i ID nil fv Vol. xviii. Astoria, Oregon, Wednesday Morning. October 11, 188 JJo. 9. we THE JAPANESE. Rapid Progress in Civilization Tne Young Sovereign. No monarch, and very few pri- since 1S78, and national parlia vate persons, can have led a life of, mentary government is to be the higher, more intense, and more i order of the day. absorbing interest than the young - man, who in 18G8, when but six- Past Pilling Up. teen, found himself Mikado of j tjip jast nu,ber of the Ag lapau, with tho ancient but long, r,cuturaj jPViov. Gen. K. A. dormant rights of sole and supreme j Walker has an article on the fu ruler restored to that ofiicc. By turft of the linsottlecl area of the fortunate chances the puiple fell, j United States. According to the in his case, on one well fitted to j census 0f i$S0 this wholly unset wear it, and the wqik done i 1 tied aiea amounts to 1400,000 Japan in which lie has taken an j squsirc mQ ,cn nearly one active and intelligent share in j haIf the wjlolp area of ti0 col,mrv. fouiteen years has been enormous, j je discns,es the questions of the Between 3SG!) and 1871 tlic cliararter and capabilities of thoso daimois, the great feudal princes, vacant iancs arK t,e probabilities "'. wt" tl,e exception of the Gf their occupation. lie shows clan Satsuma not radically bii!-j thdt the unsettled aiea east of the dued until 1877 whose chief was' Appalachian raiiie has been re- the mighty Saigo, denuded of their power, they and their military re- j since 1830, and that in the original .tamers receiving a pecuniary com- j thh teen states 14,500 square miles pensation. In 1S73 all classes of Lrc sl;U u,10ccupied. In Wiscon-able-bodied men were rendered si :lJui Michigan 2.r00 Miuare liable to conscription in the impe-' miles are unsettled, being largely rial army. This army, organized j covered with timber or unfit for by Frenchmen, has now for nearly . agricultural purposes. Florida has ten years been in a high state of! nearly 21,000 squaie miles of emcacy. its u est romt, con- j ducted chiefly on the pattern of that establishment, is Toyama, near Tokio. The total military forces is 1:10,000. The Japanese navysauare miles aie either unsettled is on the model of the British. It I or occupied by Indians. Of this includes twenty war vessels, nine-' 240,000 squaie miles are embraced teen being steamships. National j jn Indian resei vations. After de education on the new model dates' ducing those mountainous tiacts, from 1S71. By 1873 the govern- J inaccessible or sterile, and those ment schools had 4UU,UUU pupils. ; To-day they have over 2,500,000. lokio university has nearly 2,000. One well acquainted with Japan- ese pupils says that 'intellectually j the3 are on the average equal to those of Europe or America, while in the gentler virtues of respect, docility, industiy, polite- t if . t .1 ness, Banu sen-control, tnev are i unquestionably superior." A pre vailing feature among this people, and one which strikes even the least observant,- is their almost exasperating sweefc temper. Tt is well nigh impossible to make them angry, and a lad3, long resi dent in Japan, says it is reallv true that Japanese children are j porting population. But all these never heard to cry. This celestial facts serve to show how exceed conditiou in the nursery is notingl3' deceptive is the idea con produced by the soothing syrup j veyed by tin ba:e statement that or the Japanese AYinslow, but it is! neatly one-half of the area of the the result of the tact of the child- country is unsettled. Manifestly handlers oftentimes old men. the proportion of this which can The Japanese postoflice is another never be settled is far greater than of the. nation s triumphs. A mole-1 hill has in ten years grown into a ! ,nnnfn,r, ti, :i..i.. .i i-' i.ivuiiiuuu 1NV icuuiruu though not numerous, are cheap and pay well. The3 are now chiefly superintended and worked by natives. Accidents are almost unknown. From half a mile in September, 18Gi, the telegraph lines have grown to 4,000 miles, worked, by 1,800 employes, of whom ten only are foreigners. It would be well for this country if its jails were put in half as satis factory plight as are those of Japan, and in this matter Japan has borrowed but little from the foreigner. The most minute pre cautions are taken to prevent abuse of authority by prison officials. The governor of a jail may inflict no punishment more severe than the dark cell or shackles, and this but for a strictly limited period, -without the sanc tion of a district court. This system is carried out with as much strictness in the most remote provinces as in the capital. The vast system thus in little more than ten years created is directed and controlled by a cabinet of thirteen, over which" the Mikado vigilantly presides, assisted by a council of the ablest and best informed men who give advice and attend to the details of enact ments made by the cabinet. Provincial assemblies hive existed duccd to only 10,000 square miles Sffaull, ami cvcislnde. Texas has 137,000 square miles of vacant lauds. Jn the remaing territory west of the Mississippi, 1,200,000 areas of drv or Arid regions not! capable of irrigation, it is shown that the amount of public land available for ordinary agriculture is not large. In fact if is estimated that in another 3'car it will have been practically all taken up. Every quarter section worth en tering at the land register's will have been seized upon. "While the available agricultural land has nearly all passed out of the hands of the government, there is still a great quantity that has not come under cultivation, so that there are still indefinite capabilities of de velopment in the w:i3 of food pro duction and the elements of sup- generality supposed, A Sovereign Waiter. A Philadelphia beer garden has for one of its waiters a genuine prince, the son of Prince Vcronna de Farrara, who lought as a general with Garibaldi at Solfcrino. The 3oung man was reared in the luxur3 of a Modena villa, and in his youth became the victim of indolence and luxurious extrava gance. He broke his mother's heart, wasted his fortune in gaming, and then lived for several veais unon the indulirence of friends of better da3s. He married an American who was thought to be an heiress, but who was penni less. He deserted her, joined a pirate crew, was caught, escaped and fled to Xew Orleans. There he tended bar in a wine house; went to Philadelphia during the centennial, and has remained there ever since. It is said thai there are in the city of Brotherly Love about twenty-five German, French and Italian counts, whose lives would furnish romance enough to make a hundred books far more interesting than the wildest fights of the fiction writers faiicv. Loss of hair and grayncss, which of ten mar tho prettiest face, aro pre vented by Parker's Hair Balaam. Bill Arp's View of Life. What a blessed thing it is that kind nature takes awuy our desire for f j olio as we giow older and begin to wear the sear and yellow leaf. T don't care to dance now that the spring in 1113' extremities is none, and them's lead in my 1 shoes; and I don't lament that old i age is creeping upon me, for 1 have 1 ..!... . I 1 many new pieasuier., ana one 01 these is to look on and see other people happy. E 11303 your day, whether it be in 3outli or old nge; enjoy every la and make the ino-t of it; get all out of life yon can. I know people who let the daik side of life cheat em out of every ila's happiness, who ponder and fret over little troubles until they swell up like dried apples and get to be bir ones, and they can't eat or.-leep in peace. Life to them is a grindstone, and the grit of it is always cutting away little by little until theie's nothing left. Enjoy the day; get some good out of it even if it's nothing but contentment for good health and being out of jail. An old gentleman of thiee tcore years and ten was here last night came five miles just to see the young people Irapp3' and he was bright as the full moon, and it was a pleasure to see him and listen to him discourse upon life, and how to live and how to farm, and so on. lie's seen tioubh enough, good lier knows, but he never took it to heart or surrendered his man hood. Thrift of French Womeu. Fieneh vromen, often stigma tized as the most frivolous of their kind, are in reallt3 the most thrifty, a virtue that frequently degener atcs into absolute parsimony. I saw a striking instance of making the best of disregarded trifles the other day, when dining with one who certainly has a reputation for prudence. A cherry pic had been on the table, and the mistress gave strict injunctions that all the stones be scraped from the plates aid placed in her stoi e-room. 1 ven tured to ask the reason, and was told that not only cherry, but plum, peach and all manner of stones, whether cooked or raw, were invariabty saved, genth' dried in the oven, and kept in a great jar. "Then," said madam, 'in the winter when the fire burns bright and clear in the evening, 1 fetch a handful and throw them among the glowing coals. They crack jand splutter for a moment, send up a brilliant flame and the whole room is filled with a delicious odor." Kings and princes are getting down nov-a-days to the "same prosaic, businesslike ways of thinking and doing as other mortals. Oscar 11., sovereign of Sweden and Norwa3, being about to undertake a joume3 to the latter country, has had his life in sured in favor of his family for the sum of 000,000 crowns. It is now announced on the authority of an eminent physician that it is not healthy to rise before .eight o'clock in the morning. This applies only to men. Wives, it is said, can rise as early as seven, and statt the fires as heretofore. Ohailes S. Laurence, in jail at "Worcester for causing a railroad disaster, says that he is subject to fits, and that while ho is under their influence is impelled to pnt obstructions on railroad track. "I can highly recommend the well known German Remedy, St. Jacobs Oil, to all afllictcd with either rheumatism or neuralgia, as it has never failed to cure," writes Mr. F. Hulin, SOS II street, X. E., Washington, D. C. JAIJJUlill FOB RHEUMATISM J Neuralqia, Sciatica. Lumbago, Backacht, Soreness of the Chest. Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains. Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other n . j m l Paws and Aches. , Ko Preparation on earth equals Sr. J.uroa Oir. t u afe, sure, simple ni cheap Extmul Eemedy. A trial cntailf but tha conpartUvsly t trlflinir outlay of 60 Cest. and ererr on suffer- mg Kitn ria can nare encap ana iv m prooi of ita claim. Directions In Eleven LangnsgcJ. GOLD BY ALLDEUGQI8T3 AUDDEALEB3 IN MEDICINE. a irAnvTTD Mr nt i w xiiriM taw -rJf. Baltimore, iTif., V. S..I. SHORT BITS. "rarried Life' is the title of a novel 5 iv n Chicago author, which is an Piititoly now iiloa in Illi nois. You can gel the real respect of the honest men in the world in one way only that is" byTlesen - i"? it- m Many a self-made, man would have done better by himself had he let the contract" out to some - bodv else. A LETTER fSGIS GERMANY. -f : v, January !, l.vi. Very e-tctiiinl sirs: 'J'lie jmilM your liver 1'rlN IaiitlUtl forth here is wonderful. Aflc-i t.-ilclnono and alialf boxes of your go'iinn.- l::. . aic-LAXK'S I.IVJZU J'ILL. I !m.. n. lirely rccoverwl froiii inyfourjiM.-. utUf- nluiia-. could have recovered. Au old lady In our city, who ha- -n,u- il for many years from Kklne. !is.-.t . :i:d the doetors had ylven htr up. Jer.i: f. ,j your Pills, and it more relit: i! !i. La- from all the doctors. Voe t.t!: . J. vox nri: i;: :. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, The. genuine are never suiQir-conied. Every liox has n red wax seal on the lid. market being full of Imitations ot :h- , name .iciune, .-pciicti uiiiexvuu, inn i KniiK' nrommciatiou. Injr. All wlso know me woukr Ii-e.v I. : llu-,f an i"iji.tjr-cl in Hie Musical Doparl who, for v Kiniivve.irs had no :ii'!-,-tu.'. . nielli, three hi the KtudMi and one (MISS and oouid not sleep for haehnel.e. M.trii ' ri'I.I.If'K) in the Ail Denartmcnl. In mv side, and Jicueml toi:i:i.-o .-..:i- MISS Kl'U.iCK ia lady of KnslMi birlh. vui l"' "r -"" .-""- .-r leation and superior culture, and the Jlector Li' -I, r --.-. t ,i , ,. and rrineipal of St. Helen's Hall recommend vS"Tc7oi.U c5.Tn.ci,f V .' 1 ...". thi-.lep.iriment of their school toils patrons PILLS bear the signature of C. p.eK-me Wtll ,.',;, miRi!eiibHnK well assured a,TJfwI i i'LVn l' iw- , U-at "w '"f'- ""ore competent iMSAvyf ivvrVif iSl "r." . Hi-ln:cl..r. ..r one or more aried acquire 3IcLAI. LIAfcl l'll-lj, preiKltx-I i ..lent- sQilttn Flcmlns Uros.. of l'ittshi'.njh. 1M.. t . ",0MI s.j.u.tm If vour storekeeper docs not lme the i IWO'lICK IS HKKHKV (UVEX THAT I, genuine IR. V. aicXANi:.-. fl.1t.- i. the tuidorsigned. Chief of l'oliee. hate IIKATED LIVKR PILLS, send u- :.". heeii furni-hed with i warrant from the city ccnls and we wifl scud you a bov by i.i.-ll, ! council rcipnring me Jo collect the taxes as and a set of our advertising card-. se.sed for the ear ls.- and now delinquent ,,,. nnnc. t-jii i i. j upon llielht. ami make retimi of Hip samp FLKMIXt TIROS., Pltl.sl)lirrll. l'.l. within -ittydas. All parties mi indebted ' will therefore plea-e tnl:" notice and goem J lheiiielc-aceordingl. llOSTfTTElfcj W" CELEBRATED iA iW STOMACH & TTEBS Tho tnto anliiloto to tho ciTcclsof miasiua is Hostottcr's Stomach J'ittcre. 2his mo.li cine is one of tho inost trnpalar remedies of an ago of successful nroiirietary specific-), and is in iinnio-o uctuand wherever on this Continent lcrcr and ague ciiit. A wineglnsiful three times a day is tho best nossiblopicparatiro fcr encountering a ma larious atmosphere, rcgulnting thelhcr, anil invieoratin? tho stomach. For snle by all Druggists and Dealers generally. iROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS WsstAv Slalnnn '. mrwun street, astoria. mm: itnoersigxeo is pleased to JL announce to the public that In lias op cnotl a FIRST ('fc.VSM 3SSsLt3a.s House , U.tl f'lrnS-hpN in nrt-fl:i .style oystj::. nor rori'EE tea. inc. AT THE Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon. (HKXAMl'S STREET. Plf.w siw his .i call. StOSCOKJlMXHN, Proprietor A. M. JOHNSON & Co., ( , Sloops :hj1 Toning' of:ill hinds. 'Iilc!is. Pair Hi :iiiil3IWuliiioni' .Tin (acuitim 3.-'son .SVftlch Salmon ml Twines. I.-z'inaid Tuiiu's; C:inr:is. all ?es: CopiM'i' Tinned Onrs. rin l.cst :i-Mi:ti:ienl i,r r Q f KJ C ER ES In Town. J,M " raaaf ami tkaii. ryorMo!rose:,!x,,.sPdcr Viwlnroh UipluM 'erniart. t"v-tt onrmcz -? -.Si 5 fXA GUUDS , a UwU ,lt IIp j,y ,MH,t Packers. . . ,;,,,,. , .. , RlianNon s ami Rolil)in' C.iimcil (!ooN. Terms Cnsli. Profits Small. co-fllVi: lS A CAIJrta B. B. FRANKLIN. UNDERTAKER, j Cumer C.i- nnrt Squejamilio streets, j astokia. - okkgon '' . iiK.i.hi: i.v t WiVLiTj X AP ER and 1 V JST1)0V SHAJ)ES I AM) lINDERTAivERS GOODS. 1ST. HELEN'S HALL, AKT lir.I'AUWIEXT. mm: coitiv oi- tkachkks i.exi: kx- JL piyiMl iii St. IIHcn's Hall ha jut boeii ii'inrnn cd ly the addition of sl new tradi-ri-s,lio ot'tlii'iii froia proiiiinent educational estuiilioiistsf tin- llorn States Two of hill educated in tin- couutrv. She was graduated at Va :ir C olipge, and lias Iuce .-IHMit much time in the he-t private StulIo :n the liiMein Statt-. She eonies with the highest recoinnicndatious for her attain iiietits and -kill :sa naelirr of Painting and Drawin:;. Tlie-eeo'.er the whole Kiotind o( instnu'ion fit the he-t Ait Schools, einbrai! intlil r.iintni!; in landscape. Flower and Stiil-luV SttKiiis; Craon. Cliarenal, "Water Color-. IViiL'il, Ten am! Ink. and Deeorathe Art in all it- hrnneiie-. .A1ISH FTI.MCK. N:i ladv of Iihcr.il edu- Delinquent City Taxes. t'.W. LAUC.HKKY. Chief or I'olicc. A-tori.i. iireii'i. Scpl ember 1, 1SS2. T0 FOOLISHNESS ! MUST MAKE ROOM ! I am about toleae for San l'ranci-co with the intention of bringing up tho Iine-1 tick or J i :v k r. It Yf WATCHES. Nn Solid ;olI :nil Siliei'uare. Kt r offered to the Aori.i public, and ofier for -ale at extn mcl low prices the whole of my present -lock. This is a bona lido offer. Solid cold Wall hi--. Chains llracelet-. Ear Kiiurs Tins. etc.. at manufacturers prices. Ol'STAV IIANSK.V. Health is Wealth. Dr. IL C. West's Xere and Uniin Treat ment : a .-iecific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convul-ions. Nervnas Headache, Mental De nrevdon, I.o-a of Memory. Spermatorrhoea, Impoteney. linnluntary Emissions, rrema tur. Old Ap miLScd by over-pertion, self aluiie, or over-indulgence. Mhich leads to mi-oiy.tlecav and death. One box will cure recent cib-es." 1 iieh bo contahi'Jono months treatment. One dollar a bov. or .-it boxes I for fiw doll.irs ; sent by mall prepaid on re ceipt 01 jirice. ve5uanu11ec six uoc3 10 care any ease. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with JKe dol lars, we will send the purchaser onr written guarantee to return the monev If the treat ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees is sued? onlv by W. C. Dement, dnurnist, As toria, Oregon. Outers bv nwill at- regular prices. mf&m&$& CO co & -n o L " ;?To S 3 q S3 O S Co "J CO o O WILLIAM HOWE, 1 deauu: IX Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms, Lumber. All kinds of OAK L0JIBER, i OJ.ASS. Boat Materia!.. Eta. rqsz3stSZ' I Boats of all Sinds Mad to Ordr. : : IHMKI.HUUIMMMl KOnlcrs from a distance promptly attended to, and ;Ui-fact!ou guaranteed-ia all cues. MISCELLANEOUS. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bi-roN,SrBEi-vr, Xkai: PAniCKit IIopsk. ASTOKIA. - OKKtlON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAiDf MA&IJVE EitiIiES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. Ol' nil IH'.M'rfptioiiM Hindc to Order at Short Xotlro. A. I). Wass, President. .1. 0. Ht'.-Ti.KK, Secretary. I. V. C.vst:, Treasurer. John' Fox, Superintendent S. ARNDT & FERCHKN. ASTOIHA. - OKKOON. The Pioneer Machine Shop P.I.ACKSMITH SHOJV j VM ' xv? ooner dnop -3 n -1- 01- l' All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AXD STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made or repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OK I.AFAYETTK STREET. WILLIAM EDGAR, ... . . . Corner oiain ana uncnamusijtreeu, ASTORIA - OREdOA DRI.E.1 13 CIGARS AND TOBACCO. The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS A. SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM ard other KnglUh Cutlery. STATIOHERY! FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc, A tine stock of Wntrheft and Jewelry. M&xzle nutl ISrcerli fiondlns Shot Ghiih and Kinen. Kevolvem, l'Istols. Had AmmiHitiou MAHIXK GliAMSKM ALSO A FINK . Assortment of Hue SPFGTACI.ES and rlYE GIASSES. Notice of Sale. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned lias sold his pawnbroker business in Astoria to Dock Wous, he ha ln full consent to cam on the business. d-Uk DOCK CHUNG. Mmy W tf jK .i-r e tvytjT sZJ&l&zmMiJ r- UViJKlIn X .c2'SRlBlfi 54S'iK iS9Mfey ?F"- -: ot 2 OX gw sro p & 9 os H o i F XXXRItXItO and Bracket Work A SVKCIAI.TY. X BUSINESS CARDS. P C. HOLDKX, NOTARY- PUBLIC, AnrnoxKKK, coiiinssioN akb SUILVNCE AGEN1. K. .1. C. .SUAFTRS, raviH'IAM aad SVSCCS.'V. (Ii:t'TriCUKIi ABZT.) IHxrafte orttie Tfcrt aSjiedMtF. Olllee oer Coua Drus Store. T O. KUZORTH, IT. . CoimuLvsiiHer, Klttf ftflfaltl Insurance Acnt. Agent tor tlie Hamburg-Bremea Fir las Cb. of Hunibunr. Germany, and el the Tjma- piers' I Jre and Accident Is. Co., d mat rord.Conn. MrOfflceln I'jtbian Building. Piiwdejs U, TJ. rl KI.O F. PARKKH. SURVEYOR OF C'latMop :oiiBty,aHd Citjr f Astftrin Olticcr-Chenainus street, Y. M.O. A. kafl, Koom No. 8. Tj! I. WINTOJf, Attorney and Counselor at law. etf-offlcf in l'tliian nnilRny. Koonit,l2. ASIOKIA. - - - OREGON. JAY TUTTIiE, M. m. PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEONj OfrtcK Over the White House Store. y7i I KfcsiDEXCK 0erKlberjons Bakery, oj sa, ( l'Ositc Bartli & ilyers' Saloon. i 1.. fui.tox. m. d. XI. l'hyaiclaa aa4 8rc. OFFICE Over A. V. AIleuM grocery sjra. ltooim, at the Foiker House. T1 F. HICKH, DENTIST, ASTORIA, .--- OKBOON. Rooms in Allen'a building up stairs, earner of Cass and Sqemoecfie streets. T K. IiFORCK, DENTIST Dental Koohjh rer Case itaro riieiianuw Street, - - Astoria, 07C0. 1 1 q a. howlby. 1 j ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cuenamus Street. - ASTOKIA. OKEUOJt y T. Bl'KXEY, " ATTORNEY AT UW. May lie found at the Court House. G. A. STINSON & COL BLACKSHITHING, i t At Capt. Rogers old stand, coraer ol Cas I andCourt Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good wvtk Kuaranteed. TAILORIMO. Cleaning Repairing NEAT. CHEAP AND QUICK, BY GKOKdE L.OVETT. Main Street, opposite N. Loeb'e. BOOKS FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS! CARL ADLKR. A complete stoek of School Bees antl chooI supplies. Any book ust tu itte Ir: Hc schools of Clatsop County ean be oWalned at my store. CAKL ABLER. . ft. " --