The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, December 27, 1882, Image 3

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- i t .
jghs gistfiij. stcrcfcm
iJondy Excepted,
Jiormn JjitiMing, Gasx direct.
Terms of Subscriptien:
n ved bx Carrier, per week ....25 Cents
tot by mail, four months..........-..!" 00
pt ly mail, obo year ...... W
ree of Postssa to tiubscribors.
r .dvcrtisoments inserted by tho year at
iis rate of 51 3) ier square per month.
Transient advertising, by the day or week,
fty cents per square for each insertion.
The lato storm damaged property
to the value of one million dollars in
this state.
The East Orcgonian wants tho
Pendletonitea to organiza a vigilance
committee and Seattle about a dozen.
After New Years the Knappton
mills will be in charge of C. W. Stone,
and will be known and designated as
the "Columbia Mills."
Astor Lodge Xo. 0, K. of P.,
will have a public installation and a
grand ball at their castle next Wed
nesday evening, the od pros.
The Oregon State Xormal school
has been fully organized at Mon
mouth, under the law by which it was
craated at the last legislature.
Portland's new paper, the North 2feics, starts off with a good corps
of newspaper men. fhey are all
rustlers and have good need to be.
To-night tho newty elected offi
cers of Temple Lodge 2u. 7, will be
installed at Pythian castle, after
which dancing will be given at the
skating rink.
The Rescue Jubilee Troupe Mask
Uall, on New Years evening, promises
to be a grand success. More suits
have been engaged up to this time
then have ever before been engaged
for a similar occasion in Astoria.
Ocean Encampment No. 13, I.
0. 0. F. of Astoria, elected tho fol
lowing officers for tho ensniug j'ear,
on Monday evening, 25th inst.: V.
H. Darker, 0. P.; Wm. Bock, H. P.;
John IJalm, S. W.; Jay Tuttle,
Scribe; I. W. Oase, Treas.; Charles
Holt, J. W.: E. C. Holdcn, Past
C. P.
The Gartenhiube, a. German p'.por
which is read by a million people, has,
in the last issuo received, a most
minute account of Astoria and the
salmon fisheries. Wo regret that the
onr numerous Christmas presents does
not leave us leisure to trauslato the
article for the benefit of our readers.
Thero was Divino service at Grace
church yesterday morning at ten
o'clock, being St. Stephen's day. To
day is the Feast of St. John the Evan
gelist, and there will be services in
Grace church at ton o'clock this morn
ing. To-morrow is the Feast of tho
Holy Innocents; there will bo Divine
service in Grace church at tho samo
Three of the telegraph poles be
tween Scarborough Head and tho capo
are blown down. Wero the lino fin
ished it would be just the same as
whon you want Borne news from Port
land "Lines down." Wc never yet
knew the line to be working all right
botweon Astoria and Portland when
thero was any important dispatch to
On Christmas night a boat with
two men started for the Melusine, and
on reaching the vessel got foul of tho
chains and capsized; one of the men
clung to tho chain, and the other
drifted down and caught hold of the
rudder; the night was dark and the
wind high, but both were finally res
cued by the crew. The boat went
adrift. See adv.
A sailor by the name of Trainor,
belonging to the Queen of the Pa
cific, is to sue the 0. R. & N. Co. for
$20,000, for injuries alleged to have
been received at the hands of tho first
mate. Trainor claims that the officer.
in a violent fit of anger, to which ho
is subject, seized him and threw him
into tho machinery, causing him to bo
crushed so that he has since been con
fined to the hospital. Standard.
Cape Hancock Record.
Cafe Hancock, Dec. 2611 x.u.
Cloudy; wind light, fresh; schooner
Trustes sailed in at 10 a. m.; bar
very rough. The Jennie Landles, El
Capitan and James Livesey are in
sight. In port barkentine Portland,
schoonen Kato & Anna, Ona fc Al
pha and J. C. Cumins, tugs Columbia
and Pioneer.
A Pleasant Affair.
Had the seating capacity of the
Presbyterian church been double
what it is, every seat would have been
occupied on Christmas evening to
witness the distribution of presents to
the Sunday school children, from the
overloaded and tastefully ornamented
Christmas tree. As it was, chairs
were brought into requisition along
the aisles and in front, and every
body made as comfortable as possible,
though many only had standing room
while others failed to gain admittanco
at all.
