The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, November 05, 1882, Image 3

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SSJlxt 'invUn tarfcm.
Proceedings of Astoria Chamber of
. NOYE1IJ3EK r,, 1S2
(Monday Exccftcd).
: r I'rr.i.isiirKS am "uowtjvrroits.
.J -.U'tnan JJtiiUlin'i, Vass Mrrti.
Terms of Subscription .
erved by Carrier, per wsek .......t3 Cent
-ont by mail, four months...... ........53 00
ent by mail, ono year..... ................. 9 Wi
Free of Postage to Subscribers.
Special meeting of Friday
Nov. 3d, I8S2.
President J. Q. A. Dunlby was in
the chair. E. C. Holden, Secretary.
Moon's Influence on the
evening J Editok Astekian:
Noticing a short article on mo
moon's influence on the weather in
few issues ago, 1 snb-
I will soon move
!;e rato of SI 50 per S'i'Jnro per month.
I'ninsiont advertising, by the day or week
fty cents per square for onch insertion.
The Gen. Mile.s
Harbor this morning.
goes to fJray.s
vour paper a
Pending the preparation of ballots ! mt the following on weather
for election of pilot commissioner, it We often hear people express them- j
was moved that a committee of three solves as follews: "I don't bolievc in at 11 A. M. and 7 p. M
li Mtmf.ttti J.. .7 .. ...1 C ..... I ?i .3? ..-.&- ... J.t l.i.i. niiri.
"i- omjiiiuivii Hi iiitiii .till! iuiiwuui fcunia niifi it nisuusift ii.u . i.i" "" . i . -, . -. .. :
o "-.atjioj.ii v. uuiim services' , t
memorials from this chamber to the t plu talk about the change in the moon, at 10:30 a. M. Rev.L. Dielman. l'aWr StOl'G JlllCl
congress of the United States asking ! The moon's changes could not make M. K. Citij:ai Services at 11 A. m. j u
i. u..jmi.i.; iUy Ul
.Removal! Removal !
UKACE uhukch iioiy communion
first Sunday of every month. Sunday
services atll a. 3., and 7 r. m. Wedncs-!
ilov nrnninrr cflrt'inn of T "lnVT- Ii
31. D. Wilson. Sector. '11110 TIP. 11A1V hllllrl-'
FinsT PKESBrTEitiAN Ciirncii b'er- . I
vices at 11 a.m. and 7 r.M. Wednesday 1 1 n Q- nn F'lnvOI : rlnp;.
eveningnrayer meeting at 7 o'clock. llliry 1X L 1X Ol ft UUOlv
Kev. J. Y. Milligan, Pastor. r -i i
Coxfii.EOATioxAr, Cnuncu-vServices "' UL-l.ll JitrJU V I
Kcv.-J. W. Wal- it i . t-, ., "
, tens pastor. . ua 1 1 ic k s i- umiture
i nml
that tho unearned portion of the j any difference for it's always changing. jaN,
Astoria land grant be declared for-1 The moon has an effect on the tide I
feited. Carried. I know, but any one thinking it has an
r. m. Kev. iV.
Also that a memorial from this
tr Advertisement inserted by theyear at chamber be forwarded asking that the
Columbia river bar be improved, and
a sufficient appropriation therefore Jje
made distinct and separate from any
appropriation made for the Colum
bia and Willamette rivers. Carried.
Capt J. H. D. Gray was unani
mously elected pilot commissioner in
accordance with the law.
Mr. Megler suggested that the
chamber petition the chief signal
officer to furnish the Astoria Chamber
of Commerce with despatches relative
to shipping, tlic weather, etc.. from
The Lutterworth went up the
river yesterday afternoon.
Y. M. C. A. meeting at a quarter
io three this afternoon, as usual.
The Nebo, Abeona and John
O'Gaunt, went to sea yesterday morn- J
The Presbyterian congregation
will hold divine service in their new
church for the first time to-dav.
For the first time since last
February, we had a regular down!!
pour yesterday, and rubber clothing
was in demand.
