. T H jr" o Vol. XVIII. Astoria, Oregon, Friday Morning, November 10, 1882. STo.35. - SP? ffle Stetwkm t THE NEWER ARITHMETIC. If it costs $ to make use of an oath in New Jeise, how much will it cost a man to swear all day in Iowa? v A merchant finds himself with 300 in bad debts on hand, and he divides the amount to make fifty of his best customers foot the bill. How much did each one have to pay? A political candidate promises the position of market clerk to 230 different friends, and after the elec tion gives it to his uncle. Find words to express the feclinsjs of the 320. If it takes S woi th of coal to keep one 10 cent house plant through the winter, how much coal will it take to carry ten of the plants through the season? In a city of 100,000 people there are 2,000 men who carry umbrel las and canes on their shoulders without reference to pedestrians. If a man kicks sixteen of these chaps per day, how long would it take to iret around to the last batch? A lady pays &7 for a pair of fash ionable shoes and endures $14 worth of agony for every mile she walks. How much aironv would she endure in walking there weeks? A young man engaged to three different girls is obliged to tell twenty-two lies per week to pre vent discovery. How many lies would he tell in six months? If a man finds seventeen inches of tarred rope in on one plug of tobacco, how many inches will lie find in twenty-two plugs? If it takes a fall of twenty-eight feet from a chestnut tree to break a boy's arm, how far must he fall to break his neck? On a certain political ticket there are fourteen candidates; each candidate is the victim of 526 lies. "What is the total number of lies? Detroit Free Press. A Hard Life. An Italian peasant has written a work called "The Voice of a Peasant," describing the hardships of his class, which is attracting: attention from the European press, and may lead to important results. Here is his picture of the agricultural laberer: "1 magine that it is in the middle of winter. The peasant must be in the field at sun rise, and after four or five hours of fatiguing work he is per mitted to repose and refresh him self for a short hour. Seated on a stone or on the naked earth, he takes from a basket or cloth a few slices of badly cooked polenta, and warms them at an impoverished fire, together with a bit of rancid herring, and with this miserable food recuperates his exhausted strength. At times he varies the diet, eating his polenta with a few dried figs, or a moldy crust of cheese, or four small pickled fishes, or a few edible snails, or a pair of frogs cooked in stuff that is sold for olive oil, but is nothing more than unwholesome crease." The evening meal is no more inviting, comprising a few leaves of lettuce, a scanty quantity of oil and vine gar, or instead a herring, a little bread, an apple, or radish, onions, garlic, or something of the sort. Governor Newell pronounces the settlements made in the Chehalis river valley and tributary valley to be upon as fine agricultural lands as those in the counties previously mentioned. The settlers for some months have been busy clearing and preparing for next season's work. Farmers and stockmen in all the sections he visited were making settlements and taking early advantage of the splendid opportunities, offered to active men . CJwoniclc Millers from Minneapolis are in Salem superintending tne con struction of the new flouring mills there. They say that Oregon wheat makes more flour to the bushel than any in the world and that the Minneapolis millers will be large purchasers of .this wheat wfcen the railroad is completed, if tCMMpoftfttxm is not too high. The Granite Monument to the Dead i at Big Hole. The monument ordered b' tho goernmentto be placed on the battlefield at Big Hole, M. T., where General Gibbon fought the Nez Perces, under Chief Joseph, xVugust 7, 1877, is in thice sec tions. The base is about SxS feet in size and two feet thick. xbovc this rises a solid block seven and one-half feet square at the base and tapering to about twelve inches square and then pointed, this shaft being five and one-haif feet in height. Upon one side of the middle section of the monu ment is carved the werds: "Erected by the United States." On the other side is inscribed the follewing: 'To the oiliceis and soldiers of the Arm', and citizens of Montana, who fell at Big Hole, August 7, 1877, in a battle with the Nez Perces Indians." Upon the third side is engraved the fol fel fol eowing: "On this field seventeen officers and 1SS enlisted men of the United States Infantry, under its Colonel, Brevet Major General John Gibbon, with eight other soldiers and thirty-eight citizens, surprised and fought all da a superior force of Nez Perces, Indians, more than one-third the command being killed and wounded." Upon the reverse side are the names of those known to have fallen upon the field. CL The Great Novelist's Opinion. "What is it to die if it is not to live forever? These millions of woilds above, which call us by their radiant symphony, bear me witness. And beyond these mil lions of worlds, what is there? The infinite, alwas the infinite. If I pronounce the name of God, I bring a smile from the lips of some who do not believe in God. Why do they not believe in God? Be cause they believe only in the vital forces of Nature. But what is Na ture? Without God 'tis, but a grain of sand. This is looking on the small side of things because the great side dazzles us too much. But I believe in the great side. What is the earth? A cradle and a tomb! And even as a cradle has its beginnings, so the tomb has its dawning for the dead; it is a door closed indeed to the world, but opening upon worlds of which we may now only obtain a far-distant glimpse. Messieurs, believe if you will, that I shall be buried to-morrow or in ten years to come I feel within me that the tomb will not hold me prisoner; 1 feel that your six feet of earth will not be able to make night where I am lying; your earth-worms shall devour all that is perishable in my frame, but that something which is the life of my brain the life of my eyes the life of my ears, my forehead and m lips, can be destroyed by no power on earth. Victor Hugo. Lately, very little has been said about the progress of the N. P. Pi. I. Co.'s work on the north bank of the Columbia river, in Klickitat county. The Sentinel learns that the camps are now at Hellgate, this side of Celilo, and that two gangs of men, 75 in all, are work ing both ways, grading and pre paring a road bed. At one place they are blasting out solid rock which is 9S feet in height; some times as many as 100 blasts are let off at once. Their mode of drill ing the rock is peculiar -and dan gerous, the men who drill and pre pare the blasts being let down by ropes over the face of the cliff, and when all are in readiness are drawn up to a place of safety. The Sentinel's informant states that when the numerous blasts are let off it makes it very lively, boulders flving in every direction. He thinks the railroad company means business, and, and as the work is expensive to an extreme, and the thoroughness with which it is done nency. Do you'pfayJttaBji o, lootrti l nave In my 1 With tl She plajBM (j&itew! HI! "wsss-r-iiss: Lfc-i"g ty ypt-TyiMCi m&4&vvii&mM!. ' 32ne:j& -.2-7-c gr. . w. . l r.HvVi wumynmum ll BLggE y wmjmixmuim :v mWm??SH&r&?mrtlWjky--m?7 TJb. zZ smtfmns.:"jLz:rr.zt Lc-iifi.'ij?zzz-f "La :jt:-A'j Li'.y.. "r-w.-:'iL-5i--ii?'-; -.tusrcr-. mhma'-x- .-n,i iKAJMrjiaj.jrj!;Kip . ixm&i naLmr.km-- - r-r irriiiiii rrTiiiii tt - iwtMWi Tm n r- irv--vn-rT- .rvv.r-irf-.; ij&u &). - ,0. ; . i tioi; jb. jr rf i i . !. Ai .n i "w . r.TR . a tj, ciri "'.irM-5 nc j. kL 7 ' aihBiBTim mi imim a m i mi 1 tt i i tmi - Brr --- v.-- -vj wwg-c zjl4-2 swmmmmmi mMum m mu 'mazvrsn&rznzM&xnxz iSaXS.jiVs -m &-, .j; ss:ssam. ywawBrksyjiii'iiii wiwpi -mmimiM mmmmmmaBrMmm &fTt&im&7 Thanksgiving Proclamation. STiKorOi:rcso.KFCCTiKOyi n K. Sa i.km. Nov. s. I W. j In accordance with a .custom lonjr established and in puisuance of a recommendation of Chester A. Arthur, president of the United States, 1 recommend that Thurs day, the 30th day of November, A. D. 1S82, be observed by all the people of this commonwealth as a day of thanksgiving and praj'er to the Supreme Ruler of the universe, who has vouchsafed to us blessings innumerable during the year just past. Ho has grant ed abundant harvests to the hus bandman, prosperity to our com mercial interests and general health to all of our people. For these and all other blessings which have been our portion, I would recommend that upon the day named all secular business be dispensed with and that our peo ple assemble at their xespective houses, of wcrship and in true sympathy with the purposes of this proclamation give unto God thanksgiving and praise for his many mercies. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of state to bo affixed thereto. Done at the capitol at :;alcm tWs gth dftV of November, A. D. 1S82. Z. F. Moodv, Seal of slate. Governor. By the Governer: Pi. P. EaRHaKT, Secretary of State. In Huron, D. T., not long since, the citizens assembled to hear the result of the election. They were all impatient to learn the vote on Judge of Probate. The clerk read the returns for county com missioner. Bather the county commissioner! We don't care anything about that. Go on to the next." "For register of deeds ' "Go on! Go on!" "For sheriff " "No matter about the sheriff. Go on to probate judge! Probate judge!" cried scores of voices. "I am sorry to announce that the vote for pro bate judge is a tie, and that there is no election to that office." Fierce cries of fraud and treachery arose, and figures were demanded. "Gentlemen," said the clerk, "there were 2,27S votes cast. There are 2,27S names. Each received one vote. Every man voted for himself." Detroit Tree Press. Hon. A. It. Burbank marketed two calves last week that we con sider hard to beat. One was six months old and weighed 32G pounds, after being dressed and hung up over night. The other was three and a half months old, and weighed 227 pounds after be ing dressed. Register. The constitution of the state provides that no law shall take effect until 90 days after the ad journment of the legislature which enacts it, unless otherwise specified in the bill. The game law introduced by Senator Prim follows the ordinary course, and will become operative on the 11th of Januarv next. Oscar Patterson, who resides near Sumner, killed a hog last week which weighed 193 pounds. It had been in the pen 152 days and as it weighed only ten pounds when put in, it gained 185 pounds in 152 days, an average of one pound three and a half ounces per day. Coos Day News. "I sprained my ankle sometime ago, and suffered seriously from the pain and swelling,1' writes Mr. George Stevens, Peabody, Mass., "its a last resort 1 used St. Jacobs Oil. Three applications cured entirely. me Mothers should Know It Fretful babies cannot help disturb ing everybody, and mothers should know how soothing Parker's Ginger Tonic-is. It stons babies naius. makes them JaliyriySithfor-own anxi- mTT.itr'i: I:MW5Viwjfr.'ij TW?tei?iT ' QhLLB iI-TT-Sr L'i '""-' " -f "5 ..' t'ii.i miifT- 3KT-.. -TOi7 r, 7'''HtHAJMniMIWIU.Italiu: wm&b&3&eBmw fT2&J&15JIELEi' aflKSaWSSHPBBBMSiaS grf": t - rwrt pfc wf v if nTnif ; -ih i .vi win i ! 11 m ' iiii'ii m ii up i i i ivv& &2 !---. i Hi'imm i in i iiiiii VJlLiljilll XM i TV iBi i mMim P" I JIIKBiaPa"P I FOB RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. T -- V ; . , . T I u aafe, sure, simple and cheap External Bemedy. A trial entils but the coraporaUrely trifling outlay of 50 Cent, and every one uffer- I lib Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil ing with pain can haTo cheap and positive proof of Its claims. Direction in Eleven Langusge. BOLD BY ALL DBUGGIST8 AND DEALEE3 IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Xd., V.S.A. Eipfht cents per pound is offered for hauling freight from the end of the N. P. track to Missoula, 120 miles. Tallyrand once said: "What I have been taught T have forgotten; what I know X have guessed." In the last respect he was a sew ing society all by himself. The inquiry into the .Teannette disaster will probably establish the iact'that shewas Host in the Arctic regions, and the court of inquir will then known what everybody else knew a year ago. The Xew York"lIerald had twenty samples of lager analyzed, and nothing deleterious to health could be found in an of thctn. Twenty samples of di inking water would have shown a record to aston ish the reader. A LETTER FH9KI GERMANY. si i. u, January ! 18S2. Very cMeciiiiuI sirs: The praise jour Liver Pills liac called forth here is wonderful. After taking ono and a half boc of j our genuine 1)K. C. McLANII'S LIVKR PIMA. I hai en tirely recovered from my four ears' uil-r-iiiK. All who know me wonder how I, who, for so many years, had no npiu'tite, and could not sleep for backache. Miuli in my .side, and general stomach com plaints, could haC recovered. An old lady in our city, who lnt-sMurorcd for many years from kidney disease ami the doctors, hadgiveu her up. took lumif your 1M1K nnd sot more relief than .il(. has from all the tlcton. Yours rul . j. vox ii:i: i:j:h;. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine arc never sugar-coated. Kvery box has a red wax .seal on the lid, with the impressien: McLaneN !.icr Pill. The genuine McLANK'S i.IVinc PIIXS bear the signature of C. JlrUmi and Fleming Rros. on the wrappers. Insist upon having the genuine 1K. '. McXAXK'S MVKK PIMLS, prepan-d lv Fleming Hros., or Pittsburgh, Pa., tl.e market being full of Imitations of i In flame McLnue, spelled differently, hut of same pronuaciation. If your itorckecier does not hac the genuine K. C. 3IcI.A"ir. CKI.i: llRATED LIYKR PILLS, .send u- UT cents, and we wifl send you a box l iiinH, and a set of our advertising cards. FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh. Pa. J" CELEBRATED fA iffis Old fasliionablo roincdics aro rapidly gi ins ground beforo the advance of this conquering specific, and old fashioned ideas in regard to depiction as a aeans ot eu.-UTt Me qme ilTIMTIK. -fl. I rTTHtffclTTT IMIWMi IIT1ITT 'ROSCOPS FIRST Ovster Saloon. CLASS nr.VAMrs sTirnrr, astoria. nmiK .'ndersigxed is pleased to X. announce to t It- puhlithat helms op- Piled .1 FIK.ST CLASS Ami fiirnKhe-. in hrt-plassstl' OYSTERS. HOT COFFEE TEA. ETC. AT TOE Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon. CHENAMUS STREET. Please gie me a call. ROSCOEIDIXON, Proprietor A. 3H. JOHNSON & Co., Ship Mailers ai Grocers. ISo(" ami Cordage oFall kinds, ISIorli.. l;iciii ami rtlctluliiioof nil sl. 1 The (cmiSiie Ja'Csoh's NVolcli j Salmon net Twines. ' ZUeriimiI Twines: Canvas, all 5eN: Copper TipeI Oars. Tlte best assortment of G ROCERIES In Town. The Rest COFKEES and TEAS. Try otir Melrose Baiting Powder Poiti elj the bet v er made. j ckMaraar-Ei GOODS HI illl MUM'S llllt IWI UJ I1CSI 1 U.'KLIS. , . ,,,,,, , , Rwhardson ami ISolilim Canned (5ood Terms Cash. Profit Sm nil. of all Kinds put up b best PacKtrs. es-r;iVK rs a call-sh WILLIAM EDGATt, Corn or Main nnd Chenamus Streets, ASTOUIA OREGON DEAI.l R 13 CIGARS AND TOBACCO. The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE WOSTENHOLM and other Hngli3h Cullory. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Heershaum Pipes, etc. A fine stock of lVatehe ami Jewelry, Xazzle and llrceeli Jjoariiiic Shot Gbbh antt Rifles, Revolvers, Pistol, ami Ammunition .HAKIXE GIj asses ALSO A FIXE Avoortincnt of Tine S1TCTACLKS and EYE GLASSES. B. B. FRANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, Comer Cass and Squemofjlie streets, ASTOKIA. --- - OREGON DKAI.KK IN WALL PAPER AXI) WINDOW SHADES AND UNDERTAKERS GOODS. MAGNUS G. CROSBY, Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, mil, Iron Pipe and Fittings, PI.l' MISERS AXD STEAM FITTERS Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER, Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch, M Nouu. Out lln.t class ork men employed. -"V. Aase swortiR6t u( aiFis- jb -t ' ry '.& it .J5.-f3JaSS3l?.fci im'iYstr 2 Im. ' H q z 5 r- g i mo s ;, S Sfg safsZ Vh 5 3X so g ? ? 3 ffl I I :?f P O H " P " WILLIAM HOWE dei.i:k Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms, Lumber. All kind of OAK LUMBER, J GLASS. Boat Material. Etc. ggfi!Sgps Boats of all Sinds Made to Order, j JOnlers from a ('Manic promptly attemlril MISCELLANEOUS. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BRTOX STltKET, XKVi: rAIlvKHHOU8F, ASTOKIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND DOILER MAKERS. LMDiMlRIHHS Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. Or all Descriptions made to Order at Short Xotlrc. A. D. "Wass, President. .T. ('. Hustler, Secretary. I. "W. Cask, Treasurer. , JonxFox, Superintendent S. ARNDT & EERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BIACKSMITII - SHOP AM) Boiler, Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AXD STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. n. F. STEVEN'S. V. S. 15ROWN CITY BOOK STORE. Where on will luul all tlio standard works of the day, and a constantly changing stock of novelties and fancj articles: we keep the lit'st assortment of variety goods in the city. Pocket Books. Picture Frames, Steroscopes, Mu sical Instruments, Sheet Music, Bijou terie, & Celluloid Goods, etc., etc. n P. STEVEN'S & CO. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DEATHS IN Iron. Steel, Coal. Anchors, Ghains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WROUGHT AND CUT GALVANIZED SPIKES. Kails, Cejtpcr Nails and Burr, flwlf Hariwut, flints a&i Oili ft md'Jt.pfMhq of all Kinds. ,y rwmiiiniii: S'Sffrt si.tiiT 'iJ . . ' '-jSr-iirZ ; jj&D jPfcTf J ! in AND Bracket Work a sri:crAi.TY. to, :mt -.attraction guaranteed in all cases. BUSINESS CARDS. T C. HOLDKN, OTAKT PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND SURANCE AGENT. TK. .1. C. SIIArTER, ' I-HVSICIA aad SVKCEttX. (I)EUTSCHt AKZT.) liHcaef oftlie Throat a Specially. Ofllce ocr Conn's Drug Store. J O. KOZORTH, If. S. ComiiiiviioHer, Notary Pablir. aad iBsaraace Aceat. Agent lor the Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins. Co. of Hamburg, Germany, and ol the Trar clcrs' Lifo and Accident Ins. Co., of Hart ford. Conn. 8-0fllce 111 Pj tliian Building. Rooms 11, 12. i F.IiO F. PARKER. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop Conuty,aBil City ef Astoria Olllce :-Cheuamus street, Y. M. C. A. hall Room No. 8. 1 . wiJiToar, Attorney and Counselor at Law. fi8-0fllce in Ji thian Building. Rooms 11,12. ASTORIA, --- - OREGON. XAlt TUTTIiE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOU Okfick 0er the White House Store. Kesidkjck Over Elberson's Rakerj . op posite Barth & Mers Saloon. A Ii. FUIiTOX, M. . Flij-Mician and Morgeen. OFriCE 0er A. V.Allen'3 groccrj- store. Rooms, at the Tarker House. XI 1. I1ICKM, PENTIST, ASTORIA, --. - OREGON Rooms in Allen's building up stairs, coriier of Cass and Sqeinocqhe streets. TK. fin FORCE. DENTIST Uc11t.1l Knotns ocr 1'ase's Store. Chenamus Street. - - Astoria, Oregon. J Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LA AY. Chenamus Street. - ASTORIA. OREGON G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Rogers old staud, comer of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. TAX.ORIWGK Cleaning Repairing. NEAT, CHEAP AND QUICK. BY VEOKCiE L.OVETT. Main Street, opposite N. Loeb's. MAX. WAGNER'S ROWLING ALLEY. MAX. WAGNER'S r . M .mm '..ifr'i'rJ BVj twT IK RivRISt Ber deliver imy Prt i&iitf& Z3i " . . .. eV-J& SsSM? rsKft&g 7 ? i- v I -w-wSJ Sv M