RT Q AbTOKIA, OREGON: SATURDAY DECEMBER 2, lS ISSTBD EVERY MORNING. '.Monday Kxcepted), J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY, Puummikiis amj l'Jtoriurrron'5. Ashtrtaii Building, Cms Strcti. Terms of Subscription ; erred by Carrier, per week i5 Cents 'ent by mail, four month?.. ..........? 00 Scat by mail, one year...... .-... 9 00 Free of Postage to Subscribers. Advertisements inserted by the year at he rate of SI 50 per square per month. Transient advertising, by the day or week, Ifty cents per square for each insertion. Capt. Hustler gives notice con cerning delinquent school taxes this morning. Read Hoi den's notices of real estate and furniture and clothing sale at auction to-day. I. W. Case will, beginning Mon day next, closo his bank at three o'clock in the afternoon. The Miles leaves for the Cape at seven this morning, and on her re turn will start for Shoalwater Bay. Mrs. Francis I. Snodgra3s, of Paris, Linn Co., Iowa, thinks she's got a husband out in this country somewhere and wants some informa tion about him. The Tacoma cheese fictory turned out fifty tons of cheeso during the past season. It is the best season's work of the three covered by the fac tory's existence. Articles of incorporation of the electric light company have been filed in the county clerk's oftico. Follow ing are the incorperators: J. W. Hume, Alex. Campbell, H. L. Pike, 0. H. Stockton, N. Clinton and C. J. Tren chard. At a regular meeting of Beaver Lodge, no. 35, L O. O. F., held on Thursday evening, November 30th, 1882, the following officers were elected to serve the ensuing year: William Bock, tf. G.; John Hahn, V. G.; T. S. Jewett, R. Sec; L. Wilson, P. Sec; tf. W. Case, Treasurer. Perhaps nothing better illus trates the growth of Astoria than tho fact that on the steamers which now arrive twice a week from San Fran cisco, there is nearly as much freight and mail matter as formerly when there was a vessel but every five days. The scarcity of female help in this city is something astonishing. A girl that can boil potatoes is considered cheap at $15 a mo ath, while one com petent to tako charge of a house is paid $20 or $25, and when such a treasure is found is held as long as possible. In round numbers, the Xor;hern Pacific railroad bridge at Bismarck cost $800,000; the approaches, protec tion dykes, rip-raps, etc., $400,000 more. The bridge is considered by scientific men and experienced experts the best structure of the kind and the very lowest cost. It is reported that the ship Har vester, lying at Seattle,is unable to get a crew on account of the beastly treat ment of sailors by the officers, and that the officers of the ship Challen ger are on trial in Seattle for inhuman treatment of sailors, the testimony disclosing a lamentable state of af fairs. In the good old days of long ago, says the Vancouver Independent , the contractor furnished good clothing, which is attested by the fact that the Rev. Father Eels still wears a military overcoat, yet in good condition, which he drew at Fort Vancouver in 1846, from the Hudson Bay company's stores. Temple lodge No. 7, F. and A. M. at its last regular communication by a unanimous vote, changed its night of meeting from the first and third Saturday to the first and third Tuesday of each month. The change goes into effect on Tuesday evening next, consequently there will be no meeting of the lodge thiB evening. The Oregon Short Line Railway, from Granger, Washington Territory, to Baker City, Oregon, will be five hundred and fifty-six miles, if the present surveyed route is used. The road is completed two hundred and lixty miles, leaving three hundred and twenty-six miles to build. The grading on one hundred miles of this is nearly completed, and a large force of men and teams are engaged on the work. Thanksgiving was celebrated in Astoria in the usual fashion. The un toward aspect of the weather made home delights seem doubly attractive, the streets were quiet At tho church as divine service was held. At Grace Church $23 35 was collected to send to the Good Samaritan Hospital, at Portland, and two boxes of fresh fruit and vegetables were sent by tho same congregation to St. Mary's Hospital, t this place. DEXTISTKY. Dr. Welch, of Portland, will be in As toria abemt the 5th, and will remain afcmitlweek. J Dangerously "Wounded. j At half-past three yesterday inorn j ing a man named Pass Smith shot and dangerously wounded William Rob ertson in George Hill's saloon. From j a bystander who was present during the wholo affair, we learn that the trouble began by Robertson having some words with another party in the saloon, and after considerable jawing they went up to the bar to tako a drink. A3 Robertson was passing, Smith, who is employed in Hill's bowling alley, mado a remark that he wouldn't drink with a man that had insulted him. Robertson took it up, and both he and Smith commenced growling at each other, finally propos ing to fight. Smith struck Robertson, who at the time was starting to take off his coat,and who immediately but toningit around him again,8tarted tow ard Smith who drew a small seven shooter and fired, the ball striking ing Robertson in the side about four inches to the right of the navel. The wounded man was at once conveyed to St. Mary's Hospital and medical aid summoned. Smith was arrested by Policeman Hunter and taken to jail. At a late hour last night Rob ertson was in a dangerous condition. It is the opinion of the physicians in charge that should inflammation su pervene, he will dio. Robertson had been employed last as a runner for Nic Davich. A Live Educator. Prof. McElroy. state superintendent of public instruction, was in Astoria on Thanksgiving day. In conversa tion with him he manifested great desire to have Clatsop county fittingly represented in the Oregon City Insti tute on the 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th of this month. He is a thorough going man and seems disposed to im bue life into the edtication.il interests of the state. 1 1 is a matter that di rectly concerns all of us; anything that can be done to raise tho standard of education should be fostered, and there are few things of more practical help to schools and teachers than ef ficiently conducted institutes. Wo shall be glad to see a good representa tion f "om thi3 county. Prof. McEl roy needs co-operation in this matter. Wo aro prone to complain down here that wo aro neglected; here is a chance for our teachers to distinguish them selves. As tho men wet e going to work in the mines at Carbonado, W. T., on the 27th, s.iys tho Standard, the watchman reported gas in mine No. 2, in one of the gangways iu which there had been no work for several days. Befoie the fanning apparatus could be started a young man named Sponco entered the mine with an open lamp and an explosion followed, instantly killing him. Four hundred thousand tonB of coal are at theso mines awaiting transportation. The Qiieen of the Pacific arrived in yesterday morning, and after dis charging one hundred and fifty tons of freight for Astoria proceeded on her winding way. The steamers Madras and Volmer, with Chinese passengers and freight, left out for the flowery kingdom. The British ship Eskdale, eight days from San Francisco, arrived in. The Oberon and Empire cleared with $123,500 worth of wheat. The Josie Troop is finishing loading at fifty shillings for U. K. Tho Oregon comes down to-day. The Astouian, as well as other journals, hero and elsewhere, havo copied and credited to tho Scientific American, or other sources, a para graph descriptive of the "Moving Mountain" at the Cascades of tho Columbia. The paragraph in ques tion was in Oregon correspondence of the New York Times, and tho corres pondence of tho New York Times is Mr. Clarke, of the Willamette Far mer. Willamette Farmer. The article in question was copied from an Eastern Oregon exchange and was credited in that paper to the Scientific American. Wo aim to givo credit to all papers, and hold our selves blameless in this matter. The 2J. P. surveyors havinjr surveyed the line for the branch of the Jamestown Northern to Moose River and the boundary line, have returned to Bismarck, where they await orders. It iBpresumedJthat they will be ordered to proceed with the Buford branch of the Northern PaciGc from Bismarck. The proposed line has been indicated on all maps issued of late by tho Northern PaciGc Company, and there is no doubt grading will be commenced early next season. This will open np a vast tract of land, and prove one of the main line's best feeders. It is the intention, ultimately, to continue the line to Benton, thus cutting off the Manitoba, road, which is heading that ! Dr. 'Pierce's "Pellets" little liver pills (sugar-coated) purify the blood, speedily correct all disorders of the liver, stomoch, and bowels. By drag gists. Fresh Candy. Made every day at John P. Classen's Astoria Candy Factory. Creams, choco late, French candy, taffy, etc. A fine assortment of holiday toys. The best selection of Xinas, New Years and Birthday Cards ever shown in the city at the City Book Store. Look out for Holiday Books to ar rive by to-day's steamer, at the City IHJUK OWIC. Fresh supply of candies at Oerk witz's Pioneer Candy Factor, opposite Bell tower. i A Correction. Fort Steven's, Dec 2, 1882. Editou Astouiak : A few days ago you published a statement, taken from another paper, in regard to Jim Bridger, which, I have no doubt, is an incorrect account. General Philip St. George Cook, of the army, was in the country when the events narrated occurred, in 1832. He has written an interestim account of GlaEs, which he learned from tho , hunters and trappers, and he tells us that the man who left the wounded man was named Fitzgerald. A boy also was left with Glass, and ho, also, abandoned him. Glass was found by the Man dan Indians, and remained with them until he recovered from his wounds, when he joined the white men. The boy was in the camp, but tho man had gone on a hunt, and was never seen by Glass again. The boy's life was spared, as he, was punished enough, by tho appearance of one whom ho thought was dead. So I think that injustice has been done the mem ory of Jim Bridger, and I have taken tho liberty to make this statement. Mr. Applegate is an exceedingly well informed gentleman, but in this case ho is wrng. T. T.' Cabanus, M. D. A Question of Fact. Some months ago Geo. L. Curry shot a snipe which weighed eight ounces, but the weight was disputed, and was made the subject of considerable controversy iu a New York sporting journal, and the matter was finally dropped for the time, being considered an Oregon snipo story. The ordinary weight of a snipe is 4i ounces, but frequently heavier ones are shot, and it is the opinion of sportsmen hero that the bird is steadity increasing in weight. Yesterday H. W. Abrams of Eugene, sent to Geo. L. Curry a snipe weigh ing 7 ounces, a fact that can bo at tested by several witnesses. This may open up the argument jn sporting journals again, but it will not do to further dispute the weight of Oregon wild fowl. Standard. Rewards for Fugitives. Ths sheriff cf Union county offers a reward of $200 for tho arrest of War ren Drake, aged 21 years; height 5 feet 8 inches; round, full, red face; dark hair and eyes; upper front tooth out; square built, and weighing about 170 pounds. An additional $200 re ward is offered for tho arrest of Gus Garron, a Frenchman about 23 j'ears old, with blue eyes and brown hair: height 5 feet 9 inches; weight about 150 pounds. Drake and Garron broke out of the Union county jail last Sat urday night During tho first nine n-on ths of 1882 ths Northern Pacific Company operated 1,140 miles of road, and eirnod $4,470,460. During the same months of 1881 the. company operated seven hundred and sixty-thrco miles, and earned $2,GG0,942. Tho company had fifty per cent, more road and eighty-three per cent, greater earning?. During the same months tho Oregon Railway and Navigation Company earned $3,101,879 in 1881, and $3, 706,000 in 1882". Tho Oregon Railroad and Navigition Company had this year six per cent, more road and nineteen per cent, greater earnings. Xetirc te the Ladiex. Switches made from combings or cut hair: new switches made to order from the best imported hair, in any shade desired. Old switches repaired. All work warranted. Bates reasonable. Call or address . UiiLKXirAirr &Sciiokxk, Occident Hair dressing saloon, Asto ria, Oregon. -Ship uer & Kjbke. Xo. 11, Oak street u, are the bon ton tailors of tho i'ortian metropolis, Sheet music in all the latest varieties just received at Gustav Hansen's. Sonat as, operas, waltzes and all the nonular music of the day in stock. If you want music lor me piano, organ, violin, Hute, etc, j'Oti will find what you want at Hansen's. Wilhoit mineral water, fresh ami sparKiinjr, at if. li. Elberson s. Best cough candy at Oerkwitz's op posite Bell tower. For lame Back, Side or Cheat use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus street, lias just received the latest and most fashionable stylo of gents and ladies boots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for the famous Morrow shoes. Two front rooms, unfurnished; de sirable location; inquno of Alex. Camp bell, Gem saloon. Furnished or unfurnished rooms for rent; the finest in the city and ma most desirable location. Inquire at As toria office. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem ed Priee 50 cents, Masai Injector free. For sale by W. E. Dement Shiloh's Couch and Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W.E. De ment Will jou suffer with Dispepsla and Liver Complaint? bmion's vitalizer is I uaranteeu to cure you. StldbyW.E. )ement Grav hairs often cause annoyance, which Parker's Hair Balsam prevents by restoring tho youthful color. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron ehitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure, Sold by W. E. Dement Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded day or night at J. W. Conn'h drug store, opposite Occident notel. A very complete assortment of blank books, all sizes, styles and prices at the That Hacking Cough can bo so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it Sold by W.E. DemtL MAP. Try our Borax Soap made expressly for us and guaranteed of superior qual ity. Can be used for any purpose, and will not injure the most delicate fabric. A fine toilet soap. A 31. Jonxsoj & Co. Ladles ! Spleadla Bargain ! Mrs. Malcolm is closing out her stock of embroideries at cost "A fine lot of ladies' cloaks, ulsters, and English walking jackets will also be Miltl atcosr. ' o hotter bargains can be got am where. liftdiCH. Mr. Litt leliablc manufacturer, will boon be hero with elegant Cloaks at ."50 ! cent. less than can be bought. OjMters! Oyster!! At Frank Fabrc's; in eery Fresh from the beds every day. .style. Mothers should Know It. Fretful babies cannot help disturb ing everybody, and mothers should know how soothing Parker'3 Ginger Tonic is. It stops babies pains, makes them healthy, relieves their own anxi ety and is safe to nse. Journal. Important Xetlcc. A full line of artist's materials con sisting of tube colors, sable brushes, picture varnishes, canvas. &c. &c. Y. erything an artist wants at A. M.Jonxo.v &Co. Heartily Recommended. Don't condemn a good thing because you have been deceived" by worthless nostrnma. Parker's Ginger Tonic has cured many in this section of nerv ous disorders, and wo recommend it heaatily to such sufferers. jVeicw. The Latest Styles. Among the latest styles 111.13 be noted the very prevalent one of taking Svrtip of Fics instead of castor oil, pills, salts, and the other bitter and nauseous reme dies of former times. It is a very deci ded improvement as any one may learn by getting a bottle from our druggist, .E. Dement ilodge Davis & Co., "Wholesale Agents, Portland Oregon. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nerv ous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, etc, 1 will send a recipe that will cure you FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis; sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Jose T. bt'MAX. Station D, New York City. Hallo! Where are on going? Why to Frank Fabre's for a pan roast Have ou tried a stew or pan ro.i,t as Frank Fabre cooks it? Order one and you'll thank us for the advice. Dr Lockhart. Book Store. Office over Citv Sir. John llogers of the Central Mar ket, has made arrangements to keep al he finest fresh fish, etc., in their beacon Fancy soaps and perfumery of all kinds can be found at J. W. ConnV. ding store, opposite Occident hotel. The Peruvian syrup lias cured thou sands who were suffering from dypep sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph lets free to any address. Seth V. Fowl feSon1" Ito-don. Shiloh'f. Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 73 cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement Brace up the whole system with King of the Blood. See Advertisement All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occiden hrtel, Astoria. For the genuine J. J I. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and see Camp bell. Oh ! maiden ith grim teeth, a aunt '. Though fair you seem to look unon, Because you don't use SOZODOXT. The sweetness of jour mouth is gone; Your breath is heavy, and, from this. Your lips no more invite a kiss. Fine organs and pianos at Gustav Hansen's. Call and examine. Shoalwater bay evstcrs: fresh cery day, at Frank Fabre's. Sleepless Jfights, made miserable oy mat terrible cougn. Shi loh's Cure is the remedy for 3011. Sold by W.T3.DO- ment MAGNUS C. OROSBY, Dealer in HARDWIRE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AHD COPPER, Cannery anfl Flsliermens Supplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER. PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None But flrst class workmen employed. A large assortment of SCALE? Constantly ou hand. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. John Feely, OPPOSITE KINNEY'S CANNERY Blacksmithing, Boiler Work. Cannery Repairs All Work Warranted. and Furnished Rooms to Rent. THREE OB FOUR BOOMS, WITH CON veniences of kitchen and dining-room. inquire ai wis omce. 4,E. TK9MA9, DRUGGIST AND- PHARMACIST, Kinney's Uuildiug, opposite D. K. "Warren's ASTORIA, OREGON. PURE Drugs and Chemicals. A PINE LINE OF HOMEOPATHIC REME0YS. Toi et and Fancy Articles. G? Prescriptions rnrefiilly compounded at all hours. A. V. Allen, (sUl'URkson TO PAOE & ALLEN.) Whnle.ttr and rpt.tU tftuler Iu ProYisi, Croekry. Glass and Piated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LjquorsJobaccoXigars TO KEEP DRY FEET Go To I. J. Ai void's ALL KINDS OF BOOTS & SHOES FOR L.AOIF.S AND CiEXTJLKMKX I ha e a large stock of first-class goods and you ill ilnd my prices as low as any. Just deceived BY LAST STEAMER A largo Assortment of the Xj et tost Styles. I make all kind of Hoots and Shoes to ORDER, and gu.iratee A PERFECT KIT. ratent EerIastiiu:Ruttous on our shoes free of charge. Repairing neatly done. On the Road i ay, opposite O. It. & N. Dock. SOLID GOLD JEWELET, BRACELETS, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, 9XLVERWARE, Of eery description. The finest stock of .Icuelry in Astoria. C&-A11 goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock in Astoria J ov elides of all Kinds Fruit ltotli Forelsit and DnmrMic Wines and Liquors Of Suneiior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, 0 It & Ji DOCK HILL'S VARIETIES. GEO. HILL, -WALTER I'AUKS, - PROPKinrOR STAGE MANAGER Engagement of BUSS EMMA GILBERT, The Queen of Serio Comics. MISS FAY GILBERT, The Little Queen. Also CHAS. FREMONT, The Kins or High Klekera. Together with a new ORCHESTRA. Under tho management of PROF. SWAB. All the Old Favorites Retained. Opra all Jtae Yar, PciTorHiaHce Every Msht. Entire (baaxe er Pre. cratunic Once a Week. Comprising all the latest SONGS. DANCES AND ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. The theatre Is crowded nightly, and all who have witnessed the entertainment pro nounce it to be eaual to any gUen elsewhere. Mr. Hill as a caterer for the public's amusemeut can not be excelled. Anj body uishing to spend a pleasant evening ana see sparkling wit and beauty vithout vul garity, should improve the opportunity and come. The company comprises tho following well known Artists : Miss Faxxik "Walton-. 3Iis Mamik Goodrich, Miss Emma Gilbebt. Miss Fat Gilbert, Mit. Walter TABXa. Mi:. Ciias. Fremont. 31 r. John Stokes. Mb. Ciias. Barrows. All of which will appear nightly in their dif fcrent specialties. Onen air concert every evening : perform ance commencing at 8 ; entrance to theatre on Benton street ; private boxes on Chena mus street. New Stars in Rapid SBeeewiam! Notice. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE mHE Stockholders of the Pvthian Land and Building Association will be held at the as sociation hall on Wednesday, December Cth, at 8-JO r. M.. for the purpose of electing a board of Directors for the ensuing year and for the consideration of such other busi ness as may legally come before it. tf E.A.NOYES,Sec'y. C. B. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. TIHiE II THE XiSft&DXXTG Dry Goods Clothing House OF ASTOBXi. NEW AND DECIDED Every Department Filled to 0nrlwtagl DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. In this department will bo found the Latest Styles with Trimmings to match, comprising recent importations of new and decided novelties, NOT OBTAINABLE ELSEWHERE. Among the many colors in our extensive line of fall materials may be mentioned Terra Cotta, Hnssar, Jiimlio, Plum, Garnet, Mvrtle, DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT -COMPLETE LINE OF Blankets, Flannels, Comforters, Bed Spreads, Sheetings, STapkins, Table Linen, Towels, Etc., Etc. Hosiery and Underwear Department. We are showing complete lines in Ladies and Children's Hosiery I Underwear CLOAK DEPARTMENT. In our Cloak room will be found Pompadours, Circulars, Ulsters, While directing attention to thh department we feel confideit inawerttag&M & that our styles aie not only the newest, but our prices are exceecllJglyjaealrpi. vpfp O li (KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS BUILT) ING.TeAK AbTOKIA, November 1, 1882. D. A. McINTOSH TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, OCCIDENT BLOCK, - AM. Men's Furnishing Goods. White Scarlet Underwear, all Wat I. Fine Selection of Neck-wear, Hosiery, Gloves, etc. CLOTHING! Overcoats, "Ulstrars, Business Suits, The largest and most complete stock of CLOTHS. WORSTEDS. CASSIMEIIES, ETC., ETC. ire-Suits made to order at short notice. JJcst "Worknunship and fit guarantecU.-S THE COLUMBIA LA IS SUPERIOR TO MOST. AND IB EXCELLED BY NONE ON THIS COAST JOHN HAHN, - PROPKIETORrf CHENA1TO8 STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. ' -Ortlers left at the GERMANIA BEEU HALL will be promptly attended to.ft ASK FOR Union India Rubber Company's Ture TaraGnm Crack Proof RUBBER BOOTS. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS ! Be sure the Boots are stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and hae ihePURE QU3I SPRINGS on the foot and instep, which prevent their cracking or breaking. "We are now making them with RUBBER AND ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as long as any Rubber Boots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KTNDS KUBBER BELTING, PACK ING, HOSE, SPRINGS. CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES, etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. IL PEASE. Jr.. J Acents S. M. RUN YON, f Ascn is, 4m San Francisco. Dressmaking." Plain, and Fancy Sewing. Salt. lade ia tke Wet Style Gaaraateed to Fit aad Mrs. T. S. Jewett. ROOMS OVER MRS. E. S. WARRKN'3.1 IIXIL ATTMAeTI9N9I Cadet Blue, Bronze, Wine, Seal, Navy, . Brique. Dolmans, Jackets, Wraps, etc. !$! s- r . " v "; ? JWagSeBaaag- j. j -S Vrvt-r.-yi, HUi fcT ISTOIUA, OREGON. KIND OF- BREWERY Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply r SALMON TWINE.-hXfsiJ . . COM Ai'ii LEAD LINES, SEINE TWINES. A Full Stock Now on Hand. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 51 1 Market Street, 8aa Fraaelae Sole Agents for the Pacifle Coast. LEATHERS BROS. BOAT B1HI.BJE.K8. Over Aradt Jfc Vtb .mijg- Poll anrl nanlita lirAit-'w.'u.rLl. -.. """" ryy v. -trfMf. aim suu uio wuuu kb are, umufcr "?" ! ing a trade elsewhere. &S FTRSTCCASS TVOJOCf a jSMtjiMfe -V .a j 3S 'Tf'f, r-?i Si? yf -r. &- ' A3 5. Lv ? J7j