0 ) LjW?k '-.. I H- Vol. xviii. Astoria, Oregon, Thursday Morning, October 26, 1882. No. 22. mniio -J Jr JP Jv Jy Jli' I- ir ANOTHER EGYPTIAN WHR. A Cairo despalch of the 24th i s:tys: The ministry are industri-1 ously representing that the report of the renewal of disturbances in j Soudan are unfounded, while thoyj have been in possession of mes sages in regard to the disturb ances for the last three days. The Soudan movement has no connection with Arabi's rising. The false prophet announces his intention of invading the country, but has not yet advanced beond Khartoum. He has several iegi ments of Nubians. Prof. Shwein furth has communicated the following from Seudan: "Last June 0,000 Egyptian soldiers were surrounded by theiroops of the faKc prophet and massacred." Schweinfurth declares the situation in Soudan dwarfs the revolt into insignificance. Most alarming news has been received from Khartoum. The false prophet at the head of the whole ablebodied population of the Soudan, reinforced by some cannibal tribes of central Africa, has publicly defied" Abdel Kaber and defeated the Kg3-ptian govcr-j nors in several sanguinary pitched ; battles. The Egyptian loss in killed and wounded was S000, with their stands of arms including i000 Remingtons. The remnant of the Egyptian army took refuge in Khartoum and is now besieged there. All the provinces south of that city are lost to Egypt. It is stated that the capital of Kardofan has been besieged for thirty days; its capture is expect ed. An attack on Khartoum will follow. The false prophet permits the pouring of boiling tallow into the eyes and ears of his captives, and otherwise fiendishly tortures them. These man-eaters, in some cases, actually devour their prisoners for refusing to recognize him as the true prophet and khalif. Dr. Sohweinfurth assures me that there is a movement for the real revival of Islam, comprising Afghanistan and , Morocco, and the doctor is sure that the movement will em brace Yahtar. The faltc prophets ad herents increase like wildfire, and the prophet lumself is said to be marching toward Cairo. Great weight is due the opinion of Schweinfurth, but I believe the Chinese Jordon or Valentine Baker would be able to finish the whole business with 5,000 men. Abdel Kaber was known to fame as the commander of the Forty Thieves under Sir Samuel Baker. Giegler is a German engineer. The Egyptian government offi cially denies that the false prophet has any share in the defeat of the Egyptian troops during the late war. The authorities attribute the result to other causes. The Chinese Bill. The N. Y. Herald's Toronto special says: The Chinese ques tion is beginning to loom up in Canada as one of political and so cial consequence. The importa tion of several thousand Chinese to British Columbia to work as navvies on the Canadian Pacific railroad has aroused much feeling among the trade unions, which, at a meeting here Saturday night, passed resolutionsstrongly condem natory of "John Chinaman" being allowed the countenance of the government or its contractors, and urging prohibition or restriction whenever practicable of Chinese immigration. In this city until lately the number of Chinese was very small, and as the laundry business was the only one which suffered from their competition, there was no complaint. Latterly the restriction placed upon their immigration into the United State.- ! Tremors of the Earth, have drawn considerable numbers! The Loudon Times publishes :i to Toronto. .synopsis of some papers on the The other day .some of them in j "tremors of the earth," by the attempting to pass through the .commuter appointed to meauie United States, ostensibly on theirl the lunar disturbance of gravity, way to the Celestial empire, were land by G. Darwin, which contain met by obstacles at the suspension ,'sonie statements new to the pub bridge Trom American officials,! lie. It i- considered proved' which induced them to return to by the men of science eng.iged j the bosom of the small Chinese community in Toronto. -? "I'll Not Trust Ye." Two centuries ago. in the High lands OE Scotland, to ask for a re ceipt or promisory note was thought an insult. If parties had business matters to transact they iand rises under the pressure ol the stepped into the air, fixed their j mass of water thrown upon it b eyes upon the heavens, and each! the titles, the maximum of :ise and repeated his obligation .without mortal witness. A mark was then carved on some rock or tree near bv as a remembrance of the con-$ tract. Such a thing as breach of contract was rarely met with, so highly did the people regard their honor. When the march of improve ment brought the new mode of doing business they were often pained by these innovations. An anecdote is handed down of a farmer who had been to the low lauds and learned worldly wisdom. On returning to his native parish he was in need of a sum of money, and made bold. to ask a loan from a gentleman of means named Stuart. This was kindly granted, and Mr. Stua'rt counted out the gold. This dene, the farmer wrote a receipt and handed it to Mr. Stuart. "What is tint, man?" cried Mr. Stuart, eyeing the slip of paper. "It is a receipt, sir, binding me to give ye back the gold at the right time," replied Sand. "Binding ye? "NVcel, my man, if yc canna trust verse! f, I'm sure I'll no trust ye. Ye canna have my gold.' And gathering it up he put it back in his desk and turned the key on ir. "But sir, I might die,' replied the canny Scotchman, bunging up an argument in favor of his new wisdom, "and perhaps my sons might refuse it to yc; but the bit or paper would compel them.' "Compel them to sustain their dead father's honor!'' cried the Celt. "They'll need compelling to do right if this is the road ye're leading them. I'll' neither trust ye nor them. Yc can gang else where for money; but you'll find nane in the parish that'll put more faith in abita paper than in a neigh bor's word o' honor and his fear o' God." JExchanqe. Of Mehemet Ali, the ancestor of the present Khedive, the following story is teld: "A milk-woman came to the Pasha one day, com plaining that one of his soldiers had robbed her of the milk she was bringing to camp. The soldier was identified and denied havinir taken the milk. 4What did he do with it? asked the Pasha. 'Drank it,' was the reply. At a sis:n the man's head was off his body, and his stomach, being opened, was found to bo full of milk. 'Go,' su'id the Pasha to the horrified milkwoman, paying her the value of her milk; 'but if he had not taken it, your head would have paid for it.' " Bucks infest Coos bay by mil lions, and are being continually harrassed, killed and captured in ever' conceivable manner by men, women and children. The ducks are now fat, and fine eating. One man has a home-made gatling gun on the bow of a skiff. He mows them down in swaths, and supplies the market at a bit apiece. Si! verton Appeal. that the cru.t of the i-aith beiuK 'under weights imposed on it, tili . "when the barometer rises an inch. ! .. i0111 .,.. i:i. riInr ftr itjtiri !. 1.411' l - w - --- Australia, the increased load of air j-inks the entire continent two" or three inches below the normal level.' The land actually Milks fall on the Asiatic seaboaid reach ing five inches. This effect is felt at the bottom of the deepest mine. and mav reach for an unknown distance. It follows that the crust of the earth must be of ex ceeding tenacity, exceeding as a minimum that of granite; and its swayings may be the cause of phenomena hitherto quite unex plained, as, for example, the i ela tion between storm and earthquake. So universal , frequent , and unavoidable arc these disturbances that the inquiry into the lunar disturbance of gravity has been given up. iSo ueptii can be lound at which a recording instrument can be placed so as to escape their effect. The round earth pants, in fact, like a breathing being, under the changes always going on above her. Mission ba3' is again what it was five or six years ago, a "bono yard" for ships with nothing to do. There arc now anchored there nearly a dozen fine American ships whose owners are not satisfied with small profits, as our foreign negh bors are, ami the result is our English neighbors keep their ships moving while our good and whole some American ships are kept rotting at their moorings, and their owners, as a matter of course, growl at the decline ol American commerce. . I'.' Alta. No bald-headed man is taken into the U. S. arnry as a recruit. This rule has been adopted to con ciliate the friendly Indians. Noth ing exasperates an Indian so much as to kill a U. S. soldier, and then be deprived of the satisfaction of scalping him. Such an outrage i on the friendly Indians is calcu lated to goad them on to war. It is at the lequest of the Indians that the secretary of war issued the orders that none hut calpable recruits shou'.d be received into the arm'. Severe damage has been inflict ed to the lumbering business of Humboldt, Cal., by the last storm. The Times estimates that the sup ply of logs will tun 10,000,000 feet short of the amount that would have been placed in the streams and at the landing had the weather remained fair. "1 believe you're a fool, John," testilv exclaimed Mrs. Miinrs, as her husband unwittingly handed her the hot end of the potato dish which she promptly dropped and broke. "Yes," he answered re signedly, "that's what the clerk told me when I went to take out my marriage license.5 Brooklyn Eagle. Mr. G. M. Sharp, Camp Hill, Pa., says that St. Jacops Oil is in dispensable for all rheumatic com plaints; in fact, it has given the highest satisfaction to all who have used it. Loss of hair and grayness, which of ten mar the prettiest face, are pro vented by Parker's Hair Balsam. PfHIiff2 sill CERielEOK FOR RHEUMATISM J Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swaff- ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Prarration on earth equb Sr. J.trot Ok. u a safe, sure, simple aud cheap Kxterasl Itemed. A trial entails but the cujf&retivlj' trifling outUy of 50 C'cnli, and crery one differ ing with pain can bars cheap and iK&ilirs proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. BOLD BY ALLDRTJGGIST3 AND DEALEE3 a.vogbco., IN MEDIOINE. ZJaUirnorc, 27tl., I7"...f. The 3-ear 1SS2 came in on Snn daj The year ends with Sunday and five different months in the year-each have five Sundays. It is estimated that fully 100, 000 persons in Massachusetts rely upon the fishing- industry lor" their support. The capital invested in this industry, is about $14,334,':la0, and the gtos value of the product ?8,101,70. ' The stnallesr woman in -Washington territory is said to live at Garfield; she is nearly 2'2 years old, is 35 inches high, and weighs 34: pounds. Her name is Amanda "Welch, born in Oregon, and the strangest of all is, she has yet the first, or baby teeth. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS, The ivniuleiiai.ee i& ):lo ami Icjiteu coltircil, Willi oee.vion:il llulies of u eir t'iuiwril"d -j)Ot on one or lwtli elieeks; the eye, bo-nnie dull; the pupils dilute; unnr.ure M-iitieircIo tun hKuii; tin lower eye-thl; llie :ujnc i irrlMUil, s.J'. :tnl sometime hlef-ds;:! elliu:; ! il uppi-r lip; ceruMiiu:)! lienilui-iie, Willi humming or tlnnhhini; of the ears; un nnu-iiul se cretion of "aliva; slimy or tuned tongue; hreat hver for.!, particularly in the mori. in; apK-'ite arhJle, sometimes voni euiu, with a jinawiiiK sensation of the stomach; at othcr,entirely ne: fleeting pnin in the Mom.teli; occasional naiisct and vomiting; in!ent pains throughout the aiMlonifii; IxmcK ii regular, at time eotlvc; ato'ils slimy, not imrrcuicntly tinged with blood ; holly sw. lien nun hard ; urine turhiil;repirathiiHVisioiKtUj dilii eulland aecompanicil by hiccough ;com;h sumeJimcsdry and convuIslve;iiuciy anil disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, hut generally Writable. Vhcnecr the abovtj symptoms are found to exist, J)!!. C. 3IcLA'E'S YEKfllFlH'E will certainly effect a cure. In buying Vermifuge be sure you . the genuine DK. C. MoL.YXir.S Vi:i:MI. I'UOL', mnnufactured by Fleming llro., 11 W'ocxl Street. Plttsburgli, I'u. The market is full of counterfeits. You v. ill Ik: light if it has the siguntuie of I tem ing Itros. and C.McLatic. ir vour storekeeper docs not hae On; ccnuiue, plesise report to u. Send us :i three cent stamp for 1 .!.! some advertising cards. FLE31IXU BROS., PittliurIi. Pa. King of the Blood Is not a '-enre rt?J," it is a hlond-imriner aud tonic. Impurity oft he blood poison the sys tem, deranges t no rirculaiion, anil tlnis In duces many disorder, known by diirerent names to distinguish them according to ef fect, but being really branches or phases ol thit great -generic disorder. Impurity or Blood. Such are )iisin'ii, Jtltltou-nov, Liter Complaint, Onuttiitntlon. Xerwu 7)x ordesj, iJcadache, Backache, General Weak ness. rartJ)lcat,Droiy, Kblncy Dfccasc. Piles, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Skin Disorder?, Pimple. Ulcer. SiccUiiuj", Ac., dc. Kins of the JIlooil prevents and cures these by attacking the cautc. Impurity of the blood. Chemists and physicians agree in calling it "the most genuine and efilcicnt preparation for the punose." Sold by Drug gists, SI per bottle. See testimonials, direc tions, &c. In pamphlet, "Treatise on Diseases ot the Wood," wrapped around each bottle. D. It AKSOM. SON & Co.. Props Buffalo, N. . 3P9EJk ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS; Oyster Saloon, '$ CUR A M f.S STKEET, AhTOPJA. mm: ini:itsic.:Ei is pleased toj JL announce jo ihe public that lie lias op- I mrd.i I JHggvtiTng TTouse , Vul furmhi" in fir-it-ela stIe o..n:k::-. nor coffit. tea, eic. A I THF. Ladies" and Gent's Oyster Saloon, j mrwuirs street. ! I'll .iv jmvc me a rati. ltoSCOKimXOX, Proprietor A. M. JOHNSON & Co., Ship Ctafe aii Grocers. 2iiir aisii Cortlaxi' of all Kinds. 1:!im-!n. 1'alrnl :iuil ZHH inline of till Njyrs. Tin 'farmiim Lcpsoii's Sroteli N:tlt:imi nvl Tuiucs. ."Hot-maid IVine.; Camas, all ZVo's z Copper Tipped. Oars. T1h list :rortinrnt of GROCERIES In Town. The IScsl COFEEES and TIL1S. Trj- on r 3Ic!iom linking Powder Poitiel the bet ever made. cirrstEs-o goods of all Mod put up !: best Packer.. lli.-lunUon'-. .nut Knhbm's Canned (tood. Terras Cash. Profits Small. eirftlVE lS A CALLTu WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Main and Chonamua Street", A:- 0111 A OREGON CIGARS AND TOBACCO. The Celebrated JOSEPH RODGERS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE WOSTENHOLM and other KnglLsh Cutlory. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Pie ersh aura Pipes, etc. A rhie stock of W:itehe ant! Jewelry, Muzzle and ftreccli I.nadiiJK ttliot CSuii.h antt Kitten, Revolvers. 11to1h. nml Ammunition .MAKlXr. (.LASSKS ALSO A FIXE Assortment r line Sl'LTTAt'LES and EYE C1.ASSES. B. B. PRANKLTN, UNDERTAKER, !-jct i mm M ti zyr?- Comer C'.s and Fmteinoqlio streets, ASTORIA, --- - OREGON DKAl.Klt IX I WALL PAPER AND VINDOW SHADES AND UiLliKTAlvri.KS liUUUD. . A. Yaii Duscn & Co. vyori.D REsrnrrFriJA call tup. attention of the Public to the fact that they are Agents for the following seving machines. . : Tli IiuproK'd Siiigor. The AVhitc. Tin Crowu Anil ThrJfllriririgc. Which the are selling from S3.. to S50. each and defy Competition. l'ersons v.ihiii" to purchase machines should call and inspect our stock beforopur- enaingeisciicn'. n uuguanuuuu iu kivb IKJrfert satisfaction as reganis quality and prut. Notice. ALL PAKTIES INDKRTKD TO. Oil hold ir.' :mv Indebtedness utraiiist Andrew l.Iohnsou. doce:ued. of the Union Tacking Co., will please can on me nnucrsigncu at the .Vslon.i Lifpior Store, within thirty days and etlle same. AUG. DAXIELSOX, HENRY MATTSON. Atoria. Oct.S. l&?'i. FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY ! STKAIi:it "KATATA" Owing to her being too small for our busi ness will be sold on reasonable terms. JCAppIv at the olllce or lladollet & Co., Up per Astoria, for pattieulars. when the boat can be seen. BADOLLET i CO. d-GOd lAM i ' - i wDS n o L rmi O o l J ,J i 2LW 05 (fl ! WILLIAM HOWE, j dl'.i,i:i: r Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms, Lumber. All Kinds of OAK LUMBER, j Boat Maieriai. Etc. iM j Boats of all Kinds Made to Ordw. 1 C2SOrders from a distance promptly attended MISCELLANEOUS. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bextox Strkkt, XnAi: P.uikej: Housr, ASTOIMA. - OttEGOX. GENERAL MACHINISTS? AND BOILERiiMAKERS. LANDiMARINEEi(IINES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. OAflrcxisrG-'S. Or all Description mmle to Order at Short A'otire. A. D. "Wash, President. .T. Ci. HusTLKn, Secretary. I. AY. Cask, Treasurer. Jo ux Vox, Superintendent. S. ARNDT & EERCHEN, ASTOKIA. - OKEOOX. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH - yVorB-iHcS G TI ii 1371BEB?4- kj m. 1 V.' Jm -TBBSs--cs $Ci un Z rtjTi.?m?mmr J Boiler Shop All kinds or ENGINE, CANNERY, AXD STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOf OV IVFAYETTE STltEET. B. K. STEVENS. C. S. V.IKIWS CITY BOOK STORE. Where you will lind all tho standard works of the day, and a constantly chaiiKinj; stock of novelties and t.iney articles : we keep the hest assortment of variety poods in the city. Pocket Books, Picture Frames, Steroscopes, Mu sical Instruments, Sheet Music, Bijou terie, & Celluloid Goods, etc., etc. 1 E.STEVEXS&CO. HEADQUARTERS- Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock in Astoria J ovelties of all Kinds Fruits Beth Foreign and Oomestie Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, OKO DOCK .&2mtf2kB . 3raEi"Vkrf;-y F&zjmmiJ. 1 Sf " is - 5 H z CD Sg go z0 g kO 8c ' 2 a nil? o 5 CO TtXJEstXCXXCC AND Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. M,MW WWt to. and satisfaction suantnteed in a,l rases. BUSINESS CARDS. T1 V. 1IOLDKX, XOTAHY rUBLIC, Al'CriONEhi:, COMSITSSION AND SURAKCE AGEN1. TK. J. C. NHAFTE8, I'HYSUTAA aad SCBCCON. (OKtrrSCHEK AXXX.) Diseases of the Threat a Special I jr." Office over Conn'3 Drug Store. T O. BOORTH, ir. S. 'iiiiuutssleuer, Zvtmrj rMJc, m Innaraace Aemt. Agent tor the Hamburg-Breraca Fire las. Co. of liambuiv, (Jermany.aad of the Tpts elors Life and Accident Ira. Co., of Hart-' ford. Conn. -Ofllee in Pj thian Building. Eooais It, IS. Q.EI.O F. PABKEK. SURVEYOR OF ClatHoy :onnty,aad Citr ef Aateria Olflco :-Cheuainas street, Y. M. C. A. ball ltoom Jo. 3. "P D. HINTOIf, Attorney and Counselor at Law. as"ORlce in Pythian Buildlnsj. Booms 11, 12. ASIORLV, ... - OBEQON. JAY TUTTLE. M. . PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON . Offick Over the "White House Store. i:i-.8Idece OverElberson's Bukery, op polite llarth & Myers' Saloon. A Ii. Fri.TOX, 31. D. I'hyHlclau and Survean. OFFICK-Over A. V.Allea's groeery stoie. Koonw. at the Parker House. 1 F. IIICKS. PENTIST, ASTOKIA, - - OKEGOfl. ltooias in Allen' building up triairs, cerner of Cass and Sqemocahe street.'). T K. l.aFOKCK, DENTIST Dental Room over Cate Slerr. Chenainua Street, - - Astoria, Otesoo. I Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEYAT LA1V. Chenauuis Street. - ASTOlilA. OitiGX e. A. ST1NSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Cajt. Rogers old stand, comer or Ca?s a'ndiCourt Streets. Ship ami Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Cleaning Repairing. NEAT. CHEAP AND QUICK, BY , ;EORE JiOVKTT, Sl.un Street, opposite X. Loeb's. $500 Reward. We w illpay the above reward for any owe of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia. Sick Head ache, indigestion. Constipation or Costive ncss we cannot euro with West's Vegetable Liver PilLs, when the directions are strictly complied n ith. They are purely Vegetable, and neer fail to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large boxes, containing 38 Pills, 23 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Beware ot counterfeits and imitations. The gemalne manufactured only by Johx C. "Wese Co.. "The Pill Maker 181 and 183 f. Madisoii St., Chicago. Free trial package sent by mall prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. W. E. Dement, agent. --