".'? -. rJl-. C31 lZkZl v - . " 2,'hv Unilu ?i$teJUm AbTOlUA, OREGON: FRIDAY XOVESIBEK 10, 18S2 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. 3'ouday ceitod. J. F. HAI,LORAN & COMPANY, luin.i-nKi:s ani rnorniKTOiu!. Axlanan Hnl!di)i:, Cass Jtresi. Terms of Subset iplion . orvod by Carrier, per weok .C3 Ccntf cntby mail, four iaonths.....-......SS 00 rnl by mail, ono year..................... . M) Free of Postngo to Subscribers. " Advertisements inserted by tbo year nt beratoof SI 50 per sjunro;or month. rrnnsioat advertising, by tho day or week, fty cent? ier square for each insertion. The Astoria Social Club to-niht. The Shubrick goes on a cruise to Cape Blanco this morning. The Idaho arrived in yesterday. Tho Walla Walla went eut: the Alu mina cleared. Nearly one million bricks arc being use in building the new Salem Homing mill. Mr. Kclsey, who owns an alleged gold mine in Centerville, W. T., is in the city disposing of slock. Tho timo of meeting of (he American Legion of Honor has been changed from Monday to Tuesday. There is a penalty of 25 for shooting one of the Mongolian pheas ants recently imported into this state. Portland is still infested with foot pads and prowlers, whose ideas on the acquisition of property are very vague. E. C. Holden advertises for sale at auction to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock, a fine Whitehall boat with furniture complete. A good chance for boatmen. According to the Chronicle the Seattle hotels are so crowded that late arrivals are obliged to sit up all night in the bar room, and bunk in the hall. Poor fellows. "I will bet you 20 that q-u-i-r-e spoils choir, a body of singers," is the newracket. Itcostsome of the boys$G0 to find that it is true. Pommy lle jmbfictoi. Here too. Gov. Moody has made arrange ments with the executors of the Hawthorne estate for the disposition of the insane patients until the new asylum is ready to receive them. Tho Dundee loaning institutions represented by Wm. Eeid, in Port land, have canceled all connection with that gentleman. The action oc casions considerable stir in Portland. Vessel own era are asking 60s for iron and 53s Gd for wood, for U. Iv., while shippers do not feel like giving over 5Gs 3d for iron and 52s Gd for wood to U. K., with continental options. Orcqoniun. The ladies of the Congregational church will hold a fair and festival at Liberty Hall this evening. Entertain ment for mind and body will bo fur nished and a very pleasant time may be anticipated. Good beef cattle are very scarce this season, and prices arc still on the rise. Steers which a year ago brought $20 aro now easily disposed of at prices ranging from $40 to S."i0. Yahlma Record. Tho Wall Street Indicator Jof Oct. 7th, claims that the Yaquina railroad belongs to the Union Pacific Railroad company, and will form one of tho outlets of that company to the Pacific coast via the Oregon Short Line. The Emma Hayward is still undergoing repairs here, the main portion of these being two large fresh water tanks, which are necessary to her running on the Sound, though of courso sho had no use for them in her Columbia river experience. Taeoma Ledger. The new time-table of the ocean steamers goes into cftect to-day. The Columbia arrives in, and the Queen goes out. After this, boats will ar rive from San Francisco on Mondays and Fridays, and leave for San Fran cisco on Wednesdays and Saturdays, making two trips a week each way. The State will arrive next Monday, tho 13th, and the Columbia will leave on Wednesday next, the loth. American hops were sold in Eng land on October 3d for SLOT per pound. Nine cents will pay all ex penses of production, and four more would place them in Liverpool, which, if present prices continue, would leave a handsome profit. Tho probable result, however, will be that tho present high prices will sot so many to raising hops that the market will be overdone in a few seasons. TThe Washington county folks are rightfully wrathy about the way that they are placed in the new judicial district. What in tlio world Wasco county was lugged in for and the terms of the court also inconveniently changed, is something the Washing tonians can't understand. Neither can the Astorians, for that matter; but thenitdoe'ant make any difference; thk end of the state doen't amount to much anyway. Some day, though, it will 1m jwpnMaiwl at Salem. The Clatsop Bridge Road. Astoria, Nov. 0, 'S2. En. Asteman: All of our people aro convinced of the great conveniences and benefits to I be derived from a bridge or bridges i across Young's river and Lewis and i Clarke and a good road thence to Clatsop plains, which shall be good at i all seasons in the year. It is not only j the earnest desire of the settlers of Clatsop plains to get their farm pro ducts easily and cheaply into market and without delay, but the people of Astoria arc just as anxious to have a jood easy drive for health, exercise and pleasure. The advantage to the county in being able to accommodate our summer visitors with a good ride to the sea-beach within six miles is also felt everywhere. The question is "how are the bridge or bridges and road to be builtl" In a rough estimate I believe it is thought they will cost 25.000 to $27,000. J have a plan to propose. Let the county commissioners authorize the expenditure of all the road tax monies collected in Astoria and upper Astoria in every other direction ex cepting on this road to Clatsop. That j is, let it all be expended in good roads to Jvnappa and Wcstport and Xchalem, and then let there be issued bonds of the county, to ran twenty years and bearing six or seven per cent interest for the twenty-seven thousand dollars necessary to build the bridge and road to Clatsop. These bonds, I an assured bj a prominent capitalist, will be sold at par. The interest on these bonds payable annually, will only amount to S1,G20 per year. We can postpone the building of a court-house for several years, and build this Clatsop road. Wc need the roads the most; not only leading to Clatfop but to every part of the county. I would suggest in having this plan carried out, that the wish of the ma jority of three-fourths of both the taxable property and voters of the county be first obtained through a petition to the commissioners. I would respectfully submit this plan to our county commissioners and the citizens of this county, with the hope that we may obtain better roads and more of them, and free roads for all. Ave. G. KlNXKY. Mr. G. W. Coflinberry, who has lately put up a new building near Hume's s.iw mill is now a resident of the city. The Gen. Miles will sail for Shoalwater bay this morning at 5 o'clock,to get a load of oysters for San Francisco. The difficulty in Portland con cerning the Oberon culminated yester day morning in a strike of the long shoremen. Pity that the work on the Odd Fellows Temple is suspended such fine weather as the present. Mr. ISIayo, the contractor, thinks he will be able to go ahead with it this sea son. The British ship Lake Ontario, Miller, niaster.SH days from Adelaide, arrived in last evening. She was ordered to the Columbia river from San Francisco at which port she arrived Oct. 2Cth. Last Monday a man named Shelby, was shot and fatally wounded, at Louisville, near the southern ter minus ot tne u. tv u. roau, uy a neighbor. Shelby had been abusing his wife until she was compelled to fly to a neighbor's house for safety. Shelby followed her and continued his persecution, and also began to abuse the neighbor's w ife. ller hus band coming in ordered him off. A quarrel ensued and the neighbor pick ing up a revolver shot Shelby. A suit in the justico court where in Wm. Miller was the plaintiff and A. P. Mordaunt and .Tas. liiley were defendants, on a charge of assault and battery, was terminated yesterday afternoon by being resolved into a case of kidnaping. Miller was the first mate of the British ship Wallace town, and brought suit against the above parties for alleged attempt to do great bodily injury. The testimony elicited was, in tho judgement of the court, sufficient to warrant the hold ing of the prisoners on a more serious charge. There is a little controversy now going on as to who was the first man to agitato the idea of a railroad across the Rocky mountains to the Pacific ocean. It is just as well to settle this now as any time. It was John H. Plumb, of Dubuque, Iowa, in 1833, at a meeting held there when that place was in tho territory of Wisconsin, who first publicly advocated the idea of such a national enterprise. Gen. Geo. Jones, Hon. A. C. Dodge, Governor Hempstead, and many other promi nent Iowans of that generation yet living, will vouch for the truth of this. Shipper & Rybkc. No. 11, Oak street Portland, arc the bon ton tailors of the metropolis. Furnished or unfurnished rooms for rent; the finest in the city and ma most desirable location. Inquire at A tokian oftice.- A very complete assortment of blank books, all sizes, styles and prices at the City book store. American Fables. A Wolf- who had arrived at a good old age and no longer folt able to go out and play the etriug-game on the Iunoccnt and Unconfiding, called his Son to him one day and said: "My cantankerous Offspring, 1 am growing old. 1 am stiff in tho joints, troubled with Dyspepsia, and .no lniipni1 have the sand to co out and ,- it ." ! nng bigger limn a year- j I feel that it is time for tackle anytl ling lamb, me to hang up The Son humbly agrced,and the old Wolf centinued: "I have managed, as yon arc aware, by strict attention to Poker, Faro and s few other Family Amusements, to laj' by some Sugar for my old age. I shall turn over everything to yon, Heloved Offspring, and depend upon you to care for me during the few brief years of my stay on Earth." "Excellent idea, Uovernor very excellent," replied the Son, and he went out behind the House to crack his Heels together and poke himself in the Pibs. That same evening the Old Wolf sat down for a Smoke, but .before he had drawn six whiffs from his Pipe the Beloved Son remarked: "That habit is both disgusting and expensive, and I'd advise you to quit."' The Pipe was laid aside, and tho Old Man -went to the cupboard to take a !Nip of J led Eye for Ms Stomach's sake. "And you also want to chop off on that,' observed the Beloved. "Whisky not only costs Money, but degrades the Intellect." The old Man replaced the Bottle with a heart-felt sigh and humbly in quired if there was any Cold Chicken left from supper. "Cold Chicken! Well, you have got cheek, and no mistake. If Codfish isn't good enough for yon, you'd bet ter Travel!" "You will at least peimit me to stay in the House over night, I hope,'' said the Father." "Why, I have no objection to your sleeping on the floor to-night, but you'd better Dig Out pretty early in the Morning." Then the Venerable Parent fell upon the Beloved Offspring and made his Heels break his Neck, and flung him out doors and over the Fence, and gave him to understand that henceforth he was a Wanderer and a Horso Thief. MOK.VL. Don't begin on the Old Folks too soon. Free Press. Arithmogryph. I am composed of 25 letters and a great author's name. My 23, 24, 20, 21, 22, 17 is a popu lar dance. My 10, 11, 25 is for safety. My 18, 19, S, 12, 13, 23 is to en tangle. My 14, 15, 7, 10 is the highest point. My 1, 2, 3, 4, 25 is a boy's name. My 5, 17, 15, 18 13 a disease. My 7, C, 8, 0 is a kin. "I'EIIALE COMPLAINTS." Dr. 11. V. Piekck, Buffalo, N. Y.: JJmr Sir I write to tell you what your "Favorite Prescription" has done for me. I had been a great suf ferer from female complaints, especi ally "dragging down," for over six years, during much of the time unable to work. I paid out hundreds of dol lars without any benefit till 1 took three bottles of the "Favorite Pre scription," and never had airything do me so much good in my life. I ad vise every sick lady to take it. Mits. EMILY RHOADS. McBridcs, Mich, Important A'otice. A full line of artist's materials con sisting of tube colors, sable brushes, picture varnishes, canvas, &c. &c. Ev erything an artist wants at A. M. Johnson &Co. The Peruvian syrup lias cured thou sands who were suffering from dyspep; sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph lets free to any address. Seth W. Fowlf i;Son" Uoston. Gkav hairs often cause annoyance, which Parker's Hair Balsam prevents by restoring the youthful color. Every lady should send 2. cents to Strawbridge A: Clothier, Philadelphia, and receive their Fashion Quarterly for 0 months. 1000 Engravings and 4 pages new music cacli issue. Carl Adler wishes to inform the public of the new lincot goods ho is receiving now. It is almost impossible to enumerate all. You should go and see yourself to appreciate his beautiful assortment of a little of every thing. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded day or night at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. Parlor organs, Chase organs and the celebrated Estey organ, just received at Adler's music store. It is worth seeing, goods at Carl Adler's. What4.1 Those We learn from A. M. Johnson & Co. that their pure ground Java Coffee is a pronounced success and is meeting with large sales. Shoalwater bay eysters: fresh every day, at Frank Fabre's. For sweet and tender elk meat, go to llawling's fruit store, Main street. Immense is the stock of bookS Adler is just receiving. Books by all celebrated writers. Anything you want in that line he can get you. Do you want to make a present? You will surely be suited at Adler's. Cadet blue and Terra Cotta note paper, the latest style, as well as a charming assortment of new styles papeteries, at Adlers. A. M. Jehsaen & Co";. Only genuine JJorax soap. One bar j will do more washing than any other, soap in the market, and will do it far bettor and easier. Try it. Coffee! Coe!! Coffee!!! A creat KAUGHPY Success! .Tiist,liJ& Jli l 1M OI a UUU1V icceived at A. SI. Johnson A- Co's. a , large invoice of puro .lava coffee ml three-pound tins, positively the best ground coffee in this or any other mar-1 k-t't. (U urmnted utrtctlu mire). Also. received large invoice of extra choice1 grwll java aim- Costa r jca cmv. 3Iel-l wj lJakinc .Powder is the lift-l fulli weight.no lottery, no framl. Try it ami oe convinced. ' CreatKuJ j 01 Ollllllg, GentS I 111- Tin- pure .lava Coffee old by A. M.l llislllll 2 Goods, CtC., .Johnson & Co. oZy, is having the larg- o 7 7 est ale oCany brand of prepared mflVe 4 c cmnvinnn rolnov ever brought to this market. tlL lh tlOllULO 1 ttlllLl 7 , illmii lo move it Call Heartily Recommended. Don't condemn a good thing because JUKI H'dt l bRl'flill Ol you have been deceived by worthless ' by nostruma. Parkers Ginger lomc has cured many in this section of nerv- ous disorders, and we recommend it I heaatily to such sufferers. iWirw, A CARIK To all who arc suffering from the i Tors and indiscretions yt youth, nerv-; ous weakness, early decay. loss of man hood, etc., 1 will send a recipe that will i kuiu Jim rucii.ur n.vi.vu,. x inn great remedy was discovered by a mis "ionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to tne iev. .Joeimi T. Ixm.yx, Station D, New York City. Convincing. In offering to everyone throughout the land a trial bottle of Syrup of Figs free of charge the California Fig Sj run Company is fully aware that it wcie fol ly to do so if the new remedy did not possess greater merit than any other ar- J ticie ever oucreu as a euro lor ouious ness and constipation. But knowing that every dose will convince the one who takes it of its cfliicacj', and make another friend for the remedy which is destined lo become universal, they wish everyone to try it. V. E. Dement. Drug gist, is agent for Astoria, Oregon. Hodge Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents. Portland Oregon. SOAP. Try our Borax Soap made cpreslv for us and guaranteed of superior iuaf ity. Can be used for any purpose, and will not injure the most delicate fabric. A fine toilet soap. A 31. Johnson Co. To tho Public I wi.th to inform the public that my establishment js the oxi.y pi.ack in Astoria that makes candy: I make the finest fresh candy every day. and this is more than any one else can say hero. Patronize home manufacture. Johx P. Ci.akx. It Toughens. llALI.'.S VKGKTAUr,: SICILIAN II AIK Rknkwki: is a scientific combination of some of the most powerful restorative agents in the vegetable kingdom. It re- sinrp; frmv hnir In il nrirmml i'ilir. It makes the scalp white and clean. It cures dandruff and humors, ami falling out of the hair. It furnishes the nutri tive principle by which the hair is nour ished and supported. It makes the hair moist, soft and glossy, and is unsur passed as a hair dressing. It is the mo.-t economical preparation ever offered to the public, as. its effects remain a long time, making only an occasional appli cation necessary. It is recommended and used by eminent medical men, and officially endorsed, by the State As&aycr of Massachusetts. The popularity of Halls Hair Rcncwcr lias iucrersed with the test of many years, both in this country and in foreign lands, and it is now known and used in all the civilied countries of the world. Fon Sale isy all Dkalk.i:. A cough, cold or sore throat should be stojvped. Neglect frequently' results in an incurable lung disease or consump tion. Urown's Bronchial troches do not disorder the stomach like cough yrups and balsams, but act directly on the in tlained parts, allaying irritation, give relief in asthma, bronchitis, coughs, catarrh, and the throat troubles which singers and public speakers are subject to. For thirty years Brown's bronchial troches have been recommended by physicians, and always give perfect satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an en tire generation, they have attained well merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. Sold at 2o cents a oox everywhere. SOZODOXT toughens the gums and makes them healthy, so that they hold in the teeth firmly. It removes tartar, gives comfort, is economical of health and money, and when once used will never be given up.. Try SOZODONT. Wilholt mineral water, fresh and sparkling, at F. B. Klbcrson's. Adler's stock of goods now opening will be sold at the lowest prices. Albums, decalcoinanie, stamp col lections, etc., in endless variety at Ad ler's. All the patent medicines adertied in this paper, together with the choicest perfumerv, and toilet articles, etc can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occiden hetel, Astoria. For the genuine J. II. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best ol wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call attheGem opposite the bell tower, and see Camp bell. Chatterbox, year, at Adler's. Wideawake for thi Two Surgeons representing the NA- 0TrX' l r CTTIflTrA I. lYWITl'Tl'mf Indianapolis, Philadelphia. Atlanta t!a., and San Francisco, will be in Poirr i.and, Oiikgon. at the St. Charles Jim tel, f rom 2ibv. 2d to the 11th inclusive, prepared with an expensive outfit of the most approved apparatus, for the treat ment of all cases of disease of the spine, hip, knee, ankle, crooked limbs, club feet, &c, &c. They will be prepared to make the most difficult surgical opera tions, including cataract, cross eyes, hare lip. deformities of the face, divid ing tendons, operations for disease of the genital organs, piles, fistula, &c. A rare opportunity is offered those need ing their services. Old patients especi ally requested to visit them. "IJackmetack," a lasting and fra grant perfume. I'ricefJS and Z0 cents. Sold by W.E. Dement l'rof. J. F. .Meyer wishes to inform the public and his pupils that he is now settled and intends remaining here. He is prepared to give music and also French lessons. Scholars practicing will find every convenience for study and improvement, at his residence. Jlis experience renders this an opportunity which it is worth while to any one to embrace. Mrs. E.K. Kinkers improved sys tem of Dress Cutting by chart is ac knowledged to be the best. 3Irs. S. T. McKean Is agent for Clatsop county, and is prepared to teach all who wish to avail themselves of the opportunity new presented. Residence, corner of Lafayette and Squemocqua Sts. Astoria. Have you tried a stew or pan roast as Frank Fabre cooks It ? Order one and you'll thank us for the advice. ! Removal ! Removal ! I I will soon movej into the new build- - rkrrminrl Ivtr 11 U UUvAljJltLl uy -n ii i t"t " j. ( Tft UlCiv S T 111111 tlll'e. ef rvr oiirl will c?rvll MOIL, tlllU W 111 btJll . ofU f 1H TiHC StOCk Ol J M. D. KANT, 'ju v. Merchant Tailor, Hatter and Clothier. Win flow Shades. Wall Paper. The finest Hvortiwnt of wall iianer I and window shade.-, ever brought to Astoria at M. Olsens furniture store. Xiwe-t t yk and lc . lowest priee. OyterM! Oysters !! ., t,ni. Kill , ?,, ovurr riS, f"hiH.?,V.ipV." ,w J nh fl0m tlu ""1-. c cr. da . st vie. Mothers should Know It. Fretful babies cannot help disturb ing everybody, and mothers should know how soothing Parker's Ginger Tonic is. It stops babies pains, makes them healthy, relieves their own anxi- etv and is sate to use. Journal. Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of blnlolis vitnlizer. it never fails to cure. Sold bv W. E. Dement. Have Wistar's bafeain of wild cherry always at hand. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in fluenza, consumption, and all throat and jung complaints. 30 cents andj-Sl a bot tle. Now open at Adler's a fine line of work baskets, infant's baskets, and baskets of all borts. Fancy soaps and perfumery of all kinds can be found at .J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel. Shiloii's Cum: will immediately relieve Croup, whooping cough and IJronchif is. bold by W. E. Dement. .Mr. .John Kogers of the Central Mar kct, has made arrangements to keep al he finest fresh lish, etc., in their season Hallo! Where are you going V Why to Frank Fabre's for a pan roast. Are you made miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation. Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin '.' Shiloh's Vital izcr is a positive cure. For sale by W. E. Dement. Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedy a poai the cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Canker Moulli. Sold by W. E. Dement. If you want something really go to Carl Adler's. fine Best cough candv at Oerkwitz's op posite Bell tower. I. J. 'ioodman, on Chenamus street, has ju.-l received the latest and mo&t fashionable stylo of gents and ladies boots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for the famous Morrow 'shoes. MAKTIN KOAKP. J. .1. STOKES FOARD & STOKES, Yliolesalc and retail dealers In Wood unci Willow-ware, GROCERIES, Tobacco. Cigars, Wines and Liquors KOUEUiX AND DOMESTIC Fruits (aid Vegetables. FLOUR, FEED, ASH COUNT PvY PRODUCE. ANI General Commission Merchants ASTOKIA. OltJEUOX. Next lo Oregon Railway & X:iv. co's Dock, iltw A. V. Allen, (SUCCKSSOU TO I'AOB it AL1.KN.) Wholesale and retail lealer In i Provision, Glass and Plated Ware, TKOHCAI AND DOMESTIC! FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Tojrellnr witn Wines, Liiinors, Tobacco Ciaars A. Tan Dusen & Co. X70ULI) JIKSPECTFUIJ.Y CA1.L THE attention of the Public to the fact that thev are Apeiits for the following sowing machines, vu : TIte Improved. Singer. The White, The Crown Ami The JBldritlsc. Which they aro selling from 533. to $.0. earh and defy Competition. roroii wishing to purchase machines should call and inspect our stock before pur chasing eleYhcrc, as we guarantee to give perfect satisfaction as regards quality and price. Notice. IUEHEBY AITOIXT MB. THOMAS Uoelllne nv asent, during my absence from the city. J. G. HUSTLER. -School Tax Notice. TO THE TAX PAYERS OF SCHOOL Dis trict No. 18. Clatsop county Oregon : You are hereby notified that the assessment roll for the school tax in district No. 18, for the year 1SSJ, is completed and Is now In ray hands for thenextsixty days from date here of. Tay your taxes in time and save costs. C. W. SHIVELY. Clerk School District No. is. Astoria, Org, October 2lst, 1SS2. dtd C. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. TIHIE i! THE X.SADXXTC Dry Goods Clothing- House OF ASTOBX&. NEW Am DECIDED Every Department Filled to OveriowiagI DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. In this department will be found the Latest Styles with Trimmings to match, comprising recent importations of new and decided novelties, NOT OBTAINABLE ELSEWHERE. Among the many colors in our extensive line of fall materials may be mentioned Terra Cotta. Hussar, Juinbo, Plniu. Garnet, Mvrtlc. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT-COMPLETE LINE OF Blankets, Flannels, Comforters, Bert Spreads, Sheetings, Napkins, Table Linen. Towels, Etc., Etc. Hosiery and Underwear Department. We are showing complete lilies in Ladies and Children's Hosiery i Underwear CLOAK DEPARTMENT. In our Cloak room will be found Pompadours, Circulars, Ulsters, Dolmans, Jackets, Wraps, etc. While directing attention to this department we feel confident in asserting that our styles are not only the newest, but our prices are exceedingly moderate. c. HB COOP (KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS BUILDING.) Astoria, November 1, 1882. FALL IMPORTATIONS ! -AT We are receiving by every steamer new additions to our stock of Dry Goods. Notions, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Suitable for the season. Flannels, WBiBrpmfB3 Hmtei?y3 Bteaki9, EU, Our stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Plushes, etc., show a large variety. Also an elegant line of Ladies' and Children's CLOAKS, ULSTERS, RUSSIAN CIRCULARS, WALKING JACKETS, DOLMANS, ETC. Our tables are covered with the nicest selection of Fichus, Ties, Collarettes and Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. OUR MOTTO; QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFIT. We Study to 1Ieas. "Samples sent free to any address on application. a r .i .ii .i c : ci,i e.: 2-2? fgents ior tne Machine. Id. a. TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, OCCIITOXT BLOCK. AM. Men's Furnishing Goods, White i Scarlet Underwear, all Wool. Fine Selection of Neck-wear, Hosiery, Gloves, etc. CLOTHING! Overcoats, Ulsters, Business Suits, The largest and most complete stock of CI.OTIIS. WORSTEDS. CASSI.1IERES. ETC.. ETC. ffK'Suit': made to order at short nntlre. Host Workmanship and fit guaranteed. For Sale. Qfkfi ACRES TIMBER LAND in T. 9 N, 0JO K. 7 West. Title good ; price rea sonable ; terms cash. J. O. EOZORTH, Real Estate Agent IIXIL ATTRAWNB I Cadet Blue, Bronze, Wine, Seal, Navy, Brique. THE- ceieoraieu opuiiuciu ocwmg PRAEL BROTHERS. Xext Door to Pythian Ilall. cINTOSH ASTORIA, OREGON. KIXIW OK- THIS PAPER may be found oa file at Geo. P. ROWZLXr C CO'S Newspaper Advert king ains Bar Bureau (10 Spruce Strcct),whcrc adver tUtngcontracts may be made Cor It la NEWYORK. -- 1. '