We have issued the pilot bill in
supplement form, and can supply all
wishing a copy wiio will call at the
office to-morrow.
Prcn eh
Rev. A.
At the Methodist
Quarterly meeting to-day.
ing at the usual hours bv
Atwood, presiding elder.
Walla Walla papers arc unani
mous in one thing: they make it hot
for the mayor and city council for al
leged neglect in allowing great big
overgrown" cows to prowl around the
street and eat swill.
The Rev. Winfield Scott, D. D.,
will deliver a lecture on ''Invest
ments" at the Baptist church to-night.
The Sunday night service will be
especially interesting to young people
and outsiders. He preaches also in
the morning.
From souvenir programmes of
the "Lights o' London," recently
played in Portland, we notice that
F. W. Stechhan, the enterprising
theatrical manager, ia now associated
with Haverly, the leading theatrical
manager of the United States.
Dry Goods Clothing House
- '" 'AA'Smshmpc Goods, etc.. .
at a sacrifice rather NEW AND DECIDED ATTRACTION 1
will sell
stock ofi
jOlothino- Gents Fur-
amounts t o to announce to the public that he ts ear-
...i... i. r in;; mi iiiiMiuw. mwi uoor io n rigm s
influcnew on the
Such talk as the above
iinimnir wiiii an uiu man ! o . ., ,---,, -i, ...... ... i.. ... . ...
been noticing the weather for forty . merit a !iare of. the public patronage illRll 10 lllOVC it. Oclll
years or so. They admit that the.
tides are influenced. If there is con-j Gkav hairs of ten cause anuovauee,
tinual change may not air have tides? which Parker's Hair Balsam prevents
J i bv restoring the voiitlifiil color.
The assertion of some man having'
kept a record in England will not ! a. 31. Johnson A. Co.
stand against any person s own obser
vation. It is well known to observ-
get a bargain of jgWfy Bepnrtmmi FilM to OytrUwiat!
j The l'o
ant farmers that the light of the moon
is a powerful chemical agent, and any
sailor who has been much in the trop
ics has seen men whose face has been
Fort Canby, over the ucw government ? twisted out of shape by sleeping iu
"The Magic Doll" was repeated last
evening to another delighted audience.
The play itself doesn't amount to any
thing, but it serves as a thread on
which are strung glittering pearls of
real merit. It is ono of the most at
tractive performances we have seen for
some time. The "Miserere," from
Yordi's "II Trovatore" is well ren
dered, and the "funny business,"
which is plentiful!' mixed in, keeps
the audience in excellent humor.
From appearances it would seem as
though the troupe might be tempo
rarily deprived of ono of its most
valuable adjuncts.
Cape Hancock Record.
Nov. 3d, 4 r. m. Steamers Ona,
Gen. Miles, Shubrick, pilot schooner
J . C. Cousins and one ship passed in,
wind S. E. by E. fresh. Bar smooth.
Nov. 4, 8:30 a. m. Pioneer with
British ship Nebo, passed out at 7:45
a. m. Brcnham with bark John
O'Gaunt passed out at 8:03 a. .m.
Columbia with ship Abeona passed out
at 8:25 a. m. Bar moderate; wind
easterly, strong. 11 a. :ir., bar
rough, breaking. Blowing a gale,
wind south. Raining.
The Cape Hancock Packing Co.
commenco spile driving and building
a cannery at Ilwaco on the 7th.
line when completed. It was so I
A communication was read from the
Portland board of trade suggesting
tfjonciirrcuce in a petition favoring the
Nicaragua canal bill. Consideration
thereon was postponed until the
chamber could obtain a copy of the
bill for examination.
The secretary was instructed to
close up all accounts against members
up to the date of suspended meeting
(May 1(5, 18S1) and to notify 'mem
bers to pay up to that time. (Note.
The monthly dues are now 30 cts. per
month, dating from the 1st of Janu
ary 1SS1.)
The matter of ateanislnp transpor
tation was here taken up and dis
cussed in connection with the practice
of carrying Astoria freight past to
Portland, charging as much for Asto
ria freight :is for Portland freight, etc.
It was moved and carried that a com
mittee of two be appointed by the
president to gather facts in regard to
the amount of freight and passengers
now earned between Astoria and San
Francisco. The feasibility of running
a steamer between Astoria and San
Francisco carrying lumber, freight
and passengers. Said committee to
correspond with eastern and other
ship builders aud owners in regard to
the first cost aud expenses of rumming
such a steamer for the Astoria trade,
and to report to this chamber.
Proceedings ordered printed in
The Astokia.v.
Adjourned to meet again on Mon
day night, Nov. Gth.
Only genuine Borax toap. One bar
will do more washing than auv other
soap in the market, ami will do it far
bettor and easier. Try it.
Merchant Tailor, 1 latter and
" Clothier. '
Coffee! Coffee!! Coffeo!!!
A great KAUGHPY Success! .Inst
rcceivcu at a. m. .lomuson v ins. a
To all who are suffering
i errors and indiscretions of youth
l ous weakness, carlv ileeaw loss of man
noou, etc., i win send a recipe tnat win I
cure you FISEE OF CIIAIJGE. This!
great remedy was discovered by a mis i
Muimry m ooiiiu .America, oenti a sun
School Report. '
Average standing for the month
ending Oct. G, 1882:
Mary Bain, So; Herman Collier, 75;
Laura Ferrell, 81; Nellie Carnahau,
90; William McCormac, S7.
Lennio Bain, 81; Mary Dcaley, 83;
Willie Grant, 51; Ellen McCann, 83;
Ethel Merriman, S7; Louis Pedeison,
SO; Cordic Robb, DO; Minnie Sovey,
"Hiram Brown, 75; Carle3 Carlson,
73; George Coffenberry, S3; Daniel
Fecly, 81; Eddie Foster, 70; Nellie
Levings, GG; Joseph McCann, G2;
Mary McCann, 83; Myra Stevens, 74;
Minnie Warren, 84; Hannah McCor
mick, 7G.
Johnnie Bieloh, 80; Jacob Ferrell,
GG; Gussio Gray, 83; Agnes McCann,
78; Maggie McCormick, 70; Bertie
McMullen, 00; Mary Sullivan, 74;
Alice Wood, 72.
Mits. J. M. Roun, Teacher
First Grade, Dist. No. 18, Astoria,
Literary Society.
The Astoria Literary Society met in
the room of the Y. M. C. A. Friday
evening at 8 o'clock. After adoption
of by-laws, and resolving to hold
meetings of tho society for the present
every Friday evening, in the Young
Men's rooms at 71 o'clock,a debate fol
lowed on the questien: "Resolved, that
Labor Unions Tend Toward Anarchy."
which, being thoroughly ventilated,
was submitted to the house for decis
ion (on the merits of the question,)
and decided in the negative by the
vote of the chair. It was much to be
regretted that, in consequence of sick
ness and absence the usual essay and
declamation were not forthcoming.
Question for next Friday evening:
"Resolved, that Lynch-law is JustiG
able Under Sonic Circumstances;"
principal disputants, Judgo Winton
and Prof. Coon. All are cordially invited.
My i), 2, 11, 17, 15, 1 is a tempera
ture. My 10, 11, 18, 10, 19, 3, 10 is the
name of a European king.
My 3, 2, 17, 1G, 5, 11 is a footgear.
My 1, 10, 17, 18, 12 is the capital of
an archipelago.
My 5, 17, 13 is a pait of the hu
man frame.
My 1G, 12, 13, 14 is an affection.
My 7, 17, 19, 5, 19, 15 is the nam
of an opera.
My 3, 5, 20, 10, 17, 5, is a barren
The initials and finals read down
ward will reveal two landmarks of
-Little Van is a rustler.
Attention S: 1.
Regular monthly meeting to-morrow.
Monday, Nov. Gth, 1882, at 7 p. m sharp. J sumption
.-V mil iiiviiuiuiuu is uineu. j onier
L. E. Selio, W. W. Parker.
Secretary. President
A girl to take care of a baby and do
some housework. Inquire of
M. D. Kant.
nor if your lungs aro badly wasted
away can you be cured by the ubc of
Dr. Pierco's "Golden Medical Discov
ery." It is, howovcr, unequalled as a
tonic, alterative, and nutritive, and
readily cures the most obstinate cases
of bronchitis, coughs, colds, and incip
ient consumption, far surpassing in
efficacy cod liver oil. Send two stamps
for Dr. Pierce s pamphlet on Con-
and Kindred Affections.
Address Wokld's Dispexsary Medi
cal Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
Carl Adler has arrived from
San Francisco with the largest
and finest stock of goods ever brought
to Astoria. Will begin opening this
Hallo! Where are you going? Why
to Frank Fabre's for a pan. roast.
If youvant nice fresh lard, or good
- .sugar-eared hams, just from the coun;
try ffo to JF. B. Elbereoa's bakery.
It is worth seeing,
goods at Carl Adler's.
What:' Those
Cadet blue and Terra Cotta note
paper, the latest style, as well as a
charming assortment of new styles
papeteries, at Adlers.
tho moonlight. And it is a noticeable
fact that on the coast south of San
Fracisco, the summer fog3 are thicker
with new moon, and the N. W.
winds arc stronger on the full moon.
The latter is noticeable at Astoria
during the summer, though not so
much. That the moon and earth do
not part company shows that there is
some tie between them, and if it
exists between the spheres, does it not
also exist between their atoms. The
fact of the matter is that the moon,
tides, winds, storms, ets., aro governed
by a power that pervades nature and
is called by scientists "Nature's
forces." By preachers it is called the
"Power of God."
Some claim that this power is an
intelligence, or has an intelligence
behind it. Others say there is no
intelligence, but simply law and
organization, as we have i n some of
onr courts.
Which ever way this may be we
see that this "Nature's forces," or
"Power of God," or whatever it may
be called, is running things pretty i
well, and by observation we see that
when the elements of nature are ar
ranged iu certain ways the power pro
duces effects accordingly. I will call
this power or energy bj' the name of
motion, because that name i3 short
and easy to understand.
Motion is imperishable like its part
ner, matter, and being the partner of
matter subjects it to :is many changes
as matter can hike on. In fact it
seems to be governed by matter and
matter by it if we leave out the intel
ligence. ' Heat, light, and electricity,
art different forms of motion. Motion
seems to be intended to exist every
where equally.
If it accumulates- in ouo place more
than in another from any cause, when
the cause is removed it will equalize,
and in so doing a storm is made. So
it will be seen that anything that in
terrupts the flow of motion, is a first
cause of a storm, so far as matter can
bo-a lirst cauEe. It follows that the
moou, being quite a large body, and
going between us and the sun, as it
docs once a month, must be quite a
disturber. But the earth is a larger
body and is nearer to us, so it must
have a greater influence, aud as each
ocean, lake, river, forest, mountain or
valley have their separate influences,
it would not do to make any calcula
tions on any one influence without a
knowledge of how the rest would af
fect the calculations; which knowl
edge can't be had. All that can bo
dono is to observe the movements of
storms and calcu!ato from present ac
tions what is likely to occur. What
we need to know in order to guess the
future of a storm, is its center, force,
extent, and present course; and to tell
anything about either of these thing?,
requires a good barometer and ther
mometer, coupled with knowledge
gained by observation. The following
is some of the points gained by noting
the signs: First, the wind nearly al
ways veers with the sun, as sailors
say; that is, if it is north now it will
be around towards the east next, aud
from that to the south, and so on.
Storms are circular at sea, but lose
shape and become general on land,
unless they have great force. Most
all storms move from west to east, or
more properly speaking, from some
point west of the meridian to some
point cast of it. The reason that a
rainbow at night indicates fair weath
er is because it shows ' that all is
clear in the west, for any storm
on that sido would obscure the sun.
A rainbow in the morning shows the
opposite. Storms often return at cer
tain periods of time for many times
in succession, and by noting the inter
vals between, wc guess at what will
be next, as each storm of tho series
will rosomble its predecessor. These
serial storms arc what strengthen the
belief in tho moon's phases, and if tho
interval happened to be twenty-eight
days, it would not bo necessary to hit
the full or new moon exactly to have
it coupled with the moon. It never
hits moro than three ami a half days
from a change. If anybody studies
the weather he will 6nd it to resemble
the game "rougo et noir," which is
very uncertain, and tho novice will
often make the best guesses, for, after
all, they are only guesses, his
Oandt X Mas.
large invoice of pure .lava coffee in addn-SM-d envelope to the Rev. Joseph
tlirec-pouml tins, positively the best T. Ixmax. station l),New York City
from the I" tM's department will be found the Latest Styles with Trimmings
ith. nerv-i match, comprising recent importations of new and decided
Among' the many colors in our extensive
line of fall materials may be
ground coffee iu this or any other mar-!
ket, ( u (trmwcril Uiuctly jmrc). AIo
received large invoice of extra choice
grqen Java and Costa Ilica coffee. Mel
rose Baking Powder is the best full
weight, no lottery, no fraud. Tr- it
and be ponvineml.
Mothers should Enow It
Fretful babies cannot help disturb
iisg everybody, and mothers should
know how soothing Parker's Ginger
Tonic is. It stops babies pains, makes
them healthy, relieves their ow:n anxi
ety and is safe to use. Journal.
tireat Run.
Tne pure Java Coffee .sold by A. M.
Johnson & Co. only, is having the larg
est sale of any brand of prepared coffee
evepbroughl to this market.
Important Xoticc.
A full line of artist's materials con
sisting of tube colors, sable brushes,
picture varnishes, canvas. &c. &c Ev
erything an wants at
A. M.Joiixo. &Vtt.
Window Shades. Wall Iier.
The finest assortment of wall paper
and window shades ever brought to
Astoria at M. Olson's furnituie' .store.
Newest styles and lowest prices.
Xotice to the Ladies.
Try our IIoraK Soap made expressly
Tor u and guaranteed of superior qual
ity. Can be used for any purpose, and
will not injure the uiot delicate fabric.
A line toilet soap.
A- 31. Joii."ox & Co.
3Ir. .lohn Kogers of the Central Mar
kct. has made arrangements to keep al
he finest fresh fish, etc., in their season
"llaekmetnck." a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price il anil 50 cents.
Sohlby W.E. Dement.
Why will you cough when Shilolfs
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cLs r.0 et.s and Si. Sold by W. E. De
ment. Carl Adler wishes to inform the
public iff the new line ot goods he is
receiving now. It is almost impossible
to enumerate all. You should go
ami see yourself to appreciate his
beautiful a.ortinent of a little of everything.
Terra Cotta.
Cadet Blue,
Seal, .
Blankets, Flannels, Comforters,
Bed Spreads, Sheetings, Napkins,
Table Linen, Towels, Etc., Etc.
Switches made from combings or cut
hair: new switches made to order
from the best imported hair, iu any
shade desired. Old switches repaired.
All work warranted. Itates reasonable.
Call or address
Um.KNiiAitT & Sciiokm:.
Occident Hair dressing saloon, Asto
ria. Oregon.
In offering to everyone throughout
the land a trial bottle of Syrup of Figs
free of charge the California Fig Syrup
Company is fully aware that it were fol
ly to do so if the new remedy did not
possess greater merit than any other ar
ticle ever offered as a cure for bilious
ness and constipation. But knowing will convince the one
who takes it ofits offiicacy. and make
another friend for the remedy which is
destined to become universal," they wish
everyone to try it. W. E. Dement. Drug
gist, is agent for Astoria, Oregon.
Hodge Davis & Co., Wholesale AgenK
Portland Oregon.
Oyster! Oyster!!
At Frank Fabre's: in every
Fresh from the beds every day.
Two Surgeons representing
T10-AI,M I:Ci1CAIj
Indianapolis, riiiladclnh
and San Francisco, will be in Poirr-
I.AND, OKKfiox. at the St. Charles Ho
tel, from Xov.'Jd to the 11th inclusive,
prepared with an expensive outfit of the
most approved apparatus, for the treat
ment of all cases of disease of the. spine,
hip. knee, ankle, crooked limbs, club
feet, tVA Jcc. They will be prepared to
make the most diPJMt surgical opera
tions, including carnract, cross eyes,
hare lip. deformities of the face, divid
ing tendons, operations for disease of
the genital organ, piles, fistula, &c. A
rare opportunity is offered those need
ing their services. Old patients especi
ally requested to vUit them.
and Underwear Department.
We are showing complete lines in
ixsitutk of Ladies and Children's Hosiery I Underwear
Ida. Atlanta Ga., v
-For sweet and tender elk meat, go
iawIingV. fruit store, Main street.
to I
Mrs. E. K. I tinkers improved sys
tem of Dress ''lifting by chart is ac
knowledged to bo the best. Mrs. S. T.
McKean is agent for Clatsop count),
and is prepared to teach all who wish
to avail themselves of the opportunity
lifcw presented. Residence, comer of
Lafaj ctte and Sqiieimwuiabts. Astoria.
Every lady should send it"; cents to
Strawbridge & Clothier, Philadelphia,
and receive their Fashion Quarterly for
i) months. 1000 Engravings and 4 pages
new music each issue.
To tke Pnblic
I wish to inform the public that my
establishment is the oxi.v rr.Aci: iu
Astoria that piakes candy: I make the
finest fresh candy every day. ami this
is more than any one else can ay here.
Patronize home manufacture.
.Ioh.v P. Cl.AS'JK.V.
It Toughens.
SOZODONT toughens the gums and
makes them healthy, so that they hold
In the teeth firmly. It removes tartar,
gives comfort is economical of health
and money, and when once used will
never be given up.. Try SOZODOXT.
Wilhoit mineral water. freh
sparkling, at 1. 1. hlhcrson s.
Have you tried a stew or pan roast
as Frank Fabre cooks it.' Order one and
you'll thank us lor the advice.
We learn from A. M. Johnson & Co.
that their pure ground Java Coffee is a
pronounced success and is meeting
with large sales.
In our Cloak room will be found
Pompadours, Circulars, Ulsters,
Dolmans, Jackets, Wraps, etc.
While directing attention to this department we feel confident in asserting
that our styles arc not only the newest, but our prices are exceedingly moderate.
Astoria, November 1, 18S2.
The Kcv. Ccp. II. Thayer, of IJour
bon, Iud.. says: I5oth myself and wife
owe our lives toSiui.ou's Consumption
Citi:k." Sold by W. E. Dement.
SkoalYk titer bay eysters: fresh every
da. at Frank Fabre's.
year, at Adler's.
Wideawake for this
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
le bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occiden
betel, Astoria.
For the genuine J. 11. Cutter old
Bourbonand the best ot wines, licptors
and San Francisco beer, call at the ("em
opposite the bell tower, and see Camp
f - ni-!iinncio o in 1 1 .i'ir filiili1itlt '
you have a printed guarantee on every J
bottle of Shilolfs Yitalizer. It never'
fails to cure. .Sold by "A . h. Dement.
If yon want something "really fine
go to Carl Adler's. j
Best cough candy at Oerkwilzsnp-j
posite Dell tower.
Physicians' prescriptions carefully
compounded day or night at J. .
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
Xow open at Adler's a fine line of
work baskets, infant's baskets, and
basket-rf all sorts.
Parlororgans, Chase organs and the
celebrated Estey organ, just received at
Adler's music store.
Fancy soaps and perfumery of all
kinds can be found at J. W. Conifs drug
store, opposite Occident hotel.
A very complete assortment of blank i
i nooks, all sizes, styles and prices at the
City Ixiok store.
Wednesday, November 15, at
- 12 o'clock Noon.
Prof. J. F. Meyer wishes to inform
the public and his pupils that he is now
settled and iutends remaining here, lie
is prepared to give music anil also
French lessons. Scholars practicing
will find every convenience, for study
and improvement, at his resideucc. His
experience renders this an opportunity
which it is worth while to any one to
Shiloh's Cuj:k will immediately
relieve Croup, whooping cough ami
Bronchitis. Sold-by W. E. Dement.
Are von made miserable by Indi
gestion. Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
appetite, Yellow Skin V Shilolfs Yital
izer is a positive cure. For sale by W
E. Dement.
The Peruvian syrup has cured thou
sands who were suffering from dyspep
sia, debllitv. liver complaint, boils, hit
mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph
lets free to any address. jetn w. r owu
&Son- Uoston.
Shipper & Jlybke, No. 11, Oak street
rortland, are tne non urn tailors or the
Shilolfs Catarrh Itemedv a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and
Canker Mouth. Sold by W.E. Dement.
P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus street,
has just received the latest and most
fashionable style of gents and ladies
boots, shoes, etc Agent in Astoria for
the famous Morrow shoes.
Immense is the stock of books
Adler is iust receiving. Books bv all
celebrated writers. Anything you "want
In that line he can gat you.
B 50 Acres, more or less,
All under Fence, at Sea Side,
Clatsop Plains.
20 Head Young Cows (none over
0 years,) 4 with fresh Calves.
125 Ilead Fine Cotswold Sheep.
and Graded
2 Good work Horses, 1 Wagon,
and a complete outfit of
I-arming Implements, all as
aood as new.
Wc are receiving by every steamer new additions to our stock of
Dry Goods. Notions, Ladies' and Children's Shoes,
Suitable for the season.
Flannels, WQterpwfs?
Hosiery, Bteakti, At.
Our stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Satins,
Velvets, Plushes, etc., show a large yariet)r.
Also an elegant line or Ladies and Children's
Our tables are covered with the nicest
selection of Fichus, Ties, Collarettes and
Fancy Goods too numerous to mention.
a-urxt motto;
Wo Study to PlraM.
2-Sampies sent free to any address on application.
2" Agents for the celebrated Springfield Sewing
Next Boor to PyihiaM Hall.
Household Effects; Consisting
of Parlor, TJcd-room and Kitchen
In-ctructcri liy .1. T. Mulkey. Esq., I will
sell the above laud and ersoiial property at
public. auction. ixsitlvcy without reserve,
lorcasli, to the highest lilddur. The land
is well calculated for two farms, and if de
sired will be nut iin in two lots. Tins valua-
t b'e property is so well known Uiat further
I description Is unnecessary. Mr. Mulkey's
1 title is perfect and he will kIvc a "Warranty
I Deed. E. C. IIoldkx, Auctioneer.
Dissolution of Partnership.
partnership heretofore existing between
Charles Hanson and Daniel Cronk. in the
business known as the Globe Saloon, in As
toria, OrcRon .1st his day dissolved by mu
tual consent. Charles Hanson will collect
all debts due tho business, settle all debts
aralnst It, and continue the business at the
old stand.
Aitoria, OcUbr 6, 12. 4384
Men's Furnishing Goods, White Scarlet Underwear, all WmI.
Fine Selection of Neck-wear, Hosiery, Gloves, etc..
Overcoats, "Ulsters, Business Suits,
The largest and most complete stock of
-Suits made to order at short notice. lest 'Workmanship and lit guaranteed."
For Sale.
OxfO ic 7 West. Title good ; price rea
sonable ; terms cash.
u. ir. Jti.uikiii. 1 .i,t ....
sing Bar
Nc-wpapcr Advertising
file at Oho. T.
Rowxix Jt Oo's
Bureau (10
M Estate Acent j ". for Hm
, C