemen's Plain and Colored Silk
Handkerchiefs, in all the Latest designs.
31 o titer ! M others !! Met ken! !
Fresh Candy.
Made every day at John 1. Classen's
Astoria Candy Factory. Creams choco
late, French candy, taffy, etc. A line
assortment of holiday toys.
Furnished Beema te Kent
At Mrs. Munson's.
Take Xetlee.
It. A'
Picrco, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y.;
L. A. Loomis received a tele
gram from Washington, yesterday,
making him an offer to carry the mail
from hsro to Olympia, which offer he
accepted. This will give our Pacific
county neighbors their regular mail
once more. There has been a great
deal of inconvenience consequent
upon the interruption. One letter
which had to bo sent from
Bay Center, cost the Ilwaco Steam
Navigation Co. $13.
I had a serious disease of tho lungs,
and was for a time confined to my bed
under the care of a physician. His
prescriptions did not help me. I grew
worse, coughing very severely. I com
menced taking your "Golden Medical
Discovery," and it cured me.
Yours respectfully,
Hillsdale, Mich.
An endless variety of Holiday goods,
calces and pies of all kinds, ornamented
and plain, or made to order. First class
French and home made candies, cand
canes, popcorn balls, fcc, at r rank
If you want to buy a first-clas organ,
guaranteed for 10 years, at a low figure,
call at the Xew York Novelty Co., cor.
Main and Chenamus streets.
Notice te the Ladien.
To all who are suffering from the
errors and indiscretions of youth, nerv
ous weakness, early decay, loss of man
hood, etc-1 will send n recipe that will
cure you FREK OF CHANGE. This
great remedy was discovered by a mis
sionary in South America. Send a self
addressed envelope to the Itcv. Joseph
T. Ixmax, Station 1), New York City.
What Women Should I.-r.
Dyspepsia, weak back, despondency
and other troubles caused me fearful
suffering, but Parker's Ginger Tonic
makes mo feel like a new being. A
great remrdy. Every woman should
use it. Mrs. Garita, Pittsburg.
l Are you disturbed at night and broken
of your rest by a sick child suffering
and crying with the excruciating pain
of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and
get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup, it will relieve the poor little suf
ferer immediately depend upon it;
there is no mistake about it. There is
not a mother on earth who has ever
used it, who will not tell you at once
that it will regulate the bowels, and
give rest to the mother, and relief and
health to the child, operating like magic.
It is perfectly safe to use in all cases,
and pleasant to the tate, and is the pre
scription of one ot the oldest and best
female physicians and nurses in the
United State. Sold everywhere. 25
cents a bottle.
Ave rill's mixed paints, the best in
use. for sale at J. "W. Conn.s drmr store.
opposite Occident Hotel.
Sleepless Nights, made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by Y. E. Dement
Panes. Satckela, Card Cases, Bags, alere
chief Boxes. Fancy Articles. EteS-W'
j ,!.?
The above goods are new and are very choice, both in .yfe?i
L 5
Pearl, Ivory, Feather, and Lace, with a large varittygflfJ
-? n
""pip" ' ' .'i-L.5cv-,ri
J-Cfe i-r i Zm - ?T- jT- -T .
sa3'2tfr.;re;? 5rci
T&tt&FZ'&rZr-SZ: tt3N. iS, -
Our aosertmcRt of fiae Spanish lace, lcMumMfmBmpCM'
tars. Beta ia uiaeic aau cream, is the est Jamm mmmmJz&i&'i?&rZi-2
-c-rjrf- ;-'-- rr-s&'Jj!i'T
EaahreiHIercd Iaee Fichus, Tics, Fii
Having received from a manufacturer a late delivery
me nest material ana iianusomeiy trimmed, wilt be sola
For lame Back, Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 2.1 cents.
For sale by W. E. Dement.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, ami toilet articles, etc can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. V.
Conn's drug store, opposite Oeciden
hctol, Astoria.
The chances on the Music box, nt tho
City Book store are all taken, and it
will bo raffled to-night at 7 1 m. Come
and throw your oiwi chance.
The Sewing Machine will also bo
drawn, and the lucky No. will be adver
tised in tomorrow's paper.
B. F. Stevens & Co.
City Book Store.
To the leading periodicals will be re
ceived at Carl Adler's. Any paper or
magazine will be furnished you at pub
lishers' prices by leaving j'our name at
Carl Adler's.
That Bell at Carl Adler'
Switches made from combings or cut
hair: new switches made to order
from the best imported hair, in any
shade desired. Old switches repaired.
All work warranted. Rates reasonable.
Call or address
Occident Hair dressing saloon, Asto
ria, Oregon.
Has Arrived.
Prof. A.S.Francishas arrived In this
citv. He is prepared to fill all
orders in tuning, repairing and regula
ting pianos, organs and musical instru
ments of all kinds. Persons desiring to
purchase musical instruments will do
well to have one select them who under
stands their mechanism and the ma
terial used in their construction. Or
ders may bo left at the Occident Hotel.
For Twenty-Six Years.
There is a stage driver at San
Jose, Cal., who has been driving over
a little bit of road from San Jose to
Almaden, ever since 1850. 'Tis only
thirty miles, and for twenty-six years
he has ben over that thirty miles of
road twice a day. Nearly ten thou
sand times over a thirty milo stretch;
it must be fearfully monotonous.
Other men have started business and
made money and got married and
had reverses, and been "broke,5" and
then doubled back and broke again
and got ahead and traveled and seen
ups and downs as all Pacific Coasters
do, but that man has sat on the box
and driven back and forth, back and
forth, back and forth for twenty-six
years. It must be that he has no
brains; had he brains he would have
gone crazy twenty year ago; it is
very much to his discredit that he
should remain sane and drivo over
thirty miles of a'stage road twice a
day for twenty-six years.
Will be raffled at one o'clock Saturday
afternoon. There are a few more
chances left which will be disposed of
at twenty-five cents each. Take a
chance for 3our little girl.
Xcw Years cards at Carl Adler's.
Sheet music in all the latest varieties
just received at Gustav Hansen's. Sonat
as, operas, waltzes and all the popular
music of the day in stock. If you want
music for the niano. orcan, violin, flute.
etc, you will find what you want at
Hansen s.
Shipper & ttybke. No. 11, Oak stree
Portland, are the bon ton tailors of the
Have you tried a stew or pan roast
as Frank Fabre cooks It ? Order oi:o and
you'll thank us for tho advice.
A very complete assortment of blank
books, all sizes, styles and prices at the
City hooK store.
Tlmt Ilnckin?
oulcklv cured by Slnlo
guarantee it.
y Pinion
Sold by X
cau be so
s Cure. Yp
E. Dement.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
W. J. BARKY Chief Engineer
F. 1. HICKS lbt Asst. Engineer
J. C. CIIAltTKKS.. .2d Asst. Engineer
ing fourth Momlav In each month, at 7 i2Q
r. m.. at hall if Astoria Engine Company
No. l.
Okkm'kks. O. .1. Trenchant. President;
A. A. Cleveland. Secretary; K.I l'arker.
Dklkcatfs. L.K. SeHtr.C. J. Trenchant,
Ch.w. Stickles, of Astoria Eiigiun Co. No. 1 ;
Wm. .McComitc, F. I l'arker, II. F. Prael,
or Itescue Engine Co. No. 2: Ed.l. Curtis.
1 .1. Ta lor. A. W. Kerry. f Alert Hook and
uuuieri o. .mi. l. A EXGJXB COMPANY Xu. 1-.
Itegular meeting first Monday In each
Ofkjokiw. W. AV. Parker. President ; I
E. Sellg, Secretary : Win. Bock. Treasurer:
S. G. Ingjilb, Foreman ; Chas. Waliman, 1st
Asst. Foreman ; Henry Miller, 2d Aat. Foreman.
