r? '( 1 . S ,-N pj -V - S5"5SF!" Vol. xviii. Astoria, Oregon, Sunday Morning, November 12, 1882 - No. 37. "-n j ' mmln -y! Jr W Jv JyJUl' 'I lr A LH.TPUTIAN REPUBLIC. Ono of the smallest republics in the world lies nestled on the south eastern elope of the Pyienees. For many hundred years it has re mained neutral, whilst Frenchmen and Spaniards have waged war after warywinning or losing the prov inces around it. Dynasties have risen and fallen, the star of em pire has shone over many nations, hut amidst all upheavals and changes it has remained a repub lie. Yes, fiail Andorra has clung to its early independence and is to-day a proof that in the political as in the natural world the reed outlives main' hurricanes which uproot the oak. It is probable that even now the existence of the Andorresc would be wrapt in ob livion to the outside world, had not the French talked of annexing the doughty little republic. The possibility that their independence, which has survived after its own peculiar fashion since the days of Charlemagne, is now in danger of extinction, causes us to turn with interest to inquire a little into their histoiy. Andorra has long been under the nominal suzerainty or protec tion of France, and of the bishops of Urgel Catalan ecclesiastics oi the old Spanish type. Barely larger than an ordinary county its whole area is not much more than 150 square miles its inhabi tants are less than 12,000 in num ber. Their occupations are cattle raising and charcoal-making, and they graze their Hocks on the sunm slopes of the Pyrenees, from which they cut down the forests for their fuel. A council-general of twenty four members, presided over by two syndics, watches the material interests of the people. Two viguiers, or magistrates anu a tMJgftschgrge the -judicial duties of thctSpublic, ClTe formeTUeTng nominated by France and the bishop of Urgel, and- the latter being appointed first by France and then by the bishop. The council holds its powers for four 3ears, and is elected in an old fashioned way, reminding one of the clan customs of the Scotch. The heads of four families in each parish meet together, and choose one delegate to the council from each locality. Here begin and here end the political functions of the Andorresc. The ballot-box is as unknown to them as the poll tax, and the other residents in each parish are supposed to respect without question the appointments made by their patriarchial chiefs. But the sturdy graziers and hardy mountaineers are not always so ready to acquiesce as they should be, and into Andorra jealousy and ambition have crept, causing dis sensions to crop out amongst the republicans, and transforming what ought to be the most tranquil of countries into a region seething with discord. So bitter has the conflict become that it has found the frontier of the republic too narrow to confine its violence, so that the partisans on one side have appealed to the bishop of Urgel and Spain, while those of the other have looked to France for advice. Among the Indian curiosities which were unearthed where the new warehouse is being built are several mortars in fair condition but with holes in the bottom. Several pestles of very hard stone were found that were broken. These were evidently from the grave of a chief, it being the cus tom to spoil such things on the death of their owner. Two very small hammers, commonly called sinkers, were also found and are said to be the smallest in any col lection in the state. An elongated hammer, perlect in shape, and made from a hard green stone, that was used to pulverize dried berries, was also found. Two pestles, one a foot long and the other nine and a. half inches, are perfect and good specimens, also a stone ax as good as when made. Oregon City En Urprisc. Gray hair often cause annoyance, wlmk Parker's Hair Balaam prevents by raateriag the yostkfnl color. A Good Little Boy. Charles was a little boy who loved his Mother deaily. and whenever she told him anything he was sure to Obey. One day in the Spring, when the birds were singing and the buds on the apple-trees were al most ready to burst into beautiful white blossoms, Charles asked his mother lor Ten Cents to buy Marbles, for the ground was get ting dry, and the other boys were beginning to enjoy their faorile Sport. "You can have the money, my son' said the Mother, ''but you must piomise me not to play for Keeps, and evei night that you come home and tell me truth fully that you have not disobeyed your Mamma, 1 will give you a Large Bed Apple.' Then he kissed him Fondly, and he went gayly away to School. But before Charley had gone very far, he met Thomas Tough, who was a Bad boy. Charles told Thomas about the Ten Cents that his Mother had give him to buy Marbles with, and also told him that he could not play for Keeps unless he was willing to go without the Bed Apple. When Thomas heard this he said: "Give me the Marbles you aie going to buy, and 1 will play with them for Keeps, and after School is oflt we will Divide what I have won, for 1 am a Superior Player. Then you can truthfully tell your Motiier that 3011 have not been playing for Keeps, and will receive the Bed Apple.'" So Charles Cave his Marbles to Thomas, and after School was out asked him how 111:1113 larblcs he had Won. "I didn't "Win," replied Thomas; "I struck a Hard Crowd, and lost." t g " "Then Charles wafiJ-allfprjTl-o was a prett3 Tight-Fisted little boy, and began to Cr3. But presently he said to Themas: "You are a naught bo3, and I hate you Very Much." And then Thomas hit Charles in the Nose, and threw him down in the Dirt, making his new panties look very bad indeed. So when Charles reached home he told his Papa all about his troubles. When he had finished, his Papa said to him: "You don't know as much as Thompson's Colt, and I'm going to take a Crack at you myself." Then he gave Charles a good Licking and sent him to bed with out aii3 Supper. And when Charles had lain on his Stomach' for a while, because he felt more Comfortable that way, he said to himself: "No more Blind Pools for me." Do you not think he. had a Great Head, children? J do. JBrom "Tales for flic Toddlers? in Chicago Tribune. The following affidavit taken from the Vancouver Independent is a genuine army document Bead and be cenvinced: ''Personals appeared before mo the under signed, Sergeant Patrick O'JReilly, who, having first duly sworn, de poses and sa3s that on or about the fifth day of August, 1882, while en route to San Puellc river, W. T., a muie on which was packed a Dutch oven, rolled down a stony grade into the Co lumbia river, W. T., crushing the said Dutch oven into small pieces. Lieut. Abbot was responsible for said mule and oven, but no one was responsible for the mule missing its footing and rolling into the river.""' An excellent liniment for neu ralgia is made of sassafras, oil of or ganum, and a half ounce of tinc ture of capsicum, with half a pint of alcohol. Soak nine yards of red flannel in this mixture, wrap it around the head, and then insert the head in a haystack till death comes to your relief. Boomerang. My wife's mother was afllictcd with rheumatism for twenty 3'ears and tried almost every remedy, without any relief until she used St. Jacobs Oil. Three bottles en tirely cured her. It is the best remedy I have ever seen,' writes Frank P. Dryden, Esq., Pocomoke City, Md. B usui ess. "Wiuuer .JCiiKins, saiu an u .xi--1 . 1 .1 1? . 1 Ohio farmer as he bustled into her , house one morning, "I am a man' of business: I'm worth 10,000,1 and want you for a wife, 1 give , 3'ou three minutes in which to, answer. ' "1 don't want ten seconds, old j man!'' she replied a she shook, out the dishcloth. "I'm a woman . of business, worth 10,000, and T wouldn't marrv vou if von wore the hist man on earth. I give you 1 a minute and a half to git!" Hi- trquWall Street Neios. There is a vory marked differ j ence between the value of exports from this country during the I eleven months endim; the 30th of September last, and a correspond-, ing period the year previous. For the present 3car to September oOth the exports were 4,4:27,000, and for the corresponding period last year, 0,1; 1,000 a falling off of over 3,000,000. The only article that shows an increase is salted beef. Our imports continue to be very large, and unless re lieved by tho cotton crop now- coming into market, tho balance of trade will be against us, and there must be the exportation of gold to meet the deficit. A Canadian medical journal is the authority for the assertion that acute articular rheumatism has been cured by fasting from four to eight daj's. Chronic rheumatism is harder tb deal with. Cold water or a moderate allowance of lemonade was given to the patients. Dr. "Wood, of Bishop's college, Mon treal, believes that rheumatism is only a phase of indigestion. Abso lute rest to the, viscera is the only wa3' to a certain cure. Simple abstinence iroci.food.-Ahe. finds- yrceScllent recok A new so-called Bible has put in an appearance in Europe and America. The title of the book is "Oahspe, tiie Xew Bible,1' and purports to be a histoiy of the earth and heavens for 2-1,000 years. Captain Hen "Weeks' Brook lyn, N. Y, the well-known boat builder and sailing master, has used St. Jacobs Oil for sprains with mar velous effect. It also cured his wifo of rheumatism at once. Heartily Recommended. Don't condemn a good thim; because yon have been deceived by worthless nostruma. Parker's Ginger Tonic has cured many in this section of nerv ous disorders, and wo recommend it heaatily to such sufferers. JYcjrx A CARD. To ail who are suffering from the ei rors anil indiscretions of joutli. nerv ous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, etc., I will send areciiie that will cine you F1IEE OF CHANGE. This great remedy was discovered bj a mis sionary in South America. Send a self addressed em elope to the Rev.JosKrn T. Ixmav, Station I), New York t'ilv. VnriouH Cause Athancing years, care, sickness, dis appointment, and hcieditary predisposi tion all operate to turn tlie hairgrav, and either of them inclines it to shed picmaturely. Ati:i:s Hah: Viconwill restore faded or gray, light or red hair to a rich lnown or deep black, as mav be desiml. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action. It re moves and ernes dandrAiT and humors. Uy itMie falling hair is checked, and i new growth will he produced in all cases where the follicles are not do stroyed or the glantK decayed. Its ef fects are beautifully shown on brashv, weak, orsickly hair, on which a few ap plications will pioducc the gloss and freshness of youth. Harmless and sure in its operation, it isjncomparable as a dressing, and is especially valued for the soft lutrc and richness of tone it im parts. It contains neither oil nor dve. and will not soil or color while cambric; yet it lasts long on the hair, and keeps it fresh and vigorous. Ton S.vr.K nr am. l)i:.vi.hi:. A cough, cold or sore throat should be stopped. Xcglcct frequently results in an incurable lung disease or consump tion. .Crown's Bronchial troches do not disouler the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly on the in flamed parts, allaying irritation, give relief in asthma, bronchitis, coughs, catarrh, and tho throat troubles which singers and public speakers are subject to. For thirty years Urown's bronchial troches have been recommended by physicians, and always give perfect satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an en tire generation, they have attained well merited rank among tho few staple remedies of the age. Sold at 2." cents a oox everywhere Iter lame Back, Side or Chest use Simon's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. That Hacking Couch can bo so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it Sold by W.E. Dement. Shiloh's Vitalizcr is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron clntis immediately reliewa liy Shiloh's Cure. 3o!dbyW.E.Deet SP Li!! ill. . 1 -- jssv-W-K- tM , -- "v - tiff Tfi -J CERMANREM RHEUMATISM Neuralgia, Sciatica, lumbago. Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, end all other Pains and Aches. lo Preparation on earth equals Sr. J.'cocs On. as safe, sure, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial onUlls but the comparatively trifling outlay of 60 Cents, and eTery one suffer ing with pain can have cheap and po-jure proof of 1U claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. BOLDBYALLDEUGGISTS ANDDEALEES IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., 2Jdliliorc,XId., U.S.A. A Texas paper sa3-s that state will average two killings per da the vear round. When a man sa3s he is satisfied with his lot. 3'ou ma3 be sure of one of two things, either he is a very unenterprising specimen of humanity or he is King. JiosloJi Transcript. General JButler sa3s the politi cal nendulurnVMrintrs evcrv two 6,""1 .. .'"t'S!-l. for the upheavals of this year. He thinks it may come back from the Democratic side in 1SS4, and cheat that party of its presidential hopes. MOTHERS, READ. Gents: About nine years apo I It nl a child two years oldniid almost lc:nl. Tin doctor I hatl attending her could not tell what ailed her. 1 asked him If he did not think it was worms-. He said no. lUw over, this did not satisfy uic,a I fell con vinced in my own mind that Mm had. I obtained a bottle of IK. C aii-I.AMrs CI'LKUKATKD TEIiJIirt'OKtnuine . I gavo her a teaspoonful in the inorniii audauothcratnihUifterwhielt she'-a Mai seventy-two worms and wasji well Juid. Since then I have never been wiilii.tii it in my lamily. The health of my ihil ain remained m good that I had r.eyii. ted watching their aetions until alxnit tl tee weeks ago, when two of them preei.lel the s.unc sickly appearance that Fanny did nine j'ears ago. So I thought ii mt-t be worms, and went to woilc at 0111 e v ills a bottle of l)It. C. 3IcL.VNK'S Vl.KMI l'UGK betw een four of my eh II Iron, their ago being as follews: Alice, S years; . hnr ley, I years; IZmma.ti cars; .loiin.itye.us. Kot comes the result: Alice ami Kmma camcout all rlght,but fhurk'y passed fort -live and Johnny about sixty worms. The result was so gratifying that I s-pein two days in .showing the wonderful . fleet of your Vermifugo around I'liea. and now have the worms on exhibition in mystore. Yours truly, .IOHX I'irilli. The genuine 1K. C 31eI.Air VKK SIIFI'CK Is mauufneluicd only by Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa., and bear the .signatures of C rvicl.ano and ITeming ltros. It N never made In Sr lioulswr Wheeling. !" sure you get the genuine Price, "!." cents . IkhiIc. FLTCIHIG HKOS., PiiWmrgli, Pa. H" CELEBRATED lX W STOMACH itters Old fiuhionnblo remedies aro rapidly giving ground beforo tho advanco of tin conquering specific, and old fashioned ideas in regard to depletion as a means of cure, have been quito exploded by tho success oftbegroatrcnovant, which tones tho system, tranquilizer the nerves, neutralizes malaria, depurates and enriches the blood, rouses tho liver when dor mant, and promote. a regular habit of bodv. Tor salo by all Drugsrists and Dealers generally. Notice.. IIIEKEBV ATFOINT -JUL THOMAS Iloelling my agent, during mv absence from the city. J. G. nUSTLEK. School Tax Notice. TO THE TAX PAYERS OF SCHOOL Dis trict No. 18. Clatsop county Oregon : You are hereby notified that tho assessment roll for the school tax In district No. 18, for the j ear 1882, Is completed and Is now in my hands lor thenext sixty days from datenere of. Tay your taxes In time and save cost 1. C. W. SHIYELY. Cleric School District No. IK Astwte, Orison, October 21st, lw dtd (asrrvVJ-i jk I MsMr ZMr .-sv ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. cnr.vwu-. sTKi'irr. astoria. 0 mm: xdersigxhi is pleased to X. :tiwi::niY t( the pnMie that helms p- IMIftl :i l'UWT 'I,ASS lEJvtiXLS HCouse , Ami fiitni-ln'-. 111 lirst-il.iss stjie oyster-. Mr coffee ti:a. kto. .r THE Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon. ciif xam rs s rui'KT. rif.. jim iii a call. i:fW(K;i)IXOX, Proprietor A. M. JOHNSON & Co., lIlUUuli: !!. and Corriuxi of all Itiutl. Itloc-Ks. L'uin( ml Mot talim of :ill siyo.. Tho (ouiiiuo r.oeson Soot oil Salmon nolTn inos. Monuuid TtrinoM Canrns. till IVo'.st Copper Tipped Oars. The Ik's! assortment of GROCERIES In Town. The Rest COFEKES ami THIS. Try our Melrose Ralcing Pott ler rnsithely the best cer made. CANNED GOODS of all kind put up by best r.iCKcrs. Uiehardson's and llobbm's Canned Goods. Torms-Ca-sli. ProfitK Small. ea-GIYE I'S A CALLrSu WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Main and Cheaamus Streets, ASTOKIA OREGON m:LFi w CIGARS AND TOBACCO. The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE WOSTENHOLM and other EnjlWi Cutlory. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meerahaum Pipes, etc. A fine stocU of Vatafefet.anil JawiiMjrr-MMml ' isreerli lio'adlBiTflt 'GTMaJMl KltlcH, lie vol vers, PlntolH, mill AmimuiitieH i AliO A FINK Assortment of tine SITCTACLES and EYE GLASSES. B. B. FRANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, Corner ('.is-and Squemoqhe streets, ASTOKIA. - - - - OKEtiOX DRALFIt IN WALL PAPER AND VINDOW SHADES AND U N DKKTAKEKS GOODS. - MAGMTS C. CROSBY, Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Vl.V M IIKliP AND STEAM FITTKBR Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER, Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with reatness and dispatch. None but first class workmen employed. A large assortment ofj SCALE? Constantly ou hand. Notice. rilllE TDIE IN WHICH TO PAY School A taxes In School District Xo. l will cv jdre on the istli of the present month, ray nil and save costs. THOMAS BOELLIXG, Deputy Clerk. M ,d H w S 2 CO g n o L -a I ' 52 """ 1 71 o imp- m O 1 WILLIAM HOWE, ...:. m ,.,-: g di:ai.ei: in Boors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms, Lumber. All kinds or OAK LUMBER, GLASS, Boat Material. Etc. j Boats of .all Kinds Made to Ordr. j I57""0rders from a distance iiroinptlj attended MISCELLANEOUS. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. KrjiTOX StkektJ Xkak Pakkkk House, ASTORIA. - ORECOX. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANDiiMARIHGn Boiler Work, . Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. Or all Dencrlptleiin wrfrtfr tm fHrilcr at Shert A'stice. A. D. "Wass. Ircsident. J. G. Hustler, Secretary. I."Y. C vsk, Treasurer. Joux Fox, Superintendent S. ARNDT & EERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH 8HOP4 flip. OS Boiler. Shop ? All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AXD STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. 11. P. STEVENS. C. S. P.ROWX CITY BOOK STORE. Where im will find all tlio standard woiks of tlie d.iy,and a constantly (-hai)Kin stock of noelties and taney articles: we keep the best assortment or ariety coods in the city. Pocket Books, Picture Frames, Steroscopes, Mu sical Instruments, Sheet Music, Bijou terie, & Celluloid v Goods, etc., etc. B K.STEVEXS&CO. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHAN0LERS. DEALKKS IX Iron. Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH OAKUM, WROUGHT AND CUT GALVANIZED S X X x5L Xm S( Nallii, Cupper NaiLs and Burrs, Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Packing of all Kinds. PROVISIONS. FJ.OITR AXD MITX FKKI. Agents for Salem Flourins MHU. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Street ASTORIA, OitEGON. IFmBuETJ 3 3 H c Z 22! Sg 5o oX kO gg " S "c P 3 - "j?" SP P P S AND Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. to, and satisfaction guaranteed in all eases. BUSINESS CARDS. X( C. IIOI.DKIV, OTAKY rUBLIC, AUCTIONEhR, COMMISSION AND SURAXCE AGENT. TK. .1. . SJIAFTRK, rHY.Il'IA. and'StrKC'EeX. (DKirrscnKE akzt.) DinenmcK oftheTlirvmtaSperialls'. Ofllce over Conn's Drug Store. T O. IIOZORTM, V. S. CAH-mlMlaaer, Xtay Pakflr ii; lawiaacriint. mattujffNM TaAiiJi"'!! 3m',llli& ;iH&twA iaa. fntPnnn '1it!-sflai -H-ronice m Pythlaa Blkiiri. Q.KI.O F. PiKKEK. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop CoHiity,aat City fAatarla Otfice :-Cheuamus street, Y.M.C. A. hall lioom No. 8. jci . wisTosr, Attorney and Counsciar at Law. ffB-Ofllce In Pythian Buildlns. Iteomi 11, 12. ASTOKIA, - - - OKEGON. TAY TL'TTXE, M. JD. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Okfick Over the Whlto House Store. Uksiokxck Over Elberson's Bakery, M liosite Uartli & Myers' Saloon. A I. FULTOX. 31. D. 1'hyHiciau and 8arveR. OFFICE Over A. V. Allen's grocery store. Jtooms, ut tho Tarker Home. "P P. HICKS, PENTIST, ASTORIA, ... - OKEGON Rooms in Allen's building up stairs, comer of Cass and Sqemocqho streets. J E. I. a FORCE. DENTIST Dental K001114 erer Cade" Stare Chenamus Street, - - Astoria, Oregon. J Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Clieiuinns Street. - ASTORIA, OKKGOU G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At C.ijit. Kocrs old stand, corner of Con and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons nude and repaired. Good work guaranteed. TAII.ORIWQ. Cleaning S Repairing. NFAT, CHEAP AND QUICK. BY KEOKUK L.OVETT. Main Street, opposite N. Loeb's, MAX. WAGNER'S 'bowling alley. MAX. WAGNER'S Agency for the Natimal Betr. Beer deli ered in any part of the city. Lost. October '.arm. about one mile above Tongue 1'oint, a snail-green. skiff, tvith onomir iron rowloe&s aaoaa' ttaJr oars in her. Oars branded on blade jTh. D. G. A reward of$3.Wm be pat to tt party returning her to ftls office. M