'' , 4V ' I "l&g-- r?) r V N x A AbTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY DECEMBER 9. I8SDED EVERY MORNING. Olonday Excepted), J. F. HALiORAN & COMPANY, rcr.LisHF.n. and l'norr.iKTOi:!. Asittrtan Building, Cass Mrcrt. Terms 0 Subscription . rred by Carrier, per week......'-i Cents 'ent by mail, four months........-..... S3 no sent by jnail, one year............... 9 00 Free of Postace to Subscribers. " Adrertuoments inserted by the year nt tic rate of $1 50 per squaro per month. Transient advertising, by the day or week, tfty cents per siuaro for each insertion. -The Salem fire department has n new Silsby fire engine. Hoga are being sold for ten cents a pound on foot in eastern Oregon. The Standard reports the river as being distressingly low and says the services of the dredger are in great demand. The scissors editor of the Stand ard is fast dissipating that paper's reputation for honesty in the matter of credits. An Open Letter. orncEor Boaiid of FilotCommis- ) lamettk Rivers, ) 1'outxa.np, Or., Dec 6, 1882. 1St j To the Editor of The Asterian: ' Please give publicity to the following items which may be of interest to the maritime public The pilot boat Cousins having been ! laid up fast to the wharf since Uo i veniber 24th, we, the commissioners, . would cill tho attention of those interested to section 17 of the Pilot law of 1882, regarding the employ ment of Bar Pilots upon tugs. Understanding as we do, that the Pioneer has been used as a boarding vessel during the interval mentioned above, we would call attention to that portion of section 21 regarding the keeping at all times a pilot vessel at sea. Respectfully calling attention to the lenaUies attending non-compliance with the law. "We are sir, respectfully yours, J. O.Bkown, 2Tath'l. Inoeusoll, ,I.H. D. Gray, Commissioners. R. H. Buddy, Sec'y- 6 Tho Staidard alleges that at tempts are being made to shanghai sailors in Portland for the Josic Troop. Can such things be? The dock at Fort Stevens has been extended fifty feet. The inten tion is to extend it two hundred moro should necessity require it. m The tug Pioneer had a close cill yesterday mornine on the bar, barely escaping colliding with the Columbia. The sea was running very high at the time. Of 130,505 persons of teir years age and upward, residents of this state, 5,270 are returned as being un able to read, and 7,423 as being un able to write. The British ship Flora, which sailed from San Francisco for Queens town, July 16th, was wrecked off the Linconshiro coast last Wednesday. All hands were lost. Albina will be the terminus of fire lines of railread: The O. 11. & N.; the X. P. R. R.; the Q. & 0.; the Oregon Short Line, and the Mult nomah Narrow Gauge. Everyone remembers the brilliant aurora that was seen one evening a few weeks ago. Down in Los Angeles, Cal., o we are informed, the fire de partment ran in hot haste to put it out. In the Justice Ccurt. Tb.3 case of alleged kidnapping comes up before J ustico Fox on Mon day morning at ten o.'clock. Several arrests have been made; Richardson, McCormack, Bannister, Chance, Dris coll, Clarke, McCarty, McCarron and several others who are known as John Dee, Richard Roe, et nl. The two sailors who, it is charged, were forcibly taken from the premises of A. H. Sale, are llenry French, and George Pilsksky. Tho former came to Judge Fox, yesterday, and asked for protec tion. He was immediately accorded tho protection grautcd by the jail. A subpoena has been issued for Pil sksky, who is on board the Josie Troop. Should that not bring him to the witness stand a warrant will be issued for his appearance. In the case of Pass Smith charged with felonious assault upon Win. Robertson, defendant, was remanded to prison in default of $1,000 bail, to await the action of the grand jury which meets Jan. 2d. McCullough, Clarke and Robertson, were each held in $100 bail to appear as witnesses. Hard on the Harvester. The reputation of the officers of tho ship Harvester is now known among sailors from Victoria to Sau Francisco, and it is impossible for them to ob tain a crew, and are compelled to Ho in the Sound unable to sail. After the vessel was loaded an effort was made to ship a crew on tho Sound, but the sailors in that vicinity had learned of the treatment received by the crow on her passage out,nd none could be found willing to ship on the vessel. Portland and Astoria were