M gfe -Dnfixj stxaintu ASTORIA. OK Et3C3 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER -1, 1SS2 4. F. IMLLOKA-V i:'"tor j The Treatment of Criminals. ErFftnc flip. Fnn.iiil rip.nfr n; .- .1 - , i sooiation recently m session at Saratoga, Mr. Hamilton A. Hill, of j Boston" read a carcfullv-prcpared I paper on "penalties ior crimes iinuTist TmnPrtr Mr. pmi nm,-; o i i J' --.... w.. , XIUCS.U13 UlbUUbbJUU mUlIHV IULI1UI treatmpnt of prisoners after convic tion, holding that, when under punishment for a first offense, the forger, defaulter and embezzler should be treated more tenderly than such vulgar criminals as bur glars and road-agents. If we. have been able to absorb Mr. Hill's central idea, his theory is that.a gentleman's feelings, be ing much more acute than those of a low fellow, a given penalty or a specific amount of punishment, goes a great deal farther with the former than with the latter. In falling from the normal state into the criminals' dock, the man of high position and elegant sur roundings, who has been always in contact with the best influences of home, of church, of society, must have fallen "farther and been worse hurt than the- man who was boin to poverty and whose surround ings have been such as naturally incline one to a vicious life; such is the aiotion on which this reformer's essay is based. And because the curled oarlimr has been so terribly bruised by his fall, -while the coarse fellow has suffered but a slight jar, the form er must be classed with a higher grade of criminals than the latter; must not be subjected to such per sonal indignities as hair-cropping, variegated garments and the brusque manners of ordinary peni tentiary usage. Mr. Hill does not say all this, but such is the inevit able inference from what he does say. Very few great criminals or very few compared with the whole number are ever brought to the door of a penitentiary. "Wealth, social influence, political influence and other potential forces, are generally employed to shield "re spectable" criminals from the. pen alties prescribed for their acts; and, in most cases, the object of their employment is accom plished. The man who robs a thousand orphans of their only provision against want, who makes false en tries in his books every day for ten or twenty years in order to cover his tracks while ho goes on with his sj'slematic robbery of those whose fortunes are entrusted to his honor; who breaks hundreds of families down from ease and com fort to penury and destitution, turning gray-haired women and helpless girls out into the streets or the asylum; such a man, ac cording to the Hill theory, should not be compelled to associate witli the common felon who stole a sack of flour or a ham". Well, it is seldom that such gentlemen are obliged to consort with the vulgar held in any prison, for the chances are ten to om- that they will never be convicted; and if convicted they are generally put on some genteel detached duty and treated as pets by the prison officials for a short time, when a prison pardon opens the door and lets them out. There is no place this .side of the grave where money cannot purchase privileges and immunities. The-' felon' "whose friends aredispbsed to be liberal towards the officials of a peniten tiary has little cause to fear that ho will be forced to mingle with felons who have neither money nor friends. If punishment for crimes were graded according to actual guilt, winch is not possible, the man, who, despite wholesome surroundings and pure influences from birth to manhood, deliberately chooses a criminal course, deliberately plans and executes a defalcation or em bezzlement ofjunds placetl-in his charge, is deserving of .farmore severe treatment than one who was Lome and reared on a social plane . j but little above the criminal level. "We cannot, however, go into nice . discriminations in these matters. "We cannot, grade punishment in , ; proportion to the light sinned i against. But. when a ffrcat robber, ! who has sown misery broadcast! . - .m. " " " cmoezz.. Js bro"Sht 4o a !"so' '1 toFRUHS. BU i I ER, ahd EGGS. . , Z,' -JUJJ1J. sentimentality as Mr. Hill preach- And we should be able, with out vindictiveness, but with an eye to -fairness, to see that this malefactor is not so treated as to give other felons reason to hate the law and its administration for perpetrating a w retched travesty on justice. A Sensible Opinion. In discussing the question of normal schools now being agitated I in this state the Polk CVtniyi Itemir.er very sensibly av-: "Some of the teachers omp!oi-dj in the country schools are sadly I inefllciesit. But this does not come about for lack of a iicrmal school. Any number of nfrml schools will not remedy the ei-.! The cau?e of the evil lie siu.j'Iht ' way. The wagrs of !;u hnrs j command onlv iuffiieienov. " I en our normal school has i rndtiai od j a class of educated Icar-hor?. j think you they will 3e found in j the country schools t earning :or forty dollars per moutlf? Cloud teachers will not be wanting when good wages shall be p:iid. We believe that any expenditure by the state to educate teachers Ui educate her children would be an extravagance and a waste. It is cheaper to buy teachers already educated. There is not much demand fr educated teachers outside of the towns. "When there shall be, no fear but that the supply will be forthcoming without the aid of the state. We must be permitted to reiterate our first statement that the state of Oregon, for some years to come, will be doing eminently well if she supports her common schools. A normal school, in ihe present situation, would be abnor mal." Seckktaky Folger has given di rections in relation to the appoint ment of keepers of life-saving Ma tior.s under the recent Act of Con gress to promote the efficiency of thi life-saving service, and the ap pointments are being made out and forwarded. The rale of com pensation is fixed at 700 per an num for all life saving stations on the Atlantic coast. The same same course will probably be pur sued on this coast as formerly, no effort havii'g been made to in crease the efficiency of the .service. XEW TO-DAY Notice of Sale. NOTICE IS IIEI.'ERY filVEX THAT THE undersigm-d has sol i liis imunhiokor business in Astoria to Dock "Wong, lie Jiaviujr full 'onent to carrv on Ibe iwim vs. l-lwk ' DOCKCnUNO. NOTICE THIS ! Tiinc aic onlv ltvn..salo-.is in Ast.'iia :liat ,cll Ihoi'eichratfd San Francisco National Brcwcpy Beer straight, At Alc. Gille:t's. rwracr r.entoa aiul Cn omnlv Mrccts, and MAX WAGNER, the Agent For lids Krewery, next door to Parker Hone, ih'lt uniiKcrs. ano tion'i vou lorpct u. Ueerbyilic Kck dcHort.-d toanv i th' citv. part tr lic:isc send in vonr orders. MAX WAOXKH. Atjont San Francisco National Un-wcir. MA1ITIN FOATin. J. J. STOKI'.S FOAED & STOKES, Wholesale and n'Liil dealers In Wood and Willow-ware, GROCERIES, Tobacco, Cigars, Wines and Liquors FOKF.IGN AX1 DOMESTIC Fruits an d Vegetable FLOUR, FEED, ani COUNTRY PRODUCE. Axn General Commission Merchants ASTORIA, OKK(JOX. Next to Oregon Railway & Xav. co's Dock. dw NEW TO-DAY. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COSIPAMS, Fl'ftSll lUlCi Cill'Od MoiltS, Vegetatoles, errrKiTi: Occident hotel. CHESAltrS Sreo.t. Astorln. Ogn Notice.- ALL PAirriES INDEBTED TO.OK 1JOLD IiiK r.v.y lnCcbti-J.p against Frank JJmwn dfCfa5l. of tht- I'nfon I'hcIcIhk Co. will Ica e.i!l at the olllee of tiit I'liion P?CKiiijj C. within tliim d-n :tiul 'title jm. - UNION "PACKING CO. Astor'fl.Si'te:nbcr30tIi. lSr. 1-:a vr-lt f: SET RY! I J. Arvold's Co early and choose from his Fine, New, Large and Carefully Selected Stock of ALL KINDS OF IBoots and s FOP. Ladies & Gentlemen '.Now is the time to Boots and Shoes get vour NO MORE TROUBLE! Kveryoiu Knows the iKdher with nr tlinary buttons on shoe-. V ftnnisii patent litittons to all our cii'lonu'r-, for huiiuni'u ..Iii)e. They lm( ronw ofT mid won't k'arosit. Recoliupt J have a largo stock of the very he.ct goods, and ou will foiti my prices as low as any. 2rv" Clso atter.tinn paid to cus tom made Boots and Shoes of all kinds for Ladies and Gentlemen. 1-i Repairing neatly done. w T- i3.E:iEr s .ASTORIA. OltKfiON DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATEItfT 23EDICINES, ETC. &3Tio'ii:in!m rarafnllv compoijndrtl'nt ad hiuirs. laIon-iPoi:iiliie Tinctuni3 and Illi:s, and J5ti:tii)liu-j 's Sitocilirs alxo kept. A. Yan Dnscn & Co. yOi'I.l KISI'lfCTFULIA' CALL TnK 1 attention or Hit Public to tlio fact that iliey aie Anls Ur the roilouiiiK .vevinj iii:n-Ii:uts. viz : The Improved SIiisrf Tlio IVIiiic, " The Crown AmlTIieEhlrldRC, Whii-h they are st'lUiii; from S3.". to$.0. tarh :iu! defy Competition. lVi5ons wishing to purchase machines Miotihl call and inspect onr.s!oc!c before pur ehaCuij; cNewhen. as v.e tnarantce to give iHMfect satisfaction as icsanW quality and price. HOWE Having lately letumcd from British Colum bia, is to be found at ids OLD STAND IX GRAY'S BUILDING Where, he Is doing FIRKT-CI.ASK irORK OXIiY. Notice to Tax Payers. TvTE A5 PAYERS OF PACIFIC . . .?. J ,V ; : . ou are hereby notiJled mat he tax list for the year 18S2 is now and LHJi1, in".1ian.,,s for the collection of taxes until c o clock r. m., tlic 31st dav or December. 1BS2, when all unpaid taxes will become delinquent and pass into the hands of the sheriff for collection with nenaltics and costs. I.sJoNES, dAWlt Treasurer Taciflc Co., W.T. W$M y iHHIHHPr WILLIAM mw MEW GOOD jjNTID REDUCED -PRICES I t i I anlMdS a first class stock f NVv. riinatnro. cuiiijirisin.' oviia thir. in tho lint of i Clisiuibcr Sets, Parlor Cloths, Mattings, Lace Curtains. House Trimmings, and the latest novel ties in Interior Decorations. 1 would respectfully suggest to parties desirous of seeing really fine goods to call. The quality of my goods taken in consideration with their price will commend (hem to all lovers of line, articles. Mat trasses amt 2ic(UUii:r i'i Xtorfc, and finite to OrtttM. Agent forHoey's patent bed-sofa, of which there are over 10.000 in use on the Pacific Coast. Plavel's building, opposite Welis, Fargo & Go's office. H. W. GALLICK. The BossCoffee and Tea Pot E, R. H TWO DOOKS EAST OP OCCIDENT, HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock in Astoria Fii'cwovfos! . Ma-Qs! FrtiitH Itoth Forcls" nnd Ioni"-tip j Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, 0 R A;. DOCK I School Tax Notice. mo THE TAX TAYE11S OITSCIIOOL IMri X trict Xo. 1, Clatsop county Oregon : Yon aro licrcbv notified that tlio assessment roll for the school tax in district Xo. I. for the year lgS2 is completed and will h in un hands, at iny ofnee at the Main street whaif for the next sixty davs from date hereof. rav vour taxes in tune aim savi eo-i.s. t j. (;. iirsTi.in:, Clerk School District Xo. i. Astoria, Oregon, Sept. 13th 1S?J. dcOtl ' Order to Show Cause WIi) Sale r Keal , LMalc Should net be Made. I TX Till- PROBATE COURT. COUNTY i Ao! Clatsop. State