The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, September 05, 1882, Image 3

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k L.fVZ-i
'-- &m Ff-l ,- -.
SLfUc iinUn srrxvmi.
.Mondu7 Excojttodi.
l'rr.i.itiiKKs am I'noenirrroi:-'.
i!iratit Jiiiilding. Coi Sli-ret.
Terms of Subscription ; j
erred by Carrier, per week ..i5 Cents
-r.t by mail, four month? . .......Si 0
t-nr by mcil, ono year... ................ W oO;
Free of Postaeo to Subscribers.
".ih'orti;omenn inserted by the year at
hf i aid of SI "") ier square iter month.
1 ranriont advertising, by tho day or wesfc,
fly coats tier g-juarofor each insertion.
Uy Daily astokian will If nd bn
mall ttlRccnl a month. Tnc of postage. Head'
n icho amtemplatfalMiicc from the rfy can
'.r.r, TlIK ASTOKIAX follow tlittn. DAILY
t W kkicly rilitionx to ami pot-o'Jlci. with'
on! ,! itUtUhictl expend. -UMrcic maybe
z'uuvjul ax at- ilcxirfd. Ideate nrdt at
the counting room.
There will he n special meclins of
the citv council lo-ni"ht.
Mr. John Williams is pieparing
to put up fall salmon at Tansy point.
-The county court was in session
yesterday, in reference to probate
-The Kuropa andNcbo were toned
up stream yesterday.
-C. 11. Rain has sold his mill and
appuitcnances to Win. Howe, who
will continue the business.
The (I en. Miles arrived in from
Tillamook last Sunday afternoon.
She brings considerable freight and a
number of pasengers.
Miss Anna Powell has just closed
a term of school in district No. !.",
on John D.iy rivet-with satisfactory re-
suits. She went to Xehalcni valley
to commence another term, yester
day. List Sundays Oregonian has a
story, the scene of which is laid in
"th. little town of Astoria." With
the exception of a village on Long
Island, we were not aware that any
other place besides this city bore that
Can such things be and overcome
us like a summer cloud without our
special wonder? We have had all sorts
of famines, and now the milkmen have
one back on us. Rny a cow, some
body. This thing of doing without
milk isn't a bit funny.
The Annie Johnson cleared
yesterday with a cargo worth 210,
061. This is the first clearance for
September, and the laat of the fleet
that loaded at Astoria. The Annie
Johnson is one of the two iron barks
sailing under the American flag.
-In Sunday's Astokian appealed
an inquiry from the mother of Chas
E. llnll, asking for information as to
his present whereabouts. A gentle
man informs us that he was in this
city up to tho 28th of last July, and
w cut from here to New Westminster,
n. c.
The members of the Astoria
Chamber of Commerce are requested
to meet at the office of J. Q. A.
ttowlby at 7:U0 this evening, to take
into consideration matters pertaining
to the expected visit of the U. S.
board of engineers to examine and
report on the Columbia river bar.
H is the intention of the proprie
tors of the skating rink to build an
extension of 53 feet, making the
building 49x155, and to also put in a
stage and suitable scenery, and also
lit the auditorium with chairs.
When tho building is ready for occu
pancy it will have a seating capacity
of 900.
On account of the blackboards,
plaster, etc., not being thoroughly
dry, the directors of school district
No. 18, deemed it best not to have
school begin yesterday. On next
Monday the session will- commence.
hi district No. 1, the school bell rang
out loudly yesterday morning and the
rooms were well filled. This is the
last time that school begins in the
present building, as by next session a
more commodious building will have
been constructed.
School district No. 17, five miles
above Tongue Point, on Mr. Church's
place, has just completed a new
school house, 18x24, with modern
iinnrovements. The district has
ordered tho improved school desks
from Portland. y the efforts of
Mossrs. Church, Fisher, Riddle,
Olnen, Hills and others, the house has
been comfortably furnished and is
being put in excellent condition.
Miss Duel!, who has just completed a
term of school in district No 16, will
have charge. School began yesterday.
