.;' -V1!-" "-"'. -h 7"4 C'3'7 gU.c gpnilij .stxrrian- AhTOlUA, OREGON: ' i TUESDAY SOYEMBEK S,tlBK j ISSUED EVERY MORNING j 'Monday Kzcet.tod). j J. F. HALLOBAN & COMPANY, PtfKMMIKRS AND VKOriMr-TOKS. J Ait-tnan DnUdiwj, Cam Strict Terms of Subscription . erved by Carrier, per week-...... 25 Cents nt by mail, four inontbs.............. J."? 00 .-cut by mail, one year.................. H W Froe of Portage to Subscribers. " Advertisements inserted by the year at be rato of SI 50 per square per month. Transient advertising, by the day or week, ifty cents per square for each insertion. f lie Walla Walla clerks ask that places of business in that city be closed at 7:30 p. m. Tho Washington territory board of pilot commissioners will hold a meeting at Iiwaco to-day. Jas. O. Hanthorn has received a patent for a can washing machine, a clever and time-saving invention. The Easterhill, Glengaber, Wrest ler and Wakefield sailed yesterday. The Oregon arrived in with Astoria freight, which was discharged and the steamer proceeded eastward. The tugs Escort and Fearless col lided oft" Coos Bay, a few days ago, while they were trying to see which could get the first line to a vessel each wanted to tow into port. No serious damage was done. Wo notice several of our contem poraries speak of "Cape Disappoint ment." Cleveland Rockwell's article, too,in jrarper', mentions tho existence of a promontory bearing tho same ap pellation. Where is this cape I The lecture to be given by Iter. David Wills this evening is an at tractive theme, the speaker is a gentle man of great celebrity as a lecturor, the proceeds aro for a most worthy object, and the audience will no doubt be a large one. A programme, published by L. E. Solig, was circulated among the audi ence last evening. .This promises to be a prominent feature of first-class entertainments hero in the future. A number of programmes were printed on satin as a souvenir of the enter prise. It has been decided, say the Boston Journal, that the Oregon Short Line shall stop at Boise City, not continuing to Baker City as was intended, and that when any further extension shall be made it shall be in tho direction of Portland and central Oregon. Another piece of careless shooting is reported on the Calipooia, says the Albany Democrat. Two brothers named Murphy, wore out hunting, when, having separated, one mistook the other for a deer, and, shooting, sent a ball into his breast, inflicting a bad wound, if not a fatal one. From. Mr. H. Sloop, county superintendent of public instruction, who has been visiting tho several districts, wo learn that the school interests of the comity are doing well. Y2sterday, Mr. Sloop made a new school district 2o. 19 segregating a portion of district No. 8. Tho new district is on the Nchalem and con talus eighteen square miles, being the east i of Township G, N., range 0, W., Will. Mor. Ten minutes after the mother of Madamo Rivc-Kiug, the pianist, died in New York, the other day, the post man rang tho bell and handed in a letter written by her to the bereaved daughter, which was full of the fond est expressions of affection. The letter had been written several months before and had followed her from place to place during her concert tour, finally arriving in New York almost as tho writer breathed her last. Humpty Dumpty. To one who doesn't care to hare his mind on tension through Sto 'several acts of a society drama, such a performance as that of last night af fords an excellent means of enjoy ment and relaxation. A pantomime is one of those things that everyone goes to see, and goes again and again. "Age cannot stale nor custom "wither ita infinite rarity." There is one peculiarity however, about the dumb show; it is either very good, or very bad; there is no Jialf way ground. That hut night was very good. The tribulations of poor Humpty Dumpty and the complications that arose there from were a fruitful source of mirth to the audience. Tho parts are ell sustained throughout. Several special ties are introduced which form an at tractive feature "between acts." The performance will be repeated this evening. The horizontal act and the double somersault of little fellow from his brother's turned soles, are alono worth price of admission. bar the Sheet music in all the latest varieties just received at Gustav Hansen's. Sonat as, operas, waltzes and all the popular music of the day in stock. If you want music for the piano, organ, violin, llute, etc-, you will find what you want at Hansen's. For sweet and tender elk meat, go to Kawling's fruit store, Main street. Wilboit mineral water, fresh and sparklimj, at F. B. Elberson's. A Nevy Swindle What is known as the "ton dollar racket" has been played successfuly of late on some of the bartenders by two California sports who go to the bar and call for two drinks, tending a 310 piece in payment. They receive in change a ?5 piece atsd $4.75 in silver. The man who pays then puts his hand into his pocket and picks out a two bit piece and putting it with the $1.75 in silver asks the bartender to give him S5 in gold for it. While the bartender is fishing it out, the man, unnoticed, slips the $5 gold piece into his pocket, the S5 in silver still lying on the counter, where the bartender places the S5 in gold. The two call for two more drinks and the money is allowed to lie there. The man finds another two bit piece in his pocket with which he pays for the last drinks, and then shoves the $10 on the coun tor over to tho bartender and asks for a $10 for it. Jt is given to him and he loaves the bar $5 ahead, less the four bits paid for the four drinks. A $20 Biblical Reward. The publishers of Rutlcdges Month ly offer twelve valuable rewards in their Monthly for December, among which is the following. We will give 20 m gold to the person telling us how may verses there are in the New Testament Scriptures (not the New Revision) by December 10th. 1882. Should two or more correct answers be received, the reward will be divided. The money will be forwarded to the winner De cember 15th, 18S2. Persons trying for the reward must send 20 cents in silver (no postage stamps taken) with their answer for which they will re ceive the Christmas Monthly, in which tho name and address of the winner of tho reward and the correct answer will be published. This may be worth $20 to you; cut it out. Address Rntledge Publishing Co.. Easton, Penna. Teachers' Institute. From a letter addressed to County Superintendent Sloop by Prof. E. B. McElroy, state superintendent of pub lic instruction, wo learn that the teachers' institute for theTifth judicial district will be held at Oregon City this year, beginning Christmas day and continuing Dec. 2Gth and 27th. Mr. Sloop is requested to attend and prepare an article on some educational topic, as aro also the teachers of tho county. The O. R. & N. Co., and other lines of transportation will make the usual reduction of forty per cent. Prof. McElroy states his intention of visiting Astoria from the 10th to the 15th of December. Floating Sawmill. At the foot of Ross Island is moored a large barge, on which is built a saw mill, which is busy at work converting a raft of logs, moored alongside, into lumber. The lumber is loaded on a scow, and a little steam launch tows it off to market. This floating null was built down tho Columbia several years since, and has been moved from point to point wherever los could be obtain ed, and has been principally employed in manufacturing cedar lumber. It was lately towed to Portland, where it found profitable employment on ac count of the unprecedented demand for lumber. Orcgonuiu. Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" is not extolled as a "cure-all," but ad mirably fulfills a singleness of purpose, being a most xotent specific in those chronic weaknesses peculiar to women. 1'articuliars in Dr. Pierce's pamphet treatise on Dise:ises Peculiar to Wo men, ninctj'-six pages, sent for three stamps. Address Yokli'sDisi'kxsauy Medivu. Association, Buffalo, New York. Dr Loekharl. Book Store. Office over City The Toy and Fancy Cloods Bazaar is open to-day. New goods at Eastern prices, in Kant's old store. Fresh supply of candies at Oerk vit7."s Pioneer Candy Factory, opposite Bell tower. Hallo! Where arc you going'.' Why to Frank Fabrc's for a pan roast. Two front rooms, unfurnished; de sirable location; inquire of Alex. Camp bell, Gem saloon. Furnished or unfurnished rooms for rent: the finest in the city anil in a most desirable location. Inquire at As toriax ollice. Have you tried a stew or pan roast as Frank Fabrc cooks it V O rder one and you'll thank us for the advice. Sleepless Nights, made miserable bv that terribjg-cgk. Shiloh's Cure is tho remedy tor you. Sold by W- E. De ment -r-A vefy complete assortment of blank books, all sizes, styles and prices at the City book store. Fresh Squash pies, mince pics, fruit cake, etc., at the Seaside bakery. Averill's mixed paints, the best in use, for sale at .1. W. Connrs drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. Best cough candy at Ocrkwitz's op posite Bell tower. Fine organs and pianos at Gustav Hansen's. Call and examine. Shoahvater bay eysters: fresh every day, at Frank Fabrc's. Prof. J. F. Meyer wishes to inform the public and his pupils that he is now settled and intends remaining here. He is prepared to give music and also French lessons. Scholars practicing will find every convenience for study and improvement, at his residence. His experience renders this an opportunity which it is worth while to any one to embrace. Oh ! maiden with grim teeth, avaunt! Though fair you seem to look uuon, Because you don't use SOZODOXT. . The sweetness of your mouth is gone ; Your breath is heavy, and, from this, Your lips no more invite a kiss. Told by a Iiife-Service Man. On blustering days, sitting now by a comfortable fire, my wandering mind will often recur to the scenes of tho experience of 1113' younger days. ; and foremost always are the thrilling times when I served as a wrecker on the uorthor.i coast, clad in oil skins, rub ber boots, and sou'wester hat. Possess ed of a hardy constitution and robust health, and with a natural desire for adventure, I found that appetite ap-: peascd in attending to my duty as a J wrecker. Perhaps it was irksome on ! long acquaintance; yet while new it had for me a great charm. 1 Our rugged coast seemed made to! harvest the most fearful wrecks ever, cast upon a shore. Only one among' many was the noble ship, storm-tossed and dismasted, that we saw raised on the crest of a towering wave and hurl- j 1 ed shoreward with teirific force, toj rise on the next foam-crested billow, revealing to our gaze, as she came nearer, a haggard and ghastly crew, doomed to destruction. Lashed to! ring-bolt or rising remnant, washed by each succeeding wave as it boarded her amidships, or swept her deck from stem to stein as she plunged head on, some were dead in their lashings; others we could see, through the pelt ing rain and whirling mist, feebly call ing or gesticnlatingeagorly, in vain beseeching our aid. Tho terrific force of storm and wind and falling night had tied our hands. We heard in the dead of night the crash as some giant sea, rolling in, had deposited its load, and guessed that all was over. Morn ing brought a clear and sunny day, void of storm; and all that remained to tell the tale was the once majestic ship as she lay on the rocks, half snb msrged and rent asunder, and the ghastly bodies that occasionally dotted the shore. To depict the expression on faces seen thus would fill volumes. Some seemed peaceful and happy in death", as though they had found a haven of rest long sought. Others looked dis torted and wrenched out of all human shape, the white, unseemly lips half open, the tightly closed teeth showing beneath, and hands clenched to tell of life's battle fought hard and lost. Had we had hearts like adamant, these scenes would hare left an impression upon us. It needed but the cry of "Ship oft" shore, drifting in!" to rouse us to a man, ready and eager to rescue from a watery grave the meanest cur did occasion offer. It was in the latter part of February, 18 , that we were aroused from our slumbers by the sound of a distress whistle. We were alive at once, and on the scene of our labors in a twink ling. A worse night was never seen. The howling blast seemed bent on rid ding ua of overy vestige of clothing. We fought and tusselcd withitatevery step. The driving rain scorned bent on washing us awnv, while the sea piled mountains high on our rocky beach, and conjectures were running wild, old-salt theories multiplying thick and fast. The powerful blast of a deep-mouthed whistle came to us at every lull in the storm, distinct and clear. The air seemed to be filled in evt-ry nook and cranny with it. It seemed to be reach ing out for and grasping us, like a huge octopus with ita long arms, striving to draw us on to the rescue. "Ah! I am sure I saw it, sir," said Jack Redding, as hardy a tar as had ever crossed tho stormy main. "A steamer, sir; 1 saw her lights as she raised. I'm afraid she's done for, she's whistling so." All eyes were bent seaward, but in vain, Tho driving rain and sleet shut out all sight of over two hundred yards. In vain we stretched ur eyes to catch another glimpse of her. Every scream of her whistlo thrilled us through and through. It seemed to wail and cry in the tumbling racket of the furious storm. Again wo stood, unablo to givo assistance, visions flashing tin ough our minds of the ghastly handiwork of old ocean which wo would once more have to view. 'Twas almost useless to try to talk, our voices being hurled away on the breeze as it whistled past and played sad havoc among the pines and redwoods on the range back. "I wish 'twere morning, sir; she's driving on fast, and I pray God wo may give a helping hand." It was a long night, but we would not quit our posts. Visions of women and children that possibly crowded her decks and would soon need our succor thronged our minds. We knew that strong men would soon be strug gling for life, and we must stand by and give them a helping baud. Most we thought of tho anxious crowd we should behold when we ffrst sighted her. "She's boaring now, sir, about sou' west, from the sound." "It's queer sir," said Sandy Marble, "6he must be clear drowned out, or we could now seo her lights." Slowly and surely she was drifting in, the sound was coming nearer and nearer, and at last the dark bngan to abate with the storm and the night. "I seo her, sir!" "Where away" "Dead south, bearing in fast. She's down by the head, and seems to be sinking. They be jumping overboard, sir. At this we woro on a dead run for the plaoe where wo oxpected she would strike, about a half mile below where we had stood watch. "Thoy must havo tied the whistle down, sir," panted Redding, as he ran; "she toots all the time." We had taken a route around a pile of rocks, hiding the wreck tho whole way from our sight ; and now we landed in full view of where it lay, wedged in between two bowlders the whistling buoy from Columbia River bar, which had got adrift the day before, 'and had come in on us thus! We turned and wended our way homeward, tired and wet, aud I can not say whether it was with thanks to the Almighty for a catastrophe averted, or with curses on tlio luck which had cheated us of a good night's sleep. SOAP. Try our Borax Soap made oxprolvj for us and guaranteed of superior qua!- j ily. Can be used for any purpo audi will not injure the most delicate fabric. I A line toilet soap. ' A 2l. .Ioiixsox & Co. IadicH ! Splendid Bargains I Mrs. Malcolm is closing out Imt lx-k of embroideries at eot. A line lot ofj ladies' cloaks, ulsters, and Knglih j walking jackets will also be sold at cast, i No hotter bargains can be got anywhere, j J.ndiex. Mr. Lilt reliable manufacturer, will! soon be here with elegant Cloaks at W pel cent, less than can be bought. j Oyster! Oyster!! 1 At Frank Fabro's; in every style. Fresh from the beds every day. ! r 1 Window Shade. Wall Paper. I The finest assortment of wall paper! and window shades ever brought to Astoria at M". Olsen's furniture store. Newest styles and lowest prices. ' If of ice. Any person caught mutilating or de-.' racing the bills on our bulletin boards will be prosecuted according to law. Ten dollars reward is offered for in formation that will lead to the convic tion of the offenders. .Ski.k. A- Co. Wanted to teaxe or Heitt. A house or rooms, furnished or unfur nished, in a respectable locality., suita ble for a small family. Address "House Keeper," care Astokiax, giving loca tion, description, tonus, etc. stating when possession may be had. Important Xotioe. A full Hue of artist's materials con sisting of tube colors, sable brushes, picture varnishes, canvas. &i &c. F.v crything an artist wants at A.3LJoiixsox tfcCo. Heartily Recommended. Don't condemn a good thing because yon have been deceived by worthless nostrmna. Parker's Ginger Tonic has cured many in thi3 section of nerv ous disorders, and we recommend it heaatily to such sufferers. iYejrvc. The Iatest Styles. Among the latest styles may be noted the very prevalent one of taking Syrup of Figs instead of castor oil, pills, salts, and the other bitter and nauseous reme dies of former times. It is a very deci ded improvement, as any one may learn bv getting a bottle from our druggist, W.E. Dement. Hode Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents, Portland Oregon. Mother! Mother-:: Mother! ! 1 Are j'oudisturbeil at night and broken of your rot by a sick child suiTeriug and crying with, the excruciating pain of cutting teeth V If so. go at once aud get a bottle of Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup, it will relieve the poor littlw suf ferer immediately depend upon it: there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it. who will not t"ll oti at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child. opemtinglike magic. It is perlcctiy sate 10 use. in an cases. and pleasant to the laste, and is the pre scription of one ot the oldest and best female, physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 2.1 cents a bottle. A CARI. To all who arc suffering from the errors and indiscretions :f youth, nerv ous weakness, early decay. Io-s of man hood, etc., I will send a recipe that will cure you F1IEE OF ClIAKGK. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the JJev. Joskimi T. Ixmax, Station J), Xew York City. Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry always at hand. Jt cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in fluenza, consumption, aud all throat and mng complaints. r0 cents and.$ra tort ile. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Itein edy. Price ,r0 cents, Masai Injector free. For sale by W. E. Dement. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 73 cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded day or night at .1. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. TUTT 9$$ 5 mm PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER Loss of Appetite, Bowels costivo, Pain in the Scad, with a dull sen sation in the back part, Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eating;, with a disinclination to ex ertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a fecl ipg of aavinjr neglected some duty, weariness, Dizziness, Flntterimr at the heart, Dots before the eyes, Yel low Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, Bestlessneas, with fit ful dreams, highly oolored Urine, and CONSTIPATION, Thftv TnrASBA 4ht Ankf 4m.A mH.K the body to Take mm Flesh, thus tl.c fv. tern Is aearlsaed, and by their Tonic Aetlea on the Dlgeetlre Organs, ltcic alar gtealaare produced. Prlou j cent. jjjjjjgarragjjt., It. T TUTT S HAIR DYE. Grit Haik or Wbjbxkks change to a Glosst Blicx by a slnglo application of UiLjDye. it Imparts a natural color. Acts Intn tan eous iy. Sold by Druggists, or tent by express on receipt of...Sl.. OFFICE. 3S MURRAY ST., ST. Y. f Br.TCrraUSCiI.rVahaUUfoivitlnaad-v I Twisi s wiisis m hs sat ntac iMhum. J TtTTTS PILLS aro especially adapted te sacK cases, eae loao cr. feet tmek a caaaae er feeling; a to utanlik IMe saflerer. JUST RECEIVED ! A fine assortment of Knit Jackets in all the leading colors. JTeckwear and Hos-l iery, par excellence. Boys lono-leerGKim Boots. Hevcimar rub ber Clothing. Genu-! ine English Pilots Cloth, and a grand j assonineiu 01 mens, - Youth's, and Boys' Overcoats and Uls-I ters, at M. D. KANT'S, Tin- P.oss Merchant Tailor and Clothier. To the Public- I wish to inform the public that my establishment is the oxr.Y place in Astoria that makes caudv: 1 make the finest fresh candy every day, and this t is more man any one else can sav heio, Patronize home manufacture. .Imx P. C'l.ASSKX. U'ili you sutler with Dispep.-ia and 1 Liver complaint.' Mnloli s italizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by V. E. Dement. Gkav hairs often cause annoyance, which Parker's Hair llalsam prevents by restoring the youthful color. Shipper Ai Ilybke. No. 11. Oak street Portland, are the bon ton tailors of the metropolis. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can be bought at the lowest prices, at .1. W. Conn's druir store, opposite Occiden In tei. Astoria. For the uenuine .1. II. Culler old liourbon. and the best of wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the (Jem opposite the bell tower, and see CamiH beli. Mr. .lohn Kogers of the Central Mar kct, has made arrangements to keep al he finest fresh fish, etc, in their season I'artics desiring to have a turkey for dinner on Thanksgiving Day can be accomodated by leaving their orders at the Star Market. J, JE, THOMAS, DM6fil8T AN'Ii- PHARMACIST, Kinr.py's Iluililiiitc. npimMte I). K. Warren"- ASTORIA, OREGON. 3PTJTRJE Drugs and Chemicals. A FINK LINK OI-' HOMEOPATHIC REMEDYS. Toi et and Fancy Articles. jgr- rn-rl:iHim can-fully -nmin)uiuIil at all hour-:. - ask roii Union India Rubber Company's Pun Para Cum Crack Proofl RUBBER BOOTS. HKWAKK OF IMITATIONS! 15 .sure tlic Hoots arc stamncil CliACK PllOOF mi I liPlieoK ami have the PUKE GUM Sl'RlXGS mi tin- foot ami instep, which. prevent their cracking or breaking. We are now making them with UUJiUKU AND ASBESTOS Soles which will make them hist more than twice as long as any Kulibcr lloots maile. FOi: SALK P.Y ALL DEALKItS. all kinds i;rp.i;i:i: p.eltixc, pack- IXC, HOSl-:. SPKIXCS.CLOTHINC. P.OOTS AND SHOES, pic. ;ooiyi:ak icubber co. K. II. PEASE. .fr., .,.,., S.M. KUXYOX, fAllls tin San Francisco. X.. K Gc SMITH, ImiKu tcr ami Wholesale dealer in Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar ticles, Playing Cards, Cut lery, Etc., Etc., The largtt ami finest stock of Meerschaum ami Amber goods in the city. Particular at tention paid to orders from the country and vessels. Cheiiamus street, Astoria, Oregon. TIIEO. P.1CACKEK, Manager SOLID GOLD JEWELRY, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, SILVERWARE, Of every description. The finest stock or Jewelry in Astoria. ESAH goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. Found. OXE SKIFF AP.OUTI5 FEET LONC Owner will prove property and pav charges. Apply to U. II. IJAFX. " Lost. OX OK AP.OUT XOYEM11EK 23l. OXE douhle-etider boat about 13 feet long. Parties returning same to C. II. Italu will be amply rewarded. C. II. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. T!H:E il THE LEJLDIITC Dry Goods Clothing' House OF ASTORIA. mw MJ Dmmm ' ATTBAemtNB ! Every Department Filled ie Overfldwlagl DRESS GOODS In this department will be found the match, comprising recent importations of new and decided novelties, NOT OBTAINABLE ELSEWHERE. Among the many colors in our extensive line of fall materials may lie mentioned Terra Cotta. Hussar, Jllllll)0. Plum, Garnet, Myrtle. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT-COMPLETE LINE OF Blankets, Flannels, Comforters, Bed Spreads, Sheetings, Napkins, Table Linen, Towels, Etc., Etc. Hosiery and Underwear Department. We are showing complete lines in Ladies and Children's Hosiery I Underwear CLOAK DEPARTMENT. In our Cloak room will be fojiml Pompadours, Circulars, Ulsters, Dolmans, Jackets, Wraps, etc. While directing attention to this department we feel confident in assorting that our styles are not onh the newest, but our prices are exceedingly moderate. , H. OOOiPER! (KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS BUTJDTXG.) Astokia, November 1, 1SS2. FALL IMPORTATIONS ! AT TOE We are receiving by every steamer new additions to our stock of Dry Goods. Notions, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Suitable for Flannels,, WaferpoofSj Hosiery, Blankets, Ete. Our stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Plushes, etc., show a large variety. Also an elegant line of Ladies aud Children's CLOAKS, ULSTERS, RUSSIAN CIRCULARS. WALKING JACKETS, DOLMANS, ETC. Our tables arc covered with the nicest selection of Fichus, Ties, Collarettes and Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. OXXRl MOTTO: QVWK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Wu Study to PIoa.se. 2:rSamples sent free to any address on application. 2gP'Agents for the celebrated Springfield Sewing Machine. PRAEL BROTHERS. IVoxt Door to FythlaH Hall. d. a. Mcintosh, TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, i ciii:t BI.OCK. ai.i. Men's Furnishing Goods, White Fine Selection of Neck-wear, Hosiery, Gloves, etc. CLOT H I N GI Overcoats, TTlsters, Business Suits, The largest and mast complete stock of CLOTHS. WORSTEDS. CASSIJIERES. ETC.. ETC. ttrrSuits- nuiflf to order at short notice. He - r saie. 3U AUUKS T1.M11CK 1.A.M) 111 T. 9 .. tSVTKJ XI. . esl. liliegOfHl; price rea- auiinuH , icniisiaj". ... ., 1 o . 5 itwu Jiaiaic J.SCIH. IIXIL DEPARTMENT. Latest Styles with Trimmings to Cadet Blue, Bronze, Wine, Seal, Navy, Brique. the season. Astoria, oiti:;o. Kixns or j Scarlet Underwear, all Wool. t Workmanship and fit guaranteed. ITIIIR PAPFRKTC THIS PAPER ar fTBI KowXL & Co's Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce i 5trwt),wnercaur- NEWYORK. 1 "MngwnlTaelmnay ,le maUtt for u Ia