? - -i ' f; -r3i A - f v -.-Jit "" - -V ,- "t. ' - r y - " ro 'Mjtiz t--. i is asracK4uiiiJefuvf. rarsr-'-r-- rtrvgri--Xr . - 1 'tr -i '. Vol xviii. Astoria, Oregon, Synday Morning, November !), 1882 No. 43 -: She Oailn tstorffttt s MAYBE SO. A Washington despatch says: Commodore Shufeldt has returned, and although the secretary of the navy seems stalled in his efforts to secure lay members of the ad visory board, the naval oflicers already appointed will meet to morrow for a preliminary consul tation. In this connection a rumor has leaked out from the usually impenetrable walls of the depart ment of state. Tt is understood that it is but little of a great deal that was passing of a serious nature, but which has been kept a profound secret. The story is that the president and secretary of state were much more anxious for the liberation of American suspects imprisoned in Ireland than has been known. It will be remem bered that Minister Lowell came in for the lion's share of the abuse for the dilatory course of events. It is said that the fact is the big politicians of England wanted at that time to pick a quarrel with the United States, or at least make a show of threatening hostility for effect upon their own public at that time, iiritated by Mr .Blaine's attitude with regard to English influence upon this continent. It is not understood that the Brit'sh cabinet desired an actual breach of the friendly relations existing with the United States, but they wished to insult this government in such a way as to win the ap plause of the anti-Irish party, re lying upon the weakness of our navy as a guarantee that we "would not be able to resent the injury. This attitude of Great Britain was by no means discouraged by the result of our diplomacy with Chili. So extremely sensitive was the temper of the British cabinet at that time that it is stated that only Mr. Lowells caution and finesse prevented an opportunity for in sult, to this Torernment, which would have placed us in a position of great embarrassment, owing to our deicnceless condition. If this statement of the case should be correct, the long delayed release of the American prisoners was not delinquency on the part of Min ister Lowell or the department of state, but the necessity for the preservation of a peaceful attitude on the part of the United States. The Iowa Law. A correspondent describes how the former Maine law worked in Iewa: "But there was no law against giving the stuff away; and it was given away ad libitum. In those days man' a little, comedy was hourly enacted in the county stores. Enter a customer, when the following colloquy would en sue: Customer How much coffee for a dollar? Merchant Five pounds. C Give me five pounds. A package is handed him. M. Take something? C. Don't care if I do. M. What shall it be? C. "Whisky cocktail. The beverage is handed him and he imbibes.J C. Come to think of it, I don't want that coffee to-day. . What's the difference what profit on that five pounds? M. Two cents a pound, sir, is my profit on that coffee, or ten cents for the five pounds. C. Here's your ten cents. Good-daj So the customer paid the ten cents forfeit on the coffee trans action, which was perfectly fair and square, and was so held in law, for the dram was a pure gratuity on the part of .the coun try merchant, who could not be prosecuted for selling the whisky. And so this farce was played as long as the law lasted. You could not buy a cicrar, a yard of muslin or a pound of nails without being invited to "take something;" and yet the sign "no liquor sold here," was prominently displayed. No, it was not sold, but given away (over the left). The conse quence was that everybody got 3rank. Even the most respect ble citizen took something for the fun of the thing, and the lock-up was full ivery ninght. Pumpkin Pie. The standard of taste by which most people judge of food is that furnished by their mother's fable. ''What is the matter with the pumpkins now a-days?M said a gentleman the other day. "1 never see. and certainly never cat, any more such golden, luscious pies as my mother used to make.' After making due allowance for the change- in the individual from boy Uood to manhood, the fact remains that there is a de cline in pumpkin pies. A searcher after the reason for it declares one to be that too