The gifts were numerous, and many
of them were costly. The generous
donors mu3t have been repaid for their
liberality, and the superintendent and
teachers of the snnday school abun
dantly rewarded for their "labor of
love," as thoy gazed upon the bright
eyes of the children raised in expec
tation as each present was taken
from the tree and the lucky owner's
name announced, and then witness
the eager, happy and joyous counten
ance, beaming with delight, of the
little one whose hand was raised, sig
nifying that he or she was the fortu
nate possessor of the name called. A
box of extra toys, dolls, etc., had
been generously donated, so that no
child should be overlooked or go
away without a present. Owing to
the overcrowded stato of the room
Santa Claus was unwilling to force his
portly form through such limited
space, so the nuts and candies he had
provided wore distributed by his su
bordinates. When it was thought all
the presents had been distributed
from the tree Mr. E. C. Holden pro
duced from a remote branch a pret
tily polished mussel shell purse, with
a card attached, on which was written
"A Christmas gift to Rev. J. V. Mil
ligan, in token of our appreciation
of his earnest, faithful efforts, as pas
tor of the First Presbyterian ohurch
of Astoria." Signod, "Many Mem
bers." The pursB contained $53.75
and was collected during the day by
two lady members. Mr. Millijjan was
taken by surpriso, and in a few words
expressed his full appreciation of the
unexpected gift nud the kind words
and motives of the donors. Owing
to tho unexpectedly densely crowded
state of the building, no recitations
or Christmas songs were given, as
originally intended.
An Old Favorite.
Upon our desk lies a. magazine
which brings to our mind a flood of
memories. It is the "Overland
Monthly,' the same ligut brown cover,
the same bear on the railroad track,
and tho samu flavor of tho coast that
the last one had which w laid down
-iili iwrit jMfc miTtMl "Cr "IV
magazine should never have beu al
lowed to ceaso publication, and we
are glad to see that tha enterprising
editor of the Callfoxiium has changed
the name and mako up of his nnga
zine and given us a readable publica
tion with the old time prestige of
tho "OverlanuV' about it.
The present editor and proprietor
of the magazine is an energetic young
fellow with plenty of tnlent and "go"
to htm to make his magazine a success.
His publication is a help to the coast
and should get coast patronage, and
on tho score of literary excellence it
will compare favorably with eastern
monthlies. To us it seems like tho
return of an old friend.
Wedding Present!.
At the wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Lounsbcrry, Christmas night
we noticed among others the follow
ing appropriate wedding presents:
From Mr. end Mrs. F. Sherman,
fine China tea set, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Spelltnier silver caster, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. G. Ross, very elegant toilet set,
Mr. F. H. Sherman, fine velvet rug,
Miss Nellie Sherman, majolica plate,
Miss Minnie Sherman, plush auto
graph album, Miss Ella. Pope, silver
napkin rings, Miss Alice Pope, toilet
set, E. C. Holden and daughter, silver J
caKe uasicer, miss uryce, silver
butter dish, Misses Etta and May
Hobaon, silver cake basket, Mrs. 3L
E. Turner, of Portland, set of silver
forks, Mr. F. W. Pendleton, gold and
silver card receiver and bouquet holder,
Mr. E. M. Hall, silver and gold lined
napkin rings handsomely engraved,
Mr. B. Van Dusen, library lamp, Mr.
Wm. Edgar, very elegant silver butter
dish, Mr. E. A. Noyes, beautiful
eight-day clock, Daniel P. Ross, silver
table castor, Mr. F. W. Newell, ole
gant student lamp, Mr. L. C. Kinney,
fine jewelry case, Mr. Chas. Heilborn,
wall brackets.
A pleasant featuro of the presenta
tion was afforded by the following
gentlemen, employes of ;he O. It. Jfc
N. Ce:
E. A. Noyes, F. A. Newell, W. L.
Garretson, J. C. Ross. A. Gates, C.
W. Sprague, W. G. Dillingham, A.
L. Pease, Al. Rohls, J. W. Babbidge,
E. N. Hall, A. W. Howitt, A. Dear
doff, C. L. Pangburn, W. B. Furman,
A. J. Belmont.
Their present was a fine walnut
bedroom set, marble-topped and finely
finished, a handsome token of regard
for their comrade and a substantial
manifestation of the asteem in which
they hold him.
For The
Don't fail to call at A. M.
Johnson & Cb's. during
the next few days and ex
amine the largest stock of
Crockery and Glassware
ever brought to Astoria.
Everything is marked
An effective medicine for kidney
diseases, low fevers and nervous pros
tration, and well worthy of a trial, is
Brown's Iron Bitters.
Furnished Raesaw teKeat
At Mrs. Munson's.
Take Xetlce.
An endless variety of Holiday goods,
cakes and pies of nil kinds, ornamented
and plain, or made to order. First class
French and home made candies, candy
canes, popcorn balls, &c, at Frank Ei-bcrson's.
Jf you want to buy ai rst-class orgau,
guaranteed for 10 years, at a low figure,
call at the Xew York Novelty Co.. eor.
Main and Chcnamus streets.
Xoticc to the Ladle.
Switches made from combings or cut
hair: new switches made to order
from the best imported hair, in any
shade desired. Old switches repaired.
All wnrlr mrr.iTitiwl 1fit nicnnililn
Occident Hair dressing saloon, Asto
ria. Oregon.
Another Orphan's Home.
At tho last
Takes a Rest.
On January 1st., M. P. Callender
who lias so long and successfully con
ducted the affairs of the Knappton
mills, will resign for the purpose of
taking a holiday. Eleven years of
continuous and unremitting . work
entitles any man to a vacation, and
Mr. Callender well merits a season of
relaxation. He will visit southern
California this winter, going east in
the spring, and will probably resume
active business in this vicinity next
session of the grand
lodge of Good Templars, of this state,
it was ordered that necessary steps be
take steps to found an orphans' home,
and a board of managers were ap
pointed to take the matter in charge
and go ahead and effect ar
rangements. The board was author
ized to solicit subscriptions and to lo
cate the home at the city or village
which would contribute the most
money before or by the first day of
September last. The Dalles having
donated the largest sum of money,
$1450, it was ordered that the home
be located in or near that city. A
purchasing committee was appointed
to select a desirable tract of land,
which they did, about one-half mile
from The Dalles, at a cost of 81,900,
paying all of the amount down, except
$140. It iB now the purpose of the
board of managers to mako a grand
effort to secure money enough to erect
and furnish tho building and have it
ready for occupancy by the first of May
next. Standard
J. V. Conn lias the largest stock of
Rogers' Plated ware in Astoria to selrct
from, at his Drug Store. AIs Toilet
sets, Dressing cases, Vases all sizes. Al
bums, Ink-stands, Odor cases, Hand
mirrors, (Moth and Hair brushes, Fancj
Soaps and Perfumery of the best nlake.
Calf and examine goods and prices, and
you will see my prices are one-third less
than in other stores.
f)nnn5iti flpriflpnf lTntl.
Pierce's "Pleasant Purgatigo Pellets"
are perfect preventives of constipation.
Inclosed in glass bottles, always fresh.
By all druggists. -if55"
jcals will-b
Any papc
To the leading
ceivcd at Carl A
magazine vsnRho'iurnishetl youVwyir
lishers' priefcHty, reaving your liamo6
Carl Adler'sT - . vS
That Dell at Carl Adler
Will be raffled at one o'clock Saturday
afternoon. There are a fec mare'
chances left wjch will be dlsposcij-of
at twenty-five- cents each. Take- a
chance for your little girl. -
New Years cards at Carl Adler's
Sheet music in all the latest varieties
just received at Gustav Hansen's. Sonat
as, operas, waltzes and all the popular
music of the day in stock. If you want
music for the piano, organ, violin, flute,
etc., you will -find what you want at
For fine Havana, and domestic Ci-
Sars, such as the "Commercial." Flor
e Cuba Delicious.'' and the celebrated
"Calcutta" cigar, call at J. E. Thomas'
Ha Arrived.
Prof. A. S.Francis has arrived iirthis
city. He is prepared to fill all
orders in tuning, repairing and regula
ting pianos, organs and musical instru
ments of all kinds. Persons desiring to
purchase musical instruments will do
well to have one select them who under
stands. their mechanism and the ma
terial used in their construction. Or
ders may be left at the Occident Hotel.
Important Sietler.
A full Hue of artist's materials con
sisting of tube colors, liable brushes,
picture varnishes, canvas, fcc. drc Ev
erything an artist wants at
fifousauitaiie Kid Gloves in' the new-
ns1?1iwlna of tn TTmrkiva Ktrtr.
ShiBoej- & Rybke, No. 11, Oak strce
PortlanftLaxe the lion ton tailors of the
Have vou tried a stew or pan roast
as Frank Fabicoaks it ? Order one and
you'll thank usTfflr the advice.
Wanted A canlDetent woman to do
housework for a small family. Apply
to J. C. Adams, at Tongue Point,
ivr t:
Fancy soaps and erf uniery o all
kinds can be found at J-W. Conn's irug
store, opposite Occident hotel. '.
Will you suffer with ispepshtand
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh"K"v italbssr is
guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E.
Dement "" -.
Get those splendid oiled horse cov
ers and hoods at A. M. Jouxsox & Go's.
Premature graynesa avoided by "us
ing Parker's Hair Balsam, distin
guished for its cleanliness and "perfume.
Sleepless-Nights, made miserable
by. that terrible coueh. Shiloh's Cure is
tiie-rehiedy for you. Sold by W. E. De-
Shiloh's Vitaltzer is what you ne
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
race in anaiu cents per ootue.
by W.E. Dement,
S v- "Fresh sjiy o- candies at Oerk-
.fell tower. r " - '
Office over City
down to the lowest possible
figure for the Holidays.
If you intend making a
Christmas present to one of
your friends, now is your
time to get one cheap.
Remember the place and
give us a call.
Oj-atorM! Oyster!!
At Frank FabreV; in every style.
Fresh from the heds every day.
It Never Fails-
If all remedies have failed to afford
relief there is ono that will never dis;u-
Soint you, and that one is Syrup of
igs. The strong and tho weak alike
find it powerful for good; harmless, yet
thorough, always giving strength to the
bowels, so thar regular habits may be
formed and the system restored to
a healthy condition. Each half-dollar
bottle contaius from twenty to thirty
average doses, and the dollar bottles
more than double. For sale by W. E.
Dement, druggist, Astoria Oregon.
Hodge Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents,
Portland Oregon.
It Will Ie It.
Food will lodge in the interstics be
tween the teeth, and it becomes a source
of their decay. SOZODONT will dis
lodge such deposits, and prevent the
mischief. All parents should provide
SOZODONT, and thus secure the health
of their children's teeth.
HeVr to Arold DrHBLciincM.
Forbid intoxicating nostrums and
use Parker's Ginger Tonic in your
family. This delicious remedy nevor
intoxicates, is a true blood and brain
food, and aiding all tho vital functions
never fails to invigorate.
Jb'reflli Candy.
Made every day at John 1. Classen's
Astoria Candy Factory. Creams, choco
late, French candy, taffy, etc. A fine
aHsortmentof holiday toys.
To nil who are suffering from the
errors and indiscretions of youth, nerv
ous weakness, early decay. fo-;s of man
hood, etc., 1 will send a recipe, that will
cure you FKEE OF OILAHGE. This
great remeuy was uiscovereti ny a mis
iTnll III Mniit! f....-T t-,...T . .
addressed envelope to the Jie.v. JosErn
i. i.jja., oiaiiuu u, vvk Kirn v,uy,
What Yf oHim KkiiKhl l"r.
Dyspepsia, weak back, despondeucy
and other troubles caused me fearful
suffering, but Parker's Ginger Tonic
makes mo feel like a new being. A
groat rem. dy. Every woman should
uso it. Mrs. Garitz, Pittsburg.
For lame Hack, Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price '2.1 cent.
For sale bv W. K. Dement.
AH the patent medicines adveitised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, anil toilet articles, itc can
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drn$r store, opposite Oceiden
hctel. Astoria.
A very complete asMirtmcnt of blank
bookall sizes, styles and prices at the
C'uy book store.
That Hacking Cough can bo so
quicklv cured bv ShilohV Cure. We jt. Sold bv W.4u Dement.
Croup, Whoopir.s rough and Bron
chit is immediately relieutib; ShiIoh
Cure, Sold bj W. K. Dement."
Shoalwater bay eysters: fresh every
da j, at Frank Fabre's.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. K. Dement.
Fine organs and pianos at (Justav
Uausen's. Cali and examine.
P. J. Goodman, on Chcnamus Mreet,
has just received the latest anil most
fashionable style of gents and ladies
boots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for
the famous Morrow shoes.
Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry
always at hand. It cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in
fluenza, consumption, and all throat ami
mng complaints. 50 cents andl a tat
tle. Wax Dolls, Rubber Dolls, Dolls' cra
dles, Itocking horses and Toys at Carl
Masquerade Cosl
to cent.
80 Fancy costui
for Ladies and G
in full assort
from the finest t
most comical
arrive from San'
cisco in time ft
rm mi i
i nev win be 11
at reasonable
Gents will pie
on M. D. Kant!
chant Tailor.
will please cj
Mrs. Malcolm m
er, where tlie
on exhibition.
Removal! ISeiuovs
About Januiry 1st 1 will n
Stove and Tin-shop into t
imw iHJcujueu oy ,ioe uuarcci
shop, on Chennmu street. AT
the best goods will be enlarge'
tacuities for doing all work if
will be increased.
.John A.MontgI
For sale at Carl Adler's.
TryourDorax Soan made
for us and guaranteed of supei
uy. uan be used for any pun
will not injure the most delicd
A. line toilet soap.
A M. Jonxsq
F. V. HICKS..- 1st .
wr fourth Monday in each nic
r. m., at hall of Astoria Engid
No.l. I
OrKHiEKs. C. J. Trenchant.
.A. A. Cleveland, .secretary; F.
Delegates. L. !:. Seller. C. J.
i;nas. MicKlcs. ot Astoria Engine
m. McConnlc, F. L. Parker,
of JIscue Entrine Co. No. 2 : :
F. J. Taylor. A. AV. lierrv, of Ale
ladder Co. No. t.
Regular meetim; liit Mond
OrncKus. V. W. Tarker, V
ii. neiig, secretary; wm. nock
S. G. Inualls. Foreman : Chas. A
Ast. Foreman ; Henry Milter,T!t
Regular Meeting Hist Mondl
month. I
OKFiCKns.-C. W. Fiiltoii.TreJ
rraci. sccretarv; J. J). Mcrri
becrotary : F. J., rarker. Trcaj
Graham. Foreman; II. F. I'ra
l'oremaii ; A. Mrheuzlc. 2d Asd
iveguiar meeting second Mr
Qaj&ua.-L-TLJtcjftH.u i
U. fclberson. foreman : F.
Asst. foreman : .T. "W. 1-el
4'111'ROIl ttlfii
Ciit.vci: Oirncir IIol
first Sunday of every il
services at 1 1 A. m., anil
day evening service at 71
M. v. ilson, Jlector.
Fikst Pm:si:YTi:mA:
vices at It a. m. and 7 p.
evening prayer nieetinj
Itev. .1. V. Milligan. Pastl
at 11 a. 3i. and 7 p. sr. II
ters, Pastor.
Komax Catholic Cm
at 10 :?jd a. 31. Ue. L. Dil
M. K. Ciirncn Service
and 7 p.m. Lecture anil
ing, Wednesday, at 7 p. 3l
Chapman, l'astor.
Baptist Cicrnrn. Sel
other hundav.
For Dec. the 17th andSlI
Bev. Winltelil Scott D.
Best cough candy at Oerkwitz's op
posite Bell tower.
For the genuine J. il. Cutter old
Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors
and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem
opposite the bell tower, nud see Campbell.
No. 40 12-
GOM Mil im
A Full Stock No
511 Market Street. Hi
Sole Agents for the
Meeting Nt
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Uem
edy. Price CO cents Masai Injector free.
For sale by W. E. Dement. .
XI Annual meeting of tl
me f isuernuurs racking
the office of said Co.. on I
at 10 o'clock a. M. for the!
ine Directors for the ensi
transaction of such othev
come before the meeting!
ny orner 01 tne rresmej
Upper Astoria,. Dccembl
&m m a e
' lDr Lockharr.
The best chocolate caramels Oerk
witz makes them. 'Tis he that makfl
that splendid taffy. Opposite Bell tower.
Physicians' prescriptions careful I v
compounded day or night at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occidftaf
Hotel. . . ,
The best selection of New Teatf
and Birthday Cards ever shown In tbi
city at the City Book Store.
A pare strengthening tonic, ire
from whiskey and aicohol, enrea dys
pepsia, and similar diseases. It. has
never been equalled. Brown's Iron
New Years Pres
Albnms, Handkerchief Boxes, Jewelry Cases,
Toilet Sets, Etc.. Etc.
The Raffle of Dolls and Mechanical Monkey will takl
at 8:30 P. M. at
New York Novelt;
Cor. Maim asd Chenamus St., at Kaut's ol