t -.- ! cm g?lc 3am svstaaaau, ASTORIA, OREGON: h.V IK AK.SK'TKM K . IKS" , -. ISSUED EVERY MORNI2CG. (Monday Exceitod:. . F. HALLORAN & COMPANY, ri;itii-iiKUb a'i ruoritii.TOK4. .1 durum JJtiUding, Cass Street. Terms of Subscription : crvod by Carrier, par wcok .23 pi by mail, four months.....-..- - tnt ly uiall. one yenr .... .... Free of Fostase to Sub3criherr. Cents ..?:; GO Adrermeiuems inserted by tho year ot r.ito of 1 o) ior (iiaro per month. 1 random advert hint, by tboday or work. i!tv cent." ier suunrofor oncb insertion. THEOITY. 1 1IK DAll.V ASTOltlAN Will 1C rUtt bl sn,ut alts cent a munth. free of pottage J.'tm er icho cimleinfilatcabscnee from the eltti can Have. Tiik ASTOltlAN folhnc than, Daily r Wkkici.v edition t'tnny pwt-nfice with out addtl'umal cxyawe. Addrcytx may he znauged an often ox deal ral. Icavc order at lltt counting room. - -The Victoria comes down to-day. East Portland is to have a gas company. - Jtcgular trains will begin running into Pendleton next Monday. -IJun C. W. Fulton leaves for Salem on this morning's boat. Holden advertises his regular auction sale at two o'clock to-day. Portland's new dredger was launched at 4 o'clock yesterday after noon. Fino from the Clarke. deer hunting is reported hea-lwatci-s of Lewis and The Washington territory univer sity has been le-organir.ed, and will bo opened on the 20th inst. As soon as the alterations in the E. 2J. Cook are finished she will be used exclusively for towing. The steamship Walla "Walla came down the river yesterday and leaves for the Sound this morning. Consul-Gcneral Denny ,is en rontc from Shanghai, and will arrive home about the 1st of October. The San Francisco mint coined SG,120,0C0 during August. Our por tion of it has not come to haud yet. Lane county will have 000,000 pounds of hops this season; there's money in the culture of that sedative. The new steamship Queen of the Pacific will sail from San Francisco for Astoria and Portland next Satur day. The new Presbyterian church is fast approaching completion. E. P. Uawes is putting in a TJoynton fur nace. Portland is preparing a new city charter, to be submitted to the legis lature. It extends the boundaries of the city. The American ship Astoria, Anderson master, arrived in yester day, 101 dayg from New York, with railroad iron. One hundred and fifty thousand dollars have been expended herein building and building improvements during the present season. The O. R. & N. dock is being put in good shape, extensive repairs and improvements have been in pro gress for tho past three weeks. Proposals will be received at the office of the Columbia Canning com pany till noon to-day to furnish material for and build a caunoiy. There is considerable sickness at present in the city; a species of bowel complaint appearing to be epidomic, so general is the prevalence of the com plaint. -Brents will by no moans have a walk-over at the comimr Territorial Republican convention. Dr. Minor, of western Washington wi'l be his competitor. The Yaquina arrived in yesterdaj' morning from Cops bay and Yaquina with a miscellaneous cargo of coal,, lumber, broom handles, match wood, etc. Her next trip will be to the Sound g Considerable dissatisfaction is ex pressed about the delay and disap pointment entailed by the non-arrival of San Francisco freight. 'Tis too bad, but one of those things that can't be helped. Mitchell Davnl has discovered upon his farm an underlying stratum of silicon, which puts a shine on tin and brass that makes those useful metals glitter liko ilvcr. He propose to can nil he can mine and mine all ho can can. Et tu Brute! We have always believed that the I local editor of the Standard was a inan of veracitv auii are sorry to i ma" ol Ttracivj, nuu o -ui; i ,.. ...... ..... . 0" i i niriM' urn from iUrT. limit nhrfi 111 Ur . estimation that heretofore he has held. ' Our reason is the appearance in yes terday's issue of that estimable jour nal, of the follewing: "Mr. Frank Parker, editor of the Walla Walla Statesman, has invested 10,000 in Albina property." Such actions on the part of a novH paper man are outside of possibility or belief. Domestic Salmon Shipments. Sept. "ill. State of California; ('. ('. Co- lCO; A. Booth. !M?4: Scan.Pkjj. Co.?:3: Eureka l'kj:. Co., :: Astoria Pkg. Co., 78: Win. Hume, 13: S.D. Adair. 2W. Total -t-VJi -The Town Talk tells a long yarn to the effect that on last Saturday, about nine miles below Salem, the bed of the Willamette broke through, let ting the water run into the earth and causing a cessation of all outward flow for more than thiec hours till the chasm was filled. Carpenters and builders are mak ing the most of the fine weather and are pushing to completion all the out side work that it is possible to finish. A lack of cement prevents the con tinuance of work on the new build ing across the street, but that wiU be only a temporary delay. E. C. Holden invites, in another column, parties interested in the forthcoming auction of Barrow's farm and stock of dairy cows, to accom pany him on a visit to the place to examine the properly to bo sold on Tuesday morning next. Tho steamer Daisy will convey tho party and re turn to the city in tho afternoon of same day. The Gen. Mile3 is off for Shoal water Day this morning to bring over a load of oysters. The bivalves of that section are improving, and what they lack in size they make up in quality. MissNellioHolbrook,whenin San Fran cisco happened to be asked by a friend if she had played in Astoria. "Oh yes," was the answer of the charming actress; "that's wliere I ate three hun dred oysters one night." Few things arc of more import ance in early liTo than the formation of coirect principles, and in educa tional institutions the element of mor ality, and the attribute of moral sur roundings are the most important fact ors in the achievement of this necessary result, fn this case reference is made directly to St. Helen's HaU, a state institution and one deserving of the patronage of our. citizens. Jts intln ence is for good and its educational advantages are second to none. Such days as these woo siway the souls of those who feel entitled to a restaud off they go who can, some to fish in adjacent bays and livers, some to hunt tho deer in the mountains and on the headwaters of mountain streams, and others to adopt kindred styles of vaiying work and calling into action a different set of nerves and musclei than are employed in the routine of daUy life. Those who have nothing to do arc in one extreme, those who have too much are in the ether: tho golden mean in such golden days as the present is to let the pro cession go by without tiying to keep step, to "break ranks" and hunt a shady and secluded spot and fi'l up on clams and ozone, and oysters and sea breeze and venison and spring water, etc. Situation Want co in a family; good cook, used to 'caie of children, neat and truy. To those desirous of securing the services of one accustomed to housework this affotds a chance to engage one who cnu guaran tee satisfaction. For further informa tion inquire at the old I. X. L. building, room ", up staii-s. Mrs. Belli: Bkam.ky. Motlre to Intending; ISIrftlcrx. aucUon om Friday, September 15th. Barrows Farm and Dairy Stock at E. C. Holden, auctioneer, will visit the farm in the steamer Daisy, for the pur pose of cataloguing tho stock, on Tues day niernins: nex... leaviui Warren & Eatonls wharf at 8 a. n. Intending bid ders arc invited to accompany him to examine the farm and stock prepara tory to the auclion sale, which will posi tively take place on next Friilav a! n . Auction Salo To-day. At two o'clock this afternoon I will sell at my sales room for accoaut of whom it may concern, a lot of household effects, consisting of Blanket.?, Spreads, Mattrasses. Crockery. Books and Pic tures, etc, etc. Also, Bed-ioom Suiis and new Brussels Carpets and one good second hand Cook Sove, E. C. IioLDEX, Auctioneer. Eve's Dau.lLer's,"'or Common Sense for Maids, Wives and "Mothers, is the title of a book for which Major Downic Is now soliciting subscriptions. It is replete with instruction and should be in every family in the land. An auto graph letter of Mrs. Garfield to the au thor goes with each copy. By the last steamer Gustav Hansen, the jeweler, received a 'consignment of guitars, violins, accoidions, guitar and violin strings, etc.. which are of fine quality and sold at low price. In The Depths. "I've been on this water front now? Anyone suffering from habitual con about eicht vears." This remark stipation, torpidity oC the liver. eoliK , - - -l it ?-.i i cainc in icrKs ami nesiiaiuiuiv iruiu im j . . U1U IU1U ueCTUIUl cruaiurc niiuiu v ; Clivouicle reporter chanced to meet during his rounds along tho wharves. "Yes, sir, I've been making my living just this way for a long time pickiug up old. nails, broken bits of iron and old junk of all kinds. It's very hard for one to get along sometimes, you know, when I can't be around. But I've been pretty well, lately," added j the little old man cheerfully, fand . have been able to earn a pretty food j living." "How much can you in-ike a iImyT' i. . , , . . inquired the reporter. j 'Sometimes f make as much as tw o . jbits, when I work hard; then on ol!i- cr Jsii,s J mak" mu ten cents. ' rn.it s not mucli to yon, . . , ,. , is lti But I live on it -I have to, or else starve.' "How much do you cot for what you work jo hard for? Been get- j "Half a cent a pound, ting that all along," "Do yon have a god place to sleep?"' To this l.i3t interrogatory the old i man answered with a nod. Tho tears had just started, one from each eye, and running down each check, left be hind two tracks, on the edge of which was the dirt that had accumulated for woeks. When this slight disturbance of his finer sensibilities had been smothered, he continued with his story and said that years ago ho was the sole owner of a 200-acro ranch in San Mateo county, and that de signing friends robbed him, thus throw ing him upon the charity of the world. "Old man," said the reporter, "what do you get to eat?" "Oh, sometimes I get coffee, and with it 1 cat bread or stale doughnuts; other times, when 1 have made a good deal of money, I get myself some meat, but not often-rnot often." "It'll bo pretty hard on you when tho rains come, won't it? "Yes, I guess it will," he said sim ply, "but 111 weather it out, and some day some day, I'll die, I guess; die, and most likely find a grave down there." The reporter's eye followed in the direction the bent and bony linger in dicated. It pointed down under neath the dock. "les sir; some day 111 find rest down there. My body will go out with the tide. God knows -where my spirit will go, but I guess he'll take care of it, and no "matter whero I go, 1 can't find anything rougher than this. There's an old bolt over" there, I see; I'll go and get it," and he hob bled off. S. F. Chronicle. Rooms to Kent. Four commodious rooms over Adlers book store, rnquirc of Adler or Capt Hustler. Carl Carl Sparkling Eyes. Rosy checks and clear complexion only accompany good health. Par ker's Ginger Tonic hotter than any thing, makes pure, rich blood, and brings health, joyous spirits, strength, and beauty. Ladies try it liuznr. 1, Frederick Rueqg, of Multnomah Co., State of Oregon, certify herewith that Wm. Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier has entirely cured me of a skin disease, produced by poison oak. Although 1 had applied to several physicians for relief, none of these gents could do mo any good, and I herewith recommend the Oregon Blood Purifier to all suffering such skin diseases. Sinned, F. Ui'krc. For the genuine J. 11. Cutter old Bourbon, ami the best of wines, liquors and San Francisco beor. call at the Gem vp'posite the bell tower, and see Camp bell. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded day or night at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. Mrs. A. Malcolm has received a fine -stock of ladies' vear. selected in San Francisco by 3Irs. Dcrbj', and has also secured the services of a first-class milliner. Lace ties, etc, of fashionable style and reasonable prices. Adler has a large lot of school books on hand, and will supply your children at low pricey Mr. C. II. Cooper intends to leave about the 15th oC this mouth for San Francisco to be in time, for the arrival of the latest Eastern and European im portations. If you want to see a fine job of me chanical work, call and sec a set of nickle-plate measures made at J. A. Montgomery's. They don't do any but first-class work. P. J. Goodman, on Chcnnmus street, has just received the latest and most fashionable style of gents and ladies boots, shoes, etc Agent in Astoria for the famous Morrow shoes. If you want nice fresh lard, or good sugar-cured hams, just from the coun try go to F. B. Elbersonls bakery. Fabre's icecream Is the bast. Frcsli fiuit received at U. A.May's by even .steamer. Xo stale trash. Every variety of Oregon and California fruit always on hand. Kemembar Fraiik Fabre's icecream Itis par excellence. Highest price paid for old web and junk. Chris. Evaxson. lm Inquire of Foard & Stokes. A Fair Proposition. I .. 1 -1-1 .1 .1 IIUICIA. lIUHUilCIie.S. realieSMlCbs.. Sieeil- , . ,. ,, . ,, . . lessness, indigestion or other ills arising from a disordered or inactive condition of the liver, stomach and IkwcIs. ami w Ishing to give Syrup Figs a thorough trial, can buy it of W. K. Dement Drug gist, wno nas ueen appointed agent I or ASionn, wiio wm agree to return youri money if it fails to act promptly and satisfactorily. Hodge, Davis s Co.. wholesale agents ' Portland. Oregon To Parent Send your children to Carl Adlers for hum oiiu.; iiim wiieru uiuj u:i u oiut ter. state pencil, ruler, chronto. and pho- !tographs of al! the Presidents of the' i mien Mate. crati -.i;ii votir school hooks at Carl -x,,,crs' ah iook. u;ei in uu puuuc ui:oi : oi i up couuiv, ioi Kill' :n i. an .uht. ' I H. !!. Iut uas completed his elegant fajl .-.toyl; of dresses ami cloaks. IJ sending 'm of but, length of sleeve. kirt. vai.M and under arm. In; will bend C. 0. 1).. drcso-. from .$10 upward-: dolmans from s. Atiurcss: n. j;. 1-iirr, Cor. Third and Alder. Portion!. Or. A Farm For Male. A Farm of l'JG acres with a govern ment title, a good orchard, and improve ments, for sale. Terms part cash, iai t Astoria city property, the balance in one or two years, tnquire at the real estate ami intelligence agency, .Mam street. Dax Kkllkiiki:. gt. For Thirty ln -. For the next thirty day.s, preparatory to iroinor below for a fresu stock of nov elties, 1 will sell any article in my store at as low a price as it could be nought at retail in San Francisco. Caul Am.r.u. A Delicious Appetizer. That ensures digestion and enjoyment of food; a tonic that brings strength to the weak and rest to the nervous; a harmless diarrhea cure tliat don't constipate just what every family needs Parker's Ginger Tonic. A CARD. To all who arc suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nerv ous weakness, early decaj', loss o! man hood, etc-1 will send a recipe thai will cure you FREE OF CIIAIJGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mi sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the JIcv. Joskni T. Ixmax. Station D, New i'ork fit v. liy I'nlverwal Accortl. Avi:i:s C.vrii.vJiTic Pii.i.' are the best of all purgative-, for family uo. They are the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, and their extensive use by physicians in their practice, and by a'l civilized na tions, proves them the best and mot ef fectual purgative Pill that medical sci ence can devise. In intrinsic value and curative powers no other Pills can he coiupareu with them, and every person, knowing their virtues, will employ them, when needed. They keep the system in perfect order, pud maintain in healthy action the hole machinery of life. Mild. Aearehing and effectual. I hey are especially adapted io the need- of the digestive apparatus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, if timely taken. They are the best and safest physic to employ for children ami weakend constitutions, where a mild and effectual cathartic is required. i- on b.vr.K by ai.t. mi:ai.ki:. The Perevan syrun has cured thou sands who were snffer'ng from dy.-pep sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph lets tree to any address, .sctn v. r owl &SOH1 Boston. Brace up the whole system with King of the Blood. See Advertisement. Avcrill's mixed paints, the best in use. for sale at .1. W. Conurs drug store opposite Occident Hotel. Shiloh's Yitalizer i what you ecd for Constipation. los of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 7."i cents per bottle, sold by W. E. Dement. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Kern ed y. Price 50 cents, ilaal Injector free. For .sale by W. E. Dement. Will you suffer with Dispcpsiu and Liver Complaint V Shiloh's Yitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. F. Dement. Shipper & Bybkc, Xo. 11. 0.ik .street Portland, are the bon ton tailors of the metropolis. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Curo i; snlil hv lis on crnnrantee. It cures coumi m ptlon. Sold by W. K. De ment. How many a sweet face ij marred By yellow teeth and failing gums. And mouth and lips all hot and hard. And breath dceii-tainted as it conies : And yet with SOZODONT, we ma Keep all these dire defects at bay. Just received per Xorth Bend, a arge invoice of parlor and cook stoves at .John A. Montgomery's. If von want a good suit of clothes. ready made or made to order, call and see Mcintosh. Occident block. What is nicer on a warm day than a dish of that exquisitely tlavorcd ice cream that Frank Fabre makes'.' Mr. John Itogers of the Central Mar kct, has made arrangements to keep al he finest fresh fish, etc., in their season School books at Adler's, cheap and durable, all kinds. A full stock. Fresh taffy and caramels evei v day at the Astoria Candy Factory, Mam Sr. Oi:i:kwitz & Cr..vssn.v. Croup, Whooping Cough and Brnn chitis immediately relieved by Millulfs Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. BOOKS (FOR THE PUBLIC SCH00LS CARL ADLER. A complete stock of Sclutol J'tooks and school supplies. Any book used in the pub lic schools of ClatsopCountv can be obtained at my store. CAltL AJLEK. FALL STOCK ! OLO THING-! Men's, Youths' and Boys nrt4c pnic nrl Oyercoats. i wt-io. i liiuo uim SOFT XSn STIFF H A T S KALI. STOCK OK '!,!iww4eikJMM aa3 T "" -- mwm ...-.-.. RIT.P.IR fOVTS, MP.UM.I.AS. Tltt'VKS. SAT 1ICI.S, i:t. En . TAILORING! Tlir larm -t tock o' lint Foreign anil American Beavers, Cloths. Piques. Worsted. Diagonals, Cassimeres and Pilot Cloths TO MU.KfT 1'KOM. iVS" FIT GUARANTEED! " d. a. Mcintosh, Tailor ami C'loiliiur. - Occident liloek. A TAILOR'S TALE! T have no clear ance sale this fall my Mends, the ftsher- 4 men got awar with nearly all my stock ol summer goods. My stock is fresh, choice and complete in Fall and Win ter Styles of Cloth, Clothing, Overcoats. Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. I will sell ready made or made to order in the finest and best style, and when a man buys a garment in my store ii fits well and is satisfactory. My prices are be yond, a doubt the lowest to be found in town, the best value pnv vnnv ihiiiiav M.l). KANT, The IJnss Merchant Tailor. Hatter and Clothier. X.. H:. C. S1HCX7XX, Importcraiiil Wholesale dealer in Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar ticles, Playing Cards, Cut lery, Etc., Etc., Ttie InrM ami finest .stock ol Meerschaum anil AihImt winds in the city. Particular at tention paid to orders from the country ami I'ssCls. ('!ici;:utms .street, Astoiia, Oregon. T1IKO. ItKAClvEK. Manager Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DKAI.Ki: IX Iron. -Steel. Coal. Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, ' wnorr.iiT and err gaiaanizcd SPXKES TV'uIIs, Copper Xails and Burrs. Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Packing of all Kinds. PROVISIONS. FI.OUR AX MUX FKKI. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills. Corner Chenainus and Hamilton Streets ASTOItl A, OREGON. Proposals WILL UK RECEIVED AT TIIE OFFICE ol the Columbia Canniii'j Company, In Astoria, until noon, Saturday. September s, 182, for furnishing the material, construct ing ander etinga Cannery Iniitd ing in the aid city o Astoria. J'lans and speclflca tions may "ue seen at the office of A. W. Ferguson. No. 3 1 tliian building, l'ropo saLs may Iv left in P.O. 231. or with A. W. Ferguson. The right to reject any and all bids reserved, .IOHX M.OLSEN, dtd Tresideut UNION FJOUSE, ,Wm. W.NICHOLS, - Proprietor, I Oltltoslio !V. !. F!iif?anfi Hmi. . . ...... a goou square .ueai iimi a ciean uen. Rooms to Kent with or without Hoard. Several Rooms to lent to small families uulurnhheu. C. B. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. IIMIIWIIlMmHKHi!UIIHIIIUIllHllIUIIlHUlHHIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIMiHIWI, CLEARANCE SALE! siitiiiinHiiiiiasHiiuiiaaiBi3xisiiiiinicsiiinninniSMHiMMMMMnc( For the next 30 Days Unparalleled Bargains ! ! -IX- Dry Goods and Clothing I $35,000 of DRY GOODS to be sold at a These Goods are of the VERY BEST QUALITY, and are offered at remarkably Low Prices Previous to the arrival of our FALL STOCK. Let every one call and be convinced that we mean business, and that goods of the same quality were never before offered at such low figures. All the Upper Town busses will stop at "this store each way. 1 X L STOI KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS NEW BUILDING. Astoria, August 23, 1835. NEW STORES! &i Happy Greeting to All ! The Empire Store Xevit Door to the I'y Milan Iltiilriingr ! now open with a ery seleet anil eoniplete stock of DRY 0008 f N0VWH8, Ladies' and Children's Shoes. ' OXXIt MOTTO: QUICK SALES AND OUR AIM IS ST'Clerks conversant with the English, German, Scaiv dinavian and French languages will be in attendance. CALL AND SEE US. Astoiia, August 0', lKs-2. . ASTORIA rVJ. MEYER ASTORIA, - REDUCTION OF $7 50 PER BARREL OF 30 GALLONS. ILARC.E OltDERS IN LIKE PROPORTION. J.68S Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - - - S f SO per Dozen "Special attention paid to order from Publle Houses and Farallies.wi THE COLUMBIA BREWERY LABBB IS SUPERIOR TO MOST. AND lb KXCKl.LKU BY NONE ON THIS COAK1 JOHN HAHN, - - PROPRIETOR, CHENAMUS STREET, ASTORIA, OREGON. Orders left at the GERMANIA. liEERf ILVLL will be promptly attended to. and CLOTHING GREAT REDUCTION! o. r-" nmmmMmmm SMALL PMFITB. TO PLEASE. PRiVEL BROTHERS. BPvE"WBBT. Proprietor. - OREGON. WHOLESALE PRICES. J' i;,;