New York
Shoalwater bay oysters
day, at Frank Fabre's.
fresh every
Will you suffer with Dispepsia and
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitallzer Is
uarauteed to cure you. Sold by W . E.
Brace up the whole system with King
of the Blood. See Advertisement.
Get those splendid oiled horse cov
ers and hoods at A. M. Joiinsox & Co's.
Premature graynoss avoided by us
ing Parker's flair Balsam, distin
guished for its cleanliness and perfume.
The Barque ZeUaaf Loadoa take
Xikeandhis BsJo,rand all his oibr
Uwtruwer.te to'ed-Coatp'. ea,
vkir, Mike DwsMiif
For finp. Havana, and domestic Ci
gars, such as the "Commercial.' "Flor
de Cuba Delicious." and the celebrated
"Calcutta" cigar, call at J. E. Thomas'
Drug store.
.1. W. Conn has the largest stock of
Rogers' Plated ware in Astoria to select
from. -at his Drug Store. Also Toilet
sets, Dressing cases, Vases all sizes. Al
bums. Ink-stands. Odor cases, Hand
mirrors, ("loth and Hair brushes. Fancy
Soaps and Perfumery of the best make
Calf and examine goods and prices, and
von will see my prices arc one-third less
than in other stores.
Opposite Occident Hotel.
Shiloh's Vitallzer is what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle, sold
by W. R. Dement.
Fresh supply of candies at Oerk
wltz's Pioneer Candy Factorv, opposite
Bell tower.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure Is sold by us on guarantee. Jt
cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De
ment. Fine organs and pianos at Gutav
Hansen's. Call and examine.
P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus street,
has just received the latest and most
fashionable style of gents and ladies
boots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for
tho famous Morrow shoes.
The Peruvian syrup has cured thou
sands who were suffering from dyspep
sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu
mors, female complaints, etc. rainpn
lets free to any address. Seth W.Fowl
jfeSon Boston.
Itegular meeting first Monday In each
Ofkickus. C. "i. Fulton, President ;It. F.
Prael. Secretary; J. I). Mcrrynian, Ass't
Secretary : F. I rarker. Treasurer ; O. P.
Graham. Foreman ; II. K. Prael, 1st Asst,
Foreman.; A. McKenzle, 2d Asst. Foreman.
Itegular meeting second Monday In each
Offickus. J. O. Bozorth. President ; C.
Brown, Secretary ; J. Tuttle, Treasurer ; F.
B. Elberson. Foreman ; F. W. Fcrgusou. 1st
Asst.- Foreman ; J. W. Ferchen, 2d Asst.
so IrisK VmW&mrUMmg&&f
S- YrfA& 53. R?afei-liScS 23
jaouEMMm j:
w wvev -w v iKr rruKr jff5 fr-y.w
ac-T, a. -- ;j- -i'Tia B
Bs&sBsVsKdSir FW
I Ilia WsWKlS--':-'-
At the
Toys, Dolls, Fancy Goods, Albums, Static
Musical Instruments, Notionife
Cutlery. Christmas and New Year C
Candles and
OinimaiilB &&$
tl IIQIIIVlllO yjv.. f sfet-u;
Wax Dolls, Rubber Dolls. Doll' era
dies, Hocking horses and Toys at Carl
Best cough candy at Oerkwlt.' op
posite Bell tower.
For the genuine J. II. Cutter old
Bourbon, and the best ot wines, liquors
and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem
opposite the bell tower, and s?.e Camp-
Common CounciL
Macular meotines second and fourth Tues
day evenings of each month, at 1X o'clock
" Persons desiring to have matters acted
apon by the Council, at any regular meeting
must present the same to the Auditor ana
Clerk on or before the Friday evening prior
to the Tuesday on which the Council holds its
regular meetings. F. C. MOKHIS,
Auditor and Clerk.
Astoria Lodge No. 40, L O. G.l.
Itegular Meeting every Tuesday Evening
diTtt o'clock, at Good Templar's Ball. Che
namus Streot, Astoria, over C L. Parker's
Store Members of tho Order, in good stand-
, axo invited to attend. .Degree meeungist
. V.X.
Cor. Main & Chena
Monday each month. By order W.
Tamrjlalxxiire. No. 7A.P.AM.
-Catarrh cured, health ami
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem
edy. Price 50 cents, Masai Injector free.
For sale by w. is. uement.
KeguTor Communications first and
chird Tuesday: in eacn monin, ai v
o'clock, f. m., at the iiau in Astoria.
Members of the Order, in good standing, are
invitod to attend. By erde: of the W. M.
American Legion of Honor.
. ... ?T IFecufrimeetlng or Astoria Council No. 933,
.sweet Ig , yd onjy first and third Tuesday of each
under a mistake
If you think there is any sauce in the
justly celebrated
7US: WBSrWatJ-y.Aj
SZ ? rf"i i 3e .
V5V VSKUrf. JTdfe5.5w..: V'
I fcr KsksSL&JbS.BBs3UKW-V3P'jrr
iSSSfsiFJISw t?$2i-tJrr.3i 3?
'lcy v .,- mexjm
month nt ?Y CIOCK T. M.
By order of CdtJPc" Commander.
jIVMoxTKixir, Sec'ty.
Dr Lockhart.
Book Store.
Office e'. City
The best chocolate caramels Oerk
witz makes them. 'Tis he that makes
that splendid taffy. Opposite Bell tower.
Srousquitaue Kid Gloves in the new
est shades at the Empire Store.
Wasted A competent oman to do
bousework for a sH'khr'. Jpply
diw 'feMi
y 4-
Uave WmuF
Physicians' proscriptions carefully
oipounded day or niitht at J. W.
drug store, opposite Occident
ik.BisCW'!Bc shSrxtii ike PMMfiHEB
ItwMrtwe. . - :rr?.r-yx4'! -'- -j- L'imi .fig nstirXiAMJmCf
s isav-ffT mivmm mnm, m .tt&rfmmi
MBO. " I n- T'TIII ' rill l iiillis ilMl asisil it (ill il STSBJ SMI I I IIJllSl
23SOl3Bl &8m&w&2i& Wm"m3tmWi
: r. BCKiaHBk oeb a bh i i i -v m ifi i m m i
una - '-- - --- - - nusirsMiTKP'.infmk 'pnsBF?i m w sis stsi sntmsMi "-
a R Cr A I
New Years Presents !
Albums, Handkerchief Boxes, Jewelry Cases. Cologne Sets,
Toilet Sets, Etc., Etc,
(The recipe of a retired well known Caterer of 25 ye;
Tr miIvaH rinnmhritlnn wherever Introduced, and alttv
iha marVar it lioa fllnvtflv iltt.lined CelebritV tllTOUlllOUt the nOltH
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Strictly Pure and Strengthening rnfpedill
It Is especially adapted for . - y-JJM
Dyspepsia. Broken Down Constitution, iJfj
of the Human System..X &ilS
And the only sauce for enricWVr:
sieaKS, uravies, risn, uumes, umcf r:-
One trial will suffice to prove its Jnerits-'
ntitatinna Vnni fpnuinft withont our mil urmmammtrnthmma
feicturcrs and Proprietors, Portland
Pware of spark!?
Sole 3IanT
t or sale by leading Grocers and Druggist.
j??! "jywv
A'-a:- jLt."z-.,
i? a reasonable discount.
Office, Main street. Address P. O. box 84.
Astoria. Clatjop County, Oregon, d-lwk wit
X nen on the Columbia Kivr is for JS
r v- ' vj& ?- AWiA:jW'7r.divA min&mB
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