-a Z'Jh- . J- - -!: ; .! 711 '-" T. glic jOnah gtstoiau. ASTORIA. OREGON- SATURDAY DECEMUEK 9, 1S:2 J. F. HALLOKAX. SHERXAX, SHERIDAN, HANCOCK. Curious Military Rumors and Pro jects. A Washington despatch says that a petition is now quietly circulated asking, congress to re peal so much of the appropriation bill for the current year as makes the retirement of Gen. Sherman compulsory upon his attaining the age of G4. One" of the arguments in favor of this measure is that in case of the retirement of Sherman, as the law now provides, the com mand of the army will devolve upon Lieut.-Gen. Sheiidan during what may prove a. critical presi dential champaign. The supposed hostility to Sheri dan on the part of the Democratic members is the remembrance of his celebrated banditti despatch sent at the time he was in coni "mandatXew Orleans. On the other hand it is averred that a combination of "the friends of Sheridan and Hancock will ask that the grades of general and lieutenant-general be revived, the understanding being that Sheridan shall be promoted to be general and Hancock to be lieutenant general. Others who are inimical to both Sherman and Sheridan say that the former shall retire next year as the law now provides, .and when they elect a Democratic president, as they expect to do the following ear, should Sheridan prove objectionable they will re vive the grade of general, and promote Hancock to the place and the command of the arm. The advocates of the latter course claim -that there would be ample justification for it in the precedents established b Sheri- daYi's own promotions. In 18G4, when he was promoted to be major-general, he jumped Hancock, J who franked him uis :i brigadier; 'and when, in T.8G9, Grant made JJjQ&chim lieutenant-general, he over-"-; ' ' sbtughed Halleck and Meade, al i -t t hoiurlP-hc former was n. full Trta K. jor-gene"ral before Sheridan was' I? 'even a majorT There are signs that the mo nopoly of political place and influ ence by lawyers is passing away. Lawyers, it is true, still constitute a majority of our congressmen, but with main of them the name of the profession is only a cloak for the practice of politics, and, as Lester Wallack would say, heaven would still be open to them were iirofesMonal attainments no bar to entrance there. But even includ ing these political lawyers, the predominance of the guild in legis lation and public administration is plainly on the wane. Men of auairs, men 01 business, are com ing more to the front, and some of our ablest parliamentary debaters have never passed at the bar, This is to be partly accounted for by the. increase in the number of business men whose circumstances give them time for politics. A Washington dispatch says: The members of the judiciary committee of the house propose to go to work at once on the railroad land grant question. They have been awaiting the coming of Mr. Knott, of Kentucky, who arrived here 3'esterday. At the last ses sion of congress, after a ruling of the speaker had apparently dis posed of the Northern Pacific land grab question without action for this congress at least, Mr. Knott, on the advice of either members of the committee, offered a new bill declaring forfeited the lands grant ed this company. It was relerred to the judiciary committee and an early report on it is expected. XEW TO-DAY Notice. WHEREAS. THE DEMOCRATIC PRE- "I T cmct Committee have seen fit to make n political issue in the coming City election in the first ward, as nnr nnrif n fniinnc which has never been done In-the City of ji-U'ii.i ; ( DEMOCRATIC MEETING ! THE DEMOCRATS OF THE FikstWard of the City o f Astoria, are requested to raeei ar. me uourriiouse, on Saturday even ing, at 7J o'clock, for the ptcrposc of nomin atang one Couucilmau to serve for three years. By order of the City Committee. dtd ) Therefore, by reouest of tlie Citizens and jeans we tne committee place in Ion C H.Cooper, as Councilman for i m in w serve lor uiree years. rpuuucaa rreciaci cominutee. dW NEW TO-DAY. Notice. THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE Democratic voters of the 2nd ward held at O'Bilea'.s Hotel on Saturday evening- at 7 :30 O. C. for the nuroose of nominating i a Councilman to be voted for on the tucs j day followius; o serve for term three vears ...Editor , all are invited to attend. j By order of the Committee. dll A Common-sense Remedy. Salicylic A. No more Rheumatism, Gout or Neuralgia. Immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Cure Guaranteed. Fire yearn established and never Inmwn fail ina single