-' ft JgftC gnalVl Ste.iUTL ASTORIA. OREGON: j SUNDAY .SEl'TEMBKi: 24. 15S2 - .- r- .j ! j. r. iiALLtn is. Enior ! To-Morrow Decides It Sm.km. Sept. 23d Tm: interest centering in the senatorial fight was intense this mnminnr Riimnrs - tbnf llinro , , D. . ,.,,... i were on all sides since the adjourn ment of the joint convention yesterday -afternoon, and the regu lar routine f legislative .session this morning was hurried through with as rapidly as possible. At noon the two houses met, and on the first ballot Mitchell showed an increased strength of three votes, a reinforcement coming from the Democratic side of the house. He got his regular HG, and with them came J. M. Siglin, from Coos and Curry; "Wm. Seifers, of Josephine; and AY. H. Curtis, of Baker. Prim got thirty; the seventeen, who have been coquet ting with IJoise, Williams, and Failing, gave their votes to JTare; Thayer got three, and Failing one. Upon the announcement of the result, a second ballot was called for amid great excitement. At the conclusion the result summar ized thus: Mitchell 10 having secured another Democrat, John Long, of Lane; flare got (; Prim ran away down to 29, Dolph got ; Failing, 1-; Bush, 2; Shut tuck, 1. The result was a source of satisfaction to the Mitchell men who confidently assert that ,he will be elected to the T'nited States senate next Monday, without fail. From present appearances it seem almost a ce rtainty that such result-will ensue. Siiort and Sanguinary. Tun following neat little dis patch is of interest, being in the first place a model of good Eng lish, telling the whole story with out unnecessary verbiage, and in the second place, illustrating "how they do things" oji the pleasant trails of Santa Fe: DnxvER, Sept. 22. Particulars of a twelve-sided duel between cowboys has just leached hcie. Geo. Iloward, owner of a herd of 3,000 cattle, and John Jveele-, owner of a herd of -1,000, weie driving in company from Arizona east. North of Trinidad, on the plains, the two herds were sepaia ted, Ilowaid to follow the Santa Fe trail to Kansas City, and Kee ley to drive north to Denver. On the route accidental exchanges hat! been made, and Howard insisted on having Ins stock out, but was unwilling to deliver .Keeley's, and it was finally agreed to settle mat ters by a battle between six picked men of each paity. Accordingly twelve men ranged themselves on horseback on two sides, fifty feet apart, and at a. signal from an em ployee the fight began. At the first fire four -men were in stantly killed: George "Wal ter,. of Keeley's party, shot through the breast, one of Howard's men fell with a ball through the head, and two others of the same party shot through the heart. The dis mayed Howard party with the ex ception of the employer then fled to camp. Keeley then rode up to Howard and proposed they fight it out, Howard declined, saj'ing ho understood the matter was settled according to the terms of battle made beforehand. This settled the matter and an equitable ex change of the mixed cattle was then made, the dead buried by the other men of both herds, and the drovers and those in charge separ ated .for different routes. Considerable suggestion is at present being made in reference to necessary legislative amendment of the present assessment law. "We have commented at length in pre vious issues upon the necessity of so changing tiie law, that indebt edness would not hp,asal present, allowed. There should be another amendment, .that property hojders need not be called upon several -times each year to make out prop- eitv list5 "or be taxed to p:iy j three or four assessors and tax col- lectors. Ono general assessment should serve' for all purpose?, and all taxes should be collected at one and the same time, the assessment 1, , .,,.,,, being made on the basis of a bal- anee,.as it wore, to bo j-trnck on a certain dav oi the vcar. Tin: matter of electing a m:i- i tor at Salem is degenerating ii.io a triilinjr dillv-dallving vstom of tactic-'. Tt would he a saving of time for the eighteen wh hold out to reeognixe the inevitable and give in. Mitchell is bound to lie elected, and it will be as easy to vote for him on the sixth ballot as the sixty-sixth. 