many spices are now used, entirely disguising the flavor of the pumpkin, which, if propeily cooked and of good quality, is delicate and agreeable. Ginger seems to be the only legitimate seasoning for a pumpkin pie, but a faint suspicion of allspice or cinnamon is allowable. Then, too, instead of sweetening with sugar alone, at least half of the sweet ness of the pie should be due to molasses. I'or a medium-sized pie allow one full coffee-cup of stewed pumpkin "poured through the kitchen sieve" after the manner of Sydney Smith's salad. If riclrin eggs, allow two or three; if not make three eggs do dut' for two pies, dividing after beating. If the milk used to thin the pumpkin is half cream, so much the better. A teaspoonful of ginger is a lib eral allowance for one pie. Bake with an under crust only, and until the top of the pie is brown and a delicate skin is formed over it. The pedestal of Gladstone's at Bow will bear the inscriptien: "A great leader, whose gigantic itellect seemed beyond compre hension a man whose marvelous eloquence had astonished the civilized world." There is no living statesman of whom a statue may more appropriate!' be erected than Gladstone, but it is in exec rable taste to give it such a flam boyant inscription as the above. The aim in inscription should be not to see how much can be said without absolutely overstepping the bounds of truth, but to say rather less than is true, in order to insure its cordial acceptance by everybody who reads it. CIrico Enterprise. The loth of last month was a noteworthy date, being the three hundredth anniversaiy of the in troduction of the Gregorian cal endar. It was the work of Pope Gregory XIII, who, in the year 15S2j being struck by the fact that the vernal equinox, which at the time of the Council of Nice, A.-D., 325, had occurred on March 21st, then happened on the 10th, caused ten days to be thrown out of the current year the day after Thurs day, October 4th, being declared October loth. This alteration of the style was immediately adopted in all the Roman Catholic countries of Europe. Adelaide Detchon, a pretty soubrette, has evidently "mashed" a Boston youth with serious effect. He writes descriptively of her: "ine wnite wonder ol her arms is too divinely perfect for anything of mere flesh and blood, and she is but the beautiftil phantom of some delicious dream chiselled into glorious tangibility by some old master's cunning hand." Gosh! What to him was love or hope? What to him was joy or care? He stepped on a plug of soap the girl had left on the topmost stair, and his feet flew out like wild, fierce wings, and he struck each stair with a sound like a drum, and the girl below with th scrub bing things laughed like a fiend to see him come. "I have given St. Jacobs Oil a trial on sores and fresh wounds of horses, and find it to relieve the soreness in a few hours. I deem it valuable to all owners of horses," says Miko Goodin, Esq., of the Belmont Driving Park, Montgom ery Co., Pa. Finding One'a Place. A good many people spend all their life hunting for a place-in-this world that they won- imonriVd to fill. They never settle down to anything with anv sort of restful or contented feeling. What they are doing now is not by any means the work that is suited to their abilities. They have a sunny ideal of a very noble life which they would like to reach, in which their powers would have free scope and where they could make a very bright record. But in their pres ent position the' cannot do much of anything, and there is very little use to try. Their life is a hum drum and a prosy outline, and they can accomplish nothing really worthy and beautiful. So they go on. discontented with their own lot, and sighing for another; and while they sigh the years glide by, and soon they will come to the end, to find that they have missed every opportunity of doing anything worthy of an immortal being in the passage to eternity. Tho truth is, one's vocation is never some far off possibility. It is always the simple round of duties that the passing hour brings. Xo day is commonplace if we only had eyes to see its splendor. There is no duty that comes to our hand but brings us the possibility of kingly servic'. The thrifty British Columbians are making the visit of the Mar quis of Lome a combination of business and pleasure. lie has been taken to visit all the local manufactories, and at most of them he has left liberal orders for speci mens of their products. The mar quis and princess will need- to put their heads together to discover what to do with all the boots and shoes, gloves, etc., that have been contracted for by the patronizing governor-general. A movement is on foot among leading Democrats to give the challenge banner to New Yoak on account of her big majority, al though originally intended to be contended for by presidential elections, and presented to thel state giving the largest majority. Georgia won it in 1S7G, and kept it three years. Texas won it in 1SS0, and it is now in the posses sion of .1. B. Simpson, of Dallas. It will no doubt be sent to Xew York. The cotton crop now being gathered is the largest ever raised in the United States. The esti mate is 7,000,000 bales. In 18S0 the yield was G,oS9,000 bales, and the largest up to that date. There was a falling off in 1SS1 of more than a million bales, and an esti mated gain this year of nearly half a million. "To such an extent did I suffer with inflammatory rheumatism that I could not feed or dress 1113' selE without assistance. Two-thirds of a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil entirely cured me, and I consider it worth its weight in gold," says G. E. Jones, New Alexandria, Ohio. Ry Universal Accord. AYKiCATHAiiTicPii.i.sarethebebt of all purgatives for family use. They are the product of long, laborious anil successful chemical investigation, ami their exten.sive use by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized na tions, iirovcs them the best and most ef fectual purgative Till that medjcal sci ence can devise. In intrinsic value and curative powers no other Tills can be compared with them, and every person, knowing their virtues, will employ them, when needed. They keep the system in perfect order, and maintain in healthy action the whole lnaclnncrv of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they are especially adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, if timely taken. They are the best and safest physic to employ for children and weakend constitutions, where a mild and effectual cathartic is required. FqpPAT.K BY ALT, DeALKHS. Mothers should Know It Fretfnl babies cannot help disturb ing everybody, and mothers should know how soothing Parker's Ginger Tonic is. It stops babies pains, makes thera healthy, relieves their own anxi ety and is safe to use. Journal. The Kev. Geo. 11. Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives toSnu.oifs Coxsumitiox CirKE.' Sold by W. E. Dement. Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price lucts.-iOctsandSl. Soldbv W.E. De ment. Foi Dysnensia andLiver Conmlnint. you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizcr. It never rails to cure. Sold by W. E. Denaent. W ft KWjk h$&aaa mv fi aaaaaHaBS .T RKUMATM, a, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backatm? Soreness of the Chest. Gout, mMuy, Sore Throat, Swell- ingslfiul Sprains, Burns and SrnUs, General Bodily t Pains, Tooth, tar end Headache, Frosted Feet'ind Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No PrppatfMoa on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil u a safe, mrct simple and cheap External Bemedjr. A'jtrial ratal! but the coaparatirelj trifling ontlayof 6 Ceata, and nary an suffer ing with paitrcan hare cheap and pa ii tire proof of iU claims.. Directions is Seren Languages. B0LDBTALLDRUQQIST3AITDDEALEI13 ;DrMEDI0THE. A. VO0XXER dr. CO., Baltimore, 3d., XT. S. A. George Vhiteaker, who lives two miles from Monmouth, Polk county, recently had 900 in gold, which he feared to keep in his house, wherethieves could break through and steal, so he laid it up on a rafter in the barn, and in about the last place a stranger would look forit. Going to the bank the othertlay he found pay ment suspendf4l.fdr'want of funds, every cent- ISdHbeen "taken by some tramp, probably, who had in advertently stumbled into the im provised vault. Standard. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. The countenance Is pale ami leaden colored, with occasional lluhas of :i cir cumoeribctl spot on one or lioth cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid; the iiem: In imitated, swells anil soinet iintM lilecds ; :i Mvellini; of the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual se cretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly in the morn ing; apjx'tite variable, sometime vora cious with :i gnawing sensation of the Rtomai-li ; at others, entirely gone; ilcetlng pains in the .stomach; occasional nausea and vomiting; violent p.iins throughout the abdomen; bowels irregular, at times costive; .stools siUny, not 11 n frequent Iy tinged with blood ; lelly swollen and hard; urine turbid ; respiration occasionally dilli cult and accompanied by hiceougb ; eougli PonietiineNdryand convulsive; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper varlamc, but generally Irritable. Whenever the above symptoms arc found to exist, DR. ('. McLAXFS YKK5IIFU(JK will certainly effect n cure. In buying Vermifuge be sure you gut the genuine I II. C. McLANK'S VKIOII ruiK, manufactured by Fleming ltrns., 24 Wood Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. The nrrrkct Is full of counterfeits. You will lie right if it has the signature of Flem ing lSro. and C. Mcl.ane. If your storekeeper does not hae the genuine, please report to us. Send us a three cent stamp for A hand some advertising cards. FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. J " CaUMTED mm JITTERS Old fnsluonablo remedies arc rapidly giving ground beforo the advance of thi conquering specific, and old fashioned ideas in regard to depletion ns a means of cure, have been quite exploded by tho success of tho great rcnovant. which tones tho system, tranquilizer tho nerves, neutralizes malarU, depurates and enriches tho blood, rouses tho liver when dor mant, and promotes a regular habit of body. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. $500 Reward. We ivillpay the above reward for any case 01 uver tampiaint. Dyspepsia, sic ache, indigestion. Constipation or amnlaint. Sick llcad- Costivc- ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Livcr Fills, when the directions arc strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large boxes, containing .to Fills, 25 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Ueware of counterfeits and Imitations. The genuine manufactured only by Jonx C. West & Co., "The Fill Maker' 181 and 183 W. Madison St., Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. W. E. Dement, agent. FOR SAKE. mHEIIULUAXn HOUSE OFTHEStkam A er KATATA. Will make a Mist-class Coasting schooner. For particulars Inquire Of A, MCKENZIE. Meumlii uasM R0SC0FS FIRST C1.ASS Ovsior Saloon, ifo curvwirs sikfkt. vstoria. mm; iwmiKsiGNrn is pleased to JL u!iwi!i!irr to tin public that lieli.it np fiioil a FIItST 1'IiASS Ami fimiKlir in fist-cl:issMl' OYSTK !!.-. HOT COFFEE TEA. ETC. AT T1IK Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, CI I EXAM PS STREET. P!mm mvo im a call. KOSC01'.:01XON Proprietor A. M. JOHNSON & Co., Sliil) Cliamllers and Grocers. Hopes and Cordage- ofnll Itiu!. ISIorli. IafMit miI Itli'Hnliiscof 1 all sizes. 'I'll' a('!lllill' I.l''SOUN St'Ott'll Salmon ltd Tiios. ni's'iuaiI Twfnosj Cant as, all IYos-s Copper Tipped Oar. The best assortment of G ROCERIES In Town. The. Be.sl COFEEES and TEAS. Try nur 3Ielrosc Baking Powder Positively the best ever made. CAiNf ISTEIX GrOODS ofnll kinds put up by best Paci;crs. Kiehanlsoifs and lloblnn'.s Canned Goods Ti-rms tlash. Profits Small. oa-ClYK US A CALT.-Tn WILLIAM ED GAB, Corner Main and Chonamus Streets, ASTOUIA r..0RE00N DKAM.Il 15 CIGARS AND TOBACCO. The. Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other English Cutlery. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. A fine stock of lVatrhcH and Jewelry, Itfazzlc and Sti'cech lieading: Shot GnnH and KM?, ItevnlverH. I'tatolH. and Ammunition MAltlXK GLASSES AIJSO A FINK Assortment of fine SITCTACLES and EYE GLASSES. B. B. FKANKLTN, UNDERTAKER, Corner Ciss and Siiuemoqiie streeLs, ASTOKIA. ... - OREGON nRAI.KIl IN WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES AND UNDERTAKERS GOODS. MAGNUS G. 0ROSBY, Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, I'M' MI1K1SS AND STEAM FITTERS Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER, Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER PLUMBING itnd STEAM FITTING Done with t.eatness and dispatch. None but flnt class workmen employed. A large assortment ofJ SCALE? Constantly on hand. Delinquent City Taxes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, the undersigned. Chief of Folice. have been furnished with a warrant from the city council requiring me to collect the taxes as sessed for the year 1SS2. and now delinquent upon the list, and make return of the same within jdxty days. All parties so indebted will therefore please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. C.W.LAUGHE11Y. Chief of Folice. Astoria, Oregon, September 10, iste. Jf 2 B 1 h 7 COS A m I CO r a sin5 2z! sw go - P5 I ?'gPS 0 w 2 5 p jA - p s CO p CO CO r; n o 3d CO H I WILLIAM HOWE, 1 feaaMa 1MMMMW DEAJ.Ki: IX Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms, Lumber. All hinds of OAK LUMBER, GLASS, Boat Material. Etc. I Boats of all Kinds Made to Ordr- i SOrdcrs from a distance promptly attended anSCELLANEOUS. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bkxton Stkket, Neak Fakkek Housk. ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANDlMARINE ENGINES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. Or all lencrIptIoiin matin to Order at Short Notice. A. D. Wass, President. J. (J. IIustleii, Secretary. I. W. Cask, Treasurer. Jonx Fox, Superintendent S. ARNDT & EERCHEN, ASTOKIA.. - OHEOON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP AXIt Boiler, Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STKEET. 11. I. STKVEXS. C. S. BKOWX OITY BOOK STORE. Where jou will llnd all tho standard works of the day, and a constantly changing stock of novelties and fancy articles: we kcop the hestassortmentof variety goods in the city. Pocket- Books, Picture Frames, Steroscopes, Mu sical Instruments, Sheet Music, Bijou terie, & Celluloid Goods, etc., etc. K I. STEVENS & CO. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DKAr.EKS IX Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WROUGHT AXD CUT GALVANIZED SPIKES. Nails, Copper Nails and Burrs, Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Packing of all Kinds. PROVISIONS. FJ.OUR ANI MUX FEED. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Street? ASTORIA, OREGON. AND Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. to, and .satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. BUSINESS CARDS. np c holuen,: notary riyjLic, AUCTIOXEEK, COMMISSION ANI SURANCE AGEX1. TB. J. . SIIAFTKB, PfOSIl'IAX amd 8IJKCE9N. (UECTSCHKE ABZT.) DismaeH orthe Threat a Specialty. OBico oter Conn's Drug Store. JO. BOZOKTH, U. h. t'oHiMtLHieHer, Xstarjr Fabllc, aaH IasMraaee Agent. Agent tor the ILunburs-Bremen Fire IimCo of Hamburg, Germany, and. of the Trav elers' Life am Accident Ins. Co., of Hart ford. Conn. MTOfflce over Wells, Fargo & Co's Express Ofllce. 2JJRLO F. PAKKER. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop l'ounty,aafl City r Aaterla Ollice :-Chenamus street, Y.M.C. A. hall Room Xo. 8. XI I. WINTOK, Attorney and Counseler at Law. ssroniec in IVhianluiilding. Reonwlt, 12. ASTORIA, - - - OREGOX. TAY TUTTIiE, M. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offiok Rooms 1,2, and 3. rythian Build in.'. Residkxck Over Elberson's Bakery, op posite Barth & Myers' Saloon. A li. FUJVTOX. M. . PhyaieiaH aad Barffeaa. OFFICE Over A. V. Allen's grocery "dore. Rooms, at the Tarker House. XI P. HICKS. PENTIST, ASTORIA, ... - OREGON Rooms in Allen's building up stairs, corner of Cass and Sqcmocqhe streets. J K. la FORCE. DENTIST Dental Koobiv arer Case's Stare, Chenamus Street. - - Astoria, Orejon. I Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Chenamus Street. - ASTOKIA. ORKGOr G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner o! Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horscshooinjr. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. TAZLORXnCr, Cleaning S Repairing. NEAT. CHEAP AND QUICK. BY CiEORUK JLOVKTT, Main Street, opposite N. Loeb's, MAX. WAGNER'S BOWLING ALLEY. MAX. WAGNER'S Agency for the National Bttr. Beer delivered In any part of the city. Lost. riCTOBEK 26TH. ABOUT ONE MILE vs above Toncue rolnt. a MBall areee above Tongue. Point, a soaall sreea skiff, i one uair iron rowlocks and one Mir with one pair iron rowlocks and or oars in her. Oars branded on blade J.H. D. G. A reward of 83.00 will be paid to the party returning Iter to this office. tt 3l -i i""V-.