!--! " :? . ; ? 1 , " - - W -K.fj -' .' - ra T - ? ' - '1 " STvc 33n;iXxj gvstflrljm. ASTORIA. 0BER09: FRIDAY DECEMBER 22, 18b2 J. F. HALLVKAX. Editor A Growing Kecessitj. TnE commercial column of to day's Astoria shows that there are twelve merchant vessels bar bound at Baker's bay. Some of these vessels were ready six weeks ago; the captains chafe at the de lay; the crews hang around with but little to do but -watch the storm wrack flying across the mouth of the turbulent river, and nothing goes on but the expense. Each vessel lying down there this morning represents a daily aggre gate of 6100 cost of detention. The detention of these vessels thus represents a loss to the owners so far, of 23,G00. A year ago the Oregonian commenting on a similar state of affairs, by direct implication made it appear that "what is needed is more tugs." There is now what would appear . to be sufficient tug service, with . all the incentives that competition excites to insure prompt and speedy departure of these vessels, but there they lie, for the simple reason that the bar is too rough for any tug however powerful, to make any attempt at towing. Hence we think it is evident to every one not blinded by local prejudice that it is not for lack of towing facilities that that dozen wheat ships lie in Baker's bay. The figures we have given repre sent a direct loss to the owners; they also represent a direct loss to all who are interested in the pros perity of this place; they repre sent a direct loss to every man who owns property, to every man who is in business, as well as to every ono who raises :t bushel of wheat, or digs a bushel of potatoes, or cuts a log, or puts up a can of salmon. It represents a direct loss to any one who had hand or part in the shipment of the 32G, 000 tons of exports that have been loaded in the Columbia river since the fiist day of January last. If there is any other work of greater importance in the north x' "west than the improvement of the hr 'Columbia river bar, we arc" jiot . aware of its existence. If there is any other work more impera tively necessary, by reason of its great and constantly growing ne cessity, within the limits of the American Union, we are like wise uninformed as to what or where it is. To the south lies San Francisco, with a bay that would float the fleets of the world, and a com paratively safe and easy entrance; to the north isPuget Sound, using every argument that individual benefit or commercial gain can suggest, to build up its ocean tradp; between the two is the Co lumbia, the gatoway of a greater scope of country than either San Francisco or the Sound can point to, but' with an obstruction that, unless speedily removed, must prove of great and permanent loss to the people that dwell in the country that it drains. Neither the president nor the secretary of the interior has made any recommendation or reference as to the important questions in volved in the continued with drawal from public settlement of over 100,000,000 acres of public lands, withdrawn as railroad grants and wholly unearned by the corporations for whose benefit they were originally made These grants were all conditionally made, and the terms have not been com plied with, but these terms them selves make it imperative for con gress to act. "In our judgment," says an article in the Washing ton Gazette, "there is a manda tory duty resting upon congress which" has been too long evaded and neglected. It was the Republican party that first pronounced against the con tinuance of the land grant policy. The Ohio state convention of 1868 so declared, and the national con r ventions of 1808, 1872 and 1876 'all adopted declarations of a simi lar character. The failure of con grew to act gives color, force and oonaietency to the charge that the railroad lobby,ismore powerful than the people. The liandwriting is on the waR, the people have declared ' that thejrreat monopolies shall is J1 wore than their pound cf ad parties and politician taktfattd." NEW TO-DAY. Notice. PATJJTAECUS OF tOCEAlf ENCAMP ment will bear in mind that an election for Officers for ihe ensuing jear will take place on Monday evening. Dec 23tli. also other business of Importance. Bv order ol Encampment, dtd A-J.MEGLrR.Scribe. LIBERTY HALL, F. W. STECHHAN, Proprietor and Manager. Friday I Satnrft Bee. 22 & 23 JAY KIAIS Majestic Kevival of the Famous. Moral and Pieturescuic Drama of UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, POWERFUL DOUBLE COMPANY. (Stronger than eer.) Magnificent Scenerv, Magnolia Jubilee Singers," Camp Meeting Shoiiters. Trick Douke3'"Frlseo.M The mammoth trained 5 BLOODHOUNDS ! 5 Resetted scats now on sale at Adler's IJook Store. SPECIAL AND PEREMPTORY AUCTION SALE. Christmas and New Year's HOLIDAY PRESENTS. This FRIDAY afternoon At 2 o'clock. .VXD Again in the Evening nt Seven, At Adler's Branch. Bazar, Next to Geo. W. Hunie's Store. BSilver plated ware, Fancy Glass and China ware, Japanese goods, Black Ebony poods, Illustrated Gift Hook's. Dolls, all sizes, dressed and otherwise. Boys' wapons, Doll Carriages, Musical instrument, etc. Also One Chase's Organ Worth $12.1. The goods to be sold arc consign ments sent unsolicited to Mr. Adler. lie has advised the owners that he is over stocked with his own goods. The an swer is "IIoh'I return !hr soodi. Sell all out nt aacfion Immediately, anil realize m hat j oh can for us." Referring to the above 1 can only say, my instructions from Mr. Adk-r are positive to sell the goods without re serve to the highest bidders. E.C.IIOL.DEX, tf Auctioneer. Select Masquerade Ball. JoL Rescue Jubilee Troupe. St Fourth Annua! Masquerade Bali, Monday, January 1st, 1883, AT THE SKATING KINK. IIOXOItAIlV COMMITTEE. Cant. Geo. Flavcl, Hon. "Win. Chance, Col. It It. Speddcn, Hon. A.. I. Meglcr. Hon. John Halm, Hon. Geo.AV. Hume. KFCErTIOX COMMITTEE. MEMBERS OF THE TROUTK. IVKSTIOATINO COMMITTER. non. C. W. Fulton. Hon. F. J. T:i lor, Hon. C. .T. Trenchant. J.VVITATIOX COMMITTEE, las. A. DaUdson, G. C. Jtichardson, B. S. Worslcy, Frank L. l'arker. VKICRS OK ADMISSIOy. Lady Maskers - Gent Maskers - - - - Lads' Spectators, - Gent Spectators, - FUEE M l.fO Tickets may be procured of members of the troupe. Maskers tickets can be procured only at the store of Frank I. 1'arKcr. IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH ME ! WHO? FRANK ELBEKSON, Seasiie'Baken & Confectionery. Because my Goods are the Best, and Always Fresh. Cakes Candies etc., furnished for Wedding panics, on snore notice, aim guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Cake ornamenting a.spccialry. Opposite ii. XV. Jlmne'0. PILES! PILES! Parties wanting Piles will do well to apply to C0MEGYS & VESTAL, At KAXAMA, W. T. dtf ASK FOB Union India Rubber Company's Pure Para Gum Crack Proof RUBBER BOOTS. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS 1 Be sure tlie Boots are stamped CRACK rji uuf on tne neeis, ana uae uxai'uut GU31 SPRINGS on t'ae foot and instep, -whicli 'nrevent their cracklncr or breaking. "Wc are now making tliem with RUBBER JLKJJ AJSBE&TUis soies wiucn win matte ; jem last more than twice as long as any Rubber Boots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING, PACK ING, HOSE, SPRINGS. CLOTHING. TjOOTS AND SHOES, etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. H. PEASE, Jr.. 1 , S.M. RUNYON, fAenls 4m San Francisco. Nttice. fitTATEAXDCOUKTi: TAXES FOR THE U7MTMK, are bow due as4 caa he paid t ay Aee at the CeurtBowe. MAKTUv TO AJUi. J. .7. STOKES FOARD & STOKES, "Wholesale and retail dealersln Wood aad Willow-ware, GROCERIES, Tobacco,Cigars, Wines and Liquors FOREIGN AM) DOMESTIC Fruits and Vegetables. COUNTRY PKODUCE. General Commission merchants AMTOItfA. OltKGOX. Xext to Oregon Railway A X.iv. co's Dock. dv ASTORIA MARKET 1). K. WAKREX. COR. CHENAMUS AND HAMILTON STS. ASTORIA. - - OREGON. Dealer in FRESH AND CURED MEATS, Vegetables. Butter. Eggs. And a full line of CHOICE FAMLY GROCERIES Constantly on hand. SHIPS sypn.lKD AT LOWEST RATES. This space rcwrvrul for CERTAIN PARTIES. MAGSU8 C. CROSBY, Dealer In HARD? ABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, PLUMBERS ASD STEAM FITTERS Goods and Tools," SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD a SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER, Cannery anfl IIshermeDs SnppUes Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with t.catness and dispatch. None but llrst class workmen emploj el. A lan;e assortment oI SCALE? , (toustautly on hand. HILL'S VARIETIES. GKO.IIILL, --- PJIOritlETOR WAI.TKU I'AltK.S, - STAGE MANAOKK Engagement or MESSRS. DOWNS & ALIC0TT, The Kings of Song atnl Dance. Also RICHARDS and EVANS, Champion High Kickers. Together vith a new Under the management of lROr. SWAIJ. AH the Old Favorites Retained. Opra all llic Year, Performance Etrry Xixlit. Entire Change or Pro- crntumc Once a Week. Comprising all the latent SONGS, DANCES AND ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. The theatre Is crowded nightly, and all who have witnessed the entertainment pro nounce it to be equal to any gl en clsew here. Mr. Hill as a caterer for the public's amusement can not be excelled. Anj body wishing to spend a pleasant evening and see sparkling it and beauty without vul garity, should Improve the opportunity and come. The company comprises the following well known Artists : Miss Fannik 'Wai.tox. Miss Kmma GiLnF.irr. Miss Fay Gilkt.rt, 31 k. AValtku Tabus. Mit. Ciias. Fremont. Mn. Jonx Stokes. Mb. Ciias. Harrows. All ot which will appear nightly In their dif ferent specialties. Open air concert every c enmg ; perform ance commencing at s ; entrance to theatre on Benton street ; private boxes on Clicna mns street. Kew Stars ia Rapid Snocessioa ! New Vessel. f Y XEW STEAM YACflT RELIC, Is now readv f or business, and can be en gaged by the day. Job or season. Orders may be made by letter or personal application to me. LEWIS G. HAAVEN, Upper Astoria. P. H. FOX, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE T17TLL ATTEND TO COLIXCTIOS AT IT a reasonable discount. . 0ce, Main street. Address P. O. hot , IXWU, CUtHp Gouty, Oxhob. d-lwk wit Announcement Fine Furniture, Carpets, Mirrors Uphols-i tery, Wall Pockets, Brackets. U. W &MXXW& I offer a fine stock Holiday trade Bsske? Ottomans SofaBj Ghnmher Suits; Ladies are invited to call and see latest styles iir Plush and Velvet. Heantiiul Embroidered goods. XKL W, Gallicisms Mew Store Carl Adler's I Still Lead ! All my CHRISfMli ijp,?A Sometime GOLDE FOR TWENTY TO BE GIVEN AWAY! A Beauilfttl Silver PiUhm Worth $50, Each purchaser of One Hollar's Worth, or upwards will receive a Ticket entitling him or her to One Chance in this Tlrgnnt Svt. A Ticket will he j;"m to each purchaser of goods to the amount of syj.at either Hie Golden Rule Bazar, or the IVoveHj Shnporins::. CARi A Guidon Rule Bazar, H D. A. MclNTOS TAILOR AN 3) CLOTHIER, Has just opened a large addition to liN stock of Men's and Boy's Suits. Overcoats. Hats and Caps. Furnishing Goods and Cloths. Abo a full line of Rubber Coats and Leggings, Umbrellas, Trunks. Satchels. Special attention directed to Hosiery, Underwear, and fine Neckwear, Gent'3 Dressing Gowns. Celluloid Fronts, Collars and Cuffs, D. A..MclNT0SH? - - TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. OCCIIEXT J3I.OCK. - .1STOI5IA. 0REC05. Hew Goods ! CITY BOOK ST ko nitMcn: zvo cintorvxe: But tho Best Store in the City to get your Money's Worth. Albums, Autograph and Photograph all sizes and Prices- Books from a Dime Sfovcl to Webster's Unabridged. 3ens' Jewelry and CuIeiy, Writing Deslts of all sizes. Itlar Trains Scrap Books. Bibles. Traycr Boolts ami ITrHinals. also, the Key to I leaven. Opera ami Marine Glasses. Draughting Instruments from 40 cents to $30.00 a Set. Blank Boohs. 'And every thine von could want in onr line. au uitiiuuu uj uujius ui us j un jvvcp me money at iiome. 0"Examlne out goods and prices before going clsov.hcre. B. F. STEVENS & CO., City Bok Store. Extraordinary! I "I III I Ml II I III of Furniture for the at low prices. (S I Emporium Ms as reuressiiteil ! ? 1 Toys, Fancy Goods. My own humiliation, NOVELTIES OF ALL KINDS. Vtc i eonsiguir.enK on e erj steamer. To attempt an euumenitiou ot tlu'nttrac intiw would be impikvaible. Come and see the finest, brightest and prettiest. and mot valuable Mock f goods eer brought to Astoria. Mw at T -m Tm a iJLh JLZJrl DAYS OMLY. B Is 1 E ? New Gk?ds ! Wo expect to remain after the holidays arc ill -AT XOW OX EXHIBITION THE FXSTST and BEST SELECTED STOCK OF Fancy Dry Goods ! Notions, Embnuing all the latet st le of hndi&s Bui MIssbs Ti&s asrf ALL COLORS, SIZES AND PRICES. Lace Oountorpanes, Lace Tidies, Lace Curtains, WOHSTSD GOODS! Ladies ami Cliihlrm's .Tackcts, Cloaks, Nubias and Hoods. a l-rxi: ASsoirrMr.XT of Ladies and Gent's Silk, Linen and Bordered Handkerchiefs. SATCHELS. PURSES, ETC. We ha e stdl on hand an assortment of Ladies and Misses' Cloaks, Ulsters and Dolmans, Which wew ill j,ell at CKKATLY KEDUCED RATES. Tiie public is eordi.dh imited to call aud examine Goods and Prices. PRAEL BROTHERS. Next Door to FytMan Hall. THE WE W MODEL rScxgflrT. . ftTiSsT S bsjrfX !iTr zsTVTjsfc J sui A PULIi 5TCCK ALWAYS ON HAND. S3- 3ES.- TTA WiJS, Two doors east of Occident Hotel, ASTORIA, OREGON. -Jlzm, JUL Brlontgomery, (SUCCESSOR TO JACKINS & MONTGOMERY.) COi;?. K II O JIAt.V AXl) JEFFERSOX6TREET8; I will REMOVE about Jan. 1st, to the Untitling row occupied by Joe Charters' barber shop, on Chenamus street. CHAS. HEILBORN, ilANUFACTURER OF FUBRITTJRE Sh BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Olotli, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete In every branch. MARTIN OLSEN, DEALEU IN J5& FUKNTTUKE Ss BEDDING. Corner Ulain and Sqnemoqua Streets. Astoria. Oresoa. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC. ,, A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS All IXKS OF FUKNITUISE ASTORIA M. MEYER ASTORIA, REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES. $7 50 PES BARREL OF 30 GALLONS. ILAEGE ORDERS IN TJJvE TROrORTION. Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - - - $1 SO per Dozen irs-Speeial attention paid to orders from Public Houses aud FaiaailIet."W ay Goods ! THE - Lace Pillow Shams, ' -Lace Table Covers, Etc., Etc., Etc. JIANG C CAN BE HAD IX AS TORIA ONLY OF E, R. HAWE8, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE TJ.EASED. K. II. IIAAVES is also agent for the Buck patent Cooliif Store - And other first-class stoves. Furnace Work, Steam Fit tings, etc., a specialty DEALER. T Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Ranges The Best in the market. I'linnbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. QUALITY WILL AFFORD. REPAIRED A3KD VABSISIIED. BREWERY. Proprietor. OREGON. v?L Jfi c.' ' -, .v; , r ' "i. ""