0) 5?"- JUii 1 0flftlt Vol. xvh. Astoria, Oregon. Sunday Morning, September 10, 188 No. 139. Tpr m I Wk 1 3L r he How a New Hampshire Woman Lived on $j0 a Year. In the Woman's Journal "T. V. II."' relates the story of a Xew j iiampslnrc . woman, wJiq by the.er.-to inspect the section of the sudden loss of her little invested property had remaining only an old farmhouse and some land. "The sufferer was wholly alone in the world, had a paralyzed arm, and was threatened with blindness. The only work which her enfeebled condition permitted was in the way of knitting and making aitificial flowers; by these two arts she eould earn 15 annually." Iler whole available income was $40. She appropriated one-fourth of it for reading. Tn her own account of her life she says: "In very cold spells I took a warm freestone and crawled into bed. 1 was too- ill to work, and thus to do saved firewood. I would put mittens on my hands and read awhile, and when the room became loo cold for this, cover all up and think over what I had read. This saved me in a degree from ener vating myself still further by fruit less poring over poverty and pri vations." As fcr foed: "Onc-fourth-pound of meal, one cent; one fourth pound of dried beans, one and a half cents; two cents j worth of salt pork four and a half cents in all would support me a day and half very well. This was my usual fare .three days but of seven. Three cents' worth of barley, boiled with two cents' worth of butchers' trimmings and three cents' worth of potatoes, would make wholesome nourish ing for two days and go a loner way toward supporting existence. j made a considerable use of rice and baked fish. In cold weather a pound of oatmeal cooked on Monday would serve as dessert through the week. Some times I had a gilt of milk and then 1 feasted like an epicure. Xow and then had some kind of a vegetable, as a beet or a turnip, and from time to time I boujrht a few cents' worth " of butchers' scraps, more to season food than to be food. Once a month I indulged in a baking of doughnuts, or got a pound of lard and fried an eating of doughnuts, about six, one at a time in a tin cup over my oil-stove." The con trivances for clothing were curi ous. The writer says: "There could be no reductions beyond hers, for she literally bought noth ing in the way of clothing what ever. So she lived, so to speak, on tiic past on the wrecks of her own clothing and other people's. She made a whole suit out of an old straw bed ticking, combined with the fragments of a pair of overalls that some workman had left on the premises; these she cut into strips, and made, she declares, a very stylish trimming. She un raveled old, worn-out, homespun undergarments, and made yarn which she knit into stockings. She had fifteen mottoes in the house made on white muslin and cotton flannel; these she boiled clean and had a supply of material for un dergarments, being the first per son, probablv, who discovered a real use for 'mottoes.' She found behind a closet door an old over coat of hor father's, out of whose quilted lining of black lasting she made for herself a cloak that look ed like quilted satin. The ques tion of hats or bonnets was easily settled; she wore none for three years. As for shoes, the inexhausti ble lining of the father's overcoat provided ber with slippers which wore better than leather." Two Indiana men built a skiff in a cellar, where the air was com fortably cool, and then worked thfee'days in the broiling sun dig ging it out. Commissioners' Report- St pAUJj g H w Scott, A. ft. Johnson and John P. Sanborn, government commissicn- Northern Pacific from Glendivc to Billings, leturncd to St. Paul to-day. They report the road as constructed in the most scientific manner and of the best material. They believe it is a good roadbed and will recommend that it be re ceived by the government. They were more particularly struck with the rapidity of construction. S,000 men are at work on the western divison and 7,u00 on the northern. Track is being laid at the rate of 1 miles per day west of Billings, and work is in progress on the roadbed the whole dis tance. Grading will be com pleted this season ami only track laying will remain to do next year. At the end of this season there will be only 300 miles of road to finish. From Portland to Puget Sound the. road is being pushed rapidly, and at the end of the 3'ear will be completed to Colum bia river, !. miles from Portland. The road will be completed next year soon after completion of the main line. Dusr mixed with air is found to oe, under certain conditions, .ii dangerous explosive. Thus, if a large log of wood were ignited, it might be a week before it would be entirely consumed; split up into cord wood and piled up loose ly, it would, perhaps, burn in less than an heur: cut into shavings and allow a strong wind to throw them into the air or in any way keep tho chips coinparattvelyvell separated from each other and the log would perhaps be consum ed in two or three minutes; but if ground up into fine dust or powder and blown in such a manner that each particle is surrounded by air, it would burn in less than a second. F. Ilartless died at his residence near Philomath, Benton county, Or., on September 3, 1SS2. lie was born in Rockbridge county, Ya., February 2d, 1816, being in his GUh year at the tune of his death. "When quite young he re moved with his father to West Virginia, where he at an early age was left an orphan. lie subse quently removed to Missouri, where he was married, and came to Oregon with his family in 1S4G. Mr. Hartless resided for a short time at Oregon City, and in 1S18 located upon a farm in Benton county, where he resided until the time of his death. J udge Edward A. Thomas dis cusses in the North American Review, the value of oaths in courts. Tn his judgment the oath should be entirely dispensed with, as doing more harm than good. He declares that the conscientious man will toil the truth "when legally called upon to do so, as thoroughly without the oath as -with it, and that dishonest per sons are seldom restrained by the utmost solemnity of form. In short, he believes that the oath has lost its force as a restraint, and is merely the formula of an exploded snperstition. The stage of an Idaho theater took fire the other evening, but a panic and rush for the door was averted by the manager, who, with great presence of mind, slipped to the front and said: "Ladies and gentlemen, we have prepared a little surprise for you. An im mense kettle of whiskey punch is now heated, and in a few moments waiters will pass through the hall and distribute it." After that the audience had to be pulled out one bv one. Arkansas Election. Chicago, Sept. 8. Little Rock special: Returns are slow and not over a fifth of the state is heard from. The final result will fill 1 U4III WAl" J ,4lli fjllltlf- W(. . show that Republicans have in- molaxcs i.ivkk pills, r Jmw (in creased their vote forty per cent.' i!ie!ymwcTOifromin.vrouryca?v t.fiu-- . , i ini- All who know inawnndM hour I. over anv previous vote and have who, for -o many year, had no npjltc. doubled their numbers in the ' legislature and by supporting the independent and greenbackers have almost, if not quite, secured an opposition majority. They also have one and perhaps two con gressional districts. Reports of bulldozing frauds continue to eome Constantinople, Sept. 8. Lord DufTerin is still awaiting in structions from England before signing i( draft, of the Anglo Turkish military convention. It is believed improbable any ob stacle will arise to prevont formal signing of the documents. Orders have been dispatched to Suda Bnj to have Turkish troops prepare to embark for Egypt. Shanghai, Sept. S. The diffi culty between Japan and Corea has been arranged. Corea has agreed to pay 500,000 as com pensation to Japan and 50,000 to relatives of the murdered Japan ese subject. A Foolish Girl. A few months since Miss Ada Deyo, a pretty and accomplished white girl in New York state, broke her engagement with an estimable voung man to run a way with a negro who had been work ing .on her fathers farm. They could find no minister to marry t-liem until uhc hud blanked herself witlreork'and passed for a negrcss. She is now -an inmate of a poor house in an adjoining county. "When asked why she left her dark-skinned husband, she cried and .said: "ou see, as lonsr as they kept coming to see us, and everybody was excited about our marriage, John was very kind to me. lie protected me from in quisitive people, kept up my cour age, and appeared to love me as 1 did him. But he gradually chang ed, and after our little boy was born he was never the same. Finally, he failed to support me, and, as 1 was unable to work for myself, I came here." Her father has repeatedly offered her a home if she would only leave the negro Sampson. The Italian government owns all the railroads in Italv, but it finds the investment, unprofitable. A commission reports that rates arc now lotver than the average in five European countries. In ad dition, the appointment of .Vl.OOO mil road officers, even by com petitive examinations, is a griev ous strain on the public adminis tration. The latest device for swindling is under cover of an adverrti6e ment, "To those just married or contemplate marriage," promising to send for one dollar, to any ad dress, "carefully sealpd and secure from observation, a work which no newly married couple should be without, etc.'' Hundreds of letters came, each containing the dollar. To each address was sent a cheap Testament, costing, with postage, about ten cents. And it would be hard to sav wherein it "did not fill the bill." General Garfield, careful man that he was, kept a letter book. It is believed that his letter book contains a good deal of solid, tor ment for some noisy people who arc not ashamed to pirouette over his srravc. The purity and elegant perfume of Parker's Hair Balsam explain the popularity of this reliable restorative. A LETTER FROM BHIM ANY. -ti i.nN.Jaiiuarj , SL V r. -UHiiiil Mi": Tin- pKti- niir I.Uor Piils 2:ii vnilfl fi.rih here L wonderful. Aftt-rJ:i''iii; one in my ddc. and wneral 'sTnhineh .-tin- plaint, could have recovered. An old ladyln our city, who fta&i'tonil for many years from kidney lNe.e mitl the doc-tors had given liur up, twit. :uif your Pills, anil got more re":er ilia if h ha-J from all the doctor. Your- ii t . J. VON IM-:i: l!l I'M. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are neer sugar-cfwletl.i Every box has a red wax seal on the Hi', with the Iinnres,don : McLmie' I.Uvr Fill. The genuine McLANEVS lavi'K PILT.S hear tho signature -pf-C. MeT-ini. and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper?. Insist upon having the genuine IML I. aicLAXC'S UVKK PILLS, prepan-d hr Fleming Ilros., of Pittsburgh, Pa.. :! market being full of imitation of iiu name McLane. spelled illflcrcntlj, tun r same pronunciation. If vonr storekeeper does not h:ie m? genuine JDK. ;. 3rcLANK'.j CM.1U BKATKD LIYKK PIIXS, send u si cents, and wc will send yon a box i m- i , and a set of our advertising card. FLEXING BROS., fm-tltm-g-li. Pa. A. M.j JOHNSON, ii:ai.kk i SHIP CHANDLERY. Groceries. Provisions, Cheese, BUTTER, ECCS, ETC. CANNED fSOODS OF ALL KINDS. I Blocks, Hemp and Manilla Ropes. Salmon Net Twines, ' Drilling, Jib Hanks, Clew Irons, Thimbles, Mast Hoops, An-l all oilier tiring nccilnt to lit oiit essrls or all kinds. XKXT DOOK TO PTITIAX HAU. hfc STOMACH & SITTERS That terrible, scoureo fever and attic, suiri iU convener, bilious remittent, beside affee- ' tions of tho stomach, liver and bov? el-, pro ' catcd and prevented by the u.-e of Jlo.-tctter's ilucod bv miasmatic air anil water, are cr.uli Momnch lSittcrs. a purely vegetable-elixir, indorsed by physician', and more extensively ued as a remedr for tho ubove clas l dis order, a well aj for many other, than any mcdicinoofthoacc lor sale by all Driu.wt and Dealer- senerally. Peruvian Hitter Cincbonn Kulira. TI10 Count Cinehoi) was tlu Spanish t Viceroy 111 IVru in 1(?K). Tin C'ountcs?, his wife, was prostrated by an intermit- j ii'ilfc ic.Ut iumii luin ii run- ni; iirni us vian bark. or. as it was called in tin lancuaccot the country. 'Quiuo.uina.' Grateful for her recovery, mi her return I to Europe in 3(W, she introduced the remedy in Spain, where it was known under various name.', until Linuams called it Cinchona, in honor of the lady who had brought them that wh?h was more precious than the gold 0r uK. incas. To this dav, after a lapse, of two hun dred and iifty years, science ha jiven ns nothing to take its place. It I'nVelu ally cures a morbid appetite for stimu lants, by restoring tlio natural tone of the stomach. It attacks excessive love of liquor as it does a fever, and destroys bothalike. The powerlul tonic virtue of the Cinchona is preserved in the Peruvian Uiltcrs, which are as effective against malarial fever to-day : they were in the days -of. tlie .old Spanish Yiceroj-s. We guarantee the ingredi ents of these bitters to W ab.-olutely pure, and of tlie bet known ijualitj. A trial will satisfy you that this is tho best bitter in the world. "Tlie proof of j iuu lumutug is in iiu: eaiing, auu we willingly abide, this test. For sale by all druggists, grocers"ana liquor dealers. Order it. J.oeb fcCo.,agcnts for Astoria. Mothers! 3Iothcr!! .llotkrrs! ! I 1 Arc you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth'.' If so, goat once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, it will relieve the poor littlu suf ferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. Then is not a mother on caith who has ever used it, who will not tell von at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child.operatinglike magic. It is -perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is Use pre scription of one ot tiie oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. I urtSTETTEfiv p CttEWWTED l f iROSCQE'S FIRST CLASS Oyst-r Saloon. CHEXAMfS STitEKT, A STOMA. milE t'NDKUSUSNEO IS PLEASED TO JL announce to theJpuMio that he has op-j encil a PIKST (,'ZiAKS JE2mttrs ZOIoujso , Viid fnnii-ln in first-ela- t I- OVSTl'.U-J. HOT COFFEE TEA, KTC. AT TIIK Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon. CHKXAMUS STREET. r Vlen.se give me a call. ItOSCOKlDIXON, Proprietor B. R FRANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, m Corner Cass and Squeinoqlie strecta, ASTOUIA, --.- OREGON DKALKR IN WALL PAPER AXI) WINDOW SHADES AND U NDHIITAKKIIS .GOODS. Dressm gtfcc1 n s I'luiji am! Fnnej SEVIWG OF ALL KINDS! Knits made lr. tin lest .sllo from 5."i to So. Satisfaotion Gnarantoed. MliS. G-EO. I-IILLER. Xe. door l Weston House. JeH Boat !Q-uJJLc3.1xxa?. . . i -Tf '-. WILLIAM HOWE I InU:::; lately letunieil from ltrUbltColum li:t. Is to ! found at liU OJ.l STAXll IX fiKAVS P.PILDIN'c: When lie e doing !'i::s'r-'i..tNK work oxijY. 'MAGXli C. (IROSBY, Iral r In HARDWAEE, IRON, STEEL, iron Pipe and Fittings, ? . . , I'U' M llhllh AM) M JiA.M ! I ITKU.S Goods and Tools, J .. . . . . . . . . ' SMFFT I FAD STRIP I FAD tOnCLI LCHU Olllir LCHU j SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER, n4 oiuvc&t 8 ui fiurc auu nuuc ntfAA sin W4iMf nnri Uaiiaa furnisbing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER PLUMBING aii'l STEAM FITTING Done with neatness ami dispatch, NiHii'tjut ilit elas workmen employed. A l.ire asMirlmuist o SCALE? ('(instantly on IihiuI GINNERY FOR SALE. mm: MOST COM PI.ETIirA FITTED Can A ncr on tlie Columbia Itlver is for sale. With Boats and Machinery. An abundant Mipply ot FKESII "WATEU. Situated at linnrj Harbor, opposite Astoria. For iiarticulars, aiinlv to Allen it 1 Portland : J. (. A. lVwlby, Astoria, "West on the premises. LewU, or J. SlflO REWARD!! WILL 1!E PAID UPON' IXI-'OKMAT.ION IT leading to the eouviction or any party KEFILLTNCr Poruvian Bitter Bottles. Tne unities ol -.ucb persons found Kuilly will also be published in every leadiiiR new? Iianer. - W1LMERDIXG & CO.. San Francisco, Cal., (ieneral Agents lor Peruvian Bltteis. LOEB & CO., AGents Astoria. H'si - - "sSfstvC--vtreJivs z CO ;o r i o "- 2 " m 2 Z s c g m 9 Z -s CD o O IISCELLANEOUS. S. ARNDT & EERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OKEGOX. The Pioneer Machine Shop 1 8HOP Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AXD STEAMBOAT WORE Promidly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STKEET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Brntox Strekt, Xeai: Pakkkij Hovsk, ASTORIA. -: 01JECOX. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANBiMARlNE ENGINES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a specialty. T1 A, SaT"T"r-T.ia '- Ofnll IPhTiptIonM iual to Order at Whort Aotice. A. I. AVAhS. President. .1. ir. 11c.STi.Kit, secretary. I. V. C'Afii:, Treasurer. John' Fox, SuperintendenL WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Mnin and Chenamua Streets, ASTORIA ORKOO.N UKALKK IS t CIGARS AND TOBACCO.j The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LU ami other Knslish Cutlery. STATIONERY ! FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. A line, stock of ( WnteliCM anil Jeivelry. Muzzle antl Krecrh foading Shot Gunx mid ItltlCH. Itevolvci-H. PlMtOlN, t and Ammunition f JIAUIXK ALSO A kink; Assortment of line SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES. WAK IK lr.CIiAICKI WITHOITT FITRTIIKR XOTlF. VV-j Atid no terms of peace until ever man inAMoiia hainnew nlt of clothes 3LIDI: JIV 3IKAXY. Iiokat the piices: Pants to order from -Pants, Genuine French Casslniere -Suits from ----. S CO 12 60 Tlie finest line of samples on tho coast to select from. p. j. .MEAN Y, Cas3 street, next to Hansen's Jewelry store LEATHERS BrttS., o uu BOAT BU'LDERS. Up Sta'.rw over ARXDT & FKCIIK.'S FIRST -CIASS WORK A SPECIALTY. Dissolution Notice. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFOKE existing between Wetherbcc & Thqnies has been this day mutually dissolved. Sir. Wetherbec, retiring on account of dooi" health. 3Ir. Thomes will finish all unsettled business in Oregon. W. II. WETHERBr-E, C. T. THOMES. Astoria, Oregon, Aug. 31, 18S2. titd &?smi iTZx&j'mfri'- 4m ifvi mrxt-mx efb.-Lii"& h'k 2 Lm -t z gn5 Szj sg 59 Was 2sIg r . & o b BUSINESS OAEDS. P V. HOIiDKX, NOTABY PUBLIC, APCTIOXEEK, COMMISSION AND. SU RAXCE AQENI. TK. .1. V. snAFTEK, l'HVHICIAX BHd 8CmEN.- (OKUT3CHER AKZT.) DiMease.s oftkeTkreatmSycclalt-. Office over Conn's Drug Store. GE, PARMEK. SURVEYOR OF Clataep Couaty.aaA City f Asteti Olflcc :-Chenanui3 street, Y. M. C. A. ball, ltoomXo.8. T O. BOZORTH, V. a. CnminlAHleaer, Notary PaMle, aad iRsuraace Ateat Agent lor tlieIInraburK-BremenFireIns.Co. of Hamburg, Germany, and ot the Trav elers' Life and Accident Ins. Co., ot Hart ford. Conn. crOfflce in l'i thian Building. Booms 11, 12. Tjl 1. WINTOH, Attorney and Counselor at buv. irOffice In Pythian Building. Rooms U.'ia. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. JAY TUTTIiK, M. I. PHYSICIAN AND SUROKOM OFFicr.-Over the "Whit House Store. ItKsiOKNOK OverElberson's Bkkerr)li- posno tinnu jnyen L HLTOX, I,.v PavHlelkii Mi4t'f OKPicT5cTreiCA.y:AIIV Kooms, at we i-p r. uTcms, , " PENTlSTi , m-is lr i.r -.-.j- n 0 fj aoiuiUA, - UIWV4 .j t Booms in Allen's bulldiag up stau,w,r. "fiSJ 01 uass ana qeiuocqne streeu. r z 1 J . . A. BOWLBY. ATTOICNEY AT LATV. CiiciKunux Street, - ASTORIA. 08EUOH y T. UUKXEY, " ATTORNEY AT LAM'. .May be found at the Court House. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHiNG, j At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of C? nnUtUouri aireeu. Ship and Cannery work,, norsesboeiiu:. Wagons made and repaired. Good mute Kiiaranteed. Cleaning Repairing. NEAT. CHEAP AND QUICK, BY GKOKUE JiOVKTT, Main Street, opposite N. Loeb'a. HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock in Astoria Fireworks! Flags! Fruits Both Foreign u-ui JateUr Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORXEfi, 0 K AKMCK Barbour's i No. 40 IB-Ply SALMON TWINE! CORK m LEAD LINES, SEINE TWINES- A Full Stock Now on Hand, I HENRY DOYLE 4 CO., . SI 1 Market tret, Sa rrataeiiW Solo Agents for tho Pacific Coast. A 4 l . '."?