-A- ti . rrw&. .,.; -- -J .. 1 " t - JSitZ.' ' . -JJV-S 5. - ... V f H) J v. i r' '- v'E-'-t'f-; -:, .s 4i Jkt iltj storintu ASTORIA. OSEGOH: TUESDAY DECEMBER 38. 1862 AD "Inciter." "Yes, I went to church yester day," said Job Shuttle with a yawn. "Pxetty'good sermon, pretty fair; but what pleased me most was tbe antics of an inch worm that was roaming about the hat of a lady who sat in front of me. That little, pale green incher re mnded me so much of the way we hunan worms get on in the world. . You see he was on the vane of the feather in the hat and he would . K - ' .. 3111 1-1 t n.;gn .good noia, ana men reacn up with his head and feel around and look tbe field over to see where he could make a good strike, just as a man looks for busi ness; then he would throw himself 'and body on to a curl of the feath er, which would bend and let him down with a thud, just like a man who has' made a bad speculation; .then he would wriggle and twist and feel around for a new hold, just like a man trying to "fix SJlhings" with his creditors; then he "would mount to the very topmost summit of the hat and stick his head up and swing all around, just like a newly-elected congressman gaz ing over the heads of his constitu ents; finally he got along on the lower edge of the turned up hat brim and then he made progress; he inched along, making big strides right ahead, just like a man picking up money and making a fortune hand over fist; but the lit tle incher was not satisfied. Just as he got as far as he could he "broke all up" and tumbled and . we saw him no more; for all the world just like a man who has done his best for a little while and then "flunked.1' "It never pains but what it roars" said the -old lady about her rheumatism, which was also at tended by a sprained arm and car ache. Our venerable friend used St. Jacobs Oil and was cured of all her troubles. CQMMERteAHD TRADE PORT OP ASTORIA. READY FOR SEA. Klizabeth, Ger sp hirerpool Dec 23 hake Ontario, lir svr Liverpool Dec 19 Birkor, Br sp Qaccnstotrn Dccemlcr l"t iMelBstee, Ger bk, Qaeenstown Dec 15 Josie Troop, lir blc Quccnstovrn Dec II Fritz. GcrspQcccngtovrnDecS Kjlemore, Br bk Qaocstoirn DeoS Empire, Am sp Queensto'vnj Dec 1 Oberon. Br bk Quccnstotrn Dec 1 Stonewall Jackson, Ain bk U K Not Carrio Delsp, Brbk Qncenstown Ko Patricias. Am ep Qaeenstown Nov 14 Astoria, Am tp Queettstown Nor 14 9 ARRIVALS FROM SKA. Umeon us. 23S5 tons. Pohlman. S V Dec 23 VESSELS IX THE RIVER. Lizzie Bell. Br bk KIsinoro nencralKaircbild,A.m sp Fnlda Gorbk Zoila. rUkdale.itr sp Trevelyan. Br ep Lutterworth, Br bk Helicon. Am up Zaniora. Br bk Lord Kinnaird, Pendrwron. Br sp HcniT Villard. Am sp WmtLRtarbuck Am ep v una. a m sp -Peter Stuart. Rr en Uigblaud Lisht, Am.sp VESSELS OK TUE WAY. Fren rerelrn PertR. for Ihr (telambla JKiver Annie Frost, Br sb. Wellington Dec G Antonia. Dutch bk Liverpool April SI Belcic, Br ss Hongkong September 23 Berwick Law. Br bk Sjdner. Oct 19. Banksfield, Br bk Liverpool May 12 Grass Mill, Br ep Gaayaian Aug )7 rato.-Brsp. Adelaide. Sept29Ui Jnlie, Frbk Guayaquil Jennie Landless. Br til. Liverpool, Aug 3U Jas. Livesay, Br&h, Liverpool. Lanarksbire. Br bk, Townsville, Oct 21 Mry Heartb?Br bk Montevideo Nov S JSorlhera Chief. Br Ik H iogo Sept 3 J'aUwM. Br bk Cork 'Selene. Br sh. Plrnouth. Aug 30 Ulieck, Br bk September 19 ' From Ameiicn Pertn. Cbcseberougb, Am sb, Philadelphia, Oct 11. QaeseraTAm sh"N YApnl 6 "ersica. Am sh N V July 23 KI CspiUn, Am sh Philadelphia July 13 Galatea. Br bk San Diego ILwry Morse. Aa sp K 3c Nor 3 Imperial, Am sp N Y October 21 Kioto 673 New York May 24 Reaper, Am spPhila Oct 1 4t.U4ism.AmaB, Philadelphia. Nov. 19. t- tMM. Am ak K Y August 12 YwmcJm 1 eh N Y Septembers fIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA -- Fruw t&btes of United States Coast urvey llitk Wstar. Low Water. Date. A.M. r.u. A.M. P. M. alib is SA 34 X 7. & as m si -'- . e m . 1 m .,1 4f . 2 25 1 - w . 3 SS -4 - 4 Si 5 06 .11 86) . - - I . e w . e '.... . 1 271 . 2 WJ . S SW . 8 41! . 4 361...... . 5 311. 3 24 ... 4 24 5 22 6 10 .. 7 87 7 JS2. .. 8 32 .. 8 J2 ..10 00 ..18 53 ..11 44... -iaj .559 ..est .. 745 827 - 9 81 .. 937 ..10 81 -18 29 .1189 ..11 IS . "" Oonittoii Cunou. f STMiif f mtk BMWtk , at 1 o'etoek strpMHM tirig to have matters aetei deafer vaeOaBeU. ataayraeular meetisf Mat aiat tibe tMM to the Auditor wk flefk m r fcafcra tfce Friday eveadaa; prier iitSTitailiaaisa. ; F. C. JORKIS, , r A4ttorasd(Serlr Wo. 40,LO.Q.. ' sfwsmj awry Tenia hula bbv -ammm er o. 1. racfeara anartamttator,. to4na meettoc let mnum. yamir, w.cx Hex JLF.A.M. MWtfflBrlpAVV - HaMBM- aa&WBVfeBll M"SBeW.ir v""""""1 '. -, w.aa. t ,-i.i.i . tSSSHST viilHPlt"Mfr ?" am. IMmImms u mmmmmmmma vTmm Byer 'SPlaBBBaBBHBaKeHaamBBPK.a saw xBBBaaBBBBMasaiHBeaaeaamBBHBsaa - ' 9paiBBaBaBBBBmBBaBBBBaBeaBBPaaBaMiaK ASiKL'555 Wrmtamtm9,w. STRONG FACTS A great many people are asking what particular troubles BROWN'S Ikon Bittees is good for. It will cure Heart Disease, Paral ysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Con aamption, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all similar diseases. Its wonderful curative power is simply because it purifies and en riches the blood, thus beginning at the foundation, and by building up the system, drives out all disease. A Lady Cured of Rheumatism. Baltimore, Md., May 7, xBSo. My health was much shattered by Rheumatism 'when I commenced taking Brown's Iron Bitters, and I scarcely had strength enough to at tend to my daily household duties, lam now using the third bottle an i I am regaining strength daily, aud 1 cheerfully recommend It to all. I cannot say too much in praise of it. Mrs. Mary E. Brasheak. 173 Prestmanst. Kidney Disease Cured. Christiansburg, Va., iS8r. Suffering from kidney disease, from which I could get no relief, 1 tried Brown's Iron Bitters, vhich cured sie completely. A child o mine, recovering from scarlet fever, had no appetite and did not secr.i to be able to cat at all. Igatehimlro:: Bitters with the happiest results. J. KtleMontagi,u Heart Disease. Vine St., Harrisburg, Pa. Dec a, ibSi. After trying different physicians and many remedies for palpitation of the heart without receiving an; benefit, I was advised to try Brown Iron Bitters. I have used tu o lo:. ties and never found anything tlut gave mc so much relief. Mrs. Jenib Hess. For the peculiar troubles to which ladies are subject, Brown's Iron Bitters is invaluable. Try it. Be sure and get the Genuine.. CaliuKkia River Exports. sinrMKXTa vorkigk. RKCAriTni.ATION' JANUA1IV S2. 677.400 bus. wheat $ StZfM 08(18 bbLs flour. 17X310 Total, 20 cargoes $l,01."i.IUS RECAPITULATION FKBKIMltV. "Wheat, C07.156 bus., value S 590.701 Flour, 5,807 bbK, :. .102.010 Salmon, 40,721 cs., " ....... 203.TO.J Total, 19 cargoes $l02jQt RECATITULATION, MARCH. Flour CI .553 bbls) $318,729 Salmon (741 cases) . . 3,720 vueat(5S,iaj uusiieis) ... C73.SC2 Total (15 cargoes) .... RECAPITULATION ArRIL. Flour (4R.S01 bbls) Wheat (207,52$ bushels) . .. S89u.SU $218,116 ...26953 Total (7 cargoes) ?4P7,7$1 RECAPITULATION MAY. Flour (30. 575 hbls) S1S5.PO) Wheat (31159 bus) :3,lli Total (8 cargoes)... ... RECAPITULATION Flonr (42.111 bbls) Wheat (77.827 bushelsl ...$ir,,9i2 ...$2I3,2. .. 8T..14S .... :ss,'jjo Salmon (C4,5S0 cases) . .... Total (5 cargoes) ....... RECAPITULATION JULY. Wheat (31.177 ctls) Flour (1.433 bbLs.) Salmon (38,900 cs)........ ... -.. .5027-500 .j50.S17 r.r.zr.".".."iT.7...r. co&io Total (2 cargoes). S20C.257 RECAPITULATION AUGUST. Flour, 2G.897 bbLs 132.8M Wheat, 17.589 bus ic.f57 Salmon, lDS,2C8cs IfiCACl Total, C cargoes SI ,217.174 RECAPITULATION, SKITKM11KK. Flour, 4,C8Sbbls...... ? 21.OO0 Wheat, 340.03S bus .tKjKS Salmon, 35,178 cases..- . isaiii Total, 7 cargoes ..... . 543,749 RECAPITULATION OCTOP.RR. Flour, 39.873 bbLs , ?179,2Sr, Wheat. 481.75Cbus 4-iS,TiiS Salmon. 9303 cs S.07J Lumber, 70 31 S.IOO Total, 13 cargoes C99,1K HECAPITUI.ATION NOVEMUEK. lieat 7ro.CJl bus wheat S73T,179 Flour 27.031 bbls 123,038 Lumber 54731 - GI,flS0 Total 17 cargoes . . DECEMBER. 1 To Qwcc.noJCTi7;cr.Enu)fre. From Portland 31.678 bus wheat " Astoria 2).C33 " " Totals 57,310 1 To Quecnstmai per Obejvn. From Portland 9,212 bbls'Ronr .. " Astoria 0.085 " - Totals 13ti7 5 To Queemloivnpcr Kylcmore. From Portland 51.S4Sbus vheat...... " Astoria 21,092 " Totals 7310 .$912,797 -S28JBS3 - 23.415 52,400 S4100 .. 27,383 $G3,SS3 . $41.775 21,092 ?71.4C7 S To QucenMoicnjKr ArgyUhirc From Portland 41,304 bus wheat-... $41,009 8 To QucentfoicnpcrTritz. From rortland 30,921 bus wheat.. " Astoria 32)75 " " .. -.$29,085 .- 3275 Totals. .-.G390 8 To QuccnMoicn per liriltania. From Portland 11,432 bbls flour... Astoria 2018 " " . $02,000 -$31,441 - 9235 Totals 1,930 $143,739 14 To QuccnstmcnpcrJostc Troop, From Portland 44,400 bus wheat-... $41,2lG Astoria 20.7M " ' -...-.. 20.704 Totals 05,001 15 To QuccmlotCH per Hclusinc FroraTortlantf 3i55 bus wheat.. Astoria ao48 " " - Totals 51,908 Pvr To Qtuentfown per Birlxr. Fren Portland 48,902 bus wheat " Astoria 1492 " " $rlA0 .-.$30,293 .- 20,848 $50811 .$1000 $51,792 Totals 55,191 19 3Po Liverpool per Lake Ontario. FremrwtlMttl 12,129 bbls flour. $51,523 cScs salmon-"!..--. 83271 TetaJ. . . $94,901 SI To Liverpool per Elizabeth. PiW Fartlaad 33.88 Ims wlieat:... 3,5 " . AetoriR S8,8S3 - 28.870 TetaJs-. C1.921 $0180 MtMJ nttlCC OMaKftflCMMOo..Mi Frieaw. Dec 3Wh. mjrttoak. a. x. for Ue nttreoee of cleet- ntT yer, aHtt, mt lHiaiiieaa sis nar Mat leettaa-. oftbefteaiaWit. SOBT. HAMILTON. SeereUrr. m. id. faTtW iMilii.PipflMlu,HM, Vitalizes nntl Enriches tiic Blood, fonet up do Si-fitcm, JJalics tlio "Wreilc Stronst Builds up the Ilrokcn- dovra, Invigorate the Urfln. nut! Dyspepsia, Sfervons Affections, Gsn cral Bsbility, Sfearalgiu, Pever and Afp;, Paralysis. Clircnic Sianliwa, Boils, dropsy, Humors, Peinals Com plaints, Liver Com plaint, Rsraitten'; Fever, and .LL DISEASES SRIGIHATiKG KJ A BAD STATI OF THE ELOCD, 03 ACCOMPANIED Bf DE3JL5TY CR A LOW STATE OF TtiE SYSTEM. fc Supplies t'c hfoci nrh its Viral Principle, 01 l.ifo l.'icincKt. IJtO. icfuciag MraiigtJi VipirraaJ 2mv J a re il .. all p-ns rf its yttsa 8EIN; hRkR !T)I ALCUlfOL. it crr nscf.cts.ite ;' followed l' ccttscta.v5 roo ,-n. 1 'it 3-3 jv-rmanent. 1CS PrnnfU!r, & Izzrr: lted&kM&SgBBSg Children tlotLors lilie antl Physicians rooonuncmd it- IT IS K0T NARCOTIC. CEXTAUR X,rI3II3KTS; (ho "World's great Paiii-Ro lieiiig' remedies. Tliey Ileal, footlic and cure Burns, "Wounds, "Wealc 3aqk and Ivlieuniatisni upon ?Ian, and. Sprains, Galls and Hamencss rjon Beasts. Clieap, uiiclc and reliable. SPUBTS of disgnstiac "Siucus, Sncftlost CrscIrKng Paiira in do Hoatl, Pctid Breath, "Deafness, and any Catarrlial Ccmplaint, ean "bo csterminatoil "by WciDo Eloyev'a Catarr2r Cttre, a Coirsti tuticiial Antidote, "by Aosorp iioa. Tito siost Important Bis covcry sinco Vp.eciiuvtiojie SOLID GOLD JEWELRY, SE?sja.OH:xRs;i:3 Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, Of even description. The flnot stock of Jewelry In Astoria. J29""A11 goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. Leinenweber & Co., c lkixkxwei:il II. ltnow.v. KSTAnLTSIIED 1853. ASTORIA, OREGON. MaiiufacSurers and Importers of , I.T, KINDS OF AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. 3"Highest c;tsh pnee. paid for Hides aud Tallow. Cleaning Repairing. NEAT. CHEAP AND QUICK, BY Gr.OItUF, LOVF.TT. Main Street, orposite X. Inebs. Domestic Exports. The receipts in San Francisco, of cer tain articles of Oregon produce from January 1st, 18S2, to December 33tli in clusive, have been as follews: . Flour.qrsks.... ...1G1,C) .-203,129 AUiX :: - .. v.ni&i . 2S3 .... 10.7C0 518 21 ....1S0.49C 21.901 ... 3).G56 . 2,974 .. 102 r "w 17 -. 7,778 . aw n S3 ... 308 wneat, cus. Oats.ctls..... Salmon, bbls., hi bbls.. cs. pkgs. Apples, ripe, bxs... Butter, pkgs .. . Pork, bbls Potatoes, sks ....... ,Wool,bales. .. Hides, So . Tallow, pkgs..... . BeeT, bbls.. Beef, canned, cs Sulcksllver. flasks... ay, bales. . Fruit, dried, pkgs .... .Leather, pkgs .. .. FJax, sks. Lard, cs ...... Bacon, ca. Meal, sks . ... "Hops, Dales : Hams, pkgs........ Bran, sks ,....... Cheese, cs . . Flax Seed, sks.... Canned goods, os Briey, ctls Ooni, eus-s. . 381 ,.Z 13 .... 17,888 IIS 194.7K lM S7.1W , 231 ... at& X74,MrjM.M tor Gastoria. BANKING AIIDJNSURAKGE. BROKER BANKER AXD . INSURANCE ADEN? ASTORIA, OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROM 8 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Mutual Infflice OF CALIFORNIA, Cfl J. F. ilOUOHTOX.. ... UHAS. K. Stoi:t. t;Ko. 1 Stohv.... TrfNiiliit St rtMsiry .Ajient ftn ("5on Gipltal paid up In U, S. coin .. ............... S iSi) w cio I. XV. MSi:. 'Agent. Cticnamus street. -Vstoria. Orrgon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVRRPOOL ANI LO'ON AND GLOBE. NORTH BRITISH AND MKHCAN- TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OK IIAUr FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES 'inirpjnti::sa capital cf fe07.0t.K. v v w nr-ipv. AC'-u PARKER'S A "' zz r ?Jf is i"..- 1 I -llwc wlwli.i'u-i!jt,toany ; jjmur art.i c, oil ac- I Iccuii cf ns 3ip-rior ! dc2nlin snJ pinity. ' It cot.iir. inatennb; crlr tlui are lercncisl i to the si ay ar.d hair ! r-.ii-l.r-.. I Reiicrcs the Youthful Coior to Crey cr Tsdcd lz? Pnrker's Hair Eahant is finely psrtiinjcti nrlu is warranted to prevent felling of t!:cliair and to re move dandruff snditcliins. M:$cox & Co . N.Y. I(i. &nj $1 ilzer, at dealer in drcpi xsi mtdic!nr. PARKES5S INGERT A Sapexlativa Hullh and Strengtli Rcsicrcr. If j-cu sre a mechanic or farmer, 70rn out with cn-cnvoik. or a mother rnn dow-n by funily or hcto ho'd duties try Parueu'sCinglk T mc. T r rw, rtn n Ifivrvrr. tnTn!?r nr lniTnrc win t haustcd by mental strain or anxious care, do not tae inloxicatinBStiniu!ants,butuse Parker's GinRcrTorac If you have Consumption, DyspepiLi, Khcuma Ism, Kidney Complaints, oranydtorderofthelunns, f toTjr.cIi. bow ek, blood or ncrvcs.P.M'Kcn'fi Gi:.ckr Tc:ac will cure yoa. Itistl:eCreatcitIlIoodIV.ri5cr An J ths Be:t and Scrcit Cocg'j Cure Ever Used. If ycusrt wasting n.:ay from?ge, djanation or any utscac or vcaV.ness and reouiie a stimulant take Gi.sgf. ToMCttonce; itTnllini;cr?te anJbuild yon tip from ths first dose but will cc er ir.tocate. itlias sared hundreds of lies: it may save yours. CAUTION' '-rrffe'e all rlrt!tctn.TariCT tTrc-rToni Is cr-cJ of th lxtl rtxnrJal spnu in tbe wrl !.-.. ues'irdy CJtcn-nl froa fftfaiatloai of clnprr aUnr. Fo-1 fr dnaar to I1Uccxa.Co.,. y. we.;iitz,aiununL.cr. cr.CT SAVING CfYIXC POLLATt SI7E. It rich and laiunz fracraccc has made this delishtful perfume exccedinEly popular. There Is nothing like it. Inist upon having Flokes. TOH Colockb and look for sisnatnse of . ea rrrrj" bottle. Any dra-slit tr CsHt In prrfocitij' ran torp'r J103. - "'1 "s cr3i 1 LKCESVN 1.1 YINi: TV. SIZE. ESKPTK A Common-sense Remedy. SalicylicA. Uo more Rheumatism, Gout or Neuralgia. Immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Cure Guaranteed. Ft ce yearn cslalilMied and never known to fail in a single cas:, aeule or chronic, llcftr lo all prominent physician and druogMifur the ? landing 0 SalicyUea. SBCH.ET2 THE ONLY DISSOLVER OF THE POISONOUS URIC ACID WHICH EXISTS IN THE RLOOD OF R1IEU AtATIC AND GOUTY PATIENTS. SALICYLICA is known as a common sense, reined v. because it strikes directly at the cause of ltheuniatbm. Gout and Xeural gla,AhiIe so many M-called specifies and supposed panaceas only treat local! v the cTccts. It has been conceded by eminent .scientists that outward applications, .such as nibbing witli oils, ointment-, liniments, ami soothing lotions will not eradicate these diseases t hlch are the result 6r the poboniug of the blood with Uric Acid SALICYLICA works with marvelous effect on this acid and so remocs the disor der. It is now exclusively used by all cele brated physicians of America aud Lurope. Highest Medical Academy of Paris reports 95 per cent cures In three dajs. that SALICYLICA is a certain cure for Rheumatism. Coutand Neuralgia. The most Intense pains arc subdued almost iustantlv. Give it a trial. Uelicf guaranteed orinon ev refunded. Thousands of testimonials sent on applica tion. S I a Box. 6 Boxes for S5. Sent free by mail on receipt ol money. ASK YOUi: DRUGGIST FOIt Fr. But do not be deluded into taking imitations or substitutes, or something recommended as "just as good !" Insist on the genuine with the name of Washburne &. Co.. on each box which is guaranteed chemically pure under our signature, an indispensable requisite to insure success in the treatment. Take no other, or send to us. 'Washburne Sl Co., Proprietors. 2S7 Broadway, cor. Beade St.. NEW YOBK. LOEB & CO., JOItBEES LN' 'WINES, LIQUOR AND CIGARS. ' AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses arjd Eastern Distilleries. tAll goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET, Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oregon. Found. " NEAR THE OCCIDENT CO.'S CANNERY, aVoady,'Dc 11, a trunk containing vaJnttW. Apply at Bentilla's saloon, near the MMery, pcova property and pay charg V - W Jwc HAIRB. m$&T&&'d)3g ftKfsss?asi Jafll fcS"f9tga?l tJtj-U. AlSILIMiiJUii i L t-'JZzZ52XZ KJg&it SlaSKS HOTELS ASD EESTAUEAKTS. I A. .T. XKGIJEE; C. S. TTIKOIIT OCCIBCST i!OTEI MEODER & V.'UIGIIT. Prorrictow. Astoria, Oregon. renin ri:opniKTOi:s ark. happy to A annonneo tliar tlio aVtOve hotel has hcen repamtcu and refurnlsliod, r.uthnc gn-atly to t uo cnnnori 01 uspicsisaniSiMtowme oct !:otel north of San JPranccv PARKER HOUSE, h. k. y.Muar.n. vvou.. ASTORIA. - - - OREGON. PUSST (JLASS HOTEL.! ALL J'OnnilS IMPIIOVESIENTS. HOT A5I Cf.s JA'S'Jn'. Good Billiard Tabic, and Fi;st Class Sa loon stocked with Fine Liquors. WTFKKK COACH TO THC JIOrSE.sa SALOONS. EWMANJA BKER HALL a:;u BOTTLB KEEK DKl'OT. OixJWvcs STr.s'RT. Astoria. The. Iirtt cf Layer tl ('is. a filus Orders f(r ilje atefl Col 1 Brewe irj jEJt2 "U5 5-i. t U'ftat U:i eil to. phn! v.111 he pnuu)il attend- 53yXo eho.ip Sail Fraucbcti Beer sold at i I his pine W.M. ilOCK.i'roj.rietor I nroworv rJ?er miiooij. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot I.inich every D.iy from 10 lo 12 A. 31 The best of .Liquors and Cijnirs on hand. A dcscrvedlv popular place of social re-sort. CEO. HII.I.EIt. The Olympic Saloon, Opposite the Parker House. THE FINEST P.KANDS OF LIQUOltS and CIGARS Kept constantly on hand. , Xo pains will be spared to ivc my custo mers satisfaction. J2ffiive us n call. K. W.SEHLIX. Piles! Piles! Piles! A Sure Chit- Fot:l at X,a I Xo One IVccil Sufler! A sure Cure for Blind, Breeding, Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered b Dr. "Williams, (an Indian Bemedj), called Dr. "William's Indian Ointment. A single box lias cured the worst ehronic cases of 'Si or 30 years standing. No one need suffcv lie minutes after applying tins wonderful soothltur medicine. Lotions, instruments and electuaries do more harm than good. Wil liam's Ointment ab-orbs the tumors, allas the intense Itching, (particularly at night af ter getting wanu in bed), acts as :v poultice, gives instant relief, and Is prepared only for Piles, itching of the private parts, and for nothing ele. Bead what the Hon. J. M. Cofllnburry of Cle eland, says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment : I hac used scores of Pile Cures, and it affords me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gave such immediate and permanent ulief as Dr. William's Indian Ointment. For sale by all tlniirists or mailed on re ceipt of price. SI Oo. IKEXRY & JO., Prop's. Cleveland, O. Hodge. Davis & Co.. Wholesale Agents, Portland, Oregon. PERUVIAN BITTERS Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. Street Improvement Notice. NOTICE is hereby siven that tlic Common Council of the City of Astoria, Oregon, propose to older the improve ment otSquemoqun street in 3lcCIurcs Astoria, fiom the cast line oCsaid street, to the west side of Cass street, by wid en Ing the same to its full width (fifty feet) and building sidewalks on each side of said portion of said street, and unless a remonstrance simied by the owners of two thirds of the property frentinj: on said portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Clerk of said city, within ten days from the final publication of this notice. iy.: January :kl: 1S3.'), the Common Council will order said improvement to be made. By order of the Common Council. F.C.XORRIS, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, Oregon, Dec. 14th 1SS2. lot tl W 3EJ. XSESIKCESST ASTORIA, OREGON DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC H9"Trescrlptions carefully compounded at all hours. "Homeopathic Tinctures and Pellets, and Humphrey's Specifics also kept. THIS PAPER may lc found on nlo at Geo.. P. IiOWEtL & Co3 Newspaper AdvertUIu sins. Bar Bureau (10 Spruce Street Xwhcre sdver tlslDgcoB tracts may. be' wait' for It la NEWYORK. ill vi ' 1 rT5 -i 1! SHIPPING NOTICES. Columbia Transportation Co. FOR PORTLAND. (FAST TIME.) Tire popular steamer FLEETVOOD, "Which has been rrflttcd for the comfort of passenjiersviil leave Wilson and Fisher's docic every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P. N. Ileturnitm Irac Portland eery Tuesdays and Thursdays at G A. M. Arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. An nOttitiounl trin will be made on Sunday of Each Vcck, I Lcuing Portland at 9 oVloofi Sunday UEorninjr. risengers by tins route conueet at ICnlama ror Found ports. U. 15. SCOTT, President. THE NEW STEVMKR CIrsra Parker, KKN 1. 1'AKKEK, - - MASTKK. Is now roatlvlur business. For freight or charter, apnlvto the Cap tain on board, or to II. IJ. PAKKlik. Astoria and Portland. IggStr. WSSTPORT, F. D. TUKXK1!. - - JIASTEll I Will make regular trips to rortland and I Astoria. lc:nitij: liurnell s dock", foot of Mor j risnii stroet. l'ortlaud. at 0 aji. Saturdays. 1 And will leae WiNon & Fisher's dock. tona. at a. 31. Thursdays. SSyFroislit can led at reasonable rates. New Vessel. 1 J Y NEW STEAM YACHT EELIC, a fs now ready for business, and can be en acd by the day, job or season. Ordors may no made nv letter or personal application lo me. LEWIS (. HAAVEN, Upper Astoria. MARKETS. OENTltAL MARKET. Geucral assortment of table stock constantly on n.md, such as Canned Fruits iuii Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, ECiGS. TSUTTF.K. CHEESE, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FES5J, POUI.T5Y AK2 ttAHIIS In the sexson. C'KSARS ATJ TOBACCO. ItoM r WiyCS AKI E.IWJORS. All cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com misaion. Opposite I. W. Case's store. J. BODGEP.S. ASTOEIA MARKET D.K.WAKREX. COB. CI I EXAM US AND HAMILTON STS. ASTORIA. 0KEGOX. iValer in FRESH AND CURED MEATS, Vegetables. Buiter. Eggs. And a full Hue of CHOICE FAMILY GEOCERES Constantly on hand. snips surPLiED at lowest 'rates. Washington Market, Main Street, - - Asloria Oregon JlEliGZIAX .0 KERRY TESPCTFULIjY CALL THE A'1TN AVtion of tho public to tho fact that the above Market trill always bssnppliodwith a FULL YA RIETY BEST QTJAUTY- op FRESH AND CURED MEATS 1 Which will bo sold at lowest ratos, wholesale and retail. Special attention siven to suppli es shins. STAR MARKET. WHEHR7 & C0MPAMY, Fresh and Cured Meats, Vegetatoles, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CIIS2XA7flUS Street, Astoria, Ocn T4XVH rj -T r. Vttltw iet s)tAse4 HEALTH. 'DISEASE. Le Kiclian's Coldou Balsam Xo. 1 Cures Chancers, first and second stages ; Sores on the Leps and Body ; Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and all primary forms of the disease. Price, $5 99 per Bottle. Le Klrhau's Golden Balsam Xo. 2 Cures Teftiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic Rheuma tism, Pains in the Boues. Ulcerated Throat, Syphilitic Rash, Lumps, etc., and eradi cates all diseases from the system, v. bother caused by bad treatment or abuse of mer curJeavin;j the blood pure and healthy Price, $5 00 per Bottle. Le Rlckau's Golden. Spanish Antidote for the cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, etc Price, $2 SO per Battle. Le Klchau's Golden Spanish Injection, a wash for cure of Gleet, Strictures, Dis ease or the Urethra and Bladder, etc. Price, $1 59 per Bottle. Lo Riebatt Coltlcn Ointment for the effective healing of Sypblhtic Sores aud Eniptions. Price. SI oe per Bottle. Also Ajrents for Le Kiclinn' Golden Pills. for Weakness, loss of physical powers, and all diseases arising from abuse and excess or over-work. Price, $ 00 per Box. Sent everywhere. C. O. D., seevrely packed per Express. C F. KICHAJtDS A CO.. Agent, 427 & 429 Sansome street, corner Clay. d-w-ly San Francisco, CaL 50 )0( Jjg6 .fi Wm$M ?X& mwVkW? TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation coMPAiry. OCEAN DIVIHIOX. Steamers sail Irom Portland for San Fran eisco twice a -cck, on Tuesdays and Fridavs. at midnight. . Eeturnlng. leave Sail Francisco for Astoria and Tortland "Wednesdays and Saturdays at 10 A.M. Through Tielrots j-old to all principal cities in the United States, Canada and Europe. River and Rail Division. On and After Nov. 20, 1882. RAIL DIVISION. Trains leave Portland for Dalles 4:M P. 31. Shndays excepted. K3YEU UIVISIO.V (Middle Celabia(. l?oatls leave Portland for Dalles at 7 : A. M. AiiO : . I.eaePort- ' I land for livion Tu. We. Thu. Fri. I Sat. Astoria and) I lower C'o-I lnmbia....lfiAM GAM BAM 6AM CAM 6AM Dayton. Or.JiAilJ 7AM 7AM &rS3l.:J 6ASI I SAM Victoria.BOJSAM 6AM PAM Leaves Astoria for Pnrtlsnrt at R a m. dailrMT- cept Sunday, . p?,l,,5aj! p-llce Cars rnnning between Port land, A alia Walla and Uarton. JOHN MDTR, r, r ,...n. Superintendent of Traffic C. H. PP.ESCOTT. Manager. ISwaco Steam Navigation Go. "WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, and Uwaco, Connecting by Stages for Oystcrville and Olympia. Until further notice the Ilwaco Steam Navigation Co's steamers GEN. MILES, OB GEN. CANBT Will leave Astona On Mondays, and Thursdays, at 7 A. M. FOIt Fort Sir tens, Fort Canby, ad llware ox Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, Tlie steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m. as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Stevens........... ..SOcts ' " Canby and Hwaco. ?1 00 K3-llwaco freight, by the ton, In lots of one ton or over, 2 00 per ton. tBFor Tickets, Towage or Charter apply at tho ofBco of tho Company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J. H.D. GRAY, Agent, Oregon & California R.R.Co On an after Sept. 24, 18S2, trains will ran as follows, DAILY (Except Sundays), KASTSIDE DIVISION. llclwecn 1'ORTLASD and KIDBtF.'S. KAIL TBACt LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:30 A. M.IRiddlo's 8:30 p. v Itiddlo'3 3:30 A. M.Portland 4:23r. M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4:00 P. M.Lobanon.9.20 P. M Lebanon 4:45 A. M.Portland.10aT5A.M FfiEIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 6:15 a. ir. Jnnction C:00p.m Junction C::Ja. m. I Riddle's . 5:10p. Biddlo's ..6:00 a. ir.l Junction 5:00p. x Junction -0:13 a. si. I Portland 5 5 p. u Tha0ro2on and California Railroad i orrr makes connection with all Regular Trains oa Lastside Division. WEST8inE DIVI3I0S. Uctivecn Portland and Corvallls. MATT. TRVHI LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 8:00 A. M.ICorvallis .-.3:00 P. M Corvallis. 8:30 A. M.Portland 3:20 P. M Close connections made at Riddle's with tho Stages of tho Oregon and California Stag Company. 3Ticketa for sale at all theprincipal points in California and tho East, at Company's Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storage will be charged on freight remain inc atCompanys AVarohouae ovor 24 hours. h rcight will not bo recoivod for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on cither the Eaat or "U'cstsido Division. ,. J. BRANDT, Uen'l Sup't E. P. ROGERS, Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agent. R. KOEHLER, Vico President and Manager Shoaiwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens. Fort Canby, Ilsraee, Xortli Beach, OysterviUo, Hortk Cove, Petersons Point, He- qnium, itlontesanw, And all points on"Shoal water Bay, and Gray's Harbor. GEN. MILES, l strs. or On Columbia River. GEN. CANBY, GEN. GARFIELD " Shoaiwater Bay. " MONTESANO " Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portages. Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. M. On Mondays and Thursdays through trip in CO hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. saiht HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON THIS INSTITUTION, UNDER CARE OF the Sisters of Chanty, is now ready for the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation ol anv desiring them. Patients admitted at all horns, day or night. No physician, has exclusive right, every patient is free to and has the privilege of employing any physician they prefer. United States Marine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained for United States Marines at the Cus tom House. SISTKH8 of Chaxitt XX. 8. DEALER IX Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement ami Sari Wood delivered t Order, Graying, Teaming and Express BusinMt, Horses ana Carriages for Hire. dealer rr WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. lj MSZ2BBfaBKEBm&ttt&A .$!- - . . ,- --jeBaBaa1