or Oregon. -ss. . To Tliomas Morton and ail others ;niorel- cl in the estate of Aaron Morton, demised, j G. G. Smith, administrator ir the estate of Aaron Morton, deceased, havhm tiled ids' petition herein praying for an order of yale of the real estate of mul decedent for the ' purposes therein set forth ; said ical estate being in Columbia County, Oregon, and par- ticularlv desenhed as follows, to-wir: The X V) oft heX WIS of sect ion Xo. c,T4X, U l wnst, and the W 5 of the X W i of ec- SSiSbllKatlhSSS bv the .ludire of said Court tlnr-ill nprsniw I W1I "avc wiincsseu lue euieriaiumeni pro Uerle ifn the tStW Sfu'l .1 JESSEi "nco It to bo vntialto any given elsewhere, apiK-ar In-fore tlic said I'robatc Court on the lit li dav of October, A. D. 1S3-J, at 10 o'clock A.M. of said day at the Court room or said l'rohale Court at Astoria, Clatsop Count v. in said State, to show cause why an order should not be granted said administrator to sell said real estate of said deceased, and it is further ordered that service, of this cita tion be made bv publication for four weeks iu the Duly Astoui.vx-a newspaper of general circulation in said Clatsop Countv. C. A. McGUlRi:, Trobate Judce of Clatsop Co., Oregon. Attest : E. K. SPEDDEX, Clerk. by U. II. "Welch, Deputy. dcw-3l Benton Street. NOTICE Is hereby Riven that Hie as sessment made by Oidinanee Xo.4Sl. for the improvement ol and rejiair of Benton street, between the south side of Concomly street and Hie north side, of Court street in McCiure's Astoria, in the manner provided by Ordinance Xo. 180, on each of the following described lots fronting upon that part of Denton street from the south side of Concomlv street to the north side of Court street, is now due ami payable at the- oflicc of the City Treasurer, in said city, in , United States gold and silver coin, and j uiuess paiu wiiiiwi uvc nays ironi ine expiration of this notice, viz: October, 12, 1&82, the Common Council will order warrants issued for the collection there- of. The assessment is as follews: i No. of Ao. of Jiot. ILlecl: Probable Ccsr. Same oOirner. Mrs. O. Forth... J.W.Gearhart.. C. Unites 11. B. Parker.... United States... 7 00, ii nn! G2 50 81 7.ri 71 00 81 75 l5 30 103 50 103 50 81 75 8175 8173 8173 92 73 8173 92 73 8173 SI 73 81 75 C. L. Parker . C. S. Wricht . Mrs. Richardson.. j. jiiuiit;uiiii'iy. Clatsop County. Geo. Flavel M.M. Oilman. .lob Boss Mrs. Flavel... C.Boellng.... Reorder of the Common Council. . F.C.NORRIS; Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, Or., Sept. 27, 82. " lOtd Notice. ALL PARTIES INDEBTED TO.OIthold- ing any indebtedness acainst Andrew jonnson, deceased, of the union racking l Co-will please call on the undcrsiened at! the Astoria Liquor Store, within thirty days uiu sciiiu saint;. AUG. DANIELSOX. HEXEVMATTSON. l J o 8 j 9 4 10 5 10 4 I 2S 3 23 1 24 8 24 1 27 8 27 ! 4 . 2S 5 28 4 41 5 41 1 42 8 42 1 47 8 47 . 4 -48 5 48 Astoria, Oct, 3, 1582. Ir- oi''. a: i . . r furniture, Carpets. Oil may j'.i: mad or E.E.HAWEe sole a;i:nt. Iso. Awnl for tin' wl'linitit liiirji's Pn(-iil Cooii Nti't llKDALIiKM: RANGK .slTAM 1 ITliNCS A .SIM CZAI.TY. X(iiu liiu iln' bf workmen fiiij)Ui l All vfrl: t'uaraittd r no elirtrp. JL Vff US ASTORIA, OREGON 1HIUS VARIETIES. GEO. HILL, --- PKOrniETOR WALTKi: I'AKKS. - STAGE MANAtJKK Engagement f Miss MAMIE GOODRICH, The Queen of Serio Comics. JOHNNY STOKES Tlio 4Jratst of All lliIiriv Impersonator's. CHAS. BARROW The t'lir.torfielil of IHlnstrcly. Tcigothcr with a now All the Old Favorites Retained. ,,r" :tl! Ul' 'lcnr' lrnirmanrr Kvtry x,Bhl' LnliPr ""SC or ITo- sraiume a IVrcfc. Comprising ail the latent SONCS, DANCES AHD ACTS. We give the Best Voi'Iot u PntorTOinmonf VctHeiy Lnteriainrneni ', L, ,Tr . In the Vest. ?? goalie is oIl ntehtly. and all Mr. Hill as a caterer for the nubllc's amiivHiicnt can not be excelled. Anybody wishing to spend a -pleasant evening and see sparkling wit and beauty without vul garity, should improve- the. opportunity and come'. The company comprises the following well known Artists: Miss Kaxxik Wai.tox. Ml? MOLI.IR ClIItl.STV. Mr. Toji. Christy. Mil Walter Parks. All of which will appear nightly in their dif ferent specialties. Open air concert every evening : perform ance commencing at 8; entrance to theatre on Kenton street: piivate boxes on Chena mus street. Nnvc Stars in Rapid Succession ! A. V. Allen, (rfUU::RH30!l TO I'AOK & ALLEN.) Wholesale and retail dealer In &&Tkf&v3g& ItbGi i&Ejf Provisions, Crockery. Glass and Plated Ware, TKOPIOAI. AN'D DOMESTICj FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with fiBes.Lipors.TokcolCigars The largest and most complete stock of goods in their line to be found In the city. Comer of Cass and Squemocquc Streets, ASTORIA. OKEGOX. . . Cm. Cil miu. j QAO ACRES TIMBER LAND in T. 9 N, ivvv jv. , cj est. Title poml ri wi. sonable ; tsrnu cash. J. O. EOZORTH, Beal Estate Acent. I : G0QD8 Large lot of good serviceable Dress Goods reduced to 12 cents per yard. Splendid all Wool Cashmeres, all colors, reduced to 40 cents per yard. TREMENDOUS REDUCTION! All our 81.10 Cashmeres, all colors, re duced to 80 cents per yard. The Greatest SawiBoe of ibe Stsdfif Calicos. 16 yds. of all best brands, 1.00 Handsome pieces of Dress Gingham, 10 yards 81.00. Nottingham Lace Window Curtains at very low figures. Call early and secure choice selections. We still kave on h.and about. 20 Hand some Ladies Cloalss, To be disposed of at a sacrifice. o db'shoe department Being almost closed out of Ladies sizes, we have still on hand a line of Foxed Cloth Shoes. Also a few Pebble Side-laced, a handsome Shoe formerly sold for $2.50 and now at $1,75. Also Children's Kid Shoes at 40 cts.; a handsome Childs Kid Slipper at 50 cts.; Buttoned Kids at 60 cts. Full line of Misses Kid and Pebble Buttoned Shoes at less than S. F. wholesale prices. A splendid Boys Winter Shoe at $1.75 worth S3.00. Bv order of Creditors at CALIFORNIA STORE J$im JL IKEonfgoxnery, (SCCCESSOR TO .TACKINS & MONTGOMERY.) CORAKIS Ol' MAI'S AX jkffeksox streets, kSTOJKXa, - OJEfcEGOZr. CHAS. HEILBORN, AIA2?UFACTURER OF FURNITURE 35 BEDDING AND DEADER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. MARTIN OLSEN, DEALER IX E5 FURNITURE m BEDDING. Corner Inin ami Squentoquu Streets. Astoria, Oregon. WIDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; LOOKING GLASSES ETC A Complete Stuck. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. ALT. KIADS OF FUICXITLTSE KEFAIRED A3D VABHISHED. LOEB & CO., JOBBERS IX WINES, LIQUORS, . AND CIGARS. ACJEXTS FOIt THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. JAH goods sold :it San Frnne'wo Prices. JfAlX STREET. Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oregon. STOCK MBPABTMENT, DEALKltS IX Tin, Sheet iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment ot HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Eanges The Rest in the market. rninihlni; good of all kinds on hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. Leinenweber & Co., C. HETXEXKEBEK. H. BBOWK. E3TABLI8nD 18G5. ASTORIA, OREGON, TANNERS AD CDBBBSS, .Manufacturers and Importers of A LI. KINDS OF AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers Iu OIL AND TALLOW. vilighest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow.