- vr- iS '-& Z,i4& V -S" ' rf, S pzW f2? gte JHnHvj stwftai. ASTORIA, OREGON SATURDAY DECEMBER 2, lSb2 J. F. IIALtOE.l.V. .I.tiiior Tiic Transit of Vrr.ns. Between this little planet, and the sun, is another 'called Venus, which at regular intervals passes between us and that luminary, ap pearing at the time like a little black ball in its passage across the sun's disc. On next Wednesday, the Gth inst., the eyes of the scien tific world will be turned toward that spot, for on that day will oc cur for the last lime till June 8th, 2Q0A, that interesting phenome non. Of all the hundreds of millions of people now alive it is safe to say that not more than a score of peo ple will be alive when the next transit takes pljfce. And though there arc other and perhaps more accurate modes of measuring the distance of this planet of ours from the sun, it is of impoitance that the plans for taking observations this last time that the opportunity will be presented should be as complete as money and science can make them. Jn the sundry civil appropria-ticn-bill, passed at the late session of congress, '.here is an item of nearly $100,000 toward defraying the -expenses of scientific expedi tions that will be sent out to sev eral stations to observe the transit. The purpose of these observations is to ascertain as near as possible the distance of the sun from the arIi, and every civilized nation in the world will have its expeditions in different parts of the eaith for a like purpose. The great importance of the coming transit, in the estimate of men of science, may be seen in the preparations made for its ob servation. Forty expeditions to witness it have been projected, at a cost of several millions of dol lars. The object of this great expen diture of time, labor, money and brains, is the Hope that the ob- servers" mav 'determine,' with an accuracy never before attained, ;,the earth's distance from the sun. A transit of Venus is not a glo rious phenomenon like a total solar eclipse. Ikisiruply the passage of a. black ball over the sun's bright face. But it is visible all over the western woild, and no hu man eye that now looks upward to the sky will ever again behold its recurrence. Up to a comparatively iecent period it was universally thought that the sun was 03,000,000 miles from the earth. The last transit apparently demonstrated the fact that it was but 91,500,000. It is thought that from the extensive preparations making by every civ ilized nation, that this transit will exactly determine our distance from the source of life. The approaching transit will be visible from beginning to end in the southern half of North Amer ica, all of Mexico and Central America, the West Indies and all of South America and southward to the South Pole in both hemi spheres. The benrinninjj will be risible all over Africa, nearly all over Europe, on the Island of Madagascar, and the Atlantic ocean from Newfoundland east to Europe. The ending will be seen from the Aleutian to all "the South Sea islands, including New, Zea-1 land, Tasmania and the western half of Australia. It has been known to astrono mers for many centuries that every cycle of two hundred and forty three 3ears the planet Venus passes four times across the disc of the sun. "This cycle," says Professor Newcomb in his treatise on Popu lar Astronomy, "is made up of four intervals, the length of which are in regular order, 105A- years, 8 years, 12H- ye-ars, and S years; these intervals repeating them selves through all time." The dates of their occurrence for eight centuries are given as follews: Years. 