Jr-- tf u ' v P ' ; f i) 7 " tr- ' gfcc gaoitj stircfom. ASTORIA. OREGON: WEDNESDAY .DECEMBER 20, 182 J. F- MALlAKAlt...... .Edlter Eabl Derby recently made a speech at Manchester, in -which he I said the expenditure of several million pounds in promoting emi gration from Ireland would be money -well spent. He has little faith in the improvement of the conditiou of small tenants by recent legislation, and sees no remedy for Irish distress but ship ping the poor, classes out of the fated island. The Alia thinks this is a humiliating confession for a statesman to have to make about any part of his country that the government is incapable of promoting the happiness of its subjects save by getting rid of them, and that every Irishman injures his fellow-countrymen by being born. Lord Derb3r's remedy for Irish distresses has been in operation long and vigerously. It has reduced the population of Ireland by 3,000,000 since 1S41, or from a little over S,000,000 to 5,000,000. In sixty ears, more than 3,000,000 of the Irish subjects of the English crown have cini grated to our country alone the United States which now con tains more persons of Irish birth and descent than Ireland itself. It is believed the senate, after the 4th of March, will have a de cided Republican majority. The terms of office of twenty-six sena tors expire on the 4th of next March, and a majority of these senators will be their own succes sors. Nearly all the senators wiU be succeeded by members of their own party. The exceptions are Senators David Davis, Kellogg, Greene and Johnson. Senator Davis will, in all probabilit-, be succeeded by a Republican. Ran dall Gibson, a Democrat, has already been elected to succeed Kellogg. The Democrats lose two votes in the successors to Grover and Johnson. The majority is a close one, however, and leaves Ridd'eberger and Mahone with theialance of power. This out look is not as pleasant as it might be for the Republican senators, as it involves the election of Gor hatn to the office of secretary of the senate, and the revival of the old scandal of combination with the readjusters in the Virginia fight The Rev. James Becchcr, a half brother to the Plymouth pastor, has been sent to the New York State TJomepathic asylum for the insane. Only eight years ago he was the popular and well paid pas tor of the Poughkeepsie Congre gational church, but threw up the position for a hermit's life in the backwoods of Ulster county, where his eccentricities have since grown upon him in such a manner that it was thought best to put him under restraint. Twenty million dollars is the handsome profit said to have been made by the Standard Oil com pany in the recent deal" in pe troleum. The poor quality of oil sent to Astoria has, of course, nothing to do with such pretty profit. A line of railroad of standard gauge is about to be built from Humboldt bay, Cal., to connect with the O. & C.j now building southerly from Roseburg. It seems that we are not done with the Wilde family yet. Oscar has & brother who is also aistlfetic and desirous of coming to America. Cholera is raging in Southern Mexico. Sixty deaths a day are reported from Chiapa. BORIC. At Ilwaco Dec 18, to the wife of Bees Williams a son. 10 lbs. IT PAYS TO TRADE ITH MB ! WHO? . FRANK ELBERSON, SaiifBjteryiCiifKtioiery. l tMMMt my Gsttfs are the Best, m4 Always Fresh. OtfcwOB4ietc.,furn!8be4fer'WeddlBg E&SXSESSSF" tMamA t0 igaspeetatty. CUW.JKMM'ft. LIBERTY HALL, F. W. STECHHAN, Proprietor aiid Slauager. May!SatpIay.M&23 JAY RlAi8 Majestic Rehal of the Famous. Mora! ami Picturesque Drama of UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, POWERFUL DOUBLE COMPANY, (Stronger than cer." Magnificent Scenerv, Magnolia Jubilee Singers, Camp Meeting Shouteis, Tritk Doulcey"FiI5co.' The mammoth trained 5 BLOODHOUNDS ! 5 Rescned seats now on .sale at AdlerN Book Store. SPECIAL AND PEREMPTORY AUCTION SALE. Christmas and New Year's HOLIDAY PRESENTS. This WEDNESDAY afternoon A 2 o'clock, AND Again in the Evening at Seven, At Adler's Branch Bazar, Next to Geo. "W. Hume's Store. Siher plated ware, Fancy Glass and China ware, Japanese poods, Black Ebony soods, Illustrated Gift Books, Dolls, all sizes, dressed and otherwise. Boys' najrons, Bell Carriages, Musical Instruments, etc. Also One Chase Organ Worflt fc !-" The goods to be sold are consign ments sunt unsolicited lo Mr. Adler. lie has advised the owners that he is over stocked with his own goods. The an swer is ''Don't return tut goods. Sell nil ohI at aHclIon Immediately, anil realize what j oh can for us." Referring to the above 1 can only any, my instructions from Mr. Adler are positive to sell the goods without rc scive to the highest bidders. E.C.HOLDEX, If Auctioneer. Select Masquerade Ball. Rescue Jubilee Troupe. Fourth Annual Masquerade Ball, Monday.. January 1st. 1883. AT TIIH SKATING RINK. HOXOKARY fOJUIlTTEF. Cant. Geo. Fki el, Hon. Win. Chance, Col. R It. Spedden. Hon. A. J. Mealer. Hun. John Jlalin, Hon. Geo. AV. Hume. KKCEITJOX COMMITTEE. MEMBERS OF THE TROUTE. iVESTinATr:;a committee. Hon.C. W. Fulton, IIon.r..T. Talor. Hon. C. .T. Trcnthartl. IXVJTATIOX COMMITTEE, .las. A. J).iidson, G. C. Richardson, 15. S. Worsley, Frank L. I'.irKer. l'Ricrs or apmissio Lady Maskers -Gent Mjiskers - - - -Lady Siectatois. -Gent Spectators, - ntKK .ri) 1.1)0 Tickets way lie procured of members of the troupe. Maskers tickets can be procured onlv at tnc store oi iraiiK l. liirKer. Furnished Rooms to Rent. milREE OR TOUR ROOMS, WITH CON- jl leniences oi kiicucii aim uiuiiiK-rooin Inquire at this onicc. Found. NEAR THE OCCIDENT CO.'S CANNERY, onMondar. Dec. ll. a trunk centaumii: valuables. Apply at RcntillaS saloon, uear uic cannery, proto property aim pay cuarg- es. . ei'jwi: P. H. FOX. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE THJ1LL ATTEND TO COLLECTIONS AT 1 T a reasonable discount. Office, Main street. Address r. O. bo. 81, "Astoria, Clatsop County. Oregon, d-luk wit New Vessel. TICY NEW STEAM YACHT hJSl2 RELIC, Is now ready for business, and can be en caged by the day. Job or spason. Orders way be wade bv leUer or personal application to wo . LEWIS G. H AAVEN, Upper Astoria. HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock in Astoria JV ovelties of all Kinds Fraits Betk Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORXER, O B &X DOCK -ASK FOR- Union India Rubber Company's Pure FaraGuin Crack Proof RUBBER BOOTS. BEWARE OF ISHTATIONS ! Be sure tlie Boots are stawped CRACK jfituuF on tneneeis, ana nave tne I'uutj GUM SPRINGS ou the foot and instep, which Drcvent their crackinc or breaklnc. We are now waking them with RUBBER A XT1 4 CIirOTAS CaI. wliinh ,,-411 mnbn them last more than twice as long as any Rubber Boots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL TCINDS JOBBER BELTING, PACK ING, HOSE, SPRINGS. CLOTHING. BOOTS AND 8nOES,ctc CUOMEAR RUBBER CO. R. H. PEASE, Jr., L A.nts S. M. RUNYON, ASCaxs 4m San Francisco. Ftr Sale. LOT C. BLOCK 128, SHTYELY'S ASTORLY occupied by James McGec, with all the tmlld mi quire aftdbaprovements thereon, Terms sey, J.O.BOSOXTH, XMlBMrteAKcat. MARTI3T rOATtD. J. J. STOKES FOARD it. STOKES, Wholesale and retail dealers in Wood aad Willow-ware, GROCERIES, Tobacco, Cigars, "Wines and Liquors FOREIGN AND D031ESTIC Fruits and Vegetables. FLOUR, FEED, ANT COUNTRY PRODUCE. General Commission merchants ASTORIA, OltRGOX. Net to Oregon Hallway a Nav. co's Dock. dvr ASTORIA MARKET D. K. WARREN, COR. CHENAMUS AND HAMILTON STS. ASTORIA. - - OREGON.. Dealer in FRESH AND CURED MEATS, Vegetables, Butter. Eggs. And a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Constantly on hand. Sin PS SUPPLIED AT LOWEST RATES. This space reserved for CERTAIN PARTIES. MAGNUS C. CROSBY, Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER, 'V Cannery ancL Flsbermens Supplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but first class workmen employed. A larpre assortment ofj SCALE? Constantly on hand. I. W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND HE. TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenanuu and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON HILL'S VARIETIES. GEO. HILL, -WALTER PARKS, - PROPRIETOR STAGE MANAGER Engagement of MESSRS. DOWNS & ALIC0TT, The Kings of Song and Dance. Also RICHARDS and EVANS, Champion High Kickers. Together with a new ORCHESTRA. Under the management of PROF. SWAB. All the Old Favorites Retained. pra all the Tear. Perferaiaaee Every MxhU Eallre Caaajce er Tf aranaie ac a Week. Comprising all the latest SONGS, DANCES AND ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. The theatre is crowded nightly, and all who have witnessed the entertainment pro nounce it to be equal to any given elsewhere. Mr. Mill as a caterer for the public's amusement can not be excelled. Anybody wishine to spend a nleasant ereiiln? and see sparkling wit and beauty without vul- ganry, suouiu improve ine opportunity ana cumc The company comprises the following well known Artists : MlSS FATf IK WALTOX. Miss Emma Gilukkt, Miss Fay Gilbert, Mn. Waiter Pakks. Mr, Citas. Fsehoxt, Mb. Johx Stokes. Ms. Chas. Babrows. All of which will appear nightly in their dif ferent specialties. Open air concert every evening ? tMrfon. ance commencing at 8 ; entrance to theatre on seated street; private boxes on Cbeaa ffius street. Kv Stan i JUW ffniiiMiiB ! Announcement - . - tine Furniture, Carpets, Mirrors Uphols tery, Wall Pockets, Brackets. I offer a fine stock of Furniture for the Holiday trade at low prices. 0flrg, Ottoman Sofas, Qhmber Suits, Ladies are invited styles in Plush and Velvet. Beautiful Embroidered goods. XVI. W, Gallick's New Store J Carl Adler's Emporium ! I Still Lead ! All my Goods as represented ! CHRISTMAS GIFTS! Something GOLDEN RULE BAZAR FOR TWENTY TO BE GIVEN AWAY! 4 BmtlM Silver Each purchaser of Obc Dollar's TVorib, or upwards will receive a TIeltcf entitling him or her to One Chance in A Ticket will be ghen to each purchaser Goldea Rule Bazar, or CARL ADLER'S Golden Rah Bazar i d. a. Mcintosh, TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, Has just opened n large addition to his stock of Men's and Boy's Suits. Overcoats, Hats and Caps, Furnishing Goods and Cloths. Also a full line of Rubber Coats and Leggings, Umbrellas.. Trunks, Satchels. Special attention directed to Hosiery, Underwear, and fine Neckwear, Gent's Dressing Gowni. Celluloid Fronts, Collars and Cuffs. D. A. MclNTOSH, TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. OCCIDENT BLOCK. - New Goods! CITY BOOK STORE. weBRANcn: so chrome: ut the lest Store in the City to get your Money's Worth. Albums, Autograph and Photograph all sizes and Prices- n1u frem a Dime rtercl to Webster's Unabridged. Gents' Jewelry aad Cutlery, Writing Desks of all sizes, Mht TwmiMS Scrap Seeks, Bibles, Prajcr Books and Ujmmnls. also, the Kcj- to Heaven. Opera ad Marlac Glasses. Draughting Instruments from 40 ccats to $3v.O a Set. Blank Books. And every thing you could want in our line. TVo expect to remain after the holidays are all over, and by buying of us you keep the money at home. y Examin our goods and prices before going clso where. B. P. 8TEVEN8 CO., - City 1Mb fltere. Extraordinary! to call and see latest Toys, Fancy Goods. My own huportatioii, NOVELTIES OF ALL KINDS. Frc-.h eonMgunicnts on eery steniner. To attempt an enumeration of the attraction-; would be impossible. Come and sec the llnest, brightest and prettiest, and most valuable slock of goods ever brought to Astoria. New at The DAYS ONLY. Hither, Worth $30, this IHegnnt Set. of goods to the. amount of SI. at either the (lie Novelty Emporium. ASTORIA. OREGON. New Goods! Holiday Goods ! -AT FiKaru NOW ON EXHIBITION THE FI1TBST and BEST SEZiECTXD STOCK OF Fancy Dry Goods i Notions, Embracing all the Ladies mi Misses ALL COLOHS, SIZES AND PRICES. Lace Counterpanes, Lace Pillow Shams, Lace- Tidies. Lace Table Covers, Lace Curtains, WOESTED GOODS! Ladies and Children's Jackets, Cloaks, Nubias and Hoods. A IINE ASSORTMENT OF Ladies' and Gent's Silk, Linen and Bordered Handkerchiefs. SATCHELS, PUttSES, ETC. Wc hae still ou hand an assortment of Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks, Ulsters and Dolmans, Which we v ill sell at GREATLY REDUCED RATES. The public is cordial! invited to call and examine Goods and Prices. PRAEL BROTHERS. Kext Boor to Pythian Hall. THE NEW MODEL nnnnvnsjinvgTJ2jr 1 b9H anVflnannlS llrHliSjHl ' nnnna nnnnnnTnHlnr9nfi6Eif'9 nnnnnVnDBHlnBflnnnnvB'6n A FULJL STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. S3. DEI.. B:u W JbIS, Two doors east of Occident Hotel, ASTORIA, OREGON. John A Montgomery, (SUCCESSOR TO JACKINS & MONTGOMERY.) 53 COIli:i e: .1IA1.V ym JKFFJEKSOX STREETS,' ASTORIA, ... OREGON. I will REMOVE about Jan. 1st, to the bulding now occupied by .Toe Charters' barber shop, on Chenamus street. CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE S BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and MoildiRjs, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. MARTIN OLSEN, DEALER IN Sv FURNITURE Ss BEDDING. Corner Main and, Squemequa Streets. Aateria, Oregon. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. Alt KIXDS OF FURIflTUBE REPAIRED ATCD VARNISHED. ASTORIA M. MEYER ASTORIA, REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES. $7 50 PER BARREL OF 30 GALLONS. ILARGE ORDERS IN LIKE PROPORTION. Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - - - S I 60 per Dozen asrsplal attemtion paid to orders from Public Monro aad FamlliMM Holiday Goods ! TH1 i latest stjles of Tis and Flka$, s Etc., Etc., Etc. RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT. YOU WILL BE TLEASED. i:. R. HALVES is also agent for the Bock patent (Mil, Store And other first-class stores. Faraaoo 'Work. Steam Fit tiagi. etc., a syooialty-. DEVLERIN Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Eanges The Best In the market. 1'iumblng goods ot all kinds on hand. Jb work done in a workmanlike manner. BREWERY. Proprietor. OREGON. '' ,i