The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, October 22, 1882, Image 3

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    A T-.-Srt - "-
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Monday Excepted). .
Aio)ian Dnildhajy Cass Street.
Terms of Subscription : "
orved by Carrier, per week- ...........23 Cents
nt by mail, four montbs.... ..-.....) ()
j-cnt b7 mail, one TWir....-.......... .. 9 CO
Freo of Pcsuce io Subscribers.
" Advertisements inserted by the year at
tra rate of Si. 30 per square per month.
trniHioni advortisins. by the day or week,
ifly csnts ror stfuarefor each insertion.
It is 12$ miles from "Cape
cock to Astoria.
Rev. J. McCormac will preach on
board the John O'fiaunt at 4 v. m.
This i the season when those who
go out to walk come back with bunches
of delicately-tinted leaves.
Regular service at Grace church,
morning at 11; evening at 7. Sunday
school after morning service.
Congregational church Preach
ing as usual at 11 a. jr.; lecture at 7
i. m. Sunday school at noon.
-Among minor improvements let it
not bo overlooked that Grace church
is now heated by two new stove?.
Sir. C. W. Shively. clerk of school
district Xo. lS,givos notice this morn
ing that the tax list for that district
is now in his hands.
Rogular services at the Methodist
Episcopal church to-day. Preaching
at 11 a. m. and 7 v. m. by tho pastor.
Sunday school at 12 M.
Well! the legislature has ad
journed; there is no use in trying to
play a post mortem hand; simply
"patienco, and bhuflle the cards."
Tho Californian and Overland
ZSTonthlj for November is received. It
is n good number of a first-class pub
lication, that should be encouraged bj'
tho reading population of the Pacific
Dean Blanchard is down from
Rauier with his new steamboat, the
John West. It is a pretty little craft,
and will be used by tho owner in
towing from his mill to points on the
Columbia river.
Tho salmon bill (which was pub
lished in full in yesterday's Astorian)
passed both branches of tho legisla
ture and will be the law after receiv
ing the governor's signature. Ho has
already signed the pilot bill.
How much moio in accordance
with "tho eternal fitness of things" it
would have been for the 0. 11. & K.
Co., to have built their new dry dock
at Young's bay, whero it would have
been of permanent value to them!
White winter wheat, sowed in the
Xohalcm valley has produced a splen
did yield this season. With tho ex
ception of Indian corn, this county
can produce as fine crops of cereals'as
any section of the United States. Our
8nmmoi3 are not hot enough to ripen
Indian corn.
Near Charlotte, X. C, a young
son of Joe Faulkner was left in charge
of his father's mill. While showing
some playmates what he knew about
the machinery he was caught in the
belt and literally torn to pioces. This
story has a kind of moral bearing on
the fate of other "young sons" who
think they understand political ma
chinery. How do you liko the way
Clatsop county is treated in tho mat
tor of legislative apportionment?
With 8,000 inhabitants we are given
ono-half a representative, and one-
third of a senator. But that is as it
was in the beginning, is now, and
ever shall be world without end, till
our citizens take public inter
est enough in their own affairs to
change it.
Our Glorious Climate.
To tho inhabitants of less favored
climes who shiver for five months of
the year amid surrounding ice and
snow, and sigh for shade the other
even, it may be well to say that the
inhabitants of this and adjoining
counties enjoy a climato the year
round that is the finest and healthiest
in the world; the thermometer ranging
during that period from 50 to 75
degrees. During the other months
of tho year comes a bountiful rain,
insuring plentiful crops; and though
occasionally a light fall of snow occurs
about Christmas, yet its appearance is
phenomenal, tho thermometer i-arely
linking below tho freezing point, and
for a largo proportion of the time a
man can work out of doors in his
shirt sleeves.
The Closing Sceue.
(Special lo tin Standard.'.
Salkm, Oct. 20, 1882.
The final ballot by which Hon. J.
IS. Dolph was elected was concluded at
10 o'clock amidst intense excitement.
The Democrats made a manly and
persistent fight ag.iinst time which, as
the hour of adjournment approached,
scared Republicans to Dolph for fear of
losing an election. As the ballot pro
gressed and it was seen that Mitchell's
friends were voting for Dolph cheer
upon cheer rang through the hall.
When the re?ult was announced Sena
tor Dolph was called to tho platform,
introduced, and warmly welcomed by
tho audience. He returned thanks in
a short and appropriate speech. Mr.
Mitchell was called for and made a
short speech and was voiecferously
cheered. The joint convention then
adjourned. The senate and house
held short sessions and closed up
business in hand and then adjourned
sine die.
Speaker McHride " expressed his
thanks to the members of the house
for the courtesy and consideration
extended by them during the session.
Mr. Ison tendered thanks in behalf
of the Democratic members fur
gentlemanly and impartial treatment
they had received at the hands of the
speaker. All then crowded aruitnd
the desk and took leave of Speaker
McBride with warm congratulations.
Senator Dolph was serenaded and
afterward held an impromptu
reception at the Chemekotn parlors,
when he was warmly congratulated
by numerous friends. Champagne
flowed liko water and universal joy
The Last Ballot.
Following is the 7th ballot cast by
the Oregon legislature at fl:o! last
Thursday night: the convention ad
journed at 11:38 o'clock.
Dolph - Raughtniu, Rleakney,
Drown, Carson. Colvig, Davenport,
Dufur, Eakm, Faulconer Ford, Gil
bert, Hall, Harris, Ilawley, Hirsch,
Humphrey, Hunt, .Jessup, Jones,
Keiley, Lee, Marston, Marquam, Mor
ras, Tdoses, Nichols. Patterson, Per
kins of Douglas, Perkins of Grant,
Plummer, Reed, Rice, Rigdon, Sap
pington, Sharp, Simon, Stanton, Stew
art, Starkweather, Stearns, Tanner,
Thornton, Smith, Trnitt, Tyson,
Voorhces, Waldo, Waters, Webb,
Wilbur, McBride, McConnell 51.
Bonham Bilycu, Cau thorn. Clow,
Crawford, Cyrus, Dorris, Furry,
Haines, Hayes, Hind man, Hendricks,
Hoult, Ison, Jamison, Kizcr, Moss,
Myers, Nelson, Noycr, Pennington,
Prim, Sifers, Stanley,. Robnctt, Sper
ry, Whilnoy 20.
Mitchell Lung, Curtis, Gates,
Gault, Siglin, Yeatch (5.
Boise Bruce, Dunbar, Carter!).
Shattuck Wright 1.
CaDe Hancock Recoici-
Oct. 21. Weather milder; wind
east; bar smooth. Bk Yiola, Pioneer
towing, crossed out at 8 a. m; str
Emma Hoyward at 8:15; ship Daunt
less, Columbia towing, at 8:tJ0; str
Gen. Miles at 8:30; barkentino
Cordelia, Brcnham towing, nt 8:05.
The W. n. Starbuck bears W. S. W.,
10 miles.
The ship auchoredofi' tho automatic
buoy is the Wilna, from Phila March
1st; has had a collision with some
steamer and lost her jibnnom. No
How to Secure Vast Crops.
Send ten cents to A. Yogeler A: Co.,
Baltimore, Md., with your name and
address and recch'c a copy of the
Yennor Almanac for 1883, which will
so thoroughly post the farmer upon
tho state of the weather, that he can
run his farm for profit, and not ex
perience only. The American News
company of New -York city will
promptly supply book and news
dealers desiring to handle the
Cqnsumptiou in its early stages is
readily cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's
"Golden Medical Discovery," thouqh,
if the lungs are wasted no medicine
will effect a cure. No known remedy
possesses such soothing and healing
influence over all scrofulous, tuhercu
lotis, and pulmonary affections as tho
"Discovery." John Willis, of Elyria,
Ohio, writes:. "The 'Golden Medical
Discovery, docs iwsitivcly cure con
sumption, as, after trying every other
medicine in vain, this succeeded." Mr.
Z. T. Phelps, of Cuthbert, Ga., writes:
"Tho 'Golden Medical Discovery' has
cured my wife of bronchitis and incip
ient consumption." Sold by druggists.
Loss of hair and grayness, which of
ten mar the prettiest face, are pre
vented bv Parker's Hair Balsam.
Every ladv should send 125 cents to
Strawbridge & Clothier, Philadelphia,
nun rpp.fih-c. their Fashion Quarterly for
months. 1000 Engravings and 4 pages
new music each issue.
Wilhoit mineral water, fresh and
sparkling, at F. B. Elbersou's.
How the Salmon were Slaughtered
Last Season-
"How arc so many "fish caught? I
haven't noticed any nets."
"Nets arc of no account now. Go
and see the snail," said the captain, as
he bent over and rang the slowing bell
for Tho Dalles.
Some time after I saw tho "snail,"
and a most ingenious, successful, de
testable engine of destruction it was.
Tho owner had admirably planted it j
just above the Upper Cascades, on the
river, the south bank being at that
point almost impassable to the fish. It
was placed just where the swift edge
of the current makes an inviting eddy,
through which the salmon must natu-
rally "run" on their way up stream.
Here tho current was about eight feet
deep. There salmon never swim lower
than four feet below the surface.
Erected over what would be the entire
width of tho "run" was a huge frame.
Suspended inside this an immense
wheel revolved, so adjusted on pul
leys as to rise and fall with the
changing depth of water. Upon the
spokes or arms of this wheel, eight in
number, were fastened as many wire
nets, each thirty feet in diameter,
loose and baggy and movable, resem
bling in appearance the pouch of a
pelican. The current itself is the
force which turns the wheel, like an
undershot, Wry slowly it noes around.
Tho great seonp nets spread 1-zily
around the water, one after auothor,
at just the depth where they are most
fatal. Their arms almost pause and
float motionless through the stream,
But, though slowly, the great wheel,
called from this motion the "snail,"
does move, and with just the right
tardiness, for as the nets emerge from
the water they are so filled with the
struggling prey that Mr. Williams,
owner of one of the wheels, pro
nounced 800 an average catch. At tho
proper angle above, the net is turned
upside down. It contents are dumped
along tho arm of the wheel to what
might be termed its hub,striking which
they are rebounded along a trough to
the bank. It is a stirring but cruel sight,
for thore are many small and un
marketable fish in every "haul." Tho
theory is that these are returned to
the water and live, but it is like the
"returns of tho killed and wounded"
after a battle so stunned and unined
aro they that but few survive. The
wheel presents a busy scene, and tho
profits must be enormous; for tho
simple contrivance costs about $400,
and requires but half a dozen attend
ants. There ate four of these wheels
on the, river, and a gentleman engaged
in the fishing business informed mo
that the calculation was they gcaught
about half the salmon that go up.
There is a wheel on Bradford's Island,
above Bonneville, the work of which
has become so notorious (not merely
killing merchantable fish, but in so
doing destroying a dozen times as
many of a size as yet too small for
commerce) that the public press has
demanded its suppression. But all
these wheels, as has been said, arc tho
production of a brain which aims to
live without work." Probably from
2,500 to 8,000 salmon (for the pro
prietors of the wheels aro very chary
about giving actual figures), largo and
small, are caught every hour, night
and day of the week, save from
Saturday to Sunday night. Compute
the amount. I know of one actual
catch of 0,-100 salmon in a day large
fish, suitable for the canneries. An
experienced fisherman stated it as the
result of his observation that about
one in ten of those caught were used.
Even in the number used, packed and
sent down in barrels, one wheel kept
tho largo cannery at Warrendale busy
all through the season, and then the
cannery couldn't tako care of all!
" Looking at the descending stream
of half dead fish literally "broken on
the wheel," I could not but regard
the question for a moment in the light
of an angler and an economist.
Meanwhile, day and night tho "bar
barous and murderous" (I aiu using
an intelligent fisherman's phrase)
"snail" wheel is kept going, and the
salmon are literally corralled by mil
lions in the very haunts where they
go to bring forth their kind. JYcic
yorl; Letter.
Xotcic to the Ladies.
bwitehes made from combings or cut
hair: new switches made to order
from the best imported hair, in any
shade desired. Old switches repaired.
AH work warranted. Kates reasonable.
Call or address
. Um.KXHAitr&SmionxnE,
Occident Hair dressing saloon, Asto
ria, Oregon.
The California Candy store is open
OHI.UUCUUHJ- Mrcer. i iomc-niae cantiv
at lowest prices-
Fancy soaps and perfumery of all
kinds can be found at J. W. Conn's drug
store, opposite Occident hotel.
Mr. John Rogers of the Central Mar
ket, has made arrangements to keep al
Ire finest fresh fish, etc., in their season
Finest sausage and head cheese at
Gans' meat store, next J. Rodgers.
Jnst llcrcivctl.
Holland herring in kegs; smutty no'-e
mackerel (.the best brand of ine mack
erel put up): a large lot of borax soap,
made expressly for us, and guaranteed
to be of superior quality; also another
invoice of Mclroso baking powder; to
gether with a full line of painN.oiK
and putty, of which we have tin iiiin
complete stock in town.
Please call and examine our cJioiee
stock of Groceries.
A. 31. Jonx-ox it Co.
Astoria, October 17th. r.vk-dw
To tho Public
1 wish to inform the public that my
establishment is the oxr. i'i.Ai: in
Astoria that makes cand. : I make the
ilnc-T fresh candy every da, and this
is more than any one else can -ay here.
Patronize home manufactuie.
JonxP. Cl..sSK.
Satisfaction for Ten.
fu our family of ten for mw two
years Parker's Gingi-r Tonic has cured
headache, malaria and other com
plaints so satisfactorily that ? arc in
excellent health and in i-piiie f-r
doctors or other medicim. Chrmurlr.
To Iho Public j
Dr. Aug. C. Kinney gios notice that
he must withdraw from all practice, ex
cepting hosnifal and oHie practice, lor
the present. . I
T wo) Surgeons representing the NA
Indianapolis Philadelphia. Atlanta ('a..
!iml Snii l'r!iiiiikin will ! in I'm-1-.
L.v.vr, OnnnoN. at the M. Charles Ilf-j
tel, from Nov. I'd Jo the Ui'i iiiclu-he'
picparcu wuii an caim'iisivc oiuiii n u:e
most approved apparatus f rtiie treat
ment of all cases of di.-casc of the -pine,
hip. knee, ankle, crooked limbs, club
feet, fcc, A-c. They will be prepared to
make the most difficult surgic-i! opera
lions, including cataract, ro-- eje.-.
hare lip. deformities of the f.icc. divid
ing tendon-, operations for di-e-e oj
the genital orgaqs. piles, fistula, te. A
rare opportunity is offered tho-e need
ing their services. Old patients especi
ally requested to visit them.
riniuzr out IXosJi:e.Kj.
Ouii.g to Iho illness of Mr. N. Loeb.
he has concluded to dispose of his en
tire stock of clothing, furnishing goods
groceries, etc., elegit cost. .31 r. r.oeb
ilf.iri' ii to .:iv in reT.irl In ltn mnttor
that he means business Those de-hing
any goods in his line will hud it to their
advantage lo call and examine his stock
and prices. These goods have been
hoiiolil nt lowesi mat ket rate-, nml in
tending purchasers can buy at cost.
Nature's Own True Iiaxative.
Asagreable to the taste as he Iruit
from which it is made, promptand pain
less in its action on the liver and bow
els, the great remedy Syrup of Figs is
selling rapidly and giving satisfaction
to all. Children cry for it on account of
Its pleasant taste, and grown people are
beginning lo use it exclusively, as it
leaves them feeling better than anj oth
er lemedy. W. E. Dement, IXuggist.
has been appointed ageut for Astoria.
Hodge Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents.
Portland Oregon.
A "Wise 'Woinan
Will try and preserve her ch.unis. .She
mav lack classic outline of form, but -he
.should use SOZODONT. and retain the
beauty and usefulness of her teeth. A
fine set of teeth is one of the highest
charm':. SOZODONT will do this urn k.
A Varied Performance.
Many wonder how Parker's Ginger
Tonic can peiform saich varied cures,
thinking it essence of ginger, when m
fact it is made from many valuable
medicines which act beneficially on
every diseased organ.
Oyster! OyMte-r!!
At Frank Fabrc's; in every
Fresh from the beds every ila.
.1Inic t.c.H.sons.
sl I.
Mis-Xora Wil-on has ictunicd fiom
San Francisco, and is now picpaudto
receive a limited number of pupils in
in-ti omental music.
To Iit.
Uoonis to rent over City book -ton- af
ter November 1st.
Mr. E. K. llinkers improved sys
tem ot Dress lilting by chait is ac
knowledged to be the best. Mr. S. T.
MtfKcan is agent for Clatsop county,
and is prepared to teach all who wish
to avail themselves ofihe oppoiituiitv
now presented. Kcsidcncc. coiner of
1 jifayette and Squemoequa bts. Astoria.
A large consignment of clocks just
received at Adler V.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Iicrfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
ic bought at the lowest piiees, at .1. ".
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
Shilolfs Catarrh JJemcdy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheiia and
Canker 3Ioulh. .5oId by v. K. Dement.
If you want nice ficsh lard, or good
sugar-cured hams, just from the coun
try go to F. I. Elbersou's hakcrv .
-A Nasal Injector live with earh
bottle of tjhiloh's Catarrh. Komcdy.
Price .TO cent. -Sold by W, E. Dement.
Fruit of all kinds received b C. A.
May, on every steamer. Candies, nuts,
etc." Fresh novelties constantly arriv
ing. Hallo! Where aie you going? Vh.
to Frank Fabrc's for a pan" roast.
Have .ou tried a stew or pan
as Frank i'abre cooks it? Oidcroc.eand
you'll thank us for the advice.
Physicians" prescriptions earefullv
compounded day or night at .1. .
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
Shipper & Itybkc. Xo. 11, Oak street
Portland, aic the bon ton tailors of (he
P. J. Cioodman, on Chenamus stieet,
has iiist received the latest anil most
fashionable style of srents and ladies
boots. shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for, The Hew Ceo. 11. Timer. of J'our
thc famous Morrow shoes. . u. ,'., :ns: "Uoth myself and wife
.. "TTTT . , , i owe our hves'to bm i.oit's.CoxsiTMiTiox
Prof. J. K Meyer vvishcs to inform cci:k. Sold bv W. II Dement,
the public and his pupils that he is now !
settled and intends remaining here. He1
is prepared to give music and also
French lessons. Scholars practicing
will iiml overv ennven ifiwo fnr cliuK-I
and improvement, at bis residence. His
exporience renders this an opportunity
which it is worth while to any one to
l$(yw is tire winter
of our discontent
made glorious by a
full and complete line
of Rubber, and Oil
coats, Gum boots and
i Umbrellas just re
ceived and sold at
verv low prices by
Tlit ivs Merchant Tailor. Haiti l and
fall stock
Men's. Youths" and Boys
r- -TIJ? Tgy
Goats. Pants and Overcoats.!
rK: rJMTOts. xcz?
; ' I.! m"(H Iv Ob
Kt uv.h": covi i !!::; s i.s.
i he l.v.M st( c or line
1 n "i :.ii(l Ynieric i:i
Saavcfs. Cloths, Piques,
Worsted. Diagonals,
Gacsiniet'es and Pilot Cloths
io s,rLKT n:(M
Tailor ami r..iliu.-r.
mvkttv fo vt:n.
Occident UlocK.
.1. .T. STORKS
liK-s-: iii.I ret .id dc d(r in
Wood n ad Willow-ware,
Tobacco. Cigars. Wines and Liquors
Frvits and Vegetables
General Conuiiisaion IVTerchants
ast2.. t:ir.:
Xet 5e nwa Uadu i & Xuv. coS Uock.
Pioneer Gaudy Factory.
A l:us and ' " v. . i .'v..7y on
Pctronizr Home Manufacture.
( e Oniljes :Ji.i: nic:i:.tIe of (oim! and
I!::rn:lrs. tsatci J:iJ-.
l:i't lnj c:.r.di from forclji maiiiiue
nirers vsln'ie tl. y v0 ttiseiifu: artiefe.
i:n .:t limnevVr u cau the
Candid are fit --U ii t i:i iii!ivdlriits an
Call .mil s f I'h at the taclorv omuiMte the
Dell Timer. H HAfLrt Il.'OliUKWiTZ.
:?: t TTf t irre',.r
-- - -- -- ' w- ---rf. ..
3 I i.'J 5 ft 5 !'
Foster's Emporium.
SVlcst Complete Stocfein Astoria
AoraWcs of all K'nids
Wines and Liquors
(f Superior l'nmd.
F(sTS-:srs citNr.i?. o ii icy dock
To all who an sutreving -from the
errors and indiscretions jf jouth. uerv
ous weiikness. earl;, decay, loss ofuiau
hoixl, I'te.. 1 will seiiil a recipe Ihafwill
cure ou FUEL: OF ClIAIUJE. This
great lcniedy was discovered bj a mis
sionary in South America, ber.d a self
addressed envt lope to the Hew Josuvh
T. Inia. M.ition i). New York Citv.
Are v on made miserable by Indi
gestion, Constipation. Dizziness, Loss of
appetite. Yellow .skin ? .Shiloh's Vital
i7er is a i!..sitive eiirc-. For sale by W.
I h. Dement
'sands who wen
an syrup has curul thou
pi'siirteriny from ilvsnene
I sia. debility, ltvcr complaint, boifs, hu
mors, remale complaints, etc. rampn
lets free to any address. Seth W.Fowlf
it .SOU' 'iO'lOll.
Siiit.oh's Cri:;: will immediately'
telieve Croup, whooping cough and
r.ronchiti?. told bv W.E. Dement.
-Hackmetaclc' a last
pmnt perfume. Price Si s
Sold bv W.E. Dement.
a lasting aim i ro
und .io cents.
Whv will vou cougn when Shiloh's
Cure will give'iuiiiicdi.Ue relief. Price
10 cts Suets and SI. Sold by W.E. Dement.
1J A T S i
-,-S '-JT-. g-r..1 '! . irrarrtuWKf -as t
uesday, Oct. 3, 1882!
New Goods will be exhibited in every Department
Incw Dress Goods. Jew Velvets,
STew Plushes, New Silks, New Satins
In all the new Shades.
07"S5. 200 T7LjEl.IE2a?IE3S 03F
Wraps, Cloaks. Ulsters and Dolmans.
On our Fancy
endless variety of new goods.
In the Gentleman's Department the latest styles in
Clothing, Overcoats, Hats, Shirts,
Neck Wear and Furnishing Goods.
The public Avill be afforded every facility to inspect
our latest importations.
Goods shown with pleasure. No importunity to buy.
Upper Town busses will stop at this store each way.
A-vtoria. October , 1SS2.
mimwmM, STOHE
We aie reeeiv mg by every steamer new additions to our stock of
Dry Goods. Notions, Ladies' and Children's Shoes,
Mutable for the season.
Hosiery Blankets Ete,
Out stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Satins,
Velvets, Plushes, etc., show a large variety.
Abo an elegant line of Ladies' and Children's
Our tables are covered with the nicest
selection of Fichus, Ties, Collarettes and
Fancy Goods too numerous to mention.
"WV Stitily to lIas.
Xcxt Door to Pythian Hall.
Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon
Bottled Beer, - - - SI 50 per Dozen
fcB'Sppelal attention paid to orders from Public Houses and FamilieWft
srOrders lelt at the CERMANIA BEER HALL will be promptly attended ito.-
Counters we will display an
O. jBC cooper.