VJ. ( Tx: iiUilw 'AstCV-VtUl, Columbia's commerce .... ..-iThe tSmmmf n AisTOHIA, 9 OREGON: Prominent Part Astoria Takes Therein. A Trip to Baker's Bay ON TIME. n. u. iitt i Nothing is mote diucilv dluatra The hplundor skies that bovi Ti -taii a clock you wind it up. ihifh in aiiminer And then it goes tin-ion: Vtnrri's Tivoii- ,;,,t vrhen you wind your business up 1RIDA-Y... ..SEPTEMBER- 1.1SS2 tivo of (he glowing trade of the Co-f rimmed circle, half wooda, half ivatcr,; """.' y,lkl.r.s Cictte, -cTZ " "" " jlumbia nvcr, and Astoria s impart- 'reflect no fairer sight than a sailing .bSUED .VSEx MORNING. M n aii .MJ thm u,c ! vc! on the smooth surface of the And, would you your business fMoadty Ezcci.tcd). ... c -i - !,.. , .. . ,. i Irom going to old Nick. presentation of a compilation of Columbia rockni" on the rippling ,, , 4. i i . i-i i i 1. J. F. HALLORAtf & COMPANY. . ,- .. , . . , , . ,. wmm,u,a iu.mu0 hi uw, I ' .-, PraJ llo ot lu,irj that like tin Hork. p.-... ,n.... .. i...t..rc wtioi relative to the foreign hm . current or swmginj&lowly al the dock VtllI vMl .r,ved on tick. uas completed his elegant fall stock of dresses ami cloaks. J5y sending size of bint, length of sleeve, skirt, waist and under arm. he will end C. O. D., dresses from 610 upward-.; dolmans -from Si3. t iWre.: II. r.. Litt, J Third and Alder. ' C. H. COOPER, GENERAL SLERCUANDISE. i'rum lintfdhig, Cojs iStrtrt. Terms ol Subscription . rved by Carrier, pot week- .......25 Gonts rr.t br mail, founnonth-1.........- .?-'. 0-!) i h? msil, one year. -. u '0 Free f Postazc toSuliori!'er. ! there ? . inents. Duriu was tent from the Columbia river to Jvugland, .salmon, w neat and flour to the value of jv,nOJ,So2. Shipments for the remaining four months aggregated more than did the Yaweol .Mrau-.-. like a racer watting tor tne worn. the fnat eight nitnuhdof 'Sljfixmi thestauu of tho judge. When' -" ------ ii j m i . i n ..I.-; 'xieai Xi5taie xrausauuous iur iuiy, all is done, the Kilmun and the w heat, , 1882 etc., all on, the clearances effected at' ... , ,. .. ,, ... ,,,.,, ' 7 Hiram and Esther lhown io Calh- tlie custom house, nud nil the matter-i:,rinepocdrnan. Jot .". blk '. MeClure's nf.fnf- Imrrl hv r.rnf'ipa details ' ASIOTMI. -l.UUU . ....... ....., -' i attended to, there is a little bit of Alvrnys Refreahjne. A dilieious odor imparted by , Kioicsi.iti -Cologne, winch ia always refreshing, no nint'erhow freely used. -ilnckiuetuek." a lasting ami ira , giusii peifume. rnee'-Vi and ro cents. nM!v W. K. Dement. A.lrertifcmems inserted by thayenr at fiit eight, but as we treated of that before, we shall here confine ourselves rstoif l J per square pfr month. Transient ad rortisins. by the dcy or tvccJc, ifty ccau j'cr sounrofor each insertion. THECIT. TlIK llAlM" ASTOKIAN 11 ill he Utl bH mml tit ". cent a immt h.rtt of ilaitc. Head' er ho contem)latrr.l)e:ivcfrom the city can v- Tni: aVtoujax iMir ihfin, 1aii.v WtKKiA edition to anu )nt-if;ce iclth n.i' n.iUUoitiil rxr;rjj?e. .irfdr&WiC- way It ;n i..acd a often tn dclrah Isicc ordnv at Ihf counting room. The man who "lodged a com plaint," and "boarded a steamboat," saya he is going out of the hotel busi ness. Mr. .J. F. Warren, of Knappa, ii in tho city: 3Tosms. J. C. and Charles Ross are als( down for a brief vitt. The partnership heretofore exist ing between Wctherbce and Thomcs, is dissolved; ill health enmpolbng h'. Wethcrbec to retire. A Iwcnty-fivc thousand dollar fire burned half a block on Ji street be tween 1st and 2d, in Portland last Wednesday afternoon. - The saw-mill and sash factory of Tullis & Son, between Chchalis and Nowaukum, on the line of the X. P. R I!., was burned last .Monday night. -Mrs. Virginia