then resorted to, but the report had reached both places and sailors could not be secured at any price. The ship was then towed to Port Townsend and went to anchor in the harbor to await a crew. An agent was then sent to San Francisco, who represented that there was a ship 111 the Sound in need of a crew, and that there was no sailors to man her. By the assistance of a couple of boarding house keepers and a liberal advance of $75 to each man, thirty sailors were induced to leave San Francisco by the Dakota on the 30th of November. On the way up they learned the reputation of the Harvester, and having a strong sus picion that she was tho ship they were to sail in, they arranged among them selves to jump the steamer at Victoria, and thus avoid sailing in tho Har vester. Accordingly, on the arrival of the Dakota at Victoria, the thirty swarthy sailors marched ashore. The boarding house keepers who accom panied them up the coast did all in their power to get them back, but as there was no representative of tho ship there, no steps could legally be taken to compel the deserters to continue on their journey, and tho Dakota had to leave without them. Standard. It is said that a lawyer recently lost a bnde in a peculiar way. He ap peared at the wedding, but on being called to the ceremony, from sheer force of habit protested that ho was not ready to proceed, and demanded delay. And so the bride got mad and shipped him. Tho case of the state vs. D. Morris, jn trial at Oregon City for the murder of young Officer, at Molalla, went to tho jury at 1 o'clock on Tuesday morning. At 10 o'clock they returned a verdict of murder in the second degree. The penalty is con finement in the penitentiary for life. No Separating Man and Wife. The Chinese bill, about which so much fuss was made last summer, is in danger of being so riddled by judi cial interpretation that it will be prac tically valueless. The latest decision under its provisions opons a way for wholesale evasion. The steamship Madras recently in the Columbia river, had on board 11 Chinese woman who was claimed by a Portland Chinamau as his wife. As sho was not allowed to laud, tho Chinese brought the matter beforo Secretary of the Treasury Folger, who sapiontly decides that she shall not be parted from her husband, so tho woman has been allowed to go ashore. All a Chinaman need do, according to that, is to send his wifo over here with another man, and then send for him. for what Chinese law hath joined together let no American put asunder. Sad Condition of Walla Walla. We regret to learn from the 'States man that rivers of mud, fittingly represent the streets of Walla Walla. "Not a thick, muggy stuff, but thin, like well-worked batter out of which flannel cakes are made. Hero and there at corners, there are little streaks of solid earth, called "cross ings," but the waves of slimy mud come so near each other that a man has to have on high-water pauts if he would escape contamination. Tho ladies don't wear high-water pants, and bo they stand on the shoro and silently pray a prayer for the Btreet commissioner and the council." Hinc masliacrimae. When it was learned that the royal party at Victoria would not visit Port land on their retain to San Francisco, but wonld content themselves with taking a peep at the beautiful sights ; r. m., at hall or J o! tho upper Columbia and then pro- oJp,rKKS.c. .1. ceea 10 .cvstona, taxing me steamer there for below, Astorians began to hold their lieads high, and great were the preparations made for the recep tion of the distinguished visitors. Some of this city, even, went down tho river to get a view of royalty. But, alas for human hopes, all wero doomed to disappointment. Oregon ian, 8th. If anything could intensify the dark pall of impenetrable gloom that sur rounds us, it would bo the bitter con sciousness that all our preparations for the visit of royalty have been so rudely set at naught. Tho inhabi tants of Orogon's seaport had gone t such expense and had their anticipa tions wrought up so highly, that when Mayor Hahn received Da Winton's dispatch Thursday evening, every one was visibly affected by the sad intelli gence. It had been the intention to meet the royal party at the wharf, and every livery stable in Astoria had been visited by those desiring suitable J equipages to appear in the procession. The programme was, to have a suitable parade; flags, transparencies and tri umphal arches were in readiness, but owing to that dreadful "foggy we.uh or," had been kept under cover so that when displayed they would have all the joyful nature -of a glad surprise aud J add to the glittering pageant the charm of novelty. Bat why recount the gay preparations which now seem to mock us as we sit here desolately, while the red cross of St. George floats proudly from the forctop or mizzeu or some place as the vessel which, bears tho Marquis and Princess bounds past Columbia's gateway! Of what avail is that despatch, which comes to us as we write, from Fort Canby, saying that our gallant boys in blue will fire a salute of twenty one guns when the vessel passes south ward! The echo of the guns from the fort will but add to the poignancy of our grief. Not least in ourcanse for re gret is tho fact that the Oregonian should so ruthlessly give us away in the manner it does. The whole mat ter is so sad that words, idle words, are powerless. Let us mingle our tears. ATK1A FIKE DEPAKTMECT w. .1. bakuy Chief Engineer F. P. HICKS 1st Asst. Engineer J. G. CHAPTERS ...2d Asst. Engineer BOARD OF DELEGATES.-llcgatotmcet- nig fourth Monday in each month, at 7:30 inii'a.i rjigiHC v.uuil'i"i Trenchant. President : t. A. Cleveland, Secretary; K.I Parker. Treasurer. Dklkcatfs. L.1- belur.C. .T.Trencliard. Chas. Stickles. 01 A.storia Engin Co. No. l ; Wm. Jk-Connte, V. L. Parker, II. F. Pracl, of Rescue Knciiie Co. So. '1 : Ed. D. Curtis. F. .I.Tavlor. A. W. Kerry, or Alert Hook and 1nMi-r Co. No. I. ASTORIA ENGINE COMPANY No. 1 Kegular meeting first Monday inveach iimuth. UvvirKVAW'.'W. Parker, President; L. K. Sellsr, Secretary: Win. Bock. Treasurer: S. G. liignlls. Foreman : Chas. Wallman, 1st A-t. Foreman : Henry Miller, 2d Asst. Fore man. RESCUE ENGINE COMPANY No. 2. Regular meeting llrt Monday in each month. Okkh'ku.n.-C. W. Fulton. President ;R. F. Prael. fecretan ; J. 1). Mcrryniaii, Ass't Secretary: F. I. Parker. Treasurer; O. P. Graham. Foreman ; II. F. Prael. 1st Asst. Foreman : A. Melxiwie, 2d Asst. Foreman. ALERT JWOK AND LADDER Co. No. 1. Regular meeting second Monday in each month. Offii'ei:. ,F. o. Uozorth. President; C. Brown, Secretary; .1. Tuttle. Treasurer; F. It. Elhcrson. Foreman : F. W. Ferguson. 1st Asst. Foreman; .T. "W. Ferchen, 2d Asst. Foreman. Wauled. The Brittania cleared yesterday with $143,739 worth of flour, the Argyleshire with 841,000 worth of wheat, and the Fritz with $62,GG0 worth of wheat all threo for Queens town. The Elsinore, which has been nearly eight months getting here from New York, arrived in yesterday. The Victoria arrived in from Nanaimo with coal, and the Columbia from San Francisco. The Lake Ontario, Birker and Melusine are finishing car go. A Walla Walla despatch says: On Tuesday Keek Wesley Little was shot and killed on Clearwater river by Charles Sutler. They were part ners in a ranch and were settling up their business preparatory to a disso lution. In talking the matter over Little called Sutler a liar aud was drawing his pistol, but Sutler was too quick for him and fired. The bullet entered the chest below the throat. Little died soon after and Sutler went to Mount Idaho and surrendered him self to the sheriff. A jury returned and held an inquest. Yerdict, justifi able homicide. At Frank Fabrc's Oyster and Collec saloon, a waiter or vaitcrcss. Wages $30 per month, with board and lodging. None but firsr-class help need apply. Ladies. A Party by the Name of Jonnson. On Thursday's boat an individual catno down from Portland registering at the hotel by the name of Johnson. Yesterday Chief of Police Laughrey got a decryption of a man who was charged with stealiug $400 from his wife in Portland. "Johnson" was arrested and owned up to the charge; his true name being C. B. Wilcox. About $370 was on his person. He goes to Portland to-day. Sick and bilious headache, and nl derangements of stomach and bowels, cured by Dr. Pierce's "Pellets" or anti-bilious granules. 25 cents a vial. No cheap boxes to allow a waste of virtues. By druggists. Ladle! Splendid Bar-saws! Mrs. Malcolm is closing out her tock of embroideries at cost. No belter bargains can be got anywhere. What Wewn Skwalil I'm. Dyspepsia, weak back, despondency and other, troubles caused mu fearful suffering, but Parker's Ginger Tonic makes me feel liko a new being. A great rem dy. Every woman should use it. Mrs. Garitz, Pittsburg. Cheneille cords and tassels, lambre quins, embroidery of latest styles, at M. W. Gallick's. Sonic line designs in tabic covers, chair strips, etc., These goods are of the finest quality. Satire-1 the Ladle. Switches made from combings or cut hair: new switches made to order from the best imported hair, in any shade desired. Old switches repaired. All work warranted. Bates reasonable. Call or address UlILKSJIART & SC110EK, Occident Hair dressing saloon, Asto ria, Oregon. J, 0. THOMAS, DRUGGIST AND PHARMACIST, Kinney's r.uilclinj;. opposite I). K. Warren's ASTORIA, OREGON. PURE Drugs and Chemicals. A FINE LINK OP HOMEOPATHIC REME0YS. Toiet and Fancy Articles. 53y Prescriptions eareltiliy compounded at all hours. C. B. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. TIHIE II III.IL Dry Goods Clothing House OF JLSTORU5.. NEW AND DECIDED ATTRAO TI9N9 1 Every Department Filled to Overtewlagl DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. In this department will be found the Latest Styles with Trimmings to match, comprising recent importations of new and decided novelties, NOT OBTAINABLE ELSEWHERE. Among- the many colors in our extensive line of fall materials may be mentioned W E. DEMENT B ASTORIA. OKEfiON 6 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC I3rrrescriptloiis carefully compounded at all hours. ET'Homeopatliic Tinctures and Pellets, aud Humphrey's SpcclOcs also kept. G-o To I. J. Arvold's Freak Caaily. WaHtctl. To borrow about S400, for wliich good security will be given: Address A. 1J.C. Postofnce. Oyatcra! OynterH!! At Frank Fabre's; in every style. Fresh from the beds every day. Dr. AVelch, of Portland, has arrived in the city and lias taken rooms at the Occident lie will remain but ten days and all desiring dental work done can be attended to. lie has a supply of ni trous oxide, and will extract teeth with out pain. The best chocolate caramels Oerk witz makes them. JTis lie that makes that splendid taffy. Opposite Bell tower. Have vou tried a stew or pan roast as Frank Fahre cooks it? Order one and you'll thank us for the advice. Dr Lockhart. Office over City Book Store. Important Notice. A full line of artist's materials con sisting of tube colors, sable brushes, picture varnishes, canvas. &c. Arc. Ev erything an artist wants at A. M. JOHXhOX &Co. Hew to Avoid DruBkrHHrv. Forbid intoxicating nostrums and use Parker's Ginger Tonic in your famify. This delicious remedy never intoxicates, is a true blood aud brain food, and aiding all the vital functions never fails to invigorate. Get those splendid oiled horse cov ers and hoods at A. M. Joirxsox & Cos. Made every day at John P. Classen's Astoria Candy Factory. Creams, choco late, French candy, taffy, etc. A line assortment of holiday toys. Laugh and Grow Fat. One is not apt to laugh and grow fat if he is not feeling well. The legions who, from habitual constipation, s.iffer constantly from headaches, torpidity of the liver, dullness, fevcrishness, sour stomach, etc, can be persuaded to laugh only after they have taken a few doses 01 Syrup or rigs. Try it ami see. tor sale uv W. E. Dement, druggist. Hodge Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents, Portland Oregon. A CARD. To all wlto are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nerv ous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, etc-1 will send a recipe that will cure you FREE OF CHANGE. This great remedy was discovered by a misT sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Itev. Joskimi T. Ixmax. Station D, New York City. liadleH. Mr.ljitt reliable manufacturer, will soon be hero with elegant Cloaks nt 0 pei cent, less than can be bought. Emdewmeat Bask K. ef P. Section iW Endowment Rank Knights of PvthUs will meet at Pythian Castle Hall this evening. Saturday Dec. 9th, at 7 o'clock sharp. Business election of officers for ensuing year. Bv order ot the President. Drt. Jay Tuttle, Secretary and Treas. Tm be Girea Awaj-, A beautiful silver Pitcher. Goblet and Tray, worth $50.00. Each purchaser of one dollars worth of upwards will re ceive a ticket entitling him to one chaace in this elegant set. at Adler's Emporium, or Tho Golden Rule Bazar. Buy your Christmas presentaat Ad ler's and get a chance in a beautiful sil ver Pitcher, Goblet and Tray worth tfty dollars Get your books at Adler's and get a ckaace in his handsome prize, free of charge. By buying your silverware at Ad tor's yo will save money and may get that beautiful present Do yoe kaow that Adier is giving away a ifty dollar present? Buy a dol lars wth aad yoa may get it Shoahvatcr bay eysters: fresh every day, at Frank Fabre's. Fine organs and pianos at Gustav Hansen's. Call and examine. New and beautiful designs in silver ware at Adler's. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded day or night at J. w. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. For Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Shipper & Rybke. No. 11, Oak stree Portland, are the bon ton tailors of tho metropolis. A very complete assortment of blank looks,all sizes, styles and prices at the City booK store. Sheet music in all the latest varieties just received at Gustav Hansen's. Sonat as, operas, waltzes and all the popular music of the day in stock. If you want music for the piano, organ, violin, flute, etc., you will find what you want at Hansen's. Mothers! Mothers!! Met her! ! ALL KINDS OF BOOTS & SHOES Latest Stylos. FOK T,AI1KS AI WEXTLEMESf I make all kinds of P00N and Shoe? to ORDEK. and uuaratee A I'KKb'ECT FIT. Shoemakers' Findings kept in stock. On the lloariway, opposite O. K. &N. Dock. Terra Cotta. Hussar. Jnnibo, Plum, Garnet, Mvrtle, Cadet Blue, Bronze, Wine, Seal, Navy, Brique. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT-COMPLETE LINE OF Blankets, Flannels, Comforters, Bed Spreads, Sheetings, Napkins, Table Linen, Towels, Etc., Etc. Hosiery and Underwear Department. We are showing complete lines in Ladies and Children's Hosiery I Underwear CLOAK DEPARTMENT. In our Cloak room will be found Pompadours, Circulars, Ulsters, Dolmans, Jackets, Wraps, etc. While directing attention to this department wo feel confident in asserting that our styles are not only the newest, but our prices are exceedingly moderate. HILL'S VARIETIES. CF.O. IIH.I.. -WAI.TEIirAUKS, - - rnorniETOit - STAC5F. MAXAOF.K Engagement or MISS EMHA GILBERT, The (jucvii r Serio Comics. MISS FAY GILBERT, The I.Jttle Queen. Also CHAS. FREMONT, The King of High Kick era. Together with a new ORCHESTRA. Umler the management of PROF. SWAB. All the Old Favorites Retained. (KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS BUILDING.) Astokia, November 3, 1882. SANTA GLAUS' HEADQUARTERS! New York Novelty Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Toys, Dolls, Fancy Goods; Albums. Stationery, Jewelry, (Musical Instruments.. Notions, Cutlery, Christmas and New Year Cards, Christmas Candles and Ornaments. Cor. Main f Chenamus Sts. Several thousand dollars worth of holiday goods at Carl Adler's. Carf Adler's Golden Rule Bazaar is now open and "vvell worth a visit from those who like to see fine goods and novel articles. Two front rooms, unfurnished; de sirable location; inouire of Alex. Camp bell, Gem saloon. Furnished or unfurnished rooms fnrrmitt the finest in the city aud in a most desirable location. Inquire at As- tobian office. Or rich and poor, if you're not on, To brush your teeth with bOZODOM'. You'll one day suffer deep remorse. For soon they'll crumble in decay, And soon you'll cry, Oh! lack-a-day, That I had never changed iny course. Hallo! Where arc you going? Why to Frank Fabre's for a pan roast. Wilhoit mineral water, fresh and sparkling, at F. B. Klberson'g. Mr. .John Sogers of the Central Mar ket, has made arrangements to keep al be finest fresh fish, etc., in their season A girl wants a situation to do light housework. Apply at X. Johansen's, Upper Astoria. Fancy soaps and perfumery of all kinds can be found at J. W. Conn's drng store, opposite ucciacm. notei. The best selection of Xmas, Xew Years and Birthday Cards ever shown in the city at the City Book Store. For the genuine J. H. Cutter old Bonrbonaud the best of wines, liqilors and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and see Carap- oeu. 1 Are j-ou disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Window's boothing Syrup, it will relieve the poor littlw suf ferer immediately depend upon it; tliere is no mistake about it. 'lhere is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell yon at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the chiId,operatinglike magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the pre scription of one ot the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 23 cents a bottle. Fresh supply of candies at Oerk witz's Pioneer Candy Factorj, opposite Bell tower. -rLook out for Holiday Books to ar rive by to-day's steamer, at the City Book Store. Brace up the whole system with King of the Blood. See Advertisement A Nasal Iniector tree with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh. Remedy. Trice 50 cent Sold by W, E. Doment Best cough candy at Oerkwitz's op posite Bell tower. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi tive cure for Catarrh, Dintheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by W. E. Dement Premature grayness avoided by us ing Parker's flair Balsam, distin guished for its cleanliness and per fume. Tho Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Consumption Curtx." Sold by W. E. Dement Tl Peruvian sytud has cured thou sands who were suffering from dyspep sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph lets free to any address. Seth W.FowI dcSon1 Boston. Whv will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price lOctsCOctsandSl. Sold by W.E. De ment SniLon's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, whooping cough and Bronchitis. Sold by W. JS. Dement P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus street, has just received the latest and most fashinnahlft style of eents and ladies boots, shoes, etc Agent in Astoria fur the famous Morrow shoes. "llackmetaek," a lasting and fra grant perfarae. Price 35 and SO cents. Sol by W.E.DeMt Open nil tke Vc.tr, Performance Every Mslit. Kullre (hnasc of Pro aratume Once a Week. Comprising all the latest SONGS, DANCES AND ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. Tho theatre is crowded nightly, and all who have witnessed the entertainment pro nounce it to be eaual lo any Riven elsewhere. Mr. Hill as a caterer for the public's amusement can not be excelled. Anybody wishing to spend a pleasant evening and see sparkling wit and beauty withotit vul garity, should Improve the opportunity aud come. The company comprises the following well known Artists : 1 1 hs Fa nx 1 k Wa lton. Hiss Mamik (oonmcii, Miss Emma GiuiEitT, Miss Fat Gir.nF.nT, Mr. Waltkr Parks. Mis. Chas. Fkrmont. Mis. John Stokes. Mn. Chas. kariiows. All of which will appear nightly in their dlf ferent s"ecialtles. Open air concert every evening ; perform ance commencing at 8; entrance- to theatre on Benton street : private boxes ou Chena mus street. Now Stars is Rapid SaooeMiom ! THE COLUMBIA LA BREWERY BY NONE ON THIS COAST PROPJKIETOK, IS SUPERIOR TO MOST. AND IS EXCELLED JOHN HAHN, - - CHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. Orders left at the GERMANIA BEER HALL, will be promptly tendedto TAII.ORXNQ, Cleaning Repairing, NEAT. CHEAP AND QUICK. BY iiROKR LOTTT. ULiln Street, opposite N. Loeb's. Notice. SNOTIC tion to apply for a Patent for curing and T HEREBY GIVE NOTICE OF MY INTEN ASK FOR Union India Rubber Company's Pure FaraGum Crack Proof RUBBER .BOOTS. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS ! Be sure the Boots are stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and have the PUKE GUM SPIJIiVGs on me loot aim urticp, which prevent their (Tracking or breaking. We are now making them with RUBBER AND ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as long as any Itubber Boots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING, TACK ING, HOSE. SPRINGS. CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES, etc CiOOIYFAR RUBBER CO. K. H. PEASE, .fr., I A!rents S.M. BUNYON. fASeius, San Francisco. 4m Dressmaking. Plain and Fancy Sewing. putting up salmon trout, commonly called .steel-heads, under the name and style of "Botchers' Sugar Cured, Smoked. Boncltss Salmon Trout.," which process has been at tached and Is now made use of by Messrs. Bowlby, Berry, and Collund. In Astoria. Or. "" J.T.BORCnKRS. Astoria, Orecon, Nov. 13, 1W2. d-lin Ssits mmde im the Tbest Style and Guaranteed teFit- Mrs. T. S. Jewett. fROOMS OVER MRS. E. S. WARREN'S.T Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply SALMON TWINE! CORK AND LEAD LINES, SEINE TWINES. A Full Stock Now on Hand. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 511 Market Strce,8mFrmele Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast. LEATHERS BROS. BOAT B1T1XDEBS, UpStalrs Over Arndt A FereMca's !. Call and examine the work we are dolac aud see the wood we are using, before wak ing a trade elsewhere. FIRST-CLASS WORK A SPECIALTY.