1 gfcc Siiilti sltwitttu ASTORIA. OREGON SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 17. 18?2 J. r. HALLOKAX. Editor Tfco Oregon Seitatorship. To-morrow niirht so Presi- dent McConnell of the senate says the Republican members will go into caucus to select their candi- J ' i . date for United States senator. ' During the week that has passed since "the legislature convened, there has bern a steady attack upon MkcKPll on .the pait of the Oregonian;-au attack that for viru lencfe ; and persistence we have never seen equalled. That, paper assails his private character; his friends claim "that his alleged ser vices heretofore entitle him to the position, and that the Orcgonian, by the course it is pursuing, has improved his prospects. It seems to tts" that his chief strength, at present, lies in the fact that his opponents' tactics do not admit of concentration. Even the Orcgon ian, with its invectives and per sonal history of the man, has no suggestion as to the propr-r person to elect in place of the retiring in cumbent. MitchclPs enemies seem to be somewhat diffuse in their in dividual preference, and from present information it is manifest that there can be but one outcome to the matter the election of J. H. Mitchell. In-any contest Df this kind, if the assenting parlies desire successitis requisite to select a candidate and concentrate all possible strength on him. This they have not done. An impor tant factor in the result is what aotion the Democrats intend to take. The tradition of party sug gests a meeting in caucus and a complimentary vote to some one of their political faith. The practical uselessness of such action may be used by some of the minority as a reason for supporting the man most likely to win. 'JChe case stands about this way, in our judgment if we were betting on the result, and betting to win, we would wager all available coin ihat Mitchell would be elected. Faith vs. Fact. lx the present conflict between religion and science the material ists are sometimes attacked in their own camp and given blows that demonstrate the necessity of some thing more than simple denial. The latest phase of this point of the antagonism is an assertion on the part of the orthodox, of the need of an atheodicy, or reconcilia tion of the facts of the world with the supposition that there is no God, a-harmonizing of the ideas of justice, design, and other like indications of the Deity with the atheistic theory. Now that tiie Christians have long been const me ting a theodity, materialists, ag nostics, absolutists, and all others who have no place for Deity should construct a system that will be complete with God left out. The leaders in Christian faith say their opponents should account for the goodness of the world, for design, for instinct, for adaptation, for progress, for the origin of being and life, and for all else that is generally thought to militate against this theory. Let them see if they can make a belter athe odicy .than the Christians have made a theodicy. Which can get the more complete and consistent system? Which can get all things harmonized without any disturb ing elements? Which will first obviate the necessity of supposing "mysteries" or "inscrutable ways?" The world wants :i reconcilia tion of some kind a theodicv or an atheodicy. "You must justify the" ways of God to man, or tire ways of Nature to man. You must account for the evils by a theodicy. Tf you think we never can account for the evil in the world, see if it is easier to account for- the good in the world. See if it is easier to account for all things with God eff out than for all things 'with God left in." Thus sayctli the defenders of the present j system. Tlicv claim that the bur-, den of reconciling the facts of the , world is not all on the Christian, j Aire uuuuiiuiur lb as 1UUC11 DOUI1U.' as he to be consistent and to round i his theories into a. harmonious sys-! tctn. J "When the antn-ronibts of Chris- tiamty gel at the positive work of ( constructing the whole oi our knowledge in which there shall ho. no rnntriMifti.Mie if- clinll nn tl.i.i j Christians" time to criticise. The unbeliever on the defensive is a I new role, and the world is curio is ' to sec him in : reconciliation f unbelief. An -ttheodicy is Hi.', thing that will catch the logir f ' the atheist. NEW TO-DAY For Gray's Harbor. The Steamer GEN. MILES "ViH lenc (;rn- dm! rei: ;hays iia'-kor on Saturday. Sept. . 23. 1882. nvijjiil from Astoria U i : ":.."? Jlar bor, iei ton. - - -" - s-..i) Froifilit ftmii Airin r SkaJv.atT Day, per ton. - - - -!. aio. .-.0 .1.11. J. GRAY. A;,ent I.S.X.C'n. SHERMAN'S most rT.j.Ki;RATi:n Educated Hotbbb f a:i CIRCUS! "Will ilill)it in AMori.i on WEDNESDAY SEPT. 27. '82. Mesr. (.'. ami .T. .Sherman take roat pie: lire in annoimcinjMiiai in auiiiiiou lu their snot wonderful School of Etfncaf ed Horses, Tl have this year added a COKI'.S OF AKEJ.H) STARS, Unsurjiaseil by any lint inyr t Kited U row for veais, viz. : Miss Kiite Cross, Senonta Palmyra, Mrs. Fred 'Mackley, Mr. Fred Maeldrt, M r. Sh-Brist, Siest ist & Duray, Mr. .loe Williams. Auk-r & Zon-Mi, Mr. Ike Riimws and Mr. .to? Alien. Sherman's Silver Cornet Kami Will pantile the streets in the niaiiii'eent elianot. ilnittn le. sj liohli MeeiK ADMISSION". - - - !. CHILDREN. - - .- A TAILOR'S TALE ! T have no clear ance sale this fall my friends, the fisher men got away with nearly all my stock of summer goods. My stock is fresh, choice and complete in Fall and Win ter Styles of Cloth.. Clothing, Overcoats. Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. I will sell ready made or made to order in the finest and best style, and when a man buys a garment in my store it fits well and is satisfactory. My prices are be yond a doubt the lowest to be found in town, the best value for your money. M. D. KANT, The Boss Merchant Tailor. Hatter and Clothier. . JBLCrd TowillEW l.TORB! fTInP TlTl V muaama ea -.- caw a r a AraviM'4 V c iitSsL VU1U D Go oarlv and choose from his i-'ine, New, Large and Carefully Selected Stock of ALL KINDS OF n For . Ladies & Gentlemen Now is the time to get your 1 loots and Shoes SHEAP. ?ccolicct I have a largo stock of the very best goods, and you will find my prices as low as any. lc"' ' Close attention paid to cus tom made Boots and Shoes of all kinds for Ladies and Gentlemen. 2S? Repairing neatly done. tl A KTIX rOAlM. .T. .1. STORKS. FOARD & STOKES, Wholesale and retail dealers in Wood and Willow-ware, GROCERIES. Txibacco, Cigars. Wines and Liquors rOKKICX AM DOMESTIC Fnrits (m (1 Vegetables COUNTRY PRODUCE. AND General Commission merchants NV! to ci.nei.Mii Itaihtay & Xav. m' Ii.iek litv (rtfnhS-ui ro imge & al:.kn.) Wftoieale and retail i!e.ter la Provisions, Grockery. Glass and Plated Ware, TKOPHJAI. AND DO.MKSTIGj FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. ""TrLSTf- Toi;etlier with ioes)Liprs,TflteccoiCiiars Tiie larset and niast cmtplotc lclk of gmls inttieir line to te foiiihUn the cltj. Corner or (Vis and Sqnemoeqhe Streets. ASTOllIA. OKKiOX. Health is Wealth. Dr. E. ('. West's Xervc and llraln Ta'at incnl: a. .specitie for Htteria. Dizziness, ConvtikiotLs Xenons Headache, Mental De tULSslon, Ioss of Memory. Spennatorrlioea, InilWtClteV. Ilivollintnrv Rmiinne Vroiii-.. lure OJd Aue, e.utscd lj nvcr-oertion, self abnse. or otvr-itidulsenee. tthieh leads to inex.-t.v,iiee:iy aim cientii. one box ttili cure tUAca?os- Ktelibov contaiiKone montlLS treatment, due iniinr i- .- . t.. i... i for lite dollars : ient In- imii i'.r.-.ni.;!i ., ". " "..-. .. T .- " "'" I I't.tt uI f I .eii oi iirue. tt e Knanintce six boxes to ' i t'wo'-V Wlth oach ""Ifrreeelretl by t . v.-IJIsemlllie putvlia.scr our written Prices.01"-0" lCTS by " aT wkilto BMBWPwmHi "I MEW GOODS, A.H?X REDUCED PB.ZOES ! I am opening a first class Mock of Veir rnrniturv, cowprNtn" etery thin:: in the line of 01 Ihnmhey Sets, Parlor Furniture, Carpets. OiljT Cloths, Waitings. Lace Cuvtaiiw. House Trimmings, and tlio I si tost novel ties in Inferior Decorations. T would respectfully surest to parties desirous of seeing really iit:e goods to call. The (piality of my goods taken in consideration with their price will commend them to all loveis of fine articles. 2'attrnkHe ami Itemling; Sloek. awl ."VI::rte to rler.- Agent lorHoey's patent bed-sofa, ot tthiefi there are over 10,000 in use on the Pacific Coast. Plavel's buiidfng, opposite Welis, Fargo & Go's office. U. W. GALLICK. The BossCoffee and Tea Pot E. R. HAWK TWO DOOItS EAST OF OCCIDENT, C. 8. PARKER, DK.VT.KR TX Hay, uats, fetraw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand Wood Delivered to Or;lcr. Draying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. DK.VI.KIt IX WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. F1RHT CIjASS CLOSING PITT AT COST!! Din-Inn this week our entire lock of DRY GOODS- CT.OTIIIA.. Cents Furnishing Goods, , HATS AND CAPS. UOOTN A.I MIIOKM. Ftr., VAv. To make room for a complete stock of Hardware and Ship Chandlery. Rovers will And runny desirable goods in llw Int. and all nt extremely low prices. A. VAN DUSEH & GO. -ASK FOR - Union India Rubber Company's "i'urc Para Gum Crack Proof RUBBER BOOTS. ,:-l ' CTKX ,:NS- ('-s-B1M wx CITY IIEW.VJIE OF IMITATION'S ! , - - - Re sure the l!oots are stamped CllACK i R O O VC '"T" O R F PJIOOF on the heels, mid hae the 1'L'llK - s- v-f x -' ' - 1 - GUM SPniXGS on the foot ami instcn. c'noaking'theln.'wTt.r VES I WTOcS'ffi AXD ASBESTOS Soles which will make , ,,r x "?& V.'Avrfti HShcSln! tliem last more than twice as long as any ,wJm!5 c,! 1 QZ! ,!nl? ,lp Rubber Roots made. , urlLir lweiriMiviir wmiimk l best assortment of l'OK SALE Rv ALL DhAI.hRS. i variety goods ALL KINDS IlCBBEPv IIELTIN'C.PACIC- '"citv'0 TNC,nosE.spi:D;GstcLOTHiN(:. .'n , , , ROOTS AND SHOES.-etc. rOCKet BOOKS. lti. .,Hn..Ai.t i.a:. mmaiz.... n. i.b.i,t:. ;OOTYEAR RUBBER CO. ' . .S..M. KU.W., " i San Francisco. , :;m Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply ! SALMON TWINE! CORK MD LEAD LINES, I SEINE TWINES'.; A Full Stock Now on Hand. ! HENRY DOYLE & C0. j 511 Market Street, Han Frauclare Sole Agent? for the Pacific Coast. J mav i;k had of E.K.ITAAVKB seli: Ar.Kxr. Ats. Apent fir ihf "eelehniteil fttieli Cofeul ;o!i Sloto. MEDALLION RANtiE STFAM riTTISCS A SITCIAI.TV. None tint the hesi ttorkmen emiIojed. AH tvork frtutr.uiU'o.l or no rhame. ASTORIA, 0HEG05 HILL'S VARIETIES. OKO. Illl.l., rROriUETOR jwai.tkr parks, - stack maxaher Engagement of Miss MAMIE GOODRICH, The Qnocn of Serio Comics. JOHNNY STOKES t:ic treat eat or All Hebrew Impersonators. CHAS. BABR0W Tlir t'hevterliel! or ItXtnstreKy. Togetlicr vvitii a new All the Old Favorites Retained. Open all the Year, rrrforiiiniirr !lv:r . XJuhf. F.nCiiv Cliaiiso or I'm. srcunmc Onrt- a VVrcfc. Comprising nil tin latent 'songs, dances and acts. I Variety Entertainment In the West. The ttieatre is ciowiled nightly, and all w ho have u itnessed the entertainment pro nounce It to be eounl to auy given elsewhere. JUr. Hill as a caterer for tlte public's amusement can not he excelled. Anjbody wishing to spend a pleasant evening and see sparkling wit and beauty without vul garity, should improve the opportunity and come. The company comprises the following well known Art iMs: ( .Mis r.vxxiK Wai.tox. Mi Moi.uk Ciiklstv. Mi:. Tom. Christy. Mr. VV.vi.tkh Park.. All of which will appear nightly in their dif ferent specialties. Oncn air concert every eveninz : nerforni- j ance commencing at !; entrance to theatre .' onllcnton street; private boxes on Chena- inus street. New Stars in Rapid Succession ! Picture Frames, Steroscopes. Mu sical Instruments. Sheet Music, Bijou terie, & Celluloid Goods, etc., etc. I. F. STEVEN'S & CO. fcjS!g.l.3-S '2 . 1 3 .tT S o S tJ - n W 7t Is " 7, c S. t S St I tiJr,'i--!i'g's h 0BS j of o'ood sendeoiblo Dress floods M in- 01 oou scmccaDLCittesSfcrOOas reuueed ro iz cents per yard. Splendid all Wool (Jashmeres. all colors, reduced to 40 cents per yard. TREMENDOUS "REDUCTION ! All our 1.10 Cashmeres, all colors,, re duced to 80 cents per yard. The G?mies6 Smrifim of ik &mI Calicos, 16 yds. of all best brands, 1.00 Handsome pieces of Dress Gingham, 10 yards 1.00. Nottingham Lace, Window Curtains at .very low figures. Call early and secure choice selections. We still baQ on band about 20 Hand- some Xiadies Cloaks, To be disposed of at a sacrifice. OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT Being almost closed out of Ladies sizes, we have still on hand a line of Foxed Cloth Shoes. Also a few Pebble Side-laced, a handsome Shoe formerly sold for 32. 50 and now at $1,75. Also Children's Kid Shoes at 40 cts.; a handsome Childs Kiel Slipper at 50 cts. ; Buttoned Kids at 60 cts. Full line of Misses Kid and Pebble Buttoned Shoes at less than S. F. wholesale prices. A splendid Boys Winter Shoe at $1.75 worth $3.00. By order of Creditors at CALIFORNIA STORE Jo2m A, Montgomery, (SITCESSOR TO JACK INS & MONTGOMERY.) COKAEJl OP jIAIX AXI JRFFFJISOX STREETS, ASTORIA, " OREOOZf. CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUPACTUKER OF FTJR.lSriTUBE S BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil .Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shade's, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. MARTIN OLSEN, IH-.U.EU IX ylv$ FUKNITTJBE S? BEDDING. Coi-nei Iniu and Squeiuoqun. Streets. Astoria. OresOB. WIDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; LOOKING GLASSES ETC. A Complete Slock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AIX KINDS OF FiriSXITlTRE REPAIRED AXD VARSISnED. ?2 2.3 gnSH S nS3n 11 2 S-S-? S X ?I'S 5'3 1 2. p?!:5.." giSu2 h! - ZZ r"n On .3 ris Io"S-"C o a v .i j: S S 5 S a " " X.1- M m u fz ;;5 SI slsiSlIofisin5 BLUiiiifiij:-?jiiiiiii1s taM 5 3,'.S?..?2sm 5S2c:iS iS'-V i. -??.Eilll a T STOCK DEPARTMENT. HKALKRS IX Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agent1; for Magce Stoves and Eanges The Ret in the market. I'nnnbing gooils of all kinds on hand.. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. - 55 2 2 . L- 5si5e.'S j: 'Z b3v9 V2 IIPJI l-a&s a -j liBI B cTZ S i J! B j 2 5 c rs - ts Ab BJKVJ 3 " v to 55 - -".HBfl I C-"CJ CK. K1 HSSg o" M i5u j , , i ., .