;)m r $--0) ir - 2Dfttt , jS .... & Vol. xviii. Astoria, Oregon, Thursday Morning, December 28, 1882. No. 76. - !A0t0tlmi If rr A. DAUGHTER OP THE GODS - The first tirm I saw her and I never saw her but twice there was nothing visible but a slat sun- bonnet and a pair o red, angular elbows keeping time to the mo notonous chant: 'Ma-ry and 3Iartliy served the Lawd, Ma-rj and Marthy served the Lawd. .Ma-i. and Marthy served the Lawd, And I kin serve him tew.' This was followed by a vigor ous rubbing the slat sun-bonnet flapping and the elbows flying on a home-made, rickety pine wash board for she was washing, stand ing on a bench, and leaning over io far in the hot, steaming water, that there was danger of her losing her balance and drowning. The sound of the rubbing and splash ing and her own voice, had pre ented her hearing my aproach, and she jumped like a frightened partridge and looked at me with a frightened stare when 1 addressed her. "Don't be alarmed, little one," 1 said, "I have only lost my way. and stopped to ask you where the hotel is.1' She wrung the water out of her lean, led hands, pushed back her sun-bonnet, and stepped off the bench. "Dew you live at the tavern?" she asked, putting her brown head over one shoulder, like a bird, and looking at me with a bright, inquisitive eye. 'Yes; what a shame to let such a child as you, wash; you ought to be playing with dolls," I remarked indignantly. She looked at me, covertly, from under the lashes of her soft, shy eyes, as if wondering if I would do her harm, drew her small form up, proudly, and pointed to the mountain. "Keep rite on up; tlia's yoh place; go wiia the road turns, and yew'll site the tavern."' She buried he head in the tub, and resumed her chanting: "Ma-ry aud Marthy served the Laud" When I was half way up the mountainside I turned and saw her standing, bare-headed, in the sun, looking after me; but she was gone like a squirrel, when she saw me watching her. The next time I saw her was when I was looking for a particu lar species of beetle I am fond of bugs and worms and being caught in a storm, sought shelter in the first cabin, which was hers! She did not open the door until I bad knocked and pounded a num ber of times. "An' its yew," was her laconic greeting, as she swung the old boards that served for a door and reluctantly admitted me. There was a fire on the stone bearth; there was a vry old man asleep in a chair, and a great brindle cat, with green eyes, arched itself at his side. The room was a clean, warm bright place, that was more picturesque than anything I had seen in the drear place called the Pocket country, which lies between Ken tucky and Virginia, and where fate had cast me for a few lonely weeks. I looked every moment for some woman to make her appearance; yet it would be hard to tell where she would come from, unless she had been in the loft above. There was a curtain hung across a small division of the cabin, but it con cealed nothing. "Do you keep house here alone?" 1 asked. "With feytherand gran'feyther," said the child, "an' an' Kedsie." "Oh, your brother." She nodded her answer; I sat on the bench, and dried myself in the firelight; the old man roused himself and looked curiously at me with red, ferret-like eyes, that bad no lashes to their weak lids, the little girl whispered to him, and he went to sleep again. "How old are you?" I asked, when we had talked a little, and she was not so much afraid of me. "What do you thiak?" she asked, in her quaint way. I looked at her small, childish igure, and guessed ten." She laughed a little and shook 1 remarked the sharp-curved chin and ventured "fifteen." "Try again." She threw back her sun-burned hair, and looked full into mine with her bright, restless eyes. "Seventeen," for I caught the glimpse of a woman's nature in their clear depths. "Yoh all out." She sighed as she spoke. "1 believe you are fifty,1 1 said sharply, there was such a chaage in each movement of the little woman. "Y'imo twenty," she leplied in her childish voice. I think if she had said one hun dred, 1 would not have been sur prised, she was so weirdly quaint and old. As we were sitting silent, she watching every movement I made, there was a great clattering at the door, and she flew with that swift motion of hers, to open it. There was a loud, angry voice, which she at once answered, in her sort tones, and then a man stum bled into the room, and, without noticing me, threw himself on the little bed and snored iustantly an uSb unkempt, drunken man, shabbily garbed, and forbidding looking. "It's feyther," she sighed, "he's tooken agen; "it's the mountin' agoo he's got, an' it takes holt rite simp, ao's he can not do a stroke of work. Poor feyther." "And the old man?" I queried, pointing to the slumbering figure in the chair. "Gran'feyther; he's a comtort to me, mostly; he hasn't the agoo, yoh see." Do you take care of these" these dreadful people, I had nearly said, but checked myself "your father and grandfather?" "Yes, aud Kedsie; wait till yoh see Kedsie!" The first happy look I had seen came into her eyes. She was lis tening, a step was at the door, which opened, and a young, fresh, fair looking man came softly in. He was rather neatly dressed, but one look at his long, smooth chin and open mouth told the story he was witless. But' the girl's face brightened into a sunny smile; she reached on tiptoe to kiss the pale, flabby cheek of her brother, and she opened the folded fingers of one nerveless hand to see what he had there it was a little field mouse, the life crushed out by the tension of the long fingers that had im prisoned it. "You killed it, Kedsie," said the girl sadly. "Look yeah how its eyes wimple; tha's tears in 'em." The foolish boy laughed; then he drew a pretty green lizard from his pocket and held it with his thumb and finger, its long, narrow, green head undulating like a snake; he mado a sound that re sembled the chattering of a mon key; and it was evident that he knew no power of speech. "It's wuth money," said the girl looking at it critically. "You can dicker for it at the tavern." The sun came out and I rose to. go; the cat followed me to the door; the old gran'feyther rose feebly and tottered out to look at the weather; the drunken man snored; the little child woman leaned against her foolish brother in-the doorway and patted one soft leaden hand which she held in hers; I was never one to say a graceful or pretty thing when I should, and I blurted out abruptly to the girl: "Do you help them all?" She drew herself up on tiptoe and looked up lovingly into the foolish, imbecile face. "Na," she said in a loving voice, "tha help me." I did the next worst thing I could have done took out a silver half dollar; fortunately I saw that the little mountain washerwoman was a princess in disguise, and I asked humbly: "May I buy the lizard?" I took the reptile home with mo in a piece of broken cup; I have a bit of delf yet to remind me of the little unselfish being whose history, known in all the Pocket cc-antry, is the saddest I ever heard. The hist I ever saw of her she stood in the rough doorway, regarding with a look of rapt devotion her imbecile brother, while the old man leaned on his hickory fctafl beside her, and the cat purred trustingly at her feet, and in the back room a horror as of death awaited her. So small, so trubting, so unconscious of any labor of lore to commend her to the notice of angels, I saw as in a dream, that small stature growing to heavenly heights. 'A daughter o the nods, divinely tall And most divinely fair.' Diving for black pearls employs a large number of men and boats off the coast of Lower California. Traders supply the vessels and diving apparatus upon the stipula tion that the pearls that are found arc to be sold tothem at specified rates. These jewels are of much beaut and highly prized. A year's production is worth, on an average, from 1500,000 to $1,000,000. Capt. Wm. Rentou, of the Port Blakely mills, intends building a standard sruajre railroad from the head of Little Skookum bay to Elma, on the Chehalis river. For three years he has quietly been securing timber claims along the proposed line of the road. As soon as good weather opens work will begin. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tliis powder never varies. A maivel of purity, strength and holesomeni.v. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the mul titude of low test, .short wrighr, alum or phosphate iowders. Sold only in can. ltOVAL BAKING POWDER CO.. 1(W W:UI-t.. King of the Blood Is not a '-cure all," It Is n blood-purifier and tonic Impurity of the blood poisons the a s tem, deranges the circulation, and thus In duces many disorders, known bv different names to distinguish them according to ef fects, but being really branches or phases of that great generic disorder, lmpnrlty er lUeeil. Such are DylPia, milioume, Liter Complaint, Constipation. Xcrrviis DU onlcr. Headache, Backache, General Weak ness. Heart Dteac, Dropsy. Kidney BUaw, Ptlcg, Ilheumatixm, Catarrh, Scrofxda, Shin Disorders, Pimple. Ulcer. Sicctitnos, Ac, dc. King ef the Blood prevents and! cures these by attacking the cause. Impurity of the blood. Chemists and physicians agree In calling it "the most genuine and elllcient preparation for the purpose." Sold by Drug gists, 1 per bottle. See testimonials, direc tions, &c in pamphlet, "Treatise on Diseases ol the Blood." wrapped around each bottle. D. RAXSOM, SON & Co.. Props Buffalo, N. Y. SOLID. GOLD JEWELRY, BRACELETS, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, Of every description. The finest stock or Jewelry In Astoria. Efr-All goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. Mitt Complite Sttck in Astoria Novelties of all Kinds Praits Both Foreign aad Oaatestle Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, O'R AN BOCK Sleepless Nights, made miserable' by that terrible couch. Shiloh's Cnw i the reedy tor yew. Sold by W. E. TJe- c W & ROYAL KSSKlfc B r IP) I mm m JTOIt RHEUMATISM, Heuralgia', Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil j safe, sure, simple and cheap External Bemedj-. A trial entail but the comparatiTelj trifling outlay of CO Cents, and every sne itiffer lag with pain can baTa cheap and paitire proof of It claims. Directions In EoTen Languages. B0LDBYALLDEUGGIST8ADDEALEB8 BT MEDIOISE. A. VOGEUER & CO., Baltimore, Xtd., IT. S. A. THERE i$ SB DEATH. There is no death! The stars go down To shine upon some fairer shore, And bright in heaven's jeweled crown They shine forever more. There is no death! The dust we tread Shall change banctth the summer showers To golden grain, or mellow fruit. Or rainbow-tinted flowers. There is no death! The leaves mav fall, The flowers may fade and pass away They only wait through w in try hours The coming of the May. There is no death ! An nugel form Walks o'er the earth with silent tread. lie bears our best beloved awav. And then we call them 'dead.'' ' J". It. McCrcery. SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LIVER. lalu in the right side, tinrior etle of ribs, increasing on pre-surc; sometimes the pain Is on the left blue; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; some times the pain la felt under the shoulder and is sometimes taken for Rheumatism in the arm. The stomach l affected with loss of appetite and sickness; the bowel-, in general are co-tlve, sometimes alter nating with laxity; the head K troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation In the baek part. There is gener ally a considerable loss of memory, accom panied with a painful HnsatIon of having left undonu .something which might to liave been done. A blight, dry cough i sometimes attendant. The patient com plains of weariness and debility; ho i easllj' startled ; his feet aro cold or burn ing, and he complains of a prickly sensa tion of the skin; his .spirits are low, and, although he is nat Nfled that exercise w ould be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitudo enough to try it. If you have any of the above symptoms, vou can certainly ho cured by the use of the genuine PR. C. SIcLASt'CS I.IVEK PILLS. When you buy McLanc's nils, Insist on having DR. C. McLANE'S CELE BKATED LIVER 1'ILLS, made by Flt-m-lni? ItroR., Pittsburgh, Pa. if you can not cet the genuine DR. C. 3XcLAE'S LIVER PILLS, send us 25 cents by mail, and wc will send them to yon. FLEMING BROS., Pittsbnrgli, Pa. Health is Wealth. Dr. E. C. West's Xerve and Brain Treat ment: a specifle for listeria. Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental De pression, Loss of Memory, Spermatorrhoea, Impotency, Involuntary Emissions, Prema ture Old Age, caused by over-exertion, self abuse, or over-indulgence, uhich leads to misery, decay and death. One box will euro recent cases. Each box contains one months treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on re ceipt of price. We guarantee .six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dol lars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money If the treat ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees is sued only by W. E. Dement, dniggist, As toria, Oregon. Orders by mail at regular prices, . MARTIN FOATtn. J. .1. TOKKS FOABD & STOKES, Wholesale and retail dealers in Wood aad Willow-ware, GROCERIES, Tobacco, Cigars, Wines and Liquors FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Fruits and Vegetables. FLOUR, F&SD, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. A'D General Goaainion Merchants ASTORIA. OREGON. Next to Oregon Hallway Nav. co's Dock. dw Dressmaking, Plain and Fancy Sewing. Isits mdm Im the toet Style aad Graata4 tFit- Mrs. T. S. JezveU. EIOOIM OVJtR MBS. . S. WARREN'S.! ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon, i'Hi:x.vMts sTi:i:irr, astoiua. nriiiK l'xdi:i:sh;ni;i) rs pleased to A announce to tin public that he has op ened a FIRST TiASS JSatixxs House , Anil rumMics in flit-class stj le oysti:s:s. hot coi'fee tea. etc. AT THE Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, CHUNAMUS STKEET. Please give me a ealL KOSCOEjniXOX, Proprietor ,. 51. .IOHNnO.N. '. II. STIC KKLS A. M. JOHNSON & Co., DMler in CROCKERY &. CLASS WARE. A!o Wholesale Dealers in Pnluls, Oils, Vurnislic, CSIa&t, Ptittr. Artists' Oil ami Water Colors. Paint and Kalso- uiinc Brushes. Constantly on hand a'f till and choice stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries Only tfeo Brst kept. Our Mock of Crockery and U1b8H Ware Is the Largest and most Completo Stock e or opened In Astoria. Consisting of Tea and Dinner Sets, Toilet Sots. i;kus. Fruit, and Water Sets. liar FIxtnres. A!o Mugs. Ponies, thistle Bottles Goblets, Tum blers Lemonade Cans, &c, ic. K crythlug sold at Lowest I. Ing Kates. Quality Guaranteed. An Evamination will more than repay yon. WM, EDGAR, ASTOItlA. OltEGOX, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerchaum and Brier Pipes, Stationery and Optical Goods, Joseph Kodgers and Wostenholm GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. wattham axj elgih Gold and Silver Watches and Chains. B. B. FRANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, Corner Cav. and Ffuiemoqhe streets, ASTORIA, ... - OREGON URALRlt IS WALL PAPER AX I) WINDOW SHADES AND UNDERTAKERS GOODS. J,E. THOMAS, DRUGGIST AM) PHARMACIST, rKInney's Huilding, opposite D. K. Warren's AST0RIM)REG0N. Drugs and Chemicals. A FIXE LINE OF HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES. Toiet and Fancy Articles. S& Preriptions carefully compounded at all hours. Barbour's No. 40 12-PIy SALMON TWINE ! CORK AND Li: 11) LINES, SETNE TWINES. A Full Stock Now on Hand. HENRY DOYLE & CO., Sll Market Street. 8aa Frmaelsc Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast $500 Reward. We wlllpay the ahof e reward for any case of Liver Complaint. Dyspejisia, Sick Head ache, indigestion. Constipation or Costive ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when tho directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to ghe satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large boxes, containing 30 Fills, 23 cents. ForsalobyallDrujKists. Beware of counterfeits and imitation. The genuine manufactured onlv byjoirx G. West & Co. "The Till Maker' 181 and 183 "W. Madison SC. Chicago. Free trial package seat by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cefttstaep. W E. Dement, ageat. 2 W 1 & z w M g n o L C " 33 t P o o WILLIAM HOWE -DEALER IX- Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms, Lumber. All Kinds of OAK LUMBER, i GLASS. Boat Materia!, Etc. sJg15BBBBIMfcj3i ;mmmi....mmi""""'""""' tmnnmwMn,nnmniii, j Boats of all Kin An Made to Order. I : s g "Orders from a dlstauco promptly attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. MISCELLANEOUS. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bwnrox Strekt, Near PAniusn House, ASTOKIA. - OBEGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER IMAKERS. LANDiMARINB ENGINES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. CASTINOS. or nil DesciTptleHS marie te Order at Short A'otlrc. A. D. "Wass, President. .1. (. Hustlkk, Secretary. I.W. Case, Treasurer. Joux Fox, Superintendent S. ARNDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OKKfiON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SH0P4 Boiler. Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Wixsotf & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. OBAI.EKS IX Iron. Steel, Coal, Anchors, Ghains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WHOCGHT AXD CUT GALVANIZED SPIKEI. Nails, Cepprr Nulls ud BHrrs, Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oili Rubber and Hemp Packing of all Kinds. PROVISIONS. FtOim AND MUX FEET. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills. Corner Chenam us and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA. OREGON. M. WKItTIIKIHER. I. WERTHRIMER. M. WERTHEIMER & BR0. MANUFACTDBERS OF FINE Havana and Domestic Cigars Ms. 518.Frmt St. Saa fraaelsra A. Yan Dnsen & Co. WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE attention of the Public to the fact that thev are Ascents for the f olio win tr sewinc machines, viz : Tkelmprered Singer, The ITltlte, TkeCMtm AhI The U1rldser Which thev arc selliiur from ME. txa. each aad 4?fy Caaiaetitiaa. Persojw wlshbw to nurchase Mftelilnt should call aad inspect our stocfc before pur ctiaAinx eteewhere. as k guarantee to sire TfMCstllMti6nM ngarat qaality ad sVf; JlKSjuiM: fiffii'? pnec. iM -t & z FJB Zp T 2 C lo $2 Sw 5 9 m W 21 s&2!f3 VT 5- 5 p g M TURHI1TQ AND Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. ' 7 C?Z.r?2::.'LXXXfZ?3KX BUSINESS OAKDS. V V. HOLDEHi.l NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COHMIS6ION AND SUBAXOE AGEN1. J O. BOIOXT1, P. S. CsMMriwtoaer, Bftory rafcMe, aa iHsaraaee Aseat Atrpnt lor thpilTamhurrJtrBaaHfiatfifc.Co. of Hamburg. GenaaMflaBwbaa-lMa3L?v oliwi' T.lfa and AmBBBKBTSMaaiBK3Lr-. ford. Conn, wcttce offer Wei Office. 2J.ELO F. AK SURVl Clataea Ceaaty, OMce :-Chenaaius Koorao.8. j. w. St. LLCAJI0r Atteracy at Itair. OFFICE AT ST. HELENS, OKE60N. "Will attend terms of Coyrt at Astoria, Kalamaand Portland, p . WIHTOM, Attorney and Ceunaehr at Law. wornce ia Pythian Building. Seons 11, 12. ASTOIUA, - - - OREGON. TAX TUTTJLK. M. 1. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offick Rooms i, 2, and 8.PjthlaaButld- REsrDEXCK OrerElberson's Dakery. op posite Bartli & Myers' Saloon. A li. WJIjTON, M. D. Fhyaiclaa aa Barveaa. OFFICE Over A. V. Allem's troery rtore. Rooms, at the Parker House. X1 JP. HICKS, PINTIST, ASTORIA, .... OSMOM Rooms in Allen's building up stairs, eoraer of Cass and Sqemocqhe streets. T H. JLaFOKCE. DENTIST heatal Kna arer Caee'a Mre, Chenamus Street, - - Astoria, Oregoa. Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEYAT LAW. Chenamus Street. - ASTOKIA, ORIGO. Gt. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSHITHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Caaa and Court Streets. Ship aud Cannery work, florsessoeii Wagons made and repaired. Good we guaranteed. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. John Feely, OPPOSITE KINNEY'S CANNERY Blacksmithing, Btilcr Wtrk, ami Cannery Repairs All Work Wamatec. LEATHEW BUM. BOAT BFIIDEBI, . raSialrs Over Arar Farehaa'a Mm. Call and examlae tlM work. Ve art "linlar and see the wood we an astag, aefew, mtS- ing a trade elsewhere. FIRST-CLASS WOKK A SPJCCALTY; Far Salt. - --; LOT 6. BLOCK ltt, SSTYSLTS JMOMA occupied by JaaesMeGa,twllaCii- pnuuiafs aad IwproTeai Tnms aey. Eaatfol J.JX sK. "B8iRVPV9 gBgaggBaS5.i waas w 'VQi':,-7.aji' .si;- i-4... IWiI: SSanAlPviSSrrsrsrJ BWh3WaNBBEVt' ? r&J- M JvXr?: r jjKL Jam" "m flfcr J aiegfiiCi?'yn.r,'ij a SaacipEj'U M SS3 IfXsW r -. , t.