ts? 3) SJJic hn?u scax-inu, AbTOKIA, OREGON: PltlDAY SEPTEMBER 1SS2 I5SU3D EVERY MORNING. f.MoiKlay Kxcstd. J. F. HALLORAN &: COMPANY, I'mm-mms and PnorniKions. Asfrixn JiuUding, Cats Street. Terms 0 Subscription : crvcil by Carrier, pur woek ....i"i Cents "Hit by mini, four months. ........$3 00 nl by lunil, one yesr. ..... ...... 0 CO ffc or I'ostnco to til'Scribcr0. ' Adve rti?oinor.ts inserted by tho your nt he rnt of SI o0 i.or squaro ier month. Transient advcrtisinc. by the day or iroek. fty cent" ocrfquarofor each insertion. THEqiTT. TlIK DA1LV ASTOKIA: I'M he xeilt hy ftailall¢ a mouth,frccnfi)0Uijc. Head- m who enntfinplatralnv wee from the city can ." Tn: AsToniAN follow them. Daily r Wkkiii.y edition lt any poi-l-ogiccicith '(' iuUlUvm.il cronnv. Aldr&to-Cit wioy Je -u t,mcd rtx often a illred. Imvc order at " rouritna rxnn. - In ihe last number to hand of the Port Townsend Argus there arc pub lished forty-four land-oiHce notices. At nightfall yesterday, a ship was coming in, said to be the Astoria. It probably is that vessel: she was due t wo weeks ago. -That sidewalk on Main street in front of .loplin's new building needs the attention of some one; planks arc easier mended than broken bones. -Tt. It. Spcdden went cast of the mountains for a mouth's vacation, yesterday morning. D. II. Welch will attend to the duties of the'oounty clcrk'a office during his absence. Xo prettier weather was ever ex perienced than the present: it is even finer than the "Indian summer" of the eastern states, which was liable at any hour to "turn cold," and end in a freeze. Mr. C. V. Shivoly, clerk of .school district number 18, gives notice that the board of school directors will meet this morning at Foard and Stokes Rtorc, to examine ihe assessment roll of the district. About thirty car loads of ties are arriving daily at Redding, Cal., for the north extension of the Oregon division of the C. T. IX. It., and preparations arc being made to com mence qradhi" soon. The lvate and Anna arrived in laat evening from Gray's Harbor. Capt. Lutjcns reports every one busy in that section. ,7. W. Hume luis about 300 cases salmon packed, and tho fish are beginning to run plenticr. The little schooner goes to Portland, to-dav. We acknowledge the receipt jof eomplimentaries to the twenty-second annual fair of the Oregon stale agri cultural society, which begins -at Salem September 18th, and closes on tho i3d inst., also to the Mechanics' fair, which holds from tho 21st inst. lo the 7th pros., at Portland. Major Downey, one of Califor nia's pioneers, is selling some books here, and desorves the encouragement of our citizens. "In the days of old, ihe das of gold, the days of '49" he founded the city of Downicville, Cal., and through the many eventful years since then has had more than his share of ups and downs. Since tho adverse decision relative lo hydraulic claims lie has concluded to make Oregon hi3 home, and intends to set tle permanently in this section. liy the California arrived a colo ny of Russian Jews from Odessa, con sisting of some 28 men and some half dozen women. They have rented a building back of East Portland where they are located for the present. The men arc mostly young, only two or three bein" married. Several of them . o I are well educated, and arc druggists, engineers, etc. , by profession. They arc in comfortable circumstances, and it i3 their expressed intention to sc curo a tract of land and settle in a bodj as tillers of the soil. Standard. Xcarlj every issue of the S. F.. Bullotin has in its commercial column a little "dig" at The Astouiax and the Portland Commercial Reporter, com paring the published statistics. We have this to say: the published state ments iu our commercial column are exact transcripts of the custom house entries, and are accurate. We are not editing the Portland Commercial Re- porter, aud fail to see why Us inaccu racies should be made a constant text for tho commercial editor of the Bulletin to attempt an impeachment of "papers up north." How Could "Y"ou! The removal of the obstructions to navigation iu the Columbia river,: wliioli ii1i -. .mn. f W tn ?Wr- - "" " -... -V. w JW. ." . landers, is not such a pleasing matter I to Astoiiane. The stevedores there say they will have to pick up and come j to this city, as there would be no work i fur them in Astoria this winter. Tub Astokian has not been enthusiastic in noticni" the work of the Walla Walla. Portland Shwdtud. We can assure our Portland con-1 temporary that none would rejoice more cordi.dly than the Astoriansioj sec the impediments to Columbia commeice ronwved. Indeed we of Astoria have special reason to be glad, for now that the matter f re moving river bars is said to be solved, we expect our Portland friends to join with us in forwarding the good work by standing in in all just and reasonable requests for national aid to improve the bar. Heretofore- Portland wasabsfubed in tho channels of the Willamette and Columbia; now she can rise to the higher plane altonled b3r her late alleged success, and lend a hearing hand to us down here who have so long asked for what is due to the entire state. As for work for the stevedores, we have heard ik serious fears expressed hut that there will be business for both Portand and Asto ria. In regard to being "enthusiastic,"' jt need but be said that we gave the news at the time.just as we did any oth er current event, and we are not m the habit of enthusing over anything, however intimately it may concern us. Will Attend the State "University. Miss Kate Powell, of Pppcr Astoria, has been appointed to one of the three free scholarships, to which Clatsop county is entitled Tn the state'univer sitj'. She left yesterday morning for Eugene city. Miss Etta ?.Iitchell, of Knappa, will also attend the univer sity. Misses Clarabcl and Amy Adams were successful in -each gaining one of the four free scholarships to which Multnomah county is entitled. l'i.'imt. Ortu, and SotIiijt llarltine ;ivea Away. The Xew Xorthwest commences its twelfth volume on September 14th, and will then begin the publication of its $100.00 prie serial. 'The Wav or the World.' by Kllen K. Givcns. The pub lishers have inaugurated a grand orize scheme for canvassers, and will give away an elegant uniight piano, a fine organ, a new nickel-plated sewing ma chine. Webster's Unabridged Diction aries and other :ulicle. Drop a postal card to the Duniway Publishing Com pany, Portland, Oregon, for a saiuplo copj of the Xew Xorthwest. containing the first eliapter of the new torv anil full particulars about the pries. Knoms to Eenl. Pour euuiiuodious rooms over Carl Adlei's hook store, inquire of Carl dler or Cant. Hustler. Y. 31. U. A. Ifegular business, meetiug this Fridtty evening. September .sth, at half pa-t seven o cIock. i aim. maxsex, Secretary. IJy the last steamer Custav Han-cn. the jeweler, received a consignment of guitar.-, violins, accomions. guitar ami violin .stnngs. etc.. wnien are oi mic quality and sold at low xrice. Mi. A. Malcolm ha reeehed a fine stock of ladies wear, .-elected in San Francisco by 3Irs. Derby, and has also secured the services of a fnt-clas5 milliner. Lace ties. etc.. of fa-hiouahle style and reasonable prices. Fresh ice cream every da .at Prank Fabre's. Familie- supplied in any quantity by leaving oroer. AI-o the fiuest ovsters cooked to oidcr. Prank Fabrcs ojstei and ice eream are known everywhere as par excellence. Adler has a large lot of .-chool books on hand, and will supply your ehildren at low prices. Mr. C. Jl. Cooper intends to leac about the 13th of this mon'tli for San Francisco to be in lime for the arrival of the. latest Eastern and Kuropcan im portations. Just received per Xorth Henri, a large invoice of parlor and cook. stoes at John A. Montgomery's. Jf you want a good suit of clothes, rcadv made or made to order, call and see Mcintosh, Occident block. What is nicer on a warm day than a dish of that exquisitely llavored ice eream that Frank Fabre makes V Mr. John Rogers of the Central Mar kct. has made arrangements to keep al he finest fresh fish, ete., in their season rltrui1 Itml.'.. fi il1i,: h1iahi nutl durable, all kinds. A full stock. Fresh taffy and caramels everv dav at the Astoria Candy Faetorv, Mam St. Oekkwitz & Ci.a-si:x. If you want lo see a fine job of me chanical work, call and sec a set of nicklc-plate measures made at J. A. Montgomery's. They don't do anv but first-class work. P. J. Goodman, on Chenainusiieet. has ;"ust received the latest and most fashionable stylo or gents and ladies boots, .shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for the famous Morrow :hoes. If you want nice fresh lard, or good Migar-curcd hams, jut from the coun try go to P. U. Eiberson's bakery. labre ice cream is the best. Presh fruit received at C. A. Mav " by every .-learner. .o siaie trash, liven variety of Oregon and California fruit laiwavs on mum. Ifemember Frank Fabry's icecream It is par excellence. Highest price paid for old web and junk. Cum?. Kvaxsox. lm Inquire of Foard Sc Stokes. Oregon State Fair. To thk Fai:mki:s.xi Mkchanu-s ur. Anyone suffering from habitual eon- Oi:n:ox: ,stination, torpidity of the liver, cold-. This unders iimcil. b.iHiti iif mana-ivcm, , - fjers of the Oregon State Agricultural society, desire to state a iesv fuels m regard to the Annual Slate Pair of 1882, to the end that the management may be better understood. The speed department of the fair has for years been a source of vexa tion and trouble, not ouiy to the board, ; at its annual meetings, but to the so. j cicty iu general, and the argument for j years has been, on the one side, that too much attention was paid to it, and too much money offeted, and on the other hand, that the board have given no encouragement .sufficient to induce a fine display i-f ihe best horses. At the annual meeting, December 18S1, it was finally concluded to assign this department to a committee, who "should agree lo pay the money tlfey might of-, fer. and that they should receive eei - tain receipts especially derived from dresse-and cloaks, liy -ending ! or i ., . , . ,, . ,,-.- ,' bust, length of sleeve, skirl, wai-t ami I that department, lint as additional junUcr an7uI. willsend CO. D..dresses j muuccmcni so maice mis cnange, wesimmc" i.uu, oiuuimi- um.v. cite the fact that the premiums for speed have been given for years' at a loss to the society, while those inter ested have urged that this department was not properly managed, and that it ought to pay, and could be made to pay its expenses. Iu order to satisfy ourselves in regard to all these mat ters, no mone3 is offered this year for speed trials. If the experiment shall prove successful, it will have cost thel society nothing, ami will he a basis for their further action, and we deem it just to say that our coirse was not governed by any committee of horse men, or any agent of a committee, and that there was no dictation on the part of any one. It was the carrying out. of a desire often expressed by very many friends and members of the society. In regard to the receipts, we feel that thej' will be proportionately as good without the speed department as with it, and that the plan adopted will insure as much success and as much money to pay the premiums in the other departments, and the ex penses of the fair, :i3 if no change had been made. The premiums of the society then, for tiiis year, are offered to the far mers and mechanics of Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho. In the depart ments of cattle, sheep and swine, as well as iu agricultural implements, we arc quite certain the display will beja creditable one. We urge upon the farmers and mechanics, then, to use every effort to make their department attractive. If you dislike the course which has been pursued by the officers fo the society the remedy at the annu al election is an easy one. but if the State Agricultural society is to grow in favor and patronage, the friends of every department must seek to make its annual fairs attractive. While we are free to admit that in some instanc es, the premiums are not as large as they should be, certainly in the de partments of grains, and some others, there can be no ground for complaint. At all events we have acted as we thought best for the interest of the society, and offered all we believed it could afford to pay. More than this, you would not expect us to do; less than this, wc feel certain, has not been done. Let there be a strong effort made, then, to increase the interests ami at tractiveness of all the departments at our coming fair, and let j'our aim be to strengthen public confidence in the society, and to assist in placing it upon a permanent foundation. If the weather shall prove favorable, with an early and abundant harvest, and fair cash prices for the produce of the country, there is no reason to doubt the success of tho fair of 1882. We deem it. but just to sa3' that through the efforts of the speed com mittee, the largest number of horses for running and trotting ever seen at our fairs will be present at the state fair of 1882. M. Wilkius, president, Lane conn ty; John G. Wright, vice president, Marion county; C. V. Burkhart, vice president, Linn county; E. M. Waite, secretary, Marion county; Jos. Hamil ton. Liun county; John F. Miller, Lake county; Geo. Belshaw, Lane county; G. W. Scoggins, Washington county; J. T. Appcrson, Clackamas county; John Downing, Marion coun ty; Henry Miller, 3Inltnomah county; E. L. DeLashmutt. Polk county; Win. Galloway, Yamhill county; board of managers. Sparkling Eyes. Rosy chocks and clear comploxion only accompany good health. Par ker's Ginger Tonic better than any thing, makes pure, rich blood, and brings health, joyous spirits, strength, and beauty. Ladies try it Bazar. For the genuine J. H. Colter, old Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and see Campbell. A Fair Proposition. ueauacnes, reswesmss. mccii- lessness, indigestion or other ills arising from a disordered or inactive condition j of the liver, stomach ami bowels, and, wi'lnug (o give Syrup Figs a thorough j iriai. can vu u oi t . r.. jjciucm jirug- gi-t, v. hoba been appointed agent Tort Astoria, who will agree to return join-1 monev if it fails to net prompt lv and , ;s:ili.-lactoruy. j i,Mim.. Davis As Co.. v.hole-ale ngents j Portland. Oregon. " - - - ' To Parcm. -.cud your children to Carl Adlers for! jjjflr nnd gfi "1 FUMlsJnff GOOdS I Jtngmpu? of all the Presidents .of ilnl. ..-........-....,.. l ni,ld Stales. gratis. , ..rj, 5I.R rOATS , hjri.us. i;el Adler". - . your chool IWMk. a I t'arl All Iw'Olcsu-eri in the public schools '"" u' W' f"r ,-:" l' A'l,p,v j H I; Ijjlt j l.euU h.U, hN ,.Ioi,.u, r:,n ltH.k ,;f j Yor.Thirri'and Alder. Pmt'laml. Or. A Farm For Sale. A Parm or l'JO acres with a govern ment title, a good orchard, and im;ro e ments, for ale. Term pari cash, pari Astoria eity property, the halauee in one or two years. Knqtiiie at the real estate and "intelligence ageney. .Main street. D.vx KEr.i.r.UKn. Agi. For Thirty Ia.is. Por the next thirty days, preparatory to going below for a fresh stock or no elhiv;. I will sell nuv nrtiele innv store at as low a price as it could be finughl at retail in San Francisco. CAui.Aix.r.i:. A Delicious Appetizer. That ensures digestion and enjoyment of foed: a tonic that brings strength to the weak and rest to the nervous; a harmless diarrhea cure that don't constipate just what every family needs Parker's Ginger Tonic. . A CARD. To all who are suffering from the enors and indiscretions or youth, nerv ous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, etc., 1 will send a recipe that will cure you F1IEE OP CHAIJOE. This great remedy was discovered bj- a mis sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Jtev. .Ioskpii T. Ixmax, Station 1), Xew York Cit. tty Fni versa 1 Accord. Aykks Cathartic Pir.i.-sare the be-t of all purgatives for family use. They are Ihe product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, and their extensive use by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized na tions, proves them the best and most ef fectual purgative Pill that medical sci ence can devise. In intrinsic value and curative powers no other PilN can he compared with them, and every per.-nn, knowing their viitues. will emploj them, when needed. They keep the svstcm in perfect order, and maintain iu healthy action the whole machinery of life. Mi!ti..scarcliing aniieiteetual. they are especially adapted to the needs or the digestive apparatus, derangement of which they prevent and cure, if timely taken, lhey are the nest and safest nhvsic to employ for children and weakend constitutions, where -a mild and effectual cathartic is required. I'm: Sam: i:v am. 1)i:am:i:. Have Wistar's balsam of wild eherrj always at hand. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooping.cough. croup, in fluenza, consumption, and all throat and ping complaints. 30 cents anri.si a hot tie. Pauey soaps and perfumery of all kinds can Ik found at .1. V. Conn'- drug store, oppo-ite Occident hotel! Shiloh's Vilali7er is what you need for Constipation. Los or Appetite. Diz ziness ami all symptoms, or Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 7"i cent- per 'mlile. Sold hy V. K. Dement. Catarrh cured, health anil sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Kem- eriv. Price ."0 cents. Masai Injector free. For sale by YV. K. Dement. Will you suffer with Dispep-ia and Liver Complaint '.' Shiloh's Yitalier is guaranteed lo cure you. Sold hy Y. K. Dement. Shipper it llybke. No. 11, Oak .-treet Portland, are the bon ton tailors or the metropolis. Shiloh's Cough and Coii-uuiptiou Cure is sold hy u.- on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold hy W. K. De ment. Domestic bliss is surely the de sired end of all mortals. Enjoy it by using PFUNDER'S OllUCiOX BLOOD PURIFIER, which will re move all superfluous bile and make everybody smile. How man j a sweet face is marred 1- vellow teeth and fai!inr "inn--. And mouth and lips all hot and bard, And breath decjvlainted as it comes : And yet with SOZODOXT, we may Keep all these dire defects at bay. NO FOOLISHNESS ! MUST MAKE ROOM ! 1 am about to leave for San Pranci-co with the intention of l)riii"iii'' no the flne.st stock of I JEWELRY. WATCIIias. AND Solid faoltWiutl SiltcrHiiw, Ever offered to the A-storia nuMie. ami olfer i for sale at extremely low prices the whole of j my present stoclc. This is a Ixma title olfer. Solid gold Watches. Chains-, r.racrlcls. lar Kings. Puis, etc.. at manufacturers jirices. Ct'STAV HANSEN. BOOKS 'FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS! CARL ADLER. A complete stock of School Hooks and school supplies. Any book used In the pab lic schools of Clatsop Count vein be obtained at my store. Carl abler. FALL STOCK ! ri-. rn TT T "XT 1 I ( J j ) J CI J.JN VJT ! Men's. Youths" and Boys" wf v WW m JS f jL JL 2 p Panic nnr! HvPrrnatQ bOuIS. raMS an(l IrVerfJOaiS. SOFT A"VI STIFF E A T S PALI. STOCK OK TRl'XKS. SA If HKLS. Kt . l!r. TAILORING! The Jarge-l -luck, of line Foreign ami American Beavers, Cloths, Piques, Worsted, Diagonals, Csssimeres and Pilot Cloths TO .-.KI.KfT FROM. . FIT GUARANTEED! 'W d. a. Mcintosh, Tailor ami Clothier. - Occident r.lock. A TAILOR'S TALE! 1 have no clear ance sale this fall my friends, the fisher men got away with nearly all my stock of summer goods. My stock is fresh, choice and complete in Fall and Win ter Stvles of Cloth. Clothing, Overcoats, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps. Boots and Shoes. I will sell ready made or made to order in the finest and best style, and when a man buys a. garment in my store it lits well and is satisfactory. "My prices are be yond a doubt the lowest to-be found in town, the best value for your money. 31. 1). KANT, The Ito. Merchant Tailor. Hatter ami Clothier. X. X, G, SXMCX1MX,' InilNirteraiiil Wholesale dealer ia Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar ticles, Playing- Cards, Cut lery, Etc., Etc., The large-! ami finest stock of Meerschaum ami Aiiiher gooi's hi the eity. Particular at tention j:tid loonier from ihe coiuitrv ami ve eN. Ciieiiamns si reel. Astoria, Oregon. THKO. I'.KACKKl. Manager Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DK.vi.r.ns ix Iron. Steel.. Coal. Anchors., Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WKOriUiT AND C't'T GALVANIZED S JE X JeC X2 3uil.s. Copper V::ils ami Burrs, Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Puckinq of all Kinds. PROVISIONS. rr.oiiR ani mux ffki. Agents for Salem Flouring MilLs. Corner Chenanius andllainillon Streets ASTOKIA. OREGON. Proposals WILL r.E UKCEIVED AT THE OFFICE of the Columbia Canning Company, in Asloria, until noon, Saturday, September 9, 18S2, for furnishing the material, construct ing ami erecting a Cannery Imitiling in the said eity of Astoria Plans and specifica tions may oe seen at the office of A. ". pptgiison. No. a Pvthian building. Propo sals ma be Ml iu P.O. 231. or with A. V. Feigusoii. The right to reject any and all bids reserved. .lOHX M. OLSEN, dtd rresIilPiit UNION MOUSE, Wm. W.NICHOLS, - Proprietor, Oppo.silero. 1 Kiigiiic House. I A good siuaie Meal and a clean Red. Rooms to Rent with or without Roard. Several Rooms to rent to small fjwillle.3 unfurnished. C. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHAKDISE. mimmmm.i.i....nm... ,, BHMMHUMSOMMiBUiaaifiiiuttiiiiuiiiatniiiiMiiiiiiauMiHMaatiiiMMMMiHM CLEARANCE SALE! iiicaaiiiiiaitMnaitiiiiiiiiBsaiiitmiiixmiiiiiiiiiaiiai1UHaiailMMHHaaMM For the next 30 Days ' Unparalleled Bargains ! ! -IN- Dry Goods and Clothing ! $35,000 These Goods are of the VERY BEST QUALITY, and arc offered at remarkabiy Iiow Prices . Previous to the arrival of our FALL STOCK. Let every one call and he convinced that Ave mean business, and that goods of the same quality were never before offered at such low figures. All the Upper Town busses will stop at this store each way. I la S KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS NEW BUILDING. Astokia, Ausjust 23, 18S2. NEW STORE! ri-i. Happy Greeting to All ! m The Empire Store IV1 Door to Ihe Pjllihiu lluilriiiig; j In now open with a iry wUtI :iitl t-omplwe itock of J 4 DRY GOODS t N0TWN9, Ladies' and Children's Shoes. 1 OXXR MOTTO: QUICK SALES AND SMALL MFIT9. OUR AIM IS TO PLEASE. "Clerks conversant with the English, German, Scan dinavian and French languages will be in attendance. CALL AND SEE L'S. ' PKAEL BROTHERS. A.-toria, Augu.-t -Jti, lSs--. ASTORIA BREWERY. M. MEYER Proprietor. ASTORIA, special AisrjgouiisroiEarajBigT. KEDUCTIOS OF WHOLESALE PhTCES. $7 50 PER BARREL OF 30 GALLONS; LARGE ORDERS IN LIKE PROPORTION". Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - - - $ 1 60 per Dozen WSpocial attention paid to order from Public Houses and Families.- THE COLUMBIA BREWERY 1? K IF "G?T3 jeLa? IS SUPERIOR TO MO.S1. AM) IS EXCELLED l:Y NONE ON THIS COAHT JOHN HAHjN, - - PROPRIETOR, 0HENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. jtarOrders left at the GERMANIA REEKIIALL will be promptly attended to.HB of DRY GOODS and CLOTHING to be sold at a GREAT REDUCTION! !l o o. Tf OREGON. - fe 4S) 'yi'i5 J' 0) Jp ok fip2f3?!& msrsmsir A