-: ,x M C'f f& 1 Vol. XYIL Astoria, Oregon. Tuesday Morning. September 12, L882. No. 140. mMiin tmm AMEND- Proliibitinc the Manufacture and ' Sale of Intoxicating Liquoia in Oregon. CONSTITU TIONAL 2VIENT. .Messrs. McDougall and Bower, j and its completion, in due attorneys, at the request of thejcour.se of time, is now as presidont of the Oregon Slate sured. It is already 5i land-mark Temperance alliance, have pre-1 visible from any part of Wabhing pared a resolution to present to ton, and the inhabitants, after a i lie icgibiauiro uui.n' its coming session, to amend the constitution so jus to prohibit the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors in the state, except for a few speci fied purposes. Petitions for its passage will accompany the reso lution. Following is theiuli text: Jicsolvcd, I5y the senate and lnm.se of repiesentatives of the slate of Oregon, a majority of all members elected to each of the two houses agreeing thereto and concurring therein, that the follow ing article as an amendment to the constitution of Hie slate of Ore gon, to be numbered in the order which it takes its passage and ratification by the electors of said state, be proposed and referred to the legislative assembly to be chosen at the next general elec tion of the same. And if such article be agreed to and concurred in b' the legislative assembly so next chosen, itshall be submitted to the electors of the state of Oregon as in Article XVII, Sec. 1, of Jihc said constitution as provided, and if said electors ratify the same as in the manner provided by said article of, the constitution, then shall the same be to all intentions and purposes a part of the consti tution of the state of Oregon, and shall read as follows, after being appropriately numbered: ARTICLE Suction 1. The manufacture, sale, or the giving away, or the offer to sell or give away, or the keeping for sale of any spirituous, vinous, malt, fermented or intoxi cating liquor whatever, is forever prohibited in this state, except for medical, scientific, mechanical or sacramental purposes. Sue. 2. The legislative assembly of the state shall, without delaj-, pass all the necessary laws -with sufficient penalties necessary to enforce said aiticle. To Sail Under tlie Sea. When we read Jules Verne's i emarkablc book "Twenty Thou sand Leagues Under the Sea," wo marvel at the inventive powers of that great novelist. But now it seems that what Verne wrote in fietion is actually to he accom plished in fact. They arc construct ing in Bucharest a submarine ves sel which, it is claimed, will accom plish what no other craft has ever been found equal to. The plan contemplates :i vessel capable of moving under water for twelve hours without any removal for air. Steam is the motor employed and the speed reckoned upon is great er than that attained b sailing vessels. Practically, the manage ment consists in sinking the vessel by opening certain valves, but to return to the surface involves more complex operations. An electric light, which is to be supplied, will it is ascertained, render objects fairly distinguishable. For re newal of air it is not necessary that the vessel rise to the surface, the means resorted.to for this pur pose being an apparatus that can be sent up, and which, bT working a pump, forces air into suitable receivers". A Newport youth drives three horses abreast to a T cart. Pov erty has its advantages. A man may be a born idiot, but he can't show it unless he has monev. The purity and elegant perfume "of Parker's Hair Balsam explain the popularity of this reliable restorative. The Tallest Structure on Eartli The white, tall, plain shaft of the Washington monument is foot by foot daily rising skyward, gcnurauuii 01 iiuiuutu, air untu ning to be proud of it. Apart from its unique character as an ar chitectural wontler, modern science proposes to utilize it for the public benefit. The signal officers expect to have a permanent station al its summit, and its officers say that observations of the air and atmos pheric movements taken at an alti tude of 500 feet, will be of great value. Observations are taken, of course, at far greater altitudes than this, but the gradual slope of even the most precipitous moun tains and the presence of large masses of rock near the observa tory create surface currents, even on the mountain hcights,and inter fere with the study of the phe nomena of the higlfcr levels of the atmosphere. It has often been proposed to institute a series of ex periments by means of captive bal loons, but. the expense of sucli work prevented the plans being carried out. At the time of. the cen tennial it was proposed to erect a skeleton lower to the height of 1,000 feet, in Fairmount Park. Had this been done, the signal officers would have utilized the observatory for the benefit of meteorological science, but the tower stopped at 300 feet. The signal officers say it would not be practicable to build a tower 1,000 feet high or even higher, and that the erection of such a tower would be of great service. The monument is now 2!'0 feet high. The original design con templated ajheight of .100 feet, but at a meeting of the commissioners two years ago, when it was decided to resume work, it was voted to make the monument the loftiest artificial structure in the world. The commissioners examined the highls of all the noted monuments, towers, pagodas, spites, buildings i and flagpoles, and found that to safely distance all rivalry a height of 3o0 feet would be necessary, It was therefore "determined to complc the shaft on this plan, and the drawings were modified to that end. What was the surprise and gratification of the commissioners to find subsequently that the new proportions of the shaft as now adopted were exactly those of an Egyptian obelisk. At the recent Bepublicau con vention in Delaware, while the tumult was at its height, some fun loving Democrats in the rear of the room had their attention drawn to a negro delegate just in Yront of them who was craning his long neck to see what was going on and trying to hear something amid the babel of noise by which he could take his bearings and learn what the convention was about, "Wliy don't you get up and say some thing?" said they. "You have as! much right to talk as anybody here." It did not take much of this persuasion to bring the African delegate to his feet. lie strode into the aisle, and lifting up his voice sang eut: "Dey told me when dey brung me down heah dat we was gwine to hab hominy. Where is dat hominy? Not a bit ob hominy hab I seen since I've been heah." At this juncture Mr. Smithers began to deliver his decision, and the uproar subsided somewhat. Boston JPost. The Flathead Indians have sold the right of way through their reservation to the Northern Pacific railwav for 1G,000. Diplomatic Hitch. Constantinople, Sept. 10. A difficult- in regard to the final signing of the draft of the Anglo Turkish military hinges upon the question whether Turkish troops, ; having arrived at Port Said, shall j ing arrived at Port Said, shal be allowed to disembark or be re quired to wait instructions from 1 I General Wolscley. The porte 1 . I claims it nas proven us sincerity by. proclaiming Arabi Pasha a rebel, and that it is justified in ex pecting an immediate signing. Now England has the temerity to turn round and accuse the porte of disloyalty, because the porte claims the right to land troops at Port Said. Ileie mat ters rest pending Lord Gran ville's instructions. Meanwhile Dervish Pasha and taker Pasha have been ordered to defer their de parture until the matter is set tled. The proclamation against Arabi Pasha has produced consid erable agitation among Arabs, who generally regaad Arabi Pasha as the saviour of Egypt. It is be lieved Arabi Pasha will promul gate a counter-proclamation against the sultan. A dispatch from Egypt states that Arabi Pasha has expelled all Turks and Circassians from his camp. Ravage-; of Cholera. Manila, Sept. 10. One hun dred and fifty-two deaths from cholera occurred here 3'esterday, and 274 in surrounding villages. All the victims are natives. Odessa, Sept. 10. The authori ties here are taking precautions to prevent the introduction of cholera. All vessels arriving from Egypt arc quarantined. She'd Arrived. There's a story of a woman up in Michigan who was Jost in the woods five days, nearly starved to death, was frozen at night, was chased by wolves and scared by snakes, and when she got. out of the jungles and reached home at last, nobody had missed her. "Shadow of death! But she was the maddest woman. Ves daugh ter, you maj just bet your bangs thev knew she had got home! Oh, yes; they knew it.' "The president's flag" is u new device, originating with Secretary Bill Chandler. He holds that the president, being commander-in- chief of the navy ought to have a special flag, as the various admi rals have flags -for their respective grades. The New York Sun makes this fitting reply to that claim: "The president, never acts as commander-in-chief on ship board. If he did, it might be well enough for him to have a fl:ig. In fact, however, the very first use to which the president's flag has been put is purely private. It flies at the mainmast of a gov ernment steamer which he cm ploys, not for government 'pur poses, but for his own convenience, as if it were his own individual property. A flag used in tins man ner is too much like the standard of the English sovereign which is hoisted on the queen's yacht. We do not want cither that sort of a flag or that sort of a yacht in this country. The best yacht for the president to use in traveling from Washington to New York is a Pull man car; and the only signal there employed by him should be a ticket duly bought and paid lor." Sparkling Eyes. llosy checks and clear complexion only accompany good health. Par ker's Ginei Tonic better than any thing, makc3 pure, rich blood, and brings health, joyous spirits, strength, and beauty. Ladies try it Bazar. I havo used OREGON BLOOD PUR1EIER for neuralgia, it cooled my blood and nerves at once. Mbs. Axka Smith. A LETTER F80K GERMANY. ii.KN,.l:muai ' Ki T!u- ir!o jour Uxor 1M11- li:...ilkil fnrth Ucre i wonderful. After I ikuiti one und a half box of your uonuinc Oil. C. McLANE'S livkk riLLS. i h i- . ,. . ... . n . ow -. . , wliii. fiir sii manvwar!. liml no :ii.iwlit.. mill could not sleep for hackm-ln. -Uli-h i" "y side, and cenerai stom:u-ii m plaints could have recovered. An old lady in our city, who Im; -uTmc for many years from kidney di-.e, :mi l ml the doctors und given her up. lout. Sun or your Pills, and got more reln-t Hi iu : Ins has from nil the doctors. Your ira!. J. von i)Ki: a i:. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-t-o.itcd. Every boxJias a red wax seal on the lid, with the impressien: 3Xcl.uni' l.ir Fill. The genuine McIAKS r.iYKK PIliLS lcar the signature of C. rUfl-mo and Fleming Bro. on the vrapior. Insist upon having the genuine 1K. t aicXAXK'S JLTVEK PILLS, prepaid! In Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, I'm.. ihi market being full of imitation .f the name McLane, spelled differently, f same pronunciation. If vonr Morekeepcr does nii hae tin genuine R. C McLAE'S ri.Li: 1JKATKD LIVER riLLS, .vend in ir. cents, and we will send you a box In mMl, and a set of our adverttsing cards. FLEMING BROS., FitteTnirgli. Ii. A. M.! JOHNSON, PEAI.KJl IX SKIP CHANDLERY. AND Groceries, Provisions, Cheese, BUTTER, ECCS, ETC. CANNED GOODS OF MA. KINDS. Blocks, Hemp and Manilla Ropes. Salmon Net Twlnos, Drilling, Jib Hanks, Clew Irons, Thimbles, Mast Hoops, Ami all oilier things nretletl t litout ei-ls j of all kinds. NEXT JXJOU TO PYTIUAN 1IAU . fTm i XI. m j j ixing oi tne mood' Is not a '-cure all." it is a blootl-nurifierand i tonic. Impurity of the Wood poisons thesvs- tem, derauges the circulation, ami !lut in- duces ntanv disorders, known by diiferent name-, to distinguish them accordim; to ef- fecLs, hut being really branches or phases or , that great generic disorder, imiiitrity or Hioou. sucli arc jjutjKima, i;ix;jfy, JArcr Compiaml, ortler. Headache. 7irx. Heart Dixeat icac, Droju!i. Kidney Di.ra.c, ' Pile. IlhaimaUin. Catarrh. Scminla.SI.In Diiriilcr. Pinntlcjt. Ulcer. StrclUny. le. Ac. Kins of the Itlootl prevents and cures these bv attacking the cauc. Iimmrilv . sssssasMJass preparation for the purpose." Sold bj I)iug- gists, si jkt intiie. Me testimonials, uiree- tions, &c.,in pamphlet, "TieatLse on Diseases ' 01 tlie laoou," wranjKMi nroumi eacn nouie. 1. KANSOM. SOX & Co.. rrop.s liuSTalo. X. Y. Peruvian IHllorx Cinchona Kulira. The Count Cinehnu was Hip Spanish Viceroy in Peru in Hl'a). The Countess. his uife, was prostrated ly an intermit- . ollrrT inm. Tm . un nnnnrn lentfm-er .from wind, she was .imnl by SHEET IROfi TIN AND COPPER, the use of the native leuiedy, the Peru vian bark, or. as it wasealled in tlie !4 ssssss; aas caiGr j it Warn Sipplies to Europe in HCJ2, she uilrodiieed tlie J rr remedy in Spain, "where it was known under various names until Jiinmeus Cfnuo. r:n Uare anrl Hniie called it Cinchona, in honor or the lady oIOVBo, I in Ware ana 1101156 who had brought them that liieh was . more precious than the -Id or the Incas. FumiSbiDg GOOOS. 1 o tins dav, after a lapse of two him- u SfiKg&$Zr nSttJOBBWG IN SHEET WON. TIN. C0f the stomach. It attacks exeeive loe ... , , ,- . . of liquor as it does a fever, and ditrovs , Done with neatness and dispatch. both alike. The powerful tonic, virtue x0,. M,t llit olavs workim-n cnuilftywl. of the Cinchona is preserved in the ; Peruvian Hitters, which are as eflVetive i a larjje assortment oi; awmst malarial lever KHiay as tney ; wero in the days of the old Spanish Vicerovs. We guarantee the ingredi ents of the.se bitters Io be absolutely pure, and of the best known quality. A trial will satisfy you that this is the best bitter in lle world. "The proof of the pudding is in the eatimr,' and we willingly abide Ibis test. For sale by all druggists, grocers and liquor dealers. Order itl J.oeb& Co., agents for Astoria. A cough, cold or sore throat should be stopped. Xeglect frequently results in an incurable lung disease or consump tion. JJrown's iJronchial troches do not disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly on the in tlamed parts, allaying irritation, give relief in asthma, biouchitis. coughs, catarrh, and the throat troubles which singers and public speakers are subject to. For thirty years Jlrown's bronchial troches have been recommended by physicians, and alwavs give iH'rfeet satisfaction. Having "been tested b wideband constant use for nearly an en tire generation, they have attained well merited ranlc among the few staple remedies of the age. .Sold at 2T cents :i oox everywhere. Silicon's Citkk will immediately relieve Croup, whooping cough and Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi tive cure for Catarrh. IMntneria and Canker Mouth. Sold by W. . Dement. jROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. ' riTKNAMUS STREET. ASTORiA. mini HNnnusifiNKi) is pleased .to X announce to tlu-jpuhlU'lhat he lias op ened a FIRST :i,ASS JEScttn.& House , And fiiruMiPK m first -rlass itjle OVSTKKS, HOT COITKE TEA. 1CIC. T TIIK Ladies" and Gent's Oyster Saloon, CIIKNAMIIS STKKET. IMfU'.e give me a call. nOSCOKlDlXON, Proprietor B. 1$. FRANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, Corner Cass anil Squemonhe streets, ASTOKIA, ... - OREGON WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES AND IJNDKRTAIvKKS .GOODS. J3r cssmals-lng; i riuin ami Pnnej' ! SEWING OF ALL KINDS! nUs m:ile in the best Mlo from ?3 io $:o. j Satisfaction Guaranteed. JM.US. G1XX I-HX.X.ER. I Xet door to WWon TTome. ! Jell Boat 33tx:LLcIxi.&. WILLIAM HOWE Hsninslntelvretuniciirroiiiln-ifNliCohim- 1.1.0s to in-rmimiatifw OLD STAXI) IX CRAY'S r.l'II.DIN'C Where he is doing I'IKST-riiAfcS 1VOKK OXIiV. Dealer in HARDWARE IRON STEEL -U-O-ILU u iXIlli, 111U11, UJ.UJJJJ, Iron Pipe and Fittings, PLVAniEISS AND STEAM FITTKTiS Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SCALE? Constantly on luiul MUERY FOR SALE. mm: most completely FITTED Can JL nery on the Columbia lliver is for sale. With Boats and Machinery. An abundant siippb of FKESII WATER. Situated at Ilimgry Harbor, opposite Astoria. l'or nartictilars. apply to Allen ,t IwLs, Portland : J. Q. A. liowlby, Astoria, or J. Vst on the preuilscs. $100 REWARD!! vill iu: paid rpox infoumation 11 loading to the conviction of any party REFILLING- Peruvian Bitter Bottles. Tlie nanus or such persons round guilty will also be published iu every leading news paper. WILMERDIXG & CO., San Francisco, Cal., General Agents lor Permian Bltteis. LOED & CO., Agents Astoria. -H fJm A w t-i S g W Q o L r- am v m 1 " i S nn 5 1 m m 3flF 3 CD M MISCELLANEOUS. S. ARNDT & EERCHEN, ASTOlilA. - OUECON. The Pioneer Machine Shop .. AJfe iu..rivs.M i j ii ijj&p QUA IJ.i Boiler -Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORE rromptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, TOOT Or LAFAYETTE STKKET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Kenton Stiikkt, Kkah 1'aukri: Houak, ASTORIA, -lOKEfiON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANDlMARLNE ENGINES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. -- - -M-m i-m Of all ncscriptioiiH made to Order at Mhort Xollce. A. 1). "V.ss, 1're.siilent. J. (1. IIcsti.hr, Secretary. I. V. Cask, Treasurer. Johx Fox, Superintendent WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Main and Chonatnus Streots. ASTOItl A OBKOON PKALKR IU CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Tho Celebrated JOSEPH RODGERS St. SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other English Cutlory. STATIOHERYI FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. A line stock of WatehPH and Jewelry, Muzzle ami Hreeek Leadtus: Shol (Junt nut KltleN, Itevolverrt. PJtolH. suit AMiannltlon .HAK1KK IiASMKH AUSO a risv. Assortment or line SPECTACLES :uid EYE GliASSES. WAR IN 9KfiARRl WITHOUT FITHTJIKIt XOTICK And no terms of peace until every nmn in Astoria lias a now suit or clothes MAI1K BY JIKANV. Look at the prices : rants to order from - - $8 oo i-anis,uennineirencu trassimere - 12 00 Suits from - -- -- -2500 Tlie finest line of samples on the coast to select from. l JMEANY, Cass street, next to Hansen's Jewelry store LEATHERS RR0S ' raf mF8&&( ffiSfirf5 fSVHdErt& m , iioatrlii.ii:rs. lUM ANU LM1 ijlllJSiA, IIStairH over AR'DTAKRCIIRV8gEX TWINES- FIRST - CLASS WORK A SrKCIALTi'. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE!" " U 1 1 blOCK NOW On 11300 CxLstintr between Wflthprhin X: TlinniPH has been tnls day mutually dissolved. 3Ir. j Wctherbec retlnns on account of poor health. .Mr. Thomes will finish all unsettled business in Oregon. W. ii. -WETHERBEE. C. T. THOMES. Astoria, Oregon, Aug. 31, 18S2. dtd a z CO 52 22 gw o sw BUSINESS CARDS. Ijl '. HOLDEX, NOTARY PUBLIC, Al'CTlONKKK, COMMISSION AND 3UKAKCK AGEN1. K. jr. C. SIIAFTKR, rUVSll'IAN and SERGE9M. (DKUTSCHKR AK2T.) Diseases oftheTkraat8pe'lF. Office over Conn's Drag Store. QKLO F. PARKEK. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County, aa City r Astoria Ottlce r-Chenaraus street, "Y.M.C. A. hall, KoomNo.8. J. O. BOZORTH, V. H. Commissioner, Xtary PaWfc, aa fBiuraaee JLgeat Ageut tor theHnmburg-BrejnenTlw Ins. Co. or Hamburg, Germany, and of taa Trav elers' Life and Accident Ins. Co., of Hart ford. Conn.' wOfllco In-Fythian Building. Booms 11,1?. O I. WINTOH, Attorney and Counselor at Law. as-omce in Pythian Building. Kooms ll, S. ASTOKIA, ... - OSEGON. TAX TtTTIiK, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUEGXON OKKicK-Over the White House Store, Kksidenck OverElberson's Bakery, op posite Earth & Myers' Salooa. 4 Ii. KUITOX. M. . PhyMieiaa aaA Srgea. OFFICE Over A.V.AUe's grocery sie-. Rooms, at the Parker House. fcl P. HICK9, PENTI8T, AST01UA, - OKStKN i R00ms n Allen's building up stairs, coder 0I w""u sgeinocgne sireeia. I Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LA. Chcnanuw Street. - ASTOKIA. OSSUO W T. B1JH3IKY, " ATl'OBHEY AT LAW. May be found at the Court House. GL A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At C.ipt. Hogeri old stand, come ot Cs'J and.Court Streets. Ship mid Cannery work, Horseshoeui" Wagonn made und repaired, flood woiV Cleaning Repairing. NEAT. CnRAJ AND QUICK. BY UKOKUE LOVKTT, Main Street, opposite N. Loeb'a, HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock In Uteris Fireworks! Flags! Fruit Moth Foreign u IMeatJe Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, 0 B AN DOCK r Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply SALMON TWINE! i IfiAnir ivn mm i nmn HENRY DOYLE & CO., si 1 MrketHtrct. Saa Frmachtt , . 4 . 4. ,a . Sole Agents in the Pacific Coast 8c T 7 3 iff -