A Feeling of General Regret j
T. V. Eaton, one of our best -known I
nnd mo?
most-respected citizens, died last
lay morning at r, o'clock. For six
days he had sulfeted intense bodily
anguish, and forty-eight hours pre
ceding his death it became evident
that there was no hope. His relatives
and immediate friends veie at his
bedside during his last hours. On
Fiida last he recognized the inevit
able and made his will. .Sunday
morning the flags throughout the city
weie at half-mast, and the one gen
eral expression was one of regret at
his untimely taking off, and sympathy
for his wife, to whom he had been
married but a few months. We have
never seen more genuine or universal
manifestations of legret. each seeming
to take it as adiicct personal loss.
Deceased was a JMasun, and at 12:30
yesterday afternoon the members of
Templo Lodge No. 7, met at their hall
and proceeded to his late lesidence:
from thence the body was taken to the
steamer West port, whence with sin
cere grief, and accompanied by a sad
array of mournci.s, it was com eyed to
its final restiiiu place at Clatsop.
Truman W. Katun was born at Salis
bury, New Hampshire, February 2d,
1844. When but a lad his patents
moved to Princeton, I1K, when his
yuiith was passed; at (he breaking out
of the war between the state., he en
listed in a regiment of Illinois volun
teers, and sci ved through the rebel
lion; in 18(50 he received a federal-appointment
at New ( Irleans, and re
mained there until 1S78, when he
came to Astoria, at once going
into active business. On the 2i5d of
last May he married Miss Maria Shea,
of this place, and to all who saw them
it seemed as if a long and happy life
was allotted to them. On the 21th
,llt - he complained of fcelin
and on the following uay took to his
bed, from which he never rose.
He was a whole-souled man, an in
telligent companion, a social and
genial comrade, and a sincere friend
to those whom he admitted to friend
ship. We never met him but what
he had a smile and a joke or witty
saying and he was the life of any
circle in w Inch he was placed. vi'hc
suddenness of his removal from among
us i3 numbing in its influence upon
anything like fitting comment or ap
propriate eulogy.
Tears tell, when thou vvcit dying.
From eyes unused to weep,
And long, whfjre thou ait I imr.
Will tears the cold caith steep.
Green be the tin f alum thee:
Friend of our foi nier days :
None knew thee but Jo love thee.
Nor named thee but to praise.
The Feast Ooregonian has a new
J. 0. Rozorth advertises some
desirable real estate for sale in
Shivoly's Astoria.
The ladies of tho Presbyterian
aio lcqueslcd to meet
at tnc house ot the pastor to-day at
2 r. m. A prompt and full attend
ance is desired.
pastor to-day
Lieut. Eltonhcad, of Vancouver,
and Col. t'pham, of Walla Walla, go
to Fort Cauby this morning, where,
with Lieut. Pope and Major Toy lor,
they hold a court-martial to-day.
At the annual election of olli
cers for Engine company No. 1 last
night, W. W. Parker was elect d
president; L. E. Sclig, secretary; Wm.
Bock, tieasurer. S. G. lngalls was
elected foreman; Chas. Wallman, 1st.
asst.; Henry Miller, '2d. asst. The
Board of Delegates arc, L. E. Sc
lig, C. J. Trenchard, Chas. Stickles.
At the regular meeting of Rescue
Eugine Co. No. 2, last evening, the
following list of officers was elected
for the ensuing year: C. W. Fulton,
President; F. L. Patker, Treasuter;
0. P. Graham, Foreman; R. F. Prael,
1st Asst.; A. Mclvinzie, 2nd Asst.
Board of Delegates: M. C. McCor
mick, F. L. Parker,- and H. F. Prael.
Hon. D. P. Thompson, of Port
land, arrived down yestcrdaj- after
noon, in company with Messrs.
Dckum and Brazee, his associates in
the new enterprise' they propose put
ting up here. An informal meeting
was held last night in reference to the
matter, and at the council meeting
to-night the business will be definitely
.iusl ivceiveu per -orrn wend, a
large invoice of pai lor and cook sto e
at John A. Montgomerv's.
school books at Adler'.s, cheap ami
durable; all kinds. A full stock.
ff joii want a good suit of clothes.
ieady made or made to- order, call and
sve ilelntosb. Occident block.
Highest in ice paid for old web ami
junk. Cunts. Kv.vxsox.
liu Inquire of Koaul A: .Stokes.
. Fabre's Ice cream is the best.
Freight Boats "Withdrawn.
As the fishin" and canning season'
, , , i. ,
:l3 closed, and uxcuriuii travel to and
j" the coast near ceased, the O. 1 .
S- Co. have discontinued runniiun
the regular freight boats Willamette
Chief and Dixie Thompson between
Astoria and Portland. Hereafter the
steamer Mountain Queen, leaving'
Portland as usual, Monday, Wednes-J
day and Friday, at G A. M., for Asto-.
ria, will take freight as well a3 pas-j
scngcrs and mails for landings on both j
sides of the river between Portland j
and We3tford. W. T., (GO miles), and
thence following the Washington Ter
ritory shore, stopping at Cathlamet,
Skomockawa, Brooklield and way
landings. Re-turning, she will leave
Astoria Tuesday. Thursday and Sat
urday, at G a. ji., and run over same
route to Portland. The steamer S. O.
Reed leaves Portland Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday, at G a. m., taking
passengers, freight and mails for land
ings between Poitland and Water
ford, and thence runs along the Ore
gon shore to Astoria via Westport,
Clifton and Knappa and way landings.
She leaves Astoria Monday, Wcdne
day and Friday, at (5 v. vt., and fol
lows the same course up the river to
Portland. IJoth " hunts connect with
the Northern Pacific passenger trains
at Ivalama to and from Tacomn.
OrujiotUtn Jfth.
Thomas McGill.
Mr. K. C. Holden is in receipt of a
letter from the mother of Thonias
McGill, a fisherman, who was drown
ed last year at the mouth of the Co
lumbia river. It appears she is en
titled to draw some insurance so soon
as satisfactory proofs of her son's
death are produced. Through a Mr.
Cunningham the fact that McGill was
really drowned was previously obtain
ed. If Mr. C. , or any other person
having knowledge of the fact, will
communicate with Mr. Holden, ho
will gladly take their affidavits free of
charge, and thus enable the bereaved
mother to obtain the insurance of
which she is greatly in need.
Domestic Salmon Shipments.
Sept, 2, Oiegeit: C.Timtnins&Co.
s;. John Williams, :XK); Fisher
men's Pk"g Co., -200; J.O. Han
thorn & Co., 44; Eagle Cunnerv,
.".jr.; .!. ("r. Megler, r00; Colum
bia Canning Co., .".00; Eureka
Pk'g Co.,ys.i:C. P.Co., I7.i ; Wm.
Hume, ::oo. Total
Anctlon Male To-day.
At eleven o'clock this moriiiug E. C.
Holden will sell, for account of whom It
may conciM n, to pay freight and charges.
:G boxes of tomatoes and egg plums to
the highest bidders, for cash.
Xew Saloim.
1 will open my saloon opposite 1'os
tei'.s this eening (Sept.. I,) at 7 o'clock.
The best of wines liquors and cigars
will be found at the bar. and no trouble
will be spared to please my cus
tomers. A. tliMiKi:.
A Delicious Appetizer.
That ensures digestion and enjoyment
of foed: a tonic that brings strength
to the weak and rest to the nervous;
a harmless diarrhea cure that don't
constipate just what every family
needs Parker's Gingqr Tonic.
To all who are suffering from the
oiirirc nml iniliscrelinn of nnlli. nerv
on weakness, early decay, loss oi man
hood, etc., I will send a recipe that will
cure you FBEE OF CIIAWSE. This
great remedy was discovered by a mis
sionari in South America. Send a self
addressed envelope to the llev. Josnpn
T. Ixma.v. Station 1), New York City.
Spaikfing Eyes.
Rosy cheeks and clear complexion
only accompany good health. Par
ker's Ginger Tonic better than any
thing, (makes pure, rich blood, and
brings health, joyous spirits, strength,
and beauty. Ladies try it Jhtzar.
So Mokk Sick Ueauai'iik. For
nersens of delicate health and ner
vousness, hear what an eminent lady
lecturer says: ''Having suffered trom
nervous headache for some time, and
not finding any relief from the treat
ment of our best physicians, I tried
Plunder's Oregon lllood PuriGer.
One close of this remarkable remedy
gave immediate relief, and a few bot
tles of the same cured me so far. I
can recommend it. specially to ladies
suffering .similarly."
If Not Why Jot Use the great
appetizer, liver regulator, and a sure
cure for vour impure blood. It makes
the skin smooth, soft and fresh; the
eyes bright and sparkling; the brain
Adlcr has a large lot of .school liooks
on hand, and will supply your children
at low prices. taffv and caramels every day
at the Astoria' Candy Factory, 31am St.
John P. Ci.askn
Remember Frank Fabre's icecream.
His par excellence.
Alr.s. A. Malcolm has received a
line, stock of ladies wear, selected in
San Francisco by Mis. Derby, and has
also secured the .sen ices of a first-elass
milliner. Lace ties, etc.. of fashionable
slIe aud reasonable prices.
Mr. C. II. Cooper intends to leave
about the 15th of this month for San
Francisco to be in time for the arrival
of the latest Eastern and European im
portations. Brace up the whole system with King
of the Blood. See Advertisement.
To Parent.
Semi your children to Carl Adlers for
their hooks and where thov get a blot-
tor siatc pencil, ruler, chromo, and pho-
'tographs of all the Presidents of the
tograpbsf alltlie
On the T'liiatilla. to-morrow. Carl Ad-
ler will get a large lot of Seaside and !
Franklin square library book. 1'resh
literature and cheap.
(let vour school hooks :it Carl
Will hae a lot of genuine oil painting-
at the City Rook store, on I lie
anival of the Victoria.
A-1I books li-ed in the public school--of
i in county, for sale at Carl Adler.
H. H. IAtt
Ha-, coinolt'ieil his elegant fall stuck of -.
dresses and cloaks. By sending si7e of I
bust, length of sh-eve. skirt, waist and ,
under arm. he will send f. (. I)., dresses !
iroiii .?! upwanis: nmiiinn noiii c-.s.
Address: 11. 11. Litt. ,
Cor.Thinland Alder. Portland. Or
To the lnlli;.
Ilaviuir sold in, barber eiisiue:
Mr. r. L. Fo. I ben !iaw to thank my J
many friends tor their kind pntiouge.
during mv stay in the eiri.aud hope'
they will favor nij sitf-cessor with tin
same kindness. Fi:i:n 11. ik.
Astoria, Oregon, Sept. 2, 1XS2.
A Farm For Sale.
A Farm of r.'ii acres with a ;o. em
inent title, a uood orehaid, and im;uoe
ments. for sale. Terms nai t rash, part
Astoria city property, the balance in
one or two ears. Enquire at the real
estate, and intelligence agency. .Main
.street. Dax Kki.i.cukk. Ayi.
For Thirt y Iaj .
For the next thirty das, preparatory
to going below for a fresh stock of nov
elties. L will .sell any article in nij store
at as low a price as it could h bought
at retail in San Francisco.
The purity aud elegant perfume i
of Parker's Hair "Balsam explain the
popularity of this reliable rcstoralne.
Cla.ssen & Oerkwitz have Iwmght the
branch Candy store next to Stevens A:
Co'sbook .store. and will hereafter run
both place. Fresh candy alwajs on
What is nicer on a warm day than a
dish of that exquisitely flavored ice
cream that Frank Fabrc makes?
Mr. John Ilogersof the Central Mar
ket, has made arrangements to keep al
he finest fresh fish, etM in their season
If you want nice ft ash lard, or good
Migar-cured hams, just from the coun
try go to F. P.. Emerson's baker'.
When you want pure drugs and
chemicals of any kind, go to J. V.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
The Peruvian syrup lixs eun-il thou
sand? who wore suffering finm dyiep
.sia, debility, liver complaint, boiK hu
mors, female complaints cte. Pamph
lets free to any address. Seth W. Fow If
ifcSon- 'loston. fruit received at C. A. Max's by
eery steamer. No stale trash. Everv
variety of Oregon and California fruit
always on hand.
For the genuine J. II. Cutter old
Bourbon. and Hie best-of wines, liquors
and San Francisco beer, call at the (Seni
opposite the bell tower, and . see Camp
bell. Restlessness at night; nervous
twitching, nightmare, etc., give way
to peaceful sluniber, tired nature's
sweet restorer, by using Pfnndcr's
Oregon Blood Purifier, the Vagctable
Sedative and Tonic.
Will j on suffer Willi I)ispepia and
Liver Complaint '. Shiloh Yilalier i
guaranteed to cure you. Sold l V. E.
Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherrj
always al hand. It euros coughs, colds,
bronchitis, wboopiug cougli, croup, in
fluenza, consumption, and all throat and
ping complaint. .icenNanilt a Ind
Cioup, Whooping Cough and Brmi
ehitis iminediaielv relieved bvShilnhV
Cine. Sold bv W. E. Dement.'
.ShilnhV. Viialier is what yon need
Tor Constipation, l.ossof Appetite. I)i and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Priee 10 anil 7"i cent 'per hoi tie. SoM
by V. E. Dement.
Shipper fr Rvbke. No. 11. Oak stieet
Portland, are the bou ton tailoisof the
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Palari h Rem
edy. Price r0 cents. Masai Injector fiee.
For sale by W. E. Dement.
That Hacking Cough can be .so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it. Sold by K. Dcmenl.
I. ('. Davidson, photographer. Pint-
land, still retains the negatives taken al
Astoria last year, and will furnish dupli
cates from them on short notice. His
landscape views are much admired and
in large demand. dw lm
Averill's mixed paisiK the iiet in
uc, for sale at J. W. Counts drug store
opposite Occident Hotel.
How many a sweet face is marred
By yellow teeth and failing gums'.
And mouth and lips all hot and haul.
And breath deep-tainted as it cemes:
And vet with SOZODOXT, we ma
ICccp all these dire defects at bay.
1 If vou want to .see a line job of me
chanical work, call and see a set of
nickle-plate measures made al .1. A.
Montgomery's. Thev don't do anv bill
first-class work.
P. .1. 'oodman, on Cheiiamus stieer,
has just received the latest and most
fashionable style of gents and ladies
lKots. shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for
tue iamous Morrow shoes.
Sleepless Nights, made
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you
Sold bv V
K. IV-
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by V. K. De
ment. Fresh ice cream every dav at Frank
Fabre's. Families supplied in anj
quantity by leaving order. Also th'e
finest oj-bters cooked to order. Frank
Fabres oysters and ice cream are known
everywhere as par excellence.
Men's. Youths' and Boys
U I T S !
Coats. Pants and Overcoats,
soft xsn STirr
' ""
2TgXliffIli3iPf GOOClS I
'I hi laiyest stork of line
r.ireiun and American
Beavers, Cloths, Piques,
Worsted; Diagonals,
Gassimeres and Pilot Cloths
d. a. Mcintosh,
Tailor and Clothier. - Occident Mock.
h. F. STT. ENS.
c. s. p.kown
here vim will iiinl all I lies standard works
of the d.iv.nnd a constantly cuanclim
slock of novelties aud tancj
articles: we Keep ttie
best assortment of
variety goods
in the
Pocket Books.
Picture Frames,
Steroscopes, Mu
sical Instruments..
Sheet Music, Bijou
terie. & Celluloid
Goods, etc., etc.
I'll Stairs over
Alt.VOTA FKItf'IIF.VH woi:k a
mm: i'aktxeksiiii" iikkktofokk
A. existing between .Mm l'chle and l!eo.
Can is ths day dissolved liy mutual con
sent; the undersigned will pay all debts
uwiirz and colic, t ail bills due the firm.
Asloiia. August t;. leJ.
I will continue the business at the old
stand will sell good at living prices.
Dissolution Notice.
fiiui: rAi:T.Ei.sinr iieuetofokk
A existing between Welherbcc&Tlinnies
has been this day unit nail, dissolved. Mr.
Wetherbee retiring on account of poor
health. .Mr. '1 homes will finish all unsettled
business in Oregon.
Astoria. Oregon. Aug. 31, 18S2. did
rami: oemnfext tax koi.l roit
.1 I In war is. together with n warrant
from the Vountv Court fur the collection ot
the same, is in" m hands. Ocliiwment tav-paver-will
n'e.isr M-tlle al once and save
coMs. A. .M. TWO.MKLY.
niva Sheriff.
Astoria Ip Depot.
Frank Fabre is now prepaid! to sup-
plv lamiues. restaurants, hotels, saloons.
ele., with puie mountain ieeon the prem
ises, t-resti leeereain every iiay. nans
parlies and dinners supplied with ice
cream at short notice.
A Fair Proposition.
Anvone sufl'ering from habitual con
stipation, torpidity of the liver, colds,
feveis. headaches, restlessness, sleep
lessness, indigestion or olher ills arising
fium a disordered or inactive condition
of the liver, stomach and bowels, and
wishing to give Sviup Figs a thorough
trial, can bu.v it of W. E. Dement Drug
gist, who has been appointed agent for
Astoria, who will agieeto return your
nioiicv if it fails u act promptly and
IIiMlge, Davis A: Co.. wholesale agents
Portland. Oregon.
Ky I'ni vernal Accord.
Aykks Cat JiAKTicPil.i.sare the best
of all purgatives for family use. They
are the product of long, laborious, and
successful chemical investigation, and
their extensive um by physicians in
their practice, anil by all eivili7Ctl na
tions, pioves them the bast and most ef
fectual purgative Pill that medical sci
ence can dev ise. In intrinsic value and
curative powers no other Pills can he
compared vv ith them, and every person,
knowing their virtues, will employ
them, when needed. They keep the
system in perfect order, and maintain in
healthy action the whole machinery of
life. Mild, searching and effectual, they
are especially adapted to the needs of
the digestive apparatus, derangements
of wliich thev pi event and cure, if
timely taken. They are the best and
safest physic to employ for children and
weakend constitutions, where a mild
and effectual cathartic is required.
Fei: Sai.k r.v ai.i. Dkalkks.
Phvsieiaus' prescriptions carefully
conijionndcd daj or night at .1. .
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
The art to preserve health luis
finally been made very easy in its
application. Use Plunder's Oregon
Blood Purifier; give it to your friends
and see its charming action.
For the next 30 Days
Unparalleled Bargains ! !
Dry Goods and Clothing !
to be sold at a
These Goods are of the VERY BEST QUALITY,
and arc offered at remarkably
' laow Prices
Previous to the arrival of our FALL STOCK.
Let every one call and be convinced that we mean
business, and that goods of the same quality were never'
before offered at such low figures.
tAll tne Upper Town busses will stop at this
store each way.
Asiokia, August 23, 1882.
Happy Greeting to All !
I The Empire Store
:Vel looi to the lj (hiiui Riilhliilir J i,
Is now open with a ury select and complete stock of
. a
. a
! Ladies' and Children's Shoes.
. 0
iXlerks conversant with the English, German, Scan
dinavian and French languages will be in attendance.
Astoria, August ''i, l.Ss-.
M. MEYER Proprietor.
spboiaxi A.jjjroTTjroaatgEaKra,
ILAiuiE nr.DKRs ix
Less Quantities,
Bottled Beer, -' -
aWSpecIal attention paid to onlPM
srOrdere left at the UEItMAXIA BKKKjIiALL aH1 be promptly attended to.-
i.iki: ritoroirriox.
30 Cents per Gallon
- $ I 60 per Dozen
from Public Houses antrFamHIes.
f ir