n) ggltc nalB slarintu ASTORIA. OREGON: WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 18, 1582 J.F. IIALLOKA'.. JMHor Hw it May bo ImproTcd. It is with regret wo notice that our journalistic friends of the interior have lost their several tempers in discussing the present j senatorial contest. When the gentleman who edits the Albany Herald refers to the gentleman wlio edits the Oregonian as a "liar," and a "skunk," and 11 "dirty dog," though it make the vulgar laugh, yet it causes the judicious to grieve. The simple fact of a difference of opinion need not result in such unseemly use of op probrious names. However hot a political fight may he," it is more satisfactory to all, when it is over, to be able to meet and shake hands and be as men and not as snarling brutes. And then, how trifling the whole thing is, anyhow! There are so few things in life worth "getting mad" about that we are surprised at the amount of mis placed energy displayed by such perverlers of their opportunities as the men who make their papers a common sewer for all manner of nastiness. But it is not confined to Ore gon; our Missouri friends -are also at times, taken that way. Ilere is a specimen of verbal dysentery, which we furnish for our con temporaries to put away for refer ence: - The Marble Hill (Mo.) Re flector, in speaking of a rival, says to the unfortunate victim of maledictien: "The ignorant, contemptible, mean, sneaking, cowardly, self important, low-flung, dirty, out landish, backbiting, self-styled 'politician,' dead beat, whisky bloat, backwoods bummer, log cabin child of misfortune, beer in flated, big headed, soft skulled. over-rated swamp angel who claims to edit the swamp paper thinks the editor of the Keflector terribly ignorant. Let him look at the twenty-seven mistakes in his last issue; let him remember the 'blantant' in tho issue before, and let him not forget that he used ardorous for 'arduous' in a lead ing local in his last issue of Aug 24. Ob, you dirty whelp, you poor crawling, creeping viper; you dirty scum of the dirty, stinking, stagnated swamp; you mean, big jawed, slab sided, knock kneed, bow legged, bandered shanked pup; lost, as yon are, to honest', to principle, to justice, to common decency, do you imagine you can rule God's country the hills? Go back into tho cesspool from which you have crawled and there re main. Don't come out of your den to abuse respectable people. Go to school, Kelly, and you may learn something yet." Kelley's reply is awaited with in terest. Now, this is an improvement on some of the slush that has been dished up duting the last month, and may be used by some of our esteemed confreres as a demolisher when the spirit of uncleanliness again assumes control of the edi torial mind. The moralists of Great Britain would doubtless rejnird it as a good joke if the emperor of China should request Queen Victoria's aid in the suppression of the opium traffic, as it is reported that he will. The English government forced opium upon China at the cannon's mouth, and ihr idea of that government now hoping to remove the cause is absolutely ludicrous. If England should lose India she would doubtless be ready to discuss tho opium question seri ously. At present the almighty dollar hides all moral considera tions' " B. A. McGixnis, grand master of the Odd Fellows of Florida, issues an appeal to the Odd Fel lows of the United Slates for a contribution for the yellow fever sufferers at Pensacola. " JIenkt "Waiid Bckchek has dissolved all connection with any church union, and will hereafter preach Beecherism, straight. Gov. Moody has signed the pilotage bill. "All Astounding- Prediction. Tin: New York "World's Lon don cable says: The comet is all the talk in scientific circles- at present. It is being regarded with considerable apprehension. Rich ard A. Proctor, who denied that it was the comet of 13-13 and 18S0, now finds that he made a mistake in his calculations, and so has withdrawn his statement. More cautious astronomers than he have no doubt of the identity of the comet, and believe that it will re turn at the latest in October, 1 883, and will then fall into the sun, with results which will enable us to dispense with the future publi cation of the newspapers of the world. 1 am assured that this is the opinion of the most eminent scientists of the day, ( Piazzi Smith, the clever astronomer royal of Scotland, in particular haing made no secret of his belief that the end of the world is at hui.d. Ax anonymous pamphlet, says the Hour, entitled "The "War of 1SSG, between the United Stales and Great Britain." has just beer, published in Cincinnati. The war will be wholly a naval one, an.? a fleet oJ English gun-boats will .s-iil up the St. Lawrence river into our chain of inland lakes and levy fear ful contributions on the rich (kit's situated on them. Another Heel will lay waste the sea coasts and incidentally assess this city for a contribution of 100,000,000. The United States being without a navy, will enduie all this evil with out a struggle. The pamphlet is a very good satire on onr naval af fairs, and ought to, as it probably will be, sent to that great execu ive genius, ex-Secretary Robeon. Ax article in the last number of the New "York Sun, to hand, in discussing adversely the proposed Mississippi improvements, stales that the entire amount of "the na tional debk is .not sufficient lo complete the contemplated im provements." This is the same jour nal that once irtade a remark which our friends on the Sound never tire of' quoting; that the whole of the U. S. treasury might be emp tied into the mouth of the Colum bia without improving tho bar. AYe hope that improvements in the Mississippi will demonstrate that its assertions are as untenable in tho one case as in the oilier. Pr seems that we havi; to conf luence figuring up this census business all over again. A Wash ington dispatch says there is a scandal in tho census bureau that will probably call for an investi gating committee as soon as con gress comes together. The alleged returns on which the last census was figured were made up of spol iation and are worthless. Other irregularities are also charged. In lissouri there is no prohibi tory law,but a rigid statute against gambling. In Kansas there is no anti-irambiing law, but there are prohibitory enactments, t'on-o-cpiently, card sharp locale their establishmonts in Kansas near tho state line, and skip quietly into Missouri after their whisky. So long as we can harbor such intellect- a.i thee, the count iv is safe. Tin: New V'ork World is grati fied to observe that Mr. Henry Villard has just paid, with inter est, a debt of 300 which he con tracted in 1S5G, and-thinks, if he intends to pursue the same policy in his official capacity there will be a surplus of some hundreds of millions covered into the national treasury in 1907. Tiiuklotv "YVcnn is dying. His demise will be a loss to the'deal ers in reminiscences, who, for thirty years have been retailing what his broken memory vouch safed. "Crx down," once said Commo dore Maury, "a tree on the 'Ama zon river and one at St. Paul and they will meet somewhere in the p-ulfof Mexico." CORX. In Astoria, October 17th, 18S2, to the wife of Eben P. Parker, a son. NEW TO-DAY j A3irK5Ii-:KT. ! LIBERTY HALL ! HRTl'StX KY Pt'BfjIC IFMAMi rei: TWO NIGHTS ONLY ! Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. IStli and 19th. THE Hattie Moors Comic Opera Co. IN M. 31. S. PINAFORE, ash BiLLSE TAYLOR. Itescned Mais for .vile at Adler' Musit storv. Don't fail to -cenro scnls earl. Noiice of Copartnership. K the ixii;!:.sk;ni:u. civk no- ' inv that we have fanned onrselvrs in to a ;t:irinei!u muter tho (Inn name of Se lls & l'o.. for the pijrji,e of doing a geiiral hill noitl!!-,; lmsiness. Circulars, runrral Nu tire. and llttU ofall dcsvllntions distributed on l lie slittite.t nutnv ! K. SRI.IU. .1. A.MCC'UKA. OnVe at Tlieo. lirarkcr's Cigar Store. Astoria. Or.. Oct. 17th, 1"2. lwk FOUND. iN MY.IUNK STOIJ.K. OCTODIilt 1C. !.. iu lots if nioiiev in the iunk. which the or.acrcan have hy giving correct description. Kina .tiii amount, anu pay lor tins aurcnts- ing li 1. JOl'LIN. To Whom it May Concern. fg-MIS IS TOCKUTIFY T1TAT I HAVE JL rented uiv Restaurant, furnished com plete, to Ah liuau, and that I will not be re sponsihlo for any .supplies furnished lilm. DOCK LOONO. Astoria, Oiejjmi, October Cth, ISSi. oi7t L . Allen, (mOCIMnU TO I'AOK & ALLK.V.) WimJesalr and retail de.Uer in Crockery. Glass and Plated Ware, TROriCAI AND 1KMESTK FRUITS AND VEGEfABLES. Together with IBs, Liquors, m a 'J'h latgest anil mo.t complete .-lock of ijooiK in their line to he, foinid In the city. Corner of r.t?s anil Snemoehe Streets, ASTORIA. OREGON. fP 0 KEEP DRY FEET C3rO TO 1. J, Arvold's ALL KINDS OF BOOTS & SHOES FOR liADIKK AXI) i:XTIEMKX 1 no n lar;e Mock of first -ela-cs grxxKnuil on ill find my price, as low as any. I wMitoj'ueniy customers tlui woithof i heir money, and .atMv them so that thev will conn ajnnn and hrfnjr their friends. T make all kimli of Roots and Shoe; to ORDER, and gnaratee A VERl'ECT TIT. Palent EveilaMini: Ruttoirs on our shoes free of ehnn-c. Repairiu-; neatly done. On the Roadway, opposite O. It. & N. Dock. Notice. A1 LL l'AISTIlS IXDERTEDTO.orhold . lnir :i!i iiiilotitpilnocv iwlmf rii.mnc or hot h of them, will please Vail at tho! Union l'.iein-r Company's office within thirtv days and fettle :iiiie. cnims J.TREXCHARD, lir.XRY MA1TS0N, 1. 1"- l'ERCIIEX. Aitona, Oet. 3,1SS2. .lollfi :iml Aiiilrpu-.1i1iiijiii ilAAn-iumi oiiin. HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock in Astoria A ovelties ofall Kinds Fruit Roth Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S C0EXER, 0 B &JT DOCK mt Wmm Wsm HIW STOEE! srxsw GOODS, r ::m oju-niug a, first class .stork or W Furniture, comprising every thing in the lino of Chamber Sets, Parlor Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings. Lace Curtains.. House Trimmings, and the latest novel ties in Interior Decorations. 1 would respectfully suggest to parties desirous of seeing really fine goods to calf. The quality of my goods taken in consideration with their price will commend them to nil lovers of fine articles. llnttraiMeK r.ml Ueillinr iu Stock, mid ."ilude t Order. Agent forHoe3''s patent bod-sofa, of which there are over 10,000 in use on the Pacific Coast. Plavel's building, opposite Welis, Farso & Co's office. M. W. GALLICE. THE NEW MODET jHfiSSllllL A FUIX STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. 3E5- H- QIjaL.'VrSESJS., Two doors cast of Occident Hotel, AbTOKlA. OltllfiOX. The Str. GEN, MILES t ViUteao Astoria for ., .-:, . L- GRAY'S HARBOR B$rx2gS zzH9 gpg: ?t-Ti3ES5 ' siune day. and will leave asain for Gmj 's Hathor, Monday, Octoher 23il. For freight and passage apply to J". II. D. ltAY. ilSontl.S. A'. Co. ask rou Union India Rubber Company's rure Para Gum Crack Proof1 RUBBER BOOTS. UK WAKE OP IMITATIONS ! He sure tho Boots aroTstamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and have tho CURE GUM SPRINGS on the foot ami Instep, which prevent their cracking or breaking. AVe arc now making them with RUltRER AND ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last lnoro tlian twice as long a any Rubber Boots made, FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING, PAOK- IXO, HOSE. SPRINGS. CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SIIOES, ele. JOOIYI-AR ItURRF.lt CO. Tt.n. TEASE. Jr.. t ... S.M. RUN YON. AKem, Sin San Francisco. PERUVIAN BITTERS ! Wilmerdirrg & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. AXtsr-tiaiMS - i --UL-. ;..ll enter to Show Cause 1Yky Sale or KenI Estate Shovld Hot be Jfadc. IN TirE PROBATE COURT, COUNTY of Clatsop, State of Oregon, ss. To Tliomas Morton and an otlienr Interest ed in the estate of Aaron Mortou, decascd. G. G. Smith, administrator of the estate of Aaron Morton, deceased, having filed his petition herein praying for an order of sale of the real estate of s-aid decedent for the purposes therein set forth ; said real esUite being in Columbia County, Oregon, and par ticularly described as follows, to-wit: The N W H of thelJ "W li of section No. c, T 4 N, R t west, and the "W M of the N W M of sec tion No. 1, T 4 N, R 2 west, containing in all 124 and 21-100 acres. It is Uierefore ordered by the Judge of said Court that all persons interested iu the estate of said deceased appear before the said Probate Court on the litli day of October. A. D. 1862, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day at the Court room of said Probate Court at Astoria. Clatsop County, in said State, to show cause why an order should not be granted said administrator to sell said real estate of said deceased, and it Is further ordered that service, of this cita tion be made by publication for four weeks in the Daily Astovtws a uewspaper or general circulation Iu said Clatsop County. a A. J1CGU1RE. Probate Judge of Clatsop Co., Oregon. Attest : R. R. SPEDDEN, Clerk. by D. B. TYXfcCB, Deputy. dew-5t ia;k in: had in vs- TOKl ONLY OK B, R, HAWJBS, Ai:i:xr CALL AND KXAMIXi: IT, YOT' WILL UK I'LLASKD. II R. 1IAWTS i :;N !;ei:t for the M patent (Mil Stove And other fir-t -!. Moves. Purnnce Work, Steo.ni Fit tings. otc, a. specialty- L. .J uirrntNixi; next day. Will leave Tor Shoalwater Ray on Wcdnesilay. Ocloiier ith, letmning HILL'S VARIETIES. GEO. HILL, '- - - PROPRIETOR WALTER PARKS, - STAOF. MANAGER Engagement of Sliss MAHIE GOODRICH, 'Hie Queen of Serio Coinhs. JOHKfrJY STOKES TJjc ;reaest r All lleliww Iinpcrxonatovs. CHAS. BARR0V The t'hevt.M-lleta of MiiiKtrelRS. ToijpUier with a new AIl the Old Favorites Retained. Open nil l!ie Year, IVrTominnre Krr Mahl. En I ire CTiatise or Pro gramme Once a Work. Comprising U the latest SONGS. DANCES AND ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. The theatre is crowded nightly, and all who have witnessed the entertainment pro nounce it to lie cuunl to any given elsewhere. Mr. Hill as a caterer Tor the public's amusement can not be excelled. Anjbodv uMihig to spend a pleasant evening anil see .sparkling wit and beauty without ul garity, .should improve the opportunity and come. Tiie company comprise? the following well known Artists: Miss Fanxii: AValtox. Mi.? Moi.uk Ciiuistv. Mit. Tom. CnniSTV. Mn. Waltkii Parks. All of which will appear nightly In thcirdif ferent specialties. Open air concert every evening ; perform ance cemmeneim: at 8; entrance to theatre on Benton street ; piivate boxes on Chena mus street. New Stars iu Rapitl Succession ! Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply SALMON TWINE! CORK MB LMD LINES. SEINE TWINES. A Full Stock Now on Hand. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 511 Market Street. Haa Fraaelace Sole Agents for the Tacillc Coast. UUUM r3 xv DBS Large lot of good serviceable Dress Goods reduced to 12 cents per yard. Splendid all Wool Cashmeres, all colors, reduced to 40 cents per yard. TREMENDOUS REDUCTION! All our 1.10 Cashmeres, all colors, re duced to 80 cents per yard. The ?eaieBf Safifiae of the Sejioi Calicos, 16 yds. of all best brands, 1.00 Handsome pieces of Dress Gingham, 10 yards 1.00. Nottingham Lace Window Curtains at very low figures. Call earl)' and secure choice selections. We still iiave on band about 20 Hand some Iiadios Cloaks, ' To be disposed of at a sacrifice. OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT Being almost closed out of Ladies sizes, we have still on hand a line of Foxed Cloth Shoes. Also a few Pebble Side-laced, a handsome -Shoe formerly sold for $2.50 and now at $1,75. Also Children's Kid Shoes at 40 cts.; a handsome Childs Kid Slipper at 50 cts. ; Buttoned Kids at 60 cts. Full line of Misses Kid and Pebble Buttoned Shoes at less than S. F. wholesale prices. A splendid .Boys Winter Shoe at $1.75 worth $3.00. By order of Creditors at CALIFORNIA STORE J0I111 A. Montgomery, (srcrKssei: to jack ins & Montgomery.) iSsfiPSislziurJ COIt3tF.lt OV .IIAIX AXI JKFFKRSOX STKEETS,' ASTORIA. - - QRSQINf. CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE S BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper; Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Moildings, - WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES -Complete in every branch. MARTIN OLSEN, DIvALEIt IN jEf FUENITLTBE S? BEDDING. Corner Main and Squcmoqun Streets. Astoi'In, Oresen. WIDOW SHADES ANU TRIMMINGS; LOOKING GLASSES ETC A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AIT. KIXDS OF FVSMTIRE REPAIRED AlKD VARNISHED. LOEB & CO., .lOI'.IIEKS IN WINES, ' LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AtJKNTS FOR TITE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. C-All goods sold at San Francisco Prices. JIATN STREET, Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oregon. PT STOCK DEPABTMBNT, IKALEttS IX Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A ItPiiernl Assoitmcnt of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Msigee Stoves and Ranges Tho Hest in tho market. Piumbing goods of nil kinds on hand. Job work done In n vrorkmanllko manner. Leinenweber & Co., C. LEIKEXWEBER. H. BROWX. ESTABLISHED 18G5. ASTORIA, OREGON, TANNERS AD CUBBBI1S, iManufacturers and Importers of A LI. KINDS OF AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers In - OIL AND TALLOW. ar-nighest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow.