The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, October 03, 1882, Image 3

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She HifU slOTton,
The Senatorial Puzzle.
(Mnda; Excepted ).
rrr.LisnKi:s An Pi:oi,i:iitoks.
Andtnan Building, Cuss Street.
Terms of Subscription :
erod by Carrier, per weelf -..'.25 Coats
-rt Jy ujnil. four jaonths......
ent by acil. ono year.... ................
S'roo of PostflKO to Subscribers
i oo
9 00
Advertisements inserted by the year at
;t rate of SI i per square icr montb.
I'raneieat .idvortWnj;. by tho day or week, I conts per square for each Insertion.
Seattle's police force is to be uniformed.
-The first frost of tho season fell
at Coos Day on the 28th ult.
-The Lewis county fair begiusjat
Chehalis to-day, and continues four
- -The American bark Elsinore and
ship Y. H. Starbuck, are now due at
this port.
" -Aug. Danielson and Henry
Maitson give notice to certain parties
interested this morning.
Max. Wagner asks attention con
cerning the .San Francisco National
Brewer agency in to-day's issue.
About f0,000 cans of salmon have
been put up this season at the cainif-iy
of Reed A Co. beiow Gardiner.
iSm-ri w.toTiik Astokiax.j
S.i,cm, Oct. 2, 1S82.
Ever since Saturday the capital has
been the scone of continuous excite
ment over the senatorial puzzle, the
solution of which seems as far off now
as the first day of the session. The
investigating coinmitteo brought in n
report to-day that uiade a hubbub, it
virtually saying that Ford should be
censured by the legislature, tliat
Nichols did right in his action, and
exonerating Mitchell from all respon
sibility in the matter. This report is
by no means satisfactory to those who
expected to make a point against .7.
H., but the opposition are gleeful
over the defection of Dr. rinminer,
of Portland, who was one of the com
mittee of investigation.
There was one ballot taken at noon
to-day, with the following result:
Mitchell, 41; Shattuck, 20, Failing,
14; Ex-Attorney-Genoral Williams,
G. Plmnmcr, who has been support
ing Mitchell from tho commencement
of the session voted for Williams.
It is said that others arc shaky. Tho
whole matter is a puzzle, but I still
think that Mitchell will succeed.
-The Seattle Post-Jntelligeiicer
learns that D. C. Ireland is going to
staii an evening paper in Portland.
Portland is thinking of having a
pioneer association, composed of men
who were in that city thirty years
Stephen Hodgdon, a resident of
Thurston county for 31 years, died on
tho 20th of September, aged about 70
Tho weather yesterday was de
lightfully moist. It interfered h lit
tle with outside work but otherwise
was in every way satisfactorj
The Bark Kylemore, which sail
ed from Portland on May 17th, ar
rived in yesterday afternoon. She is
consigned to Balfour, Guthrie A' Co
At the national woman's suffrage
association meeting, held in Omaha
last Saturday, Mrs. A. S. Duniway,
of Portland, was elected vice-presi
denta merited compliment.
The British ship Timaru, Fuller
ton master, which sailed from Port
Chalmers, N. Z. Aug. 7th, arrived in
yeatordiry afternoon. The Timaru is
130G tonB register, and sailed for As
toria. Seattle is shipping shingles from
San Francisco. An order was sent to
the samo city a few daj's ago from
Astoria for lumber to finish ttic insido
work on a building in process of con
The Disabled Steamer.
The steamer Queen of the Paeiiic,
one of the "hot-wells" of which was
bnrsted by the discharge of salt water
from the condenser on Saturday even
ing below Ivalama, while en route to
this port, arrived at her destination
at 10.1. yestcrdav morning. the
steamer Ocklnhama relieved her of the
passengers aboard and proceeded her
to this place. The necessary repair.1
have been completed on tho Queen
and she is therefore ready to gi to sea
without delay from the cause. 0,-etjo-whin,
The Prise Ring.
Last Sunday morning three boat
loads of people went to Smith's point
with the laudable intention of being
present at a contest according to the
rules of the prize ring, which was to
come off between Archie Clark and
Thos. Logan. Both champions had
their friends, each being confident of
success, and when the ring was made
and "Time" called, the advanced to
the fray, winch was short, sharp and
sanguinary. But three rounds were
fought, Chirk being the winner.
To the rnblie. ! Spring Salmon.
Owing to the IcTwtion of in good.- Thirty Jialf-bMMlsfinespring--.aln!on
on the steamer 1 urn compelled to post-i for sale by J. H. D. Gbay.
none our opraiuur (as mr previous an
nouncement) until next Thursday, the
ith iiM.
C. H.CoorKi:.
Habits of Salmon.
"There is no more interesting fact
in connection with the propagation of;
Xuhic LeHnems.
""kr(?s Sft".. i!lr?ni, T.ll -flitt.i ! rvi.t
.02.13.7 Vlll IT UOUil 1VJ11 iLilllll 1KMII
San Francisco about October 1st, after.'
which time she will be prepared to re-' C
ccive a limited number of pupils in in- Cr
strnmentnl music.
Ojsters! Oj-Htors!!
At Frank Fabry's; in evcrj
Ftv-h from the beds every day.
IM-ruviaii I!Ittr
fish,"' says the T S. Commissioner
on fish and fisheries in his last pub-'
lished repoit, "than that of their re-1
turn to their original spawning ground i
at tho expiration of a given time.' ciccwTubn-
The voung fish also hatched out at any . The Count Clnehon was the bpauih
point, will in their turn seek the same I Viceroy in Iu in ThCouiitess.:
placo for the purpose of reproduction, j tent fever, from which she was freed by ; 2?
Vimir.rniK; in-n-inrei of this fact -ire ; the use of tte native, remedy, the Peru-'...
Numerous instances oi iiiij uci ,.,. -, n,- ;,, ti...
t T IMiA . ! V i t ii .llVl lit III!
on record; tuns Mr. Wilmot, who for, language ot tho country. "Quini-uiii:i
Men's. Youths" and Boys'
U I T S !
Coats. Pants and Overcoat s
Furnishing Goods!
r r..t r I , . .. i. " .
vpr-,1 vc-iiN iix.1 h-is been cu-wed v.nueiui mr - -i n coei. on hit renin ,
several 3 cars past nas uceii cun.iacu l0 li:in,,w irc2, ske introduced the
in hatching out salmon at Newcale, remedy in Spain, where it wa-. known
t p.p.n: coats, cmp.kei.i.s.
... .i .i. i ,r i.i... rv. :.. tinner various name3
in uiu . am-.c ... .- v... M called irOiiiPhonn. in Jiow-r of tho iadv,
until I.inn:--W IX CJ h? N La I
has in evented to the '. S. Fish Com-i who had broutihl tliem that which was
- ti .,r.a cn;.v.., ,f j more iirecious than the gold of the Inea-. '
mission the stuffed specimen of a Tn ,i '-.i... ,ftliP i-w.r i-., i.......
drctl and fifty year., seienco has iven
female fish from which he had taken j
eggs for throe successive ycars,as indi
cated by his marks, that were appar
ent on the skin. At the L'nitcd
States hatching station on the Penob
scot, Mr. Charles G. Atkin3 has been
in the habit of tagging and number
ing the fish which he captured for hjs
purposes, and which are released in
Penobscot bay when he has finished
with them. Of these quite an appre
ciable number have been taken in
The hui;rt Mix:k or lino
lnrri"ii ami America!!
iiN nothinc to take its ulnco. It eileetu
ally cures a morbid appetite for .-iiiiiu-:
laiits,Jy restoring the natural tone ofj
thestomarh. II attacks excessive love
of liquor as it does a fever, and destroys
!olh alike. Tlie powerful tonic vitlue!
of the Cinchona is preserved in :he
Peruvian Bitters, which are as effective I
against malarial lever lo-day as lhei
wero in the das of the ohl Spanish
Vicerojs. We guarantee th." ingredi
ents of these bitters to be absolutelj
pure, and of the best known quality.
A trial will satisfy -ynu that this i. rhi-
best bitter in Ho-world. -The prorif ofj
tho pudding.Is in the ca.tfnc.' anil we '
wiiiiuiy noiui- mis iom. rors;uo o
Beavers, Cloths, Piques,
Worsted, Diagonals,
Gassimeres and Pilot Cloths
subscquent veaw, identifie.l bv the;r jJI 'lruogists crocers and liquor ilralets.
, , , ' , , . , . .Order it. LoebitCo.,agf'ntforA:oria. I
laoois. sun itiiiner in.-uaiiue hi ui;.i
Stabbing Affray.
About two o'clock Sunday aftor
uoon a dispute which originated about
a game of pool culminated in Jerry
Sullivan, a deck hand employed on
the Dixie Thompson, seriously stab
bing Wm. Taylor, at the Esmond
house. The wounded man was con
veyed to the hospital.
is shown in regard to California sal
mon. In previous reports I have re
ferred t Mr. B. D. Hume, of Astoria,
Oregon, in connection with the
artificial hatching of salmon by him
in 1877 and 187S. In the former
3ear he marked a hundred fish and
let thrill g. and the next year he is
said to have retaken ten of the number."
"I like it better than any renicl 1 1
have ever used because it leaves mv
bowels in better condition. is there
.d. a. Mcintosh,
I'nilor sunt rtijlliter. - Occident ''.look.
1tO.1T 2ll'IlDE-:iSK.
I'p St aii-
A ltiilt S. !o roll en's Shop.
Call ami cvniniuo the work we are
huImv the wooil we an iiiii. hctniv
-IHIKIWll. 15 l lie IV- I .. ...! i-, ..i." '
ninrl: made bv evervone whi-n rof.Tiiis" ""'inVn,,Y!?:.
to Syrup of Figs. That is one of the I . a-,0'.
principal reasons whj Syrup of Figs is
taking the place of all the liver niedi
eini" and nauseous cathartics heretofore
ted. Try it. W. F. Dement. Druacist,
is agent for Astoria, Oregon.
Hodge Davis & Co.. Whoie.-alc Agcnls.
Portland Oregon.
A Mean "Woman.
Tho fisli ladder bill passed tho!
house last Saturday afternoon. It ap
propriates 5,000, "or so much thereof
as may bo necessary,"' for the construc
tion of a fisli ladder at the Willamette
falls at Oregon City.
The tax levy of Curry couuty is
23 mills on the dollar. The tax for
county purposes alone is lGi mills.
Tho total value of taxable property
of the county, as returned by the as-
asscssor, is 312,702; number of polls
m the county, 174; indebtedness of
the county, 77,32S.
-Rev. Winfield Scott, D. D., re
cently from San Francisco, but lately
appointed chaplain in the U. S. A..
preached in the Methodist church last
Sunday morning and in the Presbyte
rian church in tho evening. Dr. Scott is
to preach in tho Baptist church next
Sunday again, both morning and evening-
Jay Gould threatens to take a
trip around tho world in a steam
yacht. If ho takes in San Francisco
in his tour, there will have been some
changes in railroad management by
tho time he gets there. Ho has regis
tered a vow not to visit San Francisco
until he can ride from New York on a
railroad, or railroads, owned or con
trolled by himself.
Wc were let into a Salem lobby
secret tho other day which, in tho
language of the sharper, is about as
follews: "They sent me up here to
watch their interests and as every
thing was going a little too smooth,
just for a 'stall' I got a couple of duf
fers to introduce bills prejudical to my
Losses. I then told the president that
I could fir theso fellows, but that it
would require bullion and lots of it.
The money camo and the bills will be
knocked stiff." 7ie .Welcome.
There is a terrible row being kicked
up in Portland anent the actions of a
bold young woman named Funics, a
professional clarivoynnt and medium.
It seems that she becamo onamorcd of
a certain young banker ami mesmer
ized him at one of -her sittings. This
dono she joined hands with and tvas
married to her unconscious visitor, by
a minister present, who was also
mesmerized for the purpose. The
question now is whether the ceremony
will stick, so to speak. At the samo
time the incident goes to show that
some things can be done as well as
J. S. Jones, to-day, calls the at
tention ot Pacific county residents to
tax matters.
Attention is directed to the ad
vertisement of the Pioneer Candy
Factoiy Mr. Oeikwitz makes his
own cand;' and guarantees it puie.
At the regular monthly meeting
of No. Ones last night, Mr. I. Berg
man occupied the chair. A vote of
thanks wa3 tendered Prof. Meyer for
his able performance on the new or
gan. A proposition is now on foot to
purchase a new bell for the company's
A Vaiied Performance.
Many wonder how Parker's Ginger
Tonic can perform such varied cures,
thinking it essence of ginger, when in
fact it is made from many valuable
medicines which act beneficially on
every diseased organ.
Her Only Regret.
Tiiti postmistress at a iittlo town hi
Union Co., not a thousand miles from
La Grande, recently observed that one
merchant of that place was in the
habit of receiving postal cards which
weru perfectly blank except the ad
dress. Believing these to haveTjeen
sent by some crazy peion, she tore
up a numler of said missives instead
of delivering them. For this she has
just been sued for damnges by the
merchant referred to, who proved that
the cards weio written with invisible
ink, and related to important business
matters. The postmistress says she
doesn't so much mind being fired out
and compelled to pay damages, but
she will never get over tho aggrava
tion of not knowing what tho cards
contained. Altogether the whole mat
ter forms one of the saddest and most
pathetic incidents f life in the far
Freights and Prices.
Tho wheat market during tho week
has continued dull and depressed, in
sympathy with Liverpool, and the ten
dency has been to moro ease, so that
x'alloy wheat is quoted at $l.52i and
Walla Walla at $1.-171 percental. The
movement in both sections to dato has
been considerable, and for the season
a large amount has passed from first
hands, though at present writing busi
ness is quieter.
Freights botli in San Fraucisco and
this market are dull and weak at about
52s Cd U. K. and 50s U. K. for iron
respectively. The supply of tonnage
in sight issufticient for all requirements
at present. The Don Enrique, wood,
was chartered tho present week
through pressure at 52s Cd U. K. or
Continent. Commercial Reporter.
TO !.!! I P.S
suffering from functional derangements
or airy of the painful disorders or
weaknesses incident to their sox. Dr.
Pierco's treatise, Illustrated with wood
cuts aim colored plates, suggests sum
means of complete self-cure. Sent for
three letter postage stamps. Address
Wokld's DisPE'?Ai.y Mepi-i.
rurioy, Buffnlo, N. Y.
To all who are suffering from the
errors and indiscretions of youth, nerv
ous weakness, early decay, loss of man
hood, etc., 1 will send a recipe that will
cure you FREK OF CIIAIIGE. Tin,
great remedy was discovered by a mis
.siouary in South America. Send a self
addressed envelope to the Rev. .Tosizph
T. Ixmax, Station 1), New York City.
Those fiOii Kvenino
You want something to read, (ail
Adler has the subscription agency for
all the leading periodicals and publica
tions, and will gel you any paper or
magazine published in the f'nil
State; or hurope.
To Kent
Part of a dwelling house. Inquire at
Ci. A.Stinson's blacksmith shop.
-asic foi:
Union India Rubber Company's
l'ure I'aniCmii
Crack Proofs
He sun the ItoirfH an stamped CUACK
i'j:uut 'on tne ueeis aim nave uc l'uiitj
GUM SPRTXGS on the foot and iastep,
which prevent their cracking or breaking.
Wo are now making thorn with nuIJBKIi
AXD ASBESTOS Soles which will make
them last motv than twice as lonjras any
i;iiiI).t r-oois mnoi1.
all icixns i:ir.r.Ei: ueltccc, pack
It. If. PEASE. .In. i
.M. K.?kV2i
Tuesday, Oct. 3, 1882!
New Goods will be exhibited in every Department
New Dress G-oods, Jfew Velvets.
New Plushes, New Silks, New Satini
In all the new Shades.
Wraps, Cloaks, Ulsters and Dolmans.
JJgOn our Fancy Counters we will display aa.
endless varietr of new goods.
In the Gentleman's Department the latest -styles ia
Clothing, Overcoats, Hats, Shirts,
Neck Wear and Furnishing Goods.
The public will be afforded every facility to inspect
our latest importations.
Goods shown with pleasure. No importunity to buy.
Upper Town busses will stop at this store each way.
Astoria, October 1, 1882.
1N-NYON. f-B".
San Francisco,
A coujih, cold or sore throat should he
stopped. Xcpleet frequently results in
an iiicurauic iunr disease or consump
tion. JJrown's I'ronehial troches do not
disorder the stomach like cough syrups
and balsams, but act directly on the in
liamed parts, allaying in nation, give
relief in atlima. bronchi li. roughs,
catarrh, and the. throat trouble, which
singer-, ami public speakers are subject
to. For thirty years lrowns bronchial
troches have been recommended by
physicians, and always give pcrf-'ct
satisfaction. Having been teMcd by
wide and contsnt ue for nearlj an en
tire generation, they have attained well
merited rank among the few -tap!e
remedies of the age. Sold at ti.". cents a
uox everywhere.
All the patent medicines advert hed
in this paper, together with the ehoieeit
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
lie bought at the. Iovot prices, at .1. V.
Conn's drug store, oppoMic Oeohleul
hetel, Astoria.
Shipper & Kybke. Xo. 11. Oak street
Portland, are the bon ton tailors or the
Sluloh's Cough ami Consumption
cure is sold uy us on guarantee, li
cures consumption. Sold by W. K. Dement.
Komctbiusr 3Tew.
A. 3L .Johnson & Co. have made ar
rangements with one of the largest cof
fee and spice houses in San Francisco,
for a rum: ground collec. As this cof
fee is put up to order, and for them only
they arc enabled to guarantee it per
fectly pure. First shipment to arrive in
about ten days.
I. O. . T.
As business of importance is to come
before Astoria Lodge No. -10, 1. 0. G. T.
at their next meeting, this evening, a
full attendance is solicited.
.1. E. LaFouck. I). II. Cawei.t,.
Secretary. W. C. T.
Satisfaction for Ten.
in our family of ten for over two
years Parker's Ginger Tonic has cured
headache, malaria and other com
plaints so satisfactorily that we are in
excellent health and no expense for
doctors or other medicines. Chmrnne
Will you suffer with Dispepaia and
Liver Complaint '.' Shiloh's Yitalizer is
guaranteed to euro j on. Sold by W. K.
Hallo! Where are j on going.' Why.
to Frank Fabres for a pan roast.
A fine line of birth day and wedding
presents at the City book store.
Loss of hair and graj'tic', which of
ten mar the prettiest face, are pre
vented bv Parkers Hair lialsam.
Architects and Builders,
All KiniW ol Ilouc work rioiiu at
!iorlcl notice
Slum Comer of Cav and Ator Street,
has -iia;i:i ham)s.
Wm.W. NICHOLS, - Proprietor,
JUi : term of cais, I propo-vc to fiirnih to
all who may favor iiic with their patronage.
:ui iin cuiiuorus oi a mini-, wuii mou living
and clean beds.
Mechanics eH-cia!ly invited to call.
No disreputable diameter allowed about
ilie hoiwe.
Come and sec me ami judjee for yourself.
'oom to p'lit to families and single men.
Happy Greeting ta All !
The Empire Store
In Ten Days
Carl Adler loaves for San Francisco
to nnrchase a large stock of fall and
winter goods. A ny one having a special
order will be accommodated 'and their
purcha-e made to the best advantage.
Or plain, or beautiful, the while.
No lady can afford to smile.
Unless her teeth are like tho
And if she fail in this.
And can't afford to smile, or kiN.
She must use SOZODONT, I trow.
A gold ear-ring, on Wednesday, even
ing. The finder will be suitably re
warded by returning it to - "
Mrs. C H. Stoc"kto..
Have you tried a stew or pan roast
as Frank Fabrc cooks it? Order one and
you'll thank us for the advice.
Baby carriages in every .style and
of good qualilv for sale, cheap at Carl
That Hacking Cough can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee It. Sold by W.K Dement.
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Kern
ed v. Price .V) cents. Masai Injector free.
For sale by W. E. Dement.
Ilrace up the whole system with King
of the I)lood. See Advertisement.
."single and double enlrv book keep
ing. .1. P. Feaster will organize a
school in the above named branches at
Main street school house in Astoria, on
Monday evening. Oct... I.ssf.vit7 o'clock.
Terms: Twelve lessons in pennian
shln.?'". Twelve lessons in bookkeep
ing, including penmanship .-"v-. Former
pupils and public school scholars at re
duced rates. Privato. lessons given in
any part of thecih.
Kemeuiber Frank Fab re's icecream
I J is par eNeellence.
A very complete assortment of blank
books, all sizes, styles and prices at the
City book store.
If vou want a good suit of clothes.
reailv made or made to order, call and
eo Molntosh. Occident block.
Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry
always at hand. It cures coughs, colds,
ltrmii-liili wlinnniiicr eonoli. crniin. in-
lluenza. consumption, ami all throat and
ping complaints. o cents and,si a bot
tle. For lame Hack. Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price Z cents.
IVoxt lo.r to the- Pyfhiaii ISttiltliiig
Is now open with a yery etret and complete stoek tit
DRY Q00D8 3 S0TI0N9,
Ladies' and Children's Shoes.
HT'Clerks conversant with the English, German, Scan
dinavian and French languages will be in attendance.
Astoria, August W, ISS'J.
M. MEYER Proprietor.
A large consignment of clocks just
received at Adler s.
Mr. John Kogers of the Central Mar
ket, has made arrangements to keep nl
he finest fresh fish, etc., in their season
Prof. j. F. Meyer wishes to inform
the public and his pupils that he is now
settled and intends remaining here. He
is prepared to give music and also
French lessons. Scholars practicing
-The new shooting gallery next to Jo. iA"-...c",iS,"Si
Charters' barber shop," nightly attracts QwSnmmmZ -mo mortnnlVv
KSfabarr,r mtedu,,and SPLihorsirio
FreMi fi nit received at C.A.May's by
e'.eij M.oiiui-.-i. - sum- - 5 Vnr q-iIo liv V V Dpnient
variety of Oregon and California fruit rnr " "ement.
aiwaspunanu. -Sleepless Nights, made miserable
1 i .. 1 iif tnrrihTn niirr1i Cliilrttli9 fnm e?
-P.J.Goodman.onClieiuiiniLs-.ireet, tlierpinl foryonf Sold livW.E. Do
has ju-t received the latest and most , J
Shiloh's Vitajrer is what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
I'rice 10 and 7" cents per bottle. Sold
by W. E. Dement.
fashionable style, of gents and ladies
boots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for
the famous Morrow shoes.
For the genuine J. It. Cutter old
JJourbon, and the best ot wines, liquors
and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem
opposite the bell tower, and see Camp
bell. Shoahvater bay eysters: fresh even
dav, at Frank Fabrc's. n , ... ,
- ----- Physicians' prescriptions carefully
If you want nice fresh lard, or good compounded day or night at J. W.
sugar-cured hams, just from the conn- Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
try go to F. I). Elberson's bakery. Hotel.
Less Quantities, x - 30 Cents per Gallon
Bottled Beer, - - - - S I 50 per Dozen
WSpceial attention juid t orders from Public Houses and I'amilles.-
Croup, Whooping Cough and Pron
is immediately relieved by Shiloh's
i. Sold by W.E. Dement.
vOrd- left at the KJANIJL KISSK JlXLLiHU tie ytwlfrj iUaI4 .t.-i