The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, October 05, 1882, Image 3

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!he iinili lsto.viniv
. .
Monday Kxcoi-tod;.
rn.i.i.iiKi:s m I'ltnmiirroits.
Ai-ioiuin Jiuilding, Cass Street.
Terms of Subscriptien:
arved by Carrier, rr week- .2
nt by mnil. fonrniontL......... ........
sut by mail, one year.
pTe of Pofitase to .Subscriber
-AUrBm5emenw inserted by the year at
i. Ma r ei -ji ..- .,.-.. t , mnn,i,
he rata of l .A per squaro per month.
IrxuBitint advortiBtnc. by the ny or wock.
-tt cenw ret suuare for each insertion.
Frank Baltea is down from the
metropolis on a brief visit.
Tho Columbia came in in good
Benson" yesterday, and swung east
ward. - -The Willamette wai coaling at tho
0. It. & N. dock yesterday. She
ges to Seattle to-dav.
Tlte Queen of the Pacific ar
rived down at 7 o'clock last evening
and went to sea this morning.
It ha3 not been definitely ar
rjnged, as yet, when that new tug.
tho Pioneer is coming down to pull
all tho other tugs backwards.
--There will be a regular meeting of
the order of Chosen Friends this eveu-
mg at i
:00 o'clock.
C. Uuowx, Secretaiy.
-Gen. Comitock, Cols,
and Craigliill, and Capt.
mombers of the examining
engineers went out on tho
the Pacific this morning.
board of
Onccn of
-Tho City
Jity of Sparta is ready for
,., , ,, r , .
Sdl,i21 worth of wheat
aboard. The Bftinflrthire 13 als( ready
to sail, with a cargo of wheat, flour
and salmon, worth 11G,G84.
Up to the time of closing the
telegraph office last night we had
beard nothing from tho senatorial
fight, that was at nil definite, one dis
patch implying that 3litchell still
hold forty and would win yet.
The British bark Abeona, 1)74
tons, Wilson master, 57 days from
Otago arrived in yesterday, in ballast.
The British bark Penshaw, from Sun
derland, Airey master also arrived in.
Tho W. H. Starbuck, 120 days from
New York, is outside with a pilot on
Tho great triennial conclave of
Knights Templar of tho United States,
to convene in San Francisco next Au
gust, will doubtless bo the event of the
coming year. Should tho attendance
bo anything noar in number what is
anticipated, San Francisco will be put
to its metal to accommodate all. Tho
Central Pacific Railroad offers visiting
Sir Knights the remarkable lw rate
of 75 per round trip from Ogdcu and
roturn, oxtendtng the same low rates
to tho female relatives of tho Knights.
Oregon will also send a. large delega
tion of roprcsentativo men. It is
thought that the entire expenses of
the conclave will exceed $500,000.
a J- M' 2
Senate Joint Memorial bill No. 2,
introduced by Hon. F. C. Reed,
paasod tho senaio last Tuesday after
noon. It memoralized congress to
declaro forfeited tho Astoria land
grant. Mr. Reed deserves ctedit for
thus voicing the sentiment of the
paoplo ho represents.
A SplendhTBook.
We arc m rccoipt of a quarto
Yolumo of 1,040 pages, from tho type
foundry establishment of Geo Bruce
Sons & Co., New York. Though
primarily an advertisement, it is so
elaborately prepared nnd contains
such a vast mass of information tha
its compilers and publishers deserve
special commendation. About one
third of the volume is devoted to the
history of printing; this part of tho
work, would be, if sold separately,
worth $20 to any printer in the United
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in the Post
office at Astoria, Oregon, October nth,
Andrews, F V
Brunger, Frank
Balard, Fanny
Coleman, Wm
Chamberlain. Wm
Caplcs, Lizzie
Cravcr. E
Evart, Volney R
Fisher, Charles
Gurdy, Joseph
Hall, Maggie
llcrmanson, Alex,
.lohanson,. B
Persons calling
Johnson, Mrs.
Jacebsen, Simon
Moy, Fred
Milson, Luis,
Nelson, Jacob
Nolan, Ed
Olsen, Ilenrv
Rogers, Manuel
Robinson, Ilenrv
Smith, Jasper
Salo, Malt
.Thomson, J W
for these letters
ranst give tho date thoy are advertised.
Attention Alert Hook & Ladder Co
Members will meet at their truck room
Saturday, at 4 o'clock v. m. sharp, for
department unu.
By order Chief Engineer.
F. B. Ei.bcksox,
Introduced by Mr. Reed, rules Sus
pended and Read Pirst Time
September 18, 1882.
A ill I.I.
i For the establishment
i'liiunc on me uoitimui
J cttc rivers and thu bar
JJc it cnai ted bv Ihc leal
my oi the tunc oj Oregon.
Six', l. That there be and i hereby
coustilutctl a board of pilot commission
ers for the bar of the Columbia river,
and the Columbia and Willamette riv
ers, and to cnn.Ml of three members.
i f :.-uait nave power,
a and Willam-, ,. ..ji,...-,...,,:,.....!
m n.,iii.ui'iu v . .... 11.,.;.. ..... nw.lmn trt
of tin- i.oliimbi.1. i""'-; 'ipiicv. nos icncel
bUili re acui-1 iinrt.
i Jsi:c. 2. The board of pilot comniis
Isiouers , constituted by this act shall be
Cents chosen or appointed in the manner fol-
.S3 00 lowing, to wit ;
. ami! The members shall be chosen by the
legislative, assembly, and shall hold
their oflices for the term of six years,
j except, .that of tlie three first hown
i under this act one shall hold his office
sIj. ycars onp fQUr aud oup tW)
' year5, the term of each to be designated
jby the assembly; provided, that if a
vuvim aiiiiu ic ui in ijk; kh.iiu uiuiir
the interval between sessions of the
legislative assembly, t!ie gocniormay
appoint a suitable person to till such
vacancy dining the unexpned ret in.
And alter the first choice of three mem
bers as alwne piotidcd, there shall be
one pilot commissioner chosen by the
assembly nt each icgular ession there
after, the term of office to commence on
thciirst day of .lanuarv nc! after be
ing chosen.
Snc. .:. A prison to be eligible to the
office of pilot commissioner under this
act, must be oer twenty-one ears of
age. must be a citizen of the rutted
States and of this slate, and must have
been engaged in the capacity of master
or mate on sea-"oin" vessels, or on
steamboats navigating the Willamette
and Columbia livers for a; least three
Skc. 4. A peisoin'hoMjii or appointed
pilot commissioner nailer this act. before-
entering upon the duties of his of
fice must take and tile in the executive
office ills oath or affirmation for the
faithful discharge of all such duties as.
may, by the laws ot this state, be ie
pifred of a pilot commissioner; and
thereupon She governor shall issue to
such peisou a commission under the
great .seal of the state
iJK.". The board of pilol commis
sioners created by this act shall annual
ly, at their first" metting in January,
choose one of their incmbeisto be chair
man, and shall alo appoint n clerk who
shall continue in office during the pleas
ure ol me noaru. Any two mouiucra oi
the bo.ud. shall constitute a
h-ansact busmes. Itcgular
meetings of the board shall i
quotum to
be held on
the first Monday of .lanuarv. April, .Ju-
It i,ul n!fiKft ciiili uirwl Thct fi lr
held at Portland in .lanuarv and .lulv.
and at Astoiia in April and October.
Special meetings may be called and held
at any time ami place witntit tin uis-
trict, upon three days' potice to all the
Skc. G. The Board of Pilot Commis
sioners must lcccp a tccotdof all their
proceedings, and it hall be the duty of
the Clerk of the Board to record In a
book, provided for the purpose, all the
acts, orders and resolutions of the Boa id,
and to file and pteserve in the office of
the JJoani all papers ami documents
presented to the Board for any purpose
whatever. He shall also register the
names of all pilots appointed by-the
Boatd, with the dales of their warrant
or branch, and their place of residence,
aud shall perform nil such other duties
as the boatd may requite by lit' rules
and by-laws.j
Sec. 7. The board of pilol commis
sioners chosen or appointed under the
provisions ot this act, shall have power
to make any rules and by-laws regulat
ing their procedure and the conduct of
their clerk and of the pilots appointed
by them, not inconsistent w ith this act,
or any other law of this state; such by
laws and rules to be published for the
information of parties engaged in com
merce fln the rivet 5 aforesaid.
Si:c.S. The board of pilot conimission
cts created by this act hall have ioer
and it shall be their duty to appoint bar
pilots for the uar or the toluinlna liver
and river pilots for the Columbia and
Willamette livers and their tributaries.
Tho board must examine applicants for
the position of barorrivcrpilots.and may
issue to such applicants as they deem
competent and ti ustworthy, branches or
wairants, to continue in torce during
active sen'ice thereunder and good be
havior in office ; provided, that the lxiaid
may determine at their discretion, bow
many pilots the commerce of the Co
lumbia river may require, and limit
the 'number of branches issued ac
cordingly; and ptovided further, that
the boaid of pilot commissioners may
require any pilot to executo a new
Dond whenever any surety in such pi
lot's bond shall die. become non-resident
or insolvent
Sr.c 1). A person to be eligible to the
position of bar pilot tinder this Act,
must be twenty-one years of age. a
citizen of the United States and of this
state and must have been employed on
seagoing vessels or on pilot boats or
tugs at the Columbia bar, in the capac
ity of master or mate or pilot for at least
three years, and all applications for ap-
1)ointment of bar pilots must be signed
y a majority of acting bar pilots, and a
person to be eligible to the position of
liver pilot must be twenty-one years of
age, a citizen of the United States and
ot this state, nnd must have been em
ployed as mate or master or pilot on a
river steamboat or other vessel navigat
ing the Columbia aud Willamette rivers,
for at least two years, and nil applica
tions for appointment of river pilots
must be signed by a majority of acting
river pilot".
bEC. 10. iiverv bar nuot appointed
tinder tho provisions of this Act, before
entering on the duties of his office, and
fieiore he shall receive his branch.
or warrant, must give bond to the state
of Oregon, with sufficient security, to
beapprored by the board of pilot com
missioners, in tno sum oi live thousand
dollars, conditional for the faithful dis
charge of all tho duties required of him
by law. Jivery river pilot appointed
under the provisions of this Act, must
in like manner give bond in tho sum of
three thousand dollars with like con
dition. Sec. 11. The bar pilotage ground
shall be doomed to extend from the
uppermost dock or wharf at the pott of
Astoria or Knappton. to the open
sea, at least ten miles ncyonu the
outermost buoy. And the river
pilotage grounds shall be deemed
to extend from the lowermost
dock or wharf at the port of Astoria to
the ncau oi navigation on tho loiumoia
and Willamette rivers and their tribu
taries, and the branches or warrants
issued by the board of pilots appointed
by them shall define the grounds cover--ed
by the pilot's authority and the fees
to which he is entitled.
Sec. 12. The 'board of pilot commis
sioners must make seven annual tours
of iaspection from Portland to the bar
of the Columbia river; must csaminc
into the conduct of the pilots both on
the bar and on the rivers: must ascer
tain the number and condition of "the
boats aud other appliances used by the
pilots in the discharge of their duties.
and must report to the Iegislath e assem
bly at the commencement of each regu-
i .-essiou. as to the condition of the!
i pilotage -ervin within tneir junsuie-i
, t:on.
