'I CO JSf' z 4 Vol. XYII. Astoria, Oregon, Sunday Morning, September 17, 1882. No. 145. T I- A A MERITED COMPLIMENT. The administration of Governor Thayer is now a thing of history. ! On his accession to the executive ' chair he found the affairs of state! in great confusion, resulting from I he profligacy of the preceding ad ministration. The state was deep ly in debt; its credit was debauch ed until its bonds weie below par. A board of political leches, fos tered and fed by the carelessness or corruption of his predecessor, had fastened themselves upon the body politic, and were fattening at the expense of state. The state was paying an enormous price for the keeping of the insane; had no asylum of its own; no public build ings that were worthy of the name. He can look .back with sat irfaction over the record of the past four years. The credit of the state has been restored and its bonds are at a premium. Its float ing debt has in a great part been dischaged; the "organized offices" bummers have been cast into outer darkness. The state now boasts a fine asylum, built cheaply and paid for. Moic than that there is now left from the proceeds of the build ing enough tax money to furnish the building and make it ready for the reception of its unfortunate occupants. To bring about all these desirable results, Governor Thayer has labored with an eye single' to the public wealth and to their accomplishment he has con tributed in no small degree. Oregon City Enterprise. Queer Apples. Some paities in Ilarrisburg, Alas ka, ordered a lot of apples in boxes by the Elder from San Fran cisco. The steamship did not reach Townsend in time to rcship on the Alaska boat, so the fruit was sold in Seattle and New Ta coma. Stone & Co. bought a large number of boxes. Upon opening one Mr. Stone found snugly hid den away in the center of the box a bottle of Cutter whisky. Several boxes have been "sampled," and a general average of one in three has been found to contain a bottle of the genuine brand. Those in Tacoma gave equally spirited re sults no joke intended so that there must have been in the entire shipment something like four dozen bottles of whisky. Those poor miners at Ilarrisburg will be sorely tried when the California arrives 'there and it is found there are no apples aboard. For if there is ai.y thing the average miner does like, it is apples of that va riety. Seattle Chronicle. It is the duty of this legislature to send to the U. S. senate a man who will be an advocate of civil service reform, who is reliably a friend of purity in politics, and a fair representative of the public and private morality of which the state of Oregon has reason to be proud. Whoever fills this meas ure of manhood and true citizen ship will be acceptable to the peo ple of Oregon. A senator of the United States should be the peer of any man living. He should be above the plane of the mere politi cian. There should be no scram ble for this high office. Acting for the people and representing the state in all its dignity .and strength this legislature should and we have no' doubt will select from among its distinguished citizens some one who can safely be en trusted to represent its interests in the senate of the United States, and will never prostitute its honor to selfish ends. "Willamette Far mer. The Sultan of Morocco has 3G-t wives, have What a nice Jtirae he must when his mother-in-law comes to see him! Too Mucli Legislation. There is alwavs a flood of bills proposed before ever' legislature, and the great majority of them are useless. The work of the legisla ture is as much to leave well enough alone as to attempt to amend the laws we have. There are multitudes of people who have axes to grind, and enough mo:e who have hobbies to ride on crochets thev have faith in, and; the result is a host nf measures i that cus-ht never to nas. Thol 4,k nf n l-nrvi;!., .1 .. i It, tilt. wl i ! O J Illlli; Ul l lt.-J!SIllUl I- llllllli.il " , . . . 1 forty days, and there h no tune to J ,J J ' . ,,, . ! waste. Olympia Jranscnpl. j l J The Liverpool Courier ays a! terrible alarm has been wealed among the ladies by the announce ment of a visitation of the most dreadful kind nothing less than the arrival of the hoirible disease of the hair, known as the plica po lo7iica, which has hitherto been confined to Poland and the fion tiers of Russia. No medical sci ence has been able as yet to ascer tain the exact cause of the disease, which renders its victim a most hideous object to behold, trans forming, sometimes almost bud denly, the most beautiful and luxu riant crop of hair into a matted, disgusting mass of snaky ropes, which stand out in hoi rible confu sion, alL over the head, through which no comb can ever be drawn, and which can never be cut, owing to the agglomeration of the roots into one united mass, which, as the roots are filled with blood, would cause the sufferer to bleed to death were they removed. To uphold the Sunday law is the duty of every man. It is not necessary for him to believe in God, the Christian religion, or the sacred character of the Sabbath. Every man toils with .brain or mus cle, and every man who works for himself or for another, owes it to himself and his physical organiza tion to see that he has the legal right to a holiday once every week. Every laborer should demand it for himself, and even' employer of a man or beast should concede it in the interest of humanity. 8. F. Argonaut. Horace Greeley's famous stage driver, Hank Monk, is now em ployed on the proposed line of the Northern Pacific in Montana. A particularly bold but inexperienced road agent attempted to stop his coach the other day, but Hank whipped up his horses and dashed off with fire bullets whistling after him, one of which struck a horse. The animal did not, however, break down until the stage reached a freighter's camp. It has been announced that Charles B. Wright, whose donation of a fund for the building of an Episcopal church edifice in New Tacoma is .well known, has promised Bishop Paddock the sum of $100,000 for the erection and endowment of an Episcopal col lege in that city, as a portion of the fund of $130,000 required for this purpose. A body was found last week in the Columbia near the mouth of Lewis river, which is supposed to be that of .1. M. Fletcher, of Van cover, who so mysteriously disap peared about five months ago. Mr. Fletcher was the first register at Vancover and afterwards was elected prosecuting attorney of his district. A writer in the London Field says that no two tigers arc alike. One may run away when vou whistle to him, and the next mav obey the whistle in a manner as to convince you that he is coming to dinner. CLIPP1NCS. An Arkansas girl refused to marry her lover unless he per foimed some heroic deed. He eloped with her mother. The Chief Red Cloudy who was kicking up a row the other day. has the scalps of foi ty-eight white persons hanging in his lodge. It would seem as if he had lived long j enough for an Indian. A woman at Lincoln, 111., left "iiiCiO in rvicli lr will "n tho widow . , ,,, in Lincoln who shall first secure a i i 1 t -v -1 J husband.' One widow secured a . . . . . husband and that casli in forty . A fi ., . .,, , minutes after that will was read. England is biding mules ull over tt SOuth to send to Egypt. If she could only get hold of some of the old vets, of 18G1! Thov would nray Arabi Bey out of his own country in less than a fortnight. No one need feel so bad about the American round dance. The most popular dauce in Hungary is one in which ever' man hugs two women at ence, and Hungary is jretting along right smart as a countn'. An instrument has been invent ed by means of which a person can see a distance of sixty feet under water. The man who fishes for two hours without a bite can now take a look and see what the trouble is. A stranger called at forty-eight different houses in Cleveland and asked, "Is the boss home?" There was no man home in any one in stance, and yet forty-seven of the women promptly replied: "Yes, sir what do vou want?" Dan. Longfellow sold his log- ging camp on North Bay, Mason county, last week, ior 25,000, to Samuel Coulter, of Seattle. The claim contains over 200,000 acres of fine timber lands, and the sale includes camp, cattle, railway, lands and outfit. The American consul to Japan says that a Jap. can live and grow fat on one-sixth of the provisions thought necessary for an Ameri can. This country will never be great until its corn cobs and po tato peelings are untilized outside of its boarding houses. Washington Territory boasts the widest gauge railway yet reported. It is an eight-foot gauge logging road running back from Skagit river. The rails are wood, eight by eight inches. The cars are large and are carried on eight wheels of nine-inch face with double flanges. The barkentine C. C. Funk, recently built at Marsh field, left that place for San Francisco lum ber laden a few days since. She has been built at a cost of $3?,000, and will carry 700,000 feet of lum ber. The assessor and tax collec tor caught the Funk for 2-l2 taxes. Judge Ho't in a recent card in timated that he would hold that the counties of Washington Ter ritory had the right to tax lands sold b' the Northern Pacific to in dividuals, notwithstanding the fact that the company had not re ceived patents from the govern ment for the land sold. "That,' said Bigglin to his wife, when she told him that a now silk dress was necessary to her health and happiness, "is toodiaphonous." "Now, Bigglin," she answered tart ly, "I want you to understand that I am not to be put down by mu sical terms. You may call it a for tissimo or a trombone, but I'm going to have that dress." Sparkling Eyes. Rosy checks and clear complexion only accompany good health. Par ker's Ciinger Tonic better than any thing, makes pure, rich blood, and brings health, joyotig spirits, atrength, and beauty. Ladies try it Bazar. OTIPBIBff fill ilAIJMOllil I TTIl JTOlt RHEUMATISM J Meuralgia, Sciatica,lumbaao, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scafds, Genera! Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oir. a a afe, sure, simple and cheap External Braedjr. A trial entail but the comparatirely trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and erery one suffer ing vrith pain can have cheep and podtire proof of its claims. Directions in Eloren Languages. E0LD BY AILDBUGGI8T8 AND DEALERS Iff HEDI0THE. A. VOGEUER & CO.. Uaitimore, Xtd., V. 8.A. SHORT BITS. . "Docs your mother play cards?" inquired 13illy of his chum. "1 don't know,' responded Jimmy; "but she often plays a lone hand on me.' Anna Louise, Gary's husband, Mr. Jiaymoud, says that since her marriage she h&s entirely recov ered her voice. We thought she would. A Milwaukee woman has kept a kettle of boiling water on the stove every night for the past twenty-two years in order to scald burglars. MOTHERS, READ. Gents: About nine year nso I h-id a child two years old unit almost dead. -The doctor I hud attending her i-ouM tint u-II -what ailed her. 1 asked lilin if he did not thiuk it was worms. He said no. How ever, this did not satisfy me, ns i re .-on-vlnccdin my own mind tha -h,. . ,;. obtained a bottle of I. C alcl.A n::s CLXEBKATEI) VKRMIFlHiKigciii.iut '. I gavo her a teaspoonful in the mo-t'lr.i nudnnothcratnlRht,nitenvhichhPia-cd seventy-two worms and un: v.rll htld. Since then I have never boon vitt.mit U in my family. The health of my ch'l.n.-n remained mi good that 1 had nrk.ifl wntehing their actions until alHm H.nc wcelcs aso, when two of them rc rptt-d the same sickly aimeanmre that lannv did nine years ai;o. So I tlnuilit .1 unr-i bo worms, and vent to work atonrr utili n bottle of IK. C. ZUol.ANK'S Ki:i:i. FliOi: between lour of my -hii'.r.n. lb lr aqes Icins as follow, j A her. S y. v.--; i 'hur ley, t ears; liuma.GjearNniui.'iyt it. Now come, the result: A lift am! .-.inm.t cameoiitaIIl:;ht,tu! fharlry :'m 1 frr'j llvc and Johnny about -i.t wn..-. T c result wus so gmaifyin:; that I .iit !o day. In showing the wonderful t-ll'rr nt f'our Vermifuge around, t'tloa. and in w rivp the worms on exhibition ifi iii :ore. Your, truly, .Ion:. ril'KK. The .nuii.o lilt. C Mel VN'f. Kit. MUTCi: i. jiiauuf.u.'!umii!ji Heming Bros., Pittsburgh. Pa.. :,n: -.r Ihe siguiitutv of C. 3'cl.iic and ririiiinfr ro-. It i nevor made In .-.t. luisor W'heeliuj. It. ur you a tin enuhio Trice, i"i rent iKiilk. FM'XUH; BKOS., i'HI.Nlwnrh, ia. IJ M CaEBMTED' l A W STOMACH SlTTErtS That terriblo 5Courcc fcrcr and acue. nuil its convener, biliou." remittent, bc-ides nffec tions of tho ftomach. liter and boircli, pro duced by miasmntic air and water, aro eradi cated and prevented by tho use of Hostctter's Stomach liittcrs, a purely vesotablo elixir, indorsed by physicians, and more oxtcnsively u?cd as a remedy for tbe above- class of dis orders. 03 well as for many other, than anr medicine of the ace. . t For "ale by all Druggist; and Dealers Eenerally. K&&fr wl Vv'jRl - SROSCOE'S first class Oyster Saloon, ikG) fimVAMKS STREET, ASTORIA. mUE.UXDERSlC.XliD IS PLEASED TO JL announce to thc!pull!c that ho has op ened a FIKST I,A$. 353ati32.s; BCouse , And furnishes in lirst-elassstvle oystki.s. nor cofki:i-' tea. irc. vr TICK Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon, nu:xA.Mt;s stkeet. 15 .W'uhf i:m .i rail. r.OVOE'MXOX, froprietor A. K. JOHNSON & Co., lUii 0.11,1 111 i n lu aim ul Koi'i". :iii1 C"ori":?ij of'ill Eiiutls. RlocKs. i':iJis anil 31oti:iliiicof nil sizes. Th 4'mitii I.'s"h NYotrli Sa'mtMi nvi Twiue. Il'fi'riiixxri Tt"iri; Camas, nil 3To"s ("oiirTiipeI Oats. The best astnicnt of GROCERIES In Town. The Rot CiH-TKES ami TKAS. TrjoiiiI"3eIroje Ita!iinj;IonIor l'Mticly the best eer made.- CJj&JSJXEIXZ GOODS nf all kinds put up l best l'arkors. l!idiant".i:"s and Itobbln's fanned Uooils. Tprins t'esli. ProlltK Small. im cm: rs a calli 13. B. FRANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, Comer Cos and Smicmoqlio streets, ASTOBIA, ---- OKECJON UK.VI.Ktt IN WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES AM UNDKKTAIvKKS G00D6. XX,QggX3Q.gi'hg,lTl S 9 Plain and Fancy SEWING OF ALL KINDS! Suir- mailo in thi' IM stjle from ?."i t.j ?. Satiifactinc Gnarantned. MHR. OKO. IIX.IA.KK. Xi'' door lo Weston House. Joll Boat lOixlXcllxisr- WiLLIAM HOWE IImmii-; lately lctunioil from British Colum bia, is to be fciiiid at his OLD ST WD I I.ItAVS BI'ILDINC When lie Is doint; VI IIST-'li.SS "JVOStlv OXI.Y. ST. HELEN'S HALL, ART SH'.I'AK'WIKXT. miii: coin's ok teachers lon; en- JL iMged in St. Helett's Hall has jast been rcintortrd hy the addition of sl.v new teach ers, ihe of iht'iu from rromiuent educational institutions of tin E.Lsleni States. Two or these an eniraued in Ihe Musical Denart- ! input, three in ihe English and one (MISS ' l'ULLIUKi in the Art Denartmeiit. .MISS l-'ULI.TCIv is a laoy of En-jlish birth, but educated in this countrj. She was radu.ited at Vassar College, and lias since s.'ent much time in the best private Studios in the Eastern Slates. She comes with the highest rccoiiuiu'iiilatioiL. for her attain ments and skill as a teacher of Tainting and Dmnimr. Tt:e-.e cover the whole ground of iiistruetieuin the best Art Schools, embmc lii'tOH P.iiid'nsj in luidsenpe. Flower and Slill-lhV Studis; Cravon. Charcoal, "Water Crlors. rcncll. Ten ami Ink, and Decomtive Art in all its brant-he--. MISS FCLLICK is a lady of liberal edu cation am! .superior culture, and the Hector and rrini-inal of St. Helen's Hall recommend I tliisdeparlnieut of tlieir school toits patrons with enllre conndeuce, being well assured that ii wr.s never under a more competent ) Instructor, or one nf moie varied acquire I menls. s.o.d.lm Equalization of County Assessment. NOTICE IS JJKUEBY GIVEN THAT the Asses-sincut roll t.r property liable to be taved in Clatsoji County for the vear 1SS2, will be completed by the fint Monday in October. IS-. ; and the County Court pursu ant to law has lived that day as the time for all persons interested to examine the same at th" County Clerk's onice in the Court house in Astoria, in said county, and to note objections thereto if any there shall be. W."W. PARKER, did County Assessor Tor Clatsop Co., Or. Astoria, Oregon, September St h, 1SS2. 2 nk . 5 W CO o o rLSCELLAEOUS. S. AKNDT & FERCBEN, ASTORIA. - OKKCOX. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH .tr-. V Boiler Shop All kinds or B'" vll SUf UAil M Jjil X . AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bkntom SrjtKKT, Nk.vk I'AKKr.n House, ASTORIA. -; OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND . BOILER MAKERS. i r !. n . .,. .i,.,ir.n! LAND MARINE ENGINES Boiler Work. Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. Or all lcoriitIonH biuiIc- to Order at Short Xotlcc. A. D. "W.vss, President. J. (5. IIustlrr, Sccretarj. I. W. Cask, Treasurer. John Fox, Superintendent. WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Main and ChenainuiStreots, ASTORIA OREGON nr.Ai.v.ii in CIGARS AND TOBACCO. TheCehdimted JOSEPH RODCERS A. SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY! AND THE GENUINE WOSTENHOLmI and other English Cutlerj" STATIONERY I FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine ETeershaum Pipes, etc. A fine .stock of WatehH anil Jewelry. Muzr.Ie anil Breech Loading Nlint Gbiih iuiiI IlilleN, Revolvers, IMmIoIm. and Ammunition MAK1.VK ,VUSO A FIXK Assortment of nne Sl'FCTACLRS and EYE (tluVSSES. IV A It IN OKCIAKi:i WITIIOI'T" n n ni vo i ic i. i And no terms of peace null! ! every man in Astotia has a new i l,-rj.-pt..suil JI -i)lliel &v 1IAIK IJY 3IKAWV. Look at the prices pfvnts, Oenufne FrSich Cas.sim"ere "- p w Suits from - -- -- - 25 no Tlie fltiest line of -aninli im ti.,- ., .iuch uuiii. r. J.ilKAY. Cass street, ne.M to Hansen's .Jewelry More School Tax Notice. lUUdS. at IllV Ofilco at. tlli Miliu ctrnof n 1, . . for the net sivty days from date hereof. ray onr Lives In time and save costs. .T.G.irUSTLER, Clerk School District No. I. Astun.1, Oregon, Sept. loth 18S2. dCOil BOAT FOIIXIK A ROUT THE 21st OF JUNE A BOAT jj-came asnorc at my place on Elk Creek. White boat. 23 feet lomr. 7 feet beam. The owner can have it by applying to me at Neh- icaniKum creek, proving property and pay- ingcharges. JOHN' WALTERS. Sept. 12th, 1SS2. d3t-wlt -s co i P i 5 o w o9 o JJL p p i i shopJIAi ..itrt.eWc- 9 a. J xpauragfSfck&a ANI iSfM ur- ?-i t5ai -x & m- 7 t. a '3Sn' v dB,"W B tVl.i mnTin'1'.vD.v..n..r.,. ouuuuir oi a cannery on tne property, or f po 1 llh 1 AX PAY ERS OF SCHOOL IMS- said company. Plans and speciffcatWsean -i. tncto.i, Clatsop county Oregen: You he seen at the ofllce of A. w. Ferguson, No. are herehy notified that the assessment roll 2. Pi thian huiidiug. Proposals may be ad ror "''J'".'0 tax in district No. l. for the dressed to Rov 200. The right to reject any TearlSS2 is comnleted nml will l.n , ,n, n-nii hi.i nr,..i J H,Z-CiM. BUSINESS OARDS. I? V. 1IOI.DKX, Notary public, . AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND SURAXCE AGBNl. TJR. ,1. CJ. NHAFTKR, fUVSICHX and grTKCE.. A iUKUTHClLKK ARST.J ; DimrnHCK oftho TkrtmSyeuaty. voice over uonn s urns inon. Q.KLO F. PARKE8. 31 ' SURVEYOR OF Otflco :-Chenamus street, Y. M. C. A. baU, Room No. 8. j t. J , Xtary pmbUe. amA Insurance Ageaf. AKont tor the Hamburg-Bremen Fire las. Co. of Hamburg, Germany, and ol the Tmt rfeis' Life and Accident las. Co., of. UJHT ford. Conn. 3)fllce In Pjtldan Building. ooas U, 12. p D. WIMTOIf, Attorney and Counselor at Law. jrorace in Pythian BuUdlnjr. Rooms ll, 12. ASTORIA, - - - - OSBGOK. TAY TVTTMt, M . 1. thysician ans myfl'gM; OKKicK-Qver the,lrtite BWifJKtril Rksidknok OverElbersoa's BAketyT'dp-' posite Rarth & Myers' Saloon. 1 L. VUE.TOX'. 31. . n. 1'hynleiau and. Srce. iSH TCI P. HICKS, HENTIST, ASTORIA, - - - - OR8GON Jtooms In Allen's building up stairs, cenier of Cass and Sqemocqhe streets. T K. I.hFOKCK. DENTI8T Denial Koohh arer Cuc'i Stre Clienamus Street, - - Astoria, Oregon. I Q. A. BOWLBY. l. ATTORNEY AT LA"W. Chenamus Street. - ASTORIA. OREQUtt w."T-ras,OT' ( ATTORNEY AT LAW. May be found at the Court House. G. A. STINSON & CO., m iouitiiiiia DLAorxoriii i ninu, At Capt. Koers old stand, corner of Ca and.Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagoai made and reptiired. Good woni Kuaranteed. TA.XX.ORI1TO. Cleaning Repairing. N'KAT. CHEAP AND QUICK, BY CKOKE L.OVETT, Main Street, opposite N. Loeb'a, HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock in Asttria Fireworks! Flags! KruitM Both ForelSR Oatetto, Wines and Liquors or Superior Brand. i FOSTER'S CORNER, 0 R &K DOCK ' " ! NfttlPP in Riliirfr PKOPOSAI-S WILL BE RECEIVED AT the ofiice of the Point Adams Papains- i Company, until noon, Tuesday, Septeinher 2Gth. 18?j, for tuniislung Uie material, aad dtf , J.C. LID WELL, President. BOOKS . FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS! CAftL ADLER. A complete stock of School Books and. school supplies. Any book used In tha pab- lie schools of Clatsop County can be obtained at my store. CARL APf-ElT