The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, September 10, 1882, Image 3

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She ipaxin sltu-smi,
pw i
Puget Sound Salmon.
The silver salmon this season
(Monday Jzcoitft(l'.
I'nui.i-nKHS ani l'KornnrrOi:".
AJiinun IjiiUdiiu, Cms Street.
Terms of Subscription :
etrcd Ijy Carrier, i-cr week. 'Si Conts
-r.i liy mail, four months .. .51 00
-cr.i by mail, one 00
Froe of Poslaee to Subscriber?.
; very small, hut the Chinook fish Are
correspondingly large. Near the
1SS2 1 moiitli of the Dumvanisli nver
the hay is literal! v dotted with
! canoes and bnats, the occupants of
which are engaged in fishing.
The ruling price now is live cents
1 each for good sized salmon, but as the
'season advances the price will decline.
Post -hitcHi'iciicr.
-ar .ilvf) tiaeinents insertoJ by the year at
is rare of SI 5'i ter square ior month.
Transient advertising, by the day or week,
'fty cent. ier square for ouch insertion.
rilK HAIL. ASTOK1AN Will ItC C7lt bf
maiiat'Sccntii a month, fricitf jKo-lacc. Heart
rr who covteM)tlclcnlicnccfrom the city can
utr Tnr. AsTOtriAN follow iltfm. Daily
or Wkkki.y fdttiotifi to any Vt-nfflcc icitii
out tultlitional expense. AMrctsc may be
znmiacd an often a ilexircA. Source order.- at
the couiittiiu ronm.
--Wish it would rain.
-School begins in district No
- Wild geese are Hying south; sea
gulls are coming into the bay.
The wool clip of Oregon for 82
will exceed 10,000,000 pounds.
The Oregon is due this morning.
The Columbia goes out to-day.
-40A pupils attend the Salem public
schoels: about the same as Astoria.
Wheat is f cents a bushel in
Walla Walla !)3". cents per cental.
- -The Corvallis f'azctte has the
best editorial on the senatorial ques
tion to hand so far.
Mrs. T.VS. .Ic-wctt goes below on
to-da3's steamer for a three month's
visit to Sants Cruz.
Capt. Flavcl, and A. .1. Meglcr,
go to Foley Springs to-morrow, for a
month's rest and recreation.
A busy day in Portland, and lots
of button-holing on the corners be
tween now and Monday morning.
Salem is afflicted with foot-pads
and sneak thieves. The fair attracts
that, class from every community.
Note the fact that J. J. Arvold
attends to the understanding, and has
a laitrc stock of boots and shoes now
on hand.
BJ Regular services at Grace Episco
pal church to-day, both morning and
evening. The Hector Mr. Wilson,
--A bill will be presented in the
next legislature providing for the es
tablishment of a paid fire department
in Portland.
- The Daisy will leave on to-morrow
morning (instead of Tuesday, as
j previously announced) to convey the
limHiiHippr nnd nnv otliprx intnrstid.
. --.. . j
to the Harrow's farm on Lewis and
Clarke's river. See "Notice to Jniend
ins Builders."
The usual religious service will be
held at the V. M. C. A. Hall this af
ternoon at a quarter to three, led by
Prof. 11. K. Warren of Portland.
Song service from Moody and Sankey's
Gospel Hymn. Cordial invitation
extended to all.
The experiments of WLair Hill
in Wasco count, with alfalfa, dem
onstrates that all tlte dry hills of East
ern Oregon and Washington will pro
duce alfalfa, which is probably the
most valuable forage plant known.
With that fact assured the capacity of
that region is greatly increased, and
its prosperity doubly assured.
Parties receiving and storing hay
cannot be too careful this dry weather.
Yesterday morning there could have
been seen a wharf strewn with hay,
and a man close by a bale smoking a
pipe, the wind blowing briskly at the
time. Astoria has been very lucky
about lircs; the present dry season
should make every cne doubly careful.
It may not be entirely out of
place to suggest to some of our sub
scribers and patrons that in cleaning up
their season's work, we should be glad
to have them lemembcr their lirtle in
debtedness to us. We have no use for
moncy,no bills to pay, and we are liever
asked for the wherewith: but never
theless, it would be a source of pleas
ure to have a few big silver dollars to
use for sinkers when we go fishing.
At the last meeting of the Asto
ria chamber of commerce a commit
tee, consisting of the president, vice
president, and secretary, was appoint
ed to meet the visiting beard of engi
neers, and tender them such assist
ance in the matter of data, statistics,
etc., as they may find of use or value
to them. Nothing formal is the in
tention; simply the usual courtesy in
such cases. A private letter received
yesterday afternoon, states that the
gentlemen comprising the board will
sail from San Francisco next Tues
day, which will make Thursday, the
14th, as the date of their arrival at
The following review of the Orogon
produce market, is from the Willa
mette Farmer, of Sept. 8th.
Harvest is well over, and h.mling to
mill or warehouse i being pushed
very rapidly to improve the dry weath
er. The gain is in excellent condition,
and will class with the best.
We have seen a simple of wheat
sold as white wheat, brought back
from Liverpool, on which the Liver
pool Corn Trade awarded damage of
almost 'Jca bushel, because therewete
a few grains of red-appearing wheat
in it. The shipper brought this sam
ple back io show here, and it appears
that it is redly the old white wheat of
the country, which li:t3 a flinty color
when ripened on wet land. It was, of
course, a mere catch to claim a deduc
tion on, but wo learn from it the ne-
eefcMtv of selecting good seed
A Sea Captain's Revenge. '
It has been often said that there is i
no despotism in the world equal ta
that exercised by tho captain of a ves
sel while at sea. This, of
course, doc3 not apply to yachts, for
the3e arc not registered vessels, but
sail nnder a license, and the captain ...
of such a craft conld bo discharged by , Coats. PaniS and OverCOatS,
the owner when in mid ocean if. for
., , , t n SOFT AX1) STIFF
anv reasou, the owner found fault
with lii3 management. Butuith mer- J
chant vessels, when once out of port.
Mei's, Youths and Boys
the authority of the captain is, by th e t " " ' '"""""""""
laws of every naiion, supreme. . 1-ALL stock ok
It is necessary thrt this should be
so. A ship, when at sea, reprints a j iTUroiSlling GOOOS I
number of different interoM; those ' -...
who own the vessel, thse who own
the cargo, those who insure tho hull
and its contents-, and there are the
lives of the crew, and ponibly of pas
senger. There must be a re.-qouii
curing clean fceed of gotd white wheat, j0jCj directing "head, armed with the
for the English buyer asserts that lie it,ai poW0P to enforce any order he
buys Oregon wheat to get the color nay th;nj. Ilt.Cti3S:u.y fr thl protec
pure white, and, if not so. will claim tion of tUepe different interests, and
nrniiF!: coats. UMRKKi.ias.
V.T( ,
1'JjOOO more people came into the
stato by way of tho Columbia river
than left it, during the year ending
.Tune :0th, '82. "
- i ncre will uc divine service on
boaial the British "bark Cordelia, lying
at Gray's dock, at 4 v. v., Rev. Mc
Cormac officiatin".
"The First National Bank" of
Salem will begin operations on the fust
of next month. Scotch capital is in
vested in the undertaking.
The steamer Clara Parker will
leave at nine o'clock this morning on
an excursion to Knappa, Clifton and
".West port, returning at 15 r. m.
Tier. T. W. Walters will preach
today at Congregational chuich at
11 a. m., and lecture to young peoplo
at 7:0 r. M. Sunday school at noon.
Uivino service at the usual hour
in the Presbyterian church this morn
ing. Sabbath school meets at 12:15.
There will be no service in tho evening.
The swift steamer Gen. Miles will
leave Gray's dock at four o'clock to
morrow morning for Garibaldi, and
Hobsonvillc, Tillamook couniy. The
expectation is to return to-moirow
- -W.
.i. I'arsons auvcrtises in a
paper to hand, that his wife Sarah
loft hmr two years ao. and if she
doesn't come back in one month he
will marry again. Our advice to Sa
rah is to stay whero she is.
To pay $10.75 freight from San
Francisco on a consignment of ico to
thin city, and have it carried to Port
land and then lugged down here again
is not a pleasant cxperiencc,but is only
one of many just such instances.
The public school at upper Asto
ria has seventy-three pupils in attend
ance. Rapid pi ogress in studies is
being made, and tho ability to so han
dle Mich a large school reflects great
credit on the ability of the teacher,
MissJL Allen.
The parties who took a tan terrier
away from a little girl on Thursday af
ternoon, had better re! urn the nniuiai to
George 1 Filler, atAsloria Brcwerv Sa
loon, and sae t.-oub'e.
2otce to Intending Ititlilcrs
Barrows Farm and Dairy Stock at
auction on Friday, .September 1.1th.
E. C. Ilolden, auctioneer, will visit the
jitiiu iti wiu Aieiiiiier jsaisy, ior me pur
pose of cataloguing the stock, lo-mon ov
morning leaving warren & jealous
wharf at 8 A. ai. Intending bidders are
invited to accompany him to examine
the farm and .stock preparatory to the
auction sale, which will positively take
place on next Friday at 11 a. m
By the last steamer Gustav Hansen,
the jeweler, received a consignment of
guitars, violins, accordions, guitar ami
violin strings, etc.. which are of fine
quality and sold at low price.
Physicians" prescriptions carefully
compounded day or night at .1.
Conn's drug More, opposite Occident
Mrs. A. Malcolm ha received a
fine stock of ladies" wear, selected in
San Francisco by 31 r.s. Derby, and has
also secured the services of a first-class
milliner. Lace ties. etc.. of fashionable
style and reasonable prices.
Adler has a large lot of school books
on hand, and will supply your children
at low prices.
Mr. C. II. Cooper intends to leave
about the 15th of this month for San
l'rancisco to be m time for the arrival
of the latest Eastern and European im
portations. P. J. Goodman, on Clienanius street,
has just received the latest and most
fashionable style of gents and ladies
boots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for
the famous Morrow .shoes.
The whcaC market is duli heie, ex
cept that some exporters have to pro
vide cargoes for ships they have char
tered, and so sustain the market. One
house gives 81.55 percental as the top
of the market; another puts it at
$1,571, and all agree that the situation
is so uncertain that there is no de
cided price for anything, as no cargo
am be bought and shipped here for
what English orders will allow.
The English market remains about
as it has been; slight fluctuations and
no excitement. Crops are usually
good the world over, and prices can
not become high, though an active
demand may come up, and freights
may come down enough to help the
fanner's prices. One charter was
closed here lately an .iron ship for
tlte L'nitcd Kingdom at GOs. Another
ship is supposed to bo just chartered
at 57s Gd per ton. At San Francieco,
3esterda3, iron sliips for U. K. were
chartered at 51s :d, and a wooded
vessel for 50s 3d per ton. It is thought
tonnage will be considerably lower
there; a shipper here says that freights
should come down to 50s. in the Co
lumbia river. So we live in hope, and
the wheat growers of this valley are
expectant that cheaper freights will
come and create a better market.
But while some look for lower tonnage,
some ship owners are homing tor a
rise in freights. We hear of some
that refuse charters under G5.
Comparing the wheat market now
with last spring, we find that an
April shipment of Walla Walla wheat
brought 49s per quarter, while orders
now for the same wheat will not come
within five shillings of that price.
The freight market helps to keep
prices up. Good valley wheat may be
quoted at $1.55(5.1.571 por cental.
Some time since an oiler of $1,521 for
a choice lot of Walla Walla wheat was
declined. The season's crop in the
vicinity of Walla Walla is excellent,
but wheat crown up bnakc river is
more or less shrunken.
On Wednesday a cargo of California
wheat sold in Liverpool at 42s Gd per
quarter, which is four shillings less
than current rates for good Oregon
this authority could be lodged no
where but with the captain. His
judgment may be at fault, but if at
the end cf a voyage he ci.u mike
oath that he considered what he did
to be necessarj', for the protection of
the interests intrusted to his keeping
it is almost impossible to punish him
for his mistakes. An example of
this arbitrary power was given some
years ago by the captain of a mer
chant vessel sailing from one of our
Atlantic porta. The ship w:is bound
on a voyage to the west - coa3t of
South America, and her owner invit
ed one or two of his friends to go
down the bay in her and return in
the pilot boat. When outside the
weather became somewhat threaten
ing, aud the pilot boat was not im
mediately on hand. The captain had
long cherished a grudge against the
owner, aud saw in the situation an
opportunity of revenging himself.
In spite of commands and then of
appeals made for the owner, Itis
friends and the pilot, ho put the
vessel upon her course and stood out
to sea. His involuntary passengers
were, of course, in a wretched stato
of mind, coming, as they did, wholly
unprepared for a voyage around Cape
Horn, and very well aware that their
relatives and friends would have
doubts as to their existence. This
led the owner to resort to measures
which tho captain construed to be
mutinous, and hence he had the for
mer placed in confinement, while-the
entire party, with the exception of
the pilot, were treated very much as
if they had been common sailors, so
far as their food supply was concerned.
When the ship arrived at her port of
destination the captain was instantly
disrufcsed; hut that was all the pun
ishment that could be iuilicled on
T1ip l:ovt viork or tine
KoreijiH and Amerieaii
Beavers, Cloths, Piques,
Worsted, Diagonals,
Cassimeres and Pilot Cloths
d. a. Mcintosh,
Tailor and Clothier. - Occident Block.
To Parcnls.
KuoatH tn Kent.
Four commodious rooms over Carl
Adler: look stoie. Inquire of Carl
Adler or Capt. Hustler.
Send your children to Carl Adler for
their books and where tlie. get a blot
ter, blntc pencil, ruler, ehroiuo, and pho
tographs of all the Presidents or ilie
r'nited Slates, gratis.
If you want nice fresh lard, or good
.sugar-cured hams, just from the coun
try go to F. B. Elbersoifs bakerv.
-Fabre's ice cream is the best.
Sparkling Eyes.
Rosy cheeks and clear complexion
only accompany good health. Par
ker's Ginger Tonic better than any
thing, makes pure, rich blood, and
brings health, joyoiiB spirits, fdrcngth,
and beauty. Ladies try it Imuir.
Win ake wi: SicK?--lJccau3o we
allow the Liver, the Rowels, and the
Kidneys, these great organs, to be
come clogged or torpid, aud poisonous
humors are forced into the blood.
Expel them by using Wi. Pitnukk's-
Oregon Uloou runner.
Sold and recommended by all deal
ers Family medicines.
Fresh ice cream every dav at Frank
Fabre's. Families supplied in any
nuanlitv bv leavlns oruer. Also the
iinest oy.stcrs cooked to order. Frank
Fabres oysters and iee cream are known
everywhere as par excellence.
After 'iviug the Oregow Blood
PuniriKK a fair trial, I have found,
that as a blood purifier and rcconstruc
tor, it is what it claims to be, and
gladly recommended.
A. Lkvijjoson.
-Gel vour school books at Carl
Adler's. "
All lx:oks used in the public schools
of tne county, for sale at Call Adler.
II. It. liitt
lias completed his elegant fall stock of
dresses and cloaks, lly sending size of
bust, length of sleeve, skirt, waiM aud
under arm. be will semi C. (. I., dresses
from 510 upwards: dolmans from ".
Address: II. P..I.m
Cor. Third and Alder. Port land. Or.
I have no clear
ance sale this fall my
friends, the fisher
men got away with
nearly all my stock
of snmmev goods.
My stock is fresh,
choice and complete
in Fall and Win
ter Styles of Cloth,
Clothing, Overcoats,
Furnishing Goods,
Hats, Cap;
and Shoes.
sell ready made or
made to order in the
finest and best style,
and when a man
buys a garment in
my store it fits well
and is satisfactory.
.My prices are be
yond a doubt the
lowest to be found in
town, the best value
for your money.
M. 1). KANT,
I will
For the next 30 Days
Unparalleled Bargains ! !
Dry Goods and Clothing !
to be sold at a GREAT REDUCTION!
These Goods are of the VERY BEST QUALITY,'
and are offered at remarkably
Iiow Prices
Previous to the arrival of our FALL STOCK. - .
Let every one call and be convinced that we mean
business, and that goods of the same quality were never
before offered at such low figures.
T1SS'A11 the Upper Town busses will stop at this
store each -way.
Astoria, August 23, 1S82.
Ho-. Merchant Tailor. Ilntlcr and
A Delicious Appetizer.
That ensures digestion anil enjoyment
of food; a fonic that brings strength
to tlte weak and rest to the nervous;
:i harmless diarrhea cure that don't
constipate just what every family
needs Parker's Oinwr Tonic.
Happy Greeting to AU !
The Empire Store
Xi'.vtDoor io tin- Pylhimi Untitling
Is now open with a wry ".clot't and complete stock of
Ladies' and Children's Shoes.
A Farm For Sale.
A Farm of TJO acres with a overn
nient title, a good orchard, and iin;rove
ments, for ale. Terms part cash, part
Astoria city property, the balance in
one or two years. Enquire at the teal
estate and intelligence agency, Main
street. Hax Ki:lt.i:iiki:. Agt.
For Thirty lajN.
Fresh fruit received at O. A. "Mnv's lv
every steamer. Xo Male trash. 1'verv
variety of Oregon and California fruit
always on iianu.
Remember Frank Fahre's icecream
Itis par excellence.
Highest price paid for old web and
junk. Cum-. Evaxox.
lm Inquire of Foard & .Stores.
dust" received per North Hend, a
argc invoice, of parlor and cook stoves
at .John A. Montgomery's.
For the next thirty days, preparatory
to gointt below for a fresh stock of nov
elties. I will sell any article in my store
at as low a price, as it could be bought
at retail in .s:in rrancisco.
If you want a irood suit of clothes,
ready made or made to order, call and
see Mcintosh, Occident block.
What is nicer on a warm day than a
dish of that exquisitely llavored ice
cream that Frank Fabre makes ?
-A Nasal Injector Iree with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh. Remedy.
Trice ."iO cent. Sold by W, E. Dement.
Shiloh's Cukk will immediately
relieve Croup, whooping cough and
f'ronehitis. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Dipthcria and
Canker Mouth. .Sold by . E. Dement.
Shipper & Rbkc. No. 11, Oak street
Portland, are the bon ton tailors of the
Mr. John Rogers ofthc. Central Mar
keL, has made arrangements to keep al
lie iinest rrcsn tisii, etc., in tlicir season
Fresh taffy and caramels evocy day
at the Astoria Candy Factory, Main St.
Oerk-witz & Classes.
To all who are sutfering from the
enor and indicretions of youth, nerv
ou; weakness, early decay, loss or man
hood, etc., 1 will .send a recipe thatill
cure you FREE OF CHARGE. Tftis
great remedy was discovered by a mis
sionarj in South America. Send a self
addressed envelope to.the Rev. Joskimi
T. I x.m ax. Station 1, New York City.
Deatn to Parasites.
WLnh hide between the "inn and
teeth and eat into them to their do
.stnietion. SOZODONT is master of the
situation. Whoever uses it regularly
after each meal, and cleanses his teeth
and mouth will oon be rid of the para
?-Tlerks conversant with the English, German, Scan
dinavian and French languages will be in attendance.
In offering to everyone throughout the
land a trial boitle of Syrurr of Figi free
or charge the California Fig Syrup
Company is fully aware that it were
folly to do so if the new remedy did not
possess greater merit than any other ar
ticle ever offered ;s a cure for bilious
ness and constipation. Rut knowing
that every dose will convince the one
who takes it of its efficacy, arid make
another friend tor the remedy which is
destined to become universal, they wish
even-one to try it. Mr. W. E. Demenr,
Druggist is agent for Astoria.
Hod.-?e Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents,
Portland Oregon.
Astoria, August '20, lAf.
In the Whole Ilixtory if aioilirim
No preparation has ever performed
such marvelous cures, or maintained ho
wide a reputation, as Avnr.'s Ciir.nnv
PnCTor.AL, which is recognized as the
world's remedy for all diseases of the
throat and lungs. Its long-continued
scries of wonderful cures in all climates
has made it universally known as a cafe
and reliable agent to employ. Against
ordinary colds, which are the forerun
ners ol more serious uiMruci, il ici
.speedily ami surely, always relieving
suffering, and often saving life. The
protection it affords, by its timely use in
throat and sliest disorders, make it an
invaluable, remedy to be kcpt'always on
hand in every home. No person can
afford to be without it, and thoewho
have once used it never will. From
their knowledge of its composition aud
effects, physicians use the Citr.miv
Pi;ctoi:ai. extensively in their practice.
and clergymen recommend n. It is Fo, Dyspepsia andlivcr Complaint,
absolutely certain in its remedial effects, vnl. i.aYC x 1ri,,ir.i .n,arantcc on every
and will always cure where cures are'j .,,,. of shiloh- Yitalizer. It never
possible. j fails to cure. Sold by V. E. Dement.
1 Uli a.VliL lil .lili UI.AI.I.It. I .
The Rev. Ceo. II. Thayer, of Bour
bon, Intl.. saws: "Roth myseit ami wne
owe our lives'loSmr.ou's Coxsiwptiox
Ci-uk." Sold by W. E. Dement.
M. MEYER Proprietor.
Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry
always at hand. It cures coughs colds,
bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in
fluenza, consumption, and all throat and
lung complaints. 50 cents and.Sl a bottle.
Less Quantities, - - 30 Cents per Cation
Bottled Beer, - SI 50 per Dozen
STSpeclal attention paid to order Irora Public Houses and Famllle.".
School books at Adlcrs, cheap and
durable, all kinds. A full stock.
Orders Ml at tna OERMANIA P.EERHALL will be promptly attended to.
" &
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