ra 2s He Iiailn ..irtoxUni, AbTOUIA, OREGON: SUNDAY OCTOBER U 1SS2 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. '.Monday Excepted). J. P. HALLORAN Sz COMPACT, rL'l:i.IMIP.KS AND I'KOI'IMKTOJ:-. Astunan Building, Cass Sti-cet. Terms of Subscription . ervod by Carrier, rmr week .....'25 Cents m by awil. four &iouths................5.". 00 zui hy laail. one year. .......... 9 GO Froo of Postmro tu Subscribers. r Advertisements inserted by the year nt be rate of Si .TO per square per month. Transient advertLMns, by tho day 01 wool:. 3fty eonts pot square for each insertion. No senator yet. The Yiola came down last evening Tlio river front shows tip well in the matter of vessels. Mr. Smith of Tilhunoolc, for Caples, j'csterday. voted I'rosby tenan church Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. ai. Regular morning and evening ser vice at theM. E. church to-da3'. The Boston Comic Opera com pany will play here on the 2d and 3d prox. -Lieut. Willis Wittch, 21st In fantry, changes station this month from Foil Townsend to Fort Cunby. Row WinGcld .Scott, D. D., will preach at the Baptist church to-night at 7 o'clock. The public cordially in vited. -Lights aic being placed so that tho people can got to the Baptist church without endangering their necks. Congregational church Preach ing as usual at 11 a. m., by the pastor, lecturu to young people at 7 i ai. Sunday school at noon. If. 13. No. 1, "providing for pilot age on Columbia and Williamette riv ers," was passed as amended. Wc will publish the bill as soon as it is re ceived from tho state printer. Adam Callin was placed in nomi nation for joint councilman for the counties of Cowlitz, Wahkiakum, Pa cific and Chehalis at the Yancouver Democratic convention. Tho next convention will raeot in Walla Walla. Ordors have been issued that the work of track laying on the Baker City branch of the O.R.& X.Co.'sroad shall bo pushed with vigor to the summit of tho Blue mountains. This will bring tho track within 25 miles of Grand Ronde. - There are 42 pupils in Mrs. Robb's room in the school of District No. 18. Miss Lawrence has GO in Her room. inc last named lady was called to Salem on Wednesday to sec her father who is dangerously ill. Miss Clara Hewitt has charge in her absence. - Shipping News. The Walla Walla came in yesterday from tho Sound, loaded with coal; the Mississippi came in from San Fran cisco with freight and combustibles. The Dauntless and Sarah Bell were towed down from Portland, and tho Trevelyan up. The British bark Easter hill, sixty-three days from Auckland, arrived in, in ballast; the ship Patri cian, thirty-one days from Yokohama, arrived in. The Starbuck and Cum brian are outside. Boom Broken. Thursday night, because of tho sud den rise in the Cowlitz rivor, tho boom above Freeporl, used to catch logs, broke away, owing to the great number of logs that had come down and lodged in the boom, and the wholo lot, amounting to nearly a mil lion of foot, went down the river and out into the Columbia. This entails ..V....J H ujuii uiu luyyers who canj illy afford to stand it. . Tho steamer! Kollo; ",rT was tied un bolow ihn im,..,. opwas tieuup below the boom, uu came very near being torn to pieces )jy the rush of logs. St a suar d. Our Taxes. The assessment roll for Clatsop county ! for 1882 is about made up. The county court adjourned last Thursday. Tho rate of taxation for county purposes was Bet at eight mills; this, with tho state tax which is eight and a half millB, will givo a total of sixteen and a uau nuiiB tax ior tne current year. Last year tho rate was twenty mills, showing a reduction of taxation for Una year of three and .1 half mills. The tax roll for 1881 gave the total raluation of property at $2,07G,G22; amount of property subject to tax ation, 1,450,000; this year the total valuation of county property foots up $2,500,000; . subject to taxation, fi,950,000. Salem Solons. ISi'kciai. to Tin: ATOKl.VX. Salcm, Oct. 14, 1SS2. Threo ballots were taken to-day, the last, the thirty-first, being no mora decisive, than the first one, .1 month ago. Mitchell got 38; Shat tuck, 21); Falling, 0: Lord, 8; .f. F. Cayles, 3; Williams, Mallory, Herman, Bernard, and Marion one each. Ad journed. Died. Iu Aurora, Oregon, Oct. 11th, at 11:45 p. ii., Mr. George Giesy, of Willapa, W. T., of consuption. Mr. S." Giesy, father of deceased, came to Aurora with his son on or about July 1st, believing that the climate of Ore gon might bo better than that of Washington territory for his invalid son. For a while it so appeared, until last Tuesday for the first time George was compelled to take to his bed during the day. But now his sufferings are over, lie leaves behind many loving ft tends who in tears sympathize with the bereaved parents. School Closed. Yol'Xu'.s River, Oct. 1 L 1S82. Ei. AsroitiAN, Miss. Clara Bender has just closed a four months school in district No. , with satisfactory results. She has been untiring in her efforts to make tho school a success, and has not failed to please all in the interest she has taken, but has won the respect and esteem of all who have become ac quainted with her in her short so journ in this place. School begins iu district No. , next week, with Mr. Dow as teacher. Rksiuext. Another Complaint Astokia, Oregon, Oct, 14, 1882. En. Astekiax: Again the Queen of the Pacific took half of Astoria's freight up the creek. Our merchants and cuunerymen are subjected to constant annoyance, and their complaints are getting so nu merous that a remedy should be de vised. Lot us subscribe from 1 to 5 each, and place the stun in the hands of a lawyer with instructions to make a tc3t case of it. Wo would certainly win it and thus .stop the evil that at present so grievously affects us. Mkiscii ".NT. Early Closing. En. Astouian. As the winter season has set in and the amount of business done after eight o'clock ais easily be. dono beforo that hour without iuconvence to the purchaser, 1 would suggest that the stores close at 8 i m. Sunday excepted, believing that such an action would be conducive to the health and energy of merchant and salesman alike by having a few hours during the evening for I heir own enjoyment. Cl.KJtK. "Will Close at Eight O'clock. AsToniA, Oct. 14, 18S2. We the undersigned merchants of Astoria, agree to close our places of business at 8 o'clock every even ing (Saturday excepted) from and after this date, until April 1st 1883: I. W. Case, D. A. Mcintosh, C. H. Cooper, Prael Bros., B. F. Stevens & Co., Magnus C. Crosby, Geo. W. Hume, D. K. Warren, Wilson & Fisher, per II. F., Chas Heilborn, E. R. Uawes, Wherry & Co., P. J. Goodman, Frank L. Parker, E. A. Quinn, John A. Montgomery, A. V. Allen, A. Van Dnseii A- Co., I. J. Arvold, Foard & Stokes, A. M. John son, Bergman - Berry, S. Schlussel, Loeb & Co., N. Loeb.M. W. Gallick, I. Cohen, M. Wise, C. I Paul Parker with C. L. 1 Moflctt, M. D. Kant. To tho Public. Dr. Aug, C. Kinney gives notice that he must withdraw fronnill practice, ex cepting hosnital and office practice, for the present. XOTICE. l ms authorizes T. beelye, sole agent fAst0ria. oC lIlP Washee or Medical jaKc water. 1m.11. 1.. j.acox. Persons wishing the same impure at Central market. T, Seki.ve. Mr. .John Rogers of the Central Mar ket. has made arrangements to keep al ue imebi iresn nsn, etc., 111 their season Fancy soaps and perfumery of all kinds can be found al J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel. Have you tried a stew or pan roast ns 1 rank Fabre cooks it ? Order one and you 11 thank us for the advice. . -"A very comple.e assortment of blank books, all sizes, styles and prices at the City book store. A large consignment of clocks just received at Adler s. Prof. .i.F. Meyer wishes to inform the public and his pupils that he is now settled and intends remaining here. lie is prepared to give music and also French lessons. Scholars practicing will find every convenience for .study and improvement, at his residence. His experience renders this an opportunity which it is worth while to any one to embrace. A11 Oyster Yam. 1 never found anything but once here in excess of my expectations, or even approaching them, and that was tho New York oysters. I had just then come from Oregon, where oys- ten aw very small and insignificant, mulThad often eaten a hundred of them brought from Shoal water Bay, and had always felt that I could eat more if I had them, So when I ar- rived at the Fifth Avenue Hotel 1 or-; dered my dinner to be served in my room, and told the waiter to bring me with rar dinner a strong cup of coffee, 1 . .. and hundred raw oysters. He looked at me a moment and then said "Did I understand you to 3ay a hundred oysterai" "Yes," I answered; "raw on the half-shelf, with vinegar, no lemons. and as soon as you can, for I am vory hungry." "Ahem! dred?" . , . . Mi??, do you want a faun - "Yes, 1 de: what arc you waiting forf AlU3t I pav you in auvaticat I , ., "No. no, Miss: All right, you 3Iiss! All rinht. shall have them," and he went out. I continued my writing and forgot all about my dinner, till he knocked and came in with dinner on a tray, but no oyster.-?. "How's thW yaid I: "there are no oysters:" "Dey'.s comin' Miss; dey's comin'; and the door opened, and in filed three more sons of Afric's burning sands, each with a big tray of oysters on the half shell. I was staggered, but only for a moment, for T saw the waiters were grinning, so I calmly di rected them to place one tray on a chair, one on the washsiand, and one on the bed, and said; "They are very small, aren't they?"' "Oh: no miss; de berry largest wo'ze got." "Very well,"' said I, "you can go." When they got out into the hall, one Baid to tho ether: "Tore God, Jo, if she eats all them oysters she's a dead woman." I did not feel hungry any longer. I drank my coffee and looked at the oysters, every one of them a3 big as my hand, and they all .seemed looking at mo with their hoirible white faces, and out of their one diabolical eye, until 1 could not have, oaten one any more than I could have carved up a live baby. They leered at me and seemed to dare me to attack them. Our Pacific coast oysters are small and with no more individual character about tnem than so many grains of rice, but these detestable creatures were instinct with evil intentions, and I dared not swallow one for fear of the disturbance he might raise iu my in terior, so I set about getting rid of them, for I was never going to give up beaten before those waiters. I hung ui dress over the keyhole after 1 had locked the dour, and just out side my window found a tin water spout that had a hole iu it. I care fully enlarged it, and then slid every ono.of those beastly creatures down , on eby one, one hundred and two of them they all the time eyeing 1110 with that cold, pasty look of maligni ty. When the hist one was out of Bight 1 stopped trembling and finished my tiinncr in peace, and then ran" for the waiters. You should hnve seen their faces'. One of the waitors asked if I would have some more oj's- tcrs. May he never know the inter nal pang he inflicted upon me, but I replied calmly: "Not now. I think too many at once might be hurtful." Xrw York Ltiicr. Young, middle aged, or old men, suffering from nervous debility and kindred weaknesses, should send two stamps for large treatise, giving suc cessful treatment. World's Dlsfkx-' sauv Medh'u. Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Satisfaction for Teu. In our family of ten for over two years Parker's Ginger Tonic has cured headache, malaria and other com plaints so satisfactorily that we aro in excellent health and no expense for doctors or other medicines. Clwoni-lc. Oyt cr ! Oysterx ! ! At Frank Fabre's; iu every Fresh from the beds every day. st vie. MU81C liCKAORfl. Miss. Nora Wilson has returned from San Francisco, and is now prepared to ivceivc a iimiicu numoer 01 pupus iu lusiiuiiii-iuai music. Leek Here. (iiistav Hauben, the jeweler, went to ban Francisco on the last steamer, from v.iience he will si-nil n finn stock of weddimj presents, holiday goods, and solid "old Tewelrv. Partirs inrnnriincr tp purchase should wait for theMj really fine sofMls ami get their money's worth. tJZ V?'"-' "ikurs improved sys .iiDr?s5 iultK by chart is ac knowledged to be the best. Mrs. S.T. St.fli?"11 1S as?ut for Clatsop county, S?JtP1Spaicd.t0 tw1. -II who wish to avail themselves of the opportunity new nresenimi. T!ci.i.,,J r1"" , J Lafayette and Squemocqua bts. Astoria. Jfow is the winter1 of our cliseontent;riLOTHIlSrG! made glorious by a1 full and complete line f? TfAlp,. nnf1 fZ UI "'UUUei, aiKt VJU coats, (jrtiin boots and Umbrellas just re- - - (39iy0(; H( SOKl at - v Yeiy lOW pllCeS DV' --v -.7- . vm xIA. JLf. I1LU) The l'o- .Merchant Tailor. Tlatter anil Clothier. In the Whole History 4irMeiiifiii o preparation ha ever pei formed ' Mich marvelous cure. or mainlaincil .so wide a reputation, a- Ayi-h'sCiieri-v' Pf.ctok.vi- which is rcco"nizid :istho' jworm.sremeuy ior all liseaes of -the, j throat and lungs. Its long-cnntiutied 1 series of wonderful cures in all rlimah" i has made it universally known as a rafe ! ordinary colds, which are illi forV-riin-1 1 iu-is hi more .serious tuoriHr, it acts speedily and surely, alwavs relipving. suffering, and often .saving life. Tins protection it affords !v its timrlv in iu ei. ju more serious (iionlcr, it acts pjieeuuv aim sureiy throat and chest disorders, make- it an invaluable remedy to be kept always on u.um in cn iioiiii. .mi person can afford to be without i(, and tho-e who have once used it never will. From their knowledge of ilseoiunoilinn mxl effects, physicians use. the Chkimiv PkCTOK.VT. extensive! V in llifii-nnipticn. and clergymen recommend it. It is absolutely certain in its remedial effects, and will always cure where eures are possible. F01: s.vi.r. r.v alt. oca i.ki:. Mother ! Mother!! Mot It n-! ! I ! 1 1 Are you disturbed atntaht ami hioki-n of your Test byn sick child suffering' unu crying win: tne excruciating pain of cutting teeth V If so. no at once ant! get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, it will relieve tho poor litllu .snf- icrer immediately depend upon il: there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell vou at onee that it will regulate the iiowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the tate. and is the nre- scription of one- ot .the oldest and best iemaie pnysicians ami nurses m tne United Sfato. Sold 0ery where. '2.1 cents a bottle. CIOMiBS OHt ItllMltlCXo. Owiug to the illness of Mr. X. I .neb. he has concluded to dispose of his en tire stock of clothing, furnishing goods, groceries, etc,, etc, at cost. Mr. Loeb desires us to say in regard to the matter that he means business. Those desiring any goods in his line will find it to their advantage to call and examine his stork and prices. These goods have been bought at lowest market rates, and in tending purchasers can buy at eost. A Varied Performance. Many wonder how Parker's Ginger Tonic can perform such varied cures, thinking it essence of ginger, when iu fact it is made from ninny valuable medicines which act beneficially on every diseased organ. Happy Families. From time immemorial tigs hae. been used as a delicious laxative food, and now in the form of a concentrated Syr up of Figs they aie destined to play "an important pait in tho problem of human health and happiness, by presenting to the thousands who suffer from the ills arising from habitual constipation a remedy as pleasant to the taste as it is effective, Trial size free, and large bot tles for sale by W. E. Dement. Diuggist Agent for Astoria. Ilodge Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents, Portland Oregon. Catarrh cured, health and hwcet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Item ed v. Price r0 cents. Masai Injector free. For .sale by W. "E. Dement. Croup, Whooping Cough and Dron chilis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold bv W. E. Dement. That Hacking Cough can he o quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by W.E. Dement. How few there arc who are nwan That soon the gums and teeth decay, Unless they are brushed with great'.t care With SOZODOXT from day to da ; For this great dentifrice, we know. Will keep them pure. and white nnnw. Fruit of all kinds received by ('.A. Alav, on every steamer. Candies nuts, etc. Fresh novelties constantly arm in IT. lh.sici:in pmcriptieii: carefully compounded day or night at .1. . Conn's drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. Wllhoit mineral water, fiv-h and .sparkling, at F. B. J 'lbcnon'-. That taffv of Oerkwilz's is the bo.-s confection, and don't you forget it. Hallo! Where arc yon going:' Why. to Frank Fabre's for a pan ioat. Shipper & Ryb'cc, So. 11, 0:'k .stu-ei Portland, are the bQti ton tailors of the metropolis. If you want nice fresh bird, or ,?ood iiTur-eurcd hams, uist from the nniii- try go to F. D. Elberson's bakery. P. J. Goodman, on Chenamu street, has just received the. latest ami most fashionable .slvle of gents and ladies 1 mots. .shoe, etc. Airentin Astoria for the. famous Morrow shoe.-,. Another fresh invoice or thoe nice anchovies at A. I..Tohnson Co. Shoalw atcr bay oysters : fresh e cry day, at Frank b abre s. For the geuulne J. II. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the (Jem opposite the bell tower, and see Camp bell. ' Sleepless Nights, made 1ui.ser.1ble by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by W- YL De ment Shiloh's Vitalizcr is whatjou need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Di. ziness and all symptoms of -Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 73 cents per bottle. SqKI by W.E. Dement, FALL STOCK ! Men's. Youths' and Boys" UITS! Coats. Pants and Overcoats! SOFT Si STIFF B A T S FALL STOCK OV Furnishing: Goods! Kl'KKEK COATS. t.MP.KM.I.las, TAILOR I NG i The i.irpt siock of Dm; rorf-Iiin and American Beavers, Cloths, Piques, Worsted, Diagonals, Cassimeres and Pilot Cloths TO Sl'I.KCT FROM. " FIT GUARANTEED! - D. A. McINTOSH, Tailor anil riotlurr. - Otclilent Mock. MAGXU" O.TROSBTJ Hralrr iu HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Pr.T-MBF.PS AND STEAM FITTETtS Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER. Cannery aiifl Flsherinens Supplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET WON, TIN. COP PER PLUMBING aid STE'AM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. Nniii htit ilht trier", workmen eiiiiUctl. A large assort went of SCALE? Constantly' 011 nand I.Mi'oHft-1: AND WHOLESALE AND KE TAIL i-KAl.F.U IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE ''orner CtU'ii.uiiitn mit Cas- street. AST'iitlA - - - OREGON BOOKS' " FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS CARL ADLER. A enmpk'tu Motl of School Book-, and o'ehool Mippllcs. Any hook used in tho pub lic M:hools ot Clatsop County ean bo obtained at my store. uaki. aulkk. A CARD. To all who aie sufteriuj- from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nerv ous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, etc., 1 will .send a recipe that will cure you FIJEK OF CHAlIOE. This gieat remedy wiu. discovered by a mis Monary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Ixm.v.v, Station I). Xew York City. Itooiux to Itent. Furnished or unfurnished. Apply to W. I". Wilson, corner Jefferson and Cass streets. A couyh. eoid or sore throat should be stop-h-d. Xeuleet frequently results in an incurable lung disease or consump tion, nrowiis I'rouchiai troches do not riisuider the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly on the in llamcd parts, allavimr irritation, give lelief in asthma, bronchitis, coughs, catarrh, and the throat troubles which inger and public speakers are subject to. For thirtv ears Rrown's bronchial troches have been recommended by physicians, and always give perfect .satisfaction. Havintr been tested by wide and eonslunt use for nearly an en tire veneration, they have attained well merited nmk nmons the few staple remedies of the ae.c. Sold" at 25 cents a oo everywhere. Two Surgeons representing the XA TIOXAi. srilGICAIi INSTITUTE of Indianapolis. Philadelphia. Atlanta Ga., and San Francisco, will be in Forrr- r.ANi. Okkoo.v, at the St. Charles Ho tel, from Nov. Jd to the 11th inclusive, nrenarcd with an expensive outfit of the most approved apparatus, for the treat- tions, including cataract, cross eyes, I hare lip. deformities of the face, divid ' ing tendons, operations for disease of ' the genital organs, piles, fistula, &c. A rare opportunity is offered those nced- ing their services. Old patients espeei ' ally reouestcil to visit them. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest ierfunury, and toilet articles, etc can ' be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. , Conn's lrug styre. opposite Occident betel. Astoria. Carl Adler went to San Francisco on the last steamer, and -upon his re turn will bring the largest and finest stock of fancy goods ever opened in Astoria. I ment or all cases oi uisea.se ol iue spine, hip, knee, ankle, crooked limbs, club feet, &i:. &e. They will be prepared to make the most difficult surjical opera C. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHA-STMSE. THE il W Wr tfTto . Jmrnk-, -& -ijp 4lp je jeb Jem, 3 ItWIIKinianilllllHUiaHHIIIIIHIIllHlHIHHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIII 6RAN0 OPENING! MiiiitiiniiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiHiinniiiiminHiiwwHc OK Tuesday, Oct. 3, 1882! 'New Goods-will be exhibited in every Department New Dress Goods, New Plushes, New Silks, New Satins In all the new Shades. 3XHE3IR. 200 X"LDEI.X2aXEfll OF Wraps. Cloaks, Ulsters and Dolmans. tJSOn our Fancy Counters we will display an endless variety of new goods. In the Gentleman's Department the latest styles in Clothing, Overcoats, Hats, Shirts, Neck- Wear and Furnishing Goods. The public will be afforded every facility to inspect our latest importations. Goods shown with pleasure. No importunity to buy. Upper Town busses will stop at this store each way. Astokia, October 1, 188.'. FALL IMPORTATIONS ! -AT We are iveeh ing by evr. .steamer u nv udditi ms to our stock of Dry Goods. Notions, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Suitable for the season. F7Mete Wditrpoofs, Hosiery? Bhaktti, BU. Our stock of Dress G-oods, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Plushes, etc., show a large variety. Also an elegant line of Ladies and Children- CLOAKS, ULSTERS, RUSSIAN CIRCULARS. WALKING JACKETS, DOLMANS, ETC. Our tables are covered with the nicest selection of .Fichus, Ties, Collarettes and Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. OtlS MOTTO; QVICK SALES AND SMALL tT. W Study to lMraie. PRAEL BROTHERS. . IVcxt Boor tm Pythias Hall. ASTORIA M. MEYER ASTORIA, speoiai. Ajriq-oTrjaromrannr-ag, REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PEICES. ' $7 50 PER BARXUSTOF 30 (-MELONS. ILARfy7- ORDERS IN LIKE PROrOETION. Less Quantities, - - 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - SI 50 per Dozen Special attention paid to order from TuliHc Houses and Famltle3."S THE COLUMBIA BREWERY 1 T K rnBTB5 L) q? .Irn ,iiL 18 SUl'EIMOK TO JIOST. AND IS EXCELLED IJV NONE ON THIS COAT JOHN HAHN, - - PROPRIETOR. CHENAHUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. orOrdeis left at the GERilANIA BEEi: HALL will be promptly attended to.B IXL - Efe V5Pi Wbi W New Velvets, O. XX. OOOPHR. TIIK- BREWERY. Proprietor. OREGON. V