case, aeulc or chronic. Jlffcr to all prominent physicians and drugobl for the standing ot SaUcyltca. SECRET! -THE ONLY DISSOLYER OF THE POISONOUS URIC aCID "WHICH EXISTS IN THE BLOOD OF RHEU MATIC AND GOUTY PATIENTS. SAL1CYLICA ! known as a coinmon sense remedv. because it strikes directly at thec.uiM of l'ucumatim. Gout and Neural gia, while so many so-called specifics and supposed panaceas only treat local! t!:- effects. It has been conceded by eminent scienlnt-. that outward applications, such as rubbing with oils, ointments liniments, and soothing lotions will not eradicate these diseases which arc the result of tin poisoning of the blood with Uric Acid SALICYLICA woiks with manelous oflect on this acid and so remotes the disor der. It is now exclusively used by all cele brated phvsicians of America and Kuronc Highest Medieil Academy or Paris reports :" percent cures m tlirce dav. that SALICYLICA. is a certain cure for Rheumatism. Coutaiul Neuralgia. "1 he most inleuse pains are .subdued almost iustauth. Gie i a trial. Relief guaranteed or mon ey refunded. Thousands of testimonials sent on applica tion. Si a Box. 6 Boxes for 55. Sent free b mail on receipt of lnoncv . v ASK YOUir DRUGGIST FOR IT. But do not he deluded into taking imitations orsubstitutes, or something recommended as "just as good !" Insist on the genuine with the name of Washburne & Co.. on each box which is guaranteed chemically pure under onr .signature, an indispensable requisite to insure success In the treatment. Take no other, or send to us. Washburne & Co., Proprietors. IS7 liroadwav, cor. Rcadc St . NEW YORK. Selcct Masquerade Ball. $k Rescue Jubilee Troupe. g Fourth Annual Masquerade Ball, Monday, January 1st, 1883, AT THE SKATING KINK. noxoi:.i:v committer. Cant. Uc. Flat el, ' Hon. Win. Chance, Col. it It. Spedden, Hon. A.J. Metier. Hon. John Ilahn. Hon.(Jeo."V.Hnnu. KKCF-irriON COAIM1TTKK. . MEMKEKS, OF Till TROUPE. INVESTIGATING COMMITTOR. IIoncwlFiiiton, ju Hon. F..T. Talor, nion. C, .1. Trcnchard. " INVITATION COMMITTKE. .las. A. Da idson, (I. C. Richardson, It. .S. Worsley, Frank J Parker. rnicKR or Lady Maskers Cent 3I.ikcrs -lady Spectators, -Gent .Spectators, ADMISSION. ri:KR SIJH) - ..VJ 1.00 Tickets may be procured of members of the troupe. Maskers tickets can be procured only at Hie More of Frank L. ParKer. Meeting Notice. milT AXNTJAl Idl'ETI Nfi OF TH E Stock JL holders of tne Columbia Citiminir Com pany IH be held in Julianseu's liall, in the city of Astoria, on the ictli day of Die.. lh2, for the purpose of clectingalloaid of Direct ors, and transacting sucli oilier busines;is may properly come befoie tlie meeting. TIIOS. DEAIiV, d-td Secretary. CITIZENS' MEETING ! mm: citizens or Tin: fikst wakd JL of t lie City of Aktoria. are requested to meet at the Court Hou8. on Saturday c en injr, at TJ o'clock, for the- purpose of nomin ating one Councilman to serve for three years, lly order of the CiSv Committee. did Meeting Notice. NOTICE IS HERE11Y GIVEN THAT THE Annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Fishermen's Packing Co. will be held at the office of said Co., on Friday, Dec. 29th, at 10 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of elect ing Directors for the cnsuini car, and the transaction of inch other buMness as may come before the meeting. By order of the President. ltOBT. HAMILTON, Secretary. Cpper Astoria, December C, ISSi d-td P. H. FOX. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE 7ILL ATTEND TO COLLECTIONS AT " a reasonable discount. Ofllce, Main street. Address r. O. box 81. Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, d-lwk wit FOR SAM. THE II ULL AND nOUSE OF THE STKAM er KATATA. "Will make a first-class Coasting schooner. tor particulars Inquire a. Mckenzie. oT Summons. TN THE CIRCL'IT COUltT OF THE jl Mate 01 uregon for llatson ite of Oregon for Clatson County Hans hmulson, plaintiff vs. JosepucneKnud son. defendant. To Josephenc Knudson, tlie abo e named defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are lierebr required to appear and answer tlie complaint filed by tlie above named plaintiff against jou, in tlie above entitled court, in tlie aboe entitled suit, on or before tlie first day of the next term of said court, to-wit : Tuesday. January 2. IRK, anil for want ot such answer the safd plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in said complaint which in sub stance is a decree dissolving tlie bonds of matrimony existing between said plaintiff of the two minor children. This summons is published by virtue of an order made by the Hon. Judge of said court at chamber. No' ember 2tth, iSSi , C. W. FULTON. dcsGt Attoniey for Plaintiff. V .. - "' i"i uic cure aim cumihjv Of tllR tun m'nnr lilllmn Tlifi. -I..r..,A.... ' Health is Wealth. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treat ment: a sjiecific for Hvsteria. Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental De pressidn, Loss of Memory. Spermatorrhoea, Impotcncy, Involuntarj Emissions, lrcma ture Old Age, caused by over-exertion, self abuse, or over-indulgence, which lends to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box containsonc months treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars ; sent by mall prepaid on re ceipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. "With each order received by us forsix boxes, accompanied with five dol lars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee-to return themonevlf the treat ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees ts SHedionlyby W.E. Dement, druggist. As toria, Orefoa. Orders by mall at regular 3IABTB FOARD. J. J. STOKES FOARD & STOKES, Wholesale and retail dealers in Wooi aad Willow-ware, GROCERIES, Tobacco, Cigars, Wines and Liquors FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Fruits and Vegetables. FLOUR, -F-KKHD, AXD COUNTRY PRODUCE. ANI General Commission Merchan t ASTORIA. Oltr.fi OX. Next to Oregon Railway & Nav. ro's Dock, dtw SOLID GOLD JEWELRY, BRACELETS, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, s 1 1-v e: r ware, Of every description. The finot stock of Jen dry in Astoria. J2?-A11 goods wan-anted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. MAGNUS C. CROSBY, Dealer in HARDWARE, DUffl, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER, Cannery anfl Flslermens Supplies Stoves, Tin. Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but first class workmen employed. A larse assortment olj ' SCALE? Constantly on Hand. HANSEN BROTHERS, Architects and Builders, All kinds el IleHse werk. dene at skertcftt notice. Shop Comer of Cass and Astor Street, ASTOKIA, -..- OREGON A. Tan Dusen & Co. TK70ULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE attention of the Public to tlie fact that they are Agents for the following sewing maciiiues, viz : The Improved Singer, The "White, The Crown Ami The Ehlridgc. Which they arc selling from 33. to 35. each and defy Cera petition. Persons wishing to purchase machines should c:ill and inspect our slock before pur chasing elscw here, as we guarantee to give penect sattsiactiou as regarus quality anu price. Meeting Notice. "rVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 Annual meeting of the Stockholders of tue Acauiiinavian racking co. win ue neiu at the office of said Co.. on Wednesday. Dec. l.itli. at 9 o'clock a. jh. for the purpose of electing Directors for the cnRuing ear, and the transaction of sucli other business as may come before the meeting. By order of the President. II. FLATH, Secretary. Upper Astoria, December 1, 1682. d-td Masonic Land and Building Asso ciation Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT THE Annual meeting of the stockholders of I lie Masonic Land and Buildimr Association of Astoria, will be held at tlie office of (eorgc blavel, in Astoria, on Wednesday, the 2oth of December, 1RS2. at 2 o'clock V.M., for the purpose of electing a board of direct ors for the ensuing ear. (coasisting of sev en members), and for tlie transaction of sucli other business as may come before the meeting. Bv order of tlie Board of Directors. S. T. MeKEAN, Sect'y. Astoria. Oregon, Nov. lltli. 18S2. d-td NOTICE. T AM AUTHORIZED BY THE DIRECT- A ors to collect Taxes of School District No. 1, until Dec. 15th, 18P2. After that time all thoe not paid will be returned to the Coun ty Clerk as Delinquent. Pay up and save costs, as those not paid w ill surely be col lected bv tlie Sheriff. J. G. HUSTLER. Clerk Dist. No. 1. Astoria, December 2nd, 16S2. dtd Furnished Rooms to Rent. THREE OR FOUR ROOMS. WITH CON veniences of kitchen and dinlng-rc-oni. Inquire at this office. $500 Rtward. We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia. Sick Head- ache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costive- ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable liver Tills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large boxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 cents. For side by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. Tlie genuine manufactured onl v by John C. West & Co., "The PillMaker,' m and 183 W. Madison St., Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. W. E. Dement, agent. ' Far Sale. T OT C. BLOCK 126. SHIVELY'S ASTORIA' JLi occupied by James McGec, with all the buildings and Improvements thereon. Terms easy. Enquire of J-.O.BOZOBTH, NlUfetoAjfMt. Announcement Fine Furniture, Carpets, Mirrors Uphols tery, Wall Pockets, Brackets. m I offer a fine stock of Furniture for the Holiday trade at low prices. Stiff, tttomansj Sofas? Qhamhe? Suits, Ladies are invited styles in Plush and Velvet. Beautiful Embroidered goods. HI. W. Gallick's New Store J CARL ADLER'S NOYELTY Fancy Goods; Fine Statienery: Gold and Silver Ware; Toys; Musical Instruments in new and abundant variety. Something New at Tne GOLDEN RULE BAZAR FOR TWENTY TO BE GIVEN AWAY! A Mtftlful Silver Each purchaser of Oae Dollar's "Worth, or upwards will receive a Ticket entitling him or her to Oae Chance in this Clcgant Set. C A R I iLDIiER'S Golden Rah Bazar. i D. A. McINTOSH, TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, Has just opened a large addition to his stock of Men's and Boy's Suits, Overcoats, Hats and Caps, Furnishing Goods and Cloths. Also a full line of Rubber Coats and Leggings, Umbrellas, Trunks, Satchels. Special attention directed to Hoiiery, Underwear, and fine Neckwear, Gent's Dressing Oownii Celluloid Fronts, Collars and Cuffs. D. A. McINTOSH, - - TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. OCClDEfT BXOCK, - ASTORIA, OREGOX. New Goods ! CITY BOOK STORE. NO BRANCH! NO CnROZtlO! But the Beet Store in the City to get your Money's Worth. Albums, Autograph and Photograph all sizes and Prices- Baaks Treat a Dime Ifarcl te Webster's Unabridged- Gents' Jewelry aad CaUcrj, Writing Desks of all sizes, Mark Twains Scrap Beaks, Bibles, Prayer Books and DTjrmaals, also, tkc Key to Heaven. Opera an Marine Glasses. Draughting Instruments from 40 cents te SS.v a Set. Blank Books, And every thiBgyou could want in our line. We expect to remain after the holidavs arc I all over, aad by baying of us jou keep the money at borne. EVKxaBiiBt eur goods and prices before going elsewhere. B. P. STEVENS CO., City Beak Stare. Extraordinary! to call and see latest 1 EMPORIUM DAYS ONLY. Pitcher, Worth $50, New Goods ! PALL IMPORTATIONS ! -A? EMPIRE "Ye are receiving by every steamer new additions to our stock of Dry Goods. Notions, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Suitable for the season. Flaaaels? Waierpmfs, Hosiery, Blaakt9, Bt: Our stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Plushes, etc., show a large yarietyv Also an decant line of CLOAKS, ULSTERS, RUSSIAN CIRCULARS. . WALKING JACKETS, DOLMANS, ETC. Our tables are covered with the nicest selection of Fichus, Ties, Collarettes and Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. OTIR MOTTO; QUICK SALES AND SMALL PX0FIT9. "We Study o Please. "Samples sent free to any address on application. KgT Agents for the celebrated Springfield Sewing Machine. PRAEL BROTHERS. Next Doer Pytfciam Hall. THE NEW MODEL MMIttBHi A FULL 5TOCK IE2. !.. IBA'tOT'XSS, Two doors cast of Occident Hotel, ASTORIA. OREGON. John A Montgomery, (SDCCESSOIt TO JACKINS & MONTGOMERY.) DEALER IX TIN, SHEET IRON AND COFFER WARE. A General Assortment of Household Goods. AGEXT FOJl STOVSS AND Till BEST IN THE MARKET. bkaqekSe: Plumbing Goods of all kinds on hand. Job Work done in a Workmanlike Manner. CORNER Oil 3IA1X AXD JEFFERSON' STREETS,' ASTORIA. - CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF FUKJsriTUKE S3 BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and MoNMhigs, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES " Complete in every branch. MARTIN OLSEN, DEALER IN E FURNITURE Sh BEDDING. Corner Main and Squcmoqua Street. Asterla, Ortjcsa. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AIX KIIVDS OF FUBIflTUBE REPAIRED AKD VARKISHED. ASTORIA BREWEET. M. MEYER Proprietor. ASTORIA, - - OREGON. SPECIAL A.3ST3?fOTJ3J'OE13M:E3JJ-3r. REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES. $7 50 PER BARREL OF 30 GALLONS. (LARGE ORDERS IN LIKE PROPORTION. Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - - - SI 60 per Dozen nvSpecial attention paid to orders from Public Houses and FamillM. THE - STORE Ladies' and Children's RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E. Jt. KAWE8, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT. YOU WILL BE PLEASED. E. R. ITAWES is also agent foe tlie Butt patent Cootor Store , And other first-class stgves. Furnace Werk. Staam Fit tiags. etc., a eeialtr ALWAYS ON HAND. O