- .t ' r J" jf v ' - - v' 1 . '"- ' !$$&?.- -"' t 'V CJ 'Ci She au Estate. AbTOKIA, OREGON: -THUltSD.YY NOVEMBER !), 1SS2 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. Monday Kxcopted. J. I HALLORAN & COMPANY, rn-.i.isHEUs ami PnoririCTOK. A-tturutn Bittfdbt'j, Cass Street. Terms of Subscription .- ervad by Carrier, per week -.25 Cents ent by mail, four months.... ...... 00 ent by mail, one year..... .... ....... 3 Wi Free of Postaso to Subscribers. -r Advertisements msortod by the year at he rate of SI 50 per sr-iare per month. Transient adrertisinir, by the day or week, Ifty cents per square for each insortion. The Alumina and Stonewall .Tack son arc cotniti" down the river. By last night's mail we received the Seattle Post-Intelligencer of (Jet 24th. Thos. A.McUridehas been appoint ed prosecuting attorney for this judi cial district. T. A. Orcuit is building a neat littlo craft at Ranter, and will launch it en Saturday. "Prof." Scott, who gave ont:door concerts in this city a few weeks ago, is drawing crowded houses on the up per Sound. Portland companies furnish the electric light for $20 a month. We will be content to work along by gas light for a 3'ear or so. The Welcome thinks it is among the possibiltics that Judge Doady will be promoted to the circuit, and that Cyrus Dolph will be appointed to suc ceed hint. - The hospital at Hilifax, 2S". S., was bunted last Tuesday night: some forty unfortunates perished miserably in the flames, it being impossible to rescue them. Parties in from the offing say that the water spout seen off Tillamook laRt eek was the first they had ever seen north of San Francisco. It was unusual v larqe and well-defined. The J. W. Marr, Coloma and Robt. Dixon went to sea -yesterday. Tito Whistler and another bark crossed in to load at Knappton. The Heli con is alonsidc the dock and begins discharging to-day. Gov. .Newell, who is working for the construction of a road towards the Chchalis river and Gray's Harbor, says that before anything can really be done, people at home must interest thomselves to some extent in it. Se attle Chronicle Yea, verily. Frmra Washington territory, so iar, etecu-iri returns are meager. Wallicut prec-jnet, Pacific county, went solid Flepublican. At Stark's Point, Wahkiakum county, Brents get 14 voUas, Israel 13, the rest of the ticket TV.nt Democratic. N'othing has been heard of the now paper in Portland that was going to 'nako it hot for the Oregonian, for some time. The material is said to be on the wharf in boxes; the other paper the Argus will be issued in a few d:i3T3. Ireland says he doesn't want any paper in his. The Chinese are way into Portland burrowing their thoroughfares. Last week one-fourth of the block on Third and Morrison streets was sold to a Chinese firm for $50,000. The Mongolians arc capturing the north side of Chcnamus street, in Astoria, above Main. The property there is desirable.but the influx of Chinese will depreciate rents in that vicinity. Tito hills about Astoria looked beautiful in the radiant sunlight yesterday afternoon. In the years to come when those hills are ail graded down and street cable cars make five minute trips to the suburban villages on Young's bay, the old Astorians will tell of the wonderful growth of fir and fern, of moss and maple, of vines and verdure that grew "in that very spot," "when Astoria was only a little place of 3,000 or 4,000 peo ple." In 1850, Orovillc, Cala., was al most totally destroyed by a fire, which originated in Chinatown. By imme- uiate ordinance tnc uxuncse were re stricted to a certain quarter of the place, and placed in definitely pre scribed limits. Since then the Oro ville Chinatown has been burned out fivo times; SI 00 would cover all dam ago to white residents occasioned by these fires. There is a healthy, well developed moral to the above, a3 re gards Astoria, Portland Firemen. Among the members of the Port laud fire department the question arises what is to be done with the property on hand, as they will soon disband. It is suggested that all possible bo realized towards procuring sufficient funds for the perpetuation of the exempt fireman's association. Another proposition is to have each "company appropriate five hundred dollars for the improvement and re pair of the firemen's plat in the cemetery; others want to have a "blow out,"' a grand whoop up at the tine they are mattered out. The