CJ gltc S'aUb sirateixu ASTORIA. OKEGON ; .. f SEI'TEAIBEK lt, 1SS2 : I SATUKDA? .1. F. HALLOZM.V ,.,,,,,; ...Minor 7p ; ... -. r .,. ' '" ' 5 A AC'W LlllO ot hieamer?. ; - - 1 Ay.,,,, w,- ,1cr..ifi . v A-jNj-: loitk despatch- ba:. j n-u :....., p i. ...,..-.!,.,., - I he grievance of the merchants nf f'tilifaniin ..irauicr llift ilicciMlVli- I ot uauiorma against tne itisutmi- nations of the. railroad, company is attracting much attention in) this city, x and various are tnej sch&mes Revised to reliev them,.; butas vet none lias beiMi devised that proves acceptable to all con cerned, and especially io the mer chants; who above all things, re quire quick despatch, as well as low rates for transportation. The latest scheme is a line of auxiliary steamers from 'this port to San Francis co, with a general cargo; thence to Liverpool with wheat, and return .to New York with such freight as may be obtainable. The scheme is to form a company and build two steamers as an ex periment, with a capacity of '5000 tons, exclusive of coal. These ves sels are to have engines capable of driving the ship at the rate of eight knots an houi and consum ing twelve tons of coal per day. It is estimated that the steamer can make the trip to San Francis co, via the straits of .Magellan in not.ov.er ninety days, and that the average rate of freight would be ten dollars per ton. AlroiuTy this scheme has been broached to a prominent ship builder down E-tst and he guarantees to build such vessels, and take at least a hun dred thousand dollars of the cap ital stock of the company. The idea is finding much favor with ; certain parties here, and it is pro posed to send representatives to San Francisco at an early day to'lay the plan before the merchants and ask their assistance, which, in view ot their varied complaints against the railroad company, it is confi dently expected will be given. The Union Pacific railroad ami the N. P. R- Pt. are not getting along just as two neighbors should. It is barely possible that in conse quence an independent railroad may be built in Oregon by the Oregon Short Line, west from Ba ker City via Prineville ami the Minto pass to Salem. If this should talce place, the Astoria and YVin nemucca railroad people .should build out from Astoria and meet them but then -iv-s, there i that confounded land grant in the way again. ".Most of the United Stales bonds'-are held in trust for ur- phans," remarks an exchange. Vauderbilt is one of the "or phans.3' His share, however, is only a, trifle of 75,000,000, and ,t.he railroad men are demanding w such high pay that he will not be able to double this nest csg before 18SG. Emma Vou.rn, of "Red Bluff. Cal., was so mortified by her sweetheart's appearance ;js an :esthete at an entertainment, that her mind became disordered, and she died after suffering intense mental agon'. The sweetheart xvill sue Oscar "Wilde for dam aires. Fiftuen" thousand people as (fiebled at. Beacon Park race course, near Boston, last Thurs day, to see the 610,000 race le--Uwen horses of the 2:17 class. It was won by Edwin Thorne in 2:1 8. Araiji Pasha must have had a tremendous army to start with, unless there have been a good many false -reports' of desertions , Edison's Electric light is prov ing successful in New York citj-, fctho principal stores being lit up ' from the central office. Arkansas went Democratic by 28,000 majority; Maine gave the Republicans a 0,000 majority, and honors are easy. ' amontbs.- jSamukl J. Tilden is reported to be Failing in health, and his death is saidto'be l)ut a matter of a few SEW TO-DAY Summons. TUSTICE'SCOUKT.rKECISCTOl'ASTO. i tin, Clatsop county. State of Oregon : I r. TI. Vox,. Jn-tice of the Pence. I r."VV. Ca" ria:iUff. vs. IL C. UoliN.mb. Defendant. To II f" Hn1iv.mii Tn llir mni .if Uji State of Oregon, jaectimj : &. Unless you aniiear will aiiwer the iw - plaint Mod ami.n.t o in the above entitled comi and action, till the 31M (Uv of Oftlur. i 15S!.ai PoVloel. . v., i'.iinliff therein iit ; take jud-i.,.'it maiiiM youmr tin- u-.ir ics.:?)and dUbiirseiiiciit. This summons ,s mibiM-.edm the Ux.w ; AhTOM.VC. by urVr of -awl conn. U.. i Jnisir,rhdH orrnvrnWr. iti2. J .nstieeViVruii. Uioy0forrtali,iin. w , fp-e 'KtlAL . i A I tn s&x.e:, ELIGIBLE CITY PROPERTY AT AUCTION. On Friday, September 22d. At 1 1 A. 27. al lnj' Auction Kooras. I have received positive instructions to sell, for cash, to the highest bidder, the fol lowing oliguric building lots, vis : .Lots 2. 4, .". C. V, S and 1. in ZS'arlt eleven. Shively'f Astorin. Thoe lotsare each ro byiw feet. .dnnsi ing property Is -ncll improved and etlt.M erected on the lots to be sold would find im mediate occupancy, each lot having a com manding 'view :icrs tlse Columbia mer. Sale peremptory. Title perfect. For jtJal and tiitther particulars call on V.. C. HOI.DEN. Aiicli.iiict r. School Tax Notice. rg V) Til !: TAX i'AYKl.S OK .SCHOOL is JL triet Xo. 1. Clatsop count vOhko:i : Yon ar' herebj notilie.l that Hie a-.s,'v.jiMit nU for the school lav in district No. 1. fr ib yearlPJ is eoi.ipleted :md will b . iv iiands, at my office at I'jc Main sliect w !af fortlie next sixlv das fmm itnt' berer.f. l'.n our taxes in tjme'.tud s.ive eoi-. .1.1;. nrsTi.1-::. Clei:: SelMMd DisJiiet . I. Asloiia, Oregon, Sept. I5!h isJ. !mi.I . .SHERMAN'S MOST CF.LKlJIIATn Milaenied Horses I AM) o x':es. o u s j Will exhibit, in A.-.toiia on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, '82. 3Ie-.si-. C". ami .1. ShrriiK.ii t.ilce great le.. ure iuaunouneiiig that iu aihlitien to their most wonderful Sehool of E-Mncntcd lIore. The lia ve tins year added a COKP8 Or ARESK' STAK4, riiMiniaM'd hy any Jiavinjr veiled thisonst fr years, viz : Mi-s Kate Cro-s, .senoriln Palmyra, Jin. I'red ?.fael:ley, Tdr. l'rcd ?.t:u-;.le. Mis. .iegriNt, Siegrlt & Duray, Mr. .loe Williams. Adler iv Zorelli. Mr. It.e I'.urrets and Mr. .toe Alien. Sherman r4fSver lorne i::iiid Will panicle the sjre.-t, in She masiullceiit ehariot.dnmn le. si nu!l-s!ffd. ADMISSION. rillLnilF.N, A TAILOR'S' TALE ! T have no clear ance sale this fall my friends, the fisher men got away with nearly all my slock of summer goods. My stock is fresh, choice and complete in Fall -and Win ter Styles of Cloth, Clothing, Overcoats, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots anl Shoes. I will sell ready made or made to order in the finest and best style, and when a man buys a garment in my store it fits well and is satisfactory! My prices are be yond a doubt the lowest to be found in town, the best value for your money. M. D. KANT, The Boss rercltant Tailor, Hatter and Clothier. CmmTr r t K-aep IToui? FEET BEY! udmm yfmm '. Arvold's (Jo early and choo?e ftom his Fine. New, Ijarge and Carefully Selerted Stoolc of ALL KINDS OF f s and. For Ladies & Gentlemen Nov. is the time to get your Bols and Shoes Uecoiiect 1 have a large .stock of the very best goods, and yon will find my prices as low as any. l Close attention paid to cus tom made Boots and Shoes of all kind for Ladies and Gentlemen. 2-: Repairing neatly done. MAKTIK FOAUD. J. J. STOKK5. FOAEB & STOKES, WliolsjuV and letail dealers in Wood and Villow-ware, GROCERIES. Tobacco, Cigars. VYinss and Liquors rOKKlC.X AXI IIO.MF.STK' Fruits mid Vegetables COUNTRY PKOIHICE. AXI General Commission Kerchants AJVi'OIlSA. OIIKtiOV, ' 'ct tn Oivskmi linihva r N'av. vV I)(,k. liv fsrrcKSsou to imiik tt.Al.l.r.N.) Vli(!i"alf atl retail loalr" hi & ?oeeiete8, PtSfislQBB, Glass and Plated Ware, TKonoAi. and domestic; FRUITS AND VEGErABLES. '" TKS-ITosptlior with Wines, Lipors, WaccaiCiprs Tlie"l.gfst ami :nost cni!3ic stock of jjortds in ihfir line to lu round In the city. Compi-of ra am! Sqiip:nmvjlii Stn-ets, ASTOKJA. OIIKOON. Health irWealtli. Dr. Iv. O. WYst's Noni ami liraln Ta-at-nienl: a .sju'Cific for Hvstciia. DiZ2lnps, Coii iiNimis Xerrnuslloailaclio.lcntal De prtfiiiit LK of Mfinorv. Sncnnatorrlioca, Impoicinw. Involuntary Eniksions, J'rcma tun Olil Azo, oaiwit by ovi'r-t'xerlion, self ntiiisf, or tiwr-lmlulKfiico. which loads to miciy.dei and death. One box will oim rocoiu cass. Iiohlo -ftnlninsone uinuths i trealmenr. One dollar a hov, or ..l bovesi for live dollars; sent by mall on-naiil on re- eeipt of price. V Kiiarantco 5l- loos to cure any kim. Willi each onlcr reuri ot hv- us for six loes, :iecoiiiiniiinl with live dol- i;ii, wiiiviui mi piirviiaseroiir wntten Kiuininteetoi-ctnrn themoncvif the treat ment do( not effect a cure. Gnarantees is suedl only by W. K. Dement. ilnuajLst, As tona, Oregon. Oitlers by mall at regular prices. V. mien, ItfjW &OOBS, I am opening a find class sto-k of N r-irnitiitv. r..m;rw;;g everv thing in the Inn of j Chamber Sets, nmlicr Sets, Parlor FurinCunS Curpcfa, Oil CIotliH. Muffins, Law Ciirtniiis, Howao Trimmings, and flit lafsi" novel ties in !nt(liifii'D(H.,0!,atiOHS. T would respeelfuliy ugiret to paitirs desirous of eeiiiii: really fire goods t: call. TI.e quality ''f my gnodh t;kfii in consideration with their price will eitiutnend-thom to all St vei of fine articles. Mnlirattsr.s nm! Itrtltiiti:; iu Stp!i. iisnt .13aitr n 4r5e:". xgent forlloey's patent bed-sofa, of which there are ovei 10,000 in use on the Pacific Coast. Flavel's "building, opposite Welis, Fargo St Co's ofiice, H. W. GALLIGK. The BossCoffee and Tea Pot Eiiiuf Wlfcl 1 ""f 'M iBBHaJHBBHEBBBBKiilr' U3bb' &" JbbbHbSbIBBRX E, H. HA HIT 23 TWO DOORS EASI OF OCCIDENT, H.B.PARKER,lfiS .fjlR DKAr.KR TN Hay, Oats, Straw, Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand IV001I Wclivorcil to Orilor. Drnying, Teaming and Expicbs Business. Horses ana Carriages for Him. DKALKlt IN WINES, LIQUORS AND CI CARS. I FIRST I,.ISK l CLOSING OUT JL 22 JL S I BBEBBBBBBBBBBBBUBBIIBI Vttnmt Diirlntli'H weokoiirontijv stOfk of DRY GOOD S - 7 CXOTIIIXtt. Gents Furnishing Goods, hats and c.vrs. HOOTS AM) MHOKH. Ktc, Ktc. To make tooni for a complete Mock of Hardware and Ship Chandlery. JJnypn will fintl many dcsiniblu piods iu lh; lot. and all at extremely low price. A. VAN DUSEN & GO. -ASK FOU- Union India Rubber Company's Pare ParaOum Crack Proof RUBBER BOOTS. J1KWARE OF IMITATIONS lle .sure the. Boots are stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and ha Hip PUTiK uum si'iussas on the foot ami instep, anv miiiner i5ooi.s mane. FOU SALE BY ALL DEALMIW. i ALL KINDS ItL'BBER BELTING, PACK- ! IXC, HOSE. SPIUXGS. CLOTIIINO. j BOOTS AND SHOIS, etc. COODVEAU BIBBER CO. . R. n.TMSE..Ir.J .,. s S. M. RUXYON. f AKn,s' Sm San Francisco. I Barboiff's No. 40 M2-Ply SALMON TWINE! OOM AND M Lhli. SEINE TWINES. r- n 0. i it i A rU I otOCK WOW Oil Haild. Ul lulIV " liatlU. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 511 Market Street, Khu FnuiflHro Sole Agents for tho Pacific Coast. wm: 9Li t eJScttJKI hi mr. n zst. a est i frA iS rC ABh rJUb &KE. aBBBa BBk. bbb. at b. MAY :K HAD OF SfTC.R HAWKS S(:.F AiSHXT. Ali. Ac."!!! rr I'.it i-tlolinilfd MEDALLION RAXUK, STl-A.M KITIINCS A SFFPIAhTY. Noiu luit tin lift-t wmKintMi unploypit. All work uaranttvtl or no cliaw. ASTOKIA, OREGON EC ,1 jwawkkpakks. OKQ.mi.I.. - phopjmetei: stack maxaceu Knistgeiiu'iit of Hiss MAMIE GOODRICH, Tho Queen of Serio Comics. J0HEFWY STOKES Tin KivntCMt or All JlelmMV I HipprMOiintoro. CHAS. BARROW 'l'lsc 'hflv2ieltl ttfnn.trI-y. Tojjoilier with a new AH the Old Favorites Retained. i Open ;il! t!ic Vrnr. l'rrrorui::nr Ilv: i-y ' MIl. KillirC .!lilllK f lt'- ' sm::u:ic Oucr a ccK. Co!i)ri-in; all tho lati'st 'SONCS, DANCES AND ACTS.' , 1 We rrive the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. TIii tluvitro i prnivilril uf"Iill ninl :il! who have witnes.scd the entertainment pro- i noiince ir 10 ie ciiuaiio suiy jm en eiscw nere. Jir. mil as a caterer lor tne publics aimiscnioiir t-an not ne exceiicu. Anyuotiy wlsliinj: to six-ml a pleamt oeniiiK and see snarklinir wit and beautv without vul garity, .should improve the opportunity ami The company comprhes the following well - Known Ariisis: Mis Faxxii: "Walton-. Mis; Moi.lik Ciikistv. 31b. Tom. Ciintsrv. Mi:. "Waltki: Tauks. ffifteiniiiik "'"'"""" - Oppii air concert every evening : perform- , ance commencing at S; entrance to theatre ,v on liemon sircei ; privaic uoes on vjacna- nms street. New Stars in Rapid Succession ' "& - c.s.n.:owx -- -- R O O VC T O R F u - v- v - r I - irticles: wo keep the nest assortment of variety Roods in the city. Pocket Books, Picture Frames. Steroscopes, Mu sical Instruments, Sheet Music, Bijou terie, & Celluloid Goods, etc., etc. B F. STEVENS & CO. -i.fss-.p-sa M tl . . tfl gI?-Sa-pS. CS?ug w TA m " e . 5 c:rt!lS t-KV3 "5 M J S 2 S -! o SP.28S H'rH .-0: 1 g S-55 Jbcjl S4l cd " MmC 2 I2 C-M .. r - U MI. P M - Ok. BtBPaBBT nnft-K .P xflK orlL !MC'BaBaBaBn ' !CV "- - mmMmmm BANKRUPT STOCK i .0.85 9 Si 0 BUS U , f , sen-i(1(inWo T)vo fioofi. Ae or 01 fe00CL SGlMCeaDIO UIGS UrOOCtS reduced to 12 cents per yard. Splendid all Wool Cashmeres, all colors, reduced to 4-.Q .cents per yard. TREMENDOUS REDUCTION ! All our 1 .10 Cashmeres, all colors, re duced to 80 cents per yard. The 'BrmierBi S$ariMe f ih Semoal Calicos. Ifi yds. of all best brands, $1.00 Handsome pieces of Dress Gingham, 10 yards $1.00. Nottingham Lace Window Curtains at very low figures. Call early and secure choice selections. We still liavo on h.and about 20 Hand some ladies Cloaks, To be disposed of at a sacrifice. OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT Being almost closed out of Ladies sizes, we have still on hand a line of Foxed Cloth Shoes. Also a few Pebble Side-laced, a handsome Shoe formerly sold for $2.50 and now at $1,75. ' Also Children's Kid Shoes at 40 cts. ; a handsome Childs Kid Slipper at 50 cts. ; Buttoned Kids at 66 cts. Full line of Misses Kid and Pebble Buttoned Shoes at less than S. F. wholesale prices. A splendid Boys Winter Shoe at $1.75 worth $3.00. By order of Creditors at I (Si'rnjssoit to jackixs & mont(;omeky.) bbbbTBI I dltsaSilifBaasZ Jli bbWI?5 i-Mi Irrr m I t g corm:r ov jiaix asti a. STOHSi , CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTUEER OF IFUBiSriTUR.E AND DEALER IN jjCafpets, Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. MARTIN OLSEN, DEALER IN & FURNITURE S BEDDING. Cornet- 3Kain anil Squcnioqna Streets. Astoria, Oregon. WIDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; LOOKING CLASSES ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AM. KISrftS OF FUISXITUIB12 REPAIRE AWI TABKISHED. sis iSslsoasjIii-gSofejg b"S? 'Z ? 5 " " OT S.i 1 2 n -Z c 5 o .S r.O. . r v;- Sk. -3 c; taS IbIm - a "5 J? o" j-5 "z.s MU m C,,S C S SM fiSP.'SM?' ( JtMPASvPSUuBlVa NIA STORE niLRKS TX Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS.. Agent" for Magcc Stoves and .Ranges The liest in the market. I'nuubing goods of all kinds on Jhatid. Jolt work done in a workmanlike manner. .ieffrrsox streets. OHEQOlf. S5 BEDDING Wall Paper, Mirrors, Picture Frames and Mouldings, j:c& v bVbTbVI VBBbI r 2 BbH Br f-ciSu V - bbbbbbI BBBbI "5 " U"BI .V