fl. gar Vol XVIIL Astoria, Oregon, Wednesday Morning. October 4. 1882. Qthe llliiilo Ttat tiff nit THE INVENT 1VEAES. A Fable With a Moral. For main- vears a man and his! ass came dailv laden with fruit! into the town of Baroila The ass carried two ba"-s across! of profit. The regulation? also) tion of the money value of a man's his back one filled with Iruit and ! may ave left ways open for the I life: the other containing a lare stone j perpetration of fiaud. There i "Take a man thirty-iive years of to balance the fruit. were many scandals from year tojage. in sound health, earning, The man walked alongside tlie3"oar which m :i,i brought about :fc,000 a year. If money is worth' ass with two bags thrown across ' revision and change of the laws: four per cent interot. the present, his shoulder one holding fruitj relating lo this subject; but the. value of his earning for Lis pi oh -, the other a stone. j reduction of the compensation i able after lifetime by the Anieri-! As both man and ass carried as much as their strength would al low, each was much wearied on his arrival at Baroda. One day the ass said to his I master: UT don't see any use in these stones; why not put half the r - i Vi it i it iruii in cacu nagr v e snail re-i tain the balance and carry onSv half as much weight.'' j in a district covered with timber Accordingly, for several daysand undergrowth. Mo.t lands the man and ass omitted the stones from their burdens and neitherfe.it much fatigued at the end of the day's labor. Then the master of the ass took it into his head that he was not profiting .sufficiently from the ass s ingenuity, bo he said to the ; a,,a extension 01 the public sui veys ass: "You have for several days! in these places i much wanted, enjoyed the benefit of your dis- But befoie they can be urvcyed covery. Henceforth you must large compensation must he allow carry all the fruit, and, as I am cd. For surveying this class, of tired of walking, I will sit astride t lands the law should allow at least your back." So it came to pass that the ass was -worse off than before (for he was completely under his master's control and had to succumb); but whether any labor-saving devices ever after entered his head will never be known, for he never j again opened his mouth. i Tne Nortnern Pacific. The earnestness of the work now being pushed by the conpany M ;.i; w "h.:.. :' luum aiuiwit liuiu UIITWIIS U1I1U twelve months communication would be completed by the North ord Pacific across the continent. The Railway Acre has this to sav upon the subject: "The track of' the Northern Pacific railway fejspmt mat is terrible to landlords, now neaily fioO miles west of St.Thereare scarcely any 'names that Paul and less than 4 50 'miles re j are so objurgated in England as main to complete connection with i thosc o Varies Stewart Parncll the western end. Track is ow ; Jll)d Michael Davitt. Applause. going down westward at the rate J ht " judgme,lt Ii eland has dis- of about one mile and a half per day, and is also pushing steadily! from the opposite direction. Very much of the heavy grading and rock work is already completed, and at the end of this season iris believed not more than 2o0 or 300 miles of track will remain to be laid. The entire line of 1,935 miles from St. Paul, Minn., to Portland, Oreron. will dnnhtlP!aPParent' ,,OWPVf,r lI,al the le- be open in the fall of 883, when an immense traffic from the North- j ern Pacific coast which has hither-' to cone southward to California. I will turn across the nontinpnt. the cities of the great Jakes. ' 00 wcre contributed and 130.000 happy people, who were their own The following is the latest nil- police, -litied the .sttcets. A M. ing in regard to cutting and dis- SuUfvan in Cooper Institute. posing of timber on hemesteads: t rpf -, . , , f Timberland embraced in a home-1 rhc Goldentlale Gazette learns stead, or other entrv not consum- ! that Gcn K' lL Ari,ro-v' lhc ncwl-v-mated.'mavbe cleared in order to! W0,nted lnd,an a-cnl w,, is to Cultivate the land or imnrnvo flip ..r premises, out lor no ottier purpose If after clearing the land for culti tion there remains more timber than is required for improvement, I there is no objection to the set- 4t- ,i:: r 4 i anairs in io.i tor it usiunsrion tier disposing of the same. But crrjton the question whether land is beino- j " - - cleared of its timber for legitimate Capt. Sargent S. Day, of Glou parppses, is a question of fact 1 cester, Mass., writes: ';f was suffer which is liable to be raised at any iinS with rheumatism; I used a time. If the timber is cut and re- sma11 portion of St. .Jacobs Oil, moved for any other purposes it and s afc 01lce cure(1' T have a,s0 will subject the entrv to cancella-1 used ,L fcM a sprained ankle and tion, and the person who cuts it l1"11 ft,ot, and never once found will be liable to civil suit for"lhe . li to falK U ,s superior to any oth recoveryof the vakeof satdtim- er medicine I ever had in my hr lcr, mmin..! nrn!nn,,(;nn Iioum?, and I will never be without ww., ...-v .. w...,....u. MUiJl.l,UHUH J under section 24G1 of tho revised statutes. Land Surveys. ft is probable that the compeii- sation ibnnally allowed for survey- inP lne public lands afforded iniintercstingarticleonliie insuraiuv. ' man v instances to large a margin j allowed has been too sweeping, I and in consequence the public ca.-h value of his life to his family: survc3 cannot be extended in lo-' that is the actual money equiva calities where the public e.:iveni-j lent lost by them if he dies: that ence Joudlv demands it. If a sur-.J veyor obtains a contract in open ig; that is what he is imperatively and easy country, he can do fairly I hound to prolect'them against los well at the rat'S now allowed; bulling; that is thi; value of the sub he cannot afford to take a contract istitute he must have always "0"' to be surveyed have been avoided hitherto by surveyors, even when much higher pi ices I than those now allowed were paid.'erable part of it ready or really These lands, lying along the coast or foot hilJ of our mountain rang-1 es, are now rapidly settling up, fifty per cent, more than present rates. This i a. matter of rcat importance to many localities in ! Oregon and Washington. It ought to receive the" attention of our delegation in eongress. Ore- j fjonian. The Ireland of To-Day. t Xo man who knew Ireland' twenty, even ten vears aro hasi any commensurate knowled.r0 of" JIooppolc township, Pasy Co., the Ireland of to-day. A revolu-jlnd" P?tcr Plum was nominated tion has been vrninrl.i. hv il.ollor llw "Pa posmou m roau- S" . " school and the printing press, and, at length, by the backward wave of American influence and sym pathy. American letters have filI.e.d lrish homes with a hoI)C aml covered a policy that will lead her on lo victory. 1 tood in the streets of Dublin on Aug. 15. An exhibition of Iri.-h manufactures had been projected. This had long been considered impossible without the aid of capital.and men with handles to their names, and especially the patronage of the lion and the unicorn. It was soon plc COuId dowU,Iout the patronage the lion :uul lhe u,,i(:orlN "l lhaflI,e lieple wishe(I U to ,,e an exlbitiori f Irish self reliance. There was a building raised, $150,- succeed rather illner at the imcoe agenev, is a native of Indiana. He received his title, General, from actual service in the late war he was Major-Gcnoral. I T TT- . - ? -a -1 i ? t V Z !";""" ; ;ul a bottle of this great pain destroy er." The Captain is wise. Money Value of a Man's Iiife. In the current number of the - International Review there is sn jit contains thj following illustni- can table is 1?,F00. That is the what they are in danger ot ios- ready for that contineeney. llow main' Americans earning that sum, or two or three times that sum, with dependent families, 'have that .substitute or any consid- hi vail able ? The loss goes on at the rate lew appreciate. Take 100.- 000 men aged thirtv-five in good health, earning Sl,000a year each: the present money value of their lives to their families is?l,7o0,000; and during that year there will be lost about ?l"),G53,5O0; ten years later the loss is at the rate of 1?, 021,000; twenty yea re later it is at the rate of neaily 523,000.000; the only question as to the cominu nity is what families will it strike; a to the family, the only question is, when will it strike: as the whole number, so many lives will go; as to the total value of all, so much valu xx be lost." - Vt a recent caucus held master. Upon being called but by admiring friends, Peter said: "I'm never back'ard in comin1 for'ard to speechify in the interest of Plum. I'm powerful glad I've bin nominated. My heart is chuck full and bilin' over with guishin5 grati tood. If 1 live till 1 die, which I hope 1 shall, I expect to be elect ed, and if 1 get. there, Eli, Till make things snap. I'll work 'arly an' late, in season ay,d out of sen- son, to fix the roads up in first I - . .. I .Class htylc, and thus will 1 proceed I can bet yer bottom dollar I'll fiMit it out on that line." Itis.afeto predict that Peter Plum will catch on. '1 he Idaho Statesman says that grain in Idaho i double the price it was last year. There is not grain enough in' that section to supply the demand. The i tiling price of grain now is 3 to 3 cents I per pound, and Hour ?12 per bar rel. To meet the possible defi ciency speculators have gone lo Grande Iioude to purchase grain. Railroad building is the cause of the advanced prices. The farmers there are exhoited to resort to irri gation and not depend on rain, as there has been an awful deficiency in the water sunnlv from that source this year. The commonly accepted idea that colored soldiers show greater endurance in hot climates than their white comrades is refuted by statistics furnished by the medical department of the British army. From these ii appears that the mortality among colored troops in the West Indies last year was more than twice as great as anions the white soldiers. Loss of hair and grayneas, which of ten mar tho prettiest face, are pro vented by Parker's Hair Balsam. to th,ecnd. lloopp.,? township "Kn'nriiZAKiXi! oS'Vn SWtt"? i ii i ' h-if Uh-ii iifiiu sliht iirv fiiifli is. t,h s,n ' "-Tijtt'd in tlu MuMcil Denart- produces the host tin.luM- in the! jl stato,un,l het y,r life I'll build , bridges thai a mnle ean.tand upon iJrllVhUitSyu;: ' ri1,"; siB without narv a kick or l,mv. You fi ll"MTXrlM ' nW'ffl H,n' ,?P S S3S m m? I " in.n.ii.nu ' iiitiu ri. a r.uiii i fe hi iiireisll v. n MHEesSB1eTs' - &&&lmWszM$ffilwW' FOB RHEUMATISM j Neuralgia. Sciatica. Lumbaqo, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sora Throat, Swaf- ings and Sprains, Burns and Scafds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. So Prrratlon en earth equals Sr. J.'.ron u:- m a afc,surt, simple and cheajj Extcmsl BtatJjr- A trial entaOs but tbo comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cent, and eTcry on mfier- ItiR with pain can hTo cbesp and p ilita j.rcof fMaxt!onn Eleven Uapae. BOLD BY ALLDEUQOI8T8 ANDJ)EALEE3 - ,-, --- ' WMUiM. l .) ltalllmore, 31d., U.S.A. ! SHORT BITS. Ico formed onc-oightli of an inch thick in Dayton, last Friday night. The now hnnlc huilding at Che ney is 2-InoO foot, built .substan tially of brick and is two Tories ' hifflu Tiie X. P. R. II. pays t:i.c on 152,700 in Spokane county. Marshall Field is tho larjrest indi- i vidual tax-payer in that county, being assessetl at $ 13,'J0.. ' SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LIVER. l'.iln in the rwlit ii!c. uiul ribs, increasing on irus.mv; -onn-timri j t!iu pnlii in on the left 'Me; the patier.t i j rarely able to He on the left blue: vmu- time- the i:iin in iclt umlcr the -im.il.l, r and UMniMune UiSten for IJli.-nin .;i-m In the arm. The stomueli Is .iflbctnl 'ah:i loof:ippefiteaml.i.-kne-s; the In.ueN .In KencRi! :ire costive, M)iiH-tiiiK" tter- nutin with laxity; ihe heal N lroub!(il with ii in.iic.-nuiiMiiin.i TV.H.5..1..U i....v-' ..!....! .... I.. .1... I. ...t- .,.. ";.,...: .; I ':illyaet.;isllenih!el(K4of memory,i,Tvom xucrci metier- , i namim wun.i luiiuiiiM.'ii-.iUoii ot iiam .sijiniiH.il ti f.irlilinle enough to try i;. Jf you lnnoniiynf the nhovc symptoms, yon em eertainlv he cured by the Use of the Kcnnlite !:. '. .Uel.ANS MVUK lMl.Ls. When j u ln" JlcLiiuc's Tills, insist on havimt UK. . JleLAN'l'.'S c:i:i.K KATi:iLIVi:!trir.LS, niadebvFlem- if ou eui.ne: et the tonuine UK. C. 3icTMC'.'X.lVi:K 1'Il.Ls, send ik I M5 eeuts by mail, and we will ,,,1 nu-m , ! it. on 1 ' in:; Km!., l'liisnnryii, ra. FL3II(j 1SIMKS., rittUlirgll, I'd. f CELEBRATED V Plfc STOMACH ITTEBS Tbo trite anliilclc to tho cn"ccl- of miaiina is Ho'tcttcr'. Stomach IHttciy. "liia mcJi cino is one of tho most popular rciucdu-s cif an ago of successful proprietary speciCc-s, and 15 in immense demand wherever on this Continont fever and ague exuts. A wincglasfful thrco times a day is tho best po;:iblop:cpamtivo fer encountering a ma larious atmosphere, rcsulatins the liver, and invicoratins tho stomach. For .ale by all Drugtriits and Pcnlew generally. W?Z&r ' JIUV f " ". - I ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. Q ciirvvirs struct, astoiua. riun: t:xDi:i:sn:xK is ri.EASEi) to JL a!iuiii(i to thi: iuMi thai lie 1:n nj fiiwl n 1'IKST CIjAHS JSttiLs; House , l.il ruPlilie Hi lirst-fl-tSS .llu ovsTrit'.. nor ropi-KK tra, irrc. t riu: Ladies" and Gent's Oyster Saloon, CIIKNAMl'S 5TREKT. I Ple:tM n e j-if .rnli. iroTOKiDIXOX, 1'rojM lelor A. K. JOHNSON & Co., G Sl!liv. J:i1oji( niicl Metalline of nil i(s. The icnuiiio r.eeson'.s SVoieli Suluimi nvi Twines. Ionn:iiI Tnlnew: Camas, nil 3roi Copit'rTiiird Oar.. TIu IkI assortment jf G ROCERI ES in Town. The IJ. COFKKES and TEAS. j ' Trj our Hlolrose Unking I'owtler I j Tosilht-h tin ln-st r rr maile. j ' CA-ISTBTEO GOODS f all Uiitl 5t up n lust lickrs. I.idiariUcn u!i, Ro1i)iin' CamuHl Rootle. Terms Caili. I'roflt.s Small. p;iyi: rs a cam.-rw B. B. PKANKLTN, UNDERTAKER, Corner C.im :ntl Sftieinoqlio streets, ASTOKIA. - - - OREGON DKAI.r.IC IX WALL PAPER AND i ZSjiT- - """ .3t ""-"J wmmm,mf yn , ' iiT""'T22" TB!iimB&Cl JVINDO.W SHADES AVI) I1 N DKUTA K KltS GOODS. i ' Q'l1 f-I I? I VX'Wl TT A T I l J -L'-L'-L' O XliiJjJU? A 1ST DKXWUTIIEVT fVni- -l'l,-"?.Jf TU'ni;i:s i.oxi; kx- r...r...l I.. Ot- II. .?.... ft. .11 t... I.. . 1 w,if'-.r...-i i.i- n....i.ntt.... -.rw .... -...!. -M MJiiwiLt ii .m im iiiiittitiii u ,ii nun irt I'. 11 !ii!iet reconiinr-nd.illnns for her attain ments and skill as a teacher or Tainting and l)nu iz. TJsese cm er the i hole ground of iiisti-nenoii in the he-t Art Schools, embrac ing Oil I'jiiilm;: in limNcane, Flower and ; Sllli-hfe Studies : Craion. Charcoal, "Water olois. i'cijrii, ien anil Ink. and Decorative Ait in all its branches. , .MISS lTI.LlCIi Na lady or liberal edu eatHiiiand snpeiior cult are. and the IJector aim iTineipaiot sr. Helen's Hall reeonunend tl-lyu'1i"onl of theirschool tolti patrons '""' eonlidence. bemi: well assured llm u J-" ,10vcr ",!,'r :i ,l,orC mpetenl instructor, nr one of more varied acniurc- nients. sJD.iT.lm - - Delinquent City Taxes. N'OTTCK IS HKKKRY GIVEN' THAT I, the undersigned. Thief of l'oliep. have bi-eu furnished v.Hh a warrant lroiu Ihe citv j council remiiriu mo to collect the taxes as sessed for the yea i 1W. and now delinquent upon the list, and make return of the same within: sixty days. All parties s, indebted will therefore please take notice and j;oern thcni-c!os aceordlnslv. ('. V. LAl'miKKV. Chief of Police. Astoiia. Orcpiu, S-jiteniber 19. ISSi NO FOOLISHNESS! MUST MAKE ROOM ! I, mi about toleae for San Francisco with the intention of brinjrin up the timsl stuck, or ji:ivi:r.RV. watciii. .M Solid Id and Niliorwarc. Kvor olTercd lc the Astoria public, ami olfer for vile at extrnielv iow prices the whole of m present stock. Tliis is a lona fiile oiler. Solid dd Watches, drains-, r.racelrK E:ir IJinus. pins '. etc', at manufacturers prices-. CUSTAV IlANSKX. FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY ! STRA3IKU 'KATATA" Owing to her belns twi small for our hiisl ticss uill be -o!d on rc:isouablo termi. Apply at the olllce of Hadollet & Co., Up per Astoria, for particulars when tlm boat can be seen DADOLLET & CO. d-30d ir 511 ill lliiMtitmiii iirrtimiiAiif iliiiitntl No;. 3. . s. tn -M J fj f- ? ? f s i ilos 5 sg MISCELLANEOUS. S.ARNDT & FERCHEN,E.- HotDE- ASTOI'JA. oUKaox. The Pioneer Machine Shop J3r W.ACKSMITII SHOP--I K 'pS Boiler 'Shop All Uiials of engine; cannery, -AND- STEAMBOAT work Iromptly attendiM to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STHEET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. By.NTONSTirKKT. SKAU L'AltKKl: HOU8K, ASTOKIA. - OKKCON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANDlMARiNEElM'ES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. CASTINaS. Orall ItcyeriptlouH made to Order nt Short Notice. A. D. "Was-, l'rcsidvnt. J. C IiUhTLKR, Secretary. I. V. Cask. Tiwi.urpr. .lonx Fox, .Superintendent I WILLIAM EDGAR, Cornor .Main nnd Chenaaim Streets, ASTOK I A .OREGON DKALKR IX CIGARS AND TOBACCO, The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS &. SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY! AND -THE GENUINE WOSTENHOLM ard other Kngluh Cutlery. I STATIOIfERY! , FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Heershaum Pipes, etc, A line stock of l Wtrho ami .lew eiry, Mazi zuia i :Uol Guum anrti Breech Leading: ftltles. Revolvers PJntoIi. Hitd Ammunition MAUINT. jiIiANMi:M AIJJO A FINK Assortment of fine .SPFfTACI.FS and F.YK fJLAShF?. . , WAR IS 1F.CIjAKF.T WITIIOf'T . Fl'KTIfKK OTH;k Aim no terms of peace until every niau in Astoria has a new Miit of clotluvt HADK B- XRA2IY. rok at the prices : Pant.s to order from -Pants, Genuine French Cassiiuen -Suits from ---.. 8 00! 'Jo 00 The finest line of samnles on the eo:Lst to j select from. I'.J.MEAXY. Cass street, next to Jlan'ens .lewelrj store Health is Wealth. Dr. IL C. West's Ncne and Drain Treat ment : :i .specitic for Hysteria. Dizziness, Convulsions. .Xervous Headache. Afentiii n. pression, Loss, or Memory. Spermatorrhoea, Iinpotency, Involuntary Emissions. Prema- tare Old Aire, caused bvoer-erertinn &cr. abase, or over-Indulgence, which leads to , misery, decay and death. One box w III cure recent cases. Eaehbov contains one months I treatment. One dollar a box, or six boj.es j SiSrtsiSlS'Srte'S cure any eise. With each order received by I jis for six boxes, accompanied w 1th tlve dol- lars, we will send the purchaser our written! ggicttir! S0n&W6faerie Plcs. ifWkciW IhI iK:t .J& RtfB-w :liaP - W . .v jawwr. BUSINESS CARDS. ( NOTARY PUBLIU, AftrrioxEEU, commission akb sui:ance aoeni. K. .f. C, .SHAFTKR, lUsICM and l'KCC (nr.trrsonKK arzt.) lisea!es of the Threat a Helat3r vuiee over tonus -urus aire. A, , . Q.EI.O F. P.iKKKB. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County, and. City or Arta Office t-Cheiuimus street, Y. M.C. A. Mil,. RoomXo.s. T O. KOZORTII, r. s. t'nmmKtloner, .Vatary PMr;atf Intnriuice Acrat. ! Aent tor Ihe Ilaniburc-Breuiea FtreXaa.0. ot naiuDur, uermany, ana or rue itay elers' IJfe and Accident las. Co of Hart ford. Conn. ae-Ofilcein Pjthian Building. Boons ll, li. "pi D. M'lXTOS, Attorney and Counselar at Law. jWOfllcolu PtliinnBuiidlns. 2vn H,ll ASTOKIA, - - - OREGON. JAY TUTTIjII. M. . 11IYS1C1AN AJil HUKaiOK-,.'- , - - - ---- riF'if. vvficr over tuo wait jMtaa Mva, - ItaioKcy. OTerKlbcraoa'a 9tkktfj?wjti "" poslte Earth & Myers' Saloon. ' " A li. FCIiTOX. X. I. PhyMicfan and Hurgemm. OFFIPE-Over A. V. Allen's grocery tr Rooms, at the Parker House. "p P. UICKJf, " PENTKT, ASTORIA, .... OKSKM. o Koomi in Allen's building up stair? carafi of Cass and Sqemoeqhe streets. J K. Lal'OBOE. DENTIST Ofiilal Kounu atrr Case Hh Clictiamu-Street, - .Astoria, QregK-. I Q. A. BOWLBY. atthi'vuv it r. chenaiuus Street. - ASTOUIA. OBEftu IAV.TB1JKSEY- I ATTOBJEY AIJIAW. May be found at the Court Hoiwg.. G. A. STINSON & GOv BLACKSMITHING, - At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner ot ifrn and.Court StreeU. Ship and Cannery wort, HorsesuoeiBg, Wagons made and repaired. (Jood war. Kuaranteed. TAXLORUia, Cleaniji S Repairin$. ' NKAT. CHEAP ANO QUICK, BX iiKOKtJE LOVETT. Haiti Street, opposite N. Loeb'a, BOOKS THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS! CARL ADLER. IFOR j A complete stock of School Beofas scuooi supplier. Any dook used la tM nc rcnoow oi uiaisop uouniTcau ueoi t my store. OABL AT Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply lOAT AT A"XT T WTTtfT?- I I OJtXAJ 11VIN X f Y X1S Hi J 0BK MR LEAD LINES, .,, w , S IV, I IV V, I J -I-, - TWINES. . , mt A Full Stock Now on Hand. il.,rr nm. - . -. HENRY D0YE co;, Sole KtMa for fitt Paeffte Coast. mc ' i ?"--JS -ijt -. ,