ewttry proposition seems to meet witt the mtt favor, lEASTERN'ECHOES. A Gold Day For Bossism. The Empire and Keystone States Repudiate the Gaggers. The Republican Party Unloads foraj Triumph in 1884. ; The results of last Tuesday's elec tion throughout the United States arc not yet fully known, but enough has come across the wires to confirm what neatly everyone had already surmised that the Republican candidates would be beaten, in 2sev York and Pennsylvania, and that the Democrats would mike large congressional gains. It seems certain that in !New York, G rover Cleveland, the Democratic candidate for governor, is elected by 150,000 majority, lints electing a Democratic governor for the first time in eight 3-cars, Sim Tilden having swept the state in 1874. Xew York gave Gat field 21,03:5, which shows the extent of the rebuke the voters of the Empire state have administered to Messrs. Arthur, Conkling, Folgcr : Co. In Pennsylvania, which is always good for 30,000 Republican majority, Patterson, the Democratic candidate for governor, runs 20,000 ahead of his Republican competiter: that is the first time Pennsylvania has elect ed a Democratic governor since Pen nypacker was elected in 1S50, and il lustrates how ntcely Don Cameron and the Philadelphia "ifysterious Pilgrim Club" have been scooped. In a square fight Pennsylvania is as good for a Republican majority :ts Iowa, but steady-going Pennsylvanians, for once, "bucked" and flung their would be riders in the ditch. In Massachu setts, Ben Butler has finally got in as governor. Ten 'years ago we heard hiin say that a "Democrat was bo near hell that he smelt of sulphur," but ten years is a long time in the life of a politician. The other states show, in the aggre gate, a Republican loss, though Mahone carries Virginia by 25,000 majority; Nebraska defeats the woman suffrage amcudmcnt;prohibitinu figured promi nently in a good many state canvases and got a black eye. Following is the latest up to the closing of the telegraph office. (srix'i.u, to Tin: astokia) PoKTL.MfD, Xov. 8, 7:45 r. m. It is now almost definitely settled that Cleveland's majorit' m Xcw York will not be less than 150,000. The Demo crats claim California by 10,000 ma jority; Stoneman's election is assured; there is nothing so far to indicate how the congressional districts have gone, though the Democrats have probably elected four out of six congressmen. In Nevada it is probable the Demo crats elect Jewctt Adams governor; C. C. Powning, the Republican candidate for, congress will probably pull through; -the Mormons in Lincoln county went back on C.issidy and voted solid for Powning. The Re publicans make a clean sweep in Illi nois, carrying the stale by 20,000 ma jority, and gain one congressman in Indiana. St. John, the Republican candidato for governor of Kansas, was beaten by those opposed to the prohibi tion movement; the rest of the sfate Republican ticket is elected." Tlie Solid Eighteen. Last week the "mighty minority" less Yoorhees, who had gone east met in stormy session in this city for the purpose (una vowed, but suspected by sympathizers of Mr. Mitchell) of bull-dozing J. X. Dolph. Being the makers of the kiug, in part, they wanted to dictate, we understand, his entire course. At this, J. !X. Dolph smiled derisively the wrdunicus risus as it were, and figuratively sat upon the loidly eighteen with all the avor dupois and weight of dignity. The Polk and Benton county honorables are particularly Uattcncd out by Mr. Dolph's independence of action, and now beat their brents and cry mca culpa, because tliey did not vote for Mitchell. Whether the new senator has refused to give them all federal oflices, or will not pledge himself to get the government to build the Taquina bay railroad, is not definite ly known, but that the backs and hearts of the Polk and Benton bolters are broken is an assured fact, and that the entire delegation has gone home with a reduced estimate of its mighty importance. Sunday Wcl come. TIIK DEAD CAX.VOT BE IC.VI.-K1, nor if your lungs arc badly wasted away can you be cured by tho use of Dr. Pierce s "uoldeu Medical Discov ery." It is, however, unequalled as a tonic, alterative, and nutritive, and readily cures the most obstinate cases of bronchitis, coughs, colds, and incip ient consumption, far surpassing in efficacy cod liver oil. Send two stamps for Dr. Pierce's pamphlet on Con sumption and Kindred Affections. Address World's Dispensary Medi cal Association', Buffalo, N. Y. Important Xotice. A full line of artist's materials con sisting of tube colors, sable brushes, picture varnishes, canvas. &c. &c Ev ervthing an artist wants at A. M. Jouxsox &Co. Parties desiring some elegant furni ture but little used, bed-room set, sec retary, kitchen furniture, ctc can be accommodated by applying at the Astq Kixx ottce from 10 to 2 o'clock. A BILL j For an Act to amend Sections 'M and 57, of Title 4. of an Act to ,stao lish a fJniform Course of Public In struction in the Common Schools of this State, approved October 20, 1872. Jk if enacted by the Lujislatire J$.eui bly of the Stale of Oregen: Sec. 1. That section Vn, of lttle 1, of an act to establish a uniform courae- ' of public instruction in the common schools of this state, be amemlert so as to read as follews: Sec. 37. The duties of directors of school districts shall be: 1. To authorize the clerk to call special meetings; 2. To issue warrants to the cletks, authorizing them to collect in the name of the district, and in the same manner as the state and county taxes are collected, all taxes assessed to the inhabitants thereof, and upon the tax able property of non-residents; 3. When authorized by a majority vote of the district, to purchase, lease or build school houses, and to buy or lease lands for school purposes, and to take care of, and furnish their school houses with the necessary fuel, light, libraries, apparatus, etc.; 4. To see that the wishes of the dis trict towards outside scholars are re spected; 0. To employ teachers and assist them in the government of the school; C. To audit all claims against the district, and draw orders on the clerk for the amount; 7. To require of the district clerk a bond of such form as shall seem just and reasonable for the faithful per formance of his duties; 5. To examine and correct the as sessment roll made by the clerk, as hereinafter provided; 0. To levy rate bills, whenever in their opinion it is for the -best inter ests of the district to do so, fixing therein the amount of tuition to be paid by each pupil attending school, and direct the clerk to collect the same in the name of the district; Sec. 2. That section 57 of said act be amended so as to read as follows, Sec. 57. 1110 clerk shall act as sec retary of all meetings, and shall, at the end of each quarter (when author ized by the directors), make out the rate bills for tuition then due and collect the same without dclav. A Prosperous Community. An old and valued correspondent from Chehalis county, V. T., in re newing his subscription sends cheer ing words in reference to The AisTO riak aud adds: "By another ye.tr I think you will get quite a number of subscribers in this county, there is a great many people coming in here and locating on lands. T don't know of any county that has a brighter prospect than Gray's Harbor. Emer son's saw mill is in full blast; the Jennett mines are turning out well. The steamer Montesano now runs from my place to Elma, on the Cheha lis river, and is doing a good busi ness. Help is scarce here, both male and jfemale, gaud wages high. Men and women who are willing to work can find employment in this county." Experiment at Filling. Early next month tho O. IX. & 2s. Co. will try the experiment of pump ing from the bottom of the Willamette river, sanil to be used m uilins Couch's lake, tho site of the proposed new depot. A centrifugal pump has been ordered and is promised to be done in twenty days. The bottom of the river near the Portland shore, north of Columbia wharf to Wcidler's mill, is clean sand for a distance of 30 feet down. Water-tight cars will be run to the bank, sand pumped into them and then hauled to the place of deposit. The engineers express the opinion that the proposed experi ment will be successful, and in that case, the entire work will be done by this means. Oregonian, Sth. Cape Hancock Record. Nov. S. Noon. Bar smooth. Wind east, light. Clear weather. List of Letters Hemaining uncalled for in the Post office at Astoiia, Oregon, November 0th, 1832. Acorn, Alex B Murker, Alf Anstensen, F Kclsey, Mr Anderson, .Nils 1 1 Larson, Lars Coliins. .lame- Nelson, Ole .1 Caiipbell-Miss .)if ic Xelson, Nils M Dyer, Stenhen S Nelsson, M Downs, Orlando Douglas, J Diamond, G ED Ksteb, Isaac B liskala. .lohau Friend, Fred'k S O'Brien. Daeiel Owens, George Parker, U VT Bosfjord, Olof '2. -Binearson, S 11 Sheridan, Emma Walma, Carle nail, J ' liaageusen, .John Persons calling for theso letters must give the date they are advertised. W. Cha-ce, P. if. The ladies of the Congregational churcli will hold a fair and festival on Friday evening, Nov. 10th, at Liberty Hall. A choice literary entertainment will be given, aud refreshments served oysters, ice cream, etc All are cordially invited. Admission free. The alarm of Gro at 9:30 o'clock last evening was caused by a defective flue in a heating apparatus in a boat Bhop near the M. E. church; damage slight. Mv. Chas. Stockton met with quite a painful accident while carrying hose into the" building, cutting a deep gash in hit wrist A. M. lehHsen A, Co'. Oulv ccnttiuc Borax soau. One bar will do more washing than any other J soap in the market, and will do it far i better and easier. Try it. Coffee! Coffee!! Coffee!!! A great KALGHPY Success! .hi received at A. u .lonnson !t i us. a larce invoice of pure .lava coffee in tlii'cc-pound tins, positively the bo,-t ground coffee in this or any other mar ket. ( Warranted strictly pure). Al.-o received large invoice of extra choice grim .lava and Costa Rica coffee. Mel rose Baking Powder is the let full weight, no lottery, no fraud. Try it and l convinced. Jrcat Jtun. The pure .lava Cofleo sold by A. 31. .lohiiiou fc Co. only, is having the larg est ale of any brand of prcpaicd coftce ever brought Jo this market. Heartily Recommended. Don't condemn a good thini; because you have been deceived by wrhles nostruma. Parker's Ginger Tonic lias cured many in tins section or nerv- otts disorders, and wo recommend it heaattly to snch sufferers. Anoc A CARD. To all who are sufTerinsr fiotu errors and indiscretions if youth, nerv ous weakness, eatly decay. loss of man hood, etc- 1 will send a recipe that will cure vou FISEE OF CHAUC.E. TliN ! -,.., -..,n.i,. a ,i;c,.,.rn.i i-., .,.:- Cim.o. v in sn'uti. Amnrii..i s...wi r. i.if ..' .V.a. . W , -,V I .7. p nildn-sMHl envelope to the lie v. Joi:ni T. Lvmax. Station 1), New York City. Convincing. In ofiVriiur to everyone throughout I the land a trial Iwttle of Syrun of Fits free of charge the California Fis: b run j Company is fully aware that it weie fol ly to do .o if the new remedy did not i possess greater merit than any other ar-1 tide ever offered as a cure for liilio-t- j ness and constipation, lsttt Know mi,' that every dose will convince the one who takes it of its cfliicacy, and make another friend for the remedy which N destined io become universal they wNh everyone to try It. Y. E. Dement," I )ni! is.t, is agent for Astoria, Oregon. Hodge Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents. Portland Oregon. SOAl Try our Borax Soap made expie.-ly for us and guaranteed of superior qual ity. Can be used for any purpose, and will not injure the mn-t delicate fabiic. A fine toilet soap. A 31. Joiix-on" & Co. To tko Public- I wish to inform the public that my establishment is the oxi.y iM.AfK in Astoria that makes candy: I make the finest fresh candy every day, and this is mote than any one else can say hen. Patronir.e home manufacture. Iohx P. Ci.av-kx. It Toughens. SOZODOXT toughens the gums and makes them healthy, so that they hold in the teeth firmly. It removes tartar, gives com tort, is economical of health and money, and when once used will never be given up.. Try SOZODOXT. Wilhoit mineral water, fre-h and sparkling, at F. B. Klberson's. Adler's btock of goods now opening will be sold at the lowest prices. Albums, decalcotnanie, stamp col lections, etc., in endless variety at Ad ler's. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest ficrftmiery, and toilet articles, etc can e bought at the lowest prices, at .1. V. Conn's drug store, opposite Occidcn betel, Astoria. -A Xasal Injector tree with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh, llemedy. Price 50 cent. Sold by K. Dement. For the genuine J. II. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors and San Franci-co beer, call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and-ee Camp bell. Chatterbox, year, at Adler's. Wideawake for this Two Surgeons represent tin; the .NA TIONAL SUBGICAL INSTITUTE of Indianapolis, Philadelphia. Atlanta (Ja., and San Francisco, will bo in Port land, Oregon, at the St. Charles Ho tel, from Nov. I'd to the llth inclusive. prepared wnii an expensive, oiiiiu ol me nio-t approved apparatus, for the tieat ntent of all eases of disease of the .-pine, hip, knee, ankle, crooked limbs, club feet, &c &c. They will be prepared to make the most diflicult surgical opera tions, including cataract, cross eyes, hare lip, deformities of the face, div id ing tendons, operations for disease of the genital organs, piles, fistula, S:o. A rare opportunity is offered those need ing their services. Old patients especi ally requested to visit them. The llev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind., says: 'Both myself and wife owe our lives toSniLOit's Coxsumi'tion' Ccrk." Sold by W. E. Dement. Prof. .J. F. Meyer wishes to infoim tho public and his pupils that he is now settled and intends remaining here. Me is prepared to give music and also French lessons. Scholars practicing will find every convenience for study and improvement, at his residence. Mis experience renders this an opportunity which it is woith while to any one to embrace. Furnished or unfurnished rooms for rent; the finest in the city and in a most desirable location. Inquire at . As torian office. Everv ladv should send 25 cents to Strawbridgc & Clothier, Philadelphia, and receive their Fashion Quarterly for 15 months. lOOO Engravings and 4 p.tgos new music each issue. j Cail Adler wishes to inform the' public of tho new linent goods he is receiving now. It is almost impossible j to enumerate all. lou miouiu g and see yourself to appreciate his beautiful assortment of a little of every thing. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded day or night at J. . Conn's drug store, opposite Occident Motel. Carl Adler lias arrived from San Francisco with the largest and finest stock of goods ever brought to Astoria. Will begin opening this wecK. Parlor organs, Chase organs and the. celebrated Estcy organ, just received at Adler's music store. GraY hairs often causo annoyance, which Parker's Hair Balsam prevents by restoring tho youthful color. It is worth seeing. coods at Carl Adler's. What V Those We learn from A. M. Johnson & Co. that their pure ground Java Coffee is a pronounced success and is meeting with large sales. Shoalwatcr bay eysters: fresh every day, at Frank Fabres. Brace up the whole system with King of the Blood. See Advertisement. Removal ! Removal ! I ! I will soon move! into the new build-! Jing on Flavel's dock now occupied by Ga 1 1 i ck's Furniture si ore. and will sell niv line stock of Olotliino- Gents Fur nishing Goods, ctc.? at a sacrifice rather ithan to move it. Call jand get a bargain of M. D. KANT, 'r. j),, Merchant Tailor. I latter and Clothier. Window Miniles. "Wall Paper. The linct a-.ortmcnt of wall paper laud window hailc ever brought to the! Astoria al M. ONenS furniture .store. Xcvvcxt .tjlcs and lowest pi ices. Xoticc- to the Iiadirs. . ., . ,. Switches m:nu from combings or cut hair: new mv i tcho m?.de to order limn I lie mM imported hair, in anyl hade desired. Old witches repaired. All work vvai ranted. Hates icasonable. I Call or atldie? j riu.r.MiAi'.r ivrSoiioKXi:. Occident Hair dieting ; saloon. A -to-1 ria. Oiegon. Oysters! Oyster!! At Frank Fabre's: in cvciy Fiesh fioni tlie bed- every day. tvle. Now open at Adlcr".- a fine line of work basket-, infant's baskets, and lu-kctsofall.-ort-. A vet ilPMiiixed paints, the let in u-e. for sale at .1. V. Conn-- drug .-tore oppo-ite Occident Hotel. "Hackiiietuck,' a la-lini: and fra grant perfume. Price 'JTi and o0 cents. Sold by E. Dement. A v ery complete assortment of blank books, all sixes, styles and prices, at the City hook .-tore. Mr. John Rogers of the Central 3Iar ket. has made arrangements to keep al he finest fresh fish, etc., in their season Cadet blue and Terra Cotta note i paper, the late.-t style, as well as a eltarnting a:smtmcnt of new -tyle-papetcrie--. ar Adler.-. Hallo! Where are. v oil eoinir'.' Whv ! I to 1 rank r nluVs for a pan roast. 1 Smr.oif.- Cri:K will immediately relieve Croup, vvhoopintr cough and Uionchitis. Sold by W'.E. Dement. Have vou tried a stew or pan roast as Prank Fabro cooks it? Older one and you'll thank us for the advice. bullous Catarrh J Comedy a posi tive euro for Catarrh, Dtptheria and Canker Mouth. .Sold by W. E. Dement. If you want something really fine go to Carl Adler".-. Best cough candy at Oerkwitz's op posite Bell tower. Do you want to make a present? You will surely be suited at Adler's. Shipper & Iiybke. No. 11, Oak street Portland, are I he bou ton tailors of the metropolis. P. .1. Goodman, on Clienantus street, has jtt-t leceived the latest and most fashionable style of gents and ladies boots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for the famous Morrow '.-.hoes. Mrs. E. K. Ilinkers improved sys tem of Dress Cutting by chart is ac knowledged to be the best. Mrs. S. T. McKean is agent for Clatsop county, and is prepared to teach all who wish to avail themselves of the nnnortunity new presented. Uosidenco, corner of Lafayette and SiiucmoemiaSts. Astona, MARTIN KOARP. J. .1. S.TOKRS FOARD & STOKES, Wholesale ami retail dealers in Wood and Willow-ware, GROCERIES, Tobacco. Cigars, Wines and Liquors roi:i:ix and domestic Fruits and Vegetables. FLOUR, FEED, AND COUNT Li Y PRODUCE, AND General Commission Merchants ASTOKIA. OItK;O.V Xet to Oregon Railway & Nav. oo's Dock. fliW A. V. Allen, (M'l'OK.s.Suu ro PACK S: I.LKN.) '.Vliiilcsaleaml retail dealer Us Groeeries, Provision, Orotitrjr. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND D0ME8TICJ FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Toetlipr with Wiis.yprs.Tokco! A. Yau Dusen & Co. WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL TIIE attention of the Public to the fact that they are Agents for the following sewing machines, viz : Tlie Improved. Singer. Tlie While, The Crown Ami TheEIrtridgc, Which they arc selling from S33. to S50. each and defy Competition. Persons wishing to purchase machines should call and inspect our stock before pur chasing chewherc. as vvc guarantee to give perfect satisfaction as regards quality and prlee. 0. B. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. TIHiE ii THE LEADINC Dry Goods Clothing' House OF ASTORIA. NEW AND OmmED Every Dapartment Filled to QverfiowlagI DRESS WOODS DEPARTMENT. Tit this department will be found the Latest Styles with Trimmings to niatchj comprising recent importations of now and decided novelties, 'OT OBTAINABLE ELSEWHERE. Among the inanv- colois in our extensive line of fall materials may be mentioned Terra Cotta, Hussar. Juiul)o. Plum, Garnet, Myrtle. DOMESTIC DEPARTillRNT -COMPLETE LINE OF Blankets, Flannels, Comforters, Bed Spreads, Sheetings, Napkins, Table Linen, Towels, Etc., Etc. Hosiery and Underwear Department. We are showing complete lines in ladies and Children's Hosiery I Underwear CLOAK DEPARTMENT. In our Cloak room will bo found Pompadours, Circulars, Dolmans, Jackets, Wraps, etc. While directing attention to this department we feel confident in assorting that our styles arc hot only the newest, but our prices are exceedingly moderate. C IE 11 (KNIGHTS OF PYTIIIAS liUTLHING.) Astoria, November 1, 1S82. FALL IMPORTATIONS ! -AT We are receiving by every steamer new additions to our stock of Dry Goods. Notions, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Suitable for the season. Hosiery Blankets, Mt. Our stock fo Dross Goods, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Plushes, etc., show a large variety. 4 Also an elegant line of Ladies" and Children's CLOAKS, ULSTERS, RUSSIAN CIRCULARS, WALKING JACKETS, DOLMANS, ETC. Our tables ave covered with the nicest selection of Fichus, Ties, Collarettes and Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. OXTSt MOTTO; QUICK SALES AND SMALL PM0FIT9. AVc Study to Please. 2dgPSampies sent free to any address on application. 2fAents for the celebrated Springfield Sewing Machine. D. A. McINTOSH, TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, OCCinKVT BLOCK. ... ASTORIA, OREGOX. AM. KIND1. OF Men's Furnishing Goods, White Scarlet Underwear, all Wool. Fine Selection of Neck-wear, Hosiery, Gloves, etc. CLOTHING! Overcoats, "Ulsters, Business Suits, The largest anil most complete .stock or . CLOTHS. WORSTEDS. CASSIMERES. ETC.. ETC. rnB-Suits niMiii! ti nnlorut .lmrt notice. Het Woikiuansliin and fit guaranteed.- For Sale. QAQ ACItES TIMBER LAX1 in T. 0 X, OvfO K. 7 West. Title good ; price rea- asnilttA fAvtna viH sonable ; terms cash Real Estate AecuL IIXTL ATTRACTIONS! Cadet Blue, Bronze. Wine. Seal, Navy, Brique. Ulsters, i o I THE- PRAEL BROTHERS. ISexl Door to Pytkiaa Hall. THIS PAPER may be I ouml on Me at Geo. P. ItOWELI. & Co' y : o Kcwspapcr Aihcrtlslng: Bureau (10 Serace RtfYiAtlnhnntoilFn.. ..a te Dtado for it lu IllnfffJ Ullla &! .1 Z. JC "" - -A - v