1 Years. " 1882.... December c 1518 . June 2 152G June l 1G31 December 7 2004 . Juno 8 2012 June 6 1C33 December 4 17C1 June 5 17C9 June 3 1874 .. December 0 2117. .December 11 21 23 December 8 2247 June 11 2253 June 9 As it occurs in Astoria at i:d0 v. St., we, of this locality will not be able to see it. Thuee railway collisions on Thanksgiving day; one at New Watcrford, Ohio, another nt Union Point, Georgia, and the third near Castle Shannon, Pa.; one man dlkd Mid MTral injured. A "Washington- dispatch says: The chief of the bureau of statis tics, giving clergymen some facts for Thanksgiving sermons, writes! that the corn crop this year is esti-' mated at 1,GSO0003000 bushels, against 1,1?4,91G,000 bushels in 18S1. The latest estimate of the wheat crop of the season of 1882 is 500,000,000 bushcls"as against! 3S0,2S0,090 in 1SS1. The value of domestic exports for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1S82, was 8733,239,730, as against 882,925, 97 during 18S1, n falling off of S150,GSG,217. This is due almost entirely to the failure ot the crops of the country during the season of '81. Imports during the Fiscal year were $22i,G39,47i larger than j during any previous one year in the history of the country. The number of tons transported on fifteen leading railroads of the United States in the last fiscal nr nn.tinni - ' 3'ear was 965uGu.lG0 tons, as ag.unt o, -,nnn.i i ., j o4r,19y3.34:4 during the precea.oir fiscal year. The railroad mileage of the United States on January 1, 1SS2, was 304,810 miles. The "Western Union, the company which owns the principal part oC the tel egraph lines of the United States, increased its number o miles of line from 233,532 in 1SS0, to 0M, 291 in 1S82, and the wires opera ted bv that comninv would reaeh u.u oy iuit comnaiiv ouui ruin fifteen times around the world. A Halifax despatch of lov. 30th, says: The steamship Cedar Grove, from London for Halifax and St. John's, N. B., struck the ledges off Cape Catiso, during a gale and sank an hour later in 10 fathoms of water. Three boats were launched shortly after the vesbel struck, two of which, con taining 13 people, reached the shore safely. The remaining boat has not been heard from, and it is feared was lost in the breakers. The Cedar Grove was a -new steamer of the New Brunswick Steamship company line, and in sured for $130,000, within $20,000 of its-value. Tiiizin: wore eight inches of snow in New York on the IJOth ult. NEW TO-DAY , , Notice. , 'pill: BANK IN TIIIS r LACE WILL Ci.esi: - on and after Monday. 4tli lust, at a o'cloclw All customers arc kindly requested to take due notice and govern themsches accordingly. I. AV. CASE. Astoria. December l, 1S52. tf REAL ESTATE AUCTION ! City Lots at Auction To-Day. Dv virtue of poncrof attorney to that effect 1 w 111 sell at my jaJe-;-room liy public auction. This Day, at 10:45 A. M The following lots in ilcClure's Astoria. tots 3 and 4 in Block 131 ; " 4 " 8 I3Si . C " . 155: Title perfect "Warranty Deed. E. C. IIOLDEX, Auctioneer. AUCTION TO-DAY. REGULAR AND SPECSAL AT- Holden's Auction Rooms at 1 1 A.fii. Immediately after my real estate sale I will dispose of a lot of Second-hand Furniture & Sundries. After which I iill offer a lot or Fine CnNsimcre Pants, Coats ctiil YcKts; AIno. Fine "Under CIoathinsT. Wltite and Fancy Colored Suiit; Xcek Tien, etc.. etc E. C. HOLDEN, Auctioneer. 1833. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Maaazlnc bepins its slxly-siith volume with the December X umber. It is not only the most popular illustrated period ical in America and England, but also the largest in its scheme, the most beautiful in its appearance, and the best magazine for ineiioine. a new novel, emitted "J or tne Major." by Co stance Fknimouk Wooi. so.v, the author of "Anne," was begun in the November Number. In literary and ar tistic excellence the Hagazinc improe.s with each successive number. Special ef forts have been made for the lighter enter tainment of its readers through humorous stories, sketches, &c. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Fcr Year: lIAHPEIt'5 MAGAZINE . HAT.rEIt'S WEEKLY HAliPER'S BAZAlt. The TIirtEE above publications Any TWO above named... . .. IIAKPEIl'S YOUNG PEOTLE. HARPER'S MAGAZINE HARPElt'S YOUNG PEOPLE f ..100 ..4 CO -4 03 10 00 - 7 00 .. 1 50 3 00 HAKPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRA RY, One Year (52 Numbers) 10 co Pontage Free to all siMsribcra in ihe Unit ed Slates vr Canada. The volume; oi the Mocrarfnc begin with the Numbers for June ami December of each rear. When uo time Isspecl0ed.it Mill be understood that tho subscriber wishes to be gin with the current Number. The last Eight Volumes of Harper's Mag azine, in neat cloth binding: will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of 53 00 per vol ume. Cloth Cases, for binding. 50 cents each bv mail, postpaid. 'Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 to 00. inclusive, irom .nine, i&jo, io juue. in, one vol.. 8vo, Cloth. $4.00. Remittances snould be made by Post-Offlcc Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. yeicgpapcrt are not tn copy this aaccrliae ment fcittwtd the exprcst order of IlAnrEn & Bbothers. Address HAB.FER . BROTHERS. . 2fw York, NEW TO-DAY. FOR SKOALWATER BAY.' Tfcs Steamer i cskesn-Xj mixss ViTLL LEAVE FOR Shoalwater Bay immediately after her return from Cape Hancock This Morning. NOTICE. '. I AM AUTHORIZED 1IY THE D1UECT ors to collect Taxis or JcliooI District No. 1. until Dec. lull. liZ. After that time all those not paid iH he returned to the Coun ty Clerk a Delinquent. ly up awl s.tve costs as those not p.tid will -urely be rol lected lv the Sheriff. .!.(?. HUSTLE!!. Ch-r: Dir. No. 1. Astoria, December 2ml. lSsi. dtd Meeting Notice. TMOTICE IS HERKISY ttlVKXTHATTIIK J-N Annual meeting or tin Stockholders of the Scaudiua; iau licKmjj Co. ii!ibc held at the oHiee of said Co.. on Wednesday Dec. Hill, aid o'clock a. X. for the purpose of electinir Directors for tni ensuln' ear. and " tmiisartjou or such other lminev as may come Ic'orc Use mpetins. i;y order of tiic J'res!d"i:t. ir. ilatii. nrcrciarv. Upper Aslona, December 1, 1SKL il-ld -fcTOTICi: IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JL undeiiiirued, administrator of the es tate of II. 11. .lacksjn. deceased, has filed his f.nal account as such administrator In the County Court of the Stat" of Oregon, for Clatsop County, and the court has et the same for hearing on the .Mth day of Noem her, lgsj. at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of said daj. def-r.t 1). K. WARREN. Notice. 1 HEREBY GIVE NOTICE OFMYINTEX- -S-l to apply Tor a 1'atent for curins and punin' up .salmon trout, commonly called u-ci neaus. unuer me name aim siyit oi "Itoreliers Sugar Cared. Smoked, Iloueliss br.Jiiioii irout.," vliieli iuoeevna; ueen at tached and is now made use of by Mevsrs. ltoulur, Iterrv, and Collund in Astoila. Or. .l.T.KOKCIIKJJS. -Astoria, Oregon. Nov. i:, 182. d-lm ?:. wniiTiini.Mr.n. I. WnitTIIKIMKK. VI. WERTHEI1ER & 3R0. MANUFACTURERS OF FINE Havana and Domesiic Cigars No. 51S. Front St. Sen Prnuci&ro 3ss3 n n rcSi I rv l-ti f. Iba fess? SYMPTOPJiS OF A mpm lives Y X.033 of Appetite, Bowels cosivs, J?ain in tlia Head, with, a dull cor. caticn ia the back part, Vain, unda? tlio Shoulder blade, fullness after catinc, -witli a disinclination to r-c-rt:cn of "body or znind, Irritabi:iy of tasiper, Zjow spirits, with a ir-H? ir.ij of haviutr ncfjlcctctl come .'.r t, "Weariasss. Dizzinec3,5'lai'r?. ' tr lh-3 heart. Sets before tlmcy - i -low Skis, SCcadacho frcnrrail the right pye.Hestlcssncss." fal dreaTgs, iiis'hly colore J. I ., and SggSTEPATIOjrs, TrrTT'S PIXiI.n arocT'' . atlAistcfl to sxicli cages, one it Tcsfci such a clxvac f ftdiiij u J &stsu!iila. tlio smflcrrr. Tlstyr Increase tiic AjptOi'M'j r"f the body 10 Take en l?'lcsl, thus t tem Is ncnrlsttcd, ajid hvtlicJr i" Action en the JHj;cstlvcOrfWs,i t ular JStooSs are p.-oJurcd. 1:1 Jiu s. ll't "YJCrVgLJ;?--!? y"z- Giut Iliia Ot 'U'ajarJTts enro t z. fif srv Blach ly a v I-npticS! 'nof t rsL ,. is lnip-ir'snEin'Cf.or. Ji. '!. -r -y. S Id ly 1 ; cLi cr ttist tiy ti.. - : rcec!:)vor...m.o. ofi-aCi:, ::." MrirNAT trr., r. v. f IT. mTSiHVHl,erjlcMr!rr.-r" .- N Astor Street Assessment. NOTICE is heieby given lli.il Ihe assessment made by Ordinance No. 46S, for the proposed improvement of Astor street from the vest side of Lafayette street to the eastern end of Astor street, in McClure's Astoria, in the manner pro vided in Ordinance No. -IS7. on each of the following described lors fronting on said portion of said street, is now due and payable at tiic office of the City Treasurer, in United States gold and ilver coin, and unless paid within five days from the expiration of this notice, iz: Tuoday, December 12;h. 1SS2, the Council will order warrants issued for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follews: Saute of Otmrr .- Let. .Vo. on io.fftJ'nbaUe IaA, O. W. Hume... A. Van Dusen. G.W. JIume... (, $V0 00 12T.00 12Ti00 KJ0 00 Mrs. K. S. "Warren.. Stevens &, .Tonlin... 4. .. fl. McLean J.W. White .Tas.T. Gray W. Ji. Ileadinglon.. GT 1 s 9 11 VI 13 14 1 01 1.70 00 130 00 130 00 125 00 123 00 12.100 12Ti00 12T. 00 12Ti00 125 00 125 00 ia-oo 130 00 120 00 115 00 115 00 120 00 120 00 115 00 115 00 120 00 27 00 3100 3100 30 00 32 00 31 00 N 31 00 27 00 57 00 G3 00 53 00 G5 00 35 00 :aoo 34 00 3100 29 00 29 00 28 00 28 00 GO 00 55 00 01 CO G2 00 ILL. J'ittoclr. )an"l Graham Wm. Howe... ."."I M-ararct Brown . . Baptist, church... Geo. navel J. Kamni Mrs. L. Kirchhoff. Mrs Twilight Mrs. 11 Brown.. . Dan'l Graham.... .Hansen Bros 3Irs. Beed A I. R'llilix Suprenant & Fcrgu-J son Suprenant & .Fergu son T. W. IngalLs J. G. Hustler Genuer II. Pnrher.. 43 II. B. Parker Wm. Strong S.G. Ingalls Congregational church M.M. Gilman 40 42 Job Boss.... M. M. Gilman. Mr. Parker.... Geo. Flavel 41 C. Boclling.. 48 J- 4 City of Astoria Crossing Astor and .Burton streets 125 00 City of Astoria Crossinir Astor J and Cass streets 12500 uny 01 Astoria uross.ng Astor and Genevieve streets 230 00 City of Astoria Crossing Astor and Hamilton streets 115 00 By order of the Common Council. F. C. Morris, Auditor and Clerk. November 2Gth, 1S82. lot-d. rs Announcement Fine Furniture, Carpets, 'Mirrors Uphols tery, Wall Pockets, Brackets. r. I offer, a fine stock of Furniture for the Holiday trade at low prices. Dssks, Ottomans? Sofas Ghamber Sulfa. Ladies are invited to call and see latest styles in Plush and Velvet. Beautiful Embroidered goods. 3E. W, Gallick's New Store CARL ADLER'S NOTELTT Fancy Goods; Fine Stationery; Gold and Silver Ware; Toys; Musical Instruments in new and abundant variety. A New Departure! GOLDEN RULE BAZAR 3Iy increasing trade demands larger accommodation and greater facilities for purchasers. Accordingly I .have rented the new building on Sincmouia street, next to G. W. Hume's, where, I will display The Finest Stock of- FjHWV Ami illicit tf ill lc SolcS at Prices as low as the same class of Goods can be botisht in ARL ADLER'S Golden Rule Bazar, i TO THE PUBLIC! A Branch of the New York Hovelty Co. OF I'ORTLAXD GRAND TO - At the Store lately occupied by M. J. KA1XT. The stock which is now being unpacked, consists of a varied assortment of 01x:rti3CLiJ9 tn.c3L Albums, Autographs, Picture Frames, Musical Instrument and Toys, Of all description, which will bo sold at Eastern prices. A handbomc sot of Chrome Cards will bo given to every caller. New Goods! New Goods! CITY BOOKST Ok E. NO BBAKCni But the Best Store in the City Albums, Autograph and Photograph all sizs and Prices- Boolcs from a Dime Novel to Webster's Unabridged. Gents' Jewelry ami Cutlery, Writing Desks of all sizes, Mark Twain Scrap Books, Hymnals, also, Opera and Marine Glasses. Braugbtiiig Jhtstrnnicnlj CCBCS 10 9su.uv a Andcvcrv tliinirvou could want in our line all over, and by buying of us you keep the CP"Esamlcc our goods and prices before Extraordinary! EMPORIUM GQOjIr ever brought to Astoria San Francisco or Portland. WILli HAVE A OPENING DAY ollday Goods NO CITROMO: to get your Mon 3 Worth. Bibles, Prayer Books af I tke Key to llcavcu. from 40 9ei jxishjc jwuhd, We expect to remain after tl holidays are money at home. going elsewhere. B. F. STEVENS en f I Store. FALL IMPORTATIONS ! -AT MBIFIBg STOHE We are recciviii by every steamer new additions to our stock of Dry Goods. Notions, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Suitable for Hosiery, Blnkt, HU. Our stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Plushes, etc., show a large variety. Also an elegant fmc of Ladies' anil Children's CLOAKS, TJLSTERS, RUSSIAN CIRCULARS, WALKING JACKETS, DOLMANS, ETC. Our tables are covered with the nicest selection of Fichus, Ties, Collarettes and Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. CTOJ3. MOTTO; QUICK SALES AND SMALL PM0P1T9. We Study to Please. SSrSamples sent free to any address on application. 3p Agents for the celebrated Springfield Sewing Machine. PRAJEL BROTHERS. Next Door to Pytklre Hall. THE NEW MODEL mnnnnnnnnnWmHnW ItannnV InHBBLWr mnnnrnnm .nnnnnnnnnnnnnSHJnnVnnnnnnBHnlifrO A TDLL, STOCK !" JfcrLa Two doors east of Occident Hotel, Jobs. A. Montgomery, (SUCCESSOR TO JACKINS & MONTGOMERY.) DEALER IX TIN, SHEET IRON AND GOFFER WABE. A Genera! Assortment of Household Goods. AGENT FOJl STOVES AND THE BEST IN THE MARKET. tcacxe; Plumbing Goods of all kinds on hand. Job Work done in a Workmanlike Manner. CORNER. Or 31A1X AXI ASTORIA, CHAS. HEILBORN, MANTJPACTTJRER OF FURNITURE 2 BEDDING . AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Moihliitfs, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete In every branch. MARTIN OLSEN, DEALER IN B7 FURNITURE S5 BEDDING. Corner Main and Hquemoqua Streets. Asteria, Oregea. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER, ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AIX. KINDS OF FURISTTURE KEPAIRED AND TAKKISETJBD. ASTORIA M. MEYER ASTORIA, SPBCIAIi ANNOUNCEMENT. REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES. $7 50 PER BARREL OF 30 GALLONS. ILARGE ORDERS IN LIKE PROPORTION. Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - - - SI 60 per Dozer. "Special attention paid to order? from Public nouses and FamfllevWl THE - the season. KAXGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E. n. IAWB8, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT. YOU WILL BE PLEASED. E. K. IIAWES is also agent for the Buck patent Cootiif Store And other first-class stoves.- Furnace 'Work. Steam fit tings, etc.. a specialty. ALWAYS ON HAND. ASTORIA, OREGON. JEFFKRSOIV STREETS,' BREWERY. Proprietor. OREGON. -