i-r W fi'lu 33a Un jslorAnra x I -j . AbTOKIA, OREGON: SATURDAY OCTOHKR . lfi&! ISSUE3D EVERY MORNING. '.Monday Excei-tol). . F. KALLORAN & COMPANY, Pl'I-l.tMIKKS AMI I'lJOI'KIinoKS. Atlitftnn iinvilitvji Cass iflrfict. Terms of Subset Jfilicr. : crvoJ by Carrser. per week ..........Ja Ocnts out by wail, four won! Iik..... .......;' 00 ckJ ly mail, ojio year ... . U WJ Frco of I'otaso to Subscribers. ?" Advortisoinents inserted by the r?ar nt he ratoof $1 W nor Sf jsnre ior month. 1'rnjibiont advertising, by tho day or wcofc, ifty conts nor sauare for each insertion. "The Magic Doll" elicits praise from every source. Portland is to have a rolling null with :J,000,000 capital. The Obcron and another vessel are reported outside. The hark CJlcn ralcr has arrived. The total amount of tax levy for Multnomah count' for the current year, if 247,700. 7S. After the Oth inst., there will he two steamers per week from San Fran cisco to Astoria and return. The local on the Standard enter tains hi3 readers by reminiscences concerning his diseased teeth. A 15,000 fire al Salem List Thursday afternoon., damaged Heed's hotel and opera house io a consider able extent. Capt. Nathan Ingcrsoll has been chosen pilot commissioner, by the Portland board of trade for that city. Prof. Meyers concert next Wed nesday is being given considerable preparation and will, no doubt, bc'a success. The amount of wheat received from east of the mountains up to date is about 30.000 tons, considerably more than was received up to the same dale last year. fsUaulanl. It is said that Hon. .1. II. Mitchell is a passenger on the out going steamer, to-day, en route to Washington, where he has several im portant cases ueiore tho supremo court. A preliminary survey is to be made of the tide lauds from Skipanon to Lewis and Clarkes, with a view to dyking them. These lands are of extraordinary fertility, and when re claimed will add greatty to the wealth of the count'. There is an area there embracing several thousand acres. An attempt fortunately unsuccess fulwas made to burglarize the dwel ling of Rev. Father Dielmau, last Thursday night, about 11:30. The thief had gained entrance through a window, and hearing footsteps ap proaching he fled without securing any booty. This is the second at tempt within a year. About two o'clock yesterday afternoon a rumor spread that the Canby had blown up, and three lives were lost. The tug Pioneer immedi ately started down to Sand Island, when the true state ot the case was made manifest. It seems that the Canby on her morning trip had started from Fort Stevens, across, and when near the head of Sand Island,, the helm being unattended at the time, the heavy flood tide caused her to swing suddenly across the bow of the J. W. Marr, which was lying anchored there. The masts were carried away, the smoke stack bent over, and the top of the pilot house smashed, the whole damage amounting to about 200. The Columbia towed the dis abled vessel to the dock. The Asto ria will take her place to-day. The Telegraph Line. Lieut. Green, in charge of the mili tary telegraph line now in process of construction between here and Cape Hancock reports the work going on all right, though the stormy weather makes it a tough job, on account of the rough country the builders have to traverse. The line is all staked out. Beginning at a point on Jeffer son street just above Tin: Astoiuax ollico, it runs along that street, thence out past tho cemetery, over the hill to Yonngs river, which is to be crossed by a cable, as is also Lewis and Clarks, running along the shore line of these streams to Fort Stevens, from there a cable wili be laid across the Columbia to Chinook the line going by there to Fort Canby. The entire distance of twenty-feoven miles. Of this distancs' five miles will bo cable. A construction company leaves Van couver on Monday next to put the material in place. It is thought that by January 1st, the lino will be in working order. Our Heaviest Tax Payers. Following is a list of the parties in Clatsop county who my taxes on S5,000, and ever: A. V. Allen, 3,800; Anglo Ameri can l-lcg. Co., 8,450; Astoria rk. Co., S2S,834; estate J. Jiadollet, S15. 235; Dadollet A Co., 21,104; C. U. Bain. 12,000: . I. 1. liannon, $,0r,0; Uarth & Meyers, 7,7" IJerguian it Derry, S7,lo3; C. Ioelling 15,150; JA. ttooih& Co., S14,192; J. Q- A. jBowlby, SO, 150; H. P.rown, 30,908; IJ. Caruahan, 5,201; Uobt. Carru thers, 555,775; I. W. Case, 27,200; J. W. A- V. Cook, 14,002, C. H. Cooper, 0,432; II. V. Corbett, 13, 000; E. C. Crow, 8,277; heirs of A. Crosby 12.431; Jno. Davis, 5,425; W. K. Dement, 10,030; J. A. Devlin, 19,450; A. C. Fisher, G,400; Oeorge Flavcl, 120,0S4; Fisherman's Pkg. Co. 13,000; J. W. (learlnrt, 0,255: M. M. Oilman, 5,400; W. U. Gray, 0,358; .1. O. Hanthom; 13,500; J. Jlobson, 12,235: heirs of Richard Hobson, 5,090; Jos. Ilolla-d.-vy, 10,390; .Jos. Hume, 7,350: Win. Hume. $18,700; Ceo. W. Hume, 03,100; T. A. Hyland, 5,050; Philip iv Maty .Iohnson,5,222; .Jacob Kamm, 13,099: .las. K. Kelley, 5,900: Lewis Kirchhofi'. 8,350; C. Leinenweber 5,SS0; Leineuwebcr it Co., 15,71S; .loim Loomis 5,129: M. Meyer, 8,000. M. Wright,G,221; C. A. McGuirc, 12,138; A. Mont gomery, 0,025; Michael Now leu, S,- 190: Occident Pkg. Co., 11,505; Edward and Elizabeth O'Connor, 0,520; O.Jl. it N. Co., 40,525; C. II. Tagc, 5,820; I'liion Pac king company, ST, 700; O. W. Par ker, $10,815; C. L. Parker, 27,932; Mrs. C. L. Parker, $5,800; W. W. Parker, 0,310; II. P.. Parker, $10, 778; D. E. Pease, $8,858; Oranvillo Reed, 5,515; M. toger3, 9,450; Seaside Pkg Co., 0,515; A. M. Simp son, 0,500; Fred. Sherman, 5,505; Scandinavian I'kg Co., 15,277; Mrs. Susan L.Shively ,10,533; J. M.Shi.vc- ly, 10,020; A. II. Stone, $8,005; .las. Taylor, 28,020; Trustees M. .1. Kin ney, 11,443; .'. Timmins it Co., 10,841; .1. C. Trullingcr, $11,019; rnion Pkg Co., $9,000; A. Van Dn sen, $8,090; A. Van Du3en it Co., 5,028; Warren it Eaton, 9,415; D. K. Warren, 10,741; A. D. Wass, S5.255; D. H. Welch, 7,250: J. W. Welch, 8,000; Mrs. Nancy Welch, $11,590; Josiah West, 8,093; David West, 10,920; Wetherbcc it Thomes, $43,817; West Coast Pkg Co., $7,000: John West. Jr.. 11.300: .las. Wil liams it Co., 15,430; .7. W. White, $12,500; C. S. Wright, 5,380; Sarah F. it G. W. Wood, $0,310. Dyspepsia, liver con-plaint, and kin dred affections. For treatise giving successful self-treatment address Woklis DisrcssAUY Medic i. Aso crvnox. Buffalo, S". Y. CofFcc! Coffoe!! Coffee!!! A great KAUC.lll'Y .Success! .Just received at A. M. Johnson it C'os. a large invoice of pure .lava coffee in three-pound tins, posithely the best ground coffee in this or any other mar ket, (Warranted Mrielly jmrcK Also received large invoice of extra choice green Java and CoMa Kica coffee. Mel rose Baking Powder is the be4 full weight, no lottery, no fraud. Try it and be convinced. Loas of hair and grayncss, which of ten mar the prettiest face, are pre vented bv Parkers Hair Lalsam. For the geimine .1. II. Cutter old Bourbon, ami the best of wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at therein opposite the bell tower, and m-c Camp- hell. Prof. .. F. Meyer wishe.-. Jo inforin the public and his pupils that he is now settled and intend., remaining here. He is prepared to give music and aio French lessons. Scholars practicing will find every convenience for study and improvement, at hi- residence. His experience renders this an opportunity which it is woith while to an one to embrace. Even lady should send 2." cents to Strawbridge A: Clothier, Philadelphia, and receive their Fashion Quarterly for ; months. 1000 Engravings and -I pages new music each issue. Mr. .John Kogers of the Central Mar ket, has made arrangements to keep al he finest fresh fish, etc., in their season Wilhoit mineral water, fresh and sparkling, at F. B. Klberson's. For sweet and tend.'i elk meat, go to Ilawling's fruit store, ilain street. The finest cider of the season at .1. W. Conn's to-da : fresh and sweet. Have Wisiar's balsam of wild cherry always at hand. It cures coughs, colds, hronchitis, wnooping cougn. croup, in fluenza, consumption, and all throat and ping complaints. r0 cents and?i a bot tle, Airs. iiT. K. llinkers improved sys tem of Dress Cutting by chart is ac knowledged to be the best. Airs. S. T. McKean is agent for Clatsop county, and is prepared to teach all who wish to avail themselves of the opportunity new presented, llesidcnce, comer of Lafayette and Squemocqua Sts. Astoria. Shipper it Rvbkr, No. 11, Oak street Portland, are the bo 1 ton tailors of the metropolis. Physicians" prescriptions carefully rimiitoiiiitleil dav or li'mlit at ,1. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. . Fruit of all kinds received b C. A. Mav. on every steamer, bandies, nuts. etc. .Fresh novelties constantly an ly ing. Two Astorias. Strolling past the Catholic church yesterday afternoon, and admiring tho glorious panorama of an October d:iy spread out below us, we thought under what different phases out-door life in Astoria presents itself. Indeed it may be said there arc two Astorias. The one is a noisy, bus', bustling port, where, amitl wharves and docks, the rattling of chains and the shouts ' of the sailors are heard. Where Hows ! ihc great Columbia, and anchored m the stream awittng clearance to far-olf England lie great ships wheat-laden. Where all day long the noise of traih'c rolls, steamers coining and going with shrill shrieks. Where piling and plank ing lie on every hand, and buildings in every stage of construction greet the eye in all directions, while underneath the streets surges tho tide. The other Astoria is a ijuiet-streeted place. The sidewalks arc laid on terra firma. Ileforc the houses are gardens bright with summer bloom, and carefully tended. Maples spread their brandies and fruit trees thickly set appear above the palings. Tho emerald turf upon the hillside gleams brightly. Family residences stand on every hand, from whose windows may be seen views of transcendent beauty. From the sunny slopes above the town, on rare October afternoons may be seen one of the prettiest sights in the northwest. On one of these de lightful days when the air that lies still feels warm, and the moving air feels cool, when glowing in the bril liant livery of Autumn the trees, clothed in gold and scarlet, hang down their leaves, whose smooth cheeks, blushing at the sun's neglect, are crimsoning at the rude touch of the frost, the blue of the sky and the gold of the sunlight, sets off the white sailed ships that stand out in clear distinctness in the sunny atr. The prettiest hour of such a day is at its close, when the stars on high come twinkling out from the infinite azure that hid them during the sun's reign, and answering "Here' to the roll call of the Creator they form the ce lestial rank and file for the glorious procession of the night. lle.-t cough randy al Oerkwilz".. op posite Uell tower. KOAI Try our Borax Soap made expressly for us and guaranteed of superior qual ity. Can be used for any purpose, and will not injure the most delicate fabric. A line toilet soap. A' M. Johnson it Co. Satisfaction for Ten. In our family of ten for over two years Parker's Ginger Tonic has cured headache, malaria and other com plaints so satisfactorily that we are in excellent health and no expense for doctors or other medicines. Chronicle. Xotire to the IadiiM. Switches made from combings or cut hair: new switches made to order from the best imported hair, in any shade desired. Old switches repaired. All work warranted. Kates reasonable. Call or address riii.i'Xii.virr&SriioKX!:. Occident Hair dressing saloon, Asto ria, Oregon. Foi Dyspepsia andLivcr Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shilolfs Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. K. Dement. "Ilaekmetack." a busting and fra grant perfume. Price 2."i and Wl cents. Sold by W. K. Dement. Whv will you cough when Shiloh's Cine v. ill give immediate relief. 1'iice 10 els .'ill rls and $1. Sold by W. I. De- meiit. Brace up the whole system with King of the Blood. See. Advertisement. -A Xasal Injector tree with each bottle of Shilolfs Catarrh. Remedy. 1'rice .i() cent. Sold by Y. K. Dement. If you want nice fresh lard, or good sugar-cured hams, just from the coun try go to F. B. Elberson's bakery. Hallo ! Where are you going.' Why, to Frank Fabre's for a'pan roast. Have you tried a stew or pan roast as Frank Fabre cooks it .' Order one and you'll thank us for the advice. 1'. J. Goodman, on Chcnamus street, has Jfnst received the latest and most fashionable style of gents and ladies boots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for the famous Morrow -hocs. The Rev. Ceo. H.Thayer. of Bour bon, Ind., says: "'Both myself and wife owe our lives'loSiui.oii's Consiohtion Ci'itK." Sold by W E. Dement. Siui.oif.s Cn:i: will immediately relieve Croup, whooping cough anil Hronchitis. Sold by W.E. Dement. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and-toilct articles, etc-can be bought at the lowest prices, at .1. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident brtel. Astoria. AverilPs mixed paints, the hrst in use. for sale at .1. W. Conn,- drug store opposite Occident Hotel. Are yon made, miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of apietite, Yellow Skin .' Shiloh's Vital izer is a positive cure. For sale by W. E. Dement. The California Candy store is open on Concomly street. Home-made candy at lowest prices. A very coninle.e assortment of blank hooks, all sizes, styles and prices al the City book store. We learn from A. M. Johnson & Co. that their pure ground Java Coffee is a pronounced success and- is meeting with large sales. Sow is the winter of our discontent made glorious by a fullaiiclcomplete line of Rubber, and Oil coats, Gum boots and Umbrellas just re-- ceived and sold at. verv low prices byi M. D. KANT. f The lto Merchant Tailor. Clothier. Hatter and j H.YI.l.' Vl.f.Ki"Ai:i.i. SHIM " llli:. I!i:vi:vi:i: is a $cieuiiii combination of .Muneof tlit moM. powerful re-lontliwl agents in the vegetable kingdom. It iv- tores erav hair to it, original color. It ' ( make, the M'alp white and lean. It cures uaiuiruu ami uumor.auu muni-:-, out of the hair. It furni-.be the nutri tive principle ly which the hair is nonr-! Mien ami .sii'iMru-l. n hi:ii:i- the hair; moist, soft and glossy, and i uiisur naxsed as a hair dre.s.-iu;. It i- lite most economical preparation ecr ottered to tne public, as its cliects remain a lomi time, making onlv an occasional apji!i- cation necessary, it i- rccouiiucuil.'d and iwed by eminent .medical men. ami j oflieialh endorsed b tin Slate Aa.r! -of 3Ias-.;u'huels. "The popularity of" v Halls Hair Kenewer ha. ineieix)! with j -the test of nianv year-.. JmiIIi in Ihi-I country and in foreign lands, audit is: now known and used in all the rhilinl iiuintrie.s of the world. i'ei: Sam: i:v am. Dkai.ki:-. 3Io(licrs ! mothers'! Mother.: : ! 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child .suffering and crying will: the. excruciating pain of cutting teeth.' If so. so al once ami .ml n lttifisir ATvc tiicliif sww.f ln.kir 1 ojrup. il win relieve me poor niizu sui- lercr iiiuucuiaiciy ucpcuu upon 11 ; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell ".on at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like uiauie. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the pre scription of one ol the oldest and best female physicians and nurses 111 the United States. Sold every wheie. ." cents a bottle. Oyster! Oysters!! At Frank Fabres; in every Fn-sh from the beds every day. " style, To let. Koouis to rent over City bookstore tor November 1st. XOtire. af- Aftcr Oct. ".1st, we will not deliver Daily Oregonians in this cil. as we have sold this right to Ir. IL C. llolden. And would recommend all our present subscribers to continue with him. Kcsncclfully. 1. F. Stki:ns A: Co. To tho Public 1 wish to inform the public that my establishment is the only im.aci: iii Astoria that makes candy: 1 make the finest fresh candy every" day, and this is more than any one else can say here. Patronize home manufacture. John P. Ci.a-sen. A Varied Ferfonn-uice. . Many wonder how Parker's Ginger Tonic can perform such varied cures, thinking it essence of ginger, when in fact it is made from many valuable medicines which act beneficially on every diseased organ. A Wise "Woman Will try aiid preserve her charms. She may lack classic outline, of form, but she should use SOZODOXT. and retain the beautj' and usefulness of her teeth. A line set of teeth is one of the highest charms. SOZODO.NT will do this work. Nature's Own True Laxative. As agreable to the taste as the fruit from which it is made, prompt and pain less in its aetion on the liver and bow els, the great remedy Syrup of Kigs is selling rapidly and giving satisfaction to all. Children cry for it on account of its pleasant taste, and grown people are beginning to Use it exclusively, as it leaves them feeling better than any oth er remedy. W. Iv. Dement. Druggist, has been appointed asreiil for Astoria. Hodge Davis it Co.. Wholesale Agents. Portland Oregon. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions :if youth, nerv ous weakness, early decay. loss of man hood, etc., I will send a recipe that will cure you FREE OF CIIAl.CK. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Kev. Jnsi'ru T. I.vmax, Station I), Xcw York City,. Two Surgeons representing the NA TIONAL sritGlCAL INSTITTTE of Indianapolis, Philadelphia. Atlanta ('a., una san Jrancisco. win he m i'okt i.ani, Onr.fiON, at the St. Charles Ho tel, from .NowiM to the lltli inclusive, prepared with an expensive outht orthe most approved apparatus, for the treat ment of all cases of disease of the spine, hip, knee, ankle, crooked limbs, club feet, itc, Arc. They will be prepared to make the most dillicult surgical opera tions, including cataract, cross eyes, hare lip. deformities of the face, divid ing tendons, operations fur disease of the genital organs, piles, fistula. See. A rare opjMHlunily is offered those need ing their services. Old patients especi ally requested to visit them. Dissolution of Partnership. N' OTICE IS HEKEP.V CMVEX THAT the imrtiierslm heretofore exiMmu between John P. Classen and Chailes II. Oerkwil. under the Arm name or ( lassen & Oerkwit. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts will be paid by.lohn P. Classen, and the business will be continued by him. IOIIX P. CLASSEN. CHA KLESH. OKU K W IT.. School Tax Notice. TO THE TAX PAYKItS OF SCHOOL IMS-; trict Xo. 18. Clatsop county Oregon : You . are herehy notified that the assessment roll I for the school tax in district No. IS. for the year 1Ks2, is completed and Is now hi niy hands for the next sixty days from date here of. Pa v votir taxes hi I inie and save costs. C. W.SHIVI'LY. Clerk School District Xo. is. Astoria, Oregon, October I'lst, 18S2. dtd FALL STOCK ! (NOTHING! Men's. Youths' and Boys" U I T S ! Coats. Pants and Overcoats. SOFT AS1 STIFF rv.aiwvanK'.fsvruesr.facaes: II A T 8 FA I.I. STOCK OF Furnishing Goods I Ifl UI'.I (IVTS. Fvir.KIJ.LAS. FAILORING! The hnt -.t .:; of line rorvhMi ami American Beavers, Cloths, Piques, Worsted, Diagonals, Cassimeres and Pilot Cloths TO SKI.KCT FKOM. FIT GUARANTEED! ri S. A. McINTOSH, rasul riotliicr. - Occident Itlock. j jTatl ' A. V. Allen, (simi:ssoi: ro v.u:V. & AM.r.N.) Wholesale and ret.iil duller hi Provisions, Glass and Plated Ware, TUOPICAI. AND POMKSTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Toelhir with WkUiportaccolCiiars The largest ami a:ivt complete stock of inuls in their line to he found in the city. Corner of Cpss ami Stiemocqlic Streets, ASTOHIA. OREGON. MAKTIN FOAIin. J. .T. STOKKS FOARD & STOKES, Wholesale ami retail dealers in Wood and Willow-ware, GROCERIES, Tobacco.. Cigars. Wines and Liquors rourcicx and domestic Fruits unci Yegetab To flour, e:e:i, A NO COUNTRY PRODUCE. ANI General Commission merchants ASTORIA. OI tf- OX. NV! to Orr-iou l.'.iilway ,t Nav. co's Hock l.tw NO FOOLISHNESS! ivIUST MAKE ROOM ! I iiave reluiiiei! from San rniiieisen, uilh the liiiest stuck of JKWKI.EBY. WATCIII'S. A.M Ki'Sii! olI :ui'I S'll eiMVJire. Ki or ottered to the Astoria piiMic, and offer for. sale at extreme, iow prices the whole of my present stock. Tliis is ji bona fide offer. Solid old Watches, (.'hains. I'.racelets. Ear Hinjis, rnis. etc.. at manufacturers iirices. (SU.VfAV HANSEN. Delinquent City Taxes. TVTOTICK IS HEKKUV (SIVEN THAT I, 13 the undei-sif-ned. Chief of Police, have been ftiniislicil with a warrant from the city council icquiriii'mc to collect the taxes as sessed for the year Issi and now delinquent u-hmi the list, :iud make return of the same within sixty das. All parties mi indebted will therefore idea.se take notice and uocrn llicniselvcs-iroordhij'.lv. V.W. LAl'CIIEUY. Chief of Police. Astoria. Oregon. September til. 1SS2. A. Van Duscii & Co. 70i;LI KKSPKCTFn.I.Y CALL THE attention of the Public to the fact that they are Agents for the following sewing machines, viz : Tin Improicil Singer. Tin . While, The Crown And The I'lrtridge. Which they are selling from $:S.. to $."0. each anil defy Competition. Persons wi-hiu to purchase machines .should call anil inspect our stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as we guarantee to give perfect s:itiracticni as reganN quality and price. LEATHERS BROS. im.VT BIILDKICS. I"p Stall's Over Arntlt A. FerclieiTu Shop. Call and examine the work we are. doing and see the wood we arc using, hefore mak ing a trade elsewhere. FIRST -CLASS WOItK A SPECIALTY. C. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. THE O. U GOOF :!:saB::siKai::3::aKi:iiacs:EfisasiiiiiaiiiE3BiBBisiaHiiiiiHiiMHiiiaiilt -, GRAN0 OPENING! iisii9aii:3siiiKiatiia::EiaiiiiiiiitiBaaiiiiaiiiiaiaBitaiBiiiiiiii.iiiiiHMMasimHiii OIT Tuesday, Oct. 3, 1882! New Goods will be exhibited in every Department Xew Dress Goods,- New Velvets, New Plushes, New Silks, New Satins In all the new Shades. OT7""E3Et 200 15ruA.El.IE2,3n,IE2 0F Wraps, Cloaks, Ulsters atid Dolmans. "ggjs-On our Fancy Counters we will display an endless variety of new goods. In the Gentleman's Department the latest styles in Clothing, Overcoats, Hats, Shirts, Neck Wear and -Furnishing Goods. The public will be afforded every facility to inspect our latest importations. Goods shown with pleasure. No importunity to buy. Upper Town busses will stop at this store each way. Astoima, October 3, 1SS2. FALL IMPORTATIONS ! -AT We are receiving by every steamer new additions to our stock of Dry Gooils, Notions, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Suitable for the season. Flannels, WnierpQaf Hosiery; Blaakti$, Ets. Our stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Plushes, etc., show a large variety. Also an elegant line of Ladies' and riiildren's CLOA KS, ULSTERS, TUJSSIAJM CLKCULMtS, WALKING JACKETS, DOLMANS, ETC. Our tables arc covered with the nicest selection of Fichus, Ties. Collarettes ' and Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. OXTXt. UOTTO; QUICK SALES MB SMALL PMFin. We Study to Please. PKAEL BROTHERS. Xe.xt Door to Pythian Iftall. ASTORIA BREWERY. M. MEYER Proprietor. ASTORIA, SPECIAL NlSTO-CTNiDJEinnLTSSNir. REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES. $7 50 PER BARREL OF 30 GALLONS. ILAllfiE OllOEKS IX LIKE PROPORTION. Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - - - SI SO per Dozen awSpectal attention paid to orders from Puhlie Houses and Famllie.s.e THE COLUMBIA BREWERY IP K fr IE6 JUO-'J- IS SUPERIOR TO MOST. AND IS EXCELLED P.Y NONE ON THIS COAST JOHN HAHN, - - PROPKEETOR, CHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. WOrders left at the OERMAN1A liEElt HALL will be promptly, attended to.B IXL O. 3HC. OOOFSSXi. THE - OREGON. 0"tts06j 'ir