Kinney is prepar ing to build on Chenamus street, op posite Flavcl's warehouse. Tho build ing will be two stories high and T0v7n feet. - The firemen at Vancouver are reported to have .become "weary of their treatment at tho hands of the city government," and to hare accord ingly disbanded. Rev. Father Smith, of Isew Or leans, who is paying a visit to his broth er in this state, is stopping at Ihvaco. lie will officiate at the Catholic church on Sunday next. -The scow Alice, lying at the foot of Uenton street, caught fire from a stovepipe j'csterday morning and blazed up lively. The engines wcro quickly on hand and put it out. Damages $25: no more hurt. - -T. ,1-. Matlock, of East Portland, is privileged to wiite "Grand Deputy Chief Counsellor Of Tho Independeni Order Of Chosen Friends For Mult nomah, Clatsop, Columbia, Washing ton And Tillamook Counties,'' ifter Ins name. Gr-r-r-r-acious!! poetn- about the little jaunt the Ycssel takes to Bakers bav, before sho to comparison. During the first eight jipreads her white wings and flic off months of the present year, there were shipped from hore to England, pio- j ducts to the aggregate value of 0,- 157,f91. Here wc have a gain of over two-and-a-half million dollars over the j corresponding period of last year. Of this -0, 157,091, there was ship ped during the month that closed last night, St,2l7,li3. Of this 1,217,- Astoria contributed 1,130,805: Great fires are still burning in var ious sections, inflicting considerable damage. Tn the vicinity of Portland much loss is reported. Awnings in this city were covered with ashes j'estcr- day afternoon, and a cloud of fog and smoke obscured the sun all daw -Mr. A. .T. Mcglcr, secretary of the O. F. L. nud B. association, gives notice that ho will receive bids till tho l0th inst., for renting mid occupying the first floor of the brick building now in process of construction on tho southeast corner of Squcmoqua and Cass streets. - The Sisters of Charity have ar ranged to make some extensive im provements to St. Mary's Hospital. When they are completed, typhoid fe ver and cases of erysipelas can be kept isolated, and patients will have a comfortable piazzi on the sunny side of the hospital. The Portland Standard advises its readers to boil the water before drink ing it. Yes, but how are you going to gel it cool again? Water isn't goed: it'll rot the soles of one's boots, and under the microscope is shown to be full of all manner of horrible crawling things. But it doesn't con cern us much at present anyhow, hero in Astoria. 17 the remainder, $8G,P.GS, was shipped from the interior. The aggregate of the August clearances exceeds in amount any monthly aggregate in the commercial history of thcColumbia liv er. The nearest approach to it was the total of last February- l,2r2,925. It is but jnsr to state that that aggregato represented the value of wheat that was shipped in pan from Poithnid,and that the August figuies owe their prominence to the fact that some unu sually large .shipments of salmon were made during last month from this port. During last month five vessels loaded entirely at Astoria; two of them, the American ship Elwcll and the British ship Wallacctown, earned out tho most valuable cargoes that ever crossed the bar"; the last-named vessel took out the most valuable cargo that ever left any Pacific coast port in a sailing vessel ftiOO.112. The most casual inspection of the figures we here present will 'show the importance of this place as a shipping point, and the imperative necessity that exists for such improvement to the bar as will be commensurate with that importance. Were this a little onc-horso place that now and then loaded a coasting schooner with gar den truck, it would savor of impu dence to aslc for an appropriation of a large amount of money, but as it is, wc present an anomalous aspect shipping cargoes that aggregate over a million dollars in value some months, and thus comparing favorably with New York, Philadelphia, Balti more and San Francisce: and yet tied down and hampered by an obstruction at the mouth of the river that H i ihf interest vf rival iiaif to l.rcj there, lest their glory should depait when the cause that occasioned it ceased to exist. These parties talk of "tugs," and "dredgers"' and "barrowh" and "harrows" and "scrapers, ' and kin dred bo3h, and send out mendacious and meretricious circulars that, both at home and abroad, tend to create and confirm the imprcsMon that the bar is only a secondary consideration, and that no effort beyond endless in spection and prelimary surveys and elaborate delay i3 necessary to clear nwaj and obviate this great obstruc tion to commerce. We, of Astoria, have the power hi our hands to right all this, and till such lime as we choose to exercise it, the breaking waves on ihe bar will keep out tho class of vessels that it is to our inter est to have come in and load here. In publishing facts, -and commenting on them, and sending such statements broadcast to every port in civilization we do our individual part in tho LOria. Cl.vUW. u- j- in .-nvu im- i.nv-JL ,;ui iuv United State ro J. W. Slaughter. ; fn-h'onablc style of "gents and ladu W. H of X. E. 4 of sec to. T. ." north'. !. -lo.jt. etc. Agent in Astoria ft work. Water by July 1st. 1883. Tho proposition lately made by D. P. Thompson, of Prtland, to our city council to furnish water, and accepted with certain? provisos by that The Y. M. C. A. excursionists, to the number of 75, got back at 8:J10 last night, thoroughly tired, but all unanimous in saying that they had "a good time." The capsizing of a boat delayed them a little, but no accident occurred to mar tho pleasures of the day. Mcintosh has leceived the largest and most complete stock of hats in the city. Men's sizes from Tf to ". Mr. John Rogers of the Central Mar ket, has made arrangements to keep al he finest fresh fish, ct, in their season Fresh taffy and caramels everv d.iv al I he Astoria Candy Factoiy, Main St. .loirx V. Classen. If you want nice fresh lard, or good Migar-cured hams, just from the coun try go to F. 1J. Elbersou's; bakery. .-Fanej soaps and perfumery of all kinds can be found at J. . Conn store, opposite Occident hotel. .drm body at their last meeting, will I'ieh find receivec at C. A.Mav.-, by , . .mi -r 1 every steamer. No stalc tra.h. Every be signed next 1 nesday. Mr. 1 homp- ariCj v (1r Oregon and California fruit amended alwajs on Jiaiul. s m is satisfied with the agreement, and the work will go on as aooii as the preliminaries are ar ranged. It is a part of the agreement that the work shall be in full opera tion by July 1st, 1883. to England, traversing two elements, the upper works hi the air, the hull in the water, and each tributary to her progress; the air closes beiund her sails, the witter behind and neither leave :i trace. Steam is all very well, but you en joy expectation in a sailing vessel which steam defrauds you of. How will the wind blow? Will this calm lastf When a breeze springs up will it be foul or fair? In a .steamer you don't think of these things. ou plod along like a packhorse. Tho fine old traditions of seamanship, the beating to windward, tho reefing down, the lying to, the running or scudding are all blown away by steam. Jack has tucked his tarpaulin overboard, blacked his face and gone down with a shovel into the coal bunkers. He is no longor a sailor but a fireman or an engineer, and all our maritime notions have been melted down into a propel ler. But this isn't getting down to Baker's bay. However there is no hurrj'.the tug hasn't got alongside yet. Outside, beyond tho line of breakers that flash in from above the emerald water, is a ship. Though well within the offing she still carries skysail masts and on nearer approach one sees that her yards are not crossed, but her roj-als top a beautiful sweep and surface of canvas, and the white cloths sho lifts against the rich blue sky, have all the softness and bril liance of a bird's wings. She held her spars erect, for there was not weight enough in the wind to givo her a list, and the elegance and dignity of her appearance were absolutely human. The trembling water gavo back no image of her shining sails, but the shadow of her hull was dark in the sea beneath her, and defined the thin line of foam lacing along her side like a cord or white wool, unwinding at her stern and trailing far astern until it vanished amid the blue sparkles. A full-nggcd ship will always be the noblest example of man's handi woik She is a real creation a living thing, full of instinct, owing her life to thai same breath of heaven by which we ouielves exist. All else is more or less mechanical of the earth, .earthy and illustrates its perishableness by the very quali-! ties which keep it flourishing. The jarring and grinding of a steam engine makes us feel how small a flaw would stop ii, and we think of coal and gauges and rivets, and grate-bars. A grand building U wondeiful; but it is stationary; it is dead. But a sailing vessel! Sho seems actually .sentient! She might have been born of the very element she ridos so gracefully; hor hull of the deep sea rock, nnd her sails of the storm-driven foam. In saddening contrast lic3, near by, a wreck. There is no inanimate ob ject that appeals so pathetically to the feelings as a deserted wreck, taosing upon tho piteous sea. Shorn of her beauty, her masts broken, her rigging trailing in confused heaps, surrounded ly the heaving waste of waters that make her desolation supreme, she re sembles a dying creature; she seems to know her fate, and to bo faintly strug gling to save herself from vanishing into the fathomless grave that nlowly sucks her down. Tho sunshine Hying between the fast rising clouds from off Tillamook, flashed in the snow storm of spray which were hurled over the almost submerged hull: the forcgr.ard swayed wildly, like a beckoning arm entreating the beholder to stay, nnd here and there, along her side, black fragments of bulwark, stanchions or such things, stood out when the coils of green water had poured from her decks and left them exposed, and they so resembled motionless human be ings standing drowned and supported by their death grip, that it was impos sible to behold the illusion without a thrill. And yet we hare not got to Baker's Bay, and as this is spinning out into too long an articlo, further observation must bo postponed '. .1. KtHMlmnn. on Chenaniu i trecr, has ju- received the latest and most and ladles N W. of N E. V of sec io. T. ." north. 00.-.N. -io.j;. etc. Agent in Astoria for P..T -psr. 40 aero-5. tb :-;.'Wus Morrow bhoes. George W.nndSaroh F. Wood to Maria . G. Baavon, lots .". fi. 7 and :, blk ". - Upmcinbor Frank I-abros icee ream ShivelvV Astoria. . hi.- 1 or excellence. S G'eorgF. P.irkerto .lohii P. Rjan, 0 r " .;,""' ,. . , - v i'nf .iMimttr.il r.iMim of w i iinii-1 Miii.oii.-s I'fP.i: will immediately . 'i .tV. . .. . v ...... . ..i . ,..-.:...... ' ...t.nx. .:.... ,.,.nl. .,.! 1 . if J K I. mm ! '. f . itntii; '.i'iuii. 11 ii.Fwiimi; . uuiiii wiu ban!. X K S. E. J, and E. u of S. W. U V?:,evV ..Vn,uA ""U'U? ,ri0Ufin . andX. W. IS of S. W. $ see. . T. 7 ! Bronchitis, bold by W.E. Dement nortn, k.u wot. .1,005. 10 S. G. ami Maria (I. Ihi.ivru to Andrew Zflflnos. lot Ji. lier Keel, I Astoria. 5200. 11 Edward Black A re you made miserable by fndi- Mk 4 Shivolv- geiitii, voiisupHiimi, iii7ziiitas,i.ssoi iijipeute, 1 fiion okiii . oiiiioiia 1 11:11- to Mr-. .1. (. Boz- i "I7.cr s :i l'-s'l'vo euro. For sale by W. K. Dement. orlli. lot d. blk ft! aiid lot 7. blk J7. .100. 14 L. G. and Maria (. llaaen to B. .1. Letlern. lot P, blk 4. Shivelv Asloii.t. .$200. 13 J. Ward and Susan L. hhivelj lo John M. Olsen south 120 feet, lot 10 blk 4. S150. 19 C. II. and Anna L'age to Pel or Wolfe, S. X of X. E. i sec UK T. s 1101 in. R. 8 west. 130. 20 C. II. and Anna Page to .John Blake, X. H of a. E.U and E : or S.W. S sec 2, T. 7 north, R. i west. hTft. 21 C. 11. and Anna Page to A. Booth, blk 130. Shivelv's Astoria. 2,7M. 24 C. W. llamblin and Hannah M. Uamblin to A. L. Xoe. lot l, blk DO. Mc Clure's Astoria. .$77f. 20 A. Griffin and Julia A. .-danton to Flora Olney Mason, interest in tide lands in tr.irt itf tlie Olnfv pstafo. Si "00. ?.s a. and I ,. M. llininan to W. Tal-1 Shipper A: V.s bke. No. 11. Oak street Iaut, tide land adjacent to McClure'si BoiHaml.are thebon ton tailor of the donation claim. S4,ooo. metropolis, 'MJ .1. u. and nannau irumnger lo -Hasten & Oerkwitz have bought the branch Candy .store next to Stevens & Co"s book .store, and ill hereafter run both places. Fresh candy always on hat.il. What is nicer on a warm day thau a dish of that exquisitely flavored ico cream that Frank Fabre makes? Highest price paid for old web and junk. Cuius. Evansox. 1 111 Inquire of Foard & Stokes. Mr. C. 11. Cooper intends to leave about the I3t Is or next month for San Franebeo to be in time for the arrival ofthelale.-l Eastern and European importation-.. X'. W. Tallant, tide land adjacent to McClure's donation claim. AHtoria Ire Depot. Frank Fabre is now prepared to .siiji ply lamihes, restaurants, hotels, saloon's, etc., with pure mountain iceon the prem ises. Fresh ice cream every day. Balls parties and dinners supplied with ice cream at short notice. FuriilstiPil Rooms tn Let At Mrs. Muhmhi's lodging house. The Results. All persons feeling dull and depressed or perhaps levcrish with no appetite, no energy, the system clogged, the liver torpid, and the bowels inacthe. who tire wondering how to find relief, should put chase a fifty-cent or a 1 bottle of Sjrupor Figs, read the circular around the bottle, follow the directions, taking a few closes of this pleasant remedy and be restored to health and happiness. It may Ik had or W. E. Dement, Druggist, who habeen appointed agent for Asto ria. Hodge. Dais &(.. wholesale agents Portland. Oregon. A CAK1. To all who are .suffering from the errors and indiscretions of outh. nerv ous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, etc., I will send a recipe that will cure you FBEE OF C1IABGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South A meriea. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Josr.ni T. I km AN". Station 1), Xew York City. Another Wonderful Iirovr.v! 11 has been discovered within the last lew davj that the nicest place to buy your fall stock of provisions is at A.M. Johnson's. Ithasakso been discovered that the largest nnd best lighted stoie i A. M. Johnson's. lso that he has nothing hut t!rt- class goods al ery low prices. A No that the children am waited on imme diately. Also that your goods are ent to your house, on the instant, and the Irtdies know thai it is the eieanest grocery store in town, and p!c:e-e not forger it. A.M. Joh.vsox. Have Wi.star's balsam of wild cherry always at hand. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in lliieira, consumption, and" nil throat and ping complaints. 30 cents nml,51 a bottle. If ou want pure wines and liquors of all kinds, go to J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. Aei ill's mixed paints, the best in ine, for sale at .1. W. Conn.s drug store opposite Occident Hotel. When you want pure drugs and chemicals or" any kind, go to J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi tive cure for Catarrh. Dipthcria and Canker Motuh. Sold by W. E. Dement. I'hjsiei.uis' pie-eriplions carefully .ded day or night nt .1. . eonipoitm Conn's drug Hotel. -tore, opposite Occident The Re;. Geo. II. Thajer. of Bour- uou. mo., ,saj: "lioin myseii and wue oweour lives toisim.ou's Coxstrjii'Tlox Ci i:k." Sold by W. E. Dement. -A Nasal injector Iree with each hoi Me or Shiloh's Catarrh. Remedy. rnee .u cent. ou ny , ,. uenient. iuiHiiMUiinnis:'iiHiiMnuiitnmii3UnnminiHiHWMmiimiiiMiMn CLEARANCE SALE! iHiiniainuiiinHaeiuiiiiimsiimasciiiiiaitiiiimiiiniittHiimMiiMMMMiMN For the next 30 Days jiMiniaraaiiiCffiviiiiMmatttiiiifriiasmafiMimMittaJiUilUfili Unparalleled Bargains!! -IN- Dry Cfoods and Clothing ! $35,000 of DRY GOODS to be sold at a and CLOTHING GREAT REDUCTION ! These Goods are of the VERY BEST QUALITY, and are offered at remarkably Iow Prices Previous to the arrival of our FALL STOCK. Let every one call and be convinced ,that we mean business, and that goods of the same quality were never before offered at such low figures. HAll the Upper Town busses will stop at this store each way. I 3K 1, STOREU KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS NEW BUILDING. Astoria, August ,'io, 1882. NEW STORE! Vfci 700 Acres! Eairyor Stock Farm. and Valuable Timber Land. 5t Jlsilrj Cow. -J Tlircoquur (cr Xcvsvy Hull. 2 Iforcs. I Volte Worfr Oxen, 2 3111k W'ugons. Farm ami Dairy Im plt'iiH'Kts u:ul Furnlttirr. "( ton. II:iy. ff Brace up the. whole sy.stem with King or the Wood. See Advertisement. Elegance aiid Purity. Ladies who appreciate elegance and purity nro using Parker's Hair Hal sam. It is the best articlo sold for re storing gray hair to its original color, beauty and lustre. As spring with its changes of weather creates a 1 evolution in the very bowels 01 tne eartii. so does Pfunders celebrated Oregon lllood Purifier create the desired change in the human system. .Send in your or ders direct to Pf under it Co., or anv wholesale house in Portland. Foi Dy.spepsiaandLiver Complaint, vou have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalier. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. J lenient. I lie utiute laliiuhse lricrt Is fur SAL!' nt a wrj Ion ::iinil-icnieiil, lz. XD.OilO. one i III rtl of which can .(ami 011 ZI2rtgn;;e. It Ls .situated on Lewis and Clark's- Itiver, 7 utiles south of Astoria, and 2 miles from Clatsop lcali. Tliere is a good steamboat lanuinsr niiion is acccssioic to any ni tne u. It, &N. Co's river steamboats. About half ol tlieTw acres is tide land, well bridged, on which cattle keep fat the year lound. The other half, level timber land, and about 200 acres In lame gra. Thousands or eords or hemlock, fir ami sjniec can be cut. worth tun dollars and a half at the landing to which tliere is a good wagon road from all point. Kerv cord cut finds a ready mniKet. In addition, tliere Is any quantity of mill lumber and go kI piles. Good dwcll im; lioifep. barn, and necessary outhouses, wllh an orchard nt 10 or 12 acres, containing :dmnt all kinds of fruit bearing trees, etc., etr. This desirable property has a frontage of two nnlcs on the river hank, and is :m ininiDlv adapted for settlement by a com pany desiiing to colonic, as it Is large enough to divide into several farms aud hometead1 The contemplated bridge be tween Astoria and ClaLnp plains connects on this property. Party wUblng to sell Is now supplvpig Astoria with milk, and If de sired will hand over good will and business to the purchaser of the property. If not sold before September loth, at pri vate sale, the whole property will be sold bv catalogue sale, at Public Auction, to the Happy Greeting to All ! I The Empire Store AVxt Door io tliv I'ythlun Ittiihliug j K now open with : very iHet au1 i-ompleto itock of ; DRY G0QB8 $ MW9N9, j Ladies' and Children's Shoes. 1 OXHt MOTTO. QIWK SALES ANO SMALL PMFIT9. OUR AIM IS TO PLEASE. For the genuine .1. U. Cutter old Donrbon. and tho best ol wines liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the Clem opposite the bell tower, and see Campbell. Fabre's Ice cream is the best. 1'ie.sh ice cream every day at Frank Fabre's. Families .supplied in -any quantity by leaving order. Also the finest oysters cooked to order. Frank Fabres oysters and ice cream are known everywhere as par excellence. If you want to see a fine job of me chanical work, call and see a set of nickle-plale measures made at .1. A. Montgomery's. TJioy don't do any but first -class work. For Dilliouanesa and Sick Stom ach, try a dose of the OP.EGOX BLOOD PURIFIER. A vegetable j remedy. i highest bidden, for cash, on Friday Septem- Deed. ber loth. 1.'. at ll a. m. Title Warranty l'er further particular-, apnlv to E. ('. HOLDEX, Auctioneer and Ileal Estate Agent. Boat Found. ON TlIEjUEACH 2CKA1: FOKTStkvkns. a small unpalnted .skin, with homo made oats, and one pair of rowlocks. Uoat mav he had lv proving property and paying charges. B. C. lvIXDKKD. iST'Clerks conversant with the English, German, Scan dinavian and French languages will be in attendance. CALL AND SEE US. PRAJEL BROTHERS. Astoria, August i!fi, 168-J. Whate'er besides ou chance to want. Ne'er hill short of SOZODOXT. Hut always keep it in yoursight, ' A source ol ueauty aim uengm, ; To cleanse your teeth till with your smile I ASTORIA The most fastidious you beguile. - - I. "W. CASE, IMPOKTKi: AND WHOLESALE AND UB TAIL DEALF.K IN (GENERAL MEBCHAMSE ''oiner Chenamus and Cass streets. - - - OREGON ASTOBIA BREWERY. M. MEYER Proprietor. ASTORIA, - OREGON. SFQOIAXj jgV.JJJJOXJlNrOEI3g3E3Jj;TP. REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES. $7 50 PER BARRELOF 30 GALLONS. (LARGE ORDERS IN LIKE PROPORTION. Less Quantities, - - 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - . " " $ I SO per Dozen VSpecIal attention paid to orders from l'ubllc Houses and Families;- jCU. C !inHirter and holesale dealer In Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar- Mr. A. Malcolm lias received a fine stock of ladies' wear, selected in San Francisco by Mrs. Derby, and has also secured the services of a first-class milliner. Lace ties, et, of fashionable Style and reasonable prices. r. s yur t 7l.i. tvill -nii Ariiirrh i lutt. vl.iW.I. m l '" MX. m Cure will give imniedi.de relief. Price 10 cLs :0 cts and .?!. Sold Iy W. K. I e-, nieiii. - 4.:-. rat -j r..i ' lerv tc tc -On the Pacific Coast, coughs ; Thc laniest Wld finest st'ock of Meerschaum colds are invariably caused by a dc-: and Amber goods in the city. Particular at rancod Liver nnd Stomach. For n, tentton paid to onlers from the countrj'. and euro remedy, use tho Oregon Rlood Purifier. vessel-. Cheiuiinus street, Astoria, Oregon. THEO. BRAOKER, Manager THE COLUMBIA BREWERY IJL&IliM. IS-SUPERIOR TO MOST. AND lb EXCELLED IW NONE ON THIS COAKt JOHN HAHN, - - PROPRIETOR. 0HENAHUS STREET, - ASTORIA, 0RECWII. Orders left at the GERMANIA BEEl UALL will be promptly attended le. , --