The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, September 29, 1882, Image 3

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'iMu 53r,ilu storinii.
Kill 0 AY....
.SEl'TKM HER 21', 16S2
Monday lcoj tod),
Pi r.M.-HKlf? AM) PltOI'lMKrOIt".
.ifert4H Building, Cass $lrw,l.
Terms of Subscription .
er?6l by Carrier, per week.. .......'5 Cents
jit by iubU. four months'-.... ....$'l
nt lor mail, one yum.... .................. 9 GO
Free of PoRite to subscriber.
Alrerf isomentfl inserted by the year at
be rate of SI 3i perfquare per month.
l'ran.-duu advertising, by the day or weok,
ifty conu iei square for each insertion.
The Robert Dixon went up
river yesterday afternoon.
A limited number of copies of to
day's paper can be had upon applica
tion. -Mrs. Levi Leland suicided by in
haling ether, six miles oast of Oregon
city, last Sunda3 afternoon.
Senator J. IL Slater arrived
down on yesterday afternoon's boat.
He is stopping at the Occident.
The regular quarterly examination
for teachers certificates begins at the
courthouse at nine o'clock this morn-
-.Mrs. Wagner, oF Deer creek, Jo
sephine county, was accidentally shot
and killed by her hrother,last Monday
- -The body of an unknown man
with his throat cut from ear to oar,
was round lloatinj- m the river near
Portland, last Wednesday.
The bark MandauTy which has been
lying in the stream, fouled her an
chor yesterday afternoon and went
ashore below Trullingcr's mill.
Anyone who lost a boa at the
circus last Wednesday night can have
it by applying at this office between
the h&urs of 10 a. m., and 2 r. M.
Tho residents of Missouri and
central Illinois experienced an earth
quake last Wednesday, which shook
nothing but thoir confidence in the
stability of the underlying strata.
1. 2T. Foster, who came in from
Jewell yosicrday afternoon, reports
that tho road is being pushed ahead as
rapidly as possible in that section.
Fish is running in large quantities,
tbe river just below Fish-lnwk falls
affording excellent sport.
A fine new piano arrived on the
last steamer, for Ross Bros., the en
terprising proprietors of the skating
rink. It has a full, round tone and
will no doubt be heard to good advan
tage this fall and winter. The rink
will be opened about the tenth of next
By Wednesday's steamer came a
new organ for Astoria Engine Co. No.
1. Sometime ago tho company con
cluded that an organ was needed to
complete the furnishing of their par
lors, and set aside a'f und for that pur
pose. Upon the arrival of the in
strument, and placing it in the rooms
yesterday morning, Prof. Meyer, in
company with a few gentlemen, ex
amined and tested it, pronouncing it
to bo in every respect a fine instru
ment of remarkably smooth tone and
-good construction. It constitutes a
handsome addition to the company
.rooms. At th cnext regular meeting,
.which will be next Monday night, tho
members of tho company will be giv-
.en an opportunity of judging for
.thomselves as to the value of the new
autTering from functional derangements
or any of the painful disorders or
weaknesses incident to then sex, Dr.
Pierce'a treatise, Illustrated with wood- j
cuts and colored plates, suggests sure
means of cotnpleto self-cure. Sent for
three lottor postage stamps. Address
World's Dispensary Medical Asso
ciation, Buffalo, N. Y.
Serv Bl&cksnithfagr.
The undersigned will soon open a
blacksmith shop on West-ninth street,
opposite Hume's saw mill, where all
kinds of blacksmithing and horseshoe
ing will be done in a first class manner,
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Gilbeb Christiansen.
Fall OpcRlRg-
of Millinery and Fancy goods at Mrs.
A. Malcom's on Friday and Saturday,
the 29th and W)th inst. The latest stvles
of bonnets, hats, etc.
1b Tch Days
Carl Adlcr leaves for San Francisco
to purchase a large stock of fall and
winter goods. Any one bavins a special
order will bo accommodated and their
purchase made to the best advantage.
Xasie Ijcssohs.
Miss Nora nilson will return from
:Sau Francisco about October 1st, after
which time she will bo prepared to re-
.ceivc a limited number of pupils in in
strumental music.
A BeautifiU Ceremony.
Fnnii thn iLirlietl: tunes it hns huen
, 4, , -, i- c
cusioiiiarv in the buiidni" of struc-
tures consecrated to the luUxllinont ot
- . I
an idea mat the incipient won t Here
on should be in a manner solemnized
by appropriate and impressive ceiemo
nial. Xo doubt the kingly builders
of the pyramids with song and service
laid tho corner stone of those struc
tures, and Seoslm and Seuiiramis
have, with latter monarches, left the
records of th.-ir superintendence at
many an ancient temple. And on
through thecenturies, whether Assyrian
pile, or Carthaginian altar, or Ilomin
temple, we have nismorials of this
universal custom. The Christian
world perpetuates tho idea and in all
the pomp and pageant that fervor can
inspire or earnestness sugueat, the
fanes of faith in every clime, the
grand old cathedrals of Europe and
the spiro-croivued temples of our own
land, we everywhere have record that
the corner stones of those buildings
were laid with solemn and impressive
rites. -nd so it is, when, in our day
goes up a building dedicated to special
purpose, such as is embraced in tho
general principles that men of all
creeds aud countries find best exem
plified in the precepts of the Divine
Ma.ter as they fell from his lips amid
Jndoan hills nearly nineteen centuries
ago "Do unto others as ye would
that other should do unto yju."'
When societies of great extent and
considerable membership erect a build
ing for their uso and special benefit,
they, in accordance with this custom,
lay the coiner stone of such building
with due formality. An occasion of
this kind took place in our city yes
terday, when the officers and mem
bers of Heaver Lodge No. :5, 1. O.
O. F., laid the corner stone of their
new temple on the southeast corner of
Cas.s and Sqiiemoqti.-i .streets. The
afternoon was a glorious one; the cord
breath of the Pacific tempered the
warm air, and the brilliant sunlight
streamed down upon tho arches and
columns that alreadv stood in place
above the designated spot. At 2:T0
the procession reached the ground,
and after a few introductory remarks
by Past Grand Master I. W. Ca3e,
aud a prayer by the Past Grand
Chaplain, K. C. Holden, responded
to by the members present, tho fol
lowing ode was sung:
Gather'd now, from far and near,
On this sacred spot we stand.
Hound by everlasting Truth.
Heart to heart, and hand to liainl.
Lay we here this Corner-stone
Of a Temple vet to be.
In the spirit of that Love
Thai, our C!nd, binds all to Thee.
May we build, as we have laid
r air, and stron', and firm, aud Mire
Stone on stone, and arch on arch
t lldest storms iwill then endure;
Like the Temple Friendship rears
In each faithful brother's heatt.
Where the needy and the poor
Have a shelter and a part.
Mr. T. S. .lewett, the Grand
retary of the Lodge, then read a list
of the records and deposits, a fol fel fol
eows: 1st, Sentiment bv John A. Dover,
M. W. Grand Master.
"May peace bo within the walls of
this building, and tho doctrines of
Friendship, Love, and Truth, ever
find a resting place here.
2d, An American copper cent, date,
1802, deposited by I. W. Case. :Jd,
an American quarter, date 1803, de
posited by Irving Ste'cns. 4th, a
Spanish quarter, date, 1807, depos
ited by I. W. Case. Dili, an American
quarter, date, 1818, deposited by C. A.
May. Gth, a Mexican half dollar, date,
1852, deposited by P. Johnson. 7th,
an American half dollar (tho sun's rays
encircling the eagle,)date, 1833, de
posited by C. J. Trenchard. Sth, cop
ies of The Daily, and Weeklv Asto
ltlAN,dopositedby J.F. Dalloran & Co.
An American two cent piece dated
1804, deposited by Mrs. E. L. Smith.
An English half crown, date 1818, C
S Wright; Sentimont by I W Case:
"May strife discord bickering jeal
ousy envy slander and their attend
ant evils be forever baniehed from
without this building and may broth
orly love friendship benevolence and
charity rulo supremo within itswalls."
A car ticket of Middlesex R. It. Co.,
deposited by C. S. Wright; an
American three cent piece, 18C5, de
posited by 1. AV. Case; an Lnghsh
sixpence date 1871, the 3'car in which
Beaver Lodge was instituted, deposit
ed b' T. S. Jewctt; a coffee ticket,
good for one cup hot coffee, from
Oriental loa Co., deposited by C. b.
Wright; an American half dollar, date,
1831, deposited bjf L W. Case; history
of Beaver lodge, No. 35, history of
Ocean Encampment No. 13, mstory
of O. L. & B. association, an Ameri
can half dollar, date, 1821, deposited
by E. A. Quinn; copy of Evening
Telegram and Advertiser, dated Sept
21. 18G2, deposited by C. H: Bam; a
copy of tho first issue ot the Jn
Weelcly Astorian, July, 1, 1873, de
posited by Mrs.C. H. Bain; one dime,
1873, deposited by Wtn. TJhlenhart;
an American standard dollar, date
1882, deposited by J. Q. A. Bowlby;
a five cent nickle, date 1808, deposited
by J. W. Crow; one programme of
exercises of the day, the odes sung
on tho occasion, a copy of the Ore
gon Spectator, date May 18, 1848,
deposited by J. H. D. Grayan Eng-
tisVt tIiTn nsnnv rii 1ntn IRlfi ip.
I .& ..W SW., U.WV, . 4.W4W, ..w
t posited bv G. 3IcLean
one nennv. 1 promtcd to organizo
i 1872, and one half pel
' posited by re. McL:
'silver piece, date 1815. value 2-1 cents,
deposited bv Gilbert Christiansen; an
wua"c" "i ... , . .4--
t ....... :. C" rnlil l.TnM. l:iio
J 853,
tlCposIted by A. O. Spexarlh.
.llUCIitll . -"HI in....., .-
These having been placed m a stout
box, made of copper, and securely
fastened, were, with fitting comment,
placed in the cavity under the stone.
P. G. M. I. W. Case, then proceed
ed to the ceremony of laying the
novweiice, aim u.i), - ,
i i .im. --:..
niv 18(57 dc- lor mutual met as-
an: Aor-rcgiani....,,,-
corner stone, using tne impressive m-.tne uraiid rouges oi imi. urti. ot u. t. j-i
ualof the order, and laying it in jhp 0prraau , Australia." Xew "'"
"Friendship," "Live," "Truth," "lie- Zealand and the Sandwich Islands. Ac-,
which the stone was lowered bv a der- veteran Grand Secretary James L.
;,'. :, nun ,1 ..m-.nrnf1 t ?. I TOdgelv, from the year lfKO to jsso, the i
rick to its place, and cemented, i'L4'r'otniCMreieTO1Iiar,,l
symbols being as above, together with
"the cement of brotherly affection."
loon this. Grand Master .I. li. D.
Oray made proclamation that the stone
had been laid in due and Fitting man-,
This was followed t.v a-iimwr,
and the following ede:
( Loi:i. we praie Thee for Thy
And thank Thee for Thy love,
And pray tne glory or I ny lace
May .shine down from niiovu!
In Ki:iKXi)5Hii, Ltivi:. and TniTif, we
A hand of brothers here.
For work we pray Thou'lt maice divim,
And !Iess tlirough many a year.
Thi Corner-Alone our weak hand laj,
A Temple here to build;
And mav it rise complete we pray.
And with Thv light be filled.
We pour Jjibatiuus on lhi stone,
And may Thy dews descend!
Thee Flower.- are strewn our love to
Tln Wheat for Truth we lend.)
.May Friendship bright our Templegraec
Aud love its lountaiu be.
And Truth spring tin, aud ciown the.
With honer: nil from Thee.
The oraiton was then delivered by
Mr. E. C. Holden,aTter which the beuo
diction was pronounced and the pro
cession re-formed, moved to the Lodge
3v.s Worthu (J rand Matter Brother, IkM
fcllotct. inil Jjidic-i and
The obieet for which we are to-day
assembled, has been fully explained in
the interesting and impressive ceremo
ny you have already witnessed. It has
become a time honored custom to sup
plement that ritualistic service with an
oration appropriate to the occasion, and
I regret that some brother more capable
of doing justice to the subject than my
self has not been selected to perform so
important a duty. The uncertainty as
to the exact time when the superintend
ent of the building would be ready lo
summons the brethren to lay this corner
stone, I offered you as an excuse, for
the committee who invited me to ad
dress you, and also as .my apology for
not peremptorily declining the invita
tion 1 say to address you, because 1
make no pretensions to oratory.
It is but a few years since it eemed
absolutely necessary to every speaker
who addressed the public on the subject
of ,Odd Fellowship that he should enter
lino juiiuue ucuui.-) us 10 uie oojeci oi
the order, how, when, and where it or
iginated. At what period, under what
circumstances and by whom it was in
troduced into the United Slates of
America. My friends, that time has
irone In never to return, the neccssilv
no longer exists: for the little one has
become a thousand, yea, the thousand a
million. The grain of seed, imported
from the soil of the mother countrv bv
good old Thomas Wildoy in 1817, "and
Slanted by him, in the eit of iialtimore,
laryland, on tho 26th da of April, 18lj,
has become a mighty trceunder whoso
protecting branches many thousands of
worthy distressed Odd Fellows, their
wives, widows and orphans have since
then, found a kindly shelter from the
bitter blasts and storms incident to hu
man life.
It is not my intention to occupy mueh
of your time to-day. 1 could, if it were
necessary, produce statistics lo show
you how many hundreds of thousands
of Odd Fellows there are in this and
other lauds, all closely bound to each
other by the inseparable links of Friend
ship. Love, and Trulh. And of the mil
lions of dollars which they annually
disburse in practically exemplifying
tho principles of Odd Fellowship which
teaches them to relieve the sick, bury
the dead.educate the orphan, aud pro
tect the. widow. I shall content myself,
however, with reading a summary re
port of wliat Heaver Lodge of this city
has done in mat direction since its or
ganization. lleaver Lodge wa3 instituted by M. AY.
O. M., E. L. Brisf ow, Dec 22, 1871. The
first officers duly elected and installed
were D ros. C. S. Wrieht. N. (J. : G. Heed.
V.G.; LAV. Case, Sec, aud L. 11. Hub-
nara, areas, uros. u. need, Uharies
Binder and 1. AV. Case were elected
trustees. Since its organization. 23
members have joined by card from other
louses, 8 as ancient Odd Fellows, and
144 by initiation, makimr a total, with
the 5 charter members added, of 182.
Of this number. 25 have withdrawn bv
card or otherwise, and 7 have died, leav
ing present membership 150. ILs re
ceiptsfrom all sources have ltccn 20,-
878, and it has paid out for relief of wor
thy distressed brothers, funeral ex
penses, etc. S7,1oS. Such is the official
record of Heaver Lodge No. :a, of As
toria, of whose energy, enterprise, earn
est devotion to the principles of Odd
r euowMup, nun nueuiy to me vows nicy
have made, we are constituted living
witnesses this day, as wc gaze upon tho
foundation walls of this temple in course
of construction by them, and the corner
siuiie vl which we nave seen laid ann
solemnly dedicated to the purpose ofitrv goto F. IJ. Elberson's bakerv.
Benevolence and Charity. .
r Jyfrfcnds-, the problem which has A vcrV complete assortment ot blank
foolishly puzzled so man y, of why sin, books, all sizes, stvles and prices at the
xmscii .miu ueain was ever permitted to
enter mis lair world ot ours, will never
be i satisfactory solved till we reach tho
oi ner snore.
A e know by bitter experience that
the. Great Architect of the universe has
permitted it and it is not for mortal man
to say lo his Maker "AVhat dost Thou?"
AAoknow the evil days in which wc
shall have no pleasure, -will rnnii Tho
day when the keepers of the house shall
tremble and the strong men bow them
selves. hen the silver cord shall be
loosed; the golden bowl be breken: the
pitcher be broken at tin fAnni-iin ' n.i
the wheel broken at the cistern, and the
uuanauiiiiuurecanu as it was, and
the spirit to God who gave it.
KnOWillC then that wr nro nil mnrfol
and cannot escape the inevitable, ought
we not to feel grateful and thank God
that the heart of man, touched with a
ieeung oi sympathy for others' woes, is
such an association
is here represented
s glad at any and every nianifesta-
rincing the growthand prosperity '
can lau to rejoice
tion tne crrowtiiana nrosr
of such an institution, aad such a Jodse.
Beaver Lodge has done her part noblj
and well. More tlian S7400 and everv
dollar judiciously expended has beeii
cheerfully and unostentatiously paid
out for the relief of Avorthy sick or dis-,
tressed hrotners, to uury tue dead, or
for some other equally benevolent pur-.r...
pose. If one lodge can do so much, can
any of you conceive of the amount of
good accomplished and sufferins.
i alleviated uy .ooo organized lodges now
in existence muter me jurisdiction or
rt .r-omniled hv our lntf !amnntri
'one million; widowed families relieved,
V0; mcinlM-is lurlr.lfS0533; whoie.-
. . n
A Delicious Appetizer.
That ensures digestion and tnjoynietit
iw ,?li: a c uiai nnngs ireiigm
to tne weaK and rit to tne nervous;
harmless diarrhea cure tliat don't
j constipate just what eveiy family
meeds Parker's (Jiuger Tonic." ,
To Rrnt
J "art of a dwelling house. Inquire at
u. .. Miiion s oiacKsmitii simp.
Popular Everywhere.
Every family should have a hot lie of
j Syrup of Figs conatantlv on hund. Its
pleasant Jasie and beneficial eneel make
it popular everywhere, and thrt results
are belter health and fewer ..oetor's
bills. It may be. taken by old nnd-.iunir.
by men and women, under any all cir
cumstances. For sale by W. K. Dement,
Druggist, Astoria.
Hodse Davis & Co- Wholesale AneiiU.
Portland Oregon.
Are You Troubled.
With conscientious qualms V n-ked a
friend "You look troubled." 'So. I
am,rsaid the sufferer; "but it is with
the toothache." "More fool, von.'" re
plied the comferter: "cet it pulled out.
and buy a Iwttle of SOZODONT, and
preserve the sood teeth trout a like
Single and double entry book keep
ing. .1. P. Feaster will organize a
school in the above named branches at
Main street school house in .Astoria, on
Monday evening, Oct. 2, I882.at7 o'clock.
Terms: Twelve lessons in penman
shin,?::. Twelve lessons in bookkeep
ing, including penmanship S-'i. Former
pupils and public school scholars at re
duced rates. Private lessons jiven in
an pnrt of the city.
If. IS. MM
Lias completed his elegant fall stock of
dresses and cloaks. Uy sending size of
bust, length of sleeve, "skirt, waist and
under aim, he will send C. O. D.. dresses
from 10 upwards: dolmans fromSi.
A i Id ress : J ! . I J. Litt,
J "or. Third and Alder, Portland, Or.
Sparkling Eyes.
Rosy cheeks and clear complexion
only accompany good health. Par
ker's Ginger Tonic better than any
thing, makes pure, rich blood, and
brings health, joyous spirits, strength,
and beauty. Ladies try it rr.
Thee liOua Kveniny
You want somelhiug lo read. Carl
Adlcr has tho subscription agency for
all the leading periodicals and publica
tions, and will get you any paper or
magazine published in the Foiled
States or Europe.
On Saturday, the 2."rd, .a black and
tan slut, answering lo the name of Fan
ny. A suitable reward will he paid to
nny one who returns her to Hie owner.
X. Nelson, Vppcr AMoria.
O.VAtrrt! Oyjilfis!!
At Frank Fabre'a; in every
Fresh from the beds everv da."
Have you tried a stew or pan mint
as Frank rabre cooks it i' Order one and
jou'll I hank ns for the advice
For the genuine .1. IL Cutter oftl
Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors
and San Francisco beer, call attheOem
opposite the lwdl lower, and ee Cauuv
bell. Fre.nh fiuit received at (.'. A. May's by
every steamer. No stale trash. Every
variety of Oregon and California fruit
always on hand.
Are you made miserable bv Indi
gestion, ConstipationDizziness, Loss of
appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vital-
izer is a positive cure. For sale by W.
E. Dement.
Why will yon cough when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts .10 ets and $1. Sold by W. K. De
ment. All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles. etc can
be bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug ?tore, opposite Occident
betel. Astoria.
P. J. Goodman, on Chcnamus street,
has jubt received thn latest and most
fashionable tyle of gents ami ladies
boots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for
the famous Morrow shoes.
If you want nice fresh lard, or good
ucrnr-curcd linms liicf Trrtm iIia cimii-
i.uv dook store.
If you want a good suit of clothes,
ready made or made to order, call aud
see Mcintosh, Ootident block.
Hallo! Where are you going? Why.
to Frank Fabre's for a pan roast.
A line line of birthday and wedding
presents at the City book store.
Remember Frank Fabre's icccrea m
Ilis par excellence.
A large consignment of clock
received at Adler's.
Shoal tfatcr bay evsters: fresh every
day, at Frank Fabre's.
Mr. John Rogers of the Central Mar
ket. has made arrangements to keep al
he finest fresh fish, etc., in their season
" .fi-M:iiiu:n in um .iiiwu- tji.iim i.ijiie ir-
( 1 T C rP - T "XT f. !
v JJW -1- -i.l.l. .Lri VJ ;
Men's. Youths and Boys"
U I T S !
- .......
. -. . to ,.
UOat?. ralllS anil UVerCOatS
ytiyvs 1 m"s 41 a Gooele I
' ' ' " & ,wwwo
i:ri:r.Ki: CnvTS t'MBRI LI S
t.-.CNKS. SATCIIi:.!" Et .. Krr.
The lant stock oftine
Koreieu and American
Beavers, Cloths, Piques,
Worsted, Diagonals,
Cassimeres and Pilot Cloths
Tailor and Clothier. - Occident Uloslr.
I'cruvinn Rittcrx
Cinchona Rabra
The Count Cinohon was the Spanish
A'iceroy m Porn in ltP. The Countess.
his wife, was prostrated by an intennit-
tent fever, from which she was freed by
the use of the native remedy, the Peru
, vian bark. or. as it as called in the
? language ot the country, "Quinquina.'
uratelul lor her recovery, on her return
to Europe in li'crj, she introduced the
remedy in Spain, where it was known
under various names, until Linnreus
called it Cinchona. In honor of tho lady
who had biought them that which was
more precious than the gold of thclncas.
To this day. after a lapse of two hun
dred and fifty years, science has given
lis nothing to take its place. It effectu
ally cures a morbid appetite for stimu
lants, by restoring the natural tone of
the stomach. It attacks excessive love
of liquor a. it does a fever, and destroys
both alike. The powerful tonic virtue
of the Cinchona is preserved in the
Peruvian IJitters, which arc as effective
against malarial fever to-day as they
were in the. days of the old Spanish
Viceroys. AVe guarantee the ingiedi
enls ot thee bitters to be absolutely
pure, and of the best known quality.
A trial will satisfy you that this is the
bet bitter in the world. "The proof of
the pudding is in the eating,"' and we
willingly abide this test. For sale by
all druggists, grocers and liquor dealers.
Order it. Loeiuv Co-agents forAstoria.
A'etliln: Short or- 1'nmiHtnknble
Conferred upon tens of thousands of
sniterers could originate and maintain
the reputation which Ayers Saksapa-
nn.i.A enjoys, it is arompound oi the
best vegetable alteratives, with the
Iodides of Pota-siuin and Iron, and Ls
the most effectual or all remedies for
scrofulous, mercurial, or blood disorders.
Uniformly successful and certain in its
remedial effects, it produces rapid and
complete cures of Scrofula, Sores, Boils.
Humors. Pimples, Eruptions, Skin Dis
eases and an disorders rising trom im
purity or me mood, uy its invigorating
effects it alwajs relieves and often cures
Liver Complaints, Female AA'eaknesses
and 1 regularities, and is a potent re
newer f vitality. For purifying the
blood it has no equal. It tones up the
.system, restores and preserves the
health, and imparts vigor and energy.
For forty cars it has been in extensive
use, and is to-day the most available
medicine for the suffering sick, any
where. Fei: Sai.i: nv am. Dcam:i:s.
.llotheix!: Hotlter! ! !
1 Are ou disturbed at night and broken
of your rest by a sick child suffering
and crying will: the excruciating pain
of cutting teeth? If so, go at once and
get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup, it will relieve the poor little suf
ferer immediately depend upon it:
there is no mistake about it. There is
not a mother on earth who has ever
used it, who will not tell you at once
that it will regulate the bowels, and
give rct to the mother, and relief and
health to the child, operating like magic.
It is iHjrfeclly safe to use in all cases.
and pleasant to the taste, and is the pre
scription or one or the oldest and nest
female physicians and nurses in the
li ni ted States. Sold everywhere,
cents a bottle
To all who are suffering from the
errors and indiscretions of youth, nerv
ous weakness. early decay, Joss of man-
nooii, eic, i win senu a recipe mat win
cure you FltEE OF CIlAIiOE. This
great remedy was discovered by a mis
sionary in South America. Send a self
addressed envelope to the ltev. JosErn
T. Inmax. Station 1). New York City.
The ItevI Geo. II. Thayer, or Bour
bon. Ind.. says: "Doth myself and wife
owe our livus'tn Shiloh's Coxsumitiox
Cim:k. Sidd by AV. E. Dement.
Baby carriages in every style and
of good 'quality' for sale cheap at Carl
Shipper & Rvbke. No. 11. Oak street
Portland, are the lon ton tailors of the
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Dipthcria and
Canker Mouth. Sold by AV. E. Dejnent.
The Peruvian syrup has cured thou-
sanusvno wercsuuenng irom uj&peu
sin. dehilitv. liver complaint, boils, hit
mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph
lets free to any address. teth v . owl
& Son- Boston.
Prof. J. F. Meyer wishes to inform
the miblic and his pupils that he is now
i settled and intends remaining here. He
is prepared to give music and also
French lessons. Scholars practicing
will find every convenience for study
" and improvement, at his residence. His
experience renders this an opportunity
. which it is worth while to any one to
Fresh taffy and caramels every day
at the Astoria Candy Factory, Main St.
Oerkwttz & Classen.
A vcri IPs mixed paints, tho best in
use, for sale at J. W. Conn,s drug store
opposite Occident Hotel,
For the next 30 Day-9
Dry Goods and Clothing !
to be sold at a
These Goods arc of the VERY BEST QUALITY,
and are offered at remarkably
IflOw Prices
Previous to the arrival of our FALL STOCK.
Let every one call and be convinced that Ave mean
business, and that goods of the same quality Avere neA'er
before offered at such Ioav figures.
All the Upper Town busses will stop at this
store each AA'ay.
Astoiua, August 23, 1882.
Happy Greeting to All !
The Empire Store
IV'.i Inor to tho
N now oion with :i very
Off V noons
Ladies' and Children's Shoes,
ifHT'Clerks conversant Avith the English, German, Scan:
dinavian and French languages Avill be in attendance.
Astoria, August 20, 1SS2."
M. MEYER Proprietor.
SFIElOXjSLXa A.3XT3NrC3XJlSr03S13M-Em,!r-
$7 50
Less Quantities,
Bottled Beer, - -
Special attention paid to orders
-Orders left at the (3ER.MANIA BEER HALL will be promptly attended to."
Bargains ! !
IV v
Iy(hlau Building
select and complete stoek of j
30 Cents per Gallon
- S I SO per Dozen
from Public Houses and Famines.-
. - .- .