3iAin:n:i. YOiVGDJXO"-Atihe residence of the Initio's parents, on Thursdax e cnini;. .September 14th, 12, bv the llo. Dr.John Hemphill. Mr. Frank ( Younji, late of Astoria, ami Mh-. Jennie II. Dix on, of .San Franci-co. XKW TO-DAY SPECIAL AUCTION SALE At my Auction Rooms. Illsllll. !'l lt A. all Dlivcn A. V. 4k!.i :in u ui)MiliHin :t ,ii-ml .!,& .i H:uluaic for tlit-ir Imc ol Dry Jono .uul tlfMlmu'U'tVmnUhiuiziliuHl'.j I will lit iikt.k Saliml.iy cu-nor; t!u '" n . .U SELLING OFF Tliwr entire stock of Dr.v UooiK.aml 2.n ties Fancy Good. Italians, Ki.tiits. Handkerchiefs, etc., etc. , AN j Centlomen's Furnishing Cooi's, Coats. Tauts. Vcls HiKiiiess Suits, Wool len, Shaker Flannel amnicrino I'mlcu-MI:-iiK, White SliIU. (Jlnvi s tie., etc. l-i'licsaiul CciUleiiieiiare niil"l to oil during the da :nd to examine the ii:.lil of the Cooils." 1. C. HOI.DKN, VUOtlOUCIT. A. , (SUtXJr.HSOlt TO fAGK it ALLKN.) Wholesale and retail ilealx'r In Glass and Plated Ware, TJiOPUVl. AND DOMUSTlf FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Liporc.TotaoiCip.K The largest anil most complete MocK of Roods In their line to tie round in the t-il -Comer of Pass and Jvjuinocqhe ftreets. ASTOKIA. OKKCOX. A TAILOR'S TALE ! T ha,ve .no clear ance sale this fall my friends, the fisher men got away with nearly all my slock of summer a'oods. My stock is fresh, choice and complete 11 n T -itx in ran and win ter Styles of Cloth. Clothing, Overcoats. Furnishing (roods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. I will sell ready made or made to order in the finest and best style, and when a man buys a garment in my store it fits well and is satisfactory. My prices are be yond a doubt ihe lowest to be found in town, the best -value for your nionev. M. D. KANT, The 13055 Merchant Tailor, Hatter and Clothier. YouxviKF m' FEET DRY!; CrO TO I. J. Irvold's Go eaily and choose from his Fine, New, Large and t'arelully Selected Stock of ALL KINDS OF If-ots and i es: Ladies & Gentlemen Now is the time to get your Hoots and Shoes 140 MOEE TROUBLE! "Everyone knou tlie Jtother wiili or dinary buttons on .shoes. We furnish patent bullous to all our eulniners for liuttoned shoe-. Tliev don't eonie olt and won't tear out. Rccolicet 1 have a large stock of the very best goods, and you will find my prices as low as any. T5.V dose attention paid to cus tom made Hoots and Shoes of all kinds for Ladies and Gentlemen. f Repairing neatly done. SHERMAN'S MOST cr.i.F.r.RATKn JBduzaied Homes ! AM CIRCUS! V'11 cli:li in Attoria m WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27. '82. "!f -!. C. :;iil ,1. Shcniiaii lake j;i':l ilivs- iiri- in anuminciiiK ttiat in adilillon Jci tlnir most wonderful Srliool ol IMncatoil 12urrCM, 'Hicj ha e this yt ar milled a i'OKJ'S OF AltrA'IC STAHS. l".iirMsol liy any liaviKiMioil lliUconst rir "years, viz: Miss Kite Crux, Senorita I'alnijni, .Mis. I'ml Maekle.. Mr. Fred Mafklev. Mis.. Su-grkt, Sieiist & liuray, Mr. Joe Williams. Al!er & '.ortlli, Mr. !!. r.nriessaiul Mr. .!e Allen. Slierm:in".i Silver Cornet Itaiul Will parade tlie streets in tlie niaijnillceiil cliaiml. (Iniwii h si noble st.-etK ADMISSION'. cniLni:i-:x, Kl.UO - .-so l.AIIF.S! J-AiIF,S:! xjstjs: CLOAKS KKOM- JOKX AM &. CO ,rnll:jud.Oiion. Imiuiileix of Dry Goods. Men's Furnishing Goods, and Millinery Ladies wishing to get a realh roihI rloak Miould eall at tlie Oecident lintel and iu l'et the s!oc.k theie dNplayed. Orders taken for all kiniNof Drew Gnod. ;3T-.cee Samjile. C. S. I.AM BERT. vmon HOUSE, . has 'HAX':r.i uais. Vm. W.NICHOLS, - Proprietor, Havixo i.i:aski) Tnis house for a term of years, I propose to furnish to allwhnma favor me with their natrnnase. all the comforts of a Home, with ood llvfiic and clean beds. Mechanics especiallv invited to call. No disreputable characters allowed abnut the house. Come and .oe me and juIe for vouraelf. Looms to rent to families ana siiiRle'men. Are you made mirable bv Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of apjetitc, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vital izer is a positive cure, for sale by V. E. Dement. 19 Hiffl kk ; W SI X O R NEW GOODS, !lKT30 mESIDTJOIEJID DE3ELXOjE2 Z 1 am opening : first class Moek f New l'lirnituie. einujiriMns ei r thin? in the hue of Chamber Hots, Parlor Fiirnihm, Carpets. Oil Cloths, Mattings. Latv .Curtaiiis, House Trimmings, ami the latest novel ties in Interior Deeoral ions. I would respectfully oiiifireM to par'.it-s desirous I seeinir really fire prond. to call. Tin ijiiality f niv ijo.mI-. taluMi in consideration with their price will .uunend tlnm to ail K.veis of tine at tides. JlatlrnHHex nl itititii! in StorK. nnd .UaJ to Order. - Agent forlloeyV patent I'fdofa. of which thcie are over I0,0fa0 in use on the Pacific Coast. Plavel's building, opposite Welis, Fargo & Co'g. office. 21. W. GALLIOK. The BossCoffee and Tea Pot Jcxa H TWO DOOllSEAST OF OCCIDENT, K..:eAKR,:illJFi,S VARIRTIEX. IKAI.KK IV Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand Wood Delivered to Order. Dmying, Teaming and Express Btisinrss. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. DKAI.F.lt IK WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FIRST ClulfcS GIiOSING OUT AT COST!! During tliW week our emire -.ten k of 1 DRY GOODS,' C'f.OTI ii;. Cents Furnishing Goods, HATS AND CATS. BOOTH AXI MIIOKS. r.te., Kir. To inuke room for a complete stoek of Hardware and Ship Chandlery. r.uwr will lind ninny desirable roods in the l"r, and all at ctremcl low price. A. VAN DUSEN & GO. - ASK F01J Union India Rubber Company's Pure Para fJr.m Crack Proofi RUBBER BOOTS. 15RWAKE OP IMITATIONS! Re .sure the Boots are stamped CIIACK PJiOOF on the heels, and hae the PUHK GUM SP11IXOS on the foot and instep, which prevent their cracking or breaking. We are now making them with ItUllllEi: AXD ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as long as an Rubber Hoots made. FOR SALE PA ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER UELTCST., PAOK- IKO, HOSE. SPRINGS. CLOTIIIXO. BOOTS AND SHOES, etc. ;001YFAK Rl'BBER CO. K. II. TEASE. Jr.. I .,,...., J S.M. RUNYON. fAK-.J San 1'raneLseo. oil! Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply SALMON TWINE ! CORK AND LEAD LINES SEINE TWINES. A Full Stock Now on Hand. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 511 Market Street, 8m Fraaclce Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast ii.v i:k had ok BfE.RllAWEK sei.i: ac;i:nt. ANo. A-'i-nt fur !!:. I'H.-limlt'tl Itic!t 2:it4'iit Couk Sloio. MKDALL10X UAXK .STI.VM l itiim:s a SI'irriAl.TV. N'oue lt:t tin WM workmen euiiloc4l tl work Ktinmntri'tl r no !iarKe. jHl vfyf rs 22 ia3Fp ASTOKIA, OREGON UKO. HILL. ruoJ'iiicroK WAI.THi: I'AKKS, - STAfSK MANAfiKlt J Engagement or " Miss MAMIE GOODRICH, The Queen or Scrio Cornier. JOHNNY STOKES ' The SrenteHt of All Helireiv . l:ij)er.soiintoj-M. CHAS. BARROW The riieMerllelil ol'IiitHtrelty. Tnetlier with a new ORCHSSTBA. JAM the Old Favorites Retained. Open all the lenr. IVrforni:iiice I!vi rj .Ntelil. Kill ire I Iianse or Pro srnmiuc Oner u Week. Comprising all the latest SONGS, DAPJCES AND ACTS. Wc give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. The. theatre is crowded nightly, and all who have witnessed the entertainment pro nounce it to be equal to any given elsew here. Ir. Hill as a caterer for tlie public's amusement can not be excelled. Anybody wishing to spend a pleasant evening and .see .sparkling wit and beauty without vul garity, should improve Ihe opportunity and entile. The eomp.iuv comprises the founding well known Artists-: Miss Kvxxik VTaltox. Miss Mei.ui: Chkistv. M. Tom. CinriSTV. Mi:. Wai.ti-.i: Pakk. All nf which will appear nightly in their dif ferent specialties. Open air concert eery evening ; perfonn ance enmmcucing at 8; entrance to theatre on Benton street ; private boxes on Chena lnus street. "Nevr Stars in Rapid Succession ! B. v. srr. ENS. r. S. BROWN CITY BOOK STORE. Where von will find all the standard works or the day,and a constantly changing stoek of novelties and lanej I articles: we keep the best assortment or , varietv goods in ' the , city. ; Pocket Books, Picture .Frames, Stcroscopes, Mu sical Instruments, Sheet Music, Bijou terie, & Celluloid Goods, etc., etc. P. I STEVENS & CO. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby trivon that tlie Common Council of the City of Astoria propose to close Hemlock street in Shivels Astoria, from Salmon strnot i to the eastern limit of the city, unless 1 the same is improved on or before thir1 j ty days from the date of this notice. ' Hy order of the common Council, i F.C.XOKK1S, Auditor and Clerk. . Astoria, September 14, 18S2. r0t-d . I NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the ; Common Council of the City of Astoria I propose to close Cedar street in Shivc- lys Astoria, from West Gth street to hast second or Salmon street, unless the ' same is improved on or before thirty i days from the date of this notice. IUv order of the Common Council. F.C.NORRIS, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, September 14, 1882. SOt-d gasonHB w .I i, ii in i as waws "j " " r? Bi . rmy M fit K ta M KaJjafc M KB HAIillPIl t t ............ ,....,...,...-..?... .. -.-. DR88S 60 OUS DEPARTMENT. Larsi'o lot of sood sevviceablo Dress Goods reduced to 12 cents per yard. Splendid all Wool Cashmeres, all colors, reduced to 40 cents per yard. - TREMENDOUS REDUCTION ! All our- 81.10 Cashmeres, all colors, re duced to 80 cents per yard. The Great eat Sacrifice of ihe 831 Calicos, 1G yds. of all best brands, 1.00 Handsome pieces of Dress Gingham, 10 yards 1 .00. Koitingham Lace Window Curtains at very low figures. Call early and secure choice selections. We still h.ave on hand about 20 Hand some ILadies Cloaks, To be disposed of at a sacrifice. OUK SHOE DEPARTMENT Being" almost closed out of Ladies sizes, we have still on hand a line of Foxed Cloth Shoes. Also a few Pebble Side-laced, a handsome Shoe formerly sold for $2.50 and now at $1,75. Also Children's Kid Shoes at 40 cts.; a handsome. Childs Kid Slipper at 50 cts. ; Buttoned Kids at 60 cts. Full line of Misses Kid and Pebble Buttoned Shoes at less than S. F. wholesale prices.. 0 A splendid Boys Winter Shoe at $1.75 worth $3.00. By order of Creditors at CALIFORNIA STORE Tolm A. Montgomery, rsrcoEssei: TO JACKINS & JIONTOOIIERV.) COlCAKi: OF 3IAIX AI CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUPACTDKBR OP FUB.NTTUE.E m BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. MARTIN OLSEN, DKAI.Ei: IN TmS FURNITURE 3? BEDDING. Corner Ztlnin mid Sqnenioqua Strcetx. Astoria, Oregon. WIDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; LOOKING GLASSES ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AT.T, K1XDS OF FURNITURE REPAIRED AN VABRISHED. LOEB & OO., Jor.r.KKS ix WINES. LIQUORS,. AND CIGARS. ACiENTS FOK TIIE Best San Francisco Houses and : Eastern Distilleries. J5T"All goods sold at San Francisco Price. MAIN STKEET, Opposite Tarker House, Astoria, Oregon. PT STOCK DR.VI.Klt.Y IX Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Mage Stoves and Ranges The Best in the market. Piuinbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job wnrk done in a workmanlike manner. JKFFEKSON STBFJ5TS, Leinenweber & Co., C. IElNfCNVVKKKR. H. KEOWK. ESTAnLTSHEt) 1865. ASTORIA, OREGON, Wm AND CUBBRIES, Arannf.icturers and Importers of A 1,L KINDS OF AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. arlllghest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow.