"'" f e-y "-"- i r, .. 2!hc 3iilB stcrrian. AbTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1 1, 18s2 ISBDED EVERY MORNING. 'Monday Excepted), J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY, PCBtTHnERS AND 1'nOmiKTORji. Asiitrian Building, Ccus Street. Terms of Subscription : rod by Carrier, per weefc.. -......-..25 Cents -ot by mail, four months..... -.....-.5-3 00 ant by mail, one year...-...-..-.-. A 00 Free of Postage to Subscribers. " Advertisements inserted by the year at be rate of 1 50 per square per month. Transient advertising, by the day or week, 5fty cents per square for each insertion. J. V. Spraguo position as general has resigned his manager of the Northern Pacific railroad Co Buckley takes his place. J. M. Capt. Hustler desires mention made of the fact that to-morrow is the last day of grace in which to pay school taxes in this district. Henry Miller, who was held in $100 to appear as witness in the Itiley Mordaunt case, was yesterday surren dered by his bondsmen and confined in jail, The Seattle Herald says that a large majority of citizens are in favor of sending a delegation to Washing ton to urge the admission of the ter ritory into the Union. Wm. Schuldt, former proprietor of tho Mint saloon, died last Tuesday night, of paralysis. He was a native of Germany, aged 37 years. Tho fu neral will tike placo from his lato residence on Main street, at two o'clock this afternoon. Judge Deady, in Portland, and Chief Justice Green, at New Tacoma, have each issued temporary injunc tions restraining tho N. P. R. R. Co., from interfering with or disturbing the present business arrangements of Wells, Fargo & Co.'s express company. Engineers are surveying down the Little Sandy to ascertain the feaii bility of locating the road of the Ore gon Short Line. It 13 thought that road will cross tho Cascade mountains about ten miles back of the Columbia river, on a ridge that has been discov ered, and then cross the Sandy about four miles below Revenue's. The body of the man lately found near Knappa, upon examina tion was declared not to be the re mains of Goo. Birchard. Tho un- ljnOWtt ntnii Jnl jnr taixon 3rvwncJ, n light blue overshirt, and red under shirt. He wore No. 7 boots with a metal plate on heel. The remains were buried near the place where found, and marked, for future identification if wished for. The track of the Canadian Pa cific railroad is now laid to the winter terminus at Swift Current creek, 154 miles west of the later terminus at Kegina, and 520 miles from Winni peg, Manitoba. No more track will be laid this year. It is understood that the syndicate which owns this road has bought tho Portage, West- bourne & Northwestern road in Mani toba, and will mako it a branch of the Pacific road. The scow "Adelaide," which was delivering wood at Fort Stevens on Saturday last, for J. H. D. Gray, con tractor, was badly used up by the atorm on Sunday, which tore her away from the wharf and carried away her bowsprit, somo of her sails, and losing some wood. Tho captain, to koop from going on to the beach near Scarboro Hill, was compelled to run into Chinook river, where she is repairing and waiting a chance to get out. Municipal Election. The election for councilmen from the first and second wards of thic city took place yesterday. The rain fell in torrents all day, thus preventing a full vote. There was little difficulty experienced in counting the vote, the number of scratched tickets being far less than at the June election- Below is the result: FIRST WARP. C. H. Cooper 101 A. A. Cleveland ". 139 Cooper's majority 22 SECOND WARD. C. J. Trenchard 141 J. M. Olson 64 Trenchard' majority 77 1 Ufetiee. Tho New York Novelty Co. will have a Grand Opening of the finest toys and holiday goods ever brought to Astoria, Saturday night. Corner Mam and Che namu streets. Ckristata Cards. Th e most handsome Christmas cards can be found at New York Novelty Co., corner Main and Chenamus sts. Xetlce. If 5'ou want to buy a first-class organ, jjHaranteed for 10 years, at a low figure, call at the New York Novelty Co., cor. Main and Chenamus streets. The latest election returns say Bathing about Christmas gifts, but every one knows that Carl Adler Is sell iBff kolklay goods of superb quality at the lowest prices. Toys, Christmas cards, albums, etc, at Carl Adler's. -A. coapetent woman wishes a situ- aWtn to o Mousewonc ior a sraau iam Jfy. Leave word at this office. St Council Proceedings. At the last regular meeting of the J city council the report of the street committee on tho petition of property holders along the line (if Squemoqua street asking the same to be widened to fifty feet, was read, and on motion, report was adopted. Tho reports of street superintendent and police judge were read and referred. An ordinance making an appropriation from the general and police dept. fund for the-parpose of "paying inter est on city bonds, board of city prison ers, and salary of chief engineer and oflicera of the city of Astoria for the year 18S3, and unexpired portion of 1832," was read first and second times, and referred to committee on ways and means. An ordinance proriding for the disposition by the auditor and clerk of the printed copies of charter and ordinances now in his possession was read and referred to committee on public property. An ordinance authorizing the Electric Light Co. to construct and maintain electric light works in the city of Astoria and to place wires or o:her conductors through the streets of the city, was read and referred to same committee. An ordinauco granting similar privi leges to the Astoria Gas Light com pany was read and referred io same committee. An ordinance authorizing a contract to be made by the commit tee on streets and public ways with the Columbia Water Co., and granting said company the right to construct water works within the city, nnd to Use the streets and public ways for the purpose of laying pipes therein was passed by a unanimous vote under suspension of the rule?. The vote upon the ordinance relating to the Astoria Electric Light Co. was recon sidered, and the ordinance was then passed under suspension of the rules. The same couree was pursued, in re lation to tho vote upon the ordinance rolativc to the Astoria Gas Light Ce: that ordinance also being passed. The claim of Thos. Logan for S7ii was ordered paid. The rest of tho claims weru refeired. Tho following resolu tions offered by Councilman Case were unanimously adepted: Jiesohfd; That tho auditor and clerk be and is hereby authorized to give due and legal notice that tho city council proposts to improve Squemoqua street, from the east line of McCIure'a Astoria to the west side of Cass street, by widening to the width of fifty feet, and by building sidewalks mi each side of said street. Riseited: That the auditor and clerk bo and ho is hereby directed to issue TrarrailtS ;iyniu:t tho I'suourty holders along the lino of Astor street for tho proposed improvement in said street as levied by ordinance No -1S8. On motion co'incil adjourned to meet "on Friday evening, tho 22nd inst. THE ACE OF HIIMCLE.S is past, and Dr. Pierce'a "Golden Medical Discovery" will not raise the dead, will not cure yen if your lungs are almost wasted by consumption. It is, however, unsurpassed both as a pectoral and alterative, and will cure obstinate and severe diseases of the throat and lungs, coughs, and bron chial affections. By virtue of its won derful alterative properties it cleanses and enriches the blood, cures pimples, blotches, and eruptions, and causes great eating ulcers to heal. An invaluable strengthener for the nerves, muscles, and digestive organs, producing strength and appetite, is Brown's Iron Bitters. Tlic Wj-uians. To-night the Wymans play Yakicat Liberty JIall, and all those who wish to get a good seat should go to J. E. Thom as' Drug Store and secure them, as there will be a big house. Yakie being one iehts Francisco. (California Theatre), it Is undoubtedly the best work of its kind ever written, and Wyman as a German Dialect Comedian has no equal. So let's give him a full house his opening night m Astoria. The Golden Kule Bazaar is full of Christmas goods which will be sold In accordance with the motto of the estab lishment. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded day or night at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. The best chocolate caramels Oerk witz makes them. JTis he that makes that splendid taffy. Opposite Bell tower. Have you tried a stew or pan roast as Frank Fabre cooks it? Order or.o and you'll thank us for the advice. The best selection of Xmas. New Years and Birthday Cards ever shown n the city at the City Book Store. For the genuine J. II. Cutter old Bourbonand the best of wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and see Camp bell. Fresh supply of candies at Oerk witz's Pioneer Candy Factory, opposite Bell tower. Look out for Holiday Books to ar rive by to-day's steamer, at the City Book Store. Mr. John Kogcrs of the Central Mar ket, has made arrangements to keep al he finest fresh fish, etc., in their season Furnished or unfurnished rooms for rent; the finest in the city and ma most desirable location. Inquire at As tohian office. Hallo! Where arc you going Why to Frank Fabre's for a pan roast. Wilhoit mineral water, fresh and sparkling, at F. B. Elbcrson's. Get your books at Adler's and get a chance in his handsome prize, free of charge. By buying your silverware at Ad ler's you will save money and may get that beautiful present Do j ou know that Adler is giving away a fifty dollar present ? Buy a dol lars worth and you may get.it. Tne Printer and His Types- A rainy day yesterday aud a dearth of items sent us to the case with a "take" of reprint, and looking at the stand of type there arranged, we thought what an epitomo of all human en deavor lay in those one hundred and fifty-two little boxes of bourgeois bo fore us. Tho morning newspaper as it flutters from the press into the homes of its readers is a daily marvel of ingenuity and enterprise, and rep resents a wonderful combination of industry unequaled in any depart ment of human labor. The cast-off cotton nnd linen clothing of a nation is torn and shredded and dampened into pulp and woven into a fair, smooth paper that, yielding fo the clinging embrace of the press, comes out a carpet for thought to walk on, and bearing a transcript of the history of the world for one day. Those little boxes,fullof "aV'and "b's" and"d's." etc., if sentient, would grow cynical, as do their manipulators, in daily mirror ing the hopes and frailties and follies of mankind, and even the most start ling events of iifo would seem com monplace to those little bits of metal were they endowed with life, as in the daily round of existence they set forth the facts as they occur. Tho printer stands there with th stick in his hand and, liko an old-time inagi ciau, calls out from the silence of those inky little boxes everything in life that is deemed worthy of chronicle or observation. Now he sets up a line advertising a stray puppy, and now a lino announcing the death of an em peror; next iothenotico of a marriage: how fair tho bride looked and how lovely were the bridesmaids, and an hour after the same types, in different form, give utterance to the last sad memorials of respect for one who is laid in the grave. What sparkling wit, what iofty elo quence, what forcible invective, what glowing imagery of thought lie in tho case before us! The stately flow of Macaulay's martial poetry fall into lino with regular click, tho stir ring chronicle ot Napoleon's victorys is ticked off letter by letter, and the merry jest that shall make a thousand men laugh at to-morrow's breakfast table is picked up letter by letter, by tho compositor who preserves the same expression of countenance whether settms un "LSoat .Lost," or "Found Drowned." It would seem tho same in the case we briefly treat of as with the great world of animated nature. A few drops of water, and a ray of light, paints upon the radiant heavens the brilliant but evanescent rainbow that iades as we note its many-colored beauty; a few of tho elements contained in the soil are, by the subtle alchemy of nature, trans formed into tho gigantic tree; tho same elements, with a slight ad mixture of others constitute all we admire in the stately man, or the graceful weman: the waving field of wheat, or the tossing billows of the boundless sea. So with the types be fore us, which seem to be the very elements out of which all that lives in story or in song is transmitted and preserved, with this difference and there is sadness in the thoaght that that which to-day wo set in type will live, as immortal and imperishable as the elements themselves, but tho hand and brain that dictates-and guides the utterance of the thought will be re solved into indistinguishable dust. An enricher of the blood and puri fier of the 8ystem;.cure8 lassitude and lack of energy; such is Prown's Iron Bitters. ltcmoial! Removal! About January 1st 1 will Stove and Tin-shop Into remove my the rooms now occupied by Joe Charters' barber shop, on Chenamus street. Mv slock of the best goods will be enlarged and my facilities for doing all work in mv line will be increased. John A. Montoomkiiv. To be Glrca Away. A beautiful silver Pitcher. Goblet and Tray, worth $50.00. Each purchaser of one dollars worth of upwards will re ceive a ticket entitling him to one chance in this elegant set. at Adler's Emporium, or The Golden Itule Bazar. Oysters! Oysters!! At Frank Fabre's; in every Fresh from the beds every day. style. A USEFUL GIFT. City Beak Btere. Any one purchasing goods to the amount of one dollar and upwards at B. F. Stevens Co's City book store will get a ticket entitling him or her to one chance in a Sistgcr Sewing itfackiae, warranted new and in good order. A fine stock of holiday goods to select from. This affords you a chance to get a useful and valuable gift. Dr. Welch, of Portland, has 'arrived in the city and has taken rooms at the Occident He will remain but ten days and all desiring dental work done can be attended to. He has a supply of ni trous oxide, and will extract teeth with out pain. Sheet music in all the latest varieties just received at Gustav Hansen's. Sonat as, operas, waltzes and all tho popular music of the day in stock. If you want music for the piano, organ, violin, flute. etc, you will find what you want at Hansen's. Best cough candy at Oorkwitz's op posite Bell tower. P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus street, has just received the latest and most fashionable style of gents and ladies boots, shoes, etc Agent in Astoria for the famous Morrow shoes. Dr Lockhart. Book Store. Office over City Shoalwater bay evsters: fresh every day, at Frank Fabre's. Railroad from Portland to Kalama. Having secured the right of way through nearly all the lands on the surveyed route, the Northern Pacific Railroad company are now making; preparations to build the line from t rortlana to kalama. This will con nect the entire system ef railways of Oregon and Washington with Puget Sound. The line is 39 miles long. It WH "tart at tho site of tho proposed Union depot in Couch's addition, run north on North Front street to Wat son's addition, a short distance west of Weidler's sawmill; thence nearly midway through the Sherlock prop erty; thence between Guild's lake and the Willamette river; through Spring ville; thence near the foothills west of Willamette slough. It will cut off one corner of tho to.wn-site of St. Helens; will run through Columbia City .about 100 feet back from the Columbia river, and will terminate with an incline at the foot of Deer island, opposite the town of Kalama. In the construction there will be 475,000 cubic yards of excavation, 45,000 yards of rock work, about three miles of trastle, one shoit truss bridge over Mill creek, and 270 acres of clearing. Its cost will approximate $1,000,000. S." soon as the entire right of way has been secured and this will prob ably be accomplished by the end of this month the company will adver tise for proposals to do the grading, and if bids are not satisfactory the company will do the work. Little progress can be made at the grade un til the present shower is over say April 15. Then the summer floods will interfere with the work, so that things cannet be pushed until early in August. It is expected that the link will be finished and ready for traffic about the middle of next November. Inclines will be built at Kalama and at the terminus of the Portland branch on the opposite shore of the Columbia, a id cars will be transferred by an iron ferryboat now in course of construction in New York under the supervision of Chief Engineer J. C. Henderson. It will be shipped in sec tions by rail or ocean, and put togeth er here. Its capacity will be twenty cars. Oregonian. List of Letters Remaining uncalled for in tho Post office at Astoria, Oregon, December 13th 1882. Bergstedt, P. E. McNeill, James Clough, John Nash, A. P. Ercele, Emilio Nelson, M. Graham, John J. Pederson, Charles Goggan, John Jticc, O. K. King Mr. Shirley, Miss J. 15. Lambert. John Whitnev, John Miller, Henry J. - t Persons calling for .these letters must give the date they arc advertised. W. ClXAXGK. P. M. LariieH Hnlrndid BarsauiH! Mrs. Malcolm is closing out her stock of embroideries at cost. N o better bargains can be got any whei c. Important Xotlrc. A full Hue of artist's materials con sisting of tube colors, .able hiudies, picture varnishes, canvas. Jbc &c. Ev erything an artht wants at A.M. Johnson fcCo. Frrftli Candy. Made every day at John V. Classen's Astoria Candy Factory. Creams, choco late, French candy, taffy, etc. A line assortment of holiday toys. Ladies. Mr. Litt reliable manufacturer, will soon be here with elegant Cloaks at ."j0 pet cent, less than can be bought. SOAP. Try our Borax Soap made expressly for us and guaranteed of superior qual ity. Can be used for any purpose, and will not injure the most delicate fabric. A fine toilet soap. A M. Johnson it Co. For the Ladies. Ladies suffering from sick headaches, neuralgia, colds, fevers, indigestion and habitual constipation will find Syrup of Figs as effective in affording relief as it is pleasant to the taste. It acts thorough ly., yet gently, a very small (mantity suf- nciug io reuiovu an uuiuruius lrum uiu system and make one feel happier and brighter. Large bottles for sale and trial bottles free at Dement's Drug Store Hodge Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents, Portland Oregon. w ! Avald BmkeHRt-. Forbid intoxicating nostrums and use Parker's Ginger Tonic in your family. This delicious remedy never intoxicates, is a true blood and brain food, and aiding all the vital functions never fails to invigorate. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nerv ous weakness, earlv decay, lo oss of man hood. etc.. 1 will send a recipe that will cure you FREE OF CI1A. ISGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis: sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Pev. Joskph T. Ixman, Station D, Now York City. The Japanese Carry their tooth picks in their back hair and always use them after eating any thing. They take care of their teeth and the teeth take care of their stomachs. Use toothpicks freely, clean with SOZO DONT, and bad teeth and breaths will be scarce. What YTaarea Shaald Tne. Dyspepsia, weak back, despondency and other troubles caused me fearful suffering, but Parker's Ginger Tonic makes me feel like a new being. A great remc dy. Every woman should use it. Mrs. Garitz, Pittsburg. Avery complete assortment ot blank books, all sizes, styles and prices at the uity booK store. 'All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can be bought at tho lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occiden hctel, Astoria. Fancy soaps and perfumery of all kinds can be found at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel. Several thousand dollars worth of holiday foods at Carl Adler's, Wanted. At Frank Fabre's Oyster and Coffee saloon, a waiter or waiteress. Wages $30 per month, with board and lodging. None but first-class help need apply. LnrtieN. Chcneillc; cords and tassels, lambre quins, embroidery of latest styles, at M. W. Gallick's. Some tine designs "in table covers, chair strips, etc. These goods arc of the finest quality. Xotioe to the IjadieK. Sw itches made from combings or cut hair: new switches made to order from the best imported hair, in any shado desired. Old switches repaired. All work warranted. Kates reasonable. Call or address UiiLENiiAjrr ifcScnoEXE, Occident Hair dressing saloon, Asto ria. Oregon. -Fini'Oigans and pianos at Gustav Hansen's. Call and examine. New and beautiful designs in silver ware at Adler's. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures, consumption. Spld by W. E. De ment. Buy jour Christmas presents at Ad Jer's and get a chance in a beautiful sil ver Titcher, Goblet and Tray worth fifty dollars. For fine Havana, and domestic Ci gars, such un the 'Commercial." "Flor ile Cuba Delicious." ami the celebrated "Calcutta" cigar, call at J. E. Thomas Drugstore. The Peruvian syrup has cured thou sands who were suffering from dyspep sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph lets free to any adures. Seth W. Fowl vfcSoii- i;won. That Hacking Cough can bo so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. -Sold by W.E. Dement. Get tluW splendid oiled horse cover.-, and hoods at A. M. Joirxsox & Go's. For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 2T cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Item- edv. Price ."i0 cents, Masai Injector free. For a!e by W. E. Dement. Brace up the whole system with Kinj of the Blood. See Advertisement. Two front rooms, unfurnished : de sirable location ; inquire of Alex. Camp bell, ucm saloon. Shiloh's Yitalizeris what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness ana all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 7u cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement. Shipper fc Ilybke. No. 11, Oak stree Portland, are the bon ton tailors of the hiclropolis. Premature grayness avoided by us ing Parker's Hair Balsam, distin guished for its cleanliness andr per fume. Will you suffer with Disnephia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's " italizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E. lament. ASTORIA FIKK IKPAJIT3IEXT W. J. BABRY. Chief Engineer F. 1. IIICKS lit As-st. Engineer J. V.. CHARTERS .2d Asst. Engineer BOARD OFDELEGATES.-llcgvUai meet ing fourth Monday in each month, at 7:30 i. M., at lull of Attoria Engine Company No. l. Okkiceks. C. J. Treuchanl. President; A. A. Cleveland, Ssi-i-rotary ; F. L. .Parker, Treasurer. Dklkoatfs. L.l Sclig.C. J. Trenchard, Clias. Stickles, ot Astoria Engim Co. Xo. 1 ; Win. McCnnnie, F. I- Parker, II. F. rrael, or Rescue Engine Co. No. 2 : Ed. 1). Curtis. F. J.TaIor. A. W. Kerry, of Alert Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1. ASToItU UXG1NK COJf J-l A 1"A". 1-. Regular meeting llrt Monday in each month. OFKirr.irs. V. "W. Parker. President ; L. E. Selig, Secretin-: Win. Rock. Treasurer; S. C. lngalls, Foreman : Clias. Wallman, 1st Asst. Foreman : Henry Miller, 2d Asst. Fore man. RESCUE EXOIXE C03TPAX1' Xo. 2. Regular meeting llrt Monday in each month. Okkjceks. C. W. Fulton. President ;R. F. rrael. secretary; T. I. Mcrryman, Ass't Secretary : F. lu Parker. Treasurer: O. P. Graham. Foreman ; II. F. Prael. lit Asst. Foreman ; A. MrKcn.Ie. 2d Asst. Foreman. ALERT HOOKAXD LAUDER Co. Xo. 1. Regular meeting second Monday in each month. Okkickiis. J. O. Ro7orth. President ; C. Brown, Secretary: ' Tuttle. Treasurer; F. B. Elberson. Foreman : F. V. Ferguson. 1st Asst. Foreman; .1. W. Ferchen, 2d Asst. Foreman. J.E. THOMAS, DRUGGIST PHARMACIST, KJnney's Building, opposite D. K. Warren's AST0RIA,J0REG0N. PURE Drugs and Chemicals. A FINE LINE OF HOMEOPATHIC REMEDYS. Toi et and Fancy Articles. Z3T rrcNcnitinn carefully compounded at all hours. PERUVIAN BITTERS !, Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. C. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Holiday Presents ! TIHIE II Dry Goods Clothing House OF JLSTOHUL. In order to meet the general demand for useful Christmas Presents we have just opened several cases of Holi day goods comprising HANDKERCHIEFS ! Ladies' and Gentlemen's Handkerchiefs put up in hand some French boxes, one half dozen in each, ' expressly for Christmas trade. Ladies Rich Embroidered Handkerchiefs: Ladies' Real Lace Hand kerchiefs; 50 dozen Gentlemen's Plain and Colored Silk Handkerchiefs, in all the Latest designs. RUSSIA LEATHER GOODS! PitrxcH. Satchels. Card Cajc.s. Bag. i!oTe Boxes, nBdkr ehicr Boxes, Fancy Articles, Etc. The above goods ;ire new ami are very choice, Loth iu stylo and quality. FANS! Pearl, Ivory. Feather, and Lace, SPANISH LACE GOODS I Our assortment or fine Spanish Ince, Ifiehas, Scarfs and Col lars, both in Black and Cream, is the best is the market. Embroidered T.aee Fichus. Ties., Fine Irish Point T,ace Collars. SPECIAL! CX.OJLZS, DOL1UUTS & CIRCtlXABS. Having received from n manufacturer a late delivery of these goods, made of the best material and handsomely trimmed, will be sold'at low prices. li 11 (KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS BUILDING.) HEADQUARTERS New York Novelty Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Toys, Dolls.. Fancy Goods, Albums. Stationery, Jewelry, fMusical Instruments, Notions, Cutlery, Christmas and New Year Cards, Christmas Candles .and Ornaments. Cor. Main f Chenamus Sts. YOU under If you think there is any sauce in the world equal to the justly celebrated EAST INDIA SAUCE (The recipe of a retired well knoun Caterer of 25 years experience.) It has received approbation wherever introduced, and although but a short time iu the market It has already attained celebrity throughout the northwest. Being composed or Strictly Pure and Strengthening Ingredients. It is especially adapted for Dyspepsia. Broken Down Constitution, and Weaknesses of the Human System. And the only sauce for enriching Steaks, Gravies, Fish, Curries. Game, Soups, Etc., Etc. One trial will suffice to prove its merits. Beware of spurious imitations. "one genuine withont our full firm name on the label. BOSSX.07SET7 A BXRD9 Sole Manufacturers and Proprietors, Portland, Oregon . For sale by leaning Grocers and Druggists. Cleaning Repairing. NEAT. CHEAP ASD QUICK, BY GEORGE L.OVETT. Main Street, opposite N. Loch's. P. H. FOX, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE WLL ATTEND TO COLLECTIONS AT a reasonable discount. Office, Main street. Address P. O. bos Si, Astoria, Clftteop Count y, Oregon, d-lwk wit IIXIL FANS! with a large variety of Fancy Fans. OOPIR! LIE! a miatalo. $500 Reward. "We will pay the above reward for anj or ease c uead- He Costive- 'eeetabl. Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly compiled with. They are purely Vegetable, nnd nover fail to give satisfaction. Hogar coated. Large boxes, containing 38 Pills, 2 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The gennlBe manufactured only byJoHXC.WsrCo.. "The Pill Maker' 181 and l&W.MadtaoB St., Chicago. Free trial package seat fey mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stawp W K. Dement, agent. ? - - r. :v. v, -