The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, October 08, 1882, Image 3

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afhv AiaUii asttrriau. !
(Monday Excepted),
.l.wiu?i Building, Cass Street.
Terms of Subscription :
6rvJ by Carrior. per week .25 Cent
-nt by moil, four months.. S3 W)
jtRt by mail, ono year........ 4 fa
froo of Ponaco to Subscriber?.
WHUvortisDmonts inserted by the year tt
ii rate of SI .1-0 per square pr ruontb.
rr.icsJontndrertiRinK, by the day or week.
U7 cents ier square for each insertion.
Hon. L. F. Grover h on the in
coming steamer.
The Fleetwood comes down as
usual this afternoon.
Congregational church Services
at 11 a. m. and 7 i. m.
Regular service at Grace church
-da'. Sunday school at noon.
TheLurline is down with company
E. 21st Infantry, Cant. Evan Miles,
for Fort Canbv.
Rev. Winfield Scott, D. D., will
preach in the Baptist church at 1 1 a.
.v., and 7 r. i. to-day.
--Have 3011 started to put up your
.stovepipe yet. It filleth the heart with
wots and the eye with stmt.
The Gen. Miles will leave at Jive
o'clock to-morrow morning for Tilla
mook. See advertisement.
The Emma 1 lay ward will soon
join the fleet of Columbia river boats
that are plying on Puget Sound.
An exchange wants to know if
The Astokiax "owns" us. T'other
way my clear boy, t other way: wo
ewn'Tm: Astoeiax.
Wo acknowledge receipt of a card
from the committee on invitation
Messrs. II. F. Prael, L. Van Dusen,
and Walter Robb for a select social
hop at Liberty Hall to-morrow ei'en
ing; the .first of the season.
Though we charge nothing for
birth, marriage or death notices, yet
to insure insertion the item when sent
must be signed by the writer. Due
knowledge of such important matters
as births, deaths and marriages, are
requisite, and should bo published, but
thoy must be signed. People fond of
a joke sometimes get off something
funny, and if it gets into a paper it
makes ''drabbles" for the parties .who
aro named.
Eight thousand dollars for a vote.
That would buy a printing press, or a
band of cattle. Wo wish somebody
would offer it to us. Anybody that has
it to spare, need not get no 33ob Fords
to offor it to us. Come right out with
tho tin; no fun. What a pity that
Nichols couldn't have been a lawyer
so as to havo taken the $8,000 as a
professional fee.
Thus saycth the editor of the Wasco
Sun. If sincere, the Wascoites made
a happy mistake in not sending him to
Will Leave.
Tho steamer Lurlino will leave for
Portland at half past ten this morning,
from Gray's dock.
As Usual.
The commercial editor of the S. F.
Bulletin, in a recont article, says that
a correspondent furnishes him a state
ment of tho canned salmon shipments
from "San Francisco and Portland."
Further on he gives tho European
shipment of canned salmon "from
Portland," for 1882, as aggregating
405,000 cases. "We -would rejoice to
be vouchsafed information so trusty as
tho above. The canned salmon ship
ment "from Portland," for '82, aggre
gates tho exact and even figure of 500
cases, .shipped on the IAzzic ,JJcll,
August 10th. The remaining 404.500
were loadod at and cleared from Asto
na. Will the S. F. Bulletin man
just this once, by waj of variety
make the correction.
No Hurry.
Governor Moody has not yet signed
the net authorizing tho establishment
of a paid fire department in Portland.
It is presumod ho will in good time,
but there is no rush about the matter.
The boys who have served tfie city so
long and well (some of them, by the
way, are elderly boys now) need time
to make the necessary arrangements
for vacating tho houses, disbanding,
etc. The Stardard thinks it will seem
kind of queer to them this winter to
beablo when they hear tho big bell
ring to turn over and go to sleep
thinkiug that men are paid for rush
ing around in 4hc rain and mud and
spoiling thei clothes and risking their
lives and limbs to save the property
of their fellow sinners.
Next Week"
fSi-Kn i. to Tin: A"Tui:iaM, Oct. 7th, '82
MiicWU r,xt. tliiritr.cnri.ti mi tn.fl-iv's !
"-a-'- ....j -.- --
ballot Dunbar and Simon pairing.
Smith, of Tillamook, voted for
Speaker McBridc. Mitchell's forces
are solid and express their intention
to stand by him to the end of the
chapter. Indications point to his
election next week.
The Commercial Situation-
Talking of fi eight
qud prices the
Willamette Farmer says:
"At the present time the wheat
market is literally stagnant all over
the world. The news from England
on Wednesday was that the market
was firm, but no important transac
tions. It is a stale of thing here.
Wheat ; fiiiot.ihln .it Sl.:i2i to l.r3
net cental at Portland, and on that
basis in the vallev towns. People in
the country are generally waiting to
get 80 cents per bushel for their
wheat, which is not now obtainable.
Very little done, because exporters
say they cannot see any profit in tran
sactions at that basis. Walla Walla
wheat cannot be worth over $l.i) per
cental at most.
"Charters remain at 2s u"d for
wood, and 7i for iron. There is
nothing doing and little demand f.r
tonnage. San Francisco freights are
a little tinner than a week ago, and
quotable at ten shillings less than from
the Columbia river-say -ll's (id for
wood and 45$ for iron. The quotation
for No. I shipping wheat is $1.05 per
cental. With freights at 10s per ton
less, they pay fully 12i cental more,
and our No. 1 wheat is worth fully
7i- per cental more thau No. 1 Cali
fornia, so we are brought face to face
with the same old fact that all matters
well considered, the California pro-
j ducer gets a better price in proportion,
than does the Oregon farmer.
"Ten shillings less freight U 7i
cent per bushel in his favor. Then,
if each country's grain i3 the same
value, the California farmer should
get $1.C0 when the Oregon farmer
gctsi?l.D2i. Hut we see that the
California farmer really gets fcl.155,
and as our wheat is worth 7i cents
per cental and the mo3t in England,
that makes it evident that with tho
difference in freights made up by the
superior n unlit v ot our "ram, our
California neighbor gets 12A cents per
cental more than we do for wheat.'"
That "same old fact" will obtain till
wheat is shipped, as it should be,
from Astoria. That 12h cents per
cental that, "our California neighbor"
gets mora than his Oregon competitor,
represents what overy wheat raiser in
the Northwest loses on every hundred
pounds of wheat he 'sells because of
the non-improvement of the Columbia
river bar.
The Fire' Drill.
Promptly at four o'clock yesterday
afternoon the lire bell sounded and
the several companies responded to
the call. The drill took place on
Chenamus street. No's 1 and 2 test
ed their hose, and the 11. L. Co. got
their ladder up in good shape. Fol
lowing is tho roster of the Depart
ment for the ensuing year.
ASTOBIA Fllti: 1K1AKT3!1-:XT
W. J. BARRY Chief Engineer
F. r. H1CK3 1st Asst. Engineer
.1. fi. CHARTERS .2d Asst. Eneineer
HOARD OF DELEOATES.-llesutor meet
uir fourth Monday la each mouth, at 7 :3Q
p. sl, at ball of Alert Hook and Ladder
Company No. l.
Offioebs. G. J. Trenchant. I'; evident ;
A. A. Cleveland. Secret arv: F. U Parker.
Treasurer. I,, t. Sollp.C. J. Trenchant,
Clias. Stickles, of Astoria Engine Co. No. i ;
7m. McCormic. F. I.. Parker, If. F. Prael,
of Rescue Engine Co. No. 2 : Ed. D. Curtis.
F. J. Taylor. A. W. Kerry, of Alert Hook and
r.addor Co. No. I.
Eegular meet lug first Monday In fch
Officers. Vf. YV. Parker, President; L.
E. Sells, Secretary ; Wm. Bock. Treasurer :
S. O. Ingalls, Foreman ; Chas. Walhnan, 1st
Asst.-Foreman ; Henry .MHler.Sd AsM. Fore
Eegular meeting first Monrtav in each
Officehs. C. Y. Fulton, President -R. F.
