- .-' -.n -- V . -J2t '- -w ..-i?.. - & jE&c $3il siarintu TUESDAY .DECEMBER 2fi, 1K82 J.F HAlXwBJt... Fftfter FrohibitlHH in Politics. Not alone in Oregon and the Northwestisthe question of pro hibition a living issue, but in sev eral other states leading men tes tify to the importance of that question as an active element in the next two years. "Whether it be a spasmodic effort at legisla tion, or an ephemeral protest against existing forms, it is cer tain that previous political calcu lations must be considerably mod ified. For instance, Kansas,.aRe publican Gibraltar, has chosen a Democratic governor, and may elect a Democrat to the United States Senate, as a consequence of the prohibition movement. In v Iowa, which has for years been the banner Republican state, giv ing Garfield a majority of 7S,1 20 in 1880, the party showed but 5,000 majority last November, los ing five members of congress as a direct result of the prohibition movement. In Kentucky and North Caroli na, two of the largest whisky manufactnring states, prohibition has taken a strong hold and will play an important part in future elections. Even in Texas it is an increasing force. The part the question played in Ohio and Indi ana last Fall is well known. In view of the rapid development of this sentiment and in the part it is playingand apparently is destined to play in the politics of the coun try, the whisky interest is not idle. The "Windom investigation last winter brought out the fact that the whifeky association in the pre ceding election sent considerable sums of money into Kansas, Ohio, and other states to fight the bat le of the anti-prohibitionists. It rests on good authority that in the late elections the association took a more active part than ever be fore. This it was able to do by its vasst resources and the charac ter of the organization, power be ing lodged in the hands of a vesy. few persons, always awake to the interests the' represent, and - shrewd enough to act promptly and eilectually. Naturally, tins question is in a certain sense transferred to con gress by the proposal of the whis ky interest for the postponement of the internal tax on whisky. Prohibitionists, as a matter of course, will follow their fee wher ever it is found asking favors. Oddly enough prohibitionists are tesisting the abolition of the whis ky tax. Tn this they become the allies of the whisky men. To the whisky interest the tax is in the nature of a protection and a bene fit, a fact which prohibitionists and temperance advocates in gen eral, are slow to perceive. Each great European war is marked by the introduction of something novel in the way of weapons, projectiles or tactics and the next struggle, whenever it takes place, and whether the parties to it be France and Ger many or Austria and Russia, is altogether likely to present features of unusual interest to the student of military progress. The French having constructed a formidable seiies of frontier fort resses that would take too much time to reduce by existing meth ods, the Germans propose to smash them to pieces by throwing dynamite shells into them from ballist&s or catapults or similar engines of classical or mediaeval origin, while the Austrians have invented a land-torpedo of much promise. During the ,,"- Dalmatian insurrection last year two officers and two men blocked a pass in seventeen minutes by laying down fifteen of these flying 3 mines, and sixty men could in twenty five minutes establish a Him of them a -mile in length. By way of protecting an exposed pass '-'or oo that has" been suddenly ejied, or of rendering a besieged poy about advancing upon a "if tHUa plM, the Zubowitz tor- ptdUei slight to prove effective. Tlngr-will be especially formidable totfee Austrian prisoners to whom atpratioal enemy will ;at once titpata tie exciting task of re- . Xm.i. ft Select JSIasquerade . Ball. fik Rescue Jubilee Troupe, ftf Fourth Annual Masquerade Bail, Monday, January 1st, 1883, AT THE SKATING F.INK. IIOXOKAKV C05IHITTEK. Capt. Goo. Flavel, lion. "Win. Chance, CoL JR. K. Sneddon, Hon. A. J. Mesler. Hon. John Halin, lion. Geo. W.liutue. RECEPTION COMMITTEE. MEMBERS OF TUC TEOUTE. INVKSTICATIXO COMMITTEE. Hon. C. "W. Fulton, Hon. F. J. Taj lor. Hon. C. J. Trcncliard. IKVITATIOX COMMITTEE. .Tas. A. Davidson, G. C JHchardson, B. S. Worsley, Frank J Parker. miens or mmisho Lady Maskers -Gent Maskers -Lady Spectators - - - -Gent Sneclators, - vi:et: .w l.M) Tickets may be procured of members of the tjoupc. Maskers tickets can be procured only.it the store ol Frank 3.. ParKer. J. H. D. GRAY- Wholesale and retail dealer Jn. ALL KINDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage ami Wharfage on leavon able terms. Footof Berion&iieet. AMoria Oregon. IT PAYS TO TEADE VITH ME ! "WHO? FRANK ELBERSON, Seasifle BaKery & ConTectionery. Because my Goods are the "Best, and Always Fresh. . . Cakes Candies etc . furnished for Vcddint: parties, on short notice, and guaranteed to give perfect hat isfaction. Cake ornamenting a specialty. Opposite U. IV. Kniur's. ASK TOR Union India Rubber Company's rare ram Gum H 1 Tfc fl uracu: rroox RUBBER BOOTS. BEV.'AKE OP IMITATIONS ! Up sure the Boots are stamped CI2ACK PROOF on the heels, and have the PURE GUM SPRINGS on the foot and in.t-p, which prevent their cmckiusr or hreakim:. Wcnrenovv-inakln? tltcin with RUBBEIi AKD ASBESTOS Soles which will nuke tliem last more than twice as long as any Itnhber Boots made. rOIl SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS ItCBBER BELTING, PACK ING, HOSE, SNtlNGS. CLOTULNG. BOOTS AND SHOES, Pic. ;OOIYKAf! RUBBER Clt. R. II. TEASE. .fr.J .wnfa H.Jr. BUNION. jAgCuts' -lm San Francisco. TUTT 5? PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID -L6VIK Iios3 of Appetite. Bowels costive, Pain in the Head, "with a dull sen sation in the back part, Pain tmder the Shoulder blade, fuLlnes3 cfcer eatingr, -with a disinclination to es ertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, -with a feol inp of navinc neglected somo duty. weariness. DizzineB3,PlntteiiE': ar the heart, Dots before tho eyes, "STci lowSkin, Headache generally over tho ritrht eye. Bcstlessness, with fit ful dreams, tiffhly colored TJric, and COWSTIPATIOH. TITTT'S PIX.I.S are especJally adapted to sucK cases; oac tlosc ef fects aacli a caanae of feciiiur as to astoBlsa. the saffcrer. Tfcpy lucreaae Uie Appetite, and caM the body to Take on X"lesli, thus 1 he vs ten la BOKrinhed, and by their Tenia Stool arc prodnecd. yricorzciia. 35 Mwrray tt.. y. T. SHAtRDYE OaATHAnroR Winssmis chanpe to a Gwcrv UULCKly a slnslo application ot this Drc It 'jupartsanatural color. -4ctslntont"iirons- .y. Sold by nrurclete, or sera by esptu3 on rrce!ptor...Sl.OO. OKICE, S3 SIUERA.Y ST., !?. Y. f Vr.'tCTrHXk'fTXLtTTtluMt-lBlormiilfxmf XXmtcl Lrntplg nUl be cUird BIX on jjpactU.c HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. Most Ctmpiete Stock in Astoria J' oveltie? of all Kinds Fruits Ketk Fereisa smA Domestic Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, O H &JS DOCK Dressmaking. Plain and Fancy Sewing. Salts Made im tke ast Style sad Gaaramted teTit Mrs. T. S. JeweU. BOOMS OVEIl MllS. 15. S. WAltltEN'S.l Fwnd. TIJEAS THE OCCIDENT CO.'S CANNERY, JL1 ob Moodar. Vac n. a trunk contaSnine TfttaaMes. AHrty xt BeHtillR saloon, near ti eHry, jwi& property and pay charg- Ntfict. flfTATKAlfDCOUXTY TAXBS POUTHE OyarHtwanrea4flaa be aM tta0ftBo. A. JaVXW9KUr, fttttf, A. V, Allen, (UC&OK TO I'AfiB & ALLEN.) WhotesrJe :uirt rrlail darter Iv Glass and Plated Ware, ' TliOPJCAI AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LiqaorsjGbacco.Oinars MAGFJ5 C. CROSBY, J)e.iler in HAPiBf ABE, IE01I, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS Goods and Tools. SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER, CaBiiery ana Flsliermens Hupplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with r.catneas and dispatch. None hut Hrst class workmen employed. A law assortinentoJJ -SCALED !oul;in!lj on li.iiul. Thl; spaee rrik-rrf d for C2RTAr2 PAR76SS. BteBhans Varieties GRAITD GPEI5IEF&. A JiS Villi Y KT:TAIA3IT Have a new Itov.llng alley, tlic S.ii.i t and l)Pr in ton ii. Aitmiltatire fna ttiLL's .varTbtibs". GliO.HH.U --- PltOl'illETOK AVAI.TKItl'AKKS. - STArtE MAXV(;ii: Engapoment f MESSRS. DOWSTS ct-ALICGTT, The KJt5 of Song and Daiuv. AKn RIGHASBS and EVAWS, riinmp'nn IligJi Kifivcrs. Tos'tlHT Willi a :h'v Under tlie nianaRei'iiMa of TIIOJ'. SWAB. All the Old Favorites Retained. 0ra ait tlir Yrar. I'crformanre Ihrry Mxttf. Knlirc tlKiue of I'm- srnutr.ie Om-c a "TccJ:. CoinitnsiiiK al' tbe latent SCKCS, DANCES AKD ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. The theatre Is crowded nightly, and all v.liolinreiv!fnccd the entcrtalunient pro nounce It to be eiiual to any gl en elsewhere. Jlr. Hill as :v caterer lor the public' ainiLeinent cm not be excelled. Anybody wishing to spend a pleasant evening and fec sparlvllns aU and beantv without vul garity, should iiproe the opportunity and come. The company comprises the following well known Artists: aiis1? Fa xjjik "VValtox. JIISS llM JI A OII.15KRT. Miss Fay GiuiKitT, 51 n. Salter Tajiks. Mi:. CiiAFnKMOvr. Miu .lonx Stokes. Mb. Ciias. Bakkows. All of winch will appear nightly in their dlf ferent social tics. Open air concert every e enmg : perform ance commencing at 8; entrance to theatre on Uenton street ; private boxes on Chena mus street. Now Stars in Rapid Succession ! $500 Reward. "Wc w ill pay the above reward for any case of liver Complaint. Dyspepsia. Sick Head ache, indigestion. Constipation or Coslivc neas we cannot cure w itli "West's Vegetable liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. Thev are purelv Vegetable, and eer fall to gnc satisfaction, bugar coated. large boxes, containing SO rills, 25 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Beware ol counterfeits and imitations. Tho genuine manufactured onlvbyJonN'C. West & Co. "The Fill Maker' 1st and 1S3 W. Madison St.. Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp, W TL Dement, agent. W ASTOKIA. ORER(lN W DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC prFresciipUos carefally compounded at all bosrs.-' nrKesMOfiathle Tinctures aad IMtets. wUBmmrtonj' IpuMw aly.fctpt. - Annottncement x tine Furniture, Carpets, Mirrors Uphols tery, Wall Pockets, Brackets. M W I offer a fine stock Holiday trade B$skss QHqmzbBj Sobs, Glrkmhe? Sails, Ladies are invited to call and see latest styles in Plush and Velvet. Beautiful Embroidered goods. IKE W, Gallic' rssssas.'gsffiss? Carl Adler's I Still Lead ! All my BPB5flSnBFflr Ttr 'DE1 I i"mi Hi ttmr r - in- ai i tw aw aa ah naaai tBbJBm Sometliliag - FOR TWENTY rrv'i WmnTya'.w: TO BE GIVEN AWAY! it Beautiful BUrer Each purchaser of One Dollar Worlli, or upwards v. ill receive a Tivjiol entitling him or her lo One Chance in this Elrpr-i"! A Ticket will be j;hen to each ;mrdiaer or goods lo the amount of SI. at uther the Cioldcn ICuiv Uaaar. or !u IVe!fy K:iiiira:zn:. fa 2 XT'! 1241 Gulden Rah Baznr. 1 1 3n D. A. MclNTOg TAILOR ANO CLOTHIEll, Has just opened a large addition to his stock of Men's and Boy's Suits, Overcoats. Hats and Gaps, Furnishing Goods and Cloths. Also a full line of Rubber Coats and Leggings, Umbrellas. Trunks. Satchels. Social attention directed to Hosiery, Underwear, ana fine Neckwear, Gent's Dressing Gowns. Celluloid Fronts, Collars and Guffs. D. A. MclNTOSH. - - TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. OCCIDENT BLOCK, - ASTOIUA. OBGfiOX. New Goods! CITY BOO IVO BKAACII! A'O GIIXS03EO! But tho Best Store in the City to get your JVIoney's Worth. Albums, Autograph and Photograoh all sizes and Prices- Books from a li::ic Xorcl to W"o1j.sters ITsiKltritlcd. Gouts' Jewclrj- aKd'Cutlcir, Writinp: Jicslis of nil &izcs. 3Iar TwaiMS Scrap Bool, Bibles, Iray?r Books and nj-mnals, also. Uic Kcj- to Kcarcn. Opera aaa Marine Glasses. Draughting Iiislrni:icus Tpoiu 10 cents to $30.00 a Set. IJIanU Boohs, Ajid every thing yon could want in our line. "Wo expect to remain after the holidays are all oyer, and bybuyingofusyou'keepthemoney at home. " j .3-ExaiaiBe our goods and prices before going elscw here. B. F. STEVENS CO., . . City BHk Store. . Extraordinary! t of Furniture for the! at low onces. s Me &?i& S SS? KPaS 5xgJggiggg$SSi5g. I S5 1 ttx. a i ml t'l Emporium Crooas es reiireseiteH ! xj? jnw "iwS5S2 & - &, kz a i-i- - s, ; tKuiz Eer Ovct i s 6j Pkacr Toys5 Faaey CJoods- My vwn impoiratioi). NOVELTIES CF ALL KINDS.) Frr-!; consignments on everj- steamer. To attempt an enumeration if theallrac t.ons wouhl be inmossible. Come and s e the finest, brightest and pretlIe-rTand m(t v.duaMe lock of gfi5s c;cr brought tt A:n.i. !Mm sit M BULE BAZAS i xttratzxmi DAYS ONLY. Pliciar, Worth 9 ff 0. :&2 &B 4 z$ Mew O-oods! ifjpr i 3 " est eeods ! -AT - sow ox TzSm lBT and STOCK J? ancy iry liooas JNotions, I'nibr.tcing all the I.itast stj les of Miller and Misses Ties md Fickat, ALL COLORS, SIZES AND PRICES. Lace Counterpanes, Lace Pillow Shams, Lace Tidies, Lace Table Covers, Lace Curtains, Etc., Etc., Etc. WORSTED GOODS! Ladies' and Children's Jackets, Cloaks, Nubias and Hoods. A FIXK ASSOETMnXT OF Ladies' and Gent's Silk. Linen and Bordered Handkerchiefs. SATCHELS, PUHSES. ETC. We have still on hand an assortment of Ladies' and Misses1 Cloaks, Ulsters and Dolmans, Which we will sell at OUEATLY REDUCED RATES. Tho public I conlully invited to call and examine Goods and Prices. PRAEL BROTHERS. Ticxt Boor to Pythian Hall. I WW.dgWgg3gaareggBaEW! inmri? I A TUI.X, 5TOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. 23. IE. TFT A "WES, Two dojirs ea-t if Occident Hotel, ASTORIA, OREGON. (SLTCESSOR TO JACKINS & MONTGOIERY.) JB33&. 22 I li rC-UT - -?ff - r II !' M JBafcflR's1fer"r!L55i23jJ'j COItXEK OI" .1IA1X A!W JEFl'EKSON iSTKEETS,' T will REMOVE about Jan. 1st, to tho bukling- now occupied by Joe Charters' barber shop, on Chenamus street. CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF FUBNITTJRE 3 BEDDING AND DEALER IN - Carpets. Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, TYINDCrW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. MARTIN OLSEN, DEALER IN jt FURNITURE 55 BEDDING Corner Slain and Squcmoqua Street. Astoria, Orezoa. WINDOW SHADES AKD TRIMMIHCS; WALL PAPER ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. ATA KIXBS OF FUKIWTUKI3 REPAIRED AKD VABHISHED. ASTORIA JW. SV5SYER ASTORIA, REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES. $7 50 PER BARREL OF 30 G-ALLONS. ILAEGE OIIDERS IN LIKE PROPORTION. Less Quantities, - - SO Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - - - $ I SO per Dozen srSpcdal attention paid to orders from Public Houses and FjuBlUt. ay Goods ! THE - exhibition BEST SEI.ECTED OF NEW MODEL nxyc.E cast be had in As toria ONLY OF '. R, BAWE8, AGENT CALL AND EXA3ITNE IT, YOU WILL BE TLEASED. E. II. IIAVES is also agent for the Bnck patent CooUi Stove And other first-class stoves. Furnace Work. Steam Fit tings, etc.. a specialty DEALER IN Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. . Agents for Mtigee;Stoves and Eanges The Best in the market. , I'uiinhinjj fioods of all kinds on hand. Job worlc dona in a workmanlike manner. BREWERY. Proprietor. OREGON. i-r . . j.. ' f irfWA.7. ."' j'lr.j J