. s-.r. i:; Tin bo.ud of pilot eouimis-
' sinners must ami determine all
, complaints filed with tiiem against any
pilot appointed by them, and the board
oil' complaint uiuuc,
suspenu or
by them for
or mfceon-
1KC. 14. The bar pilot appointed
under the provisions of this Act must
keep a good seaworthy boat, or lwats, of
not Ies than forty-live tou burthen,
and shall, at all times, cruise outside the
bar of the Columbia ther, unless, pre
vented bv tempestuous weather, and
ucli piloi'boat. or boats, shall at all times;
carrv uch sufficient supply of provis-ion-fand
water as may !e necessary for
the relief of vessels in distress, and
such pilots must, at all times, promptly
extend aid to vessels in stress of weath
er, or in case of disaster, and if any
such pilot or pilots fail to comply with
anv of the provisions of this -ection. it
shall be uood cause for suspension or
temoval; provided, that this section
shall not affect anv claim for salvage
arising out of services involving extra-!
oidinarv danger and risk.
Fix. i.". Evety bar pilot npioiHteil
under the provisions ot this Act is re
quited, promptlv, to render his services
at the rates ot lees provided by law in
piloting any vessel into or out of thp
Columbia river, when lequested so to
do by the master of such vessel, anil
everv bar pilot, appointed and qualified
under this Act. i authotized and direct
ed to take charge of any vessel bound
into or out of the Columbia river, (ex
cepting vessels of less than twenty-live
tons burthen), such pilot first exhibiting
his branch or warrant to the master of
anv such vesel. if remitted, and the
authority of such pilol to take charge of
such vessel shall be deemed complete
upon the exhibition of such branch or
Si: li. An master of a vessel
bound into or out of the Columbia river
w ho may choose to pilot his own vessel
either wav may do so. and refuse the
.sen ices f a pilot, but such master shall,
notwithstanding, in such case, when
bound in. nav full mlotncc fe&s to such
iiilor as shall have, first duly offered his
sen ices to .such master outside the bar,
and when bound out, in such oae the
master snail pay half pilotage fees to
such pilot as snail nave utst amy ouereci
his services to such master at the port
of Astoria.
.Six. 17. Eerytier pilot npjKiinted
and oualilied under the tuovlsions of
this Act is required to render his serv
ices ptotnmiy tor me compensation
pioidcd by law in piloting any vessel
up or down the Columbia or Willamette
rivers, when requested by the master of
sucn vessel; anu every sucn pnoi is
anthoricd and rcQuired to take charge
of any vessel bound up or down the Co
lumbia and Willanimette rivers, aboe
Astoria, (except cssels under twenty
mo ions ouriiicnj. upon spcaKin sucii
vessels within the pilotage grounds, and
exhibiting to the master or officer in
charge his branch or warrant, if requir
ed, aud the authority of such pilot to
take chaige of such vessel shall be
deemed complete upon the exhibition of
such warrant or branch.
Skc. 18. Every river pilot appointed
and qualified under the provisions of
this Act, who shall first duly speau any
vessel bound up or aown me loiumoia
or Willamette nveis. on the river pilot
age grounds, and whose services shall
lie refused by the master of such vessel,
shall be entitled to recover of such
master or vessel half pilotage fees.
.Skc. lit. If any esscl, while under
the charge of any bar or river pilot,
appointed and qualified under this Act.
be lost or run aground, or sustain any
damages through the negligence and
unskillfulncssof such pilot, such pilot
shall be liable to pay all damages sus
tained by any person interested in such
vessel or her cargo, and may be removed
from his office.
Skc. -U Should any Aips master
omit or refuse to pay tho pilotage fees in
anv instance when, by this law. she has
become liable, then in such cavf his con
signees snail ue liable lor the same, ana
the pilot to whom sucn ices may ne due
may recover the same ot such con
signees by action in any coutt Inning
Sec. til. If any pilot, acting under the
provisions of this act. shall havo board
ed any vessel outward bound, and shall
be detained on board said vessel and car
ried to sea, or to any foreign port, the
officers of such vessel so detaining said
S Hot shall be liable to pay to the pilot so
etained a compensation equal to tho
the pay of the highest officer on
board said vessel for all the time said
pilot shall be necessarily detained from
his proper poit.
Sec. '22. The fees and compensation
of the pilot commissioners appointed or
chosen under this act, and of the cleik
shall be as follews:
For the granting and execution of a
branch orwarran"t, fifteen dollars, to bo
paid by the applicant; for hearing and
determining any complaint, five dollars
per day each, to be naid by the irarty or
parties adjudged in fault; for making
semi-annual tours of inspection and
their report to the legislative assembly.
two hundred dollars each per annum, to
be paid semi-annually out of tlie state
treasury, on the warrants of the secre
tary of state, who is authorized nnd re
quired to audit and allow the same;
provided, that if any member of the
board shall fail to make such tour of in
spection. in such case, no warrant shall
be issued to such member, rite clerk
shall receive a salary to be fixed by the
board oi pilot commissioners, to be
paid semi-annually out of the state treas
ury on the warrants of the secretary
oi suite, who is auinorizeu find required
to audit and allow the same.
Sr.c. 23. The compensation and fees of
bar pilots, to be paid by tho vessels or
masters or consignees ot the samo shall
be as follews: For piloting a vessel
from the onen sea beyond tho bar to
Astoria or Knappton, five dollars per
ioowiruiLunumuccms pur rcisicrioii;
for boarding a vessel on or within the
bar and not above Sand island and pilot
ing the same thence to Astoria or
Knappton, one-quarter the above fees.
Sec. '24. The fees and compensation
of river pilots to lje paid by the vessel or
master or consignee shall be as follews:
For piloting a vessel from Astoria to
any point above, that pott, four dollars
per foot draft.
Sec. 2."j. A bar pilot who brings a ship
into the port of Astoria shall be entitled
to take the same ship to sea, or to assign
one from the same company so to do.
unless the ship's master can show just
and sufficient cause to tho contrary.
Sec. 20. Any vessel ready for sea and
requiring a bar pilot to attend for the
purpose of taking her to sea, when h
opportunity presents itself, shall in ad
dition to the pilotage herein provided
for, pay to such pilot so attending, the
sum of five dollars per day. for each and
every day he attends such vessel before
she is taken to sea.
SKCi27. Any v.csscl bound into tho
Columbia river and spoken by a pilot
boat outside of tho Columbia river bar
with a licensed bar pilot on board, and
rffll;llT tn tnnant flirt cnri'inncnf i Tvtlftf
shall nevertheless pajr to such pilot
boat full pilotage from beyond the bar
io iuo port at Astoria. .A pilot boat
shall be deemed to have spoken a vessel
when within one mile of a vessel
showing a pilot flag, and liavint hor
number painted on ker mainsail, nu.i
plainly distinguishable at that distance
Sec. 28. No bar pilot license shall be
issued to the owner or owners of any
steam tug boat, or to any person or per-
sons in the employ of amy such tug boat,
or me owners inereei: anu it suait ue
unlawful for any barpliot to be omploy- ivn man ship
ed or interested in any such tug boat in L.
tho capacity of a bar pjlot, and any bar siuglcaml doublr cntrv book keep-
ptlot violating this provision shall forfeit iU .j. p. Fonder will organize a
his license. ,.. .school in the aboe named branches at
hKC.20. All of tttlel, of chapter XL) Main street school house-in Astoria, on
ilf.thf Pcncrfu Laws of Oregon puli-' Monday evening, Oct. 2, lSK&at o'clock.
IHied m 1872, -which title tclatcs to, Terms: Twelve lessons in penman
pilot commissioners and pilotage on I he shin.s::. Twelw lessons in book kecp
I'olurabia and Willamette rivers U ii.g. including i-enniaiiship -?5. Former
hetvbj tepealed. pupils and public, school scholars at re-
Si:.:u Lecnuso.therejsgieat imcer- uucid rates. Private lesions given in
talnty and confusion in the existing anv ptrt or the citv.
laws lclative to pilotage on the Colum '
bia river, and the interests of commerce
suffer thereby, this act shall take effect
and be in force from and after its appro
val by the governor.
'Golpex Medical Discovu:y'"
: :.... .., i" r.. ' .;..., u..l
wiri-iii IBI.H.1.J ... p..m.i..., i,vilB Wi a., it was called in the
also for consumptive night sweats language ot the country, 'Quinquina.'
bronchitis, coughs, spitting of Mmm. i Grateful for her recovery, on her return
weak lungs, of breath, .-md :
kindred affections of the throat and
ChCt. J j? drtlgglStS.
... . j
Sweet eider, pure and fr
ronn's. h at J.W.I
.,,,., ... .
Another fresh tnvolee of t!ior mei- j
anehovies at A. M. Johnson & Co. ,
satisfaction tor Ten. .
in our family of ten for oy
vim- . :
" ,,
as ciirec.
juiiisiaiM-mniigfi .imhb iiwtmci.
i..i. ...., rs: -'p....:. i
headnene, nminrm ntm ntner cum- I'eruvian Bitter, which areas effective
plaints so satisfactorily that e are injswain-t malarial fever to-day as they
excellent health and no cxiiip f..r.?ri' .' e "lajsof the old Spanish
doer.,, or ..iher medicines. o.SAS&
,,-,, - pine, ami of tin beit known duality.
Theao Ionc KveuiiiuH
Volt want something; to read, fail .
A fllnp lic tltn cnhcrtrinrimi ncniini
all the leading periodicals antf publica-'
tions,and wfil get voit any paper or
imoiisneu in me imut'ii
States or Europe.
T Mtnt
Pait of a dwolling house. Inquire at
G. A.Slinson's blacKsmith shop.
Spring Salmon.
Thirty half-barrels fine spring salmon
for sale by J. II. D. Gbay.
31 asic Ijcssohh.
Miss Xora Wilson will return from
Snn Francisco about October 1st, niter
which time she will be prepared to te
ceive a limited number of pupils in in
strumental music.
To the Public.
Owing to the detention of-iny goods
on the steamer I was compelled, to post
pone our opening ias per previous an
nouncement) uutil to-dav. Thursday,
the ."ih insi. C. II. fonpEi!.
Somctiilits Xew.
A. 31. Johnson & Co. have made ar
rangements with one of the largest cof
fee and spice houses in San Francisco,
for a. rur.r. ground coffee. As this cof
fee is put up to order, and for them only
they are enabled to guarantee it per
fectly pure. First shipment to arrive in
about ten days.
At Frank Fabre's; in eery
Ftesh from the beds every il.u.
A cough, cold or sore throat should be
stopped". Neglect frequently results in
an incurable lung disease or consumi
tion. lirown's liionchial troches do not
disouler the stomach like cough syrups
and balsams, but act directly on the in
flamed parts, allaying irritation, give
relief in asthma, bronchitis, coughs,
eatarih, and tho throat troubles which
singers and public speakers: are subject
to. tor thirty years urown's bronchial
troches hae been recommended b
physicians, and nlwas give perfect
satisfaction. Having been tested by
wide and const?nt tiso for nearly an en
tire generation, they have attained well
merited rank among tho few staple
remedies of the age. Sold at 2." cents a
nox everywhere.
Ihace up the whole system with King
of the lilootl. See Advertisement.
A Varied Performance.
Many wonder how Pat kcr's Ginger
Tonic can perform such varied cures,
thinking it essence of ginger, when in
fact it is made from tunny valuable
medtcineii which act beneficially on
every diseased organ.
To all who are suffering from the
enors and indiscretions of joulh. nerv
ous weakness, early decay, toss of man
hooK etc., I will send a recipe that will
curis you FltEK OF CIIA11GK. Thi
great remedy was discovered by a luis
sionary in South America. Send a sPlf
addressed envelope to the flew .Ioskph
T. Ixm.vx. Station 1), New York City.
Shoalwaler bay eysters: fresh ecrv
day. at Frank Fabre's.
If you want nice fresh hud. or tiood
sugar-cured hams, just from the conn-
try go to v. K. wucrson's oakery.
Prof. J. F. Meyer wi-hes lo inform
tho public aud his pupils that he is now
settled and intends remaining here. Ho
is prepared to give muic and also
French lessons. Scholars practicing
will find every convenience for study
and improvement, at his residence. His
experience renders this anoppottunity
which it is worth whjle to any one to
Have on tried a stew or pan
as Frauk Fabrc cooks it ? Order one and
you'll thank us for the advice.
--The new shooting gallery next to Jo.
Charters' barber shop, nightly attracts
crowds. It has been newly fitted up and
is well worth a visit.
Fresh fruit received tit C. A. May's by
every steamer. 2fo stale trash. Everv
variety of Oregon and California fruit
always on hnnd.
P. J. Goodman, on Chenanuts stteet,
has just received the latest and most
fashionable style of gents and ladies
boots, shoes, etc Agent in Astoiia for
the famous Morrow shoes.
-"Physicians' prescriptions carefully
compounded day or night at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
lii Ton Day
Carl Adler leaves for San Francisco
to purchase a large stock of fall and
winter goods. A ny one having a special
order will be accommodated and their
put chase made to the Iksl ad antoge
Peruvian BiTtexx
C'incboc Rubra
The Count Cinchon was the Spanish
Viceroy in Peru in 10C0. The. Countess,
his wife, was prostrated by nu intermit
tent feer. from which she was freed by
the use of the native remedy, the Peru
to Europe in lf'2, she introduced the
rS! "!.& ie l ?, i
Hll'U i .twu (ttlttiv -1 till ill lil lit lll
ciHml it. ninolinnn in l.nnnrnf Ilir InrK-
...l.rj I, oil lrnilfrlif Ihm.i tint rvliioli woe
niore prectous'than the gold of the Incas.
To tins day, after a lapse of two hun-
licd and fifty j ears, science has given
,rt m,hhig to take its place. It eifectu-
a,.. cnre4 a mnr-u appetite for stimu-
lams, by restoring the natural tone of
the stomach. It attacks excessive love
"f liquor as it does a fever, and destrojs
both alike. The powerful tonic virtue
nf ij,p finohoin j., presened in the
of the riuehoin is nresen
A trial will satisfy yon that this is the
b.'st hitler in the world. uThe proof of
'"!'U',"5 : ". ,'iVliU,& ' "' wc
j i iiuuij iioiiu mis irsi. rui siiiw ny
j?;1 jirnjisW, cimvts and liquor dealers,
Orient. l.w & Co.. agents for Astoria,
Various i:ausr
Advaucing ears, care, sickness, dis
appointment, aud hereditary prcdisposi
turn all operate to turnthc hair gray, 1
ami eiiuer 01 iiicm inclines ltiosucu
premaluvolj. Avi:::-" IIaij: Viaonwill
re-tore faded or gray, light or red hair
to a rich brown or deep black, as mny
bc desired. Jt softens and cleanses the
seal), giving it a healthy action. It re
moves and cmos dandruff nnd humors.
ly its use falling hair is checked, and
a new growth will be produced in all
cases where the follicles are not de
stroyed or the glands decayed. Its ef
fects arc beautifully shown on brashy,
weak, orsiclcly hair, on which a few ap
plications will produce tho gloss and
freshness of youth. Harmless and sure
in its operation, it is incomparable as n
dressing, and iscspccially valued for the
.soft,lustre and richness of tone it im
ports. It contains neither oil nor dye,
and will not soil or color white cambric ;
yet it lasts long on the hnir, and keeps it
fresh and vigorous.
Fei: S.r.i: t:v ai.i. DEAi.r.its.
Try It.
-I like it better than any icinedy'l
have ever used Ieeause it leaves my
bowels in better condition." is thoie-
niark made by eeryone when referring
to ."syrup ot firi. That is one. or the
principal reasons why Svrun of Fics is
taking the place of all tho liver medi
cine5; nnd nauseous cathartics heretofore
used. Try it. W.K. Dement, Druggist,
is agent for Astoria. Oregon.
Hod Davis &, Co.. Wholesale Agents,
Portland Oregon. .
llemem!cr Frank Fa bre's icecream
It is par excellence.
A cry complete assortment of blank
books.all sives. sihs and prices at the
City book store.
If you want a good suit of clothes,
ready made or made to order, call and
sec Mcintosh. Occident block.
Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry
al v. a s at band. 1 1 cures coughs, colds,
bionchitis, whooping cough, croup, in
tliiena.ciiiisumption, aud all throat nnd
jimg compiaints. cents tmd.Sl a bot
tle. For lame Hack, Side or Chest use
Shilolfs Porous Plaster, Price 2. cents.
For sale by W. K. Doment.
Sleepless Nights, made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's (Jure is
the reniedx for yonl Sold by W. K. De
ment Shipper & l:bke. No.' 11. Oak street
Portland, are the bon ton tailors of tho
A large consignment of clocks just
received at Adler's.
shilok's Cough and Consumption
Cure i sold by Us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W.E. De
ment. Will you suffer w ith Dispepsia and
I aver Complaint ? Shiloh's V italier is
guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E.
Or plain, or beautiful, the while,
No lady can afford to smile.
Unless her teeth arc like tlie snew:
And if she fail In this.
And can't afford lo smile or kiss,
She must use bOZODONT, I trow.
Shiloh's yitall7er is what you need
for Constipation. Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 73 cents per bottle. Sold
by W. K. Dement. rh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem
edy. Price o cents, Masai Injector free.
For sale by W. E. Dement,
Mr. John Rogers of the Central Mar
ket. has made airangemcnts to keep nl
he finest fresh tish, etc., in their season
That Hacking Cough can be so
quickly cured bv Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it. Sold by W.E. Dement.
Uaby carriages in every style and
of aoort quality for sale cheap nt Carl
For the genuine J. II. Cutter "old
Bourbonf and the best of wines, liquors
nnd San Francisco beer, call attheGem
opposite "the bell tower, and see Camp
bell. All the patent medicines advettiscd
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hctel, Astoria.
Hallo! Where are you going i
to Frank Fabre's for a pan roast.
Tuesday, Oct. 3, 18821
New Goods will be exhibited in every Department
New Dress Goods, New Velvets,
New Plushes. New Silks, New Satwi
In all the
OTT-Ean. saoo vahibtiei
Wraps, Cloaks, Ulsters and DolnmML
On our Fancy Counters
endless variety of new ec-ods.
In the Gentleman's Department tha latest styles m
Clothing, Overcoats, Hats, Shirts,
Neck Wear and Furnishing Good.
The public will be afforded every facility to inspect
our latest importations.
Goods shown with pleasure. No importunity to buy,.
Upper Town busses will stop at this store each way.
Astoiua. October 1, 188
the mmiwxmx
Happy Greeting' to All !
The Empire Store
Vxt loor to the
Is now open with a ury
Ladies' and
25?"Clerks conversant with the English, German, Sem:
dinavian and French languages will be in attendance
Astoria, August 20, 18-.
-s T''nrj:J"rT
Less Quantities, - 30 Cents per OsHen
Bottled Beer, SI 50 per Peten
VSpeelal attention paid to orders from Public and Families."
Orders lelt at tho ttKEMANIA BEKK HALL will be proaptly &ttente jt
new Shades.
we will -display ia
O. EC.
Pythian Building 3
srhvt ami complete stack of j
Children's Shoes.
- oTTCToxaacnsreu