Prael, Secretary : F. L. Parker. Treasurer ;
O. P. Graham, Foreman ; II. lf. Prael, 1st
Asst. Foreman ; A. McKcnzie, 2d iUst. Foi -
Regular meeting second Monday In each
Officbks. J. O. Bozorth. President ; C.
Brown, Secretary ; J. Tuttle, Treasurer ; F.
B.EIberson. Fereman: F. W. Ferguson. 1st
Asst. Foreman t .1. "W. Ferchen, 2d Asst.
Wilhoit mineral water, fresh and
sparkling, at F. B. Xlbcrson's.
Satisfaction for Ten
In our family of ten for over two
years Parker's Ginger Tonic has cured
headache, malaria and other com
plaints so satisfactorily that we aro in
excellent health and no expense for
doctors or other medicines. Clmmhlc.
MiiHic LeMseiiR.
3IissXora Wilson will return from
San Francisco in a short time, after
which she will be prepared to re
ceive a limited number of pupils in in
strumental music
i'racl IJrotlicrs have opeuinir of
new goods alter the arrival of cveryrn8nme8S m anV condition of tno
steamer: the next onenlnz will be onl8!"!!, yet powerful to cure. Bv
31onday, the 0th Inst
JThe Portland Tug Boat Company.?
En. Astekia.n:
The pretended benefactors of thai
mer commerce uon t say
anything about the towage, their only
cry is, "reduce pilotage." The Port
land board of trade pilot bill reduces
pilotage from 8 and $10 to $G and
$8 inward and from S8 and $10, to So
and 7, outward,'Hve per cent. off.
This is less than San Francisco rates.
Lst any man with common sense i
comnarc the two ports and" decide.
which pilots ought to be the best rc-j
munerated. A3 an example we will
,ako .ho Amoricand.ip Dauntles,, ,1,.
had made arrangements with an
English ship to take her ballast and
the- said English shin was to haul
alongside of the ship Dauntless and
put it on board the other vessel; the
two ships to divide expenses. The
pretended benefactors
f commerce
came lorwaru anji msisieu inai me
ballast be discharged on the dock and
carted to the American ship,aud made
the captain of the American ship pay
2.25 a ton when it was offered to him
for fifty cents per ton; and further,
compelling the English captaiu to pay
the usual rates for discharging.
This was done by tho Portland ship
pers whof present cry is "reduce
pilotage and give the fai mer more for
his wheat.'"
The independent pilots on the Co
lumbia river bar, now cruising outside
the bar, do not propose to submit to
the outrageous demands of such a
class of men, but run independent of
all tug boats, and only ask a fair day's
pay for a uood day's work.
lUi: Pilot.
Northern Pacific Plan3.
Henry Yillard, in his last report to
the stockholders of the Northern Pa
cific railroad company, says in refer
ence to Portland's terminal facilities:
A company known as the Terminal
Company will be organized in the for
mation of which the Northern Pacific
will participate, to build a union pas
senger and freight depot at Portland ,
and provide other terminal facilities
for all the roads centering at that
point. Grounds for the union depot
have been purchased in North Port
land, immediately adjoining tho busi
ness portion uf the cit The plan
contemplates a passenger depot cover
ing eighteen acres fronting on the city
nark, and an adjoining freight depot
covering thirty acres, with an avail
able length for racks of 2,200 feet
and an equal length of excellent river
front. The Northern Pacific trains
from the east will cross the Willam
ette on a bridge with double track,
and thence enter the Union depot.
Tho trains from Pngct sound will run
directly into the depot. Equally good
facilities aro provided for the entrance
of the Oregon Railway & Navigation
Company's trains and those u tho
east and west side roads of the Ore
gon it California Company. In fact
the location and plans fully cover all
present and future needs in the way
of -railway terminal facilities and con
nections at Pn Hand:
On the east, side of the ricr pur
chases have been made of about 240
acres for the machine shops of tho
several roads. On the river front of
this tract will be erected coal bunk
ers, a warohoti30 and a wheat eleva
tor. A dry dock is now in course
of construction there, and a large
wharf for the accommodation of
ocean steam and sail vessels of deep
draught is boing built with which tho
tracks of tho several companies will
have connection. A bridge with two
draws will be built across the Willn
mettcfrom Portland to East Portland.
1 am composed of 8 letter.
My 1, 0, 7, S ia in every seaport.
My 2, 1, 4, 3 is a lady's name.
My 3, 1, 4, is to multiply.
My 4, !, 5, 2 is a topographical
My 5, G, o, 1 is a metal.
My G, 3, S is a tree.
My 7, G, 3, 5 is used on steamers.
My S, 2. 2, ji is a part of ships and
The whole is a standing bet in Ore
gon at present.
M. D. K.
That poverty which produces the
greatest distress is not of the purse
but of the blood. Deprived of its rich
ness it becomes scant and wateo a
condition termed anemia in medical
writings. Given this condition, and
scrofulous swellings and sores, general
and nervous debitity. loss of flesh and
appetite, weak lungs, throat disease,
spitting of blood and consumption, are
among the common results. If you are
a sufferer from thin, poor blood em
ploy Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical
Discovery," which enriches the blood
and cures these gravo affeotions. It is
moro nulritivo than cod livor oil, and
j druggists.
! m
66l WW 3X7111 I
Felt Shoes and Slip-
pers.the best quality,
at $1,00 a pair, tor sale ;
fc v 31. D. KANT,
IJo- Merchant Tailor.
Hatter and
By l'niycraal Acrnril.
;f all purgatives for familvuso. Thev
frtIE' SiS
their extensive use hv nhvcipimit: in,C,i4M4aV4tM aaJmY
their practice. and by all civilized na-.
tions. jiroves them the best and most ef-
fcctnal purgative Pill that medical sei-
ence can (Icvhe. In intrinsic value ami
curative powers no other Pills can be"
compared with them, and eon r-rr.'"i.t
knowing their virtue, will" emplo
them, when needed. TIu-v keep Hie;
system in perfect order, and 'maintain in
neaitny action tno whole maehim-o f
life. Mihl.s'earching ther
are especially adapted to the needs oft
the digestive apparatus, dcrnuscment I
of which they prevent and cure, if j
timely taken. They an' the "best and
safest physic to employ for children and '
weakeud constitutions, where a mild
and effectual cathartic is required. !
For. Sai.k nv at.i. 1)i:.m.i:i:.
Mother! Mother!! 3Intlur! ! !
1 Are you disturbed at uight and broken j
of your rest by a sick child suffering
and crying with the excruciating pain 1
Of cuttinir teeth V I f so. an at om-e r.m! s
ijfeta bolthMC Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
ojruji. u w in rcueye me poor urn sni-1
fercr immediately depend upon il:i
there is no mistake about it. There is i
not a. moiner on earth who ha- ever
nPi1 t w in nnf tnii , ..t .,.... I
that it will regulate the bowels and
give ret io uie momer, aim renei ami
eaith to the child, operating like magic.
At is jienecuy saie 10 use in an case-.;
and pleasant to tho taste, and is the nre-t
scription of one ot the oldest and best 5
feraaie physicians and nurses in the
United States. Sold everywhere. 23 j
cents a bottle;
The Golden Opportunity.
Every sufferer from liver complaints
and constipation will doubtlessly avail
themselves of the golden opportunity
presented of testing the new remedy.
Syrup of Figs, free of charge, rase of
long standing, which .have only Ieen
agravated by the harsh, griping medi
cines formerly used, yield promptly to
the gentle yet thorough Inlhtence of
Syrun of Figs. Those who have tried it
praise it highly. Trial bottles srec. and
large bottles for sale by K. Dement,
druggist, agent for Astoria.
Hodge Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents,
Portland Oregon.
To nil who are suffering from the
errors and indiscretions vf youth, nerv
ous weakness, early decay, loss of man
hood, etc., 1 will send a recipe that will
cure you F1IKK OF CHANGE. This
great remedy was discovered by a mis
sionary in South America. Send a self
addressed envelope to the itcv. Jo?i:ph
T. Ixmax, Station D, Xew York City.
Are barnacles on the teeth; at lirst
creamy, then crusty, then removable
only by the dentist, it loosens the leeth.
and makes the gums tender. Don't ier
ruit it to gather; use SOZODONT. and
keep the mouth clean and the teeth
TIickc I.ons Evening
You want something to read, Carl
Adlerhnsthe .subscription agency for
all the leading periodicals and publica
tions, and will get you any paner or
magazine published in . the Pnilcd
Stales or Europe.
Oywters! Oyster!!
At Frank Fabre's; in every
Fresh from the beds every day.
Prof. J. F. .Mevcr wishes to inform
the public and his pupils that he i. now
settled and intends remaining here, lie
is prepared to give music and also
French lessons. Scholars practicing
will find every convenience for study
and improvement, at his residence. His
experience renders this an opportunity
which it is worth while to any one to
Fresh fiuit received at U. A. -May's by
cverv steamer. No stale trash. Every
variety of Oregon and California fruit
always on hand.
Uemember Frank Fa lire's icecream
Itis par excellence.
A very complete assortment of blank
books, all sizes, styles and prices at the
City book store.
Shipper & Itvbke, N'o. 11. Oak sheet
Portland, are I he lion ton lailoisof the
A large consignment of clocks jut
received at Adler's.
Why will you cough when Shiloh's
Cure will give, immediate relief. Price
10 cLs ."30 els and SI- Sold by W. K. De
ment. positiv
E. Dement.
Mr. John Kogcrs of the Central -Mar
ket, has made arrangements to keep al
he finest fresh fish, etc in their season
The Pcruvinn syrup has ctireil thou
sands who were suiicrmg 110111 u.icii
lets free
&Son-- TJoslon.
The Ucv. Geo. H. Thayer, or liour
bon, Ind says: "Both myseir and wire
owe our lives toSiiiT.oii's Coxsusiptiox
Cl-hk." Sold by W. E. Dement.
-A Nasal Injector tree with each
bottle of Shiloh's Cahirrh. Ilemedy.
Price TM cent. Sold by W, E. Dement.
Mrs. E.K. Kinkcrs improved sys
tem of Dress Cutting by ciiart is ac
knowledged to beihebest. Mrs. S. 1.
McKcan is agent Tor Clatsop county,
and is prcparci to icacn an who wihn
to avail themselves of tho opiiortunitv
now presented. Residence, corner ot
Lafayette and Souemocqua Sts. Astoria.
Baby carriages in every style and
of good quality for sale cheap at Carl
1 ., Ml u 1.. r., i- pcriumerv, ami loiiei arueie-j, cic cu
Are .ton made miserable In rndi- ,eboughf at the lowest prices, at. I. W.
gc&timi, Constipation, DizziiuLov, of comrs druss store, opposite Occident
appetite, ellow bkm . Shiloh s ital- , ctc, Astoria.
i:r is a positive cure. For sale by "i-'!,:
, ,- ----,- .
( j() HINIt'
Men?s- Youths' and Boys
fg" HCF j " "" "g'
- "-
Coats. Pants and Overcoat s
w Tflf C MWWS "
ut r.ju i: covr-J rMBi:m.s
.n.i-vrc J.Wi...r'. L
rM MvS' -vrciiLL-S, hTc.r.Tr
"T" A I 1 D I M " I
lMl I U n I IN V3 i
The largest stoek of line
Foiviijii and American
Beavers, Cloths, Piques,
Worsted, Diagonals,
Cassimeres and Pilot Cloths
d. a. Mcintosh,
Tailor ainUCIotliwr.
Occident Woo!;.
Tils-re air niilv I wo :iIihiis in Astoria that
H,n ,,M1 w,,bratei
q p.,..;... wlnnl D.aulB,u
!San Francisco National Brewery
Deer suaiyui,
At Alr.. CilbertV. comer Kenton anil Oon-
eomiy tre.?ts ami
..... ,,.,,- ,, . ,
MAX WAGNER, the Agent
For this 15rc fry. next door to Parker Houe,
beer drinkers and don't you forget it.
IJeerbythc kep delivered toauv part of
the city.
Please semi in vur orders.
Agent San I'ranelseo National Urewery.
MAirriN" fo.u:i.
Wholesale and retail dealers i
Wood and Willow-ware,
Tobacco. Cigars. Wines and Liquors
Fruit s and Vegetable
General Commission Merchants
Next to Ort-jrun Kail way & Xav. ro's Deck:
Sonictliiu Xeir.
A.M..)ohnsou it Co. have made ar
rangements with one of the largest cot-
iei; aim sjnee nouses 111 oan r riiiiuuco.
for a rum: ground enffee. As this cof
fee is nut tin to order, and for them only
the are enabled to guarantee it per-
lectly pure. Mit shipment to arrive in
about tenlas
Spring Salmon.
Thirtv half-barrels fine spring salmon
for -.ale bv J. 11. D. Gk.vv.
A Varied Performance.
Many wonder how Parker's Ginger
Tonic can perform such varied enres.
thinking it essence of ginger, when in
fnct it is made from many" valuable
medicines which act beneficially on
every diseased organ. '
"llaekuictaek." a ladling and fra
grant perfume. Price 25 and ."iO cents.
Sold b V. Iv. Dement.
mim.oh's Ci'm: will immediately
relieve Cioup, whooping cough and
Uronchitis. Sold by V. E. Dement.
Fancy soaps and perfumery of all
kinds can be found at .1. W. Conn's drug
store, oppo-Hc Occident hotel.
Have you tried a stew or pan roast
as Frank Fabre cooks it? Order one and
you'll thaiik us for the advice.
All the patent medicines advertised
11 this paper, together with the choicest
Foi Dyspepsia andLivcr Complaint,
von have a printed cuarantee on every
bottle, of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never
fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
For the genuine J. II. Cutter old
Bourbon, ami the best of wines, liquors
and'San Francisco beer, call at the Gem
opposite the bell tower, and see. Camp
bell. Sweet cider, pure and fresh at .1. .
Another fresh invoice of those nice
anchovies at A. M. Johnson &. Co.
Shoalwater bay eysters: fresh cverv
day, at Frank Fabre's.
If ydu want nice fresh lard, or good
Kiigar-cured hams, just from tho coun
try go to V. B. Elbersou's bakery.
--The new shooting gallerynext to Jo.
Charters' barber shon, nishtly attracts
crowds. It has been newly fitted up and
is wen worm aviMi.
p. J. Goodman, on, Chenamus street,
has just received the latest and most
fashionablo stjio of gents and ladies
boots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for
the famous Morrow shoes.
I!n..................... - "-vTminmiirnfrimnmnMiimiMM)
Tuesday, Oct. 3, 1882!
New Goods will be exhibited in every Department
New Dress Goods, New Velvets,
New Plushes, New Silks, New Satins
In all the new Shades.
OVER 300 TTLXl.X3SiaXfll o
Wraps, Cloaks, Ulsters and Dolmans.
fcrssn., i?
.. "v"- J
endless variety of new goods.
In the Gentleman's Department the latest styles in
Clothing, Overcoats, Hats, Shirts,
Neck Wear and Furnishing Goods.
The public will be afforded every facility to inspect
our latest importations.
Goods shown with pleasure. No importunity to buy.
. Upper Town busses will stop at this store each way.
Astoria, October 1, 1885.
We .ore receiving by every s'eauier ipw ad.liti ins to our stoek of
Dry Goods. Notions, Ladies' and Children's Shoes,
Suitable for the. season.
FIai$, Wotrp$ofz,
Hosiery 8ImM, Mt:
Our stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Satins,
Velvets, Plushes, etc., show a large variety.
Also an elegant line or Ladies' and Children's
Our tables are covered with the nicest
selection of Fichus, Ties, Collarettes aad
Fancy Goods too numerous to mention.
W Stmly to l'lease.
Xexi Soar te Pythias Ball.
Less Quantities, - - 30 Cents per Gallon
Bottled Beer, ... si 50 per Dozen
Special attention paid to orders from Public Houses and Families."
Orders left at the GERMANIA r.KEi: HALL will be promptly attended toWi
r... ... ...:n j:i..