.-."-i-H-r --i-r -- " - rV ff - ". Vr co .r -SSaK&&& - jgfo nJlg i0m ASTORIA. OREGON: SATURDAY... -SEPTEMBER 9, 1S82 COMMERCE AND TRADE. FORT OF ASTORIA. ARRIVALS FROM SKA. Astoria 1395 New York September S Cordelia 593 Newcastle X S V Sept G John O'Gaunt, Br sh Sydney NSW Sept 3 Enropa. Nor. eh Adelaide September 1 Idaho, fcs S F August S) Nebo, Br. sb. Adelnide. Auk 2S City of Sparta. Br sh Adelaide Austst 27 Scottish Chieftain, i-ibcria August 28 Viola 5S3 Newcastle N S V Ausnst 2! Boldon, CSS Liverpool ria Victoria AugnU IB. Banffshire. BrbV Fiji August H . Afton. BrbkAdclaido August 1: JVTMarr. AmMj N YAucust 13 Leucadia Br sh Newcastle Aug 11 Mandtl&r Brbk Adelaide Anz II SAILED. Annie Johnston. PSTAin bkll&ll. L'.reipnol Srpt Wol fe Br bk Livcrpooir Sept 2 Wallacetown. Brsh Lirerpool August 29 Ulwell Amsh 1161 Lirerpool August 2 Glengarry. Br bk London August 2fi H tines Ci Bnin Br bk Queenstown Aug 2, VESSELS OS THE VTA Y. JFroai Forcfsu PortH. forllir Colnniltin Kivcr Palawan. Br bk Cork -JAuckland.Br sh Havre Dec 23 Annie Frost. Brsh 'Wellington I)tct Avcnir. Tr bk Rio Mar 8 Antonio. Dutch bk Liverpool April 21 Banksfield, Brbk Liverpool Hay 12 Caller On. Br bk London Ma 21 O boron. Br bk Liverpool May 9 Tiger. Br bk Shanghai April 7 ilindora, Br bk Bio June 2 Sarah Beli.Brbk Otngo Cumbrian. Br sh Sjdney Grace Gibson. Br 1-k Liverpool Jennie Landless. Br sh. Liverpool. Aug S) Selene. Br sh. Plymouth. Aur 20 Jas. Livesay. Brsh, Liverpool, Pcnshaw. Brbk. Batavis. Beatrice. 52 Havener, Am bk Yokohama June 14 KuldaffiSHull June 7 Bodrjddan.S?! Liverpool Starch I via Victoria Glengaber 053 Liverpool vi Honolulu Jlityts Kylomoro 1193 Liverpool May 17 From American Port. Harvester. Brbk N IYb? Cacscra. Br sh N Y April C Corsica, Am sh N Y July 23 Ilenry Villnrd. Aia sh N Y July 8 KjCapitan, Amsh Philadelphia July 13 Ssr&aac. Am bk N Y August 12 Young America, Am Eh N Y Septoiulwr 3 Kioto 073 New York May 21 Helicon 1200 Now York June 3 Win. 1L Btarbuck 1S39 New York Slay 27 Helen Angicr 6W New York May l' Klsinore (BNew York "Wlln'a 1433 Now York March 1 Robert Dixon 13(3 Netv York TIDE TAJiLE FOR ASTORIA From tables or United i-'rates Coast Survey. High Wator. j , Low Water. Date. a.m. . r.u. I a.m. r. . 8 10 35 II 401'... ... 4 12.. '$ 51 J) 11 20 10 101 .. 5 03 I T.7 10 11 r.l 11 20J 7. 51 Ti Tu 11 - - ..... 0 241 . 20 4S 12.. 0 12 0 fi0 7 00... 7 27 L1....:'0 51 '1 171 7 2T 7 59 ll..,t;.'l 27 1 41 7 17.....i. 8 SI 15.S5sJf.oJ! 02 .. 2 03 8 12. ! 03 ig.. 2 i:J...... 2 2 s ::s : 10 17. r. 33 .1 02 21 OS 10 2"' Common Council. Rorular.iaoetings socend and fourth Tuos i day evenings of each mouth, at 'A o'clock ' " Persons do.'irinc to have matters a"iod . upon by tho Council, at any rcjulnr mooting must present the samo to iho Auditor and Clerk on or boforo tho J'ridar cveninir Drier to tho Tuesday on which tho Council holds it rcgulnr mooting. r. V. OKKlh, Auditor and Clerl; Astoria Liodge 11 o. 4p, LO.G.l. Kegular 3IcetinK every Tuesday Evening at7i4 o'clook, at Good TomplarV Hall, Chc namus Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parker's store ai embers or tuo urdor, in sooustanu ug.aro invited to attend. lc?roc mcotinjr l?l Jlonday oach month. By order V. C. T. Temple liodsre. No. 7A.P.A. M. Rogular Communications first and third Saturdays in each month. at7! o'clock, p. m.. at tho Hall in Astoria- Members of tho Order, in Reed standing, aro invuea to attena. uy erae: of tho w. ai. Order of Chosen Friends. A legnlar ineptin or Ocddcnt Council Xo. f. O.U. F., is lii'ld I'vory Thursday mriiiiifr. at Hie hour of 7J4 o'clock, in Hie liali of the A. O. U. "V. All sojouniinu inoinbcrs nrc cordially invited to ttf ml. By order of c. ('. American Legion of Honor. Regular mceiim? of Astoria Council JsorWS, is iield on the first and third Monday of- each nionih. at 8 o'clock r. i. lly order of Council Commander. R. V".-.IoxTKiTH,.Se-ly. BANKING ANDINSURANGE. S. 1ST. CASE, BROKER BANKER MH l INSURANCE AGEBT. .ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON OFFICE IlOUltS: FROM 8 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK P. XL. Home "MEM taws Co., . OF CALIFORNIA, J. F. flouoirroN CHA8. R. STORV....M. Geo. L. Storv. President ... Secre tary Ajji'iit for Ooon Capital paid tip in U, S. gold coin 5 300 000 uo 1. TV. CASXS, Agent, Chenaaius street. Astoiia. Oregon. ' '$67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOTrON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OP LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Kerreecnting a capital of $07,000,000. A. VAN DUSEN. Acent. That -Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We g aarantee it. Sold by Vr. E. Dement THE MARKETS. Astoria JJInrlcolK. KETAIU BcxrnE Extra fancy 35c, Cirr.Esn.-lSS25c. Dkied rnrrrs. Backberries25c: I'rancj Cala. HQ15c; Peeled Peaches 23g33c Suoak. Cube, 11; crushed, 14c: fino crushed, 14c; extra pond. 14c; drj gran. Wic; extra cran. 13kc, G. C. 12Jc Eggs. 33cts ?) doz. Oats. SI S2J-1 90 per cwt Potatoes. Si 40S150 per cwt Flocb. Superfine S5 00; Extra So 40; Corn Meal 'fl cwt. S" 50; Buckwheat Y cwt SGOO. Fnesu Mhat?. Choico cuts. Lamb. 15c; Beefl2MQ15: Pork 10; Mutton I0e?l2. By tho carcaso 10c Mkats. Breakfast bacon Ifc per It; tides 15gl7c; hams I020c; shoulders l&317c ; fimoked beef ISSlCJic; corned beef Sl&gl2 bbl.; corned pork 10c 1 It-. Lino. In tins and caddies 13516c 5. HONRY. In frames 40c ; in glass Mc. 3IH.L Feed. Bran S25 00 V ton; chop feed 32SS ; Shoits S2S Ca3 ; Hay fc?Oft $22 3 ton:mid.llincs $2S. Chop barley, A.7.5n. Columbia Ilivnr Hr"por:fc. ?Hir;iKNTS I'ORKXKN. RKCAI'lTUIi-VTION JANUARY V2. P77.409bu:. wlicat. ? f12r"i;3 .as,yif lMs Hour.... 17.V.10 Total, 2i) carROC." rl.0J.VCS JZECAl'ITULATION TKliRUARV. Wheat. ai7.15G bus., value s .si-.Tol Flour. 85.807 bbls.. " 502.5M Salmon, 40,721 vs.. " 2lt:,C05 Total, 19 rarcoes ?1.2i2.)25 RECAPITULATION, MARCH. Flour (71.553 bbls.) S31S.72.1 Salmon (741 ises) :j,72! Wheat (5S5.128 bushel;)... 67."VSC2 Total (15 carRoes) pitfall RKC.MUTCI.ATION Al'RlU Flour (4001 bbls).. $21S.llil Wheat (277,520 bushels) . j0n Total (7 cargoes) ?4S7,7.t Rr.ai'iTriaTioN may. Flour (30. 575 bbls) $l."t3.tf00 Wheat (C11.S5SI bus) :w, 12 Total (8 cargoes) SI I5.1M2 RKCAriTUI-ATlON .UtNR. l'lonr (42.111 bbls) . S2l3,as Wheat (77.S27 busbels). SJ.14S Salmon (r.i'o rasa's).. 323,930 Total 5 Rirgoes) i:kca eiTU latio.v .i u i.v. Wheat (31.177 ctls) ,..$ittjxr S 50.S17 7.O-0 l'lour (1.433 lilds.) Salinoir(33,9'J0 cs) ..;...-. 20,110 Total (2 cargoes) SSrayJW AUOUST. 10 To IAvcrpmil prr JAzzic TirU. b'rom Po:Wand 13,050 bbls flour. r0o cs salmon ....... ' Astoria 4503 bbls Hour. Total ?.rn).'i22 23 To Quccnflown. per Ja. G. Haiti. tFrom Portland 4,000 bbls flour.-. .-.S18.oi) Astoria 22,000 ts sjinnnn uc;.aio Total .-. $i.ilrrxi 24 To Liverpool per Kltrell. I'rom Astoria 54.500 csalinon 2M.20d " " 2,oc3 bus wheat...... 2,w " 1,500 bins flour. 7.0IXJ Total 53C3.:0 25 To Jjomlon per Glengarry. From Astoria 23,359 cs salmon 5120,137 ii 571 bbls Hour. 2,57 M Total -512S. !f". 'm 23 To LircrjHMil jcr IVallnccltucn. I'lom Astoiia 7U.0C0 s salmon .. 5273 (no 2STf) bbls Hour. 12,112 Tidal ... $300,1 12 -"31 To J.;pcr)Hil per Wolfe. From Astoria 2700 cs. salmon. Siw, ' 15,521 bus. wheal il.K7 1.020 bbls. Hour. 1.500 c kits ahnen .m; Totar. -910i;.nSL KEITKUUKR, 4 To Lirerpool per Aimie Johnson. Fitmi Porlland IffS bbls flour. $ 21.000 Aturia :i,l7fiiN salmon.. ls).tH31 Total ... ?21tijil Domestic Exports. The receipts in San Francisco, of i-er- Uxin arlicle-sof Oregon produce froni iiielu- . :io,r.i - Stt.127 ..nil .42)1 . 3l: . 107 ui.Ojr: 113 .. 7.WI . 451 2t .1&1.423 . 17..)11 .. ai'ifi . 1.491 .. 100 ,'. vV;i .. 2li: '2 January 1st, i2. to Augusi :hh f.ive, have been as follews: Flour, or sks Wheat, ctls. Oats, ctls Salmon, bbls . bf bbls Hutter. pkgs ,..... Pork, bbls Potatoes, sks... Wool, bales Hides, Xo . J. Tallow, nkgs............ ........;.............. P.cef, bbls .. .. Ueef, canned, cs ...... ...'.... , Hint, u lied, pkgs leather, ikgs Lard,cs. . ... llaeon, cs ................. Jlea!, tks Hops, bales Iaui3,ikgs j. . liraii, slis .. .............. Cheese, cs J." Flax Keed.sks Canned goods.es.. . ..... Harloy, ctls...... .. .... Shorts, sks Com, ctl . Ityo. .sks............ . . LSI VS1 .'.74 -II 17.0SS 4: 53.535 27,tTfi 2,asl 4S2 ir. For Sale. SOUTH : OF LOT 1 AND LOTS 2, :. 1. 10 and 11 or block 10. lots 0 :un! 10 blsek HB. lots l block 57 and lot 5 of block 52. Sbivelv's l'our or the above lots have dwelling erected, on them. No belter opportunity thau tins has yet been given to ihose who wih to purchase homes. Titles perfect. Icrms Kisli. .1. O. nOZOKTH, f Iteal Instate Agent. Leinenweber & Co., C. LKIXEXWRIIKR. h. J:KOWX. KSTACMSIlF.n 1BR5. ASTORIA, OREGON, TAMERS AM CUEEBIES, .Manufacturers and Importers or AM. KINDS OF AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. ea-inghest cash price paid lor Hides and Tallow. For lame Back, Side or Chest use Slnloh s Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. MISCELLANEOUS. PACIFIC HOUSE. OYSTERVILLE, - - W. T. 20 2Ii!e from ILWACO. Stttgo coiucctlng Daily. Fare.- - - SI Oo Boanl by the Day, -------5125 Board by the Week. - - - - $S 00 Oysters Clane, etc., kejt constantly on hand anil served in any style, without extra char,a Sirs. ?J. CAHKUTJIKRS. I'roprietor. FORTHEBLOOB ISTHE LIFE Make uv or the Vegetable Khisd.mi. Abso hiU'lylbc BEST KNOWN REMEDY! For the IHontl and I.hrr ComiilninlN, Xcw or Old fJlll, I'rvrr. Asar, Dyspepsia, clr. Positive Cure rei: Kidney ami Klntldcr Ul(c.nrx, . Chronic .Sliiti Trouble :ml I(Iieiitua(li)i. JTa mood the, Tsl FOR YEARS. For particulars and teslimouiaU from well kuovm people in our State lead locals and circular;:. tiier - - 61. per Hot tie. To insure a cine take six lots for $5.0o. Your druggist keejis and recommends it. Ask for. ami see thai you get the genuine. && (sr.OR.SSlHi TO ?AH it am.i:.v.) Wiwieiile and retrtil denier In Ps'OvlshaBi : Giass and Plated Ware, rKOPlCAI AN1 POMIWTlO FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. ToRpt'ier with Wises, Lifloors3 ToliaGco . Cigars The Sarge-t and most complete stock or goods in their line to be found hi the city. Tomer of Cass and Sfiuemrwvjhe Streets, ASTOIHA, OKEOON. LOEB & (JO., loisitKirsjrx wraES. LIQUORS, AX I J CIGARS. JACir.NTS FOi: THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. EE7A1I goods .sold at San Fninclseo Prices. MAIN STREET, OppoVito Parker House. Astoria, Oregon. Street Notice. NOTICE is hereby Riven that the Common Council of the City of Astoria, in Clatsop county ami State of Oregon, intend to pass an ordinance extending Concoinly street in said eitv from its present western extremity, westerly on a line with Hie present line of said'Con eomly street a distance of three hun dred and fifty feet ami tiience on a line to the northwest corner or the Donation .Land claim of John ATcCIure in said county of Clatsop and State of Oregon, to the west line of the city limits, said extension or said street to be of the same width as the said Coneomly street as now laid out. By order of the Common Council. F.CNORRIS, .... Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, August 21th, 1882. SOt d BIDS "WILT, BE ItECEIVED BY THE f-.i"n(lers.1,Rncd,uP to ,l0n Sept. SO. 1882. for tie rciitiiis of the first lloor of tbe brick bulldiiicnowin process of erection; separ ate bids for eacli room ; and time of lease lft?e. ye? f.rom al)0ut Januarj- l. lSSL Bids to state the kind of business the lessee proposes to carry on. For further particu lars enquire or the Directors. Tiie right to reject any and all bids is reserved A. J. MEGLER. . . Sec. O. F. L. & B. Association. 1 a of Astoria, Oregon. ECCISTEEED KAECnlb. 1879. fa re- . -r.Ow SK ksfefS jM-:m iM ? ?' Zi??&ii gNSS' ?i- ?? '2 r--" M--i lltalkes and FiirJtb 'J ..'. . ..:u op 4bo Systcru, rI- - : v a.; Slrong1, Ki:ild up t7 . -.- down, Invlc.n Kraln, h:-.i - OORSl:'- - Dyspepsia, liervoas i f 'a -. ' .vn , c -n eral Dability, K'cj.u, Vt-.-..- and Agni. ?:ir.il, " . Cros:t Diarrhea, 2o : vro-sy. Humors, ?eiuuie C;o::- piainls, Livcv Coiq- plaint,E.eiTiition. Pever, r.ncl 4LL DISEASES ORIGINATING l .' A E.i i.VAT. OF THE BLOOD, OR ACLGHPANICD Si DEBILin Oil A LOW ST.-TI OF THE SVSTDi. Peruvian mm Supplies the blocd vrhh its Vital Vriiirfple, :. Life Klcment, IKOX, i:firi:j -Cvxiis;! Jr Vigor and New I.Ifn into all yin i f :!.; vtc.- RE1NG FREE FROM ALCUHul. r; c ag eflccts arc no. followed by cv-rrsioa-vs i--ss ton, but are pcrmancst. SETH V.'. FOWLE & SONS. Proprietors, & Harrison Avenue Btcc SuU by a!t t ruscisb always Caros cad novcv diaap p oicts. Tho "srorltVs grojit Pcin llolicvor for Hou and Somit. Chon.p, quick and rolia"b3c. PITCHER'S OASTOKIA. is not Narcotic. Cliihlrcn grow itit upon, Mothers like, and Physicians recommend CASTORIA. Itrcgnlatestho Bowels, cures "Wind Colic, allays Xcvcrishncss, and de stroys "Worms. "WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Care, a Constitutional Antidote for this tcrriWo riala dy. ly Absorption. Tho most Important Sisoovcry sinco Vac cination. Other rcznedieu may relievo Catarrh, this cores at any stage hoforo Consumption uotsin Piles! Piles! Piles! A Sure Cure Foimcl at J.nst ! IVo One Iccl Stirrer! A .sure Cure for Bliad, BleediuR, Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams, (an Indian ltcmcdy), called Dr. AVillIam's Indian Ointment. A single box lias cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or So years standing. No one need sulTer nve minutes alter applying tins wonncniii .soothing medicine. Ixnions, instruments and electuaries do more Harm than L'ood. Wil liam's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allavs the intense itehins, (particularly at night a'f tercettinffAranninbedl.acts :ls a uoultire. eives instant relief, and is prepared onlv for Piles, itching of the private parts, anil for nothing else. Keadivhat the Hon. ,T. M. Coninburry or Cleveland, says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment : I have used scores of Pile Cures, and it affords me pleasure to sav that 1 have never found anything which" gave .such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's Indian Ointment. Forsalcbyall druggists or mailed on re ceipt or price. SI 00. 1IEXRY & CO.. Proii'H. Cleveland, O. nodge. Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents, Portland, Oregon. A. Tan Dtiscn & Co. WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE attention or the Public to the fact that they are Agents for the following sewing machines, viz : The Improrctl Sii;;' TJic WIiHe. The Cro'.rn Anil The Eldrldgc. Which they are selling fnm .:13. toS.IO. each and defy Competition. Tersons wishing to purchase machines Miuuiu can iinu iiisjifui. uursiocK ucioru pur chasing elsewhere, as we guarantee to give pcrtcct satisfaction as reganls qualitv and price. $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward for an v case of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia. Sick Heart ache, indigestion. Constipation or Costive ness we cannot cure with AYest's Yegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Yegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Largo boxes, containing so rills, 2T cents. For sale by all Druggists. Kewarcor counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured onlv by Jonx C. Wr.sr & Co., "The Pill Maker' 181 and isl W. Madison St.. Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. AV. E. Dement, agent. I. W. CASE, 1MF0RTER AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenamus aud Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - - OBEGON &&?!& fa8?AN fiigdSoiL v&esassTaHic- Ai wn5VVMy rfC toiri im. v ju c&irts 3BSc mmw HOTELS AND EESTATJRAXTS. A. J. 5tEOI.En. C. S. WKIOIIT OCCIDENT ITOTETj. MEGLER & WRIGHT. Proprietor:. Astoria, Oregon. THE PKOPPvlETORS ARE HAPPY TO announce that the above hotel has been repainted aud refurnished, addin? greativ to the comfort of its guests and ts now the best hotel north of San FrancLsco. PARKER HOUSE, U.K. I'AISKF.K. Prop.. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. MOT ASD Cf.I I5AT5IS. 6'oof Billiard Tabic, ami First Class Sa loon stocked with Fine Liquors. C3TEREE COACH TO THE HOl'SI-VSti SALOONS. ERMAXIA BEER HALL UOTTLE KEEil DEPOT. Ch KVAJUV.oTKKKT. ASTOKH, The licfit o Lf::ci'i C. f Wan Orders for the Celelirateu Colnli Brevery Left at this placo will lie promptly attend ed to. JSN'o cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place 7M. BOCK. Proprietor. CU!G100 MBWBR, J. STIJAITSS. .- - AEXT. Is now ready to supply the public with the Celebrated Chicago Beer In any quantity to suit. I have also this cle:ralecl Chicago Ilcrr in Hottlcs, Which is now very popular ainong'all fami lies and saloons." Please send in your orders and they will have niv best ntlc nthm. .1. STRAUSS. Astoria, Oregon. Agent for Oregon and Wash. IVr Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. 31 The best of Liquors and Cigars on hand. A deservedly popular place of social resort. CEO. IIIM.F.K. The Olympic Saloon Opposite the Parker House. THE FINEST HKAXDS OF L1QU0IIS and CIGARS Kept eonMuutiy on liaml. No iciiiu will be spared to give my custo mers satisfaction. JSCive us a call. E. W. SEIILIN. W 32. SE:2KE3g,E ASTORIA, OREGON DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT I3EDIGIBJES, ETG. JSPrescriptloiis carefully coinpoundcdjat all hours. 5?gr-ionicopatbic Tinctures and Pellets, and Humphrey's Specifics also kept. Health is Wealth. Dr. 1L C. West's Xerve and Rrain Treat ment : a specific for Hysteria. Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental Dc- rression, liss of Memory. Spermatorrhoea, mpotency, involuntary EuiLssioiiSj Prema ture Old Age, caused by over-exertion, sell abuse, or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box w ill cure recent cases. Each box contains one months treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes tor live dollars ; sent by mall prepaid on re ceipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by ils Tor six boxes, accompanied with live dol lars, wo will send the purcluiser our written guarantee to return the money it the treat ment does not effect a cure. (Suarantces is sued only by W. K. Dement, dnigglst, As toria, Oregon. Orders by mail at regular prices. dtox CAM ffil. juasp, HEALTH. Lr Kirliau's Golden Kalsam Xo. l Cures Chancers, first and second stages ; Sores on the Logs and Uorty ; Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased Scalp, anil all primary forms of the disease. Trice. S.I 00 per Itoltle. e Indian's fioldcn Italsam Xo. 2 Cures Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic Rheuma tism, Pains in the Rows, Ulcerated Throat, Syphilitic Rash, Luiiiik, etc., aud eradi cates all diseases from thesystcin, whether caused by bad treatment or abuse or mer cury, leaving the blood pure aud healthy. Trice, $; 00 per Bottle. I.c. K: chan's Golden Spanish Antidote Tor the euro or Gonorrhoea, Gleet, etc. Trice, $2 SO per Itoltle. Lc Itielian'.s Golden Spanish Injcclion, awash tor cure or Gleet, Strictures, Dis ease or the Urethra and Rladder, etc. Trice, $1 Super Iiottlc. Lc. Kicbau's Golden Olnttuent for tbe effective healing of Svphilitic Sores and Eruptions. Trice, SI 00 per ltottlc. ALso Agents for Lc Kit-ban's Golden Tills. for Weakness, loss of physical powers, and all diseases arising from abuse and excess or over-work. Trice, S3 00 per Kox. Sent everywhere, C. O. D., secvrely packed per Express. C F. RICnARDS & CO.. Agents, 427 & 429 Sansome street, corner Clay, d-w-ly San Francisco, Cal. 500 fevrt JM -mv WWB 1Y r . frl'Zm 5il 8Grl&(v "n is CASE. SHIPPIN'G KOTTCES. Columbia Transportation Co. FGR PGRTLASJD. U'AST TIIK.1 The popular steamer FLEETWOOD, Which has been retittcd for the combut of nasoencers will leave Wilson and Fisher's tloek every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 AM. arriving at Portland at 12 M. lteturniug leaves Portland every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 A. 1,1. arriumy at Astoria at 12 M. An additional hip uill be made on Saturday and Sunday of Each Week, Leaving Astoria on Saturday at l:::n S. II., and Leaving Portland at II o'cloefc Sunday :ornij. Passengers bv this route connect at ICalama for Sound port. U. U. SCOTT, President. HEW LIME From Portland to Astoria. jZ?z The .lIAXKAXIiiTO S2SessesH&.-yji make semi-weekly trips between Portland anil Astoria. Will leave Warren & Katon's wbaif at G .. at. on TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, And Portland onMOXDAYSand FPJDAYS. For freight or passage apply on board. CIIAS. I1UP.RELVU. t:ik xewt stevmkr Clara Parker, El'.EN P. PAllKER, - - MASTER. Is now ready for b'iiness. For freight or charter, apply to the Cap- laiu on uoani, or 10 11. j;. rAUivr. YACHT BLUE SKIN. Clipper built, copper fastened, double mast vessel, lies at Case's wharf. Heady to re ceive passengers, freight or ex cursion parties to all parts of the Columbia riverand vicinity. eTFor further particulars nifpilre of John Rogers. Central Market. Or or Cnpt. Wood. Master and owner MARKETS. CENTliAI, MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on hand, such as Canned Fruits and .Telly, Bacon, Kams, houlders, Lard, K. BUTTER. CIJKESK, Fresh Fruits and VegatablsSi FISIS. POUI.T5SY Awl AH5F. In the season. C5C3ABS AKI TOBACCO. Best or WIXKS A3f D 7.IQVOISS. Alt cheap for CASH. Goods sold ou com mLsdou. Opposite T. W. Case's store. J. RUDGERS. Washington Market, Main Street, - - Astoria Oregon BERGMAN 0 BEItltY RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of tho public to tho fact that tho above- Market will always bo suppliod with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY OF FRESH AND CURED K1EATS1 Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesalo and retail. Special attention given to snpplj ns ships. D. K. AVAKRCf. T. AV. Eatos Astoria Market ! COR. CHENAMUS AND HAMILTON STS. ASTORIA. - - OREGON. AKi:.V & EATOX, Proprietor.. (Successors to If'arrcn fc JIcGuirel Wholesale and Rotail Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats A fail line or FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED HAY, CANNED FRUIT, VEGE TABLES, ETC. cJButtor, Eggs, Cheese, otc. constantly, on hand. " Ships supplied at tho lowest rate3. J. H; D. GRAY, Wholesale aud retail dealer in. ALL KIXJJS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. Oeneral storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Rcnton street. Astoria Oregon. HANSEN BKOTHEKS, Architects and Builders, All kinds ol House work done at MhoVtest notice. Shop Corner or Cass and Astor Street, ASTORIA, ... - OREGON TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation COMPANY. oceax iTisioar. Between San Francisco & Portland. Fiioii sax n:A. Leaving Spear Street Wharf at 10 a. ar. as follows : rnoM ronTiiAN-D. Leaving at 12 :00 mid night, as follows : Oregon.. .ThnrAff3 State of Cal. Von "7 Columbia.. ..Fri "11 Orcsou Tu 15 State of Cal. Sat "19 Columbia ..Fri Aug t Oregon Tu 8 State of CaI.Sat " 12 Columbia ..Wed lc Oreson Sun "JO State of CaLThur " 2t Columbia. ..Mon " 23 Oregon Mon Sept 1 ;olumbia....Wed "23 Urcsron Sun "27 StateofCal.Tb.ur "31 River and Rail Division. JULY 1, 1SS2, Leave Port-I land for Mon Tu. We. ThU. Fri. I Sat. Dulles A up-1 per uointa bia 9 All SAM 9 AM 9 AM 6 AM 9 AM 9 AM 6 AM Astoria and! lower Co-! lurabia.... BAM R All BAM BAM Darton. Or '7 AM AM AM Salem. Or..jAMj 6 AM Virtnm I'.f'li; AMI Ic AXll lcu weaves Astoria for t'ortland at 6 a. m. daily ex cept Sunday. JOHN MUIR, Snnerintendont of Traffle. C. H. PRESCOTT. Manager. iiwaco Sieam Navigation Go SUMMER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, Ii waco, Oysterviile and Olympia. Sffff Until further nolice ths Iiwaco 'it1hi Steam Na igation Co'a steamers GEN'. MILES, or.GEX. CANBY Will Ioave Astoria On Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays At7A.M., Vill also make aSEcoxD trip on Saturdays, leaving Astoria at 2 P. M for Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and llwacn. On Tuesdays, Vednesdays and Fridays, The steamer will leave Astoria at a a.m. as formerly, not being conflnpd strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Stevens-..... ........ BOcta " " Canby and Iiwaco. .75cts fifSrlhvaco freight, by the ton. in lots ol one ton or over, SI f0 per ton. esrFor Tickets, Towage or Charter apply at tho offico of the' Company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton stroot. J. II. D.GRAY. Aicent. Oregon & California R'.R.Co On an aftor Oct. 11, 1SS0, trains will run as fol lows, DAIL3T (Except Sundayn), KST3IDE DIVISION. Between PORTLAND and MYRTLE CREEK. 1TAIL TRAI LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:30 a. ir.IMvrtloCroek8:32p. u. Myrtle CrcekS:30.v. u.Portland 4:25 p. u. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4:00 P. M.Lebanon..9.20 P. W Lebanon 4:43 A. M.Portland.10:05A.W FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland G:15.v. ii.MyrtloCreek5:30p.u. Myrtle Creek 7:00 a. u.Portland 4 :25 p. it. The Oregon and California Railroad h erry makes connection with all Regular Trains on Eastside Division. WEST31DE DITiaiOS. Itetwccn Portland antl Corvallls. UAtL TEAW LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland S:00 A. M.ICorvallis ..3:00 P. M Corvallis S:30 A. M. Portland 8:20 P. M Close connections madoat ilyrtlo Creek with the Stascs of tho Orcson and California Stago Company. aarTickets for sale to all the principal points in California and tho East, at Company's Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storago will bo charged on freight remain injr at Company 3 "Yarohou3o over 21 hours. Frcisht will not bo rocoivodfor shipmont aftor 5 o'clock P. M. on either tho East or "Westsido Division. J. BRANDT. Gen'l Sun't. E. P.ROGERS, Gon'l Froieht and Passenger Acent. R. KOEHLER, Vico President and Manager Shoaiwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens. Fort Canby, IIwae. Xovtli Beach, Oysterviile, Xortk Cove, FetevHons Poiat, Ho- inium, Jlontcsano, And all points on Shoaiwater Bay, and Gray's Harbor. CEN. MILES, 1 Strs. or )- On Columbia River. OEN.CANP.Y.j - GEN. GARFIELD ' Shoaiwater Bay. MONTESANO " Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Tortages, Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - V A. M. On Mondays and Thursdays through trip in 00 hours. Leave Olympia for Asioria on same days. SAXINTT MARTS HOSPITAL, ASTOKIA, OKEQON THIS INSTITUTION, UNDER CASE OF the Sisters of Charity, is now ready for the reception of patients. Private rooms Tor the accommodation ot any desiring tlujugMgsMk Patients udmfl :iiBprmTOt burs.dayornlghr. Trt T1i,.ci,ninn lta avnliiQltrn Wf.fo k..nK. patient is Tree to and has the privilege of employing any physician they preler. United States Marine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained for United States Marines at the Cus tom House. f SlSTEKS OF CHABITY Stenhans Varieties ! GRAND OPENING. A HVEin: KXTJEKTAIXMEXT nave a newlbowllng alley, the largest and be3tIntown. Admittaaca free. 'G&iJnEiMtWjiSii& ; v. X - - t I a. r ; - -r :- .ir